Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Jun 21, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@nctv.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Justin and Chris -- Chapter 19 by JT Poole

// Memphis, TN -- Justin and Chris' Hotel Room //

"Justin! Justin where are you going?" Chris called out. "What did I do?"

"You did nothing wrong baby, I don't know why I did that." Justin answered, sitting down on the sofa in the main room of the hotel.

"I'm sorry Justin. I wasn't trying to..." Chris spoke as Justin cut him off.

"No I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Justin spoke.

"If you're not ready, I totally understand." Chris spoke, hugging Justin.

"Not ready? I am totally ready, I just wasn't expecting it right now with all that's going on." Justin spoke.

"So you will marry me?" Chris asked, this time dropping down to one knee, digging the ring out of his pocket, holding Justin's hand.

"Of course I will marry you Christopher." Justin expressed his happiness, hugging Chris, knocking the man backwards on the floor as the two of them kissed passionately.

"I am so happy you said yes. When you walked out the first time, my life felt empty." Chris stated, tears slowly falling from his eyes.

"I will never leave you Christopher, I love you way too much. You are not going to get rid of me ever." Justin spoke, pulling his shirt over his head and then pulling Chris' shirt off of his body too. "Why don't we celebrate right here."

"Sure baby, why not." Chris stated, allowing Justin to take control of things.

// Baptist College of Health Sciences (Hospital) -- Wes' Room //

"Okay mista, I have made arrangements for you to be transferred out of this place. After talking with Shawn, Justin, Chris and Joey, yes Joey. I think it's time to get you into a better place." John spoke.

"Where are you moving me to?" Wes asked.

"Baptist Medical Center." John answered. "I have already talked to some doctors and I know a few of the staff members there."

"Well if you are moving me, you might need to check in on moving Lance and Randy." Wes stated. "They probably go through some of the same stuff that Shawn goes through with the nurses around here."

"Lance and Randy?" John asked. "Are they gay?"

"Yes they are gay and somewhat in a relationship." Shawn stated.

"Hmmm, okay I will check into that. I might have to check to see if Baptist has room for the two of them or not. I will have to get a copy of their charts to display to the doctors over there and see if there is someone available on staff that is able to handle their conditions." John spoke.

"Well I am quite sure they would like to be out of this place too." Wes stated

"Well I am quite sure they want to as well, but I know you want to get out of here because you don't like hospitals." John spoke, laughing at Wes' expression.

"Well I don't like hospitals. I have plenty of reasons not to like them." Wes stated, hugging Shawn.

"It's okay baby, that's all in the past." Shawn stated, hugging Wes.

"That's right Wes it's all in the past. He's not here, he and no one else can hurt you like that ever again." John spoke, walking over to the bed and hugging Wes too.

"What about you. He hurt you too. He hurt all of us in that house!" Wes exclaimed, shaking.

"Calm down Wes, it's okay. We are not going to let anything happen to you. Please, don't drudge those memories back up. I don't think we can deal with them right now." John spoke.

"Is everything okay in here?" The nurse asked, walking into the room.

"Yes everything is fine." John spoke, standing back up again.

"Are you sure? I heard loud voices in here." The nurse spoke.

"I said everything was fine." John spoke, getting ill with the nurse.

"Okay sirs, if anyone needs any assistance, just press the call button on the side of the bed." The nurse spoke, turning and walking out of the room.

"John I need you to get me out of here soon. I can't stay here any longer." Wes stated, acting as though he was hyperventilating.

"I will do everything I can to see that you get moved from this place early in the morning." John spoke. "But right now you need to calm down and try not to draw attention to yourself."

"I can't do that, I need to get out of this place. I need to just be some place secluded." Wes stated.

"Shawn please, do what you can to calm him down." John spoke. "It's almost six, I have something else to do. You two take it easy and don't cause any trouble for anyone here your last night."

"We won't. You have a good time with Joey." Shawn spoke, winking at John.

"How did you know?" John asked.

"I overheard Joey talking on the phone to JC about it and then he told Lance about it as well." Shawn explained. "So go out and have some fun for


"Okay I will try to have fun, but I don't know yet. I don't think Joey is really sure of what he wants." John spoke.

"Just give him a shot John. Have fun and give it time. He isn't my brother." Shawn spoke, making John remember the relationship he had with Aaron, Shawn's brother. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No you should have, you have a point." John spoke. "I will try to have fun. Good night you two."

"Night John." Shawn and Wes both said as John walked out of the room.

