Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Sep 4, 1999


Well, I got a lot of email on the last segment about the secret that Jason has to tell Justin, well you may or may not find out in this segment... hehe... Ok, I'm kidding you will find out towards the end. Most of you will be surprised, now on with the story.

Justin's Dream Written by: WK Email: curlybrok@bsbnsync.com or bsbnsync@ctel.net

Chapter 5

JC woke from his sleep sweat pouring from his body, JC breathed heavily as he tried to clear the dream from his mind. JC stood from the bed and walked to the balcony, he opened the doors and sat in the chair. Tears flowed freely from his eyes has he thought of his dream. "I don't ever want to lose him." JC said to himself. JC felt a hand touch his shoulder, "What's wrong JC?" he heard a familiar voice say. JC continued to cry quietly in the chair, Jason gently knelt down in front of JC, he placed his hands on JC's. "JC tell me what's wrong." Jason said again. "I was so scare when I say you laying there, I thought I lost you." JC said as he cried. "But you didn't lost me JC, I'm still here and I love with all my heart." Jason said. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you." JC cried. "I'll always be here for you JC." Jason said as the tears began to fill his eyes; he hated to see JC cry. Jason stood and sat in JC's lap he wrapped his arms around JC and hugged him, "I love you Joshua Chasez with all my heart, and you mean more than the world to me." Jason said. Jason wiped the tears from JC's eyes and kissed him on the lips.

"You always know the right things to say to me." JC said. Jason smiled, "come back to bed, it cold out here." Jason said. JC nodded and let Jason stand. JC took Jason's hand and they walked back to the bed. Soon they were both sleeping quietly in each other arms, with the troubles of their lives left behind.

Brian awoke to an unusual sensation, "Justin... Oh... What... Oh GOD... Are you doing?" Brian asked. Justin didn't respond he continued to pleasure Brian. Brian moaned softly as he felt Justin's lips on his penis. Justin moved gently on Brian's penis as he pleasured him, "OH JUSTIN!" Brian grunted. Justin moved faster as he sensed Brian was close to cumming, Brian ran his fingers through Justin's hair as he felt himself getting closer to cumming, "Justin I'm close." Brian grunted. Justin rubbed the underside of Brian's penis with his tongue, he felt the head expand and Brian released five shot into Justin's mouthed. Justin released Brian's penis and smiled brightly at Brian. He moved up Brian's body and kissed his lips, "Good morning." Justin said with a huge grin. "Good morning sweetie." Brian said as he kissed Justin.

Just as Brian and Justin were getting into their kissing the phone rang, Brian grunted and released Justin's lips. Brian reached over Justin and picked up the phone, "This is Brian." Brian said. "Brian this is Lynn, we have a meeting in thirty minutes in Kevin's room." Lynn said. "Ok." Brian said. "Oh, and would you stop by Justin's room and tell him to come down to the meeting, I think he's in the shower, because he's not answering the phone." Lynn said. "Um, ok." Brian said. "Thanks." Lynn said. Brian hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Justin asked. "Your mom. She said that we have a meeting in thirty minutes, and she wants me to stop by your room to tell you to come to the meeting." Brian said. Justin looked at Brian, with fear in his eyes.

"Brian what are we going to do?" Justin asked. "She's your mom Justin, and she is going to be with us for at least a week. But this is your decision to make." Brian said. Justin nodded, "Maybe we can wait to tell her." Justin said softly. "If that's what you want Justin." Brian said. "I want to tell her Brian, but I'm scared." Justin said as a tear slid down his cheek. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, "We'll tell her when you ready Justin." Brian said. Justin nodded and held onto Brian.

JC helped Jason down to Kevin's room for breakfast and the morning meeting, they walked in and took a seat on the couch. JC walked to the table and picked out some food for him and Jason, he walked back to the couch and sat next to Jason. Shortly there after Brian and Justin walked in and sat in separate places, JC looked at Justin and mouth the words 'Is something wrong?' Justin mouthed back 'I'll tell you later.' JC nodded and returned to eating breakfast.

