Just Neighbors

By Justin Balancier

Published on Aug 5, 2012


Just Neighbors – Part 6 – The conclusion.

Mark opened his eyes late the following morning. He felt like sleeping a bit longer than he was used to doing.

It was not a concrete and wheel barrow day, but he woke up wishing he could go to work to occupy his mind.

Mark thought about last evening with David and it seemed to trouble him a bit.

He knew that a lot of men would have been motivated having David. Still Mark would have traded it willingly for an evening solo with Steve.

He understood that was a weird way for him to feel; so Mark pushed it to the back of his mind.

The sun was shining through the bedroom's single bay window and Mark stretched his arms above his head and ran his feet back and forth across the silky sheets.

He liked to sleep naked and Lord, how he hated sateen sheets; he preferred plain cotton or anything but silk.

Susan would buy Ralph Lauren designer sheets believing they looked stylish. Probably so, but that was bullshit according to Mark's way of thinking.

Once on his feet he headed for the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He ran his fingers through his short hair and brushed his teeth. He was always brushing his teeth and would do it at least three times a day.

Mark had just taken a shower a few hours earlier so he decided to skip another for the time being.

"Coffee – Coffee" twirled around in his head. Mark always started his day with a morning cup of fresh coffee.

He moved searching for the coffee maker and in matter of minutes the aroma of fresh brewed was coming from the kitchen.

Mark hadn't taken time to fully dress and just pulled on a pair of his faded jeans. They were clean but comfortable.

The body hair stood out like a fuzzy little bear on his chest and he looked amazing standing there in the sunlight, without a shirt, no shoes and sipping a cup of coffee.

He grabbed his cell and walked out to the deck located just off the kitchen and dropped into a deck chair to relax and drink his coffee.

He had three messages from the night before and one of them was from Steve. It read simply – "tomorrow bro" and nothing else.

"Hum" – slurred Mark to himself and took another sip of coffee.

"Good Morning Mark" – said Marge from next door.

"When is Susan getting home from the convention" –asked Marge

"Tomorrow" – replied Mark

"I just made some coffee cake and it's hot from the oven – How about a piece to go with your coffee?" – She asked standing by the giant elm that separated their two properties.

"Sure, sounds great" – Thanks replied Mark

"Well drag yourself on over here and I'll cut the cake.

Marge was a terrific baker and Mark knew without looking that it was bound to taste delicious.

Mark slipped into his sneakers and pulled on a blue tee shirt that was lying on the deck chair.

He followed Marge across the lawn and into the house.

"Steve is just getting out of the shower. He got in really late from one of those darn conference meetings that grind on for hours." – said Marge.

"Yeah, they can be rough" – answered Mark.

Marge cut Mark a generous portion of coffee cake and handed it to Mark. Then she joined him at the table.

"Can I warm up your cup with a little more brew" – asked Marge

"I'm good" – replied Mark – "Not just yet"

"Did Steve tell you that we are getting a new Lexus SUV? – We are picking it up this morning." - She said.

We have been waiting for it because I picked out Robins Egg Blue and it had to be special ordered." - She added.

"That is really great -The Lexus is a prodigious car. A bit pricy but is outstanding quality. No he didn't mention it" – Mark said.

"Oh, you men are all alike – never get excited over anything" – She said.

"Sure we do - We get excited - now take football for example"

"Let's not"

"Okay – let's not" – Mark answered.

Steve walked into the kitchen stuffing his shirt in his pants and talking at the same time.

"Hey, buddy – what's up? – where you been hiding" – asked Steve

"Not much, just working trying to catch up on projects around the place. It takes time, lots of time which is scarce - with more construction plans in the works."- Mark told him.

"I hear that loud and clear. You are always on the move dude" – said Steve.

"A-huh" – answered Mark.

"Mark - Can I get you some bacon and eggs?" – asked Marge

"Oh no thanks - `dear lady' – tipping his cup - the coffee cake hit the spot."

"You are a treasure Mark – such a gentleman" –said Marge with a gentle laugh.

"I have to get back next door and cut the grass. It's best to mow before it gets any hotter." – said Mark.

"We are going to pick up the Lexus after breakfast" – said Steve - wanta come?

"Can't, got to mow – Susan gets home tomorrow morning and the picnic is Sunday, Which by the way you guys are coming – don't forget"

"We won't forget Mark" – added Marge while clearing the dishes from the table.

"I'll take you for a vehicle check when I get back providing you don't drop any grass cuttings in my new car" – said Steve

"He's kidding Mark – pay no attention" – said Marge

"I never do"

Marge turned her back to put the dishes in the sink and Mark showed his phone so Steve could read his `Tomorrow bro' message from last evening.

