Just Like a Dream

By Leo C.

Published on Oct 27, 2006


Hi guys.

I got moving a little faster this time, so here it is -- the next chapter.

Hope you'll enjoy it!


I don't know Jon Lee, and I don't know anything whatsoever about his sexuality. That's strictly his own business. And this is purely a work of fiction, and it's not intended to offend anybody. If it does anyway: I'm sorry -- but reading it was your own choice.

Chapter 6 -- And swim like fish.

I slept so much better that night. No waking up wondering what someone was doing in my bed. Never a thought about feeling invaded.

Sunday morning I woke up before Jon and enjoyed half an hour of just watching him sleep. He was beautiful even in his sleep -- even if his gorgeous eyes were hidden away. And I just lay there watching him, wondering how on earth I could have been so lucky to meet him, my love. Lay there with a big happy smile on my face and a heart full of love. And certainly no regrets about last night. Even if we had agreed to take it easy only the night before, I knew in my heart, that it was the right thing, that I wanted to spend a very long time with Jon -- quite possibly forever - and that what happened was somehow inevitable.

At nine o'clock I decided we had to get up, if we were supposed to spend a little time in Paris before returning to London. I've been to Paris a few times before, but always on my own. Now I finally had someone to share it with, and I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity of enjoying some of the sights with the wonderful company of Jon. So I leaned in and kissed him lightly on his lips. Nothing happened. Then I let my hands caress his shoulder and his neck. Still nothing happened, so I decided to escalate things a little and let my fingers walk down his chest and find a good tickle spot under his ribs. That did the trick. In less that a minute we were moping around the bed in a tickle fight that didn't end before he had me on my back, holding down my arms, looking into my eyes.

"Good morning, Gorgeous" he said in his best bedroom voice and bent down to kiss me. A kiss that evolved into serious snogging. When we broke the kiss he slid down beside me and snuggled up to me, draping his arm over my chest, gently caressing me.

"'Morning, Love" I said "And thank you for giving me the best evening in my entire life."

"Me too" he answered and kissed my shoulder.

"We really should get moving, you know" he said after a while. "I want to walk by the Seine with you, and down the Champs Elysee, and...what are you laughing about?"

I had started laughing, but I pulled myself together to answer him.

"Oh -- It's just that I've been awake for half an hour waiting for Your Sleeping Highness to come alive so we could do all that!!" I said, and gave him a kiss on his nose.

"Oh...really?" he said "You should have waked me up earlier so we could get on with it"

"Yeah, yeah" I said "But as someone said yesterday: I didn't have the heart to wake you up -- and besides you're waaay too cute when you're sleeping." I said with a smirk. "But you're right of course, we really should get ready to go. And besides, I'm hungry! So who's first in the shower?"

He smirked at me and said "Why don't we do it together? I can wash your back and you can take care of mine.

It didn't take much to convince me about the reasonable point in that. I'd love to shower with Jon. So would my dick, 'cause it started to feel semi hard by the mere thought of it. Being naked in the shower with Jon, feeling his body with my hands and vice versa didn't exactly make that go away...and a few moment later we were snogging and rubbing against each other like trying to become one. ...and partly succeeded when we came simultaneously moaning into each others mouths.

Which of course meant, that now we were really in a hurry, if we wanted to have breakfast, which we did. So we quickly threw on some clothes and made it to the breakfast room just in time.

And we had a traditional french breakfast, which means croissants and café au lait. That wouldn't last us long, but it was good anyway.

After breakfast we packed up, settled the bill and left the luggage to be picked up later. And then we barged out to have our afternoon in Paris.

I love Paris in April. All is just a little greener than in London, with daffodils and tulips blooming everywhere. And everything and everyone looks clean and happy. Not yet tired out by summer heat and too many tourists.

Jon and I had a long afternoon walking around. We walked along the Seine for a while and crossed over to the Latin Quarter to have lunch. We walked back to the Seine and later found our way down the Champs Elysee. It was a very nice day with the spring sun shining to give just enough warmth to make you feel like doing without a jacket. You know you shouldn't do it, but you'll do it anyway and probably end up with an annoying spring cold. Such days would be magic in Paris, even if Jon hadn't been there to make it happen. But he was, and that just made every moment of joy more profound and every small adventure along the way more exciting.

It was all more than perfect except for one little thing. We had to behave ourselves. We couldn't hold hands and kiss in public, and it really was a nuisance to have to remember it all the time. I don't know if we fooled anybody though. Anyone with a keen eye for that sort of thing would immediately have spotted two guys in love. I guess our luck was, that Jon's grown up quite a bit since he was a mega star all over Europe, and nowadays he isn't recognized often outside the UK. And that's fine by me. Oh...It's not that I don't wish him all the luck in the world with his career, but as long as he's happy with his theatre career in the UK, who would I be to regret, that he is not a top celebrity in the rest of the world. I will just be happy knowing, that he does what he loves the most (with one or two exceptions in the department of physical exercise, of course). And I will certainly enjoy, that we can take a walk in public without him being attacked by screaming teenage girls now and then, and that we don't need to be accompanied by a bodyguard all the time.

Anyway, this day was magic with or without holding hands. And we did sneak in a kiss in a deserted spot behind a tree in some park along the way.

When we returned to the hotel late afternoon to get our luggage and a taxi to the airport, my feet were sore, but I had a feeling that the smile on my face would never wear off.

"Damn, we're good at this together!" I said as we entered the hotel.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked with a smile.

