Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Feb 3, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

Justin and Chris I'll Be Your Shelter Chapter 1 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL - Sunscape Apartments (John's Apartment) - Friday Night //

"John! John are you okay in there?" Wes asks as he and Shawn hop up off the sofa with Chris following.

"Oh God, please let him be alright. I don't know what I will do if something's happened to him again." Wes says as he and Shawn pushes the door open to see John laying on the floor and a pool of blood collecting under his head.

"Oh God!" Shawn yells, rushing over to where John was. "Baby we need to call an ambulance. It looks like he hit his head."

"What's the address here?" Chris asks, speaking into the phone.

"The address here is XXXX Darlington Lane." Shawn says, looking at John closely. "Baby I don't think the blood is coming from his head, it's coming from his side. He stabbed himself in the side with the glass."

"Oh no!" Wes shouts as Chris pulls out his cell phone and dials the number to his lover's phone.

"Hey baby. I think you and Joe need to get back here to John's place right now. There's been an accident." Chris says, speaking to Justin.

"What happened Chris?" Justin asks.

"John hurt himself. I've called for an ambulance. I think Joe needs to be here for this." Chris says, looking at the display in front of him.

"What? Why?" Justin asks.

"Frankly, I don't think Joey needs to be with someone like John. He's a danger to himself and to Joe." Chris conveys his feelings.

"That's for Joe to decide, not you. I will tell him what's happening, but I am not going to tell him he has to go to see that." Justin says, anger apparent in his voice. "We will touch on this again later Christopher."

"Damn it, I've gone and made him mad." Chris says to himself as Justin hangs up on him. "I guess I will be sleeping alone tonight."

"He's coming around." Shawn says, accepting a washcloth from Wes and cleaning up John a little bit. "John can you hear me?"

"Come on buddy talk to us." Wes says as the doorbell rings. "I guess that's the paramedics."

// 3 Hour Later - Florida Hospital - John's ICU Room //

"Hey buddy. How are you feeling?" Shawn asks, holding John's hand. "You gave us a scare there."

"You sure did bro. You scared the living daylights out of me." Wes says, kissing John on his forehead.

"Where am I?" John asks, looking around the room, trying to sit up but couldn't. "What's going on? Why can't I get up?"

"Sorry bro, the docs strapped you down for your own good." Wes states, not looking at John. "When the paramedics brought you in, you attacked one of the doctors along with a nurse. So they thought it was best to keep you strapped down for safety."

"Release me damnit!" John shouts, scaring Shawn. "I don't want to be in the hospital. Just let me go home damnit!"

"You can't go home J, not until you heal up." Shawn says, holding his hand again. "Once you are healed up, then you can go home."

"I want to go home right now! You can't hold me here for long!" John yells while thrashing around trying to get free.

"No John, stop." Wes says, standing up now. "You are going to hurt yourself."

"I don't care! I don't want to stay here any longer, I want to go home!" John shouts as the doctor comes in and gives him a shot to calm him down.

"Hello doctor." Wes says.

"Hello Mr. Danson. I see he's still a little hyperactive." The doctor says.

"Yes he is. What was that you gave him?" Wes asks, looking at the doctor strangely and then John to see that he had stopped thrashing about and had closed his eyes.

"A very light sedative. He needs to sleep and let his medication get into his bloodstream properly. As long as he's awake and active, that won't happen." The doctor states, picking up John's chart and writing some things down. "He will sleep for the next few hours. I suggest that you guys go home and get some rest yourselves. You've all had a long night I believe."

"Yes we have." Shawn agrees, standing up. "I guess this is good night.""

"Goodnight gentlemen. I will see you all tomorrow." The doctor says, putting John's chart back in it's spot and wlaking out of the room.

"Goodnight bro." Wes says, kissing John again as he and Shawn walk out of the room.

// Down in the Waiting Room //

"What are we going to do about him Wes?" Shawn asks, looking at Wes with tears in his eyes. "He's not getting better, he's getting worse."

"Don't say that Shawn. He's just having a bad spot right now. Things will turn around." Wes states, getting up and hobbling over to the windows.

"So are you going to call Karen and tell her what's going on with him?" Shawn asks, getting up and walking over to where Wes stood. "You promised her that you would tell her if something happened to him again."

"This isn't as major as the last time. I am not calling mom and getting her upset. He didn't damage any major organs or anything. It's only twenty stitches." Wes states, turning around.

"Only twenty stitches? Wes he hurt himself again. He was trying to kill himself again." Shawn says, turning Wes to face him. "What happens the next time when we are not around again. We are lucky we were there this time."

"I know we were baby but..." Wes states as Shawn interrupts him.

"But nothing Wes. He needs...needs help that we can't give him. He's not dealing with this stuff. He's going to let this stuff kill him." Shawn says, sitting back down as his tears start to flow.

"I know Shawn, I know. What am I supposed to do? He stopped going to his therapist because he felt he didn't need to. I can't make him go." Wes says as the door closes and Joey, Chris and Justin walk over and sit down close to the two men.

"He'll do it for me." Joey says, looking at Wes. "I love him...I love him very much. If he has any love for me, he'll go for me."

"Joe man you don't need to be in this predicament. John is dangerous. He might hurt you like he hurt himself." Chris says as Justin glares at him.

"Christopher!" Justin exclaims, smacking Chris on the arm. "Hush up."

"Chris I love him. I know what I am doing. I know what I want." Joey says, looking at Chris with anger in his eyes. "Where is John? I need to see him."

"He's at the end of the hall." Wes replies, looking at the expression on Shawn and Chris' face.

"Thank you. I'm going to be with him. I will see you whenever." Joey says, getting up and leaving the room.


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Next: Chapter 30: Ill Be Your Shelter 2

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