Just Walk Away

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 5, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Just Walk Away 3

I realized I had dirt on me from digging the hole earlier and used that as an excuse to take a shower and whack off for the first time in days. I had to admit that whole thing with Arthur made me horny.

I slipped my boy's clothes back on, realizing they were all I had; I knew I needed to get some shopping done after school. I reported to my first class after the lunch period and the teacher introduced me to the class.

I found a seat and the guy sitting next to me said, "Hey Ryan."

I'm sure he thought I was being rude, but I wasn't used to being called that yet and just ignored him.

The bell rang and English was over. Now it was time to report to the Gym for PE. The campus was large and I wasn't really sure where to go, but I was saved by the kid next to me, who said, "I can show you, I'm heading there too."

I'm thinking to myself, he's a little too helpful and way too friendly, I need to keep my guard up. Uncle Johnny always said, "Anyone who wants to be your friend wants something more."

I followed him cautiously, and entered the gym behind him. The coach greeted us and asked me a few questions, I answered like any kid, not really paying attention to what I was saying, until I heard him repeat, "Oh so you're a track runner, good. See me after school and we'll see what you can do."

"What, I mean, I can't run, I mean I can run, but... I hurt my ankle," I kind of limped favoring my left foot.

"Ok. Well, show up anyway. You'll need to meet the team and Brad here is one of our best 100 meter runners, he can show you around," the coach said firmly.

I was stuck, not wanting to draw too much attention, I agreed and my new shadow showed me to the lockers making sure mine was right next to his. This was getting a little uncomfortable, but I figured I'd find a way to use this dork before too long.

As we walked out of gym to the last class of the day, good old Brad turned to me and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you get into shape and teach you some things to help you get on the track team."

I looked at him and remarked, "What makes you think I need any help from you to teach me anything?"

Brad smiled at me and said, "Because you started favoring your left foot and walked out favoring your right one. I don't know what's going on here, but I'm just trying to be a friend."

Busted, I need to be more careful, now that I have Bradley watching my every move.

Track practice went well and I favored the left foot the entire time. All the guys were cool and I almost forgot for a while who I really was. I was even getting used to being called Ryan now. Brad continued to be overly nice to me, which was really annoying, but I do have to admit, he was easy to look at.

We were about the same height and weight. His five foot eleven inch thin frame cut through the wind and I admired his speed. His light brown hair flew behind him and strong legs ended somewhere in his running shorts that showed a very nice little butt. I couldn't help but check him out. I felt bad about that, but that's just part of me, I'm used to it by now. After practice, Brad walked me out towards the parking lot and I asked him where I could catch the bus.

He answered right across the road, but offered to drop me off with his car. I rejected the offer and told him I needed to find the mall and do some shopping. Brad insisted, telling me Sunrise Mall was just a few miles away and he'd like to go there too. So off we went. The mall was older, but had all the right stores. We grabbed a drink, Brad paid. I guess I was getting used to his kindness. A lot of kids from our school were there just roaming around. Brad was guiding me towards some cool clothing store he was rambling on about. When I looked up, my blood ran cold. There in the center of the mall was Ivan. Ivan worked for Johnny and was easy to pick out due to his height; he was about 6' 7". It looked like he had a picture and he was showing it to a bunch of kids. I quickly jumped into the first store and hid behind the rack of clothes. It took Brad a minute to notice I wasn't with him before he came back looking for me.

He looked into the store and saw me. With a puzzled look on his face he asked, "What are you doing in here? I thought we were heading down the mall."

"Yeah, well I saw this stuff and wanted to check it out. Any problem with that?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well yeah, these are girls' clothes," he answered.

"Ok, well I don't like them anyway and to be honest, my budget is more in line with Wal-Mart. Can we go there instead?"

Brad smiled and said, "How about Target, their prices are good and they are right across the street?"

"Sure," I answered, "but is there another one a little further away? I don't like it around here."

Brad looked confused, but didn't question why I was acting so stupidly, we headed out of the mall and far away from Ivan.

As Brad drove, I wondered how they had known I had come to Sacramento. Then I realized that they'd figured out that I had taken the first bus that I could, and they just followed my tracks. Now that I knew they were on to me, I had to be extra careful. I'm glad Brad was being so nice, maybe he could really come in handy.

We shopped and he helped me pick out a few things that I could afford and we headed back to his house for a snack and took it to his room. He told me I should try everything on to make sure it fit. I figured he wanted to check me out and said, "No way, I'm not giving you a skin show."

He laughed and pulled off his shirt and jeans lying back on his bed in just his socks and boxers. I had to admit it, he was in really good shape and almost cute, so I figured what the heck, I'll give him a look as well.

I pulled off my boy's stuff, thankful to have something new to wear. Brad watched me and smiled as I stripped to my boxers. That's when he shocked me and asked, "Would you like my underwear?"

I blushed and said without thinking, "Yeah, I mean no, I mean what you are asking me?"

