Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 19, 2019


Just Joe 3


"What the bloody hell happened here?" Harry walked into my office I jumped and was annoyed he had pulled me out of my pity party.


"What's happening why did Mark walk out I think I just passed him in the foyer he looked pretty bloody upset too?" He said.


"Mark you know the new wiz-bang stockbroker, the guy in the blue suit the one we had been recommended to interview for the job, you know that really important job."

"He's gone." Was all I could get out.

"Yes, I know that Heath why is he - gone?" Harry was almost yelling at me by this stage he was so pissed off.

I didn't know why. But I do know he's gone again. I couldn't cope with these feelings and I couldn't answer Harry's questions but I did manage to say.

"Do you know what happened to his wife?" I had to know and Harry would know all about him he's anal like that.

"She passed away six weeks ago, it's been tough for him he's nearly at his wit's end. Her parents are taking Mark to court to try and get custody of their grandson, he needs the job desperately Heath, what happened in here?"

"I don't know, Joe left and Mark arrived, he wanted to be just Joe for a while I should have seen it, Harry, I should have treated him like a God, just Joe that's all he ever wanted to be." I trailed off.

"What the fuck are you talking about Heath your talking in riddles pull yourself together mate otherwise nothing will get done today."

"What's his address, Harry?"



"Whose fucking Joe?" he yelled at me again.

"I mean Mark's do you have his address?"

He stared at me like I was mad but in his wisdom, he went to get Joe's address for me. After I had it in my hand I closed down my computer and left the office, no goodbyes no explanations.

"Hey Donald Trump not doing any work today, made your first billion have you?" I heard Harry yell from his office he was pissed off.

I didn't reply just ran to my car and punched the address into my GPS. I started out for Bentleigh a ten-minute drive away. How could I not see what was happening he never said anything he just never said.

I drove up a quiet suburban tree-lined street and pulled in outside his house. I knew he was home because there was a car parked in the drive. I had been prepared to sit there all day if I had to. Taking a deep breath to try and calm down I grabbed the contract and closed the car up then went through the gate to the front door and rang the bell, with my heart in my throat I prayed he was alone.

"Heath what are you doing here?" a disheveled Joe asked me. He had changed his clothes he looked more suburban in his sweats and t-shirt but he still looked awesome, his eyes were red he had been crying again.

"How did you go at the other interview?"

He lowered his eyes and said.

"I didn't have one, I lied." I was pleased.

"Well I have a job and you need one, so I've brought the contract with me for you to fill out and sign. I will see you next Monday or sooner God willing if you can make it, we need you desperately, I need you."

"Heath we can't work together I already told you that."


"Because I'm done. I don't want another affair or gay relationship or straight one as a matter of fact. I just want my son, he makes me very happy." Those tears again.

"Why don't you invite me in I can't stand out here all day, but if I have to I will, believe me, Joe." I wasn't moving and he knew it.

"Come in Heath do you want a coffee?"

"Yes please, Joe." I accepted because that will buy me more time with my Joe. I looked around the house it was sparsely furnished but clean and orderly I followed him to the kitchen.

"I need you, Joe. I need your expertise in my office and the sooner the better, we will give you what you are asking plus commission with a three-month review." I sort of pleaded with him and I so desperately didn't want him to go away again.

"Heath please sit down for a minute." He passed coffee over to me, and then pushed the sugar bowl across the table.

"Heath, I can't do the job if I think I'm not going to be safe in the workplace. I mean if I can be blunt, you trying to touch me at every opportunity in the exec bathroom. I can't do that stuff anymore. If I was to come and work for you it will be a business contract, no gay stuff no buddy nights out no dinners no interference in my personal life at all. I will be there to do my job and my job only. What you think you want or desire from me would be off limits. One thing you did make me realize is I'm not a player and never will be, and I am thankful for that, so thank you" He looked down at his cup.

"Joe, that's not why I'm here I came first to say I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for treating you like I did It never occurred to me that you had feelings for me why didn't you say something?"

"Because I was waiting for a sign from you but it never arrived. But it doesn't matter anymore I'm not going back to that life. I am going to concentrate on my boy and my career, that other stuff doesn't work well for me."

"Well we will see about that one step at a time Joe, just please give me a chance and please say yes to the job. I will agree to your conditions just give me another fucking chance will you?" I begged, and I knew he needed the job badly probably to show child services that he's employed, and I deep down knew he needed me also and I felt that he knew that little important fact too.

