Justin Jc Lance

By moc.loa@71pmaVlegnA

Published on Feb 3, 2001


Note from author: Hey! Finally, I wrote chapter 5.I hope you guys will enjoy it. I will try to write as many as chapters as I can.Also, I am not very good at grammar but I try my best so if I make a mistake then just ignore it. If you have any comments at all just e-mail me here: CrAzYBsBnSyNc16@aol.com Thanks, Felicia

Chapter 5:

Lance was changing clothes in his room. Lance phone started ringing. Lance picked up the phone. "Hello"said Lance. "Lance, get the guys down here because we are having a little short meeting"said the manger. "Alright"said Lance. Lance hung up the phone and called the other guys telling them that they are having a meeting at the mangers room.

Finally, Lance got done changing into new clothes. Lance walked out of his room and shut the door behind him. He saw Jc getting out of his room also.Jc looked up and saw Lance and he smiled at Lance. Lance smiled back. "Lets go see what the manger wants"said Jc. "Alright"said Lance.

Lance and Jc walked down the hall to the mangers room.Jc knocked on the door. Joey answered the door. "Hey"said JC. "Come on in because the meeting is fixing to start"said Joey. Jc and Lance walked in and saw the other guys are in there already.

The manger looked at the guys."You guys we just got a call saying that Jive wanted the Backstreet Boys to join the tour. Also, they told us that the Backstreet Boys will be here tomorrow morning"said the manger. "What time are they coming here?"asked Lance. "At 6:30am"said the manger. "That fucken early in the morning"said Justin. "Yes, that early in the morning Justin"said the manger. "Well, is that all that we need to know"said Joey. "Yes, now you guys can go do whatever you guys were doing"said the manger. "Alright"said Joey. "Lets get the fuck out of here you guys"said Chris.

The guys left the manger room. "Man I can't believe that Backstreet Boys are coming here tomorrow" said Chris. "Chris, they aren't that bad you know"said Justin. "I know but I just really don't like their music"said Chris. "Chris, no matter what all of us on tour are going to get along and if you have a problem with that just talk to one of us about it ok?"said Jc. "OK"said Chris. "Are we going to tell them about us"said Lance looking at Jc and Justin. "I think we should because they are going to tour with us for along time"said Jc. "I agree with Jc"said Justin. "Okay, tomorrow we will tell them about us"said Lance. "I just hope they will take it very well because if they didn't that would suck big time"said Joey. "Yeah it would"said Jc. "Lets don't worry about it until tomorrow morning ok?"said Lance. "Alright"said Justin.

The guys enter Chris room. "So what are we going to do?"said Chris sitting on the bed. "Let's go clubbing"yelled Joey. The guys looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I knew he was going to say that"said Justin smiling. "That sounds like a good idea though"said Lance. "Well, we don't have to go change so lets just go ahead and head out"said Jc. "Yes, we can shake our booty all night long"yelled Joey shaking his butt. "I think he is getting to hyper now"said Chris laughing. "Lets go we don't have all day"yelled Joey running out of the room. Chris,Jc,Justin,and Lance looked at each other and shaked their head while they were laughing and heading out of Chris room.

Finally, they got to the club. They walked into the club. "Lets dance"yelled Joey over the music. "I am with Joey here"yelled Justin. Justin walked after Joey to go into the big crowd that's already dancing to the music.

"Lets go with Justin"said Jc pulling Lance arm. "Fine,Fine,Fine"said Lance smiling. Lance and Jc walked into the big crowd also. Chris looked at them and started to follow them.

Jc saw Justin was going to the bar to get a drink. "Lance, do you think Justin should be drinking because he is kinda under age still?"asked Jc looking at Lance in front of him. "Just let him drink one and then he will get a coke or somethin"said Lance. "Alright"said Jc. Jc and Lance started dancing in the crowd.

