Justin Series

By TopLegal,

Published on Aug 29, 1997


Chastity++ ==========

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual

intercourse and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If

this offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location,

or you are not of legal age, don't read it.

REMARK This story picks up in the world set up the stories

collectively known as the Justin_Series. If you haven't read

them, I recommend them based on the overwhelmingly positive stream

of feedback I've received.

Any resemblance of characters in this story to the living is

purely coincidental.

(c) 1997, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web in full.

Prologue --------

As you already know, I'm a practicing attorney in our great big

city. I travel in a circle of hot friends and love to spank among

other S&M proclivities.

Chastity --------

Three weeks ago to the day, Justin got his ass walloped for

leaving work without the chastity belt. I had purchased the belt

from a quality leather store in the city. The belt consists of a

metal cage and fastens around the male with leather straps and

secures with decent sized padlocks.

The metal cage is quite the sight to behold. It consists of two

metal layers. Both look like sections from a spider web. The back

piece has a large opening for the cock and balls to slide through

and then curves up following the body's counters till it reaches

the midsection and then is secured to the leather strap. The front

piece is hinged to the bottom of the first piece and has a slight

bulge to accommodate the testicles and firmly sandwiches the cock

pointing upwards against the backing plate. The front piece has

cross metal every eighth of an inch making it possible to just

barely touch the cock or to taunt it with a feather, but making

serious contact impossible. Masturbation too is out of the

question, with barely enough room for the semi-erect cock, the

belt's wearer can't do much.

Internet Invitation -------------------

Many of you read the stories of my exploits with Justin on the

Internet and after posting about Justin's walloping and his

subsequent good behavior a "Rick" sent me an intriguing e-mail.

Dear Sir:

After reading about the chastity device you purchased for your

slave, I began wondering if you would consider using it on me for

an extended period, say a week or more.


Response --------

The offer was too intriguing to turn down. I responded:

Dear Rick:

It would be my pleasure to assist you. Due to the belt's design,

it will be necessary for you to be available to me during the time

the belt is on you.

Additionally, I will administer nightly spankings during the

duration of your time in the belt.

I recommend an initial period of 24 hours followed by a longer

period to be determined later.

Call me at XXX/XXX-XXXX to arrange details.


Offer Accepted --------------

It took another week after my response for Rick to call me. It was

surprised by his deep voice and assertive personality. We talked

for an hour before discussing sexual matters.

Rick is just out of the army and had served for over 4 years in

South Korea on the demilitarized zone. Despite the temptations of

the flesh available to him, Rick had become a masturbation freak.

Rick told me how he would stroke his cock sore -- to the point of

bleeding and cracking -- trying to squeeze orgasm after orgasm out

of his body. Worse still, he couldn't stop masturbating long

enough for his cock to get better.

I asked Rick how he saw my diary entries and after some evasion he

finally admitted to getting turned on by military control. Some

more discussion revealed that Rick was missing the structure and

discipline provided by military life.

I explained how Justin and I lived and how successful the belt was

at controlling Justin's masturbation. Rick asked if Chris would be

around. I explained that it was likely Chris would be and that he

would have to share a room with Chris.

After some more polite talk, I described the belt again in greater

detail and invited him to my apartment to see it on Justin.

Trial -----

As Justin left my office, chastity belt encasing his cock shaft

between two metal layers, I warned him about Rick's visit. He was

embarrassed and I reminded him that if he was not naked -- save

the chastity belt -- when he answered the door that there would be

consequences. With the walloping I had given less than a month ago

still on his mind and his body still a bit sore, he cringed

visibly and assured me that he would answer the door for Rick in

the belt only.

I kissed my handsome husband and sent him home from the office.

I made it a point to arrive home around 8 and Rick was already

there and chatting with Justin about the belt and trying to feel

Justin's cock through the webbed front plating. Despite Rick's

attempts Justin's cock shaft could not harden sufficiently to bend

the steel and allow him release.

I introduced myself to Rick and suggested that we sit down and

chat over some drinks. With no prodding, Justin got up and brought

over some soda and after serving Rick nestled himself at my side.

"So, Rick, what do you think," I asked.

"It is just like you described," Rick said. "If you put that on

me, I won't be able to get off."

"Tomorrow is a Friday, why don't you come over around 5 PM, and

I'll get you set up with the extra one I ordered for Geoffrey."

"Look man, I think that would be cool, for 24 hours right?"

"Exactly Rick," I said. "I won't take it off till 24 hours later,

but then we can go from there."

"Could I try it for a few minutes now," he asked.

"Certainly," I said. "Justin, could you get Geof's belt from the

hall closet," I continued.

Justin quickly fetched it and brought it out. I asked Rick to

stand up. For the first time, I really drank in the manliness of

his body. At 23, he was muscular and well developed everywhere.

