Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 7, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: This is the last part to Justin's Stag Party. This story is spinning off into Justin and Chris. Chapter 1, will be out real soon. Keep an eye out for it, if you want to continue to find out what happens between Justin, Chris and Britney.


Justin and Chris - Chapter 0

by JT Poole

Entering Justin's House, Britney heard some strange sounds coming from Justin's bedroom. Not expecting the sight in front of her, Britney screamed as Justin and Chris untangled themselves from each other and jumped out of bed.

"Britney, what are you doing here? How did you get in?" Justin asked.

"Stupid pig, you left the fucking door unlocked! What the hell are you two doing!?!" Britney asked in anger.

"Nothing honey, we were doing nothing. It's not what you think." Justin stated grabbing the blanket off the bed and covering himself.

"You are lying! You bastard! You two were doing something! Two grown men don't normally lay in bed nude together unless they are doing something GAY!!!! I don't believe this, I ought to call the tabloids or something. How could you do this to me, how could you do this right before our wedding day?" Britney screamed.

"I am sorry Brit, it's something that just happened. I didn't mean for this to happen. I don't know what to say baby. I like dick now." Justin stated looking down at the floor.

"You like dick now! Like that is supposed to make me feel better Justin! We are supposed to be getting married!" Britney screamed.

"I am sorry Brit, as I said, I didn't mean for this to happen. I promise you I didn't know this was going to happen." Justin stated.

"Did you ever love me? Did you ever fucking love me, or did you just use me to hide this from everybody?" Britney asked.

"No it's not like that at all, I have always loved you, I have loved you since we met on the Mickey Mouse Club, but recently, these new feelings have surfaced and I can't love you the same way anymore." Justin stated.

"Chris what do you have to do with this? Are you Justin's boyfriend or something? Are you the reason Justin has a new outlook on life?" Britney asked.

"Well, I don't know how to answer that question Britney. Justin is the one to answer that question." Chris stated.

"No you are the one that is here in bed with him, you are the one to answer the fucking question Chris! Tell me what you know about Justin's new life!" Britney stated.

"Britney, leave Chris out of this. This is between me and you. Chris has nothing to do with how I feel. I just can't love you like that anymore. I am sorry Britney, I was going to tell you, but you caught me first." Justin stated.

"Chris why are you the one, I thought you were my friend! How could you do this to me?" Britney asked.

"Look Britney this all just happened. I promise you, I didn't mean for this to happen either, but..." Chris trailed off as Britney slapped him, then slapped Justin.

"Please Britney, please don't overreact with this, it's all just a big mistake. Justin just needed to get this out of his system. He still loves you, it's just a phase he's going through." Chris stated.

"A phase, a phase. I don't think it was a phase. I don't know what you two were doing before I got here, but from the way it looks, Justin was having the time of his life. He never looked that way with me!" Britney screamed.

"What does it look like we were doing when you came in? We were fucking and I liked it Britney, it was better than any blowjob that you could ever give me." Justin stated causing Britney to walk over to him and slap him again.

"That's okay, I deserve that, but how many times am I gonna have to say I am sorry for this Britney? I like men now, I guess that's why we had problems when we tried having sex." Justin stated.

"You two never had sex?" Chris asked.

"No, lover boy here couldn't get it up to have sex with me! Now I know why! You have fucked up my life Justin! The wedding is off. Justin, I don't know how I am going to get over this, but you will pay for this. I hope you and Chris have a fun time together. I wish you the fucking best." Britney screamed as she turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Leaving the room crying, Britney slammed the front door as she left, passing JC and Joey as they arrived at the house. Stopping her to see what was wrong, the two men tried to ask her what was wrong but got no answers, except for Britney pointing back towards Justin's house. Pushing away from the two men, Britney continued walking, got into her car and drove away. Looking at each other, JC and Joey walk up to the door and enter the house.

"Justin! Justin! What's going on? Why did Britney just leave here crying!" Joey shouted into the house, not seeing any sign of Justin.

"Where can the brat be. Let me check the bedroom. Maybe he is in there. Maybe he can tell me what just happened between him and Britney." JC stated walking to Justin's bedroom.

"Does anybody know how to fucking knock anymore!" Justin shouted as JC stood there staring at him and Chris.

"What the hell are you two doing? What is going on here?" JC asked.

"What does it fucking look like is going on here?" Justin stated pulling on his pants and walking past JC out of the room.

"Chris, were you and Justin having sex and Britney came in and caught you two? Is that why she left here crying?" JC asked.

"Well no, she caught us in bed together, we had finished having sex, we were just laying here." Chris stated.

