Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Aug 17, 1999


Justin's Dream Chapter 1 Written By: WK Email: curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

This is story is not meant to imply the sexuality of any of the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC. This story is a work of fiction and should be taken as such. If you have comments, suggestions, questions email me curlybrok@bsbnsync.com .

Justin's Dream - Chapter 1

Justin lay sleeping peacefully in his bed, the sun began to enter through the window as morning was taking shape. Justin's breathing was slow and gentle.

'Justin walked along the beach, walking beside him while holding his hand was the one he loved. Smiled as he looked at the person walking with him, in the distance the sun was setting, and the two stop and watch the sun sink slowly behind the pinkish clouds. "I love you Justin" Brian said as he and Justin kissed. "I love you too Brian" Justin said.'

'Justin released Brian lips "This is the way I always dreamed it would be, me and you together forever, Brian." Justin said.' "Me too, babe, me too." Brian replied as he kissed Justin's lips again. They released each other's lips and smiled; they turned their attention back to the sun and watch its last rays of warmth slip away.'

Justin began to stir, he rubbed his eyes with his hand, running his fingers through his hair. Justin opened his eye and stared at the ceiling. 'Why am I fooling myself, you'll never be with Brian, Justin, he doesn't feel the same way.' Justin thought Justin pulled the covers away from his body and sat up in his bed. Justin felt a small depression as he thought more of Brian. Justin stood from his bed and walked into his bathroom. Justin turned on the shower, feeling tense; 'A shower will help.' Justin thought. Justin stepped in the shower and closed his eyes he allowed the water to run over his body as he tried to relax. The warm water flowed over Justin's head down his body as he stood in the shower washing away the signs of sleep. Justin grabbed the bar of soap and began to wash himself as he returned to reality.

Within a few minutes Justin felt clean and relaxed, he turned off the shower and stepped out. Justin stood in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. 'No one can ever know.' Justin whispered. Justin felt alone as he looked at his reflection, a small tear gently ran down Justin's cheek. Justin turned from the mirror and grabbed a towel to dry off. Justin walked back into his room, he walked over to his dresser and pulled out some clothes he wanted to wear. He chose his favorite Tarheel's jersey, a pair of tan cargo pants, Tommy boxers and a white T-shirt. Justin walked to his bed and began to dress.

Justin stood from his bed and gathered his things together, he was going on tour again, but this time it was a going to be more difficult for Justin as NSYNC would be tour with the Backstreet Boys. Justin at least hoped he would be able to be friends with Brian. Justin double-checked everything and then walked to his CD collection and picked out a few other CD he wanted to bring along. Justin put the CDs in his backpack and then pulled his bags on his shoulders and grabbed his backpack and head down stairs. Just as Justin was passing JC's room, JC stepped out with his bags, "Good morning Justin." JC said. "Good morning JC." Justin said. "Ready to start the big tour." JC said sarcastically. "Oh, yeah can't wait." Justin replied. JC and Justin laughed as they walked down the stairs. Justin and JC placed their bags by the door and walked into the kitchen.

Lynn sat at the kitchen table reading the morning paper and drinking her coffee. "Good morning mom." Justin said as he leaned down and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, sweetie." Lynn said. "Good morning Lynn." JC said. "Oh my God it's a miracle JC is awake before lunch time." Lynn said with a laugh, JC and Justin joined in. "So are you guys anxious to start the tour?" Lynn asked. "Yeah it should loads of fun." JC said. Justin walked to the cupboard, he grabbed a bowl then the cereal. He got the milk out of the fridge and pour some into the bowl added cereal and then grabbed a spoon and sat down.