I can't even think about it at the moment but I have to do something, but my life got a little happier when he said yes to my job offer. Joe signed the papers we agreed on the wage and percentage, he relaxed and I leaned in to maybe seal the deal with a kiss.

"I'm off limits Heath please don't make me remind you again please." He begged.

"Sorry Joe."



"My names Mark."

"You're just Joe to me and you always will be." I lingered then he washed up then walked me to the door.

"I'll see you when you're ready to start then." I turned to face him I had to take one more look into his eyes.

Tears were happening again as I drove back to work I kept saying to myself.

"Off limits, Joes off limits don't blow this Heath."

Harry was eager to know what had happened. So I handed him Joe's contract.

"He will start as soon as possible; sorry Harry I can't talk about it but he's agreed to come work here, is his office ready?" He gave me a weird look then nodded in the affirmative.

I went to my office and locked the door, my head needed peace and quiet to get this account set up, its mostly Stock exchange stuff anyway but I can do as much as I can before Joe gets to it. I don't want him to be bogged down not on the first day.

It really didn't take me that long but it had to be accurate.

Then I thought about Joe's predicament maybe I could help him, then I thought about how I felt, in so many ways I was elated that Joe was back in my life, and I started to devise a plan to get him back for good.

I thought I would get some expert advice and rang mum, I really wanted to talk to dad but he was out on the golf course. I explained Marks position but I didn't tell her about Joe. She was appalled to think people would try and bully him, but she understood they were grieving for their daughter and want Caleb as a reminder, plus they must love him so much to even contemplate this course of action. She also said she would give dad the information and see if he can do something about it. But she added it won't happen it won't even go to a courtroom probably, because at the end of the day Mark is his father.

I felt a bit better when I hung up and for a split second just a second I thought I might go to the bar tonight to celebrate Joe's return. But I soon lost that idea after I furiously wanked into a towel when I got home thinking of Joe's face and smile, which was so much clearer in my memory banks now if anything he had become more beautiful.

In bed I thought about what had happened to him it must have been a nightmare, I could have helped if I had known, I should have known, fuck it. The problems he has now are a direct result of me being a selfish prick and not seeing Joe as he really was a decent guy looking for love in a crappy world of selfish bastards like me.

I have to help him see we are all not like that; there is goodness in everyone he just has to see it, I have to show him somehow. I woke in the middle of the night and someone was shouting down in the car park, I got to get out of here its too bloody noisy. I couldn't get back to sleep Joe was again in my thoughts so I dry fucked the bed thinking of his soft skin for a few minutes then tried again to sleep I felt so alone because Joe's off limits and I so wanted him here with me always.

The next morning, I was so drained and tired I tried a few coffee shots it didn't do me any good but the shower did, I had a warm shower then at the end I turned it to cold that woke me up. I had taken Joe's contract home to enter his stats into our payroll program which I did. I even get to know when his birthday is now. I marked it in my online calendar it's a few months away yet but I was aiming at that dinner for two.

I was elated and surprised to see him waiting in the reception area he looked so good and smelt wonderful. His suit was freshly cleaned and shirt crispy white, a green tie competed with his eyes. I was stunned into silence, then Joe broke my heart skipping moment.

"I thought I would get a really early start and begin today, you don't mind do you?" He grinned. I could tell he was pleased to see me too but I didn't react to it. I really wanted to make love to him on the reception room floor but no, not today.

At the office, I had to respect his wishes so after I welcomed him to the team and introduced him properly to Harry I left him to settle into his new office pointing to the coffee machine. Then I got Harry to organize a password that gave Joe top priority over all our investor accounts. I then went and did what I should have done yesterday. I merged the Sutherland account into our database I would get Harry to double check it, then pass the investment side of things onto Joe.

I had to restrain myself from going into his office and just looking at him, he is a dream come true but also a nightmare because I can't touch him. I finished up and wrote the account number and password in my diary then I copied it onto a post-it note for Harry so he could have access. I had my hands behind my neck and was looking out the window stretching my back, the views were crap because we were on the south side of the building they were so much better on the north side, what I am looking at now is just miles and miles of suburban house roofs.

