Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Nov 23, 2005


University high

by Scream

This story is an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18.

Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Chapter 59

The doorbell rang and Justin sped to it with lightning speed. He opened the door and there was his ex in a tank-top and some baggy jeans. He was sexy as hell to Justin. "Hey. Come in." Justin greeted "Hey J what's shakin'?" Cornell said closing the door behind him. He walked behind Justin into the living room where he was hit in the face with a pillow. He grabbed the pillow and noticed two hyperactive kids jumping on furniture and messing up the nice house. "Jon! Steve! Get off of that now! Put that down! Ugh.." Justin yelled to get the kids attention but the Tv was too loud. It had the Cartoon-Cartoon Friday block on Cartoon Network. Justin's brother's were on the couch hitting each other with pillows. "I'm really sorry my mom stuck me with them at the last minute. They should be going to bed soon." Justin sighed. "It's okay J. I love kids." Nelly said before grabbing he pillow and wlaking over to the two fighting kids. He jumped into the fight hitting the kids with pillow while they double-teamed him and hit back. Justin smiled before walking to the kitchen. He figured he had to feed all three of the children he was now baby sitting. He opened the cabnet and pulled out chips candy popcorn and everything else he could find. He opened the refrigerator and puleld out a 6 pakc of mountian dew before carrying it into the living room where Jon Seven and Cornell were huffing and alyign on different sofas. "Tired?" Justin said as he set the tray downa nd they all ran over and begin eating. "Wow let me set it down first dang." Justin snorted The night progressed on. Nelly and Justin's date wasn't ruined just changed. They enjoyed their time with jsutin's kid brother's playing eating and watchign catoons. Steven even got them to pay hide and go seek in the dark which was a lot of fun until Jon feel down the stairs and they decided to stop. Now Justin and Nelly were watching a movie while the kids were asleep on the couch. Justin picked up his youngest brother. "Sweetheart...I mean...Cornell could you grab him please and help me take them upstairs please?" Justin asked in a whisper he decided to ignore his slip. Nelly picked the older of the two young boys and followed jusitnt hrough the grand hallway up the staircase and into their shared room. Justin laid his brother on the bed and placed a kiss on his cheek. He turned around and saw Nelly doing the same with Jon. After saying goodnight they clicked off the light and walked down the hall to Justin's room. 'So that's what it would be like to have kids with him. Awesome!' Justin said mentally and smiled. He sat down in his rotating computer chair. Nelly sat on his bed and laid back. Not a word was exchanged ut it was a comfortable silence. Justin thought about all the things that have been going on that year. School was over and the only thing he had accomplished was in ruining his own life. His grades dropped he was taken advantage of he alienated almost all his friends he beat up his best friend and was turned into a total bitch in the process. He turned around in his chair and faced his computer that he had not attempted to turn on in the last few weeks. For the first tiem Justin realized he was truly unhappy. He couldn't help when a tear rolled down his cheek, out of vanity he wiped it away. He was always crying but now he couldn't cry about something he brought on himself. He quietly started to whimper. His breathing was becoming labored and he had a slight pain in his heart. So the breakdown finally comes. "Are you okay?" Nelly asked as he sat up on the bed. He noticed Justin's back shuddering which emant he was crying. He heard the whimpering that Justin tried to hide. "Hey turn around." Cornell requested. When Justin didn't he turned the chair around with little effort. He saw Justin's tears slowly coming down his face. "Baby why are you crying?" Cornell said "It's nothing I'm ok." Justin dismissed as he continued to have his emotional breakdown. Nelly hesitantly got up not knowing his limits. He got behind the chair and wrapped one arm around Justin's chest which he clinged to and the other put around his shoulder. It was an acwkard postion but he didn't care. He elt Justin cry from a few minutes. "You want me to call Britney or something cuz I don't thinkl I'm holding you right." Nelly said unsurely. Justin shook his head in the negative fashion. Nelly took Justin's hand and pulled the sobbing boy up. He wrapped his arms fully around him He still wasn't sure what Jusitn was crying about but it didn't mattewr all that mattered was that he was crying period. Justin was cheerful all night Nelly never saw this coming. Justin broke the embrade only to lay down on the bed. "Sleepy?" Nelly asked. Justin nodded silently. Nelly pulled the coveres back and let Justin get under them. "Will you hold me?" Justin asked. Nelly turned around and walked over to the door. Justin got sadder until Nelly just closed the door and took of his pants and shirt which left him in a black wife beater and a pair of boxers. He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around his ex and elt him lay on his broad chest. Justin turned his head and placed a kiss on Nelly's chin. "I'm sorry." Justin whispered before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

