Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 19, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@pineland.net". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

======================== Justin and Chris - Chapter 2 by JT Poole

The morning started off okay, as the guys of 'N Sync met for breakfast at Justin's place. After the guys had finished their breakfast, they decided to go ahead and get the problem at hand out of the way, Justin and Britney's Press Conference, something none of them wanted to do. Arriving out front at Jive, Justin spotted Britney and her manager. Not wanting to get into another argument with her, he said good morning and kept on walking. As all of the guys walked into the room where the press conference was to be held, there were a lot of people from the press waiting for the event to begin.

// Jive Music - Justin and Britney's Press Conference //

"Good morning everyone, we are glad that everyone could make it here this morning." Johnny spoke, looking at everyone in the room. "Today, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears are here to make a special announcement. When they are done with the announcement, they will answer a couple of questions, then the conference will be over."

Johnny stepped down from the podium and waited for Justin and Britney to come over to the podium. As Britney and Justin approached the podium, camera flashes went off all around the room.. Wanting to get the whole thing over with, Justin started to speak.

"Good morning everyone. I am Justin Timberlake, as I am sure you all know that, I am here to tell the world something today. Me and Britney will not be getting married." Justin stated as people around the room started raising their hands to ask questions. "As of yesterday, myself and Britney decided that it would be best if we didn't get married due to us not being ready to take that step as of yet."

"Even though me and Justin are not getting married, we will still remain the best of friends." Britney stated as she gave Justin a hug, causing more camera flashes to go off.

At that moment, more hands in the room started going up for recognition. Johnny got up from his seat and walked back over to the Podium to start the next section of the Press Conference. Johnny whispered to Justin and Britney to let them know that they could start answering questions.

"Yes, you there from ABC." Justin stated, pointing to a young man with a pad and a pencil in his hand.

"What is the real reason you two are not getting married? For the last couple of months, you both have acted as though you were ready to be married, why are you not ready now?" The young man asked.

"Well after looking at the way are schedules are and some of the petty problems we argue about, we both came to the conclusion that being married wouldn't do the either of us any good." Justin stated.

"Is that true Britney?" The young man asked.

"Yes it is. I still love Justin, but we argue too much about things that we shouldn't be arguing about. Why get married if you are not going to do anything but argue." Britney stated.

"Yes, you there in the blue jacket." Britney pointed to a man that stood up to ask his question.

"Are you two going to remain a couple or is it quitsville for the two of you?" the guy asked.

"No we are no longer a couple, we have decided to just remain friends. It would be better that way." Justin stated.

"So you guys won't be getting married in the future then?" The young man asked.

"No we will not be getting married in the future, unless there is a miracle." Britney stated, as Johnny walked back up to the podium.

"Okay everyone, we thank all of you for coming out this morning. The Press Conference is over. Our office will submit a statement to each one of you here, just leave your name and the media organization you represent with the receptionist and you will receive the outline of this meeting.

// 2 Hours Later - Justin's House //

"Come on Lance, this can't be all that bad. That is between them, why are you so upset?" Joey asked.

"Because it's wrong! It goes against everything God stands for!" Lance screamed.

"Look Lance, I am not in your damn bed! There isn't anything you should be worried about! I can understand if I was going around all of you flirting with you and trying to touch you and all, but it's not like that. What Chris and me do is our business. You can either support us or I can leave the band!" Justin stated, as all the guys turned and looked at him strangely.

"You still are thinking about leaving the band over this?" JC asked.

"If Lance is so uptight about the two of us being gay, then yes I am still thinking about that!" Justin screamed. "I don't know what the problem is now, he didn't have a damn problem with me when he thought I was getting married to Britney and he didn't have a problem with Chris when he thought that Dani was his girlfriend."

"Justin what you and Chris are doing is wrong. It says so in the Bible. I am sorry, but I raised to respect what was in the Good Book and will respect that until the day I die." Lance stated.

"Lance, everything in the Bible isn't right." Joey stated as Lance turned around and smacked him. "What the hell was that for Scoop?"

"Don't you dare bad mouth the Bible like that!" Lance shouted. "The Bible is our only salvation. If most of you lived your life by the Bible, you would be better people."

"Okay, I think we all need to calm down right now before this argument gets out of hand." JC stated.

"Too late for that, this is past out of hand, Lance is acting like he is better than the rest of us. Lance, I suggest you take a long look in the mirror before you go criticizing other people. You are not sin free yourself." Chris spoke leaving the room.