All Steve said to Mark was – "later"

When Mark got back home he pulled the old lawnmower from the garage and started to cut the grass.

A few minutes later Marge and Steve left the house to pick up their new car.

Mark waved to them as Steve backed out of his driveway. – "See you later Mrs. Rockefeller" – yelled out Mark laughing silly and flashing a big smile.

Marge laughed back and waved to Mark. Steve was driving and barely glanced his way.

It was about an hour or so later when they returned and Mark had finished his lawn and was cutting the grass in Steve's yard.

"Hey – thanks buddy for doing the lawn" – said Steve stepping out of the car.

"No problem – I need the exercise" – said Mark.

It was beginning to get warmer and the sun was hot beating down on Mark's bare shoulders. He was moist and slick looking standing in the brilliant sun.

I am going to take a quick shower, change clothes and shoes and then I want a ride in that new car – Mark said to Steve.

"Oh yes, I won't get any grass clippings on that costly new carpet" added Mark jokingly.

There was that penetrating twinkle in Steve's eye that Mark had seen many times before and he knew what that probably meant.

For a split second he thought about staying hot and sweaty because Steve liked his body that way.

But NO – a shower was called for and besides Mark wanted to feel dry and clean again. He understood that the car ride was Steve's way of being alone with him and it secretly excited him as it always did.

After showering and dressing, Mark sent a text to Steve and said he would meet him outside.

It was mid-afternoon and Mark went out and parked himself on a wooden bench pushed up against the old elm tree.

He sat there for moment thinking about what that elm tree had seen over the past few years. Mark scratched his cheek and spoke to the tree.

"You are a good old fella, Mr. Tree, - like a special friend who was always here when Steve and I needed support"

It seemed like a matter of minutes when the Lexus backed out of the driveway next door and stopped in front of the bench that Mark was sitting on.

"There's my guy - Get in Mark" – said Steve.

"Nice wheels?" – "I can say that, can't I? – `wheels'

"Of course" – replied Steve

"Hey bro this is some car – really something" – added Mark

"Yup we love it – I'll take you for a ride" – said Steve

Mark eased himself into the front next to Steve and they headed down the boulevard out of Glenview suburb and away from the residential section of the city.

Steve was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other hand on his crotch.

He would look over at Mark making small talk and touching his dick at the same time.

"I fucked Taylor last night" – Said Steve slowing down for a traffic light.

"I fucked David, last night – Said Mark with a come-back reply

"No – you never did" – said Steve.

"Oh, but I did bro. I stopped at a bar called `The Tavern' for a beer and David was there. And before you ask - No, it wasn't planned I didn't know he was there –

To make a long story short he talked me into a hook up with him – really it was his idea, not mine. So we went to his place and I fucked the shit out of him." – confessed Mark.

"Good show" – replied Steve.

"I booked our play room 224 and Taylor came up after he got off work and I did the same thing – I fucked the crap out of him" – Said Steve

"And" – said Mark

"And what?" – replied Steve.

Steve paused for a moment, stared directly at Mark, and said –

"Okay, he is hot. He is great looking and a wild fuck, but he is not you Mark. – "Don't get me wrong buddy I am not getting into any sentimental shit like that but that's how I feel." – said Steve.

"You are unexpected" – said Mark

"How so?"

"Because I had the same feeling about David. Sure he's gorgeous and hot but he wasn't you and I missed not having you there"

"This is like a stupid soap opera." Said Steve.

"Hump" - "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy" – answered Mark

Mark could see the bulge between Steve's legs begin to swell and he was getting stiff just listening to him.

"Are you hungry? Mark"– he asked

"Sure – if you're talking about that pole between your legs." – Always, said Mark.

"I could use one of your `special' blow jobs. – Steve said. – "are you up to it buddy?"

"Fuckinsolutely, I'm up to it – How special do you want it" – asked Mark

"Ah, you'll figure it out" – replied Steve.

Steve unsnapped his shorts and worked to pull out his dick. It was tough trying to drive and fumble with his cock at the same time.

All Mark could do was to hold it and stroke it a little.

The damn steering wheel and the console made it impossible for Mark to get his head down there while Steve was driving. It was a beautiful SUV but not designed for moving blow jobs.

Mark ran his finger around the head of Steve's cock and collected some precum and piss flavor from the head of his dick.

He kept putting his finger into his mouth, licking it clean and then going back for more of Steve's precum and cock scent.

`Steve turned down a side road going through the country and pulled into a rest area which was encircled with woods, paths, bushes and trees.

The rest area was empty except for Steve's car which Steve parked in the shade.

"Am I being kidnapped?" – said Mark jokingly


"I hope you're hungry Mark." – Steve said as he locked the car and they went into the woods together.