"I mean being tourists, exploring things. It's so much better than doing it alone. It's like you're my second set of eyes. I've never seen Paris the way I did today."

I would have loved so much to kiss and hold him right there and then, but that would have to wait.

We got our bags, and had the receptionist order a taxi. And then we were off to the airport. It all seemed quite a bit surreal. I mean ... We only got there one day ago and were already going away again. But what a day.

When we slumped down in our seats on the plane that would take us back to London, I realized how tired I really was. I think I was asleep a few minutes after take off, and I don't remember a thing until Jon woke me up shortly before we landed at Heathrow. I don't think I really woke up again before we sat in the taxi going back home. My place that is.

We couldn't get inside fast enough, and as soon as the door closed behind us we dropped the bags, and hugged and kissed. We were only interrupted by Jon's stomach that growled.

"Yeah -- I'm hungry too" I said "If we hurry, we can get something at the Pub around the corner. Is that OK with you?"

"Yeah -- sure -- anything, as long as it's fast!" he said.

"Then let's go!"

The Pub on the corner -- the Prince Edward - is actually quite a good place to eat, and the atmosphere there is really nice. On Fridays and Saturdays the place is absolutely packed, but on a Sunday night you can easily get a table.

I went to the bar to order some food.

"Hullo Mate, what would you like?" the bartender said, Looking at me first, and then glancing at Jon. A glance that turned into a stare. It was funny to watch his expression as he realized who Jon was, but he was professional enough to pull himself together rather quickly.

"We'd like something to eat. Fish and chips. And a pint of Ferret each." I said.

"Sure Mate, no problem. Where would you like to sit?"

"Somewhere quiet, if there's a table in the back." I said with a smile and a wink.

"Yeah sure, you just go ahead, and I'll bring your beer in a minute." He said.

We did indeed find a quiet table on the other side of the bar, and it wasn't long before the food was on the table.

"Mmm, this is really good!" Jon exclaimed with his mouth full.

"Yeah, that's actually why we went here" I said with a grin. "I usually eat here about once a week. Sometimes twice, if I'm too busy for cooking. And I've never had anything I didn't like."

"Well, you can take me with you anytime."

So we enjoyed the meal, and chatted about our day in Paris. The bartender came over to see if we needed anything.

"No thanks" Jon said "but that was the best fish and chips I ever had!"

"Thanks, Mate" the bartender answered "I'll tell the cook, that you said that...or better yet, if you don't mind...could I have your autograph for her, Mr. Lee?"

Jon immediately went into celebrity mode and put on his best smile.

"Sure, Mate" He said "But you'll have to bring me something to do it with."

The bartender found some paper and a pen, and Jon wrote a note for the cook saying "Best damn fish and chips I ever had. Thanks! Jon Lee"

"Thanks a lot Mr. Lee" the bartender said. "She'll be flying, when she gets it. She's a huge fan of yours. She went to see "Love Shack" three times." And after a short moment he added. "I liked it a lot too, actually."

"Thanks Mate" Jon said with a smile. "Now, could we have the bill, please."

"Sure, I'll get it ready. You can just pay at the bar on your way out, if that's OK?"

"That's just fine" Jon said with a smile.

A few moments later, we were on our way home.

And again, as the door closed behind us, we picked up where we left.

When we came up for air, hugging tightly, Jon said in a low voice."Mmmm, it's good to be home, you know!"

That made me feel all warm and loving inside -- and a little worried -- but very glad. It only took me a minute to decide, that this really could be his home, if he wanted to.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way" I said. "'Cause you can move in any time you want to."

He broke the hug to look at me.

"Really?" he said, slightly frowning. "You don't think it's too soon for that?"

"No, I don't" I said. "I'm quite sure about it, actually."

"I'm afraid I haven't thought that far ahead yet." He said. "It's not that I wouldn't love to fall asleep tangled up in you every night, and to wake up to a kiss every morning. But it does sound like a rather big step, doesn't it ?"

"Yes, it does" I admitted. "And I hadn't given it a thought either until two minutes ago. But I am sure anyway. I can't imagine us not being able to make it work, even if we might encounter a few bumps in the road."

He gave me a smile and kissed my nose.

"You're probably right...well, actually I'm sure you are!" he said. "But I still think it's a bit soon. There are so many things about my life, that I haven't had a chance to show you yet. Things that you would have to cope with - like me being away on tour for long periods of time, false stories in magazines, not being able to go anywhere we want together etc. And moving in with you would have other implications -- like coming out to the whole world, 'cause it would only be a matter of time before some gossip magazine picked up on us. And I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that yet."

I knew he was right. I just hadn't thought about it from his perspective. Hell, I hadn't thought at all, just followed my instincts. And that was actually a disturbing realisation for the control freaky part of me."

"You're right, of course" I said, with a sad smile. "Sorry. I shouldn't have suggested that."

"Yes, you should!" He said. "I'm glad you did, 'cause you were really saying: 'Hey, I love you, I trust you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you'. How could I not want to hear that, when that's exactly how I'm feeling about you ?"

He paused to give me a kiss, and then continued. "But I think, that I will have to let my brains do the thinking in this matter."

I kissed him back.

"I love you!" I said and we hugged tightly. "Thanks again for the best weekend ever!"

He broke the hug again to look at me, and kiss me again.

"Best weekend in so many ways, eh?" He said with a naughty smile and a wink. "If you don't mind I think I would like to move into your bed right now !"


As usual comments and suggestions are always very welcome at lcwrite@gmail.com

Take care Leo

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