Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Jul 20, 2005


University High by Scream

Okay, so this happens to be one of my favorite stories that I have written. It's quite long actually. It's actually an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now... follow me to a high school where you are not familiar with the people yet you know them of so well...

Chapter 6

Justin awoke to a pair of familiar hands on his face. He felt the sun coming through his bedroom window.

"What Jon?" Justin asked without opening his eyes

"Mommy said wake you up for school." Jon said resting his child like head on Justin's chest while keeping his hand on his brother's face.

"Thank you guys cuz I ignored that alarm again."

"I kno you always do." Jon said climbing off his brother.

Justin made his way downstairs. He passed his other brother, Steven, watching some dumb cartoon on the television. He patted his baby brother's head don his way to the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen to see his mom cooking breakfast, his dad reading the newspaper while his brother, Jon was playing with toys at the breakfast table.

"Mornin all." Justin said

"Mornin son." Randall said

"Mornin baby." Lynn said

Instead of getting a plate for breakfast, Justin opted to grab a bowl for his daily cereal. He went to the cupboard and got out a bowl. He walked over the other cabinet and pulled out his favorite sugary cereal. He poured some in a bowl. He walked the fridge and pulled out some milk. He continued to pour some over his dry cereal he sat down. And quietly ate his cereal. After he was done he walked back up to his room and pulled out his clothes for school getting dress he grabbed his wallet, cell phone, and keys. He walked out the door and got into his car. He rode the short distance down the street and pulled in front of Britney's house. He blew his horn twice. The blonde bombshell walked outside in her signature miniskirt. She jumped into the car with her best friend.

" Hey J." Britney greeted

" Hey Brit." Justin said backing out of the driveway.

" So did you tell your mom about your budding relationship?" Britney asked giggling at herself.

"Jesus, Brit "budding relationship" you are spending way to much time reading. To answer your question I did tell her and my dad actually." Justin said

" And they said..." Brit trailed off

" They were actually happy but my dad wants to talk to Cornell which I don't think is a good idea." Justin said frowning a little

Cornell woke up with the sun beaming in his eyes. He walked into his bath room and tripped naked. He showered in the warm water for his day in school. He then went to get his clothes. He left the house, without breakfast, because he was late. He jumped into his car and sped off to school. He pulled up in front of Universty High with one minute to spare he ran to his locker. He got the things he would need for math.


The simply word made Nelly's stomach do flips. Not Math itself but the thought of Justin. His blue eyes, his cornflower curly blond hair, his soft pink lips sent stirring in Cornell's groin. The warning bell woke him up out his daydream as he entered Math class he saw Justin laughing and talking to one of the Juniors in the class. He had to admit the boy had a way with people. He walked over slowly and sat down next to him. He waited until the blond noticed him.

"Heeeeey, Cory!" Justin said

" Hey baby." Nelly answered

" I told my mom about you." Justin said shyly

" You what?!" Nelly's eye bugged out his head

"No worries she's ok with it." Justin said laughing at his boyfriend obvious relaxing

" Ok. I was wondering do you wanna come over tonight. I got mah own place." Cornell asked

" Yeah I gotta ask my mom if its ok." Justin said blushing

"Cool, nothing to be ashamed of I know you're 16 and I'm 19 but we'll make it work." he said taking Justin's hand under the table giving a comforting squeeze that nobody else could see.

"Thanks. I was also wondering can we tell people?" Justin asked shyly

"I don't care but it might get a little rough around herre." Nelly warned

"Yeah maybe later in the year." Justin decided

"Yeah that'd be cool." Nelly said

Chapter 7

Later that day Justin arrived at Cornell's apartment thanks to the very specific directions. He knocked on the door twice before a totally naked Nelly answered the door. Justin's jaw hit the floor and his mouth watered. He managed to ask then one question that anyone would wonder.