"Maybe not, but compared to you, I am an angel!" Lance shouted at Chris.

"Lance, maybe you need to go home and take a breather or something. You can't go on like this stepping on feet and causing hurt to Chris and Justin. They are still the same guys, they are still your friends." Joey stated.

"Joe, it's not right, it's just not right." Lance stated as he walked out of the room.

// Justin's Bedroom //

"Justin, are you okay baby?" Chris asked.

"I'm okay Chris. I just didn't think Lance would be this pigheaded about all of this. I know he was religious and all, but I didn't think he would act like this." Justin stated.

"Everything is going to be okay Justin. He just needs some time to get used to us." Chris stated.

"Yeah maybe so, but I don't think I can deal with his attitude on a daily basis like this when we get back on tour." Justin stated as Chris came over and sat beside him on his bed.

"Well, I will make sure that I can make you feel better whenever Lance is around. I will do what I can to protect you from his ignorance." Chris stated as he leaned over and kissed Justin passionately.

"Umm, that was nice. What did I do to deserve that?" Justin asked.

"I just thought that you needed something to take your mind off of everything." Chris explained, as he wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. "I don't want you to worry about Lance, Britney or anything that goes on outside of this room. I just want you to concentrate on me and you right now."

"Chris, you are so sweet. It's nice that you don't want me to worry, but it's hard not to worry when one of us hates two of us." Justin stated. "I don't care about Britney and the rest of the stuff that goes on, but I do worry about Lance. I thought he was our friend. If Joey and Josh can support us and be okay about it, why can't he?"

"I know baby, I am worried about him too. We just need to give him some space, maybe then he will support us and be okay with it." Chris stated as he pulled Justin closed and kissed him on his forehead.

[Knock Knock Knock]

"Come in." Justin stated. "What's up Josh?"

"Nothing, I just came in here to see if you guys were okay." JC stated as he sat at the edge of the bed. "Joey got Lance to go home and rest his nerves."

"I just wish he was different. I don't want him to hate us." Justin stated as he leaned on Chris' shoulder and started crying.

"It's going to be okay baby, don't worry about Lance. He will come around eventually." Chris stated as JC moved up to the head of the bed and hugged Justin too.

"What's going on in here a threesome?" Joey asked entering the room.

"No, ewww, we are just trying to make Justin feel better." JC stated.

"A threesome would probably make him feel better too." Joey laughed.

"Some of us are not wild and kinky like you Joseph Fatone. Some of us like the monogamous lifestyle." Chris stated licking his tongue out at Joey.

"Keep that tongue in your mouth, or put it to good use with Justin." Joey laughed again.

"Well at least these two freaks are okay with us, they don't care. JC is even hugging me and not even worried. Why can't Lance be okay with us?" Justin stated, still crying.

"Curly you will just have to let Lance be, he is going to need some time to get over this." Joey stated sitting down on the bed with the guys.

"No, just let Lance get used to this very slowly, I need some time to grasp the fact that you two are together with each other." Lance stated as he walked into Justin's bedroom, surprising everyone. "I am so sorry guys, could you please forgive me? I didn't mean to hurt you guys' feelings."

"Lance, Lance I am so happy you came back. Are you sure you are going to be okay with us?" Justin asked.

"I am going to try to be okay with it. As long as you two don't expect me to have sex with either of you, I don't think I can stomach having a penis up my ass." Lance stated as Chris, JC and Joey started laughing.

"So Lance, you would be a bottom if you were gay. Only the bottom boys take it up the ass." Chris stated, as Justin poked Chris in the side. "What was that for baby?"

"Don't gross him out, he's trying to deal with this, don't be telling him about the sex." Justin stated, as the guys all made faces.

"It's okay Curly, I just want you two guys to forgive me for how I acted. You two never answered me, are you going to accept my apology?" Lance asked.

"I do as long as you don't judge us for being together anymore." Justin stated.

"I do, since Justin is okay with you now." Christ stated. "But if he didn't I would still accept your apology anyway, since you are sitting here listening to us go on about sex and sitting here looking at us being affectionate."

"Then we are all cool?" Lance asked. "We are okay?"

"Yeah, you just remember to behave yourself." Justin stated, leaning over to hug Lance.

======================= Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@pineland.net AIM: swainsboroGABoi ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 4

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