Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Oct 10, 2005


University high

by Scream

Okay, I'm back for a second time. Did y'all miss me? As you know this story is quite long. It's an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Sorry it took so long to come back to y'all but I had to make this season better than the first. I'm so happy i got feedback while on my hiatus it warmed my heart. So about me... school started back so you know i couldn't write as often as i liked too but don't fret non i write instead of homework so it works out.Well it's been almost a month since i ended last season. Wow ! Didn't I say a couple of weeks. Well don't hate me. I can tell you now alot of thigns are going to change this eason and everythig isn't going to be so happy go lucky. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now back 2 where we left off with our lovely High School...

Chapter 54

Britney and Alex were in gym stretching as usual for dance team. Once again Justin skipped and he started the team and made it popular. Britney hoped Cornell got through to this new Justin. He was like Justin-lite, Justin without all the messy emotions but with twice the bitchiness. She was really worried about him. Something Alex said broke her out of her thought.

"Huh?" Britney asked as she bent over and stretched her leg back.

"Did you do your Technology homework?" Alex asked

"Uhm no." Britney said

"Are you gonna get it from Justin?" Alex said

"Justin's been going through some things so he prolly didn't do it." Britney explained

"Yeah I've noticed he's been bitchy lately. Plus he prolly didn't have to do it since the teacher likes him so much." Alex joked

"You know?!" Britney said shocked

"Of course everyone does." Alex shrugged

"So what do you think of it?" Britney asked curiously

"Why would it bother me? I wish I had it like him." Alex said

"What do you mean `it doesn't bother you'? I mean he's 34 and trying to screw a 18 year old boy. Not to mention he's married. I am majorly disgusted. I mean they were making out behind the school. He's prolly the one that has Justin hating me." Britney rambled

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Alex asked "Mr. Pitt and Justin are making out? He's cheating on his wife? Justin hates you? Justin's cheating on Nelly? 35? 18? Smelling elephant?" Alex shot question after question. Britney slapped herself in the forehead because she promised she wouldn't tell.

"Damn. You didn't know. Yeah Uhm I think Justin and Mr. Pitt are doing the nasty. Justin and Nelly took a "break". " Britney confessed. Alex's mouth dropped

"Oh my God." Alex said

"Yeah but you can't tell anyone." Britney pleaded

"Oh my God." Alex repeated

"Stop saying Oh My God!:" Britney yelled and attracted unwanted attention. She blushed and waved before whispering.

"Don't tell k?" Britney whispered

"Why? It's so nasty we should turn him in." Alex said disgusted

"Oh yeah we turn in Justin's new boyfriend. He finds out we did it and we have to face the Timberlake wrath alone." Britney warned

"We have to do something. Especially if he`s taking advantage of Justin weak heart." Alex said

"Well I don't know what to do but I don`t think we should say anything to anybody." Britney said

"I'll try." Alex said before the dance team was dismissed. Britney and Alex went to changed clothes before going to their worst class yet... Technology.

Justin leaned up against the desk in his first period class nobody had arrived yet he decided that him and his new teacher/boyfriend should do a little making out. Brad had his lips pressed up against Justin in a firm wet kiss. Justin rolled his tongue around his teacher's as Brad ran his hand under Justin's shirt to massage his abs. Justin kneaded the firm back muscles of the older man as their make out session grow hot in the classroom. Nether heard the door swing open until a gaps sounded throughout the room. Student and teacher broke apart and looked at the door where two stunned teenagers stood with their mouths hanging open. Justin rolled his eyes at Britney and Alex before wiping the corners of his mouth with his fingers. Justin pulled down his ruffled 'If U Want It' shirt. Justin got off the desk as walked form around it. Mr. Pitt ran a ran over his small goatee and cleared his throat.

"Take a seat." Mr. Pitt said quietly. Alex and Britney went to their seats without a word. The rest of the class filed in as the tardy bell rang. Mr. Pitt looked at his clipboard before speaking.

"Ok, seat change." Mr. Pitt said in his teacher voice. "Ok Mr. Timberlake I need to move right here." Mr. Pitt smiled seductively and pointed to a computer that was closer to his desk. Justin looked at the seat and got up without a second thought. He sat in his new seat. Britney was pissed that Mr. Pitt moved Justin away from her.

"Sure. Mr. Pitt." Justin smiled as he walked to his new seat.