Chapter 60 Justin awoke to hear a soft knock on his door. He raised off of a warm body and noticed his ex boyfriend sleeping under him. Justin knew the knock at the door was one of hs parents. He pulled the covers back and grabbed some track pants and bandana before opening the door and stepping out of the room. He saw his mother waiting patiently outside his door knowing he was a horrible morning person. Justin closed the door behind him. "Hey baby." Justin's mom said running a head over his braids. "Hey mom." Justin said like a little boy. After a few moments of silence Justin's mom new something was up. "Do you have someone in there?" Lynn asked. Justin nodded. "Justin I told you to watch your brothers last night now to do who knows what!" he mother scolded "I didn't do anything. They came over because I had a dae already and they just helped me watch Jon and Steve. Nothing more nothing less." Justine explained "Oh you met someone? who is it?" Lynn asked "Cornell." Justin stated. His mother looked confused. "I thought you and he broke up." Lynn said "We did but I was having a really hard time and he was helping me and no not what you're thinking woman!" Justin said "We'll I can see your in a grouchy mood so I'm gonna let you get back to whatever you were doing. K, honey?" Lynn said placing a kiss on Justin cheek. Justin turned and lightly stepped back into his room. He heard snoring as he got closer to the bed. Justin smiled and climbed into the bed. He throw a leg on either side of the loud sleeper. He settled himself on top of Cornell's crouch. Justin waited patiently for Nelly's eyes to open. When they didn't Justin leaned down and placed a kiss on Nelly's thick lips. Nelly slowly opened his eyes and smiled a very sleep filled smile. A raised his big hands and rested them on Justin's hips before yawning loudly. "Mornin'." Nelly yawned "Likewise." Justin said "What are you doing up there?" Nelly asked bucking his hips some indicating his crouch. "I don't know it looked so inviting. I couldn't help myself." Justin flirted. Nelly was quieted for a moment like he was thinking. He evne had that look on his face. "Are you okay?" Nelly asked "Yeah." Jusitn answered quietly "I mean after what happened last night. It was strange. I don't wanna feel like I'm taking advantage of you." Nelly said "You're not." Justin said. Nelly was quiet for a another minute. "I really miss this." Nelly said "What?" Justin asked "This, me and you, us." Cornell said "Yeah me too." Justin said. Justin raised his hands and rested him on Nelly's defined chest. Nelly moved his arms around Justin's back and pulled him down onto his chest. He kissed Justin's lips with all the pinned up lust in his body. Justin kissed back with the same spark of lust not really caring whether they were together or not. Justin started humping Nelly's crouch getting the older man hard under him. Justin put his hand underneath himself and into Nelly's boxers pulling out a rock hard angry cock. Nelly took Justin's briefs in his hand and pullewd them down his thighs and legs and off his feet. Justin pulled off Nelly's boxers quicker than either of them thought he could. Justin sat his naked ass right on Nelly's cock and started to hump. Nelly's cock wasn't inside of Justin but the friction he was causing felt amazing. As Justin bucked Nelly's pushed up to meet his thrust. Newlly lifted up his upper body and joined his and Justin's lips together for added pleasure. As their tongues rolled around and made love both of their bodies shook with an orgasm. Nelly's dikc that was inbetween Justin's naked as cheeks twitched and spasmed until his love juicensprurted out all over Justin's back and Nelly's thighs. Justin's cock also twitched and shot out white pineed up love onto his stomach and Nelly's abs. Both of the men had their eyes closed in post orgasmic haze. Justin was the first to open his eyes and look at Nelly who's eyes opened soon after. They just stared at each other for a few seconds before Nelly's grabbed Justin's head and kissed him with the love in his body.Justin returned the post orgamic kiss with equal force. After they broke the kiss Justin got off of the older man and laid in his place beside him. "I'm all sticky you wann go take a shower?" Justin offered not knowing what else to say. The guy he had broken up with just had sexual contact. Nelly agreed with his idea before they walked semi nude into Justin's bathroom. As Justin turned on the hot water Nelly took off the rest of his clothes. He pulled back the shower curtain and stepped in before opening his big muscular arms offering Justin a place in them. Justin bit his lip and hesisitantly stepped into the shower and into his ex's arms. Water poured all over them as they stood under the shower head. They still hadn't talked about what they did or them getting back together. They were just enjoying each other's company. After their shower, they got out and dried each other off. Justin knew his parents were taking his brothers somewhere so they were free to walk around all they want. Justin grabbed some jeans and a shirt and put them on, as Nelly dug through his collection of clothes left over Justin's house that the yougne rman hadn't had the heart to throw out. Nelly followed Justin down to the kitchen where Justin started to make his favorite breakfast food, cereal. Justin got a bowl and poured the cereal and milk into it abefore taking a seat on the counter and happily munched his food. Nelly walked up and stood inbetween his spread thighs. He kissed the milk that was on Justin's lips licking his own for the lingering taste that was simply Justin. "J, what does this mean?" Nelly asked "I don't know, let's just go with the flow and see what happens." Justin smiled before scooping up some cereal and holding the spoon before Nelly's face. "Cereal?" Jusitn asked with a sexy smile. Nelly opened his moptuh and ate the cereal with the satisfaction that there was hope and the old Justin was returning to him.