"You're not eating this morning JC?" Lynn questioned. "Nah, I'm not really hungry this morning." JC replied. "Well I have to get to the office, you two take care." Lynn said as she walked over to Justin. Lynn leaned down and gave Justin a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I'm going to miss you while your gone, you take care and I'll see you in a month." Lynn said trying not to cry it hurt her every time Justin left for a tour. "I will mom, I love you." Justin said. "I love you too, sweetie." Lynn said. "You promise to call, ok." Lynn said. "I promise mom." Justin said. "Ok. You too JC, you'd better call." Lynn said. "I will Lynn, and I'll take care of your baby for you." JC said, Lynn smiled and then left for the office. "Finish up and we'll get going." JC said. Justin nodded and finished his cereal.

The Limo pulled up to the office, JC and Justin got out and grabbed their bags and head inside for a meeting with the Backstreet Boys and their PR, Jason. "Good morning guys." Jason said as he walked into the meeting lounge. "So who is missing." Jason said. "We're still waiting for Justin, JC, Brian, and Kevin." Lance said. "Ok, gives me a few minutes to look over some things." Jason said. Justin and JC walked in followed by Brian and Kevin. "Good morning everyone." JC said as he walked into the room. "Ok good everyone is here." Jason said. "Well I'm guessing everyone knows each other, so we'll get right to business." Jason said. The guys all nodded, "Ok well you start the tour on Friday with a show here in Orlando. You'll spend the week in a hotel, this will make practicing easier and give you guys a chance to be together and get to know each other before the tour starts. Now so you guys get a chance to get to know each other management has asked that a member of Backstreet Boys and a member of NSYNC room together. So here is the room assignments. Lance and Nick, Joey and AJ, Chris and Howie, JC and Kevin and Brian and Justin." Jason said. The guys all nodded, and let Jason continue. "Ok. Fatima will be your helping you guys with your dance steps for the tour, you'll meet with her this afternoon, after getting settle in, to start practicing. You'll be using on of the large meeting rooms at the hotel, to make things easier on you guys." Jason said.

"How long do we have to practice today?" Nick asked. "You'll practice for 4 hours, then you guys can relax for the rest of the day. Any other questions?" Jason said. "What about studio time?" Lance asked. "NSYNC will be going to the studio, tomorrow morning for a few hours to lay down some vocals for a song or two. Backstreet Boys will be doing a remix to Larger then Life at the same time." Jason said. "How much off time do we get?" Chris asked. "You'll have about 3 sometime 4 days a week off, because the set is bigger; and it's taking the crew a little longer to set it up. We have to make sure that hey get the proper amount of sleep, so we are using both Backstreet Boys' and NSYNC stage crew and they will be working shifts on the tour." Jason said. "You'll find your tour packets in your rooms at the hotel. The crew has already taken your bags and things over there. I'll be joining you guys on Wednesday after I wrap up a few things here." Jason said. "Who's opening for us?" Justin asked. "Right now its going to be Aaron Carter, Nick's little brother, in 3 weeks Britney will be joining up, and Aaron will be leaving the tour about a month later, and Britney will be opening alone." Jason said. "Anything else?" Jason asked. They guys shook their heads no. "Ok then, you can go to the hotels, the limos are waiting outside. I'll be by on tomorrow to tell you what's on tap for tomorrow afternoon and for Wednesday." Jason said. "Ok. You can go now." Jason said. The guys all left to go to the hotel.

"Hey guys, why don't we meet in my room for lunch around 11:30? We can catch up on old times." Kevin said. "That's sounds great." Lance said. "What time is it now?" Nick asked. "Nick you really need to get yourself a watch." Brian laughed, Justin giggled at Brian's comment. "Its 9:30 Nick." Lance said. "So in 2 hours then?" Nick said. "Hey he can do math too." Chris said sarcastically, everyone burst out laughing. "Yes, Nick in two hours." Kevin said as he regained his composure. The guys head to their rooms to get settle and relax for a while.

