Just Jc

By AJ Smith

Published on Dec 27, 1999


*** This story contains homosexual related material. If you're not supposed to read this because of laws or whatever, then leave... otherwise, enjoy :)***

Please send any and all comments to: [smit8255@fredonia.edu] (Please specify this story in your message thank you). So Far I have received many positive comments, and I thank all of you.

Also I'd like to thank two people, CJ and Jon. You guys have been great, I'm glad to have you as friends, and I hope we remain that way for a LONG time :)

Thanks to 'Dave' and 'Curlyy99' for giving me some idea and info, to help make this story better. PARTS 1 & 2, have been changed, slightly, but the end of Part 2, adds a much different twist to it, so you may wish to re-read some. Thanks :)

Well, on with the story...

Part 3:

Lance was EXTREMELY relieved at the sight of Justin's home. He had been going a good 20 miles over the speed limit the whole way, unknowingly.

"You guys wanna stop in for a little while?" Justin asked.

"Nah, we're just gonna go chill at my place for awhile," Lance smiled.

"Ok, well see you guys later," Justin waved as he and JC walked silently to the house.

Joey hopped up front and Lance sped down the driveway.

"WOW, take it easy. You've been flying like a maniac since we left the mall. You aiming to break some records?" Joey laughed.

"No, just been preoccupied by some serious shit," Lance replied as he started slowing down, since Justin had left.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Joey told him as he placed his elbow on the door, and set his chin on it.

"Some how, I doubt it," Lance replied.

"Yeah? Try me," Joey urged.

"I can't," Lance said reluctantly, though he wanted badly to talk to someone about it.

"Weren't you the one who got all pissy earlier about keeping secrets?" Joey said getting upset at Lance's hypocritical act.

"I know, but it's a promise. I can't break it, even though I wish I could," Lance said.

"You don't trust me?" Joey asked.

"It's not you, it's... I don't know," Lance said frustrated.

"What's on your mind?" Lance asked.

"It's nothing important," Joey replied.

"Don't start with me," Lance said harshly.

"Hey, I also kept a promise not to tell," Joey explained.

"Well? If you tell me yours I'll tell you mine," Lance asked as he pulled up to his house.

"Let's get inside and settle down first," Joey told him.

"Yeah," Lance agreed as they stepped out of the car.

Just then Chris stood up from the steps and walked over to greet the two of them.

"Chris! What the hell are you doing here?" Lance asked in shock.

"I... I needed to be away from JC for awhile. I needed someplace other than home to think some things through, and well this was the only place left to run to," Chris explained.

"JC? What happened with you and JC?" Lance asked as he unlocked the door and let everyone in.

"Well Lance that's part of what we need to talk about," Joey stated.

"Tonight is going to be a long ass night," Lance sighed.

"I know," Chris agreed.

JC went straight up to his room avoiding Lynn, Jonathan, and Justin as much as possible. He shut the door, and flung himself face down on to the bed. He used the pillows to muffle his crying.

'Chris hates me. I have ruined 'NSYNC as a group, and I have ruined Justin's future.' JC thought to himself. 'What am I gonna do without him?' he asked himself.

There was a light knocking at the door. It slowly opened as Lynn stepped in.

"JC, are you hungry?" she asked as she realized he was crying so bad that he wasn't aware of her presence.

"JC, are you all right?" she asked nervously as she sat beside him and placed her hand on his back.

He was startled by her touch and sat up very quickly. His face was wet, and his eyes were extremely red.

"What's wrong JC?" Lynn asked as she pulled him into a hug.

JC just returned the hug, and cried into her shoulder. He didn't say a word, as she rocked the 22y/o to sleep. After 35 minutes, she laid him down and pulled the covers up on him.

She was very worried about him, and looked down at him not knowing why he had just cried himself to sleep. She slowly closed the door behind her as she crept out of his room.

"Justin?" she called softly as she went to his room.

"Justin?" she spoke louder as she opened his room.

"Where is he?" she said to herself as she headed downstairs.

She found her son swallowing a shot of vodka from the bar.

"Young man, what the hell do you think you're doing!" she yelled in anger.

He looked at her nervously.

"Mom, I needed to get my mind off some very disturbing things from earlier, and well...," he said softly.

Then he got energy in his tone, "I thought you said you were heading to bed?" he asked.

"I was, but I've been holding JC for the past 40 minutes as he cried himself to sleep. Now I come down to find my 18y/o son drinking. What in God's name happened today?" Lynn asked.

"Nothing," Justin pleaded.

"Don't give me that young man, Where is Chris?" Lynn asked.