I thought about Joe it all adds up now his naivety his fumbling in bed, he never said he was a novice. I just assumed he wasn't very promiscuous. At the time I was glad he wasn't because I liked him like that. What a selfish bastard I am I should have guessed. I should have fucking known. I beat myself up again and again over my stupid mistake.

Around ten I went to make a coffee, Harry and Joe were in front of me talking about work stuff. I interrupted them and passed the account number to Harry and told him to check it, he was very pleased. This account on its own will bring in big bucks for us. When Harry left to go answer his phone I turned to Joe his eyes hit me first then his slight smile.

"Are you grasping the layout Joe if you need some help I'm at your service, I'm done for the morning." I smiled.

"No I'm good Heath it's a piece of cake at the moment. We had better have a meeting tomorrow to go over what I'm going to do with the Sutherland money. I will make a report up this afternoon on what I think we should do, then we can all get onto it first thing in the morning."

His beautiful lips sipped his coffee his bottom lip was bigger than his top I wanted to suck on it, but instead, I said.

"Why don't I come over tonight and we can go over it together that way we aren't doing it twice."

"No this is work, Heath. Important work we can do it in the morning." I detected the cold shoulder again so I left him to it and went back to my desk.

I don't blame him I wanted so much to go and have coffee with him but I have to tread carefully, he's good at his job and I don't want to lose him again. I must help him though he can't keep holding onto grudges and past pains forever.

The office was getting quite busy and over the next few weeks, I watched Joe take us from mediocre to brilliantly awesome. We had a few big investors that were very happy with our service, dad was one of them. Joe was worth his weight in gold with his accounts and savvy stock market knowledge. Dad wanted to meet him as soon as possible. The Sutherland account was completely overhauled and in a much better state. I found out through dad that the custody battle that was looming would probably be thrown out of court and I had wanted to talk to Joe about it. But I had to wait until he trusted me again.

We had to work alongside each other some days and Joe's aftershave wafted throughout the office whenever he moved about. I don't think Harry noticed it but I certainly did. The one thing I noticed that had finally happened, Joe had relaxed a bit. One day he told me about Mandy's parents wanting to take Caleb away from him. He did say he was terrified, but I assured him that it won't happen. He shouldn't even worry about it and I did mention that dad was a lawyer if he needed one. He told me he had already engaged a lawyer that deals with family courts and he had also told him what I just had.

The days went by and every day I watched for signs of Joe faltering he always had a worried look on his face and I know he was thinking the worst. I tried to reassure him but he wasn't listening, I guess he just thought it was one more disaster to cope with.

In the meantime, dad had done some investigating he rang me one early morning and said that the case will be heard in the judge's chambers with only a handful of people in it. He also said in a roundabout way that the judge was very much in favor of the father or mother looking after their child long before he considers the extended families. In his way, dad was trying to tell me Joe had no worries at all.

I didn't tell Joe that but I felt better about it. I hadn't met Caleb yet but I was dying to meet him. I even asked Joe to bring him into work one day so we all could meet him, but he declined in his roundabout, should I say, selfish way.

I watched him sitting in the tearoom lost in his own little world and every now and then he would be on the phone deep in conversation with his lawyer. It was times when that happened he would close and lock his door and I could hear sniffing when I went to check on him. I don't think Harry heard him, but if he did he never said anything. I had worded Harry up and both of us were double-checking Joes work but it was always spot on. He started walking around like he had the world on his shoulders he looked like he had a hump sometimes his head was so low. I couldn't help him but I desperately wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him everything will be all right.

The day he had to go to court he had actually come into work. I could tell he was almost panic-stricken. I had already decided to tag along just in case he needed a character witness. His face relaxed when I told him, I think he was very happy with that; but I also knew he was on the verge of breaking. He didn't show it on the outside that morning but I knew he was an absolute mess inside. Dad has friends high up and he emphatically had told me that there was no way the judge would hand over Caleb to his grandparents. I kept telling Joe on the way to court that he will win and he should think positive, he was listening but distracted at the same time.

"Why should I have to go to court to try and win my son, like he was a raffle prize or something?"

"Joe this worlds full of ugly people that think they own everything. They won't be taking him away not today not ever, now believe that please."

As it turned out when we arrived the matter was heard in the Judge's chambers. I was allowed in but there was only Joe's lawyer the grandparents who looked like decent everyday people and their lawyer and of course, a social worker and me. The judge put aside his glasses and folded his hands and said.