"Alright everyone, Today we head for Charlotte for a show and a day off, I'll be leaving you guys the day after that. Jason should be back to work a day or so later. You need to pack up your stuff, and Jason has given me a list of room assignments for the next stop. Ok, JC and Jason will be doubling up, Kevin, Howie, AJ, Joey, and Chris have all requested singles, Nick and Lance will be doubling up and so will Brian and Justin." Lynn said. Justin looked to Jason, and mouthed the words 'Thank you' Jason nodded. "Any questions?" Lynn asked. Everyone shook their head 'No'. "Ok, then. After pack up, and meet on the bus." Lynn said. Everyone nodded, and Lynn left. Everyone soon followed, with few words being exchanged.

JC helped Jason pack all of his belongings as they prepared to leave for Charlotte. Jason sat on the bed as JC finished zipping up the bags. Jason laid back on the bed, "Are you alright?" JC asked. "Yeah, I'm just really tired." Jason said. "Well why don't you rest for a bit, I have to make a few phone calls." JC said. "Ok." Jason said as he closed his eyes. JC walked over to the phone and began his phone calls. Jason was soon sleeping peacefully on the bed, JC whispered quietly into the phone as not to wake Jason. JC finished his calls, and stared down at Jason, a tear glistened JC's eye, and "He's so adorable when he sleeps." JC wiped the tear from his eye. 'I hate to wake him.' JC thought, "Jason, its time to go." JC said as he touch Jason's shoulder. Jason stirred lightly, and felt JC kiss his lips, Jason smiled "Well if you put it that way I suppose I can wake up." Jason said with a smile. "The hotel staff is bring down out bags." JC said "Can you bring down my briefcase so that I can have it on the bus?" Jason asked. "Sure, but your going to sleep on the bus." JC said. Jason frowned, "Wrapped in my arms in my bunk." JC said. Jason's face brightened up. Jason kiss JC's lips and smiled, "Ok, lets go then." Jason said.

Jason and JC walked down to the elevator, they got on followed by Justin, Brian, Nick, and Joey. They made small talk on the way down, as the elevator came to a stop, Jason stumbled slightly towards JC, Justin quickly grabbed a hold of Jason, "Are you ok?" Justin asked. "I'm just a little dizzy, that's all." Jason said. Justin helped Jason out of the elevator and sat him down on one of the couches in the lobby. JC sat on the opposite side of Jason, "Are you sure your ok?" JC asked. "Yeah I just need a minute to rest." Jason said. JC nodded and waited for Jason to regain his strength, JC handed Brian Jason's briefcase, and he then picked Jason up gently, and carried him in his arms to the bus. They boarded the bus, and JC let Jason stand, near his bunk. "Thanks JC." Jason said. He got in the bunk and waited for JC to join him. JC got in and wrapped his arms around Jason. Jason and JC drifted to sleep as JC held Jason.

Justin and Brian sat in the lounge watching Nick and AJ play N64. "Brian, Justin, were going to start a game of cards, you guys want to play?" Joey said. "Sure." Brian and Justin said. Chris, Joey, Justin, Brian and Kevin sat down at the booth to play a game of poker. Chris shuffled the cards and began to deal, "Chris where did you learn to deal?" Joey joked. "Same place Lance learned to dance." Chris joked. They played several hands has the time went on. "You asshole." Joey said to Justin. "Well it's not my fault you can't play." Justin said as he won his third hand in a row. "Well I'm out y'all." Kevin said. "Yeah me too." Chris replied. "You guys are no fun." Justin said. "I'm going to take a nap." Brian said. "I'll join you." Justin said. "Ok." Brian said.

