Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Aug 26, 2005


University high

by Scream

Okay, I'm back for a second time. Did y'all miss me? As you know this story is quite long. It's an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them. (confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Sorry it took so long to come back to y'all but I had to make this season better than the first. I'm so happy i got feedback while on my hiatus it warmed my heart. So about me... school started back so you know i couldn't write as often as i liked too but don't fret non i write instead of homework so it works out.Well it's been almost a month since i ended last season. Wow ! Didn't I say a couple of weeks. Well don't hate me. I can tell you now alot of thigns are going to change this eason and everythig isn't going to be so happy go lucky. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now back 2 where we left off with our lovely High School...

Chapter 40

Justin walked into the mall for his first day of his new job at FYE. All of his friends from University High worked here but his mom said he had to be eighteen to get a job. He was going to be eighteen in a couple of weeks so his mom figured he could get one early. He walked pasted 'Bath and Body Works' that didn't smell to good to him, and `Books-a-Million' which is where all those "trading card" people hung out. The next door down as FYE he walked to the corner and saw Britney and Alex handling consumers. Justin walked into the backroom marked employees only and clocked in. He came back out and opened the third register at the counter. He was already trained so he knew what he was doing. Alex bumped Justin's body with his own in order to get his attention.

"Nice of you join us today." Alex teased

"I know you missed my oh so sexy body right?" Justin said

`You have no idea' Alex thought. "Sure dude whatever you say." Alex laughed

"Y'all wanna go eat somewhere after work?" Justin asked Britney and Alex

"Sure" Britney agreed as Alex nodded

"Ok, ask Jessica, TJ and Christina when they get off break." Justin said

Around nine o'clock everyone closed down FYE and talked as they walked out of the mall to the parking lot where only their cars remained. They decided to go to `Stake N Shake' and hang out for a while. They all got milkshakes and sat down at a table.

"...then she fell out of her chair. Oh my God it was so funny." Jessica said and everyone laughed and sipped their milkshakes.

Britney felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. She instantly rolled her eyes at the girl she had come to loathe.

"What do you want?" Britney carelessly asked turning her straw in her milkshake

"Did I tell your ass to stay away from him." the angry girl yelled and got everyone's attention. Justin looked on knowing this girl was picking a fight she couldn't win. He knew behind Britney's sugary exterior lied a force to recogned with. Britney could fight and she had a temper. She was Italian of course she has a temper. She could probably kick anyman's ass if she was mad enough.

"Don't you have something better to do than fucking bother your damn ex boyfriend's current girlfriend with all this jealousy shit. You need to grow up cuz I'm sick of your shit." Britney said with her southern accent full force and she was pissed

"You talk a lot of shit for some bubbly little rich bitch. I bet you wouldn't talk she if I kick your bubble gum ass now would you?" Shar Jackson hissed but that was the last straw for Britney.

"You know what bring it on." Britney said as she got up walked out of Stake n Shake into the parking lot where Shar and Britney's crew ere hooting and hollering. Along with some guys who wanted to see a chick fight because some asshole on TV started this whole `if girls fight they might start kissing and lesbians are hot.' Britney took of her huge pink hoop earrings. She took off all her bracelets and her necklace with her name plate. She handed them to Justin before putting her honey blonde hair into a tight bun.

"GIRLFIGHT!" one of the guys yelled

Britney and Shar started walking in a circle around each other. Shar through the first slap and it landed right across Britney's face. Britney grabbed her hair punched her square in the face with the punch Justin taught her when they were 12, you throw your whole body into it. Shar got up and pulled Britney to the ground where they rolled and scratched each other. Screams were heard and the guys ate it up. After the girls got off the ground Britney spent a round house into Shar's stomach which caused her to double over in pain. Britney screamed with rage and pulled the other's girl hair until a loud rip and a scream happened. After Britney ripped out a good portion of Shar's hair. Everyone saw it was serious and a few guys pulled them apart. Britney was enraged a guy pulled her arms back but her legs were kicking and she was screaming it was like she was possessed.

"Calm down Britney!" Justin said as he held her back. Britney stopped when she heard Justin's voice. They both looked over saw Shar's friends walking her away from the scene. Justin turned to Britney with a big grin on his face.

"That's how you throw a punch from now on that's how you fight Miss Jackie Chan." Justin laughed as they walked back into the restaurant with their friends chanting Britney's name. It was better to be her friend than her enemy.