Brian and Justin entered their room, Justin made his way over to one of the bed and put his things down beside it. Brian walked over to the other bed and dropped his bags beside it and sat down and laid back on the bed with his legs hanging over the edge, he closed his eyes and just laid there. Justin began to unpack some of his things, Justin tried to keep his mind off the fact that he was sharing a room with the man in his dreams. Brian sat up on the bed and decided to break the ice, "So Justin got a girlfriend?" Brian asked. Justin stopped for a moment, then shook his head, "No, I don't." Justin replied. A few minutes passed with nothing being said. "What about you?" Justin asked. "Me, nope." Brian said with a laugh. "Well I'm surprised you don't have a girl friend." Brian said. "Why'd you say that, well let's see. Umm, maybe because just about every girl on the planet would kill to be with you." Brian said. "Well I'm not interested." Justin said. "Me neither." Brian said. Justin finally started to relax around Brian, sensing that he could at least be friend with him.

Brian and Justin were laughing as they walked into Kevin's room. "Well I see two people have hit it off." Kevin said with a smile. "Hey Kevin." Brian said as he and Justin took a seat on the couch and stopped laughing. "So where is everyone?" Justin asked as he looked around the room and only saw JC, Kevin, Joey and AJ beside himself and Brian. "They should be here soon." Kevin said. "So you guys get settled?" JC asked. "Yup." Justin said. Nick and Lance walked in chatting, they were followed by Chris and Howie. "Ok, now that everyone is here we can order." Kevin said. Kevin passed the room services menu around the room, he placed the order and the food was delivered 30mins later.

"So how's your album coming along?" Kevin asked. "Pretty good, we just have a few final remixes and the art work to do." Lance said. "You guys are doing great on the charts." JC said. "Yeah, pretty good, I think this is the best album we've every done." Brian said. "When's your next single coming out." Chris asked. "It should be out in mid September, its going to be Larger than Life." AJ said. The guys continued to talk during lunch reminiscing on old times. "Well we should get going, we don't want to keep Fatima waiting." Kevin said. The guys agreed and stood to go to practice.

"I forgot how much of a work out those practices can be. I'm sore all over." Justin said as he walked into his and Brian's room. "Here let me help." Brian said. Brian stood behind Justin and began to rub his shoulders gently, massaging Justin muscle. "Fatima, tends to over work everyone." Brian said. "Oh, that feels so good." Justin said. Justin released a small moan as Brian rubbed his shoulders. "Thanks Brian that feels a lot better." Justin said. "Sure thing anytime." Brian said. "I'm gonna take a shower." Brian said. "Ok. I'm just going to laid down for a while." Justin replied. "Ok." Brian said as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Justin sat on the bed and removed his sneakers, he laid back and closed his eyes. Justin quickly drifted to sleep as the exhaustion of the day's events took control.

Brian walked out of the bathroom in a pair of boxes and a T-shirt, he walked to his bed and sat down. Brian looked over to where Justin slept quietly and peacefully. Brian smiled then got under the covers and drifted to sleep.

'Brian held Justin's hand as they walked along the beach. The sun was setting in the distance bring a close to another day. Brian turned to Justin, he looked into Justin crystal blue eyes, and 'How did I ever get so lucky.' Brian thought. They leaned in and kissed on the lips, Their lips moved with love as they further their passion. Brian released Justin's lips, "I love you Justin Timberlake." Brian said. "I love you Brian Littrell, with all my heart." Justin said.'

Brian awoke from his dream, sweat covered his body as he tried to collect his thoughts. He looked over to Justin and saw that Justin was still asleep. 'Brian you can't do this to yourself, he doesn't feel the same way.' Brian thought. 'But I see his face every time I close my eyes.' Brian laid his head back down and closed his eyes, the tears slowly began to run down his cheeks and soak his pillow. Brian wiped away the tears. After awhile Brian fell back to sleep still somewhat troubled with his dream, but the exhaustion was too much for him to fight.