"Thank you." Mr. Pitt smiled his expression darken back up as he announced a new seat for somebody else.

"Ms. Spears I need you to move to this seat." Mr. Pitt said pointing to one in the very deserted back away form Justin and himself. Britney looked amazed and angered. She groaned, got up and moved to her new seat away from Alex. Brad succeeded in his goal to break up the three friends so he can have Justin all to himself. He wanted to get into the lean 18 year old's pants and he didn't need anymore distractions. As Mr. Pitt went on teaching Britney got smart and pulled out her cell phone to text message Alex. She typed 'That Pedophile" before sending it to her friend Alex. Alex looked at his cell phone and laughed a little. Alex decided to give Justin a piece of his mind. He type the message "Why didn't u tell me?" and sent it to Justin's phone. Justin felt a vibe in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He looked at the message and then looked at Alex with a slight frown on his face. Justin texted back "can we deal w/ whatever your problem is later?' Alex looked at his cell phone and studied the message so much that the teacher noticed

"Excuse me Mr. Estornel, pay attention please." Mr. Pitt said in a stern voice. Alex was pissed now with the attitude.

"I'm sorry Mr. Pitt I thought Justin was paying all the attention you needed." Alex said smugly. Mr. Pitt looked at Alex shocked that he was so bold. All the students snickered because of the rumor they had heard. After a moment of silence Mr. Pitt broke tension.

"Uhm sorry guys lost my place for a second." Mr. Pitt said resuming his lesson. Alex smirked as he hit his teacher's weak spot. He looked at Justin who was flabbergasted. Alex looked at Britney was grinning and giving him the thumbs up.

Chapter 55

Brad stood behind University High smoking a cigarette later the same day. He was stressed. He couldn't believe what Justin's friends were putting him through in class. Alex and Britney took turns referring to what they walked in at the beginning of class. Brad looked when he saw the door open and a boy step out with his arms crossed and a messenger bag on his shoulder and a stern look yet apologetic look on his face.

"I'm so sorry about today." Justin said sadly

"Teenagers are just evil." Brad said blowing smoke out of his nose.

"How many have you had?" Justin said referring to the cigarette.

"This is my eighth one." Brad said looking at the cigarette. Justin took it from his teacher placed it on his own lips taking a puff. He was also stressed

"That'll never happen again. I mean what they did was evil and immature not to mention embarrassing. It'll never happen again." Justin said softly

" I don't want to get in trouble I can't. I also can't go in there and teach again." Brad said sadly.

"So what do you think we should do?" Justin asked throwing down the cigarette.

"Let's just cool down on the necking and stuff where people can see us." Brad rationalized

Justin was about to protest when a door opened behind hi and hit him in the back as he was standing in front of him. Justin looked up and saw his Spanish teacher walking out the door.

"Apesadumbrado, Señora Enriquez me excusan" Justin said trying to remember Spanish he hoped it was right. After the coast as clear Justin grabbed his boyfriend's hands and pulled him into a standing position instead of leaning. He opened the door and ushered him in. Brad went down a hall while Justin went down another. Justin was walking at a slow pace. He didn't even noticed when Britney passed him with smile.

"Happy weekend Ju." Britney drawled and Justin rolled his eyes which as becoming habit.

"Thank you Britney you too. Oh thank you for taking over my dance team this morning you're so nice." Britney said what Justin should have said while he remained quiet. Justin walked up into Britney's personal space and got a serious pissed off look on his face.

"You want me to thank you? After you tried to ruin my life this morning?" Justin sneered

"It's not my fault you're so wrapped up in that teacher dude that you ignore your other commitments. The team went well this morning no thanks to you." Britney said with attitude.

"You told Nelly and Alex when you swore you would shut your ditzy stupid blonde fucking mouth for once." Justin barked in Britney's face with a loud tone walking around her as she slowly rotated so they were face to face.

"Chill out it was an accident. And I thought Cornell could help you outta whatever you're goin through. Ok, take a chill pill buddy." Britney said

"Don't use your stupid ass catch phrases on me. I doubt that your virginal secrecy challenged brain could even comprehend `keep quiet'" Justin mocked

"I'm stupid? Who still hasn't figured out not mess with fuckin married men." Britney said pushing Justin's shoulder provided space between the friends gone bad.