"Do you always answer the door with your dick out?" Justin asked walking into the house

"Only for you baby, only for you." Nelly winked

"Aww.. I'm flattered." Justin blushed

"You should be you're the only one that's seein' dis dick." Cornell smiled

"What a mighty fine dick it is, but please can you put on some clothes because that same dick is distracting me." Justin said covering his eyes

" Alright shorty." Nelly said pulling on some boxers

"Thank you." Justin said

" So wha'chu wanna do?" Cornell asked

"Ummm... I don't know, let`s watch a movie." Justin said

"Ok." Cornell said getting up to get a movie.

Well the movie didn't last long because right after Nelly put it on Justin decided he wanted to make out. He sat down in Nelly's lap and begin running his fingers over the other man's lips. He received a moan and a large lump growing under his butt. Justin leaned over to capture his boyfriends lips in a dueling of the tongues. He moved down to Nelly's neck then to his chest. He took one of his nipples into his mouth and sucked and bit lightly. Earning him an encouraging moan. He decided to go for it. He kneeled down on his knees and licked Nelly's abs lightly, before following his treasure trail don to the waist band of his boxers.

"Justin do you know what your doing?" Nelly moaned

"Yeah, have any of those girls ever gave you a blowjob?" Justin asked dipping his hand inside his boyfriend's boxers which made him quaver with the sensation

" Uhmmm..yeah." He managed to respond

"Ok, can I do it?" Justin asked pulling the boxer's off Nelly's feet

He didn't get a response because he had almost completely swallowed the man meat. He ran his tongue from the base to the tip. Which made Cornell almost jump off the couch. Justin plated wet soft kisses up and down the shaft. He licked the tip as if it was an ice-cream cone. He heard a loud moan. He went down the base of the penis and sucked and hummed lightly. All that could be heard in the room are moans and soft slurping. He moved his oral fixation down the orb-like globes below the penis.

"Ah, shit!" Nelly screamed

He shot his seeds down Justin's throat who swallowed some and choked on some. He nursed the penis until it became flaccid again. He sat on the couch besides his panting boyfriend and rested his head on his sweaty chest.

"That was great, thanks baby" Nelly said wrapping his arms around Justin

"Welcome." Justin replied closing his eyes and going to sleep.

Chapter 8

Friday came faster than Justin thought it would. After Tuesday's events at Nelly's apartment Justin has been spending all his time over there. His mom was glad to see her son so happy for once. He and Nelly got closer and closer to everyday. Justin thought he may actually may be falling in love. Right now he was in Britney's room helping her get ready for her date. She was currently showing him potential outfits, while he was on the computer talking to some of her friends.

"No not that one." he disagreed for like the hundredth time

"Why not?" Britney asked frustrated

"Because it screams rape me in my pussy and ass." he explained

"Jeez Justin, you kiss your mother with that mouth, oh right you been sucking hot, black, jock dick with that mouth." Britney teased

"You wish you had it like me bitch." Justin laughed

"Damn right I do and if this date goes well I'll have it like that." Britney said

"So you plan on giving Wade a blowjob huh? Let him pay for the date first before you get your panties off k? Slutney." Justin teased back

"You know what Justin how about you go fuck yourself in the ass."

"See Fuckney shows how much you know I have a hot older guy to fuck me in the ass." Justin laughed harder at Britney's blush.

"I'm gonna stop talking about this now. Ok how about this one?" Britney held up a leather draw sting tube top-like top and a pair of denium hip huggers that said Juicy on the back.

"Perfect he's defiantly gonna wanna hit that now." Justin said

"Perfect it is then." Britney said putting her other clothes away.

"Are you still gonna have Bryan take you to the movie theater for the date?" Justin asked

"No Wade's gonna come get me." Britney said quietly

"Ok but like I said before be careful I still get a bad vibe from that dude." Justin warned

"Yeah yeah yeah thanks dad." Britney said rolling her eyes

Later that night Justin opened Britney's front door for Wade. He walked in and looked around probably for Britney.