"I don't know, he didn't come home with us," Justin replied as he started pouring himself another shot.

"Ohh no you don't. Get your butt up to your room, and get to bed!" she demanded as she tore the glass from his hand.

"But mom?" Justin whined.

"Now!" she said angrily as she pointed towards the exit.

He stammered off as he went to his room.

'What happened to JC that made him cry?' he asked himself.

He slowly stripped down and crawled himself into bed. He could feel a slight buzz from the alcohol, but nothing major. He thought back to his talk with Lance and started analyzing everything that was said.

He started to feel Lance was being hesitant as they drove. 'Did Lance just pretend to accept it?' Justin continued to think about how Lance seemed relieved that JC and I were heading home. 'He didn't even try and push me into going tonight, which was odd' Justin asked himself. Justin tried to shake these thoughts out as he started to fall asleep. 'Maybe I shouldn't have told him' was Justin's last thought before he fell asleep.

"Ok, music is going, alcohol is passed out, now what happened at the mall Chris?" Lance asked.

"That's related to what you asked was on my mind, Lance," Joey interrupted.

"Ok, well what is it then," Lance continued to beg.

"Well, where shall I begin?" Joey asked.

"Ohh, don't try and make it better than it was, just tell him straight up," Chris barked.

Joey looked at him angrily.

"Fine, if you're not gonna say it I will. Lance, what JC has been hiding is the fact that he is a faggot!" Chris said harshly.

Chris folded his arms and got mad all over again about it. Lance look dumbstruck again.

"You're such an ass, you know that Chris," Joey yelled as he stood up in anger.

Joey looked for Lance's reaction.

"Well? You gonna say something," Joey asked while Lance continued to sit in shock.

"Don't tell me you're gonna turn your back on him like this dick?" Joey screamed.

"Hey, I didn't say I turned my back on him. I'm pissed at the fact he kept something this important from us for years! And I wasn't expecting, of all people, him to be gay," Chris snapped back.

"Well, you don't realize how badly you hurt JC today at the mall. I just hope to God, he isn't dumb enough to do something drastic because of what you did to him," Joey said as he sat back down and chugged his beer.

"He ain't gonna hurt himself, he's smart enough and strong enough to deal with this," Chris replied.

Joey than looked at Lance who hadn't moved an inch since the words came out of Chris's mouth.

"Lance?... Lance, snap out of it!" Joey screamed.

"Guys?" Lance said slowly and nervously, as he looked up at Joey and Chris.

"Well, what I'm about to say is only gonna make this whole situation worse," Lance started.

"How can this get any worse?" Chris asked.

"Well, I'm about to tell you. I found out what has been bugging Justin all day," Lance continued slowly and saying each word with perfection.

"Justin is also gay," Lance finished.

Chris dropped the beer out of his hands which spilled on the floor.

"You're kidding right?" Chris begged.

"Do you fucking think I'm kidding?" Lance looked up in anger.

Lance then stood up and went to his bar. He poured himself a very stiff and large drink. He then gulped the entire glass down. He shook his head drastically and coughed continuously for a minute or so.

"I can't believe this?" Joey said as he put his head in his hands.

"Why us?" Chris asked as he started cleaning up his spilled beer.

Lance placed both his hands on the bar, his back was towards the other two.

"And you know what I think?" Lance started.

"What?" Joey asked.

"Justin has a crush on JC," Lance said.

"What makes you think that?" Joey asked.

Lance turned around and sat back down on the chair and faced the other two.

"Because I asked him if he was gonna tell you two, and he said ok, but at the mere sound of JC's name, he was very defensive and told me there was no possible way he could do that," Lance finished.

"Well, JC said something similarly to me. He said he had a 'feeling' that told him not to tell Justin," Joey stated.

"Guys?" Chris asked.

"What Chris?" Joey asked.

"I realize we're all friends here, but how are we supposed to continue as a group knowing that our two lead singers are gay?" he asked.

"Well, I don't think things need to be different," Joey told him.

"But they are different. They're always gonna be different, and there ain't nothing to change it," Lance started.

"You mean to tell me that two of your closest friends in the world, tell you something this personal and this emotional, and this upsetting and you are just gonna turn your backs on them?" Joey said getting very irritated.

Lance started thinking about the past years with JC and Justin. The fun they had together and how all along they had been very good friends. He looked back at the videos they did, the tours, all the concerts they had, and all the fun along their way. It was then that he realized how selfish he was being and how Justin or JC would have been there with open arms for him at anytime. Lance felt really bad and he started to get teary eyes about how he treated Justin earlier.

Chris sat silently in remorse.