"Those are words from Little Miss "Not that Innocent". You're the one who goes after other people's white trashy leftovers." Justin snarked before walking away. Britney grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"Why are you bein such a bitch? All you think about is yourself and your own back fuck everyone elses..." Britney said while Justin started to walk away from her. Britney raised her leg and kick Justin in the back causing him to stumble. Justin turned around with pure hate in his eyes. He threw his messenger bag down and back handed Britney across the face causing her head to snap to the side. She threw her bag down too before grabbing Justin by the hair which was the one day it wasn't braided. Justin raised his hand and strongly pushed her back away from his hair until she hit a glass wall. Justin used the same hand to bang her head against the glass as she struggled to get away. She threw a hand up and swipe his face which made Justin instantly let her go. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they wrestled again. All the kids around them were drawn to the fight and were chanting. Justin decided he was no chick and he didn't have time for this shit. He wrapped his arm around Britney's neck and got her in a super head lock one that cut off her air supple. Just then two teachers rushed over to pull them apart. Mr. Pitt grabbed Justin by the waist and arms and Ms. Jackson, who was the new principle, grabbed Britney. They weren't easy to separate as Britney held on to Justin's shirt. After a good yank form both parties the two teenager's broke apart with the sound of Justin's sleeve ripping. They were both grunting and struggling to get back into the ring with each other.

"Justin calm down." Mr. Pitt sooth to the boy Justin instantly settled down and inspected the damages on his shirt.

"Ok. Mr. Pedophile don't feel him up right here in the middle of the hallway don't want your little fan club to get jealous now do we?" Britney sneered Everyone around them looked shocked. Justin's mouth dropped open.

"Britney detention Monday. Mr. Pitt, Justin my office now." Ms. Jackson said firmly before letting Britney go and shooing the crowd away.

Later that day Justin sat in the lobby of the office waiting to be called into the principle's office to talk about the fight and what Britney aid. Nick said besides Justin talking o him because he was the office Assistant and they were friends.

"What do you thinks gonna happen?" Nick asked

"I don't know." Justin shrugged "He's so gonna hate me if he gets fired." Justin sighed

"What were you supposed to do? You felt threatened so you retaliated even though it was Britney." Nick soothed

"Maybe I should give up on love. I mean the love of my life is still there for me if I needed him and I've been treating him like dirt and now my new boyfriend-like object is too old for me and my teacher. This is so frickin stupid." Justin rambled. Someone walked up and stood in front of him. He looked up and rolled his eyes at the person.

"Hey I'm Alex just who you didn't want to see." Alex said somewhat shyly

"Not only is he a nosey jealous wench but he's kinda funny too." Justin said with a bitter laugh

"I'm so sorry. I see why you didn't tell me now." Alex said

"Yeah well at least you didn't call him a pedophile." Justin said. Just looked up when the principle's office door swung open and Brad walked out they made brief eye contact before Brad left the office lobby. Justin sighed before walking into Ms. Jackson's office. He sat own in the chair in front of her desk and sighed.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Ms. Jackson asked

"Britney Spears is a lyin backstabbing piece of trash." Justin said

"Oh really? Did anything happen between you and Mr. Pitt?" Ms. Jackson asked with a hint of disbelieving.

"No that would be wrong." Justin lied

"Well I have eye witnesses that say you two were fondling each other and you were in his car." Ms. Jackson said

"He was tutoring me that's all." Justin lied

"Well, that's not what he said..." Ms. Jackson said looking at a folder in her hand "He said that you were obsessed and that wouldn't leave him alone so he decided to give into you." Ms. Jackson read

"That's a lie he came onto me first!" Justin exclaimed

"So you admit something was going on..." Ms. Jackson said. Justin didn't respond. "Ok I'm little more than uncomfortable discussing this without your parents present. I'm requesting parent-teacher conference on Monday." M. Jackson said

"Is that really necessary?" Justin asked with attitude. Ms. Jackson folded the folder closed and folded her hands on top of it.

" Good day Mr. Timberlake." Ms. Jackson bid. Justin rolled his eyes at the implant infested teacher fighting the urge to rip that stupid shirt off those bouncy things. Justin walked out of the office. He picked up his messenger bag before walking past Nick and Alex bidding them farewell and leaving them in the dark about the situation. Justin walked out to his car and got in on the driver's side after placing his bag in the back seat. Justin started his car and backed out of his assigned parking space in the student parking lot. Before he could leave the lot his cell phone vibrated from his lap. He opened it and the name read `My baby.' Justin smiled because he made it a point not to change that name in his phone. Justin answered the phone with a whole different attitude because he realized that he person on the other end really didn't do anything to deserve a pissed off Justin.

