Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on May 5, 2000


Justin's Dream Written by CurlyBrok curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Justin Dream Chapter 21

The ambulance came to a complete stop at the hospital Emergency entrance Justin, exited the ambulance after they had taken Brian out. They rushed Brian through the entrance, "We have a gunshot wound to the chest." One of the paramedics yelled out. "This is the end of the line." The nurse said as he held Justin back and closed the door to the emergency room. Justin fell to his knees crying, Jason ran up to Justin and picked him up off the floor, "He'll be ok Justin." Jason said as he hugged Justin. Both were covered in blood. Jason hands where stained with Brian's blood as he had tried to stop the bleeding before the paramedics arrived on the scene.

A nurse approached JC. "Excuse me sir." The Nurse said. "Yes." JC said. "I can show you to a room, where you and you friends can stay while you wait for news." The Nurse said. "Thank you." JC said, and walked over to Jason and Justin. "Lance headed back to the hotel to get you guys a change of clothes." JC said. Jason nodded, and continued to hold Justin as he cry. "The nurse has a room for us to wait it." JC said. "Justin, come on lets go sit down, ok?" Jason said. Justin nodded lowly, and walked with Jason to the room.

"Can I get you anything?" the Nurse asked. "I think we're all set for now." JC said. "If you need anything let me know, the doctor will be out soon." The Nurse said, before leaving. Lance walked into the room a few moments later with a bag of clothes for both Jason and Justin. "I hope this is ok?" Lance said as he handed the bag to Jason. "Its fine Lance, thank you." Jason said. "Justin come on, lets go get changed." Jason said as he helped Justin stand. Justin and Jason walked down to the men's room. Jason locked the door, and helped get Justin changed. "Justin, you have to be strong for Brian. You can't let him see you like this." Jason said as he helped pull Justin's shirt off. Jason ran the hot water in the sink and Justin began to wash his hands and arms trying to clean the blood off. "Oh God, Jason he lost so much blood, what if he doesn't make it." Justin said. "Justin, he'll be ok, he loves you too much to stop fighting." Jason said. The tears were still ever present as Justin stood at the sink. Jason Pulled off his shirt and started the hot water in the second sink. He washed his hands and arms, removing all the blood that had dried on his arms and hands. He then dried his hands and arms, and fished out a shirt in the bag that Lance brought. Justin turned off the water and grabbed some paper towels and dried his hands & arms. Jason gave Justin the other shirt, he put it on and grabbed some tissues and wiped the tears from his eyes.

They walked back into the waiting room, where Lynn had just arrived. "Justin, dear." Lynn said as she hugged Justin. Justin wrapped his arms around his mother and the tears began to flow again. Lynn pulled back from Justin and looked into his eyes, "He is going to be fine, ok Justin." Lynn said. Justin nodded. "Do you want or need anything?" Lynn asked. Justin didn't say anything. "How about something to drink ok?" Lynn asked. Justin nodded. "I'll help you Lynn." JC said. Lynn nodded and Her and JC left to find a soda and coffee machine.

The nurse returned a shortly after Lynn and JC had left. "I have some paperwork I need filled out by a family member or someone authorized to fill out this." The Nurse said. "Is Kevin here?" Jason asked. "He is on his way but he is caught in traffic, they were still at the arena calling Brian's parents and helping the police." Lance said. "Well I guess that mean I need to fill that out then." Jason said. The Nurse handed Jason the paper work and a clipboard. Jason picked up the phone by the couch and dialed Allison's cell phone. "Hello." Allison said. "Allison this is Jason." Jason said. "How is he?" Allison asked. "We're not sure." Jason whispered into the phone. "I need Brian's medical information." Jason said. "Ok let me pull it out and I'll bring it right to you." Allison said. "Thanks, see you soon." Jason said, and continued to fill out the paperwork.