"Well, I don't hate them. I don't not love them too. It's just a confusing thing, that I wasn't expecting. It may take awhile, and I can't promise I will be the same for awhile either," Chris explained.

Joey walked over to Lance and gave him a hug when he noticed Lance starting to sniffle and start to cry. Lance hugged him back as he thought 'I'm a horrible person. I don't deserve friends like this. How could I be such an ass?' Lance took a deep breath and pulled back from Joey.

"Chris, I understand. But just remember, this is just as hard if not harder on both of them," Joey added.

"We're such asses," Lance stated as he stood up.

He tried to walk over to the bar, but that large glass of whiskey had taken full effect. He tripped over his feet and fell to the floor.

"All right Lance, I think you drank yourself to death already, why don't you head on up to bed," Joey asked him.

"Yeah, I think I better," Lance agreed as Joey helped him up and took him to his bedroom.

Joey helped Lance get out of his clothes, and Joey made sure Lance made it to the bed. Joey was heading out of the room when Lance called out.

"Joey?" he asked.

"Yeah, Lance?" Joey said as he looked back.

"Justin made me swear I wouldn't tell you guys, and..." Lance started to search for words.

"JC made me do the same. I understand and I'll inform Chris. It'll be better for them though, this way. We're all over the initial shock, this way we can comfort them more," Joey smiled.

Lance nodded and turned his head to the side and closed his eyes as the alcohol knocked him out.

"Chris?" Joey said as he sat next to him on the couch.

"How ya doing?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around Chris's neck.

"I'm getting over it, and I'm going to apologize to JC tomorrow about being such a dick at the mall. It just took me by surprise and all," Chris defended himself to Joey.

"Don't worry about it. I tried to tell JC that, he'll understand. Just remember, Justin doesn't know you know about him, and Lance was sworn to secrecy about it, so..." Joey said.

"Yeah, I know," Chris nodded.

"Well, why don't we head off to bed. It's getting close to one in the morning," Joey said as he and Chris got up.

The phone started ringing.

"Who the hell is calling here at this time of night?" Joey asked confused.

"Hello?" Joey asked into the phone.

"Joey?" Lynn questioned.

"Hi Lynn, what's up? Is everything ok?" Joey said worried.

"No. Chris hasn't called or returned home yet. Justin said he didn't return with you guys from the mall. Also JC cried himself to sleep in my arms about an hour and a half ago, and I caught Justin taking shots of vodka in the bar. Do you have an answer as to why this is all happening?" Lynn asked.

"Chris is fine. He's spending the night here with me and Lance. As for JC and Justin, they said they had a lot on their minds, I'm not sure what it is. They didn't say anything about it," Joey said as he looked at Chris.

"Ok, well I'm glad Chris is ok, that is at least one thing off of my mind, well sorry to call so late," Lynn apologized.

"No prob, have a good one Lynn," Joey said as he hung the phone up.

"Well, Justin and JC are both pretty shaken' up. Justin's drinking and JC cried himself to sleep," Joey said sadly to Chris.

Chris was saddened by that information.

"I guess we were pretty rough on them," Chris continued.

"Let's go to bed, and tomorrow will be a fresh start," Joey said as he started shutting the stereo down and turning the lights off.

Chris and Joey grabbed some blankets and situated themselves on the couches in Lance's living room.

It was completely dark in the room, and both Chris and Joey were in deep thought.

"Hey, Joe?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, Chris?" Joey replied.

"Why don't we treat JC and Justin tomorrow? Like take them out for a good time. Try and get their minds off of everything, apologize for our reactions, and reassure them that we still love them," Chris said uneasily.

"We'll do something for them tomorrow. But yeah, that sounds good," Joey agreed.

"Ok, well, goodnight, Joe," Chris said as he closed his eyes.

"Night Chris," Joey answered back as he closed his eyes.

It was about 3:30 in the morning when JC woke up. He looked over at the clock and sat up.

'Well here it is. Everything is gonna be different today,' JC thought as he stood to stretch. He quietly crept out of his room, to take a shower. Once he was done, he got dressed and quietly went downstairs. It was about 4:30 now and it was still dark outside. JC decided to go for a walk outside, so he grabbed his wallet, his keys, and headed out. He walked aimlessly replaying the events of yesterday in his mind.

'I should never have told them, I shouldn't' was all JC could think. He was scared to think of Justin's reaction to this. He really wasn't worried about Lance, because the worst thing that could happen would be the same as what Chris did. JC couldn't cry anymore, he hadn't any tears left after yesterday, now all he could do was stare off into space, blindly.