"She'll be out in a minute." Justin said sitting down on the couch

"Alright." Wade sat sitting in a chair

"What are y'all doing tonight?" Justin asked

"Probably goin to see a movie. Then probably goin to eat at the burger place." Wade said

"Well, hope y'all have fun."Justin said

" Are you like Britney's brother or somethin'? Wade asked curiously

"You could say that we've been friends forever we even bathed together when we're little so yeah I'm like her older brother." Justin said

"Oh. You go to UHS don't you? I've seen you around before." Wade said remembering

"Yeah I go to University." Justin said

Just then Britney walked down the stair case in the tube top and the hip huggers that were picked out earlier. She completed the look with her extra pointy-toe black boots. She had her hair half up and half down with the up part spike-like. Her blond hair her seem to glow in the light,which made Justin smile. Her glitter lip gloss and glitter make-up added to her glowing,angelistic appearance.

"Hey, Brit you look great tonight." Wade complimented

"Thanks cutie so do you." Brit complimented back

" Shall we?" he asked holding his arm out

"Yes we shall." Brit said linking her arm through his

"Have fun." Justin said

"Don't wait up." Britney said

"Like hell, I'll be by here at 10 to see if your home yet?" Justin whispered

Britney glared and walked out the door to what seemed to be an evening of fun.

Chapter 9

Nelly and Justin were sitting on Nelly's bed making out for like what seemed like an hour. All that was heard was moans and groans. Cornell had his hand roaming Justin's body all over, while settled in between Justin`s spread thighs. Justin's hands were roaming his boyfriends back. Their erections were rubbing together which caused more moaning.

"Cory." Justin said

"Hmm..." Nelly said not stopping his kissing assault on Justin's face

"Cory!" Justin said more forcefully

"Hmm..." Cornell said kissing Justin's neck

"Cornell!" Justin said lifting Cornell's head

"Yeah baby?" Cornell said looking Justin in the eye

"I think I'm ready." Justin said honestly

"Are you sure?" Nelly asked knowing full well what Justin was speaking of

" Yes, I'm sure. What do we need." Justin asked shyly

"We need a condom, some lube, some candles, and music." Nelly grinned when Justin blushed at the words "condom" and "lube". Nelly got off the bed and went to fetch everything. He came back in the room and got back in the bed but not before stripping himself of his shirt. He started kissing Justin's neck again while trying to rid him of his shirt. He went down some more and took Justin's nipple into his mouth which made Justin squirm. They were interrupted by Justin's cell phone ringing. They hesitantly stopped their actions when Justin reached over to grab his phone off the table.

"Yeah." Justin answered kind of frustrated

"Justin?" the voice sobbed quietly

"Britney? What's wrong?" Justin asked concern replacing frustration

"Um, can you come get me please?" she cried softly

"Yeah sure. What's wrong?" Justin asked

"Wade got a little rough all he wanted to do was have sex. He ripped my clothes off. When I told him no, he left me here, the woods place behind he mall." Britney explained

"Ok, I'll be there I'll bring you a shirt." Justin said putting on his shirt and receiving confusion from Cornell

"Thanks Justin, I love you." Britney said gratefully

"Welcome I love you too." Justin said waiting for Britney to hang up. When she finally did He turned to Nelly.

"That bastard that Britney went out with, raped her I think and then left her, topless, behind the movie theater." Justin angry boiling

"That's low. You want a ride to pick her up?" Nelly asked pulling back on his own shirt

"Yeah that would be great baby." Justin said kissing him

Ten minutes later Nelly and Justin pulled behind the movie. Justin got out the car shouting Britney's name. He heard a reply behind a bush. He looked behind the bush only to see a tear stained, embarrassed Britney covering her chest. He handed her a shirt he brought, wife beater. He then proceeded to hug her while she cried on his shoulder. He lead her back to the car. Cornell pulled in front of Britney's house and let her and Justin out the backseat. Britney went inside hopefully without being seen.

"Hey I think I gotta stay her with her for a while I'll make it up to you ok, baby?" Justin said

"Yeah no problem I'll call you later." Nelly said backing out of the driveway

Justin took a deep breath then walked up to the front door of Britney's house.


Poor, poor Britney, well teaches her to dress slutty on the first date. Well shit like that does happen when you get a creepy feeling about somebody don't ignore it be cautious. Ok, off of my public service announcement. So did you like this installment? Did you hate it? Well you know how to voice your opnion to me. Until next time kiddies...-Scream

Next: Chapter 5: Justin and Nelly 10 12

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