Justin was soon asleep on the couch; he was resting his body against Jason's. It had been nearly 6hours from when they first arrived and had yet to hear news about Brian. "I'm going to the Airport to meet my Aunt and Uncle." Kevin said as he grabbed his Jacket. "I'll go with you." AJ said. They both left and Lynn looked at her watch. "I'm going to have to find a hotel to spend the night." Lynn said. "We have a few rooms left on our floor, so you can just take one of those." JC said, Lynn nodded, and looked at her watch again. JC looked down at Lynn. "Sorry, It's just been so long." Lynn said. "I know they will let us know as soon as they can." JC said. Lynn nodded.

The limo ride to the airport was quick. Kevin and AJ were surrounded by eight security personnel; twenty security personnel arrived from Orlando, 2 hours after the shooting. Jive ordered that more security surround the boys at all times. Kevin and AJ were waiting at gate 12 for Brian's parents. Jackie and Harold Littrell, walked through the gate and to their nephew. "How is he Kevin?" Jackie asked, her eyes red and tired. "I don't know we've been at the hospital for six and they haven't told us anything yet." Kevin said. "We should hurry." AJ said. Everyone agreed and head for the exit before they were spotted.

"How is Justin doing?" Jackie asked. "He is taking it very hard." Kevin said. "What about you?" Harold asked. "I'm ok, I'm just really worried about him and Justin." Kevin said. "What happened?" Jackie asked. Kevin began to relay what happened, and brought his aunt and uncle up-to-date, he finished when they arrived at the hospital. Jackie walked into the waiting room and noticed that Justin was asleep resting again Jason. Lynn was placing a blanket on Justin, when Jackie took a seat on one of the couches. Lynn sat down next to Jackie, "How is Justin holding out?" Jackie asked. "He's having a hard time." Lynn replied softly. "He cried himself to sleep, about two hours ago." Lynn said. Jackie nodded, "Has the doctor come yet?" Jackie asked. Lynn shook her head 'no'. Jackie nodded, and looked towards the sleeping Justin.

The doctor knocked on the door, "Excuse me, I'm Doctor McNeil." The Doctor said. Jason shook Justin to wake him up, "Justin the doctor is here." Justin rubbed his eyes and sat up. "I would need to speak to the family allow please." Doctor McNeil said. "They all stay." Jackie said. "And you are?" Doctor McNeil asked. "Brian's mother." Jackie said firmly. "Sorry Mrs. Littrell." Doctor McNeil said. "That's alright doctor, continue." Jackie said. "Brian Thomas Littrell was admitted at 10:23am, following a shooting, in which he received a gun shot wound to the chest. At 10:30am, we made a decision to perform emergency surgery, which we finished two hours ago. During surgery we removed the bullet, which had become trapped behind his right lung. The bullet entered his chest, missing all vital organs, however it cause a lot of internal bleeding and torn a large amount of tissue before being lodged behind his lung. We repair all the tissue damage and stopped all the internal bleeding." Doctor McNeil said. "We are currently giving him a blood transfusing, the blood is safe it has no virus or disease we had it checked before we gave it to him. He is currently unconscious, he had hit his head during his fall after the shot and that gave him a headache, which we treated with medication. He also has been given medicate for pain, and anti-biotic to help fight any infections." Doctor McNeil said.

"So he'll be alright then?" Justin asked. "It's still early to tell, he'll need lots of rest and the next 24 to 48 hours well tell." Doctor McNeil said. "When can we see him?" Jackie asked. "I can only let the family and significant other see him, but only briefly." Doctor McNeil said. "Thank you doctor." Jackie said. "Come Justin, lets go see Brian." Jackie said. Jackie took Justin's hand; she could feel his hands shaking. "It'll be alright." Jackie whispered into Justin's ear. Justin nodded, and held back his tears.