He had lost track of time, had no want to know when it was. He just continued to walk, without a care in the world. He approached a local elementary school. He walked around back and entered the playground. He climbed the steps of the largest slide and stood at the top. He looked out across the horizon, as the sun slowly started to appear. The dull dark blue was turning a bright orangish red, and he felt the blast of heat on his face as the sunlight struck him.

He watched as the sun slowly climbed above the horizon, until he turned and slid himself down the slide. He then walked over towards the swings and just sat there, slowly swinging himself back and forth.

This brought back memories about him and Justin. When they used to play at playgrounds and play with other friends in baseball or basketball games. JC smiled and enjoyed the memories. The sun had fully rose above the horizon, and people were starting to awaken. Cars could be heard passing by, and he noticed people walking around.

"Excuse me?" a voice asked from behind.

"What?" JC asked as he was caught off guard.

"Can I help you with something?" a tall guy asked as JC stood up out of the swing.

"No, I was just chilling out," JC replied.

"Well, I'm the principal here, and the playground is off limits during school hours," he explained.

"Ohh, I'm sorry. I'll leave," JC said reluctantly as he headed away from the man.

Just as he was walking away, a group of children came running after him screaming his name. JC spun around in shock as he saw the swarm of 7 and 8 year olds come running at him. The principal looked confused as JC knelt down and started letting the children hug him and talk with him. The children helped keep JC's mind off of his life. For the first time in hours he seemed happy. The principal walked over and ushered all the children away and told them to get to class.

"Would you mind explaining what that was all about, young man?" he asked.

"Well, ever hear of the musical group 'NSYNC?" JC asked.

"No," he replied.

"Well, we're a new pop type of band. Well, children and teens are the majority of our fans," JC explained.

"Well, if you would like, you could meet the classes. If you want?" the principal asked.

JC stood up, and thought about it for a second. Figuring it would cheer him up, he agreed.

"The children will be ecstatic," the principal smiled.

JC followed him to the school.

It was now 9:30 in the morning, and Justin finally awoke at the sound of knocking on the door.

"Yes?" Justin groggily asked.

"Hun, have you seen JC? He's not in bed," Lynn asked as Justin sat up in bed.

"JC, I haven't heard from him at all. He didn't say he was going anywhere," Justin asked starting to get worried.

"He was pretty upset last night. I'm afraid as to what may happen today. Will you go and try and find him?" Lynn asked with great concern.

"Of course mom. Let me get ready, and I'll go out looking for him," Justin said as he got out of bed.

"Ok. Let me know the instant you find or hear anything from him, ok? Well, I gotta get going to work. Jonathan is at day care, so you don't have to worry about him," she explained as she headed out.

"Bye Justin," she said as she closed his door.

Justin showered and got ready in a matter of like 15 minutes. He was in such a rush, and was extremely worried about him. Justin got in his Mercedes, and floored it out of the garage. He peeled out into the road, and started driving down the road. He had no clue as to where to start searching.

He called Joey's on his cell, but got nothing but the machine. So he decided to try Lance's.

"Hello?" Lance said slowly into the phone.

"Hi, Lance? It's Justin. Sorry to wake you up so early, but have you seen or heard from JC?" Justin said very quickly.

"Wow, wow. Slow down," Lance said as he started to sit up in bed.

"No slowly repeat what you just said," Lance asked as he tried to wake himself up.

"Have you heard from JC this morning?" Justin said very slowly and loudly into the phone.

"No. He hasn't called here. At least not to my knowledge. Let me check with the guys, hold on," Lance asked as he left his room.

"Chris? Joey?" Lance yelled into the living room as he muffled the cordless phone in his hand.

"Why are you waking us up this early Lance?" Chris asked unhappily.

"I know, it's early for our day off, but JC is missing. You guys know where he is at all?" Lance asked.

This caused both Joey and Chris to snap awake and get up.

"He's what? No, he hasn't said a word to me," Chris stated.

"Me neither," Joey nodded.

"No Just. Neither of us have heard from him at all, since we dropped you off," Lance said in a worried tone.

"Ok, well I'm gonna be looking for him, I'm really worried about him. He cried in my mom's arms last night for over a half an hour, until he fell asleep. He seems very upset recently, I need to be there for him," Justin expressed as he continued to drive around for him.

"Well, keep us informed on how it goes. Mean while, we'll get ready and start our own search," Lance replied as he and the guys started getting ready.

"Ok, talk with you soon, and Lance?" Justin continued.

"Yeah Curly?" Lance asked.

"Thanks for yesterday," Justin told him.