The following day was busy, as the guys of NSYNC tried to wrap up their album. Backstreet Boys were busy with remixes, and preparing for the tour. The guys hurried back to the hotel in the afternoon for another round of practicing with Fatima. "Come on Nick. Get with it, you're falling behind." Fatima shouted. "I'm trying, I'm just tired. Come on Fatima give at least a five minute break." Nick pleaded. "Alright, 5mins." Fatima said. "Thank God. I have go to go to the bathroom." Nick said. He quickly ran for the nearest men's room.

Justin took a seat on the floor and opened his bottled water. Brian sat down next to him. "So how did you sleep last night?" Brian asked. "Pretty good. I was really exhausted." Justin said. "What about you how did you sleep?" Justin asked. "Ok, I guess just had something on my mind." Brian said. "Oh, want to talk about it?" Justin asked. "Umm, maybe later." Brian said, fearing that if he told Justin that he would lose the friendship that they had built. "Ok, if you want to talk about it I'm here." Justin said. "Thanks, I appreciate that Justin." Brian smiled. "Ok times up, let's get back to work." Fatima said, all the guys groaned and got back into their positions.

Justin laid on his bed as he and Brian talked about everything from basketball to the tour. "Brian, do you want to talk about what been bothering you?" Justin asked. Brian bit his lower lip. Brian turned an looked at Justin and saw the compassion in Justin's eyes. "I'm not sure where to start." Brian said. "How about the beginning." Justin suggested with a caring voice. Brian nodded and took a deep breath, "Justin have you ever been attracted to someone, but weren't sure if they felt the same way?" Brian asked. "Yes." Justin said quietly, but loud enough for Brian to hear. "Is that what's bothering you Brian?" Justin asked. "Yes." Brian answered. "Why don't you ask that person if they feel the same why." Justin asked. "Because I'm afraid they'll say no, and never want to talk to me again." Brian said. "I know what you mean." Justin said. "Justin I've never told anyone this before." Brian said and then paused. Brian took a deep breath, "Justin I'm gay." Brian said. Justin sat there for a moment, He stood and walked to Brian, Justin sat next to Brian, and wrapped his arms around him. "Brian, I'm gay too." Justin said. Brian looked at Justin and smiled. "Does this mean that you like me?" Brian asked. "Yes Brian, I like you, your caring, and kind, you some much fun to be with." Justin said. Brian smiled. "I like you too Justin." Brian said. Brian turned and kissed Justin on the cheek. Brian and Justin spent the rest of the evening holding each other and talking.

Brian and Justin awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. Brian reached over to the phone, "Hello." Brian said lowly. "Good morning, Brian." You and Justin hurry and get up; and come down to JC's and my room for breakfast." Kevin said. "Ok, we'll be there in like 30mins." Brian said. "Ok, see ya soon." Kevin said. "Who was that?" Justin asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Kevin wants us to go to his and JC's room for breakfast." Brian said. "Oh. Ok, I'm gonna take a shower." Justin said. Brian kissed Justin on the cheek, "Thanks for holding me last night." Brian said. Justin smiled, "Anything for you Brian." Justin said. Brian turned to Justin, they leaned in and their lips met, Brian placed his hand on Justin's cheek, Justin tilted his head and got into the kiss. The kiss lasted for only seconds, but to Brian and Justin it was a lifetime. Brian released Justin's lips. "I'll go take my shower now." Justin said with a smiled.

"Ok. Guys here's what's on tap for today." Jason said. "First off you're all going to the Arena to practice for Friday's show. Tomorrow, you'll have dress rehearsal, and then the show that night." Jason said. "How long are we to practice today." Nick asked. "You'll practice for an hour this morning after wardrobe check, and then for 5 hours this afternoon, you'll have tonight off." Jason said. "I'll see you guys this afternoon, during practice." Jason said. "Alright I'm off see you guys this afternoon." Jason said as he left.