"I have read both statements for and against in this matter. Now I want some more information. Before I start I want to say this. Grief comes in so many forms it creeps up on us decent folks and makes us do some crazy things, things we normally wouldn't do. Now I need to know what is your reason for bringing on this matter Mr. Lord?" His father in law stood but the judge made him sit down and told him he liked his court to be as informal as possible.

"Your honor, our daughter is dead and the only link we now have to her existence is Caleb our grandson. We have no bones to pick with Mark but we think he's lost sight of reality. The reality is he ignored us before and after the funeral, he had left our daughter alone for several weeks doing some clubbing with his unsavory friends. He has taken Caleb away from our cuddles and our love for him. He has locked himself away from his and our families and of course the world in general.

We just don't think it's a healthy environment to bring up our grandson that's all. By doing this we thought we might help him with his many many personal issues in some way."

"And you think taking his much-loved son off him will make him feel a bit better do you?" The judge interrupted.

"He doesn't deserve Caleb. He's our grandson and Mark even insults the court by bringing his lover into this room, it's insulting and very offensive to us." The judge sat upright.

"Mr. Stanton is this man your lover?"

"No your honor he's my employer," Joe answered gritting his teeth he looked really angry.

I watched the smirks disappear off the in-law's faces.

"Mrs. Daniels do children's services have anything to report?" He asked the social worker.

"No your honor Mr. Stanton's house is spotless and Caleb is a very happy well adjusted normal little boy. He is much loved and protected by his father, we have no issues, sir." She smiled.

"Sir what is your name?" He was talking to me now.

"Heath Stone I am the general manager of Stone Investments and Mr. Stanton's employer."

"Does Mr. Stanton have full-time work or is he hired as a consultant?"

"Mark is a permanent employee of my company and he will be with our company for a very long time. He's very good at his job I haven't a single problem with his conduct or professionalism and he is well respected by his workmates." I smiled.

"Thank you for your input sir, now Mr. Stanton, do you have anything to add or would you like some more time because this will be resolved today I won't drag it out."

Joe shakily stood up and again the judge made him sit down. I sat quietly and he looked at me I think for strength then he began.

"No thank you, your honor. I just can't deal with family at the moment. Mandy was a beautiful friend to me she in her way loved me so much she gave me Caleb and a safe environment to live in." He faltered and tears threatened to flow. He needed help but first, let's get this shit out of the way.

"I don't have any issues with the Lords but I'm so scared if they take him they won't give him back to me. If they even have him for an hour." Joe faltered then took a deep breath.

"That he won't come home so I can protect him and I know I would just die if I couldn't see him again." Joe faltered and stood up to face the Judge and then he found some strength.

"That scares me more than anything in my life sir. Not even the treatments his mother had to endure the nights I sat with her while she slowly died a little at a time. The long talks we had about how I was going to bring Caleb up alone. I can't live without my beautiful son. If he goes then I am lost to the world because only I know how to shield him so he doesn't have the hurt I'm feeling now. I know I'm being stupid but that's the way I feel, and yes I agree grief makes people do some stupid things. When Mandy passed I didn't want anyone to organize her funeral. I was her husband that was my job, she and I had already planned it before she went, and we made a pact on how I was to bring Caleb up."

He faltered then sat down again.

"The only reason his grandparents want to take Caleb is they found out I was maybe gay. And yes my wife knew that long before we even married. I don't know how they were bought up but my son will be void of all bigotry and he will be an awesome adult like he is now as a little boy.

I just want to be with my son it's selfish of me but that's how I feel." Joe then pulled out his snow-white handkerchief to wipe his face.

"Where is your son now?"

"Caleb is in a local crèche while I'm at work he absolutely loves it there all his mates are there."

"Okay, I won't put you through any more questions, sir. I won't be ruling in your favor Mr. and Mrs. Lord the lad has to stay with his father."

Joe nodded his understanding, he slumped in the chair the stress draining from his face his tears flowing freely. I had to hold myself back from holding him tightly and telling him everything was going to be all right.

"Judgment in Mr. Stanton's favor court adjourned and good luck and God bless you all." The judge said as we all stood I put my arm on Joe's shoulder and pulled him in for a buddy hug. I wanted more, but to his credit, he didn't resist.

After the judge made his ruling, which didn't take long, he gave the grandparents a bit of a talking to, then shook Joe's hand. To me, he leaned in and said.