Mark always got turned on when Steve would talk this way to him'

Steve knew that, so that's why he did it.

Today was certainly no different – In fact Mark seemed to need Steve more today than ever.

Steve was good looking, manly, gentle and rough – all rolled into one...

Mark loved Steve's body. He was mature and all man.

Steve liked having Mark on his knees, following his orders, and servicing him anyway he wanted. And strangely enough, Mark looked forward to doing it but only with Steve.

Mark would get rough to the point of being tough with anybody else who suggested he do that with them.

Once inside the bushes, Steve pushed Mark up against a tree and held him by the shoulders.

He said to him – "I want the Mark special – After last night I need the real thing."

"Taylor is the real thing and just your type" – Mark replied

"I thought so, but he is so into himself that it diminishes him a bit." – said Steve.


"Well the little fucker is so in love with the sound of his own voice and the look of his face in the mirror that he comes across as artificial." – answered Steve.

"I know – so does David. They belong together" – said Mark

"Maybe we belong together too" – continued Mark

"We are together" – answered Steve.

That's not the way Mark meant but he remained silent.

He would do anything Steve wanted. And he was willing to do it as long as both their families were protected from embarrassment. They were husbands and dads first and never once forgot it.

Mark's face traveled Steve's entire body licking and eating everywhere.

Today he may get fucked – or Steve may get fucked. Everything was their call to make.

They had become private man whores to please one another. From the very beginning they both understood that everything was strictly for sexual service...

"Take out my dick - Mark and get on your knees – smell my cock – and tell me what it smells like? – Lick around the head of my cock - Tell me what it tastes like" – he said to Mark.

"Well – fucker, I'm waiting" - and he grabbed Mark by the hair. He was gentle but firm.


`No? – Said Steve – why not?"

Mark squeezed the cheeks of Steve's ass and said – "That's why not – you are getting fucked today buddy"

"Can't I have both" – asked Steve.

At times, Steve could be almost child-like and his macho image would often fade into the background after being around Mark. Nobody ever saw this side of Steve but Mark knew it was there.

"Bud, you can have anything you want from me – including my lawn mower if you want it – Mark said laughingly.

Steve gently touched Mark's face and raised his arm over his head and told him to do his pits.

Steve loved having this done to him because he could find it no place except with Mark. It turned him on unbelievably having Mark's handsome face under his arm.

Mark didn't need any encouragement because he loved the hair under Steve's masculine arms and licked away any moisture resting in the soft folds of his skin.

"Look at me Mark – I want to see your eyes – now tell me how hungry you are for my cock juice – my baby milk – my warm sticky cream – my spunk –He said to Mark.

"Damn but you have a way of choosing the right words. I am so wanting of your `stuff' that I hurt inside waiting for my throat to be oiled with your juice" – Mark told Steve.

Mark sucked in Steve's cock and deep throated that beauty right to his balls. He had become pretty good at doing this and it didn't bother him like it once used to.

Steve moaned, groaned and kept saying – yes –yes –oh shit YES.

It didn't take long before Mark felt Steve's legs tighten and Steve continued fuckin Mark's throat like a horse in heat.

Mark started to gag a little but he held in there and let Steve do it to him.

Steve began getting carried away and quietly talked to him.

Take me– I'm cumin man - eat and gulp my sticky milk– drink – drink –my precious Mark.

Mark gulped and gulped as the spunk keep seeping from Steve's piss slit.

Steve put his hand under Mark's chin and caught some cum as it came running out from between his lips.

Steve collected the cum in his hand.

`Here Mark, get it all" - Steve said, and held his hand filled with cum to his lips.

Mark ate cum from Steve's hand and licked between his fingers until everything was gone and Steve's hand was clean – wet with Marks saliva but nevertheless clean.

Steve gave Mark a quick cheek kiss and said – "You are fuckin awesome Mark"

"If we weren't already married to Marge and Susan –I would be sleeping with you right now - although..."I like the mystery of it this way" – Steve said to him.

"Me too" – answered Mark. – "We do just fine."

"Did I cum a lot Mark?" – Steve asked him.

"A LOT? –Pure right you did – although it would have been more if you didn't dump it in Taylor's ass last night. – Mark replied.

"I didn't – he licked it off my chest"

"No shit – David did the same thing to me" – said Mark.

"Licked it off your chest? – Steve asked.

"You got it" – Mark replied.

"Jesus – they probably went to the same school for whores and took `hustling" 101" – laughed Steve.

"Wouldn't doubt it" – said Mark. "But you know – they live together and probably learn tricks from each other."

"You mean like us" – said Steve

"Probably" – replied Mark.

Mark started to rub Steve's back and pushed his crotch into Steve's ass.

"I know dude – You want to fuck me"– said Steve.

