Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Feb 25, 2006


University high

by Scream

This story is an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18.

Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Chapter 67

After the night of reuniting and sex Nelly and Justin slept like rocks. Somehow they had ended up in their bed after they fell asleep on the couch. Nelly opened one of his eyes and closed it back because the room was so bright. He groaned as he sat up in the middle of his bed and rubbed his eyes like he always did. He pulled back the covers and looked down at his legs. He saw a barefoot with a tattoo around the ankle laying over his shin. It was connected to a body that was sprawled out under a few pillows and sheets and a blond braided head poking out from under the sheet. Nelly reached over pulled the sheet off of the person's face. He say Justin sleeping with his mouth wide open and slightly drooling. It was kind of cute in a sleeping way. He touched the side of his face and Justin's face scrunched up as he rolled over. "Baaaaaby." Cornell cooed n Justin's ear and kissed it shortly after. He was rewarded with a hand flicking his nose in annoyance.

"Come on Stinky wake up." Nelly said kissing Justin's neck.

"uphmmmm the fuck? Mmmm." Justin said in his sleep as he rolled over onto his back. Nelly looked down at Justin's foot that rested on his shin pointing straight up. He ran a finger up Justin sole which made him kick his foot and snort. Cornell was real impatient with Justin in the morning because he was so hard to wake up. He got out the bed and pulled the covers off of the boy who screamed when the cold air and light hit his body.

"Get yo ass up boy" Nelly said. Justin threw a small fit of anger before laying still.

"Why are you always so fucking mean to me." Justin said not opening his eyes.

"Cuz I love you now get up." Nelly said

"Why?" Justin sneered

"Cuz I'm hungry." Nelly said

"And? You better go fix something and get the hell outta my face." Justin said rolling over.

"No I know you hungry too now get up." Nelly said pulling on Justin's tattooed ankle. He pulled Justin off the bed.

" Fine I'm getting up. I don't know what you want from me I don't cook." Justin growled standing up.

"We better find somethin." Nelly said. He noticed Justin had his bright blue eyes wide open now and that the sparkle had returned to them like before even though the younger man was pissed. He leaned forward in an attempt to get a kiss good morning but instead he kissed a hand that was held up in his face.

"Not until we locate a toothbrush k baby?" Justin said walking pass Nelly. He smiled before he crushed in a big bear hug and an unshaved face was pressed against his. "Who you talkin to? I'll kiss you whenever I feel like it lil boy." Nelly said squeezing Justin's midsection and placing kisses on his face.

"I'm skinny remember. You're gonna crush me." Justin said straining to breathe. "Kiss me." Nelly commanded. Justin turned his head slightly and kissed him on the lips. The rasp around his midsection loosened up to a firm lazy rub against his abs that made him purr. Together they walked into the kitchen. Separating both men looked into various cabinets and the refrigerator.

"You cookin?" Justin asked

"Nah you cookin." Nelly said

"No I ain't." Justin said

"Yes you is." Nelly said

"Let's do it together." Justin suggested

"Right here in the kitchen?" Nelly asked with humor in the question

"Shut up, I mean cook." Justin laughed

"Yeah whatever I want pancakes." Nelly said

"Of course you do." Justin rolled his eyes. They got out the skillet and the "Aunt Jemima" instant pancake mix since both of them were kitchen challenged and couldn`t make it from scratch. After washing their hands they got a bowl and Justin poured the mix in. Nelly got the water and reached around Justin's waist with both arms and poured it in the bowl which made Justin laugh. After the pancakes got done the doorbell rang. Nelly went to answer the door. He pulled it open and smiled.

"Hey wassup?" Nelly said

"Are you busy? I came by yesterday but apparently you weren't here." the visitor said

"Nah me and my boy are having breakfast." Nelly said

"Can I come in?" she asked

"Yeah I don't care." Nelly said. He walked her into his apartment as Justin was putting their breakfast on a plate.

"Hey Justin." Stacy waved with a cocky smile on her face. When Justin turned around he rolled his eyes.

"Hello. Stacy." Justin said through his clenched teeth.

"What are y'all eatin up in herre." Stacy said loudly

"Pancakes." Justin said with the fakest smile ever.

