Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 26, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@pineland.net". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

======================== Justin and Chris - Chapter 3 by JT Poole

A week has gone by since Justin and Britney called off the wedding. The guys are getting ready to get back on the road to continue with the current tour. Before leaving, Justin had some things to put in order with his family.

// Justin's House //

"But Justin, why can't you tell me? Why didn't you get married?" Justin's mother asked.

"I wasn't ready to get married and Britney wasn't the person for me. Can't we just leave it at that?" Justin asked.

"NO! I want to know why you didn't get married. For the last couple of months, that's all that was talked about. Now all of a sudden you two have broken up, right before the wedding. I can see if you two broke up last week or something, but the day of the wedding!" Justin's mother screamed out.

"Mom, please, just let it go. Britney and me were not right for each other. That's all I can say." Justin stated, as his mother came across the room and sat down next to him. "I am not ready to tell you why, I just can't tell you right now. I need some time."

"That's one thing you don't have young man. Your career revolves around your popularity. If you are not popular, you are nothing. With the bad press you received from the cancellation of the wedding, your fans are starting to talk. I just read in the 'Star' that you cancelled the wedding because you were having gay sex with Carson Daly! I don't know where they get these stories from, but I know my baby isn't one of those gay men, I raised you better than that." Justin's mother stated.

"Mom, I will tell you everything when we get back. Right now, I am not ready to get into this. Just wait until then." Justin stated.

"Alright Justin, I guess I have no choice but to wait until you are ready to tell me, but I am not happy about this. All of us spent too much time and money getting this to happen and then it doesn't happen. I hope you have a lot to tell me, because right now I am so angry." Justin's mother spoke.

"I promise, when we get back from the tour, I will tell you everything then. Just give me the time that I have asked for." Justin stated, as his mother leaned over and hugged him, as she got up to leave.

"You boys have a safe trip, remember I still love you, I just don't know what to say right now about all of this." Justin's mother spoke. "Don't forget to call me and let me know what's going on."

"I won't mom, I love you too. Tell everyone else I said goodbye too, please." Justin spoke as he got up and hugged his mother again, as she walked out of the door and headed for her car. "Let me call Chris, hopefully he can make me feel better, she just made me so much worst than I already was feeling."

"Hello baby, what's up?" Chris asked, answering his phone.

"Are you busy?" Justin asked.

"I am never too busy for you, what's on your mind babe?" Chris asked.

"Mom just left and well, she wasn't happy about the way things are going right now. She basically told me that she was angry that I called off the wedding and that I better have a good excuse for everything that was going on." Justin stated.

"Baby, it's going to be okay, don't worry about it. What did you tell her? Did you tell her about us?" Chris asked.

"No I haven't told her about us yet, but when I do tell her, she's going to freak out. She already made the statement to me that she didn't raise me to be gay, and that I wasn't doing anything like that." Justin stated.

"Why did she say something like that?" Chris asked.

"She told me that she read an article that said I was sleeping with Carson Daly and that's why I cancelled the wedding." Justin explained. "She said she didn't raise me that way, her baby wasn't gay. I don't know how I am going to tell her about us. She already freaked out stating that if I wasn't popular, I wasn't anything. She's overlooking me, she's only seeing the singer me, not the real me. I don't think she even cares about my feelings."

"Oh Justin, don't feel that way. Do you want me to come over there and be with you?" Chris asked.

"No, I think I will go there, I don't want to stay here in this house, I need to go out of here." Justin stated, "Why don't I come pick you up and we go for a ride somewhere?"

"Sure, I will be waiting when you get here baby." Chris said as he hung up the phone.

// Lance's House //

"Hello? Hey Guy what's up?" Lance asked as he answered his phone.

"Oh you remember me. I hope you know that you are supposed to be going to a club tonight to meet some new people for your label." Guy spoke.

"No I don't, that's not until next week. I was supposed to meet them at Club Rain in New York, while we are there touring." Lance spoke.

"No Lance, it's tonight. You made the change because of the Justin's wedding. They are already in Orlando and all set to meet you. I just got off the phone with them. They are supposed to meet you at a club called Thunder downtown tonight at 9pm." Guy spoke.

"I don't believe this. I can't go out tonight, we will be getting back on the road tomorrow afternoon." Lance spoke.

"Well it's too late to cancel now, you have to do it tonight if you want to sign these guys. They have flown all the way from St. Louis, I am sure they didn't come here to just be told to wait until next week. I am quite sure they have had offers from other companies." Guy explained.

"I guess you are right. I will call the guys and see if they have plans, so we can all go clubbing for one night while we are in town." Lance stated, "Thanks for calling to remind me about this. Are you coming too?"

"No, I have to fly out to New York to handle some complications with Meredith Edwards, I left a message in your e-mail about this. Lance are you okay? You seem to be falling behind on things." Guy asked.

"I guess with everything that is going on lately, I have been letting things slip by." Lance spoke.

"Well, check your e-mail and don't forget to have fun around those guys." Guy spoke as he said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"Great, I guess I will call Joey first, see if he has any plans." Lance spoke, dialing Joey's phone number. "Hey Joe, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"Hey Scoop. No plans, why?" Joey asked.

"Well I have to meet some guys at a club downtown tonight and I had forgotten all about it. Would you like to go out with me to entertain them?" Lance asked.

"Sure, are the others going?" Joey asked.