Chapter 41

"Hey honey I got your message what's wrong?" Britney said as she walked into Justin's house. Justin closed the door behind her not saying anything.

"What's wrong?" Britney asked

"I'm scared." Justin said quietly

"Why what's wrong?" Britney asked

"Um remember when I told you I've been a little sick lately?" Justin asked

"Yeah?" Britney asked

"Well I've been sick since that night I got engaged, and me and Nelly had sex and we didn't use a condom soooo..." Justin trailed off suddenly he saw the light go off in Britney's head.

"You aren't!" Britney said

"I don't know. I'll have to see." Justin said quietly

"Are you goin to at least tell him you think you might be pregnant?" Britney asked sitting next to Justin on the couch. He leaned his head onto her shoulder and sighed.

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to have kids with me. I wouldn't blame him but I don't know." Justin said

"Please that man so wants to be your baby's father." Britney said patting Justin's braided curls.

"What shoulder I do Brit?" Justin asked

"Well, I think you should call him and tell him to come over so y'all can talk then tell him and y'all take the test together. Do you have a test?" Britney asked

"I think we have one in the medicine cabinet." Justin said

"Don't worry honey it'll be ok." Britney said reaching over and grabbing the cordless phone and handing to Justin. Justin raised his head off her shoulder an slowly took the phone and clicked it on. He called his boyfriend and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" Nelly said

"Hey." Justin said

"Hey baby." Nelly cooed into the phone which made Justin smile for the first time that day.

"Hey, do you think you could come by here?" Justin asked

"Yeah, when?" Nelly asked

"Like now. It`s kinda important." Justin said sniffling

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" Nelly asked with that concerned boyfriend tone

"Everything's ok. I just need to talk to you." Justin said

"Ok, I'll be over there in 15. Aight?" Nelly said

"Yeah. See you then. I love you" Justin said

"I love you too." Nelly said disconnecting the call. Justin sluggishly handed the phone to Britney and she clicked it off.

"So?" Britney asked

"He'll be over in 15 minutes." Justin said

"Don't worry sweetheart everything will work." Britney said kissing him on the cheek

"I'll let you know how it goes." Justin said

"Alright. Bye now." Britney said leaving out of the front door.

Justin sighed and walked upstairs to a bathroom to see if any of them had a pregnancy test. `If I get through this it's gonna be condom, condom, condoms.' Justin said to himself.

Chapter 42

Justin sat on his bed reading a brochure. `No one can tell you what to do with your body. I have every right to do this. I'm eighteen I'm just not ready.' Justin said to himself. Abortion. The word tasted like dirt. Justin was startled by the doorbell ringing. He got up and walked downstairs to open the door for his boyfriend. He kissed him hello and invited him in. Cornell walked into Justin's house with his hands in pocket nervous aout what was so important.

"Hey." Nelly said shyly

"Hi." Justin said equally as shy

"What was so important?" Nelly asked grabbing Justin's hand massaging it with his own. Justin was silent. He wanted to say `We might be having a biracial bundle of joy.' but he remained quiet. He sighed and looked Nelly in the eye.

"How do you feel about babies?" Justin asked curiously

"What do you mean? I love babies I have two. Babies are the ultimate sign of love. Why?" Nelly said

"Well, how do you feel about a little biracial version of yourself running around here by the end of this year?" Justin said meekly. His eyes shot open as Nelly lost his balance and had to sit down on the couch. His eyes open in shock and his mouth wide open.

"You're...you're..you're... pregnant?!" Nelly asked

"Actually I don't know yet. If I was how do you feel about that?" Justin asked quietly

"Uhm I don't know. I mean I'm not really ready for more children..." Nelly said. Before he finished the words Justin ran out of the room. He got off the couch and ran after Justin. He found him sitting in the bay window in his father's den. Justin's head was burrowed in his knees as his legs were pulled up. He silently sobbed as Nelly approached him. He placed a hand on his back and Justin violently snatched away.

"What's wrong?" Nelly asked

"You just told me you don't want Tyler." Justin sobbed

"Who the hell is Tyler?" Nelly asked confused

"Our son." Justin sobbed. Nelly rubbed his chin for a minute before speaking again.

"Have you taken the test yet?" Nelly asked Justin shook is head signaling a negative answer.