Jc looked at Lance. "You know what I want to do?"said Jc in Lance ear. "What?"said Lance. "I want to get you and Justin in bed and you know"said Jc. "Not right now Jc.Later on okay?"said Lance. "Fine"said Jc smiling at Lance.

Lance and Jc got off the dance floor and saw the rest of the guys sitting at the table. Jc and Lance walked over towards the table. Jc looked at Chris. "Chris, what time is it?"asked Jc. "It is time to get you and Lance off the dance floor but now you guys are here its time to go because its 12:30am and you guys have been dancing for awhile"said Chris smiling at Jc. "Man, it didn't seemed that long of a time"said Jc. "Jc, time flys by when you are hot and horny"said Joey laughing. "Joey, shut up before I come over there and smack you in the fucken head"said Jc smiling at Joey. "Justin, how many drinks did you have?"asked Lance looking at Justin. "Well I only had two but after that I started to drink Dr.Pepper"said Justin. "Well guys lets get out of here because time is wasting right now"said Joey. "I am getting so tired right now"said Justin yawning. "Lets go for we can get this baby to bed"said Chris. "Chris, when tomorrow comes you are going to regret that"said Justin glaring at Chris. "OMG Justin Timberlake is going to go after me someone hide me"said Chris screaming like a girl. "Okay, lets go come on"said Lance leaving the table. The guys got up and walked out of the club and went inside the limo.

Finally, the guys arrived at the hotel. Chris and Joey got out of the limo. "Um..Joey where are Jc,Lance,and Justin?"asked Chris. "Ah shit, they are still in that fucken limo.Chris, go inside there and tell them that we arrived at the hotel"said Joey. "If they are making out someone is going to get beat up from me"said Chris. "Chris, just go and get them out of there"said Joey pointing at the limo.

Chris walked towards the limo and he opened the door. Chris saw Justin,Jc,and Lance making out.He saw Jc kissing Justin everywhere on his body and he saw Lance and Justin french kissing each other passionately. "GET OUT OF THIS FREAKEN LIMO NOW"yelled Chris loudly. Jc,Justin,and Lance jumped off of each other and looked shocked at Chris. Chris burst out laughing so hard. "Chris, you are so dead tomorrow"said Justin finally realizing it was Chris. Chris just smiled sweetly at Justin. "Justin, I thought that you loved me and want to have my baby"said Chris in a fake girl voice and fake crying at the same time. "Chris, shut the hell up"said Justin pushing Chris out of his way to get to the limo.

Chris,Justin,Jc,and Lance walked towards the hotel and walked inside the hotel. They saw Joey talking to one of the body guards. Joey looked at Chris. "Chris, what they were doing in the limo?"asked Joey smiling. "They were making out"said Chris looking at Joey. "Now you gotta pay twenty dollars to me because I won the bet"said Joey looking at their bodyguard. The bodyguard gave Joey twenty dollars. "You bet that I was going to see them making out in the limo"said Chris looking at Joey. "Yep"said Joey laughing. Justin started yawning. Everyone looked at him. "What?I am tired so you gotta excuse me because I am going to bed"said Justin. "I agree with you"said Lance and Jc at the same time.

Justin,Jc,and Lance walked towards their own rooms. "This sucks that we don't share a room with each other"said Justin. "Hey, we can change that but first lets talk to the others about it tomorrow ok?"said Lance. "Okay"said Justin. "Lets go to bed"said Jc "Night"said Justin kissing Lance and then Jc on the lips. "Night"said Lance giving Jc and Justin kissed on the lips. "Goodnight"said Jc giving both of the guys a kiss on the lips. Lance,Jc,and Justin went in their rooms and shut the door.

Note From Author: Hey!!! That is it for chapter 5 because I something big is going to happen in Chapter 6 so I needed to end chapter 5 right there.Like i said before thousands of times if you have any comments about this story just e-mail me at: CrAzYBsBnSyNc16@aol.com Thanks, Felicia

Next: Chapter 10: Justin Jc Lance Update 4

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