"Hello?" Justin answered in one of the calmest voices he's had in the last month

"Hey J what's up?" the caller asked

"Nothing really just drivin home from school." Justin said

"Cool." the caller said sending a silence into the air

"Stop beating around the bush Cornell you called for a reason." Justin smiled. He knew what he was talking about.

"Fine ok. I was wonderin if you wanted to see a movie with me tonight." Nelly asked in an unsure voice.

"Yeah sure that would be fun." Justin shrugged

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight ok?" Nelly said

"Cool."Jusitn confirmed.

"Bye J." Nelly said

"Bye Cornell." Justin said flipping his phone closed.

Chapter 56

Justin drove his car down the road of a upper middle class neighborhood. He's never visited this place before but he knew where it was. He pulled into thee driveway and turned off his car. He stomped up to the front door and rang the doorbell. He waited as he angrily tapped his foot. The door swung open and there was Brad shocked as hell. Justin pushed his way into the house.

"Uh Justin hi." Brad stuttered

"Is that all you're gonna say? Is hi?" Justin asked with temper

"I tried to call you but..." Brad started

"You actually tried to call the loser stalker who can't find anyone their own age I'm surprised." Justin interrupted with a sneer

"I know you're mad..." Brad started once again

"I skipped mad and went straight to pissed off." Justin yelled

"You gotta be quiet my wife is asleep upstairs." Brad shushed

"Like I give a fuck you were just gonna let me take the blame even though you started it." Justin yelled again.

"Justin, if I would have told them that I would have gotten fired and probably arrested and then my wife would have found out and I can't let that happen." Brad said quietly

"So what in the meantime I get expelled, fail my junior year and get totally fucked in the process?!!" Justin said his face as literally red from screaming.

"Justin you had a public fight with Britney Spears after saying that we should keep it low keyed and if they find out I was the cause of that fight they are gonna fire me." Brad reasoned.

"She was being a total bitch! What the fuck was I supposed to do just let her fuck with my life!" Justin said

"Well I figured that the most you will probably get is a few days of suspension no big deal." Brad said calmly

"So me getting in trouble with my parents and possibly losing my year is less important then your marriage that evidently you don`t wanna be in." Justin said Brad was silent. It suddenly hit Justin what was happening.

"Why am I doing this?" Justin asked "This is not even worth it if you are willingly to sacrifice my school career which is all I have then you don't really care about me. Maybe everyone was right you are tryin to get into my pants. I mean I have said it myself a billion times, I let go of the best man I can find because I was being selfish. I need to take risk and stick it out instead of running when things get rough. I`m letting some married guy take advantage of me. " Justin said to himself more than Brad.

"Justin don't..." Brad started Justin raised his hand to stop him

"We have to meet Principle Jackson on Monday I will not I repeat not take he blame for this if I go down your going down with me. I cant do this anymore Brad its just not worth it and I cannot sit around while you in the future you decide you want your wife instead of me." Justin said grimly. Justin was about to turn and walk away but a woman caught his attention over Brad's shoulder. She looked livid and enraged. Justin pointed her out to Brad and he spun around with shock. She walked up to him with a red face and raised her hand before connecting it to his cheek. She hit him hard across face making his head snap to the side.

"You've been cheating on me!" she screamed

"Jennifer it was nothing." Brad reasoned

"Don't fucking lie to me you bastard you just said that it was something." Jennifer yelled

"No he was nothing I swear." Brad pleaded once again. She raised her fist and hit him in the jaw this time.

"you keep your fuckin lies to yourself. And this..." Jennifer kneed Brad in the balls. "Is for that young man that you took advantage of." Jennifer said in fury "You were just gonna let him go down for something you started you asswipe." she said. While Brad's wife Justin had come o know as Jennifer was beating down her husband Justin took the liberty to slide out of the door. He closed it back silently and giggled when he heard Brad scream like a girl. Justin walked to his car and got in. 'This whole break up thing between me and Nelly was about trying to see what else is out there, I saw what else is out there and I don't fucking like it.' Justin said to himself before starting the car and pulling out of his teacher's driveway.


Send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com ....love it hate it?

Next: Chapter 20: Justin and Nelly 57 58

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