"Don't we need to do that before we go off and name our kids." Nelly asked kindly Justin smiled and wiped the tears off with the back of his hand. They walked to the downstairs bathroom. Justin pulled a purple box from the medicine cabinet and turned it over to read the back

"You wanna help me with this?" Justin asked

"Can't you do it?" Nelly asked

"No, I need you to read the directions because I can't read them and do them." Justin said pulling off his pants. He saw Nelly staring with an unsure look.

"What? You've seen me naked before. Read the directions." Justin said. Nelly handed him the stick with the cover on it.

"Ummm... Do not removed cover until you're about to use the test." Nelly said

"Ok, read them and then I'll open it." Justin said

"Removed cover from Pregnancy test. Take of plastic cap and pee on the stick and wait 15 minutes." Nelly paraphrase

"That's not what it say. Read what it says." Justin said

"Hold pregnancy test under urinary flow. Replace cap on the end and wait fifteen to twenty minutes for results." Nelly read. Justin unwrapped the pregnancy test and pulled down his underwear and aimed his cock over the toilet, over the test. He proceeded to piss on the stick all that miss went straight into the toilet. After he stopped pissing Justin placed the cap on the stick and pulled into on the counter before setting his egg timer for fifteen minutes. He sighed and sat down on the toilet. Nelly sat on the edge of the tub.

"So what are we gonna do if it's positive?" Justin asked

"I don't know. I'll be there for you every step of the way though." Nelly said

"Thanks." Justin said after a few minutes of silence Justin spoke again

"Do you want a girl or boy?" Justin asked

"I want another boy. What about you?" Nelly asked

"I want a boy too. I have to say he would be so handsome." Justin smiled

"Yup he'd as beautiful as his daddy." Nelly said which made Justin blush

"I wonder how my parents would take it if I am pregnant?" Justin wondered

"Well after they yelled at you and yo daddy tries to kill me and yo momma tries to cut me I think they'll take it ok." Nelly snickered

"Yeah you're right. But if it comes back negative I`m not telling them ever." Justin laughed. Soon after a timer dinged from the counter signaling the completion of the pregnancy test and the fate of their relationship and lives.

"The moment of truth." Justin sighed. He walked over to the counter and got the pregnancy test and walked back over to the tub where Nelly sat and sat by him. He looked down at the test. Two lines. Two lines clearly. No. No baby. No pregnancy.

"It's negative. I`m not pregnant..." Justin said

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Nelly asked. Justin buried his head in Nelly's shoulder and let some tears fall.

"I`m not sure." Justin said crying full force and Cornell wrapped an arm around him.

Chapter 43

"Justin." his mom called from the hallway. He walked downstairs and went down the hall where his mother stood with something in her hand. He squinted but she hid it out of site. Justin's mother's blue yes held something unreadable in them. A mixture of different emotions filtered over her face. She held up the object and Justin's stomach went down to his feet. He lost all his color and his eyes went wide.

"Yeah mom?" Justin swallowed

"What is this?" Lynn asked Justin was silent before he gave a reply.

"A pregnancy test." Justin said lowly

"A what??" Lynn asked

"A pregnancy test mom ok?" Justin said louder

"Right. A pregnancy test. A USED pregnancy test. A USED pregnancy test that wasn't used by me. So YOU being the only other fertile person in this house it must have been you. Now what I have to say is are you out of your mind young man?!" Lynn scowled

"No, what's the big deal I mean it is negative." Justin shrugged

"That's not the point and you know it. My point is that you thought you were pregnant at sometime within the last three days. You've been having unprotected sex. You didn't tell even tell me you thought you were pregnant. I could have helped you." Lynn said with a motherly tone

"I'm sorry ok. But I didn't want you to get involved unless it came back positive. I've had unprotected sex one time and that's when Cornell proposed..." Justin started

"He proposed as in marriage?!?!? and you didn't tell me?!?!" Lynn said hysterically

"Relax mom it's not like we're getting married tomorrow. We're not getting married until we're stable." Justin explained and his mother let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok so it's more like a promise to get married ring?" Lynn asked looking t Justin's left ring finger. Justin nodded at her question.

"And if I was pregnant Cornell said he would be there all the way just like he is for his other kids." Justin said.