"I love pancakes." Stacy said sitting down in Justin's spot at the table.

"You would. You want some fresh squeezed orange juice?" Justin asked

"Yeah of course." Stacy said thinking Justin was starting to like her. Nelly folded his arms and looked at Justin and smiled when he offered her some orange juice. His smile filtered when Justin pulled an orange out and the biggest kitchen knife he ever saw in his life. Justin expertly cut the orange in half and grabbed a glass before walking around the corner and slammed it in front of Stacy. He held the orange in front of her face and gave the strongest squeeze and the juice came out the orange in the glass. He then dropped the dry orange in the glass along with the juice.

"Enjoy." Justin snarled before walking back into the kitchen. Justin picked up the knife again and cut his pancakes now. Nelly walked up and gently took the knife from him.

"You need to chill she's company." Nelly said. Justin gave him that "I don't care" look

"Whatever. Bastard." Justin growled

" What's yo fucking problem, stop bein a bitch." Nelly said

"I don't know who you think you talkin to but you better take some of that bass out of your voice." Justin said

"Later for you." Nelly warned snatching his food and sitting down next to his whore. Justin went into their room and slammed the door. Nelly tried to ignore him and his childish ways so he started talking to his old girlfriend about City and Murphy and them. Justin stormed out of the room with his sunglasses on which means he was pissed and his keys and wallet.

"Aye where the hell you goin?" Nelly asked

"Out." Justin said

"Out where?" Nelly asked loudly

"Out of this house and don't' call me unless you're ready to apologize." Justin said slamming the door. Stacy smiled so hard her teeth almost fell out. She stood and walked behind Nelly's chair and leaned down.

"Don't' worry baby we can chill today." Stacy smiled


Justin got in his car and was straight pissed. He turned on the engine after missing that key hole three ties and screaming out of frustration. He pulled out the apartment complex and drove down the highway at the highest speed he could go unnoticed. He had been driving for to straight hours when noticed his cell phone ringing. He picked the little fucker up and flipped it open with ease

"Yeah." Justin answered

"Yo wassup J?" the male voice said

"Nothing man just driving and shit." Justin said

"What's wrong?" the caller said

"I'm sick of everyone's bullshit today." Justin said

"Oh." the caller said

"Yeah so what's up?" Justin said not wanting a silence in the air

"I wanted to see if you wanted to meet me at the mall for a movie or somethin." the voice asked

"Yeah sure. Pick a mall." Justin said without thinking, He needed to do something.

"How about the one by the skating rink." the caller suggested

"Yeah cool how about an hour?" Justin said

"Cool." the caller said

"Alright Ush bye." Justin said flipping a U turn at the light.

Chapter 68 Justin sat in the dark movie theater with his arms folding watching the movie with a hand on his ass. He didn't want to be mean and tell them to stop because maybe he didn't realize it was there. He went through the 90 minute movie with Usher's hand on his ass and it was annoying him but he still enjoyed the movie. After it was over Justin walked in the mall with Usher making small talk until his cell phone rang. He took it out his pocket and rolled his eyes and letting it ring.

"You wanna answer that?" Usher asked

"Nah." Justin said ignoring the ringing

"You hungry?" Usher asked

"Yeah actually I am I didn't eat breakfast." Justin said walking toward the food court. They waited in line for McDonald's Express and several girls and a couple of guys were checking them out. Typical. After they go their food they got a seat where they could look at everybody walking by. They got into a discussion about the guys passing by.

"Would you do him?" Justin said lowly

"Probably." Usher said

"You have said about every person!" Justin laughed

"I'm horny." Usher shrugged

"You're nasty." Justin smiled and it feel when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and closed the phone back up and ignored it.

"Are you gonna answer that?" Usher asked

"Nah it's my boyfriend." Justin said waving his hand and he saw Usher pale and clear his throat.

"Don't worry he don't even know I'm here." Justin said and watched some color come back into Usher's face.

"So what's been up since school ended?" Usher asked

"Nothing much I just moved in with my boyfriend." Justin said

" You still dating Nelly?" Usher asked

" Yeah I'm dating that bastard." Justin said

"Datin a crazy nigga you know that?" Usher said. Justin tilted his head to the side with a curious look on his face as to why Usher went from all nice to dissing his boyfriend.