His dark hair was closely cropped and he stood a mere 5' 8".

As this was going on, Chris came in from a party and sat down to

watch. I could tell Rick was uncomfortable, but I just reminded

him how much he needed the belt to help himself and he calmed

considerably. As I handled his cock and balls to pull them through

the hole in the lower plate, they stiffened considerably.

As I fastened the straps, his cock hardened more, then the steel

front cover swung shut smoothly trapping his erect cock

uncomfortably between two layers of unyielding steel. I fastened

the front with the padlocks and suggested he relax and walk around

for a bit and that when he was ready, I would take it off tonight.

His hands went to his cock, but were blocked by the tightly webbed

cage shielding his cock from contact. I watched him rub his hand

up and down the steel web vainly trying to make contact with his

cock flesh. Slowly he looked at me and asked me to take it off. I

agreed and removed it.

I could tell he was sold on it for more than just 24 hours.

I had Chris give Rick a tour of the room they would now be sharing

and then made a point of giving Chris an early bedtime spanking in

front of Rick. Rick's eyes opened incredulously as he watched

Chris remove his pants for me without question and come over my

lap for 30 firm swats on the buttocks.

Rick was slowly learning that my stories to the Internet were the

real thing and that when I said 24 hours or a red butt to the

city, I meant it.

Spanking --------

After I spanked Chris and kissed him goodnight, I took Rick back

out to the living room and asked him to come over my lap.

For the first time, he balked.

"Look I don't want none of that spanking shit," he said.

I grabbed his muscular arm at the use of a curse to me and pulled

his body right across my lap. "What would your commanding officer

say to you cursing at him?"

Off guard, Rick stammered and then fell silent.

Justin handed me a leather paddle and I pulled Rick's pants down

and administered 50 firm, but not violent swats to his bare ass.

"Get up soldier," I barked.

Rick complied and stood with his pants at his ankles at attention.

"Ok soldier, report at 1700 hours for chastity treatment," I


Rick saluted and replied,"Yes SIR!"

After Rick left for the evening Justin sucked my cock and begged

for his own chastity belt to be removed, I decided to wait a bit

longer and had him rim me before removing the belt and spanking

him. As had become more common since the chastity belt, the

spanking produced and intense orgasm in my husband which wet my

crotch with his warm gism.

The belt off, he pressed his hot cock against me in bed and ground

his pelvis into my wet groin, savoring his own cum that he had

shared with me. We kissed and tongued passionately and then fell

asleep locked in an embrace.

Friday ------

When the early rays of sunlight streamed into my eyes, my first

sensation was of my gorgeous husband's hot flesh pressed against

me. I lift his lips to mine and kissed him deeply. We talked for a

bit about Rick and agreed it would be a lot of fun to have Rick


At two, when Justin came to have his belt fastened to head out

early, I found myself harder than usual anticipating Rick's

arrival. We decided that Rick should keep a journal during his

first 24 hours to assist us in helping him deal with his

masturbation problem.

5PM ---

Rick arrived a minute late, I had him strip at the door and stand

at attention. Justin supplied a leather paddle again and I bent

him over and administered 5 swats for lateness, I also tacked on

15 minutes of extra chastity. Rick accepted the punishment like a

soldier and thanked me with a hearty "Yes SIR!"

I let Justin attach the belt around Rick and then took the keys. I

recorded the time, 5:13 PM.

I handed Rick a diary and some paper and asked him to record his

feelings, desires, anger, etc. I stuck him in Chris' room and

suggested that he relax for a few hours before dinner. By 7 PM, he

needed to piss and had come out into the living room to tell me. I

shrugged and told him to stand in the window cock cage out at a

full salute, he obeyed.

At 11 PM, I told him to be at ease and led him to the bathroom to

relieve himself.

Part of the beauty of this chastity belt is that it not only

controls masturbation, but it completely controls the slave's

control over their excretory functions. After the bathroom trip,

Justin supplied him a pleasant meal. I permitted a final bathroom

trip at 1 AM and then administered a firm bedtime spanking in

front of both Christopher and Justin.

Christopher got his spanking next and then I took Justin's

chastity belt off and gave him 30 blows, his orgasm in front of

the other two men embarrassed him, especially when I made him lick

it up.

At 5 AM, Rick woke Justin and I pleading for a bathroom trip. I

pulled him into bed and told him to hold it. When we woke up

around 10, I made him wait till both Justin and I had gone before

permitting him any relief.

From his diary, I could tell that he had difficulty sleeping,

frustrated but unable to masturbate he had paced around the hall

and then the room and then written about how frustrated he was.

The next 7 hours and 15 minutes would be much worse for him

though. He decided not to eat or drink to avoid having a bathroom

trip delayed, but also could not sit still and kept rubbing the

front plate of the cage hoping for some satisfying contact, but

not finding any.

