Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Feb 4, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

Justin and Chris I'll Be Your Shelter Chapter - 2 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL - Florida Hospital - John's ICU Room - Midnight Friday //

"Uhgggg, what's going on?" John asks in a moan, struggling with his bonds. "Damnit, I'm still tied up."

"Hey baby." Joey says, pulling the string to the overhead light, turning it on.

"J-Joey what are you doing here?" John asks, looking away from Joey.

"I'm here because my boyfriend is here in the hospital." Joey answers, getting out of the chair and sitting on the bed next to John. "How do you feel John?"

"I want to go home. I don't want to be here." John responds, still not meeting Joey's eyes.

"Baby you can't go home, not right now. The doctor has placed you under a forty eight hour severity watch." Joey tells him, caressing his cheek. "You can possibly go home on Monday."

"I want to go home right now." John says, tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry handsome, you can't go home, not right now." Joey says, leaning down and kissing John on his forehead.

"Joey please..." John starts, but Joey covers his lips with a kiss.

"No John I'm not leaving your side." Joey says, kissing John again and then sliding off the bed. "I'm going to be over here in the chair. You need to get some rest."

"Joey...Joey stay up here with me." John says in an almost whispering voice.

"This bed isn't equipped for two people to lay in it." Joey says, smiling weakly at John because he has to deny his lover's request.

"I don't care Joey. I want you here with me and now." John says, struggling against the restraints.

"John calm down. Stop before you hurt yourself." Joey says, sitting back down on the bed. "I'm right here, just behave yourself."

"I wouldn't have to misbehave if I wasn't in here tied up Joey." John says, calming down as the door opens and a nurse walks into the room.

"Good morning Mr. Poole. How are you feeling?" The nurse asks as Joey gets up off the bed.

"I would be better if I wasn't tied to this damn bed." John says as the nurse steps away from the bed.

"John stop that. That kind of language isn't called for." Joey says, chastising John as the nurse smiles at him.

"Sorry then." John says, glaring at Joey and then looking at the nurse. "Is there some way you can take this crap off of me?"

"John..." Joey states, looking at John as the nurse picks up his chart.

"Mr. Poole your restraints are there for a reason. We are protecting you as well as ourselves." The nurse says, flipping some pages in the chart.

"Right now the only thing you need protection from is a lawsuit. Get this crap off of me right now or I will sue this place." John says, smiling at Joey, his expression none changing. "I mean now, not later."

"Mr. Poole in your current state, I nor any other staff member in this hospital is authorized to remove the restraints from you." The nurse states, reading through John's chart.

"Either takes these things off me right now or deal with a lawsuit personally naming you as a defendant along with the hospital." John says, getting an angry look on his face. "Maybe you need to check your records and see that I am an attorney and I don't mind drafting this suit up and having it processed against you and this place as soon as possible."

"John stop that. Threatening to sue someone doesn't always get you what you want." Joey states, standing up again. "She's only doing her job. She doesn't need you making it harder."

"Look mister I'm in no mood to listen to all of this crap. Nor am I in the mood to sit here in this bed in this position. Someone either get these things off of me or there will be hell to pay when I do get out of here." John says, getting an attitude now.

// Chris' House - The Bedroom //

"Come on Justin you know I'm right about all of this. John is not good for Joe." Chris says as Justin closes the bathroom door in his face. "Baby shut me out right now."

"I am not doing anything, your are Christopher." Justin's voice heard through the bathroom door. "Joey is in love with John. Our goals as his friends are to support him and his boyfriend, not add extra salt to the wound Chris."

"I am not trying to add salt to nobody's wounds. I just don't want Joe to get hurt by this guy. It's apparent that he's crazy and capable of hurting Joe mentally and physically." Chris says.

"Chris stop right now. Are you listening to yourself?" Justin asks, the bathroom door flinging open. "You are acting more and more like a jerk by the second. I love you Chris, I really do, but I'm not going to continue to listen to any more of this. You can stay here, I'm going next door to one of the other bedrooms."

"Justin...baby don't. I am only trying to...trying to keep Joe safe." Chris says, grabbing Justin by the hand.

"Joe is a grown man Chris. He made up his mind of what he wanted. He's in love with John and wants to stick by him like a boyfriend should. I don't understand why you don't see that." Justin states, pulling away from Chris.

"I understand what he's doing Justin, but I am scared for him. I am scared that John will do something to hurt him and take him away from us. You saw what happened at his apartment; you saw what was going on with him. He's not what Joey needs." Chris states, looking at Justin.

"You are not the person to say what Joey needs. Only Joey can make that decision damnit. Before you really piss me off more than what I am now, I suggest you let the subject drop." Justin says, turning around and walking towards the door.