"Ok, my wardrobe checks out Trish." Justin said. "Ok, Justin just make sure its ready for tomorrow." Trish said. "Ok. Will do." Justin said, and went to the stage. Justin saw Brian and the Backstreet Boys practicing 'I'll never break your heart.' he sat down and watched Brian move. "Ok guys that's a wrap." Fatima said. "You can go to lunch and we'll continue afterward. Brian walked over to Justin, "So what did you think." Brian asked. "I think I want to kiss you." Justin said. Brian smiled, I'd love to kiss you too." Brian said with a smile. They made sure everyone was gone, and leaned forward for a short kiss, Brian and Justin savored the kiss, and Justin smiled as he released Brian's lips. "Come on, let's get something to eat." Brian said.

Brian and Justin grabbed a plate each and began to pile on the food, Justin grabbed a bunch of chicken fingers, and veggies, and a donut. The sat down with the others at the table setup and began to eat. Brian and Justin talked mainly with each other as the others conversed around them. "Good afternoon, guys." Jason said as he walked up to them. "So how was morning practice?" Jason asked. "Fatima is a slave driver." Nick said. "Oh, did she over work poor Nickie." Brian said with a laugh. Nick stuck his tongue out at Brian and laughed.

"Lance you need to put more trust in your hips." Fatima said. "That's much better." Fatima said as she saw, Lance getting back on beat. The music fade and the guys relaxed. "Ok, now you guys are going to practice, 'God Must Have Spent' Fatima said and the your done for the day. The music started and the guys grabbed their stools and began to sing. Brian sat in the seats and watched as Justin sang his verse. Justin looked at Brian as he sang his verse, Justin had a smile as he looked at Brian. "That was wrapped." Jason said as the music ended. The guys cheered and head back to the hotel to rest for the evening.

Justin stepped out of the Bathroom, in only a towel. Brian stared at Justin's body as Justin walked over to his bags and grabbed some comfortable clothes. Brian tilted his head as he looked at Justin's butt. "Brian you're staring at my ass, aren't you." Justin said without looking up. "Me, of course not, I'm staring at your cute little butt." Brian said with a huge smile. Justin turned and looked at Brian and laughed. "Well I'm tired, so I think I'm going to turn in earlier tonight." Justin said, with a small yawn. "I'm going to take a shower and do the same." Brian said.

Justin lay in his bed sleeping as Brian walked out of the bathroom. "He sure is cute when he sleeps." Brian said with a smile. Brian walked to his bed and got under the covers. He laid down and closed his eyes; he listened to Justin's quiet breathing.

The following day's practice went well, and soon Justin and Brian were back at their hotel room. "Justin, do you want to go have dinner in the hotel restaurant with me." Brian asked. "I'd love too." Justin said. Brian and Justin walked down to the restaurant for a quiet dinner alone. Brian had left a message for Kevin, letting Kevin know that Justin and him had gone to dinner.

I'll have the chef's salad, and myself and Mr. Timberlake will share a plate of the Chef's spaghetti." Brian said. "I'll have the Cesar salad, and Like Brian said we'll share a plate of spaghetti." Justin said with a smile. "Ok, your order will be about 20mins." The waiter said, and then left. 20mins later the waiter was back with their meal, "Can I get you anything else." He asked. "No, that will be all for now." Justin replied. Brian and Justin finished their meal, and began to small talk. "Brian can we go for a walk on the beach?" Justin asked. "I'd love to." Brian said.

Brian and Justin walked hand in hand as the waves stopped short of their feet. The sun was beginning to set in the distance. "Brian... Justin..." Justin and Brian said together. Brian and Justin laughed, "You first/" Brian said. Justin smiled, "I've dreamt about this. Me and you walking on the beach holding hands." Justin said. "Me too." Brian said. "I love you Justin." Brian said. "I love you too Brian." Justin said. They watch as the sunset behind the clouds, giving its last rays of warmth for the day. Brian smiled and turned to Justin, he leaned in and placed his lips on Justin's. Brian began to move his lips tenderly on Justin's, Justin was soon returning the kiss. Brian parted his lips and licked Justin's lips, Justin parted his lips and let Brian move his tongue into his mouth. The kiss was gentle, and passionate as they explored each other's mouth. Brian released Justin's lips and looked into his eyes as Justin opened them. "Justin, will you make love to me?" Brian asked. "I'd love too." Justin said.