"Well, I'm glad I found this before your father did. You know he seems psychic. He found the pregnancy test I took for you Jon and Steve. He would have a total meltdown if he knew you thought you were pregnant. So we got to get this out of the house before he finds out because he can sense these things." Lynn said grabbing Justin's hand. She walked pass the kitchen door where Randall Timberlake sat with his coffee. Lynn walked into the kitchen with a walk that drove her husband crazy. She walked up to Randall and took a seat on his lap. She proceeded to make out with him and gave Justin the signal to get rid of the used pregnancy test. He shuttered at his parents and tip toed into the kitchen. He walked to the direction of the trash compactor. Justin made it halfway before his father raised his hand and stopped his kissing with his wife.

"Freeze." Randall said without turning around. Justin froze and Lynn look petrified. Randall gently moved his wife and got out his chair. He walked over to Justin firmly as a father would.

"What ya got there buddy?" Randall asked as if Justin was two again. Randal took the item Justin was holding out of his hand and examined it. Randall's eyes shot open he looked up at Justin.

"Son, I think we need to talk." Randall said in a scowling voice as he lead Justin to the kitchen table along with his wife for a family talk.

Chapter 44

Justin rounded a corner on the second story of University High. He had this aching feeling for the last two days. Every corner he took every move he made every time he breath he felt somebody's eyes lurking around. He ran to his locker and let out a sigh of relief. Britney closed her locker and looked at Justin panting. Britney finished putting on her lip gloss waiting for Justin to catch his breath. She turned to him with a questioned look on her face.

"What the hell are you running for?" Britney asked closing her locker.

"You ever get the feeling your being followed?" Justin asked as he opened his locker

"You feel like you're being followed?" Britney asked

"Yes actually I do. For like the pas two days. Feels like someone's always watching and they want something'." Justin said putting his messenger bag in his locker.

"Hmmm well all I have to say is try not to be alone." Britney said. Justin turned around and made eye contact with someone before they ran off.

"See! I told you." Justin said

"What?" Britney asked confused

"Someone is following me because I look across the hall and I made eye contact with someone that was staring and they ran." Justin explained

"Creepy. What do you think they want?" Britney asked brushing her hair.

"I have no idea but I don't think they want to hurt me they just want to say something to me." Justin said with a hunch

"Well, be careful anyway. I don't want you to get hurt and have Nelly killin' folks ok?" Britney joked with her southern accent.

"I will, listen, I gotta go to math I'll see you later." Justin said as h took his binder and math book out of his locker. He walked down the hall and turned a series of corners before that sinking feeling came upon him. He glanced out the corner of his eye at a shadowy figure. He turned down the opposite corner and went into an empty classroom. He spun around and looked at the figure as he entered the classroom. Justin gasped as the face came into light.

"Usher..." Justin said in disbelief.

"Justin, how have you been?" Usher Raymond said

"Great, why in the hell are you following me?" Justin said running his hand over his braided hair.

"I just wanted to apologize for last year. What I did was wrong" Usher said referring to when he tried to rape Justin

"Apology accepted. By the way what happened to you last year?" Justin asked out of curiosity now that he thought about it Nelly just said he "went away"

"Well, your boyfriend and his friends beat me up and threatened made me get out of town." Usher said. Justin gasped. Nelly made Usher leave town. All because of him. Somewhere he was pissed about that and on some level it showed how much Nelly cared for him.

"Well, I can't say sorry or that you didn't deserve it because you honestly did dude." Justin said sincerely

"Yeah, I know and I'm so sorry about that. I hope we can be friends." Usher pleaded

"I'll think about it." Justin said looking at his watch the warning bell rang throughout the school and he remembered he had to get to math.

"I gotta go. I`ll see ya around Ush." Justin said walking out of the classroom. The truth was Usher still creep him out and he didn't want to have anything to do with the other man.


Sorry about the wait. but ya kno school and shit. Spellcheck i gotta remember that. lol Ay way after this installment I'm telling you the story is gonna get dicey. I mean osme of my characters go trough major hcanges either through their situation or their whole demanor ya kno adds excitement can't afford to lose readers can I? Right now I'm tieing up loose ends so i can start a new plot. Thanks for your email everyone who sent thema nd if you didn't you should sent one right now. If you have any question and not death threats please IM me or email me k? Love y'all -Scream

Next: Chapter 16: Justin and Nelly 45 46

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