Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Aug 30, 2005


University high

by Scream

Okay, I'm back for a second time. Did y'all miss me? As you know this story is quite long. It's an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Sorry it took so long to come back to y'all but I had to make this season better than the first. I'm so happy i got feedback while on my hiatus it warmed my heart. So about me... school started back so you know i couldn't write as often as i liked too but don't fret non i write instead of homework so it works out.Well it's been almost a month since i ended last season. Wow ! Didn't I say a couple of weeks. Well don't hate me. I can tell you now alot of thigns are going to change this eason and everythig isn't going to be so happy go lucky. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now back 2 where we left off with our lovely High School...

Chapter 45

After Justin got out of Math class he ran to Technology. He took a seat at the computer next to Britney. Britney was checking her messages on her cell phone when Justin arrived. She blew a bubble with her gum and waved to Justin whom waved back. After Britney got done with her phone class started. The Technology III teacher was a major fox. He was an older guy but he was hot. Mr. Pitt had ever girl and every girl's mother panties wet. Justin thought he was hot just a little innocent puppy love or is it. Mr. Pitt started lecturing the class on media files and Justin and Britney stated drifting into their own little conversation.

"Is he hot or what?" Britney asked

"Who?" Justin asked

"Mr. Brad ass Pitt dude." Britney said

Justin looked up at the older man and smile when they made eye contact. Justin had to admit he was hot in that older man kind of way. He had trimmed brown hair and a little goatee under his lip and the man was buff. Justin let out a shudder.

"Yeah he is pretty hot if you like the cute buff type." Justin said

"Oh I do." Britney said before she was interrupted by the clearing of a throat.

"Ms. Spears could I have your attention please this is a classroom not your locker." Mr. Pitt said sternly. Britney blushed before replying.

"Sorry Mr. Pitt won't happen again." Britney blushed. Mr. Pitt went back to teaching

"So how are you and Kevin?" Justin asked quietly

"It's goin good actually we slept together the other night." Britney shrugged. Justin let out a strangled gasp.

"You did?! I'm so happy for you. How was it?" Justin said with a smile that matched Britney's

"It was great he was so gentle and it was really special." Britney said

"That's so great." Justin said

"Thanks. So how are you and Nelly things going well?" Britney asked. The smile filtered from Justin's face when it came to that issue. He knew there was now ay around the truth he was unhappy in his relationship. His eyes showed it. Justin and Cornell had lost their spark somewhere along the line. Britney grew concerned when Justin didn't talk for a while.

"Everything IS ok isn't it J?" Britney asked. Justin sighed and gave a sad smile.

"Well, I wouldn't say anything's WRONG. It's just I'm unhappy. Our relationship just lost it's spark somewhere along the way. I mean we make love and that's about as exciting as it gets. I mean up until my pregnancy scare that was the most surprising thing that has happened to us in a real long time. I mean I love Cornell with all my heart but I need some romance and surprise in the relationship. I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything." Justin confessed. Britney looked at Justin and she could tell he was genuinely unhappy with his relationship. She knew Nelly and Justin were destined to be together but it wouldn't matter if there was no spark.

"What do you think needs to be done about that?" Britney asked. Justin sighed sadly for a moment and thought.

"I think we need to take some time apart. Ya kno get to be friends first and to see what else is out there." Justin said. Britney sighed. She hoped it wouldn't come to that but it was Justin's decision.

"If that's what you want to do then go right ahead." Britney finalized. She hoped that they would survive this.

Chapter 46

"I need to talk to you." Justin said walking into Nelly's apartment. Justin looked at the older man who had a blank look on his face. Nelly kept rubbing his hand over his head. Justin knew what was wrong.

"Are you high?" Justin asked. Nelly rubbed his eyes and scratched his head. He sighed before talking again.

"What did you need to talk about?" Nelly asked ignoring Justin's question

"I think we should sit down." Justin said. They walked over to the couch and took a seat. Justin sat stiffly with his hands in his lap. Cornell reached over and grabbed Justin's shaky hand. Justin really didn't know how to do what he had to. He gazed into Nelly's brown eyes before talking.

"Go ahead." Nelly encouraged

"I've been doing some deep soul searching lately, and I've noticed that our relationship has lost it's spark. Like ever since we stated goin to different schools it's been like we haven't been right with each other." Justin paused to see his boyfriends reaction. Nelly's face showed understanding and agreement.

"Yeah I have too I mean it's hard not being able to see each other like we did last year. We have lost something since we first stated goin together. What do you think we should do about it" Nelly agreed in a hoarse voice. Justin sighed before bringing up his suggestion.

"I think we should take a break for however long you know just to be friends again. I think what our relationship lost was that we stopped being friends first which took all the spark. I don't mean break up break up I mean like we could date other people and see if this is what we really want in the end." Justin suggested. Nelly nodded his head in agreement once more.

"As much as I hate it I think you're right J." Nelly said.

"But we can't treat this like a break up or anything it's just like on hold and we still need to talk to each other if we ever want to get back together. Ya kno we can hang out and stuff right?" Justin comforted. He looked at his left ring finger pulled the started to pull the ring off. Cornell noticed and grabbed Justin's hand.

"Don't take it off J. This is just a break if you take it off it means we're over. I still feel the same way I did a month ago." Nelly said. Justin nodded and slide the ring back on his finger. He got off the couch and stood up.

"I should get out your hair now." Justin said sniffling and turning to walk toward the door. Nelly also got up and wrapped his arms around Justin's waist for a hug.

"It's for the best right now J. Keep ya head now." Nelly said tapping the underside of Justin's chin gently. After they said their goodbyes Justin walked out of Nelly's apartment and sat in his car. He rested his head against the steering wheel for a moment and let the tears slip out of his eyes. 'Who ever said you never can just get over you first love said a whole mouth full.' Justin thought. It hurt. He little separation he just initiated was hurting him physically emotionally and mentally. 'Oh my God, what did I just do.' Justin said to himself He knew I was for the best but for right he regretted it. In his heart he knew this would eventually bring them closer. Justin reached back into his back seat pulled out a tissue to wipe his leaking nose. Justin sighed sadly before turning on the car and driving away from his heartbreak.


Mad? Upset? Can't breath? All of the above? I know you hate me and yes i just answered all of y'all's questions...they did break up. Oh my God it hurts. Well, don't fret none we'll see what happens when both of them try to test the water. Stay tuned for the next chapter until then take care. -Scream

Next: Chapter 17: Justin and Nelly 47 50

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