His diary reveals a brutal countdown to the belt's removal which I

took my time with and made sure he spent till 5:28 PM on Saturday

in. He thanked me for my attentions and masturbated in front of

Justin and me.

30 Days of Hell ---------------

We then discussed a number of time frames for his next session.

Rick, satisfied with the efficacy of the device, and the

discipline I was bringing to his life suggested a week. Justin

suggested a month and I concurred. After some though, Rick agreed,

we would wait for the first -- a mere 4 days away -- and he would

live with us for all of September.

Day 1 -----

All day, my cock was rock hard, through several client meetings, I

strained not to let my hard on show. When 4 pm arrived, I ducked

out early, for an appointment... At 5 pm, the appointed hour, I

found myself so turned on that I wanted to shoot a load just for

the hell of it. Rick's lateness got me harder still and when he

finally arrived a half hour late with a lame excuse about city

traffic, I was ready to burst with a load of cum.

Restraining those urges, I ordered him to strip. Then, I took a

leather paddle and firmly, but not violently, spanked his ass once

for each minute he was late. He apologized and then I announced

that he would be wearing the belt a full three hours extra for

this infraction. That clearly scared him.

I examined his cock before affixing the device. The skin was sore

and cracked from all the masturbating he had been doing. Past

tense that is. For the next 30 days, he wouldn't be doing any of


As I clasped the padlocks shut, Rick sighed as if relieved of a

heavy burden. I handed him a diary and told him to stay naked in

the house and then sent him to Chris' room which he would be

sharing till dinner.

His diary entry for the first few hours was particularly


...The metal is cold and is trapping my cock, I want to jerk off

so badly... ...fuck this thing, I need to piss... ...fuck...

...shit... ...this thing is so fucking uncomfortable... ...I'm

gonna march out there and tell that faggot that I want out...

...argh, it won't come off...

I purposely waited till he came out to offer dinner or a chance to

empty his bladder. Doing so served two purposes for me, it would

give me an opportunity to spank him more severely for trying to

welch on the agreement and it would reinforce my control over him.

By 11 o'clock, not that Rick could tell since I had removed all of

the time pieces from Chris' room, Rick finally came out like a

rocket on fire.

"Get me the fuck out of this faggot," he demanded.

"SOLDIER, 50 push-ups, NOW," I responded.

Trapped between his anger and the open threat of the consequences

for disobeying me, Rick chose to obey orders. He dropped to the

floor and began doing push-ups. From his diary entry later, I

could tell how painful they were with his bladder full and his

stomach starved for food.

When he finished, I took the leather paddle and slapped his ass 50

times, once again I used it mostly to humiliate and to indicate

that it could cause severe pain rather than to discipline him,

yet. After the paddling, I made him stand at attention in the

window, chastity belt to the city for 40 minutes without any

bladder relief.

Just past midnight, I fed him and then made him stand at attention

for another 20 minutes before permitting him a bathroom trip. His

diary entries on the times he spent in the window and after

spankings are amazingly revealing about the mixture of humiliation

and arousal that I was creating in him.

At 2 am, I sent him to bed after administering a firm bedtime

spanking in front of Christopher. Then, I took Christopher outside

the room and shut the door leaving it open just a crack so that

sounds could come through. Then I kissed Christopher full on the

lips and whispered to him that I was going to deliver a harsher

than usual bedtime spanking -- with a razor strap -- so that the

pain level and noise would trickle into Rick's hearing.

Christopher eagerly came over my lap to accept the punishment and

seconds later I was slapping his ass violently with the razor

strap. I made certain that each blow was particularly violent and

just ten strokes in, Christopher was mewling like a baby. Rick's

diary revealed how disturbing he found both his own punishment and

hearing Christopher get strapped:

What the fuck man, he beat me like a kid before bed for no reason

and in front of his faggot son no less. What a dick. And then my

god what the fuck his kid did I can't imagine but when he came

back in there were thick red lines across his butt and he was

crying. Fuck this asshole. Argh! I want to fucking masturbate. And

the faggot kid I'ld like to rape that sorry ass and really wipe

that grin he had when he watched me get spanked off his smug

faggot face. Argh! I tried pressing myself against the pillow to

get pressure onto my cock but it mostly just pushed the fucking

back plate of this fucking belt into me further. I want to take a

fucking piss now.

I must say, aside from the sheer level of control I felt over

Rick, the pleasure I derived was mostly from reading his journal

entries and seeing how completely controlled he was by the belt

and how over the course of the month he slowly learned to accept

the belt and my control.

Day 2 -----

I had taken off from work so that I could be sure to have extra

time to ignore Rick today. I sent Justin off to work -- sparing

him a full day of chastity and then gave Chris a good morning

present in the form of a private blow job outside of Rick's view.