Brian and Justin got in to Justin's bunk and quickly snuggled up and drifted to sleep. JC stirred and a smile dawned his face as he felt Jason sleeping in his arms. JC rubbed his hand on Jason's cheek, "I'll always love you." JC whispered. "JC, I love you too, now go back to sleep." Jason said with a grin. "Only if I can have a kiss." JC said with an even bigger grin. "Well ok, you can have a kiss." Jason said. JC moved his lips gently on Jason's, as he took the kiss to a new level. JC finally released Jason's lips, "Ok now I'm wide awake." Jason said. "Good, because I'm not sleepy." JC said with a smile. "Well I'm hungry." Jason said. "Come on lets get something to eat then." JC said. JC and Jason walked towards the kitchen and saw Joey on the way, "Where are Brian and Justin?" Jason asked. "They went to sleep in Justin's bunk." Joey said. "Ok." Jason said, he and JC continued to the kitchen, Jason grabbed a seat at the booth and JC grabbed a bag of chips and sat next to Jason. "How are you feeling?" Lynn asked Jason. "I've got a headache." Jason said. "I'll get you some Tylenol." Lynn said. Lynn stood and walked to the first aid kit to get Jason some Tylenol. "Here you go." Lynn said as she handed Jason the Tylenol and a glass of water. "Thanks." Jason said. Jason downed the pills and the water. "When are you going to tell Justin?" Lynn asked. "I want to tell him when you're here." Jason said. "How about we tell him now?" Lynn asked. "Ok." Jason said. "Ok, I'll go get Justin." Lynn said.

Lynn walked towards the bunks, "Didn't Joey say that Justin and Brian just went to sleep together?" JC asked. "OH, Shit!" Jason said. JC stood, "Lynn." JC said. Lynn opened the curtain to Justin's bunk, Lynn looked in and saw Brian holding Justin as they slept in the bunk. Lynn stood and quickly walked to the back lounge as the tears filled her eyes. Lynn closed the door behind her and laid back against the door, she slowly slid down the door as the tears streamed down her face. "Shit." JC said as he looked at the closed door. Jason stood behind JC, "She saw them, didn't she?" Jason asked. JC nodded. "I'll go talk to her." Jason said. "Ok, I'll go tell Justin and Brian." JC said. Jason nodded and headed to talk to Lynn.

Jason knocked at the door, "Lynn, its Jason." Jason said. "Lynn, please open the door." Jason said. Lynn stood, and opened the door. "Can I come in?" Jason asked as Lynn wiped the tears from her eyes. Lynn nodded and let Jason in. Jason closed the door behind him. Jason turned and faced Lynn and pulled her into a hug. "Where did I go wrong?" Lynn cried. "You didn't do anything wrong." Jason said. Jason and Lynn sat down on the couch, "He's still the same person, he still loves you." Jason said. Lynn nodded and let the tears fall. "Why didn't he tell me?" Lynn asked. "I don't know, but I do know that he was going to tell you." Jason said.

"Justin, Brian we need to talk." JC said. "Can it wait, I'm tired." Justin said. "No Justin it can't, Justin your mom knows." JC said. "She knows what?" Justin said as he sat up in the bunk. "She saw you and Brian sleeping in the bunk Justin." JC said. Justin sat there frozen, his eyes filling with tears, "Where is she JC?" Justin asked. Brian sat up and held Justin as he heard what JC has just said. "She in the back lounge, Jason's talking with her." JC said. "I need to talk to her." Justin said as he tried to get out of the bunk. "Justin wait, let her calm down first." JC said. "JC's right Justin, let Jason calm her down, then we can talk to her." Brian said. Justin nodded.

"I guess I should probably talk to him. I just want him to be happy." Lynn said. "He is, Brian and Justin have a very strong bond. They love each other, and Justin loves you." Jason said. "I love him, and you too." Lynn said. "I love you too, mom." Jason said as he hugged Lynn. Lynn released Jason, as they heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Lynn said. Justin opened the door and walked in. "Can we talk mom?" Justin asked. "Come in Justin." Lynn said, Justin walked in and took a seat on one of the couches. "I'll go, so you two can talk." Jason said. "No, please stay Jason." Justin said. Jason sat back down. "Mom, me and Brian are in love." Justin said. Lynn stood and walked over to Justin, she knelt down in front of Justin. "Justin are you happy?" Lynn asked. "Yes mom, I've never been happier." Justin said. Lynn pulled Justin into a hug, "I love you." Lynn said. "I love you too mom." Justin said.

