Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Oct 29, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.


Justin and Chris

Chapter -- 22 by JT Poole

// Wednesday Morning -- Memphis, TN -- The Raddisson Hotel -- John's Room //

"Good morning there John. How did you sleep?" Joey asks, caressing John's cheek as John sits up in the bed.

"In one aspect my sleep was terrible." John says as Joey frowns. "In another aspect, you were here and it was somewhat bearable."

"Did you have a nightmare John?" Joey asks.

"Something like that." John answers him, turning away from Joey. "You might as well distance yourself from me. This is how it is with me."

"If I tell you one more time..." Joey starts, as John leans over and kisses him.

"I know I know. You don't care about any of that, you just want to be with me." John replies, covering Joey's mouth before he could make his speech again.

"That's right. Do we have to go through this every moment of our time together?" Joey asks. "It's starting to sound like you are a broken record."

"I am not a broken record Joey. I just want you to know what it is that you are getting involved in before it's too late." John says, looking away.

"It's already too late John. I'm in love with you. I'm stuck now." Joey says, kissing John as he starts to get up. "You have to get to the hospital. While you were asleep Shawn called and said that Wes was freaking out again."

"What? Why didn't you wake me up?" John asks.

"I tried baby, but you wouldn't." Joey says, reaching over and grabbing John's cell phone. "Here baby. He says for you to call him as soon as you woke up."

"I am not going to call him. I'm going to shower so I can get him, Lance and Randy moved over to the other hospital." John states hopping out of bed and walking towards the bathroom.

"Damn wish I could go in there with him." Joey says to himself as John peeks out the bathroom door.

"Joey could you do me a quick favor?" John asks, leaning half out of the bathroom.

"Sure baby, what do you need?" Joey asks, walking over to the bathroom door.

"You." John says, pulling Joey into the bathroom and placing a kiss to his lips.

"John what are you doing?" Joey asks, pulling away from John.

"I thought you wanted to see the goods." John replies, turning away from Joey with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"I do want to see the goods. This all came as a surprise to me." Joey says, hugging John. "Last night you were chastising me for wanting to see now you are showing me."

"Well last night we were not officially committed to each other." John says, grabbing the towel from the rack, covering himself. "Today is our first day together as a...a couple and I...well...I...I wanted to show you that I was giving this...us...a chance."

"I'm glad you are giving us a chance John. It's about time." Joey says, kissing John, this time, making the kiss last longer than their other kisses, causing the both of them to come up for air panting."

"Oh God that was wonderful." John says, still breathing heavy. "I am starting to like this very much."

"I am too." Joey says, leaning in and kissing John again.

"Wow is that a pickle in your pocket or are you trying to tell me you are horny?" John asks, looking down to see the tent in the shorts that Joey was wearing.

"Yes I am horny and horny for you." Joey answers him, as he starts to undress. "Why don't we take a shower together so we can get ready to go to the hospital."

"Sounds like a good idea to me." John says, kissing Joey again, pulling away from him long enough to start the shower. "Come on baby."

"Pretty soon I hope." Joey says smirking at John as he steps into the shower with John.

"Maybe you will be." John says, reaching down, stroking Joey's manhood, causing him to moan.

"Oh I love that, do it again." Joey says. "I love it when you put your hands on me."

"I see." John says as he wraps his arms around Joey's waist as the water cascades down on them.

// 1 Hour Later -- Baptist College of Health Science (Hospital) -- Randy's Room //

"Good morning Randy." John says, walking into Randy's room with Joey following him.

"Good morning. Who are you again?" Randy asks.

"John Poole, lawyer for Shawn and Wes Danson." John replies, sitting down next to Randy's bed.

"What are you doing here?" Randy asks.

"Well I am here to get your authorization to move you to Baptist Medical Center along with Wes and Lance." John replies.

"Yes I want to go with Lance." Randy says hurriedly.

"Well that's all I need." John says, walking towards the door. "Someone will be down shortly to prep you for transfer to your new home."

"Th...thank you." Randy says, as his hand moves up.

"He moved his hand." Joey whispers into John's ear. "I thought he was paralyzed."

"He is from the waist down Joey." John says, pulling Joey out of Randy's room. "Come on, I need to get all of this stuff finalized."