"Oh really?" Justin said

"Yeah I advise you never to make him mad." Usher said

"He makes me mad!" Justin said

"Be careful." Usher advised rubbing his jaw.

"Oh right sorry about last year. You had it coming though." Justin said sympathetically "No problem. Yo my mom is expecting me home in an hour so I better be going." Usher said standing up. Justin looked at his watch saw that it was three o clock already.

"Oh. Yeah it's getting late." Justin said standing up too. The two men walked out of the mall to their cars.


Justin killed time by driving the long way back over to the west side where'll his friends and family lived. Justin parked in one of his friends driveways. He knocked on the door like he lived there.

"What?!" Britney asked

"Heeey Brit." Justin greeted

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a boyfriend you should be fucking?" Britney asked

"Whatever bitch." Justin laughed

"So what happened?" Britney asked letting him into her house.

"He's inviting his skank ass hoes over our house." Justin said laying down on one of the couches in the room.

"Why don't you just kick their ass^Åout I mean." Britney said

"I'm sick of fightin bitches." Justin said "Beside I ain't fightin no bitch for what's mine even if he is an insensitive bastard. I can call him that but nobody else better." Justin said

"Please, Please, Please don't break up again. I can't handle that." Britney said

"The hell you gotta do with it?" Justin asked

"The last time y'all broke up you tried to wrong my neck in front of the school now your finally going back to normal and y'all start fighting again." Britney explained

"Minor detail." Justin shrugged

"Well Mr. Timberlake I have shit to do so I advise you to go back home and talk to your stubborn boyfriend so your head headed ass don't try to ill me again." Britney said resting a hand on Justin's head and pushing him out the front door. She closed to door and laughed loudly. Justin touched his hair that had a du rag on it. He turned on his car and Jay-Z was currently playing on the radio.

"Oh shit that's my song!" Justin said about "Can I Get a^Å" by Jay-z ft Amil and Ja. He pulled out of Britney's drive way and sped down the street on his way to the main highway.

Chapter 69

It was late when Justin got home. The sun was almost down as the day was coming to a close. He left earlier that day and hadn't called or came back. He mostly just drove around and went to all the malls he found interesting. When Justin finally arrived home he looked around the parking lot and was happy when he didn't see Stacy's car still there. He opened the door and got out of his car. He used his key to get into his home and squinted into the darkness. He turned on the light and walked into the living room putting his stuff down.

"Where have you been?" a harsh voice came from behind Justin which made him jump slightly.

"Why?" Justin shot back

"Because I asked you that's why." Nelly said losing his short patience

"I went out. I'm surprised you even noticed with your girl Stacy putting her titties in you face and grabbing your stuff. I personally don't wanna watch that shit." Justin said "What the fuck or who the fuck you been doing that has to where you can't pick up yo goddamn phone. Whoever that nigga is I`ll fuck him up." Nelly said his eyes practically glowing green with jealousy.

"Whatever. I got better things to do than fuck around on you cuz if I wanted somebody else I'd just go be with you not have that skank running around all up in your mother fuckin face making you feel like shit." Justin said

"Stop playing that bullshit I told yo ass nothing is going on. You makin me crazy with all these goddamn accusations." Nelly said folding his arms.

"I wouldn't have to accuse if it wasn't no reasonable doubt." Justin said

"Stop bitching already damn." Nelly said rolling his eyes

"Yeah whatever." Justin said walking to the bedroom until his arm was grabbed and he was yanked back.

"Don't fuckin walk away from me when I'm talkin to you." Cornell said. Justin looked down at his arm that was in a vice grip. Justin balled up the fist on his other hand and hit his boyfriend square in the nose which made him let go of his arm.

"Don't be grabbin my arm like you run somethin. You don't fucking put your goddamn hands on me cuz I ain't some 16 year old virgin anymore." Justin said his temper getting the best of him. His tightly closed fist opened when he saw the blood coming out of Nelly's nose. "Oh man, I'm so sorry." Justin said once he realized what he did. Nelly wiped his nose with the back of his hand.