Justin and Jackie walked into Brian's room. He was pale, and seemed to be sleeping. Justin approached the bed slowly; as he neared the bed he grasped Brian's hand and held it. Brian laid still on the bed not moving. Jackie stood on the opposite side of the bed from Justin and too Brian's left hand. Brian's body was bandaged and looked fragile and broken. Justin's eyes held back the floodgates of tears trying to break through. 'I have to be strong.' Justin thought, for Brian. Justin passed his right hand over Brian's cheek before he lean down, "I love you Brian, you can't leave me." Justin said, and then kissed Brian's lips. Brian made no movement, he stay still. "It'll take sometime Justin, but he'll be ok, his love for you and faith in God will help him through this. You too have to have faith that God will do all he can to help Brian." Jackie said. "I do Jackie." Justin said. Jackie smiled. "Come Justin lets let Brian sleep we'll come and see him in the morning." Jackie said. Justin nodded and let kissed Brian's forehead before leaving and going back with Jackie to the waiting room.

"How does he look?" Harold asked. "Tired and pale, but I think he'll be fine." Jackie said. She had to be strong; she couldn't let Justin see that she had her doubts. She had to do like she told Justin; she had to put her faith in God that her son would make it through this. "We should all go back to the hotel and get some sleep, we can all come back in the morning." Jason said. Everyone nodded, "Is someone going to stay with Brian, incase he wakes up?" Justin asked. "I'm staying Justin, if he wakes up I'll call you ok." Kevin said. Justin nodded. "Thank you Kevin." Justin said. Jackie wrapped her arm around Justin and they walked out to the limo together, Security created a barrier between the crowds that had arrived and the Boys, of N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Their friends and family. The limos were loaded quickly and departed for the hotel.

Kevin walked into Brian's room, he had put on a strong composure all day, and he never let anyone see his soft side. He had to be strong, if he showed the slightest hint of breaking down; he feared everyone else would lose hope. Kevin grabbed a chair and pulled it over to Brian's bedside. He sat down and looked at Brian, "Brian, I don't know if you can hear me or not. I just want to say that you can leave us. You can leave Justin. Brian you have to pull through this." Kevin said. Kevin took a deep breath and sat back.

Jason, Lynn and JC meet in the conference room whence they arrived at the hotel. "Ok, we now have press calling and its already it the nightly news. So we have to get things cleared up." Jason said. "Agreed, where's Lance?" Lynn asked. "He went to get his phone book with the numbers of the local press." JC said. "Ok, I got it." Lance said out of breath. "Great, now I suppose we should have a press conference but I don't want it on this floor no one needs to know that Justin and Brian are together or that Brian's parents are here." Jason said. "Ok, I can call the front desk and have them get us a room ready." Lance said. "Good Idea." Jason replied. Lance called the front desk while Lynn, JC and Jason called the local press and set a 9pm press conference.

JC, Lance, Jason, AJ and Howie all attended the press conference. Lynn felt it better if she not attend. She didn't want her presents there to raise any more questions then Jason had to deal with. Lynn also felt that Justin needed her, and she should be with him. "Justin? Sweetie." Lynn said as he entered Justin's room. "He's asleep." Jackie whispered form a near by chair. Lynn nodded and took a seat at the table. Where Jackie came over and joined Lynn.

"Ok, we can start now if everyone will take their seats." Jason said. The press quickly took their seats. "Welcome everyone. Lets get right to it. This morning at around 10am the members of N Sync and Backstreet Boys were walking to The Superdome, when a man fired a handgun at Brian Littrell. Brian suffered from a gunshot wound to the chest, however he suffered no damage to any vital organs. He is currently list in critical condition and will be upgraded as his condition improves." Jason said. "Now we'll take question." Jason said. "Was the gunman caught?" one reporter asked. "Yes, Jive Security caught the man as he tried to escape." Jason said. "Was anyone else hurt?" A second reporter asked. "No, the rest of us were not hurt physically, but we are all worried and concerned for Brian." JC said. "Has Brian's family been informed of his condition?" A third reporter asked. "Yes, Brian's parents have been informed of their son's condition and are currently unavailable for questions." Jason said. "Is their any truth to the rumor that Justin is romantically involved with a member of Backstreet Boys?" John Norris from MTV asked. Jason looked straight at John, "Justin's romantic and personal relations currently have no business in what we are discussing, which is the incident which occurred earlier this morning in which Brian Thomas Littrell was shot." Jason said.