"Okay baby." Joey says, kissing John on the cheek.

"Joey we are in public." John says, waving his finger at Joey.

"So what baby, no one is around." Joey says, kissing John again. "I'm going to see Lance, make sure he has all his stuff ready to go."

"Okay Joey, I will be down in the administration office speaking with Donald Hoswer." John says, walking away from Joey towards the elevator.

// Lance's Room //

"Morning Scoop. What's up with you?" Joey asks, walking into Lance's room.

"Where the hell have you been?" Lance asks, as Joey sits down next to the bed. "I have been calling you all fucking night!"

"Calm down Scoop. Don't get your panties in a bunch." Joey replies, trying to calm the man down.

"I'm not going to calm down Joe. I thought you were hurt or worse." Lance states, rubbing his head as Joey grabs his hand.

"I'm okay Scoop, really I am. I'm the happiest person on the planet right now." Joey says.

"Why is that?" Lance asks.

"John is going to be my boyfriend." Joey says, smiling widely.

"Oh yeah? What about Kelly? What about your daughter Joe?" Lance asks.

"What do you mean `What about Kelly'?" Joey asks, turning the chair around to see Lance.

"As in she's your girlfriend and you have a daughter by her." Lance states, folding his arms across his chest.

"I have a daughter with her, but me and her are not married, nor are we committed to each other like me and John are now." Joey says.

"I don't fucking believe this!" Lance shouts. "When Justin and Chris came out to us, I remember overhearing you say you still like the girls."

"At the time I did still like the girls. You know I'm a freak Scoop and all it took was the right person to come along and I believe John is that right person." Joey explains.

"So what are you going to tell Kelly? Hell, what are you going to tell Phyllis?" Lance asks.

"Well she knows we are not together and she knows the reasons for that. She already knew she didn't satisfy me..." Joey explains as Lance cuts in.

"She satisfied you enough for you two to produce a child together." Lance states, getting agitated now.

"No that was a horny moment where I wasn't thinking with the right head." Joey says.

"What!" Lance screams, slapping Joey, sitting back in bed realizing what he had done. "I'm sorry Joe."

"Scoop this is the second time you have put your hands in my face. I'm getting ready to look past you being in the hospital and kick your ass. Don 't do it again Scoop or you won't like me." Joey responds, standing up now.

"I'm sorry Joe. I didn't mean to do it. It just happened." Lance replies.

"Nothing just happens with you. You slapped me for a fucking reason. I'm tired Scoop. I am not going to let you ruin my day." Joey says, walking towards the door. "By the way, John is downstairs preparing to transfer you and Randy over to the other hospital. If it was up to me right now, I would have him leave your ass here so you can get some more bad fucking


"Joe I'm sorry. Please..." Lance says as Joey walks out of the room before he could finish talking.

// Down in the Administration Office //

"Well I don't care what you say or do. Those men will be moved and they will be moved today or else." John says, pulling out his cell phone.

"All I want is an explanation why they are being moved from this facility." Donald Howser says, standing up now.

"I told you why they are being moved. If you didn't have stuck up, prejudice doctors and nurses here at this facility the guys would be okay here, but your staff has made it clear about your hospital policies. So I arranged for the guys to go somewhere better and more convenient for them."

"I don't see what the big problem is Mr. Poole." Donald Howser speaks, picking up a clipboard.

"Okay lets start from the beginning then since you can't see what the problem is. The other morning when Shawn Ashmore-Danson came in to check on his husband, your nurses refused to give him any information telling him that his marriage was not acknowledged and that his husband's wishes would not be upheld." John explains.

"All of our staff is not like that and that isn't hospital policy." Donald Howser says.

"Well apparently it is since none of the nurses would give him any information about his husband nor did they give me any information and I'm his adopted brother. No information was released to us until after I had gone to court and filed an injunction against this hospital forcing you to give out the information. So tell me something new Mr. Howser. I want the three men prepped and ready to leave here within the hour or you will be getting something bigger from the court and it won't be a small injunction." John says, opening his cell phone and dialing a number.

"Okay I will make sure they are ready." Donald Howser states, walking towards the door, directing John out. "I will see to it personally that they are ready for transport."

"Thank you sir." John says, walking out of the man's office towards the elevators.