"I'm sorry Justin. Please baby don't leave me here." Chris says, reaching out for Justin. "I love you Justin."

"I love you too Chris, I really do." Justin says, caressing Chris' face. "The way you have acted today has really turned me off. I am appalled at your actions today in regards to this matter. I think we need to have some time apart. If you feel so strongly about this, maybe you should think about it more by yourself."

"Baby no. We don't need any time apart. I'm sorry, I really am." Chris says, grabbing for Justin again as his tears start to flow. "Because I don't agree with the person he's in love with, doesn't mean we have to break up."

"We are not breaking up Chris, just taking a break from each other." Justin says, turning around and letting the door close behind him.

"Justin no..." Chris says, falling back on the bed as his tears flow harder.

// New York City, NY - The Home of Tom Welling //

"Look I don't get it John. How are we supposed to keep the dream of Superman going if I don't fly?" Tom Welling asks as he and co-star John Schneider read through the new season script of Smallville.

"Frankly I don't know Tom. I guess it's something we will have to discuss with the David and Greg when taping starts next week." John answers him.

"That would be too late for them to start making changes to the script John." Tom says, getting up. "Why can't they just stick with tradition?"

"I don't know Tom. We can talk this over with David next week." John says, looking at his watch to see that it well past one in the morning. "It's really late. I think I best get going."

"Oh okay John." Tom says, standing up. "I'll walk you out."

"We can look over this more on Monday." John says, picking up the scripts and other materials that he had brought with him.

"I guess so." Tom says, looking down at the floor as John gathered everything and slid it into a backpack. "You drive safely John. Call me when you get home."

"It's late Tom, you need some rest. I'm not going to call and disturb you. I'll get home okay." John says, patting Tom on the back, sending shivers through Tom's body. "Trust me kid, I'll get home okay."

"Okay John. If there's a problem, you know you can call me." Tom says, smiling wide. "Night."

"Night." John says as Tom closes the door behind him.

"Oh God...I don't think I can get through another season with him." Tom says, walking up the stairs to his bedroom. "I'll just take a nice long shower and hopefully that will help me in this situation."

Walking into his personal bathroom, Tom turns on the shower controls and closes the stall door. Walking back into the main room, Tom strips out of his clothes and walks over to the dresser. Opening the drawer, Tom shuffles some things around in the drawer and pulls out a pair of worn out boxer briefs. Holding the old looking garment in his hand Tom sits down on the bed and brings the underwear up to his nose and inhales. Shaking his head, Tom lays back on the bed and starts touching himself while holding the underwear to his chest.

"I love you John, I always will." Tom says, sitting up, tossing the boxer briefs further up on the bed and then grabbing a picture from his nightstand. "One day Elly will leave you and you will be able to be mine."

// Florida Hospital - John's ICU Room - Saturday Morning //

--- Joey's POV ---

What am I doing? Do I really love him like I think I do or is this just me pitying him? I don't know what to think about all of this now. All of this stuff is happening too fast for me. Am I making a big mistake? Is he the guy for me? Will I be able to handle all of this? All of these questions and I don't have the answers yet. Only time will tell.

"Good morning John." I say, standing up besides the bed, leaning down and kissing him on the cheek. "How did you sleep baby?"

"Why are you still here Joey?" He asks, giving me an evil look. "After what you did this morning you have no reasons to be here anymore."

"John you don't mean that." I tell him, looking at him closely. "I-I love you John. I was only trying..."

"I remember telling you last night to just leave me alone. You need to just go away Joey." He tells me, not looking at me anymore.

"Do you really want me to go away John?" I ask him, moving his face to look at me. "Don't you like...love me?"

"Joey just leave me alone." He says, crying now as he looks away from me again. "This would be easier if you would just go. You don't need me in your life damnit."

"How do you know what I need John?" I ask him, sitting on the bed with him, looking down at the restraints that were still on his arms. "Why would I be here if I didn't want you in my life? Hmmm? Could you answer me that John?"

"You are just pitying me Joey. I don't need your pity." He says as I lean down and kiss him again.

"If I pitied you, why would I be here kissing you, trying to show you that I love you?" I ask him, caressing his face.

"I don't know why Joey. I don't know why it is you do the things you do Joey." He says, closing his eyes.

"Because I think you're hot. I like you dude and I'm going to convince you one way or the other." I tell him, kissing him, this time deepening the kiss and feeling him up.

"What are you trying to do Joey? It won't do you any good if I'm tied up like this. It would be a one sided transaction." He says as I start laughing.

"Well you are safe for right now. I'm going down to get me something to eat. I'll be back in a few minutes." I tell him, kissing him again as the doctor walks into the room.


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