"Nothing happened aight." Nelly said ignoring the fact he just took a fist to the face. "Then why is she always here? And just to let you know she is fucking pissing me off." Justin said

"She ain't that bad." Cornell said looking at Justin with suspicion.

"Please boy, she wants your dick so bad she can practically taste it and you know it.

It's mine though, and she can't have it ever." Justin said founding his arms.

"It's yours huh?" Nelly grinned.

"You know it and I'll be damned if I let some bitch take what's mine." Justin said as he watched more blood come from Nelly's nose.

"Damn Timberlake you got a good left hook" Nelly said laughing try to ease the tension. It's not like he hadn't been hit in the nose before.

"Cuz I'm a gangsta." Justin said crossing his arms trying to look hard.

"Get me some ice "gangsta" " Nelly said

"I was goin to do it anyway not because you said so." Justin said walking into the kitchen and putting some ice in a bag. He walked over to Nelly who was seated on the couch. Justin carelessly placed the bag on Ice on Nelly's face which was tilted back.

"Owww." Nelly groaned

"Oh shut up you big baby." Justin said placing his hand over the bag, over Nelly's nose.

"That hurt." Nelly whined

"Oh I'm sorry." Justin said rolling his eyes and finally apologizing with a kiss on the cheek. Justin sat back on the sofa and pulled out his 10th cigarette of the day and lit it up as he did when he was stressed. He blew out the smoke and lazily looked at Nelly who was wiping his nose. Nelly looked at Justin and reached over swiftly to snatch the cigarette out of his mouth at lightning speed.

"Don't be smoking in the house lil boy." Nelly said putting the cigarette out.

"I live here too I can smoke and please I'm stressed because of you so I should be able to smoke." Justin said trying to grab his cigarette.

"No you little chain smoker." Nelly said. Justin leaned over his lap and continued to try and get his cigarette.

"So you mean you can smoke weed anytime you want and I can't have one little cigarette. That's fuckin retarded." Justin said laying down over his boyfriend's lap. Justin had his head directly in-between Nelly's legs. He gently started to kiss and rubbed all over the crouch of his pants as he parted Nelly's legs. Justin used his hands to feel up on Nelly's dick. Justin slyly reached his hand up and grabbed his cigarette from Nelly's hand before putting it in his mouth and getting off of Nelly's lap. Justin laughed when he saw the look on Cornell's face.

"Priceless." Justin laughed

"No you didn't." Nelly looking at his hard on and Justin's laughing face.

"Don't fuck with my smoke." Justin said before walking in to the bedroom.

"You goin to leave me like this?" Nelly said referring to his penis.

"Use your hands don't forget I`m still pissed at you.." Justin yelled from the other room and laughed loudly.

*** Chapter 70

"Baby we back for the last time!" Justin said happily as the first day of his last year of high school began. He was in the best mood for the first day of school. He only pushed over three freshmen in his way and he even helped a sophomore find her class. He walked to his group of friends who were taking pictures and laughing. "Hey what's up guys and gals?" Justin said posing in some photos Britney were taking.

"Nothing just making memories. I love you guys." Britney cooed and continued to snap pictures.

"That's like the millionth time she's done this." Jessica said holding her smile. The bell rang and the group of friends went to their respective classes.


After the last bell of the day rang Justin picked up his stuff and ran out of the front door of the school. He got into his car and sped out of his school assigned parking space. He drove down the highway to his home because it was faster than catching all the red lights. He got off the exit and pulled into the apartment complex. He parked his car in his assigned place and walked up to the front door. He pulled out his key and let himself into his home. He nosily walked through the living room into the kitchen for a bottle of water. Justin rested against the corner and peered out into the living room where a black man with a pair of glasses on sat with a pencil behind his ear and many books open in front of him with a look of thought on his face.

"Hey sexy." Justin called out but received no gesture or acknowledgement. Justin picked up his water and walked into the living room and fell on the couch next to his boyfriend leaning up against on his well toned biceps.

"Cornell." Justin called running his hand up and down Nelly's arms. He felt the arm raise up and surround him pulling him into a half hug. Nelly placed a kiss on his temple not looking away form his work.

"Hey baby. How was school?" Nelly asked still looking at his book.