Lynn released Justin, "Justin now I have something I need to tell you." Lynn said, she then waved for Jason to come over to them. Jason stood and walked over to Lynn and Justin, and took a seat next to Justin. "Justin, before you were born, me and your father had another son, At the time we could care for him so one of your father's sisters agreed to care for him. Justin you have an older brother." Lynn said. "It you isn't it?" Justin asked Jason. "Yes, Justin." Jason said. "Mom, why didn't you ever tell me?" Justin asked. "I don't know Justin, but I'm telling you now because I want you and Jason to be able to have a chance to be brothers." Lynn said. "I've always known mom. Whenever me and Jason were together I felt a bond with him that I also feel with Jonathon and Steven." Justin said. "So your not mad?" Lynn asked. "No mom, I'm not mad I've always wanted an older brother." Justin said. "And I've always wanted a younger brother." Jason said. Lynn, Justin and Jason all hugged, and wiped the tears away. "Can we go eat now I'm hungry." Jason said. "Your always hungry." Justin said. "I am not." Jason said childishly. Lynn laughed and opened the door, they all walked out and to the kitchen.

"Riding on the bus always make be sleepy." Nick said as he walked off the bus. "Your always sleepy, Nick." Brian said as he grabbed his bags. "Let's get checked in guys." Jason said. "Hey I thought I was in charge?" Lynn said. "We just let you think you're in charge, Mom." Jason said. "Mom?" The guys said. "I think we need to talk guys." Lynn said. "How about we get checked in and we have supper in Jason and my room." JC said. "Ok." Kevin said. They guys all walked into the hotel and Lynn picked up the check in package. Lynn handed out the keys and the guys all headed up to their rooms.

The guys finished eating and then they all sat down. "Guys, when me and Randall were younger, before Justin, we had another child, and at the time we weren't able to care for him, so Randall sister agree to take care of him till me and Randall were able to take care of him. Well in the end me and Randall had Justin, and shortly there after a divorce." Lynn said as tears began to fill her eyes. Justin wrapped his arms around her, "Its ok mom." Justin said. "Well, we are all glad that things have finally worked out." Brian said. They all talked for awhile and head to bed.

Brian and Justin entered their room. "I'm so tired." Brian said. Justin walked over to Brian, and kissed his lips. "Mmm." Brian moaned. Justin released Brian's lips, "I'm not tired now." Brian said with a huge grin. "Well I am." Justin said. Brian pouted his lips and started to walk to the bed. "But, I'd still love to make love to you." Justin said with a smile. Brian turned around, "Who said I want to have sex?" Brian said. "Well if you don't want to have sex with me I'll go see if JC is available." Justin said. Justin turned and headed for the door. "I don't think Jason would like that." Brian said. "Well he's my brother he's suppose to share." Justin said childishly. "Well I don't want to share." Brian said. "Good because neither do I." Justin said with a smile.

Brian walked to Justin and wrapped his arms are round him. "I love you." Brian said. "And I love you." Justin said. Brian kissed Justin's lips, "Will you make love to me?" Brian asked. "I'd love to." Justin said. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, and gently kissed Brian's lips with passion. Brian tightened his hold on Justin, bringing them close together, they moaned softly in the kiss. Brian parted his lips and moved his tongue into Justin's mouth, as he parted his lips. Justin moved his hands to Brian's shirt and slowly began to remove it. Justin lifted the shirt off Brian's body, and dropped it to the floor. Justin moved his hands to Brian's chest. Brian lifted Justin's shirt and threw it next to the bed. Brian moved his hands down Justin's body and began to unbutton Justin's cargo pants. "Oh, Justin." Brian moaned as they returned to their kiss. Brian slowly unzipped Justin's pants and let them fall down Justin's strong legs. Justin stepped out of the pants, and moved his hands to Brian's jeans.