I ignored Rick's presence until he finally opened his mouth at 11

AM and rudely demanded to take a piss and be fed.

Twenty squat thrusts later, the smug look was off his face. Thirty

strokes with a small wooden paddle gave him his first taste of

real, but slight, pain. I followed the punishments up with 2 hours

in the window and then without permitting him to relieve his

bladder selected nearly translucent tight white lycra shorts and a

matching top and took him out in the park for a walk holding my


His diary entries on these public walks reveal the total

humiliation that these experiences provided:

...fuck... ...he made me walk around the fucking city naked...

...every god damn faggot in the park was starring at me... fuck

them... fuck him... and fuck I need to piss... shit today I pissed

my pants while he walked me... the faggot just starred at me and

laughed as I did it... the tights he had me in turned clear and he

paraded me around the park so everyone could see my cock caged

right through the pants and see my piss fucking running all over

me... then he beat me again when we got in the door... worse than

he had before... he used some sort of leather belt... it must have

been what he beat his faggot son with... I didn't cry but boy did

he whip my ass...

Little did Rick realize that I was holding back, making it sting

but not striping his ass up. Before permitting him to pee and shit

proper, I had him hand wash the lycra outfit for use the next day

and then I fed him. Later that evening around midnight he was much

more demure about his bathroom and food needs. He came in and

politely asked when he would be fed and be allowed to use the


I kissed him and permitted him to eat and use bathroom right away.

The evening ended with another spanking in front of Christopher.

That night though I spanked Chris again with the razor strap, but

this time right in front of Rick. The terror on Rick's face at the

sight of young Christopher's ass being reddened with the strap was

a delight in and of itself.

Highlights ----------

In my own recollection of the events of that month, the third day

was when Rick had a real breakthrough in terms of accepting the

chastity belt. I think somewhere during that day he understood it

wasn't some big joke and that I was planning to go through with it

all the way until the thirtieth of the month. Further, I think he

finally understood that I had absolutely no qualms about hitting

him with a belt, strap, cane or paddle, hard, so as to really

cause some pain and get some notice.

His journal entries seem to reflect this although I notice that

for him the real breakthrough was around day 7 when he finally

recorded in his journal in the evening that he hadn't tried once

the whole day to masturbate. That was ground breaking. Further, in

his journal entry for day 15 it reveals that he let Christopher

fuck him after he got strapped. The journal also reveals that his

cock was straining against the cage while being fucked tormented

and desirous of relief. For whatever reason though, that was not

repeated, or if it was no note was made and Christopher never

spoke of it at all.

My favorite times that month though where when I exhibited Rick in

the belt publicly, both by walking hand-in-hand with him while he

was forced to wear tight lycra shorts and at several bars where I

had him stand at attention for the evening completely naked save

the chastity belt.

Unsurprisingly these were the most embarrassing moments for Rick

in the belt and his journal entries reveal an unusual mixture of

embarrassment and pleasure from being so utterly publicly


By day 25, I was finding myself depressed that Rick would not be

around to torment further by denying him orgasms and a chance at

sexual release. Justin and I talked about whether he might be

convinced to stay, I think Justin enjoyed having my more

capricious and sadistic tendencies focused on another. Rick

however never discussed his confinement or extending it.

Final Day? ----------

When the last of the month rolled around, I felt saddened, Rick

seemed perkier than he had in a few days. The last three or so

days had been hellish for him with constant attempts to masturbate

again in anticipation of his cock's upcoming freedom accompanied

by severe canings at my hand. Rick and I sat alone in the dungeon

bedroom watching a clock roll to 5 o'clock in the evening and then

cuddled a bit while the extra hours he had earned passed slowly. I

sensed the building frustration he had directed at the belt as we

sat till midnight. As the clock chimed he didn't ask fearful of

punishment, rather he just nuzzled his face against my chest and


I lifted his chin so our eyes met and asked if he really wanted it

to end.

"Please," he said softly.

Slowly, I unlocked the belt, releasing it from around him

completely for the first time in a month. Like a free prisoner

tasting fresh air, his hands immediately went to his cock and

stroked it.

"Thank you," he whispered and kissed me.

I handed him his clothing and watched him leave the apartment.

To this day, I wonder where he is today. During his entire stay he

never once called or wrote anyone or received any calls and for

that matter when I had invited him to stay there were no

encumberences binding him to any one place. My thought is that he

is in some other master's home enjoying being fucked or


Write the Author ----------------

E-MAIL THE AUTHOR These stories are e-mail'ware at this point.

The first story in this series, Spanking_Party, was written on a

lark and the feedback convinced me to keep writing. My thanks to

everyone who has written in and thanked me or shared their own

stories. Continued e-mail means more stores.

Keep in touch with me at mailto:toplegal@geocities.com.

Next: Chapter 19: College Days

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