He laughed and reminded me that I didn't buy underwear at the store and said he had plenty. He got off the bed and walked to the dresser pulling open a drawer for me to pick from a nice selection of briefs and boxers. Then he shocked me again, saying, "I go both ways."

I looked at him in surprise and he corrected his statement now blushing, "I mean I wear both briefs and boxers." He rethought that and corrected again, "Not at the same time, of course. You're welcome to my underwear anytime," he said, blushing more. It was an uneasy moment, but we got through it and both just sat around talking in our boxers.

This was fine with me, Johnny never let me have friends my age, he said, "Kids see too much and like to talk about it." So I mostly hung around Johnny's gang and they taught me to play cards and smoke and all kind of cool things. It was kind of nice to have someone I could relate to. Brad asked a few questions, but when my answers became vague, he stopped asking.

Soon we heard a voice from down the hall, it was his Mom's and we both slipped on our jeans and went out to meet her. Mrs. Jackson seemed really nice and before I knew it, I was staying for dinner. Actually it was a good thing, because I had spent all my money for clothes and wasn't sure how I was going to eat.

After dinner, Brad and I cleared the table and I asked him to take me back to my place. Well, I just wanted him to let me out a block away, but he insisted on driving me all the way. That was a bad idea. Once he saw where I was staying, he told me he would take me back to his house and I could stay with him.

I said, no, I needed to get up to my room before my stepdad came home. Brad followed me up the stairs, I tried to get him to leave, but he almost pushed himself through the door. I closed it behind me and watched as Brad took in the shabby room with one double bed, one lamp, a small closet and a tiny dirty bathroom. He said, "Ryan you can't stay here, this place is a rat hole and it's filled with drug dealers and prostitutes."

I assured him I'd be fine once my stepfather got back. Brad went to the closet, opened the door and looked at the empty space. He turned to me and said, "Looks like Dad travels light."

Before I could feed him another lie, there was a knock on the door. Brad could see the fear in my eyes, I said, "Don't open it! They can't see me! Please, just don't open the door."

Another hard knock; they weren't going away, and then a voice, it was Burt's. "Open up! Open the door now!" he demanded.

Brad, said, "Quick, get in the bathroom and turn on the shower."

Even with the water running, I could hear Burt talking to Brad. "The manager told us there is a boy staying here that looks like this picture."

Brad, said, "Well I'm the only boy staying here and my father is in the shower so, sorry, you have the wrong room."

Burt came back saying, "But the manger said, this boy was staying in this room."

Brad was slick, he returned with, "Well the manger was drunk when my dad and I checked in, so I'm surprised he could identify anyone, but my father is an undercover policeman and he should be out of the shower in a few minutes. If you'd like to wait, maybe he can help you."

Burt quickly replied, "No, that's ok, I guess he was wrong." I heard the door close and I opened the bathroom door to see Brad sitting on the bed waiting for me.

He looked me in the eye and said, "Ryan, would you like to tell me what's going on here?"

I said, "No, not really, you better leave. I don't want you to get into any trouble because of me."

Brad laughed and said, "If you're staying here tonight, it won't be alone. I'm not leaving you."

Brad pulled out his phone and before I could talk him out of it, he had called his mom, telling her he was staying with me tonight and we'd be by in the morning for a quick change of clothes before going to school.

The television didn't work and there wasn't anything I wanted to talk about, so I pulled off my things down to my boxers and crawled into the only bed. Brad, didn't say a word, but did the same thing, crawling in on the other side.

In less than ten seconds, the edges gave in and we both rolled towards the middle. It was a ridiculous situation and we both just started laughing. That took the pressure off and I turned the light out.

I laid still in the darkness; the only light came in through the window, flashing the word `Gas' against the window pain. I felt the hand on my leg, the fingers sliding up inside my boxers. At first, I thought I was just dreaming of the last night I slept at Johnny's. I had felt someone crawl into my bed. My head was spinning, thanks to the drinks he kept telling me to try that night, but his hand moved up and took hold of my nuts. The same thing was happening now and I laid there silent and still, just as I had for Johnny.

I knew Uncle Johnny wanted me, but I just kept pretending it wasn't true. Uncle Johnny had been the only one to take care of me; he taught me everything I knew about life. I liked him. Hell, I loved him, but not like that. That was the night I knew I had to run, and as his hand ran across by young body, I planned my escape.

This time it was different. I felt the hand, so warm and gentle. The fingers rolled my balls inside their warm sack. The thumb flicked at my dick and it began to harden. Like cubs looking for warmth from their mother bear, the tips of his fingers pushed through my hair. His hand wrapped around me and I could feel him squeeze my dick. I laid there making sure to keep my breath in a regular pattern. He kept pushing and pulling and, just like that morning in that very room, I came and felt the warm sticky cream soak into my underwear, my boy's underwear. Now I had to wear a pair of Brad's underwear and I smiled to myself about that.

In the shadow of the night, I pulled away from his hand, not really wanting to leave his warmth, but I knew the best thing to do was to... just walk away.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 4

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