"What the fuck! What were you doing having sex with him anyway?" JC asked.

"Well it's not my fault JC, it's yours and the other guys. If you didn't decide to do all the stuff at the bachelor party, he wouldn't be sleeping with me and calling off the wedding." Chris stated as he finished putting on his clothes and walked out of the room.

"I don't believe what I just fucking heard! You are telling me it's my fault that Justin slept with you because of the bachelor party!?!" JC screamed.

"Yeah, if you guys didn't hire that stripper to do all that shit that she did to him the other night, none of this would be happening right now." Chris stated.

"If I remember correctly, my dick never touched Justin's ass, yours did Chris! You fucked Justin, no one made you do it, you jumped up and did it all yourself. You can't blame me or anyone else for that matter." JC stated.

"If she wasn't there, she wouldn't have been able to motion me to come over and take over for her fingering Justin's ass..." Chris stated as Justin cut him off.

"Well I don't care who's fault it is, I am glad it happened now. I have new feelings now, me and Britney are over. I liked the whole experience of what happened and I want it to happen more. That's why Chris was here." Justin stated.

"Chris, why did you do this? I thought you were straight? I thought the other night was just us fooling around together, but for you to do it again, you must be gay or something." Joey stated.

"I am gay! I have been gay since I joined this group." Chris stated.

"You have, what about Danielle? Isn't she your girlfriend?" JC asked.

"No Danielle isn't my real girlfriend. She's just a friend. When ever I need to make a public appearance for something she comes with me. She's just a cover. If the world knew I was gay, that could mess up my and your careers." Chris stated.

"Oh my god, you are a fucking fruit. Now we have two." Joey stated, "Just wait until Lance finds out, he's going to have a cow or something."

"Who cares what Lance thinks. I have just discovered what I like and I am going to enjoy myself, I am finally free to have fun the way I want to." Justin stated.

"I hope you are not planning to come out or something?" JC asked.

"No I am not planning on coming out. I am going to stay in the closet, but as long as you guys know, I am not going to hide the way I feel." Justin stated.

"Neither am I. I don't feel me and Justin should have to hide the way we feel about this at all. If Lance doesn't like it, oh who gives a fuck, it's not his life." Chris stated.

"I am okay with it, as long as you don't expect me to sleep with any of you. I still like girls and it's going to stay that way." Joey stated.

"You guys are both of my friends, I am okay with it, but like Joey said, don't expect me to sleep with you either, I still like girls too." JC stated giving both of them hugs.

"Well since that is over, what are you going to do about Britney? I know she's cancelling all the arrangements for the wedding right now, I just hope she hasn't told anyone the reason why she is cancelling the wedding." Justin stated as he got up and started pacing the room.

"I guess we better call Johnny and tell him what's going on, before the press and media get ahold of this." JC stated.

"I guess we better tell him. So we can set up a press conference to clear up anything that may arise." Justin stated.

"Great, well we will leave you two alone. Call me later if you guys need anything." JC stated as he got up to leave.

"I will Josh, thanks man" Justin stated.

"I am leaving too, I have to go check on some things and break the news to Lance and my family about what's going on. I won't tell them the real reason, I will just make up something. You guys can tell them when you want to." Joey stated as he got up and left too.

"Okay Chris it's just me and you now. What are we going to do?" Justin asked.

"What do you want to do Justin? You have set a lot of stuff into motion, the guys will probably think that we are dating or something, since we were found sleeping together." Chris stated.

"Well that would be something to try. I already like you, and I already know what you are like in bed. I don't mind dating you, I think it would be nice to date you. We could fall in love or something." Justin stated.

"Look Justin I am being for real here. I don't want to be just your fuck buddy or something. I want something real, I want someone to love. I don't want to be the person you come to when you feel like having sex, I want love and romance. If you can't provide that, then we need not be around each other in that capacity." Chris stated.

"Chris, I already like you. I am being for real too. I just got started with this gay stuff. I don't know about all the stuff gay men do, I don't know how to be romantic and loving." Justin stated.

"If you were romantic and loving with Britney you could do it with me, if you can see yourself loving me. Just treat me the way you would treat any person that you were in love with. It works the same way with men too." Chris stated.

"Chris we would have to build on the loving part, but I can do everything else. Just teach me." Justin stated as he walked over to Chris and sat down beside him.

"Justin I hope we can build a life of love together, just don't hurt me, I have been hurt before and I don't want to be hurt by you. I feel that we could be happy together." Chris stated as Justin leaned over and kissed him.

"I hope we can, I hope this can be the start." Justin stated.


Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 2

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