"Take care of this boy he needs a good friend like you."

Joe turned to me and said through tear clouded red eyes.

"Let's go I want some hugs from my son." he didn't look at the Lords again they were in a sort of deep conversation with their lawyer so we just left. I drove him to daycare where the minders were overjoyed he had won the day.

Caleb was happy to see his dad but a little wary of me.

"Joe you only have two hours of work to do why don't I drop you and Caleb at home it's been a big day."

"Heath my car is at work we can't take him without his baby seat, and we have work to do on that new account." I smiled at him.

"You didn't look in the back did you?" I smiled again.


"One top of the range baby seat, brand new and ready to be broken in by this little man here." I tickled Caleb's neck Joe stared at me then let it go. We bundled Caleb into the seat then drove back to work.

"When did you buy the seat Heath?"

"I got it fitted last week Joe. I thought if anything sort of happened, like if you got stuck at work, I could maybe pick Caleb up. Or if your car is in the shop you could take my car. Don't read anything into it, Joe I was just thinking ahead, we are a kid-friendly company after all."

"Well thank you but there was no need. But on the other hand, we did have a need for it today for which I must thank you again." He smiled, at last, his teeth are so white and straight.

Caleb played on the reception floor and Harry found some plastic containers in the kitchen. He was using them as pretend building blocks. I was in my office watching him and wanting so much to pick him up to cuddle him, but I had to stand back. After a half an hour I felt a presence in the room and he waddled up to the big easy chair across from mine.

"Hello, buddy." I happily said to this little guy.

"Hello, buddy." He answered as I picked him up and sat him on the big chair.

"What would you like to do now, help me with this paper and these pencils can you draw me a house, Caleb."

"Yeth, a house where daddy libs wit meeee." He shouted the last part. I saw Joe stick his head out of his office then he smiled and went back to what he was doing.

Caleb scribbled away like no tomorrow he was doing a masterpiece for me, and it almost was too. He had a house with him and Joe out the front, there was no sign of Mandy anywhere he couldn't have forgotten her already could he.


"Yes, buddy."

"Why you no get long hair like Cale's?'


"Daddy tells me you have long hair he lub's it when it long." A revelation I didn't know.

"I had to have it cut.'

"But Cale's has long hair he likes it a lot why you gets cut?" He played with his dark brown curls.

"For business reasons my clients expect me to be neat and tidy."

"Oh." I think he went with that.


"Yes, little buddy."

"Heat has you got a mummy?" Here we go mummy questions.

"Yes, I do have a mummy."

"Cans Cale's meet her sum time?"

"Of course you can she would love you Cale's. Just say the word and I will get her to meet with you." My heart flipped.


That went well.

"Heat?" Oh no here we go again.

"Yes, buddy boy."

"Has your mummy got a dog?"

"No Cale's she did have one but he left years ago he had to go back to his mummy's house."


"Would you like a dog Cale's?" Wrong thing to say out loud I suppose because of what happened next.

Joe flew into the office and put his hands over Caleb's ears.

"No, No we don't talk about dogs and no don't buy him one please."

"Daddy I having a talk with Heat he's got a mummy daddy and Ise going to meet her one day." He jumped down from the chair and Joe looked at me.

"No puppies Heath I'm warning you no dogs at all." He whispered the look on his face was priceless.

I laughed at him, of course, I won't buy a dog for Caleb... not yet anyway.

"Are you nearly finished?" I asked Joe.

"Yes and it all looks good on paper I just hope my instincts are correct about that stock that's all, it's a gamble but I think it will be okay, we will know within three weeks."

"They will be fine I'm positive." I took Caleb's drawing and pinned it on my whiteboard it looked like it fit my office perfectly.

"My sons a Rembrandt." Joe looked closely at it.

"He certainly is; can I ask you something, Joe?"


"Why didn't he put his mum in this picture I'm only asking because he seems to have forgotten her." He immediately got a sour look on his face. I had overstepped the mark again.

"Thank you for today I don't think I would have got through it without you." He was genuine then he said.

`Well I'll be off; Caleb please go get your stuff we are going home."

"Okays daddy."

He ran into my office and hugged my legs.

"See you later buddy."

`See you later little buddy."

I didn't get an answer from Joe and once again he ran from me.

Next: Chapter 4

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