// Lance's Hospital Room -- 30 Minutes Previously //

"We talked, we finally talked." Joey stated.

"Good, so what did he say?" Lance asked.

"He said that we would have dinner and watch a movie at his place." Joey spoke, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"You are going to his place?" Lance asked. "Sounds like that's moving a little too fast, don't you think?"

"How so?" Joey asked.

"Most people normally meet some place neutral of the other so that there are other people around just in case the date doesn't go well." Lance spoke.

"Well I don't think we need other people around. I don't think the date will go bad, I think it will go wonderful." Joey spoke.

"I hope it does Joey, I don't want you to have a bad experience." Lance spoke.

"If anything, I will have a great time, I just know it." Joey spoke, looking down at his watch. "It's almost that time. I have to go. I will tell you about how it went later on."

"Have fun Joey." Lance spoke as Joey walked out of the room.

// Down in the Lobby //

"Hello there." Joey spoke, walking up behind John.

"Hi there Joey. Are you ready to go?" John asked.

"Yes, ready as I will ever be." Joey stated, staring at John like he wanted to say something else.

"Alright, let's head out. Do you want to follow me or would you rather rode with me and I bring you back to your car later?" John asked.

"Whatever is convenient for you is okay for me." Joey answered, opening the door as John walked out.

"Well whatever you are comfortable with." John spoke.

"Well we can save time if I went ahead with you." Joey spoke. "Where are you staying?"

"I have a room at The Radisson." John answered.

"That's where we are." Joey spoke. "I will drive our car back and met you at your room."

"Sounds good. I am in room 248. See you in a few minutes." John spoke, walking towards his rental car.

// In JT's Hotel Room //

"Hi there. Glad you could make it." John spoke as he opened the door to let Joey in, which he was wearing a completely different set of clothes. "I see you changed clothes."

"Yeah I did. Since we are in the same hotel, I decided to put something on that was more comfortable to lounge around in." Joey spoke, blushing a little bit.

"Okay, well why don't you have a seat, I think I will go put something on to lounge around in too." John spoke, walking out of the room as Joey did a personal `Yes' to himself.

"So are we ordering in or using room service?" Joey spoke out.

"I was thinking of using room service, but if you have a taste for something outside of the hotel, I am game for that." John stated, walking back into the main room wearing a pair of lounge shorts and a somewhat see-through mesh shirt.

"I...damn." Joey said as he turned around to see John standing there. "Sorry."

"What?" John asked. "You don't like what I'm wearing?"

"No no, it isn't that, I love it. You look totally hot in that." Joey spoke, blushing again.

"Okay, why don't we decide what we want to eat, then we can pick out a movie." John spoke, walking over to the sofa and sitting down, as Joey sat beside him.

"I don't mind what we eat as long as I am here with you." Joey spoke, placing his hand on John's leg.

"Joey answer me this. Do you know what it is that you want?" John asked, looking at Joey in the eyes. "I mean, do you know if you are gay or not?"

"I don't know if I am gay or not, but I have strong feelings for you." Joey answered.

"How can you have strong feelings for me, you don't know me." John stated.

"No I don't know you, but I want to know you. Is that a problem?" Joey asked.

"No it isn't a problem, I am just not ready to put my heart on the line and then have to deal with drama and rejection." John spoke, looking away from Joey.

"I don't think I will reject you." Joey spoke.

"Not now, but what about the future, what about your career. You are in the public eye Joey, can you have a relationship like this and not have problems with it?" John asked.

"What do you mean?" Joey asked.

"Joey do you really think you can have a gay relationship with someone?" John asked.

"I don't know that yet, that's why I am here with you, to see if we can have a relationship." Joey answered.

"That's not what I mean Joey." John spoke.

"Then tell me what you mean." Joey stated, turning to look at John. "Tell me what it is that you are thinking right now."

"I...I...nevermind." John spoke, getting off the sofa and walking to the window.

"Come on, don't tell me nevermind. Tell me what's bothering you. You asked me could I have a gay relationship with someone, I am trying with you. The vibes are really strong, I know they are. There's a connection I feel with you and I want to build on that." Joey explained. "So if you are asking me can I be in a relationship with a gay man, a gay man like you, then the answer is yes."

"Joey..." John spoke as Joey cut him off.

"No, I can and I will if you will let me." Joey spoke, lifting John's chin up and placing a kiss on his lips.


Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@nctv.com mailto:jtpoole9@nctv.com Website: http://home.nctv.com/jtpoole9/hosted.htm Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: swainsboroguy2@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 22

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