// Down in the Hospital Lobby //

"Hi Joe. How did things go last night? You didn't come back to our room." JC states, meeting Joey in the lobby. "Are you okay?"

"No I am not okay. I was just slapped by Scoop again." Joey replies, sitting down in a nearby chair.

"He slapped you? Why?" JC asks.

"He asked me where I was last night and I told him about me and John becoming boyfriends and he asked me about Kelly and Bri and I told him that I didn't love Kelly. He got mad and slapped me when I said that it was an accident when Bri was conceived." Joey explains.

"Oh...okay. So you have moved on to boyfriends. Is that something you want?" JC asks, looking at Joey intently.

"Yeah and I was trying to tell him that, but he's insistent on me being with Kelly and Bri." Joey says, holding his head in his hands.

"Well I don't see that happening if you like dick and John." JC states, patting Joey on the back. "You can be a father, but I don't see you marrying Kelly or any other woman for that matter."

"If I get married, I want it to be to John." Joey says. "I know we haven't known each other long, but I am already in love with him."

"In love with him? Have you two slept together?" JC asks, looking around and then back at Joey.

"We slept in the same bed, but we haven't had sex yet." Joey replies. "It was cool though, this morning before coming here, we fooled around in the shower, nothing serious though."

"TMI Joe." JC states, laughing. "So did you enjoy it?"

"Fuck yeah I enjoyed it. That's what I have been missing. Now I know what it was that I didn't always get off with the ladies, I needed a man." Joey answers him, smiling as Justin and Chris walk over to them.

"What's going on over here?" Chris asks, sitting down next to JC as Justin sits down next to Joey.

"We are talking about Joe's boyfriend." JC states.

"You mean girlfriend right?" Justin asks, looking at JC strangely.

"No I mean his boyfriend." JC replies as Chris and Justin look at Joey with a strange look.

"Stop playing you two. You know Joey doesn't have a boyfriend. He might have a girlfriend, but not a boyfriend." Chris states.

"I do have a boyfriend and there he is right there." Joey replies, standing up when John walks over to them.

"Wes' brother is your boyfriend?" Justin asks, falling back into Chris' arms, fainting.

"Justin? Justin are you okay?" Chris asks, shaking Justin's face gently. "Damn he's out cold."

"Is everything okay over here?" John asks, as Joey hugs him.

"This must be some sick joke. He is not your boyfriend. If you wanted to play a practical joke on us, you could have done something else Joe." Chris states as Justin opens his eyes and sits up in the chair.

"This is no practical joke guys." Joey says, looking around and then kissing John passionately.

"Oh my fucking God." Justin says, looking at the display of John and Joey kissing.

"John is really my boyfriend." Joey says as he and John separate.

"I don't believe this. What about what you said, you still liked girls." Chris states.

"At that time I did like girls, but I like John better." Joey replies, sitting back down as John sat across from him and Justin.

"Wow oh wow. This is getting outrageous." Justin says.

"What is getting outrageous?" John asks, looking between Joey and Justin.

"All of us are gay, well except Josh here." Justin says, pointing at JC.

"And I'm staying straight. You guys can be gay, not me. I still like the girls." JC states as Chris, Justin and Joey starts laughing.

"That's what he said and now look what he's doing." Justin states, getting up and patting JC on the back. "Welcome to the group Joey."

"Thank you I guess." Joey says, looking at Justin strangely.

"And you, since I already know you as Shawn's friend and Wes' brother. Welcome to our little family. Any friend of Joey's is a friend of mine. All I ask is you don't hurt him." Justin says, sitting down in next to Joey again. "Don't make me hunt you down and beat you up for hurting the `FAT-ONE' here."

"Hey now." Joey says, smacking Justin in the back of the head playfully.

"Joey behave." John says, shaking his finger at Joey as Chris, Justin and JC start laughing.

"He has someone that's going to keep him in line. About time." Justin says, still laughing.

"Mr. Poole everything is ready. Lance Bass, Randy Harrison and Wes Danson are ready to be transported." Donald Howser states, walking up to John, handing him some papers as he signs them and hands them back.

"Thank you. I can't say it's been wonderful." John says, getting up and walking towards the elevators again. "Come on guys we are ready to leave now."


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Next: Chapter 25

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