"I don't know yet, I called you first. You are the party animal." Lance stated. "I will call them and ask them too."

"Okay, what time should I be ready to go?" Joey asked.

"Be ready by 7, so that we can all eat dinner before going to the club. I will have a limo pick you up." Lance spoke.

"Cool, see you then. Later." Joey said hanging up.

// Planet Hollywood //

"Is everyone ready to order? I know what I want, how about you Chris?" Justin asked.

"I want a slice of you, but I guess I would have to wait until later to get that order." Chris stated, as everyone threw napkins at him and started laughing. "You guys are just mad because I didn't say it to you all."

"Just make us all hurl why don't you. If I wanted to hear all of this, I would have stayed home and watched the Spice Channel." JC stated, as the waiter come over to the table.

"Everyone ready to order?" The young man asked.

"Seafood platter or the grilled chicken salad, which one should I get Justin?" Chris asked.

"Get the seafood platter, I can help you eat it." Justin stated.

"Okay, what are you guys going to have?" The waiter asked.

"Well I am going to have a burger and fries, with a coke." Joey stated.

"I'll have the steak, fries and Sweet Tea." Lance spoke. "Can I get some sour cream on the side please?"

"Yes you can sir." The waiter spoke.

"Thanks." Lance stated.

"I'll just have a Caesar salad with a coke." JC spoke.

"Okay gentlemen, your orders will be out shortly." The young man stated as he picked up the menus and walked away.

"Okay Scoop, give us the details about tonight." Justin spoke.

"Well I am supposed to meet these guys from St. Louis that are trying to get noticed. I have heard their music already, but I think they need to do some more work to tighten things up. We are going to sit and talk and go over some things that they need to do to get off the ground." Lance explained.

"Are we all going to be sitting there listening to all of this?" Joey asked. "I thought we were going to party and all."

"Well I invited you guys to just hang out and do whatever, I just didn't want to go out by myself with these guys. You guys do whatever you like." Lance spoke.

"Oh cool; that means, me and Chris can sneak out and do some naughty things in the limo." Justin smirked.

"If you like, just don't get caught. We don't need more problems. I read that story in the 'Star' about you and Carson Daly sleeping together." Lance smirked.

"I am not sleeping with Carson Daly. I don't know how that rumor got started." Justin stated glaring at Lance.

"Me either, but it doesn't seem to be causing any problems yet." JC stated.

"Oh good, here comes the food. Let's eat so we can go party." Joey stated.

The guys sat there and eat their dinner. All sitting around having a good time, just joking about everything and anything, trying to have a good time together before they get back on the road the next day to continue the tour. All ready to hit the club, they all got up to leave.

// Club Thunder //

"Hi, I'm Lance Bass, and this is the rest of N Sync. That's Joey, Justin, Chris and JC." Lance spoke as he pointed each guy out to his guest.

"Nice to meet you guys. It's an honor." The man stated.

"I'm Cole, that's Reese and that guy over there with all the girls around him is Jamie." Cole stated. "Together, we make up The Musketeers."

"Cool name. Let's have a seat. Does anyone want anything to drink?" Lance asked.

"I am going to hit the floor, you guys do what you need to do." Joey stated, turning to walk away. "It was nice meeting you guys."

"The same Joey. I already order or drinks, but you guys can order what you want, it's on me." Cole stated.

"I'll have a Rum and Coke." Justin stated.

"I'll just have a Long Island Iced-Tea." Chris stated.

"I'll just have a regular Coke." JC stated.

"What about you Lance? Are you going to drink anything?" Cole asked.

"I guess I will have a Vodka and Orange Juice, on the rocks." Lance spoke.

"Oh wow, Lance ordered the heavy stuff. We better keep an eye on him." Justin whispered to Chris.

"Excuse me for a moment, my friend that we brought with us, let me introduce him to you. Hey Randy, Randy come over here." Cole called out.

"Yeah Cole, what's up?" Randy asked walking over to the men.

"Randy, this is Lance and this is his band mates. That's Chris, Justin and JC." Cole introduced them.

"Hi, nice to meet all of you." Randy said as he stared at Lance.

"Randy, Randy are you okay?" Cole asked.

"Yeah I am fine, just fine as I can be. Can I see you over here for just a moment?" Randy asked, pulling Cole away from the men.

"What's wrong Randy, why were you staring at Lance? Don't tell me you like him." Cole asked.

"Well I do like him, I have had a crush on him since I started listening to their music. I fell in love with him when I saw the movie 'On The Line'. I didn't think someone could be so intent on finding a person the way he did in that movie. He spent the whole movie looking for that girl, just because he bumped into her on the subway." Randy explained.

"Wow. Randy, he's not gay that I know of. Because you read things on the Internet, that make them true." Cole spoke.

"Reading things on the Internet is what got me the part on 'Queer as Folk' as Justin. So believe me, when I read something, I am going to do what I can to find out if it's true or not. He might not be gay, but I am going to find out if he can swayed to be. I want that man, and I want him bad." Randy stated.

"Randy Harrison, don't you dare mess this up for us. We have been friends forever, but if you mess this up for me, I will not talk to you ever again." Cole stated.

"How could I mess this up for you? You are not trying to hook up with him I am. Besides you have Reese to go home to every night, I have no one. I want him to be that someone." Randy stated, as Cole shrugged and walked away from him, return back to the table to get started with Lance.

=========================== To Be Continued...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@pineland.net AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 5

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