"That's the rumor of the day" - answered Mark

Steve moved over to where a large fallen tree was sticking up partially in the air and bent over the tree exposing his but to Mark. His shorts were still around his ankles from the blow job Mark had just given him.

Mark began kissing Steve's back, here – there and everywhere.

He rubbed and touched him all over. He wanted to touch him as badly as he wanted to fuck him.

Thoughts of David and his hot young body ran through his head as he looked at Steve. He liked Steve much better and he realized it now. Actually he always knew Steve came first above anyone else.

Mark kept kissing his back and squeezing him harder and harder. Mark was exactly where he wanted to be.

Mark tore open a sample packet of lube that he had put in his shirt pocket earlier and applied it to Steve's butt.

He ran his finger through Steve's crack and pushed his finger inside him. Steve felt warm and tight around his finger. Mark's cock was getting so hard by this time that it had no conscience and just wanted to get inside his buddy.

Mark eased his dick inside Steve and this stud of a man, backed onto Mark's cock and drew it into his body by clamping and pressuring his ass like a vacuum cleaner.

Neither of them moved and Mark just held on to Steve with both arms around his waist and his head lying on his bare back.

"I'm sorry about David" – Mark whispered to Steve from behind.

"Why? – what's to be sorry about" – answered Steve.

"I shouldn't have been at David's apartment. I should have stayed with you and Taylor in 224"

"Yes, you should have. I needed you more than I needed Taylor, except I was too rotten to see it" – answered Steve.

"You're kidding!!"

"I don't kid around when it comes to you Mark"

Mark began to fuck his buddy with renewed enthusiasm and worked his cock as deep as possible into his buddy.

"I am not going to fuck you wildly today Steve" – said Mark.

"I'm not screaming like a hustling fag with excitement when I shoot off into your body. I want to restrain myself and dump my load lovingly into you." – said Mark

"What's this `lovingly' stuff?" – asked Steve.

"Well, you have tamed the animal lust in me Steve and I just want to be near you and what happens will happen" – replied Mark.

"I like that" – said Steve.

Mark fucked his buddy this time having emotion for him more so than just untamed sex and the need to get off.

Eventually he dumped his load into Steve with no screaming or fan fair.

It felt good to both of them and a different wave tingled throughout their bodies. It was a pretty powerful moment, believe it or not.

They pulled their shorts and jeans back up and looking presentable eyed one another like two scared children.

Mark sat on the fallen tree where Steve had just been fucked.

Mark patted the tree bark and said to Steve – "nice tree – come sit!!"

Steve sat on the tree next to Mark and put his arm around him.

"Do you think two married guys can love each other" – asked Steve.

"I think people can love anyone they want to love – male or female doesn't matter when it comes to love." - said Mark

"However one has to be careful not to ruin the family that also loves them" – added Mark

"You love me – don't you Mark? –That's not a question. - It's an observation that I can see in your eyes. – said Steve.

"Sure, I love you" – Mark answered

"No – I mean really love me beyond our buddy friendship – asked Steve.

"Mark didn't know how to answer, so he said –

"Bet I can beat you in arm wrestling"

"Bet you can't – answered Steve

"You're on"

They sat on the ground and used the tree to hold their clasp hands locked tightly together.

They stared at each other and neither one moved or made an effort to wrestle.

"Oh screw it" – said Mark and pushed Steve over on top of pine needles and broken twigs that were lying on the ground.

He crawled on top of Steve and covered his chest with his body. He began kissing him feverishly. He kissed his mouth, forehead, ears, eyes and lips.

Steve held Marks face and kissed him wildly shoving his tongue inside mark's mouth, sucking his tongue and trying to devour him.

They kissed swapping spit passionately and for that moment cared nothing about the world. This was a long time coming and nothing could hold them back.

"God how I love you" - said Steve, you mean everything to me baby. So many times I wanted to tell you this way but was afraid you would flee.

I would be sick if I didn't have you in my life – said Steve.

"Mark pressed his mouth to Steve's lips and kept kissing and kissing him.

I love you. I want you Steve more than you can ever envision – said Mark. You occupy my waking moments and I ached to tell you that but I was afraid to do so.

"Hey - Did you just call me your `baby' – asked Mark flashing a beautiful smile.

"Oh shut up fool and keep kissing me – hold me and love me" – answered Steve.

So Mark and Steve lay on the ground holding each other with two burning hearts melting them together into a single soul. They developed a devotion for each other so deep that it never hit bottom.

They were in love. It was all too extraordinary this long road they took to find each other.

And as they grew older together they became closer and deeper in love. They were family. Indeed, they were more than just neighbors.

Room 224 was never used again with anyone else but them.

The End

Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you

Justin Balancier


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