Chapter 61 Monday had finally rolled around and it was time for Justin to deal with the hell hole known as University High. He and his ex had spent the entire weekend just hanging out, starting over. They both wanted to get back together even after all the drama tha had occurred during their "break". Now he was sitting in the passengers side of Nelly's car. He didn't feel like driving to school truthfully. "Thanks for the ride. I'll get one back from Alex or somebody." Justin said "I'll come pick you up that is if you want..." Nelly smiled. Justin couldn't help he leaned over and kiss him on the lips just for being a sweetheart. "I'd really like that." Justin said kissing the olde rman again before getting out the car. He threw a wave back before going into the school. As he walked down the halls he heard things being shouted at him like" Teacher Fucker" but he ignored it. He saw a few girls pointing and whispering. Justin just kept walking to his destination. He walked into the office past the recpetionist and into his principle's office. He sat down he a very familiar seat in front of a cherry oak desk that was currently empty. He waited for a few minutes until his busty teacher came wlaking in sipping her monring coffee with a folder in her free hand. "Justin." the Principle said "Ms. Jackson." Justing reeted equally as cold. The woman sat down in her desk across form Justina nd opened the manilla folder she had in frontof her. "We have gone over this little problem and we decided to change your schedule. We're taking you out of Mr. Pitt's Technology III Class and after reviewing some of your standardize test from the past two years and we're putting you in independent study. You will report to the media center for your first period and stay there until third period. Heres your new schedule and I need you to sign this transfer paper." Ms. Jackson explained putting one paper by Jusitn and off to the side and one right in front of him.She handed Jusitn a pen and he took it only to put it down and read the paper he was about to sign. "What about the technology credit needed for graduation?" Jusitn asked "You'll get it free plus another credit for this independent study class." the principle stated. " So he's not getting fired?" Justin asked "He's too good of a teacher and since you are 18 no crime was committed so we just put him on probation here at the school." Ms. Jackson. **** The morning was relatively peaceful for Justin wirh the exception of a few imitated freshmen he encountered in the library. Lunch time had rolled around and Jusitn had sent Alex to get his lunch while he sat at the table reading a magazine. He looked up whennhe heard chairs shuffling and people sitting down. All had a head full of blond hair and all were Justin's close friends. "Hey guys." Justin smiled at the three women. "Hey Juju." the three girls harmonized in a soprano tone of voice. Justin's smile dropped when the fourth and final blond sidlely walked over to the table without a word. "Justin." Britney Spears said "Britney." Justin greeted equally as cold. Alex soon walked back over to the table his and Justin's lunch. He cringed as he saw the two feuding friends look each other in the eye. Round 2.' Alex thought as he rolled his eyes. Alex put Justin's food in front of him and took a seat next to the younger man as Britney seat on Jessica's right side which happened to be right in front of Justin. Britney looked down at her plate and searched for a spoon to eat with and noticed se forgot one. She sighed out of frustration and was about to get up until she noticed Justin handing her something. Justin held a spork inbetween himself and Britney silently offering it to her. Britney smiled before gently taking the utensil. It was a symbol of treaty between the two feuding friends. "Can you believe this year uis almost over?!" Jessica screeched "Girl you right in my ear how can I not?" Beyonce` said covering her ear which received a laugh for everyone else at the table. "Senior year is almost here thank God." Alex said "I know then we graduate!" Britney said excitedly. "Is it me or is school really boring today?" Christina said out of the blue. "It's always boring!" Everyone said at the same time. "When is the senior skip day this year?" Justin asked "Why?" Jessica asked "Because we can skip too. I mean we're juniors close enough." Justin said shrugged "I think it's this Friday." Alex said "So y'all wanna go?" Britney asked. "I'm in." Everyone agreed. The lunch bell rang and everyone threw away their trash before walking out of the cafeteria to their next period. *** After school Justin walked out in front of University High looking for his keys in his messenger bag. A panic rose up form his toes as he couldn't find his car keys. He heard somebody blowing a horn at him and remember he didn't drive to school. He smiled and walked over to the honking car that was waiting on him the top down. "I