Lance smiled and said, "No problem Curly. You know I'm always here for you."

"Talk to you soon, c-ya and good luck," Justin replied allowing his mind to set at ease with Lance's reply.

"You too, bye," Lance said as he turned the phone off.

"Come on you guys, let's go and find him," Lance screamed as he ran off to go get dressed.

Justin continued his search but after five hours he was starting to give up hope. He even started to get teary eyes again, for the millionth time in the past 3 days.

"Please be ok, JC, please," Justin pleaded to himself.

JC was still in the school helping out with the kindergarten classes. The kids loved him, and he was enjoying every minute of it. He adored all the kids, and the kids loved him, not only because of who he was but what he was like with them. He was a big kid for them all to play with. School was coming to a close in about 15 minutes when the teacher called all the kids to their seats.

"Well children, let's thank JC for stopping by today," she instructed the class.

"Thank you!" the class chanted in unison.

"You have all been great," JC smiled happily.

"Come on, another group hug," JC exclaimed aloud.

He knelt to the floor as the kids laughed and piled all over him. The teacher just smiled at the sight. After a few minutes the teacher informed the children to get ready to go home. Her and JC shook hands, and he left the school. He stopped by the principal's office and thanked him for today's visit.

"No problem. The children loved you, and you are welcome anytime," he smiled as he shook JC's hand.

"Thank you sir, well I'm off. Have a good day," he replied as he left the office.

Soon enough he was out of the school, and he started heading back home. He was happy and smiled the whole way home. It wasn't until the view of his house that he remembered everything that was going on in his life.

"Home," he sighed in slight depression.

He slowly hiked the driveway, opened the door, and walked in. He sat down in front of the tv and started to flip through the channels.

"Where the hell is he?" Justin screamed out loud in his car.

He wiped the tears from his eyes, as he sped around corners, and ran several stop signs.

"Come on JC, where the hell are you?" ha asked aloud again.

He picked up his cellular and dialed Lance's cell.

"Any luck yet?" Justin said as soon as the ringing stopped.

"No, you?" Lance replied.

"No!" Justin said angrily.

"Have you tried calling home?" Lance asked.

"I did about an hour ago. I left a message on the machine, but I'll try again," Justin replied.

"Ok, keep us posted," Lance replied.

"You do the same, later," Justin replied as he hung up.

"Ok, please be home. God let him be home and ok," Justin prayed as he dialed his house number.

The phone rang three times and Justin was getting antsy.

"Hello?" a familiar voice asked smoothly.

"JC! You're home!" Justin screamed loudly into the phone as he pulled to the side of the road.

"Yeah? Where are you?" JC asked.

"Where am I? I've had my ass looking for you since 9:30 this morning. You all right? Everything ok?" Justin continued.

"Yeah, everything's cool. I just had to go for a walk, and well, I spent some time with some kids today," JC explained.

"Ok, well I'm on my way back," Justin said.

"Ok, I'll be here," JC replied softly.

"C-ya in a few," Justin answered back as he hung up his phone.

He pulled off into the street as he drove home. He was about 20 minutes from home, but Justin was so excited to have found him that he sped most of the way cutting the time in half.

Justin parked the car and ran into the house, and threw himself into JC's arms.

"You're ok, You're ok, I'm so happy," Justin said as he hugged JC.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You ok, Justin? You don't usually seem this upset over something like this?" JC asked concerned.

"I don't know, I just was so worried. I thought something bad happened when you cried yourself to sleep in my mom's arms and then you weren't anywhere to be found this morning. I thought you ran away or did something rather drastic that I didn't want to think about," Justin rambled on.

"Don't worry, I'm all right Just," JC said calming Justin down.

Justin slowly stood up out of JC's arms, much to JC's remorse.

Justin's cellular started ringing again.

"Hello?" Justin asked.

"Hey any word yet?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, he's home," Justin said happily.

"Nice of you to tell us," Lance replied.

"Come on over," Justin told him.

"We're already on our way, see ya in a few," Lance responded as he hung up.

"The guys are on their way," Justin said to JC.

JC smiled slightly, while he thought about Chris and his reaction from the mall.

Justin sat down next to JC on the couch and looked him directly in his eyes. Justin was taken in by the crystal blue eyes that starred back into his own. He shook his head slightly.

"So, you gonna tell me what had you so upset yesterday that you cried in my mom's arms?" Justin asked.

*** Well, there it is...If you like it, send comments to [smit8255@fredonia.edu] please include the title "Just-JC" in the subject or message/comment.

If not, tell me why (using' the same address as above).



-AJ ***

Next: Chapter 4

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