"Oh Brian." Justin moaned. Justin moved his lips to Brian's ear sending shivers up Brian's body. Justin unbuttoned Brian's jeans and pulled the zipper down. Brian's pants fell gently down his legs. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's body as Brian stepped out of his pants. Justin moved his lips back to Brian's and they kissed passionately and moved slowly towards the bed. Justin lifted Brian into his arms, Brian wrapped his legs around Justin's waist, and Justin carried Brian over to the bed and laid him down on the baby blue silk sheets. Justin climbed on top of Brian, and they returned to kissing. Justin moved his lips down to Brian's neck and began to suck upon the tender flesh as Brian's hands explored Justin's back. "Oh Justin, mmm... oh baby." Brian moaned. Justin moved his lips down to Brian chest and kissed Brian's brown nipples. Brian's moans became louder as Justin continued to please him. Brian ran his fingers through Justin's curly blonde hair as Justin moved his lips lower on Brian's body. Justin moved his hands to Brian's boxers, Justin slowly pulled down Brian's boxers, revealing Brian's rock hard cock. "Oh." Brian moaned as his penis was released from his boxers. Justin slowly pulled Brian's boxers off his body and dropped them to the floor. Justin placed his hands on Brian's legs and moved them slowly up Brian's strong legs, slowly up his thighs, moving closer to Brian's hard penis. Justin began to kiss the head of Brian's penis. Justin moved his hands to Brian's penis and began to pull on Brian's hard penis, "Oh..." Brian moaned. Justin parted his lips and slowly began to suck on the head of Brian's penis. Justin slowly began to take more of Brian's penis into his mouth, sending waves of pleasure over Brian's body, causing Brian to moan loudly.

Brian ran his fingers through Justin's hair as Justin continued to suck on Brian's penis. "Oh, Justin... I'm close." Brian said. Justin faster giving Brian more pleasure, Brian moved his hands to the sheets and grabbed them tightly as he felt himself cumming. Justin released Brian's penis, and moved up to his lips, they kissed, and Brian wrapped his arms around Justin. "Oh, Justin." Brian moaned as they released each other's lips. "Justin make love to me." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin kissed Brian's lips as Brian spread his legs. Justin placed his penis at Brian's entrance. Justin pushed in, and Brian took a deep breath adjusting to Justin being in him again. Justin slid in as far as he could go, and then pulled out and pushed back in. Soon they were both moan, and they made love. Justin increased his thrusts as they began to kiss. "Oh Brian... I love you." Justin moaned out as he fucked Brian harder. "I love you too Justin." Brian moaned. Brian hands roamed Justin's back as they continued to make love. Brian moved his hands to Justin's ass. Justin kissed Brian, Justin thrusted harder as he approached his climax. Brian called Justin's name as Justin increased his thrusting. "I'm almost their Brian." Justin gasped. Justin yelled Brian's Name as he came in Brian's loving ass. Justin clasped into Brian's arms as he finished shooting his cum into Brian's ass. Justin's slipped out of Brian's ass, and rolled off of Brian, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin. "Thanks you." Brian whispered as they drifted to sleep. JC sat on the couch with Jason wrapped in his arms. Jason slept peacefully in JC's strong and secure arms. "I love you with all my heart." JC whispered. "I love you too JC." Jason whispered in his sleep, JC soon drifted to sleep.

To be continued...

Don't you just love it when its to be continued...

Thanks to everyone who sends in their comments and suggestions. As always let me know what you think, email is curlybrok@bsbnsync.com or bsbnsync@ctel.net

Just a note my site has been down because of the DNS server being down, this problem is now resolved and the site should be up and operational by the end of the day.

Next: Chapter 5

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