"It would if Justin was romantically involved with Brian." John replied not letting up on his question. "MTV seems to be missing the point of this press conference. We are here to inform the fans of Brian Littrell's condition not weather he, Justin or anyone from Backstreet Boy or N Sync are involved in any type of romantic or personal relationship with anyone." Jason said. "There will be no further questions. Dennis McLean will be here tomorrow to hold a second press conference regarding an update on Brian's current condition. No questions will be taken at that conference." Jason said. Security escorted the guys out of the room and to the elevators.

"Any news from Kevin?" Lynn asked. Jackie shook her head no, "He said he would call if there was any change." Lynn nodded and looked back to her son who laid asleep in bed. "Why don't you get some sleep Lynn, I'll stay up for a while and wake you if Kevin calls." Jackie said. "Ok, if you want to get some sleep just wake me and I'll stay up for a while." Lynn said. Jackie nodded, and Lynn walked over to the second bed and laid down to get some sleep.

"Lance do you think Brian will be ok?" Nick asked. "I hope so Nick. I really hope he'll be ok, God I pray he comes out of this because without him, Justin will blame himself and never be the same, things will change without him." Lance said. Nick nodded sadly; he was trying hard to hold back his tears. "Let it out Nick, no one will blame you for being human." Lance said. With that the floodgates opened and tears began to stream steadily down Nick's face. Lance pulled Nick into a hug, "Let it all out Nick." Lance said, as tears began to flow from his own eyes. "Lance I can't lose my best friend." Nick gasped the tears falling. "I don't want to lose him either Nick." Lance said. The two sat holding and comforting one another as time passed them by.

AJ & Howie had decided to go to the hotel's lounge and have a drink before going to bed. "What are you thinking?" Howie asked. "I don't know, I feel numb. I just can't believe this could happen." AJ said. "I know what you mean, we always think it would never happen to us till it does." Howie said. "He's only twenty-five, he has his whole life ahead of him." AJ said. Howie took a sip of his drink. "It's not fair." AJ said. "Brian has never had it easy AJ, you know that, but he has always overcome anything that has stood in his way." Howie said. A single tear escaped AJ's eye as he stared down at his drink. He offered a silent prayer. "Lets go to bed." AJ said. Howie nodded both of them headed to their rooms.

Jason stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He had finally washed all the blood stains from his body. He looked at his clothes that were covered in blood. 'Those are soaked he lost a lot of blood.' Jason thought. "Jason?" JC said quietly. "Jason?" JC repeated. "Uh, oh sorry Josh." Jason said. "Something wrong?" JC asked. "I was just thinking." Jason said. "About what?" JC asked. "He got hurt really bad today." Jason said still staring at his clothes. JC placed his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Yeah, he did." JC said. "I was hoping it was all a dream." Jason said. "I know what you mean." JC said. "Come on you need some rest." JC said. Jason shook his head 'yes' and followed JC to the bed.

"Brian!" Justin yelled as he surged up in bed. Lynn quickly awoke and ran over to Justin. "Justin, its ok. Mom's here." Lynn said as he hugged her son. Justin let the tears flow again. "He's not going to make it." Justin said. As Justin finished his statement the phone rang. Jackie quickly ran and picked up the phone. "Hello." Jackie said. "Aunt Jackie, it's Kevin." Kevin said.

To be continued....

There you have it. I know another cliffhanger, but it's really interesting now. I thought I need to develop some characters and this gave me the opportunity to show the softer side of a few of the characters. I hope you like the part. I know you still don't know what will happen to Brian, and did tell some of you that it would be determined in this part but sorry you'll have to wait till the next one. I promise that you learn what happens in the next one.

Ideas, thoughts, suggestions comments questions or hellos can be sent to curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Next: Chapter 14

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