forgot!" Jusitn laughed "It's ok. Come on." Nelly said leaning over and opening the passenger side door. Jusitn looked behind him before pulling the sunglasses that rested on top of his head, over his eyes. He got into the car and closed the door. Cornell pui the car in drive and started to drive out of the high school parking lot. Justin looked out the window and noticed Britney coming out of a side door of the high school. They connected eyes and he threw a friendly wave her way as she did the same. "Where do you wanna go J?" Nelly asked " I don't know. I ain't got nothing to do...let's go to your place." Justin suggested not knowing whether he meant for it to come out like that. Nelly shrugged and drove the regular way back to his apartment. Nelly parked in fornt of his building in the apartment neighbrhood. He lived in a neighborhood that had separate apartment buildings in which both doors were on the first floor but one was up a flight of stairs once you got inside the door. Justin exited the car alogn with Nelly as the older man unlocked his front door. "Let's watch a movie...."Justin started as they got to the top of the stairs. He stopped talking once he spoted some girl going through Nelly's CDs. Justin stopped wlaking and raised an eyebrow in her direction, as she walked with an exaggerated twist toward Cornell. She placed a kiss on his lips and hugged ghim around his waist. Justin folded his arms and backed away a little nodding his head in acceptance. "Hey baby." she smiled "What are you doing herre?" Nelly said backing away form her a little. "Can't I come visit you?" she said "Yeah I guess." Nelly said coldly. " Well I'll leave you two alone." She said walking down the stairs and out the front door. It was pure silence in the room after the woman left. Jusitn was thinking and Nelly was waiting for Justin to speak. "Take me home." Justin simply said "Stacy's just a..." Nelly started "Yeah friend. Take me home." Justin demanded again "Come on baby just..." Nely started reaching ot for Justin "No I wanna go home now!" Justin said pointing a stern finger at the older man who sighed and got his keys back out before going back downstairs following an angry stomping Justin. They got in the car drove back to Justin's house in complete silence with Nelly stealing glances at the livid boy. The vein in Justin's neck was pulsating like it did when he was pissed. They pulled into Justin's driveway before Cornell got the engine off Justin's got out of the car and walking further up the driveway to the closer kitchen door. Justin stomped quietly into the back door of his family's home He threw his bag on the foyer floor and stomp up the stairs like he did when he was little. Nelly calmly shut the door the door after a fuming Justin and followed he younger man up the informal staircase of his home.Justinwlaked with a fast pace down the hall and to his room where he slammed the door. Nelly sighed before opening the slammed door and wlaking and see Justin pacing back and forth rearranging and cleaning his room. Justin enver cleaned his room except for when he was upset about something. Cornell pulled up his pant legs some before taking a seat on Justin's bed. Justin walked up to him and snatched a sheet from under the Blackman's butt. "Thank you." Justin said ruffly folding up the blanket before throwing it in his closet. "Can you come sit down for a second?" Nelly requested rubbing his forehead with his eyes closed. " No, I'm cleaning." Justin snarked as he shuffled the items on his dresser and knocked some stuff off. "What's wrong?" Nelly asked. Jusitn dropped the glass bottle he had in his hands and it shattered on the floor. "Did you fuck her?" Justin asked. Nelly was silent as he nervously scratched his head. "That's what I fucking thought! That's why I'm mad asshole." Justin yelled "Yeah we fooled around a buit but what was I supposed to do you didn't want me and she did!" Nelly siad raising his voice. Justin looked at him like he was crazy. "I never said or acted like I didn't want you!" Justin shouted "You broke up with that's saying you don't want me!" Nelly said. Jusitn was quiet for a moment. "I do want you it's just I don't know..."Justin trailed off. "You don't know if you love me?"Nelly asked "No that I know for sure." Jusitn without having to think about it. There was an eerie silence between the two former lovers now that Justin had declared he still loved the older man.


So I've really brought back the form of AU writing because there are a few stories that are poping up around here that have similar plots to this. Whatever, I don't know whether they stole some my ideas or not but i'll keep an eye out and if i see anything like my story i'll say something and it won't be nice. Okay, you cheer now... I'll be updating more often now. tell next time. -Scream

Next: Chapter 22: Justin and Nelly 62 63

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