"It was alright, a little boring. You look like you still in school." Justin said resting his chin in his hands and looking at Nelly's text books silently begging for attention. Nelly looked at him and Justin raised his eyebrows and smiled. He sighed and closed his book and took his glasses off.

"You wanna go out?" Nelly asked

"A date?" Justin asked with an excited smiled

" Yeah we can go to City Walk and do whatever you want." Nelly shrugged.

"City Walk? It's been a long time since we went there." Justin smiled which made Nelly smile.


A couple of hours later after both men had showered they were putting on clothes. They both stood naked in the room searching for clothes. Justin saw Nelly putting on a pair of baggy jeans and decided to help. Justin grabbed the top of the denim pants and fasten them around his boyfriend's waist. Justin grabbed a tank top and put it over Nelly's head also. Justin got his own pants and shirt on and put on his shoes. Soon they were in Nelly's truck with the music loud it made the truck vibrate. They arrived at their destination they parked and walked along. Justin let out a breath as the Florida humidity got to him even at night. Nelly saw a sign and stopped to ask Justin a question.

"You wanna get a tattoo?" Nelly asked impulsively. Justin looked at shop sign Nelly was looking at and raised one of his brows.

"Right now?" Justin asked and Nelly nodded. "Alright." Justin shrugged and walked into the tattoo parlor. At the counter stood a man with his face all pierced up and several tattoos on his arms.

"Tattoo or piercin?" the man said with a thick New York accent chewing his gum loudly.

"Tattoo." Nelly and Justin said

"Ok. Wait! Yous guys gots ID's right cuz if you don't I gotta sell ya some." the man said

"Yeah we over 18." Nelly said handing him Justin and his ID's. The man nodded and lead them to two chairs. One was up two steps and the other was up higher on the split level floor. Nelly took the first chair and Justin took the second. They both look through a huge book full of different designs pictures and fonts.

"I think I'ma get Lunatic written right herre." Nelly said tracing the skin he wanted tattooed. Justin looked down at the place he was tracing.

"Lunatic? You is crazy." Justin said spinning around in his turning chair.

"Yeah I'ma get it here so you can see it every time you go down on me." Nelly laughed

"Hehe hell. You keep saying stupid shit like I won't be going down nowhere anytime soon. Ya dig?" Justin said looking at Nelly in all seriousness. Nelly reached up grabbed Justin's hand through the railing.

"You know I was playing right baby?" Nelly said smiling.

"Yeah whatever. I'ma get this Celtic cross on my arm what do you think?" Justin said holding up the book.

"You gettin it that big?" Nelly asked with worry

"Yeah." Justin said

" Be careful I don't wanna carry you out screamin like last time." Nelly said

"That was one time like a year ago when you gonna let that go?" Justin rolled his eyes.

"Uh huh we'll see." Nelly said. Justin told the tattoo guy which one he wanted and after he gather all the needles he put alcohol on Justin's arm. The buzzing sound started and Justin gasped as he arm started to sting. He keep his breathe steady and the needle drew on his skin. When it was over it was wiped with alcohol. Justin looked at it and was happy he didn't pass out. Justin said in his chair and watch Cornell take off his shirt and lay down on the chair. He watch the same guy tattoo his boyfriend and Justin cringed as the needle wrote "Lunatic" above his belly button. After it was done the two paid for their body art and carefully walked out the small shop not letting anything touch their very sensitive skin.

"How did you learn to deal with pain so good Juju?" Nelly asked

"When we broke up that was the worst pain I ever ha to go through so the way I see it everything else is irrelevant." Justin shrugged. It got silent between the two as they stopped walking down the sidewalk. Nelly reached over and gently grabbed Justin's hand and caressed the back with his thumb.

"I'ma try to not let you go through that shit again ok?" Cornell said quietly. Justin looked at him, nodded and smiled. Cornell kissed Justin on his temple as they continued to walk.


Sorry it took so long to update i got all your emails but remember this story ain't over til i say so. If it says TBC then that's exactly it only this time it took me a month. lol. Betwen work school and sleep i barely have time to write but I'm tryin. Let me know what you think, IM me or email me. -Scream

Next: Chapter 25

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