Brian and Justin walked back into their room. Justin walked to the CD player and programmed it to play two songs. Justin walked back to Brian. "I love you Brian." Justin said. Brian smiled, "I love you too Justin." Brian moved his lips slowly on Justin's as 'I Need You Tonight' came slowing through the speakers. Brian parted his lips and let Justin move his tongue into his mouth. Brian ran his hands on Justin's back as they further their passion.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah Open up your heart to me And say what's on your mind, oh yes I know that we have been through so much pain But I still need you in my life this time, and...

Justin ran his hands on Brian's chest, as they moved closer to the bed. Brian moved his lips to Justin's neck and began to suck on the tender flesh. Brian laid Justin back on the bed and crawl on top of him. They began to kiss again, as Brian's hands explored Justin's young body.

I need you tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right I really need you tonight

Justin rubbed his hands tenderly on Brian's back as they kissed passionately. Brian moved his lips to Justin's neck and sucked tenderly on the soft flesh, "Oh... Bri." Justin moaned. Justin began to raise Brian's shirt off his body, Brian stopped sucking on Justin's neck so that Justin get his shirt off. Justin dropped Brian's shirt to the floor. Brian began to kiss Justin's lips again, moving his tongue gentle in Justin's mouth as they explored each other's mouth with their tongue, "oh.. Justin." Brian moaned. They rolled over so that Justin was now on top. Brian pulled Justin's shirt off, Justin raised his arms to help Brian. Justin moved his lips to Brian's chest, Justin kissed Brian's hardening nipples, and licked them tenderly, causing Brian to moan. Justin moved his lips down to Brian's abs, and bathed his abs with his tongue.

Justin moved back up to Brian's lips, and placed a kiss on them. They rolled again as they continued to kiss. Brian moved down Justin's body, Brian moved his tongue to Justin's brown nipples and began to lick them. Their moans filled the room with their pleasure. Brian moved his lips to Justin's abs and kissed them, he lick around Justin's belly button, causing Justin to giggle a bit. Brian moved his hands to Justin's pants; he unbuttoned them. Brian unzipped Justin's jeans, and pulled them down, revealing white Tommy boxers. Brian pulled Justin's jeans off his body and dropped them to the floor. Brian ran his hand over Justin's covered penis, Justin moaned lowly.

Brian grabbed the waistband of Justin's boxers and slowly slid them down Justin body, free Justin's penis, Brian pulled the boxers completely off of Justin's body. Justin closed his eyes and waited Brian's next move. Brian kissed the head of Justin's penis, and ran his hands on Justin's tights. "Oh... mmm." Justin moaned, as Brian pleasured him. Brian took Justin's cock in his hands and began to lick the underneath of his penis. Justin's moans became more intense as Brian moved his tongue over Justin's cock. Brian moved back up to Justin's lips and kissed them. They rolled again this time Justin was on top. Justin moved his hands to Brian's jeans and unfasten them, he pulled them down Brian's strong legs. Justin the moved his hands to Brian's boxers and slowly began to pull them down. Brian moaned as his penis was freed from his boxers.

Justin moved his hands to Brian's penis and began to jerk on Brian's penis. Justin moved his lips to Brian's penis and began to kiss the head, Justin stuck his tongue out and began to lick Brian's hard cock. Justin moved his lips back up to the head and took the head into his mouth. Brian moaned loudly has Justin began to give him blow job. Justin ran his tongue on the underside of Brian's cock pulling more moans from Brian's body. Brian ran his hands over Justin's hair has Justin continued to take Brian in his mouth. Justin released Brian's penis and moved back to his lips, and kissed them.

"Justin, make love to me." Brian pleaded. Justin smiled, Brian spread his legs and lifted them slightly. Justin licked his finger and moved it to Brian's ass. Justin searched for Brian's entrance, he inserted his finger into Brian. At first Brian felt a little pain as Justin, moved his finger into his hole, but so he only felt pleasure. Justin placed another finger in Brian and continued to finger fuck Brian. Justin removed his fingers, and led the head of his penis to Brian's hole. Justin looked down at Brian, Brian smiled and nodded, with that Justin began to enter Brian. Brian closed his eyes and pressed his head into the pillow as Justin's penis began to enter him. Justin moved slowly, "Are you ok?" Justin asked. "Brian took a deep breath as the head of Justin's penis entered him. He nodded his head. Justin allowed Brian to get uses to Justin being in him. "Go on." Brian said. Justin smiled and continued to enter Brian, soon Justin's had slid into the hilt, he kissed Brian's lip and allowed Brian to adjust. Brian opened his eyes and looked at Justin's face. Brian smiled and nodded, Justin slowly pulled out till only the head remained and then pushed back in.

Brian moaned as Justin, moved gentle in him. Justin began to kiss Brian's lips again, as he continued to thrust in Brian. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin. Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's back as they made love, for the first time. "Oh Justin." Brian groaned. Justin kissed Brian's lips and moved his tongue into Brian's mouth as he continued to thrust in Brian's ass. Brian's penis was being rubbed between their heaving bodies. Brian's muscle relaxed as he and Justin continued to make love. Brian cried out Justin's name as he released his cum between them. Justin continued to thrust in Brian feeling that he was getting close. Justin feel his balls constrict as he shot his cum into Brian's ass. Brian held onto Justin as he came. Brian laid on Brian's chest as he finished, Justin's penis slipped out of Brian as he tried to recover. "Oh, that felt so wonderful, Justin." Brian said. Brian kissed Justin on the forehead, and let Justin relax.

Justin rolled off of Brian's body and laid beside him, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin. "Thank you for making love to me Justin." Brian said. Brian and Justin kissed, and relaxed. "Brian, will you make love to me?" Justin requested. "Brian kissed Justin's lips, I'd love too Justin." Brian said. Brian rolled on top of Justin and kissed his lips again. Justin spread his legs, Brian moved his penis Justin asshole, and pressed the head against it. Brian pushed his penis into Justin, Justin tensed as Brian entered him, "Are you ok?" Brian asked. Justin relaxed his muscle and nodded. Brian kissed Justin's lips and continued to enter him. Brian's balls were soon resting on Justin's ass. Brian allowed Justin to adjust, to his size. Justin took a deep breath, "Go on Brian." Justin said.

With that, Brian began to pull out, and then push back in. Soon Justin was feeling complete pleasure with Brian in him. Justin moaned as Brian, continued to make love to him for the first time. Justin moved his hands to Brian's ass and held him as Brian continued to thrust in Justin's ass. "Oh, Justin it feels so good." Brian moaned. Justin's penis rubbed against Brian's abs as they made love. Brian and Justin began to kiss passionately. Brian moved his tongue in Justin's mouth. Brian moved harder in Justin causing Justin to moans to fill the room. Brian's trust became more intense as he neared his climax. Justin felt himself come for the second time while having sex, he released himself between their sweaty bodies. Brian fucked Justin harder, and moved quicker inside of Justin as he felt himself ready to cum. Brian thrust a few more times, and the shot his load up Justin's ass. Brian let his penis slip out of Justin as he tried to recover from his intense orgasm. Brian kissed Justin's lips, "Thank you Brian, that felt so wonderful." Justin said. Brian pulled the covers over their bodies and wrapped his arms around Justin, "I love you Justin." Brian said. "I love you too Brian, with all my heart." Justin said. Brian and Justin drifted to sleep feeling secure in each other's arms.

To be continued...

So what did you think? Send your questions and comments good or bad, or suggestions to curlybrok@bsbnsync.com .

Next: Chapter 2

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