Justins New Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jun 30, 2004


<<This story contains hot male on male action (the best kind). If you are not of legal age or do not enjoy such activity, do not read. Duh.>>

~Queer as Folk and all related characters are trademarks of Showtime Inc.~

I had Friday night off, so I had made plans with Justin to go see a movie at his school that evening. We met me at my place, which is to say Michael and Emmett's, although I now lived there, too. He was more dressed up that I thought he would be. When he stepped inside, he looked at me questioningly. "Is that what you're wearing?" he asked.

"We're only going to see a movie, Justin," I replied. "No one is going to see us,"

"Actually, I thought I would take you out for dinner afterwards," he smiled. "You know, have a little date. Dinner and a movie?"

"Oh. Sure,"

I quickly changed into a newly acquired black silk shirt and some black slacks with tiny silver pinstripes. I pulled on some black Italian leather boots and headed out. "Nice," Justin commented. Emmett, dressed in a `Queens University' shirt and pajama pants, shrugged. "Could use some color,"

"Sorry we're not all walking rainbows like yourself," I smirked. Justin was dressed in a white button up shirt, a leather jacket and some heather gray slacks. His hair was slicked back, making him look like he had stepped out of the fifties. "Well, we should go. We don't want to be late,"

"Bring him back by one," Emmett yelled, waving us off. Justin and I just laughed as we walked down the streets. "So, how do you feel about living with those two?" he asked. I shrugged. "It's better than where I was. And, they're definitely entertaining. Although, sometimes a little loud,"

"You mean?"

I nodded, "Emmett's a screamer. And, Michael's a moaner. Ben, too,"

Justin smiled and shook his head. "That's just funny. I've never had roommates. I mean, other than my mom and sister. And, if I heard either of them having sex, I'd have killed myself,"

"Yeah, that would be kind of disturbing,"

Justin took my hand in his unexpectedly. When I looked at him, he simply stared me in the eye, squeezing gently. I looked away, blushing, for more than the obvious reason. I also felt guilty. Justin still didn't know about me working at Babylon. And, he certainly didn't know that Saperstien had been making me service him every night that week or else I'd be off the bar indefinitely. Wednesday, he had actually gathered some of the other managers from the club and made me service them as well. I couldn't make any objections of course. So, I did it. Five guys.

I shuddered. "Are you cold?"

"No, I just got a chill," I told him. "I'm good."

We walked the rest of the way in silence, until we reached the school. "Justin!"

"Hey, Daphne!"

A tiny, light-skinned girl ran up to us, smiling. She was cute, in an `I'm an adult, but just small framed so I seem like a child' type way. She hugged Justin and then looked at me. He followed her gaze and said, "Daphne, this is Keiran. Keiran, my friend Daphne,"

"Nice to meet you," I said, hugging her.

"Nice to finally meet you, too," she replied. "Justin has been talking about you all week,"

"Oh, really?"

"Daphne?" Justin interrupted through a smile. "Don't you have to go find a seat or something?"

She and I laughed at Justin's attempt to cut her off. "I'll see you two later." Then, she disappeared into a throng of people heading inside. I turned to Justin as we headed inside. "So, you've been talking about me all week, huh?" I teased.

Justin coughed. "She's... exaggerating, you know,"

I nodded. "Sure. Look, go grab some seats. I have to run to the bathroom." He nodded and kissed

me before proceeding into the theater. I walked to the bathroom, did my business and washed my hands. As I was drying them, the door opened. "Well, I didn't expect you to be here,"

I looked up. "Ethan! Hi,"

"Do you go here?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Because I would feel really idiotic if I had overlooked you all year,"

I threw the paper towel into a trash bin. "No, I don't go here. I'm here with my date,"

He nodded. "He's a student here, then?"

"He sure is. A visual artist,"

"Don't know any," he replied. "Well, one or two, but we don't really talk. Bad blood between us,"

"Your loss," I taunted. "So, you haven't called,"

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Actually, yes I did. This afternoon. And, I left a message. So, unless you gave me the wrong number and you don't live with Michael and Emmett, you should have gotten it,"

I mentally slapped myself. "Sorry. I didn't check the messages today,"

Ethan smiled and looked over his shoulder. The bathroom was empty. He turned back to me, took my chin in his hand and kissed me. It didn't stop there, though. I felt his tongue and I did the same in return, not even thinking. I put my hands on his waist as I leaned back onto the counter. When we separated, Ethan winked. "Fully platonic, of course,"

"I can't do this," I whispered, as if someone would hear us.

"Do what?"

"I can't have sex with you,"

Ethan laughed. "Is that what you would normally do in this situation?"

"No. Well, yes. I mean... it's a long story,"

"How about you tell me over coffee tomorrow at two?" Ethan proposed. I giggled. "Since you're really intent on it, sure. Tomorrow at two. I'll call you,"

"Great. I'll see you then,"

We left the bathroom and I entered the theater. The lights were down and the movie was about to start. And, with it being so dark, I couldn't find Justin. Then, an arm started waving in the middle of the theater, so I quickly ran down the aisle and crossed, apologizing all the way. When I plopped down next to Justin, he leaned in close. "What took you so long?"

"Bathroom talk," I replied. The movie started, cutting him off. It was some foreign film in Dutch or Swedish or something. I wasn't too sure. I couldn't exactly follow the plot, but it was entertaining. Justin and I held hands through the course of the film. Once it was over, the theater began emptying out. Justin jumped suddenly and took his cell phone out of his pocket. "Hello?"

He looked at me and sighed. "I can't, Brian. I... I know, but... fine. Bye,"

"Is your master summoning you?" I asked, crossing my arms. Justin put his arms around my shoulders, but I pushed them away. "Just go,"

"Keiran, I'm sorry," he said. "He has a business party and he wants me to meet someone that can advertise for my comic book. And, you know how stubborn Brian is. I really do want to stay,"

"If you wanted to stay, you would," I replied, growing more and more bitter by the minute. Justin leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my face. He paused, then kissed my cheek and left. I stood for a second, contemplating my next move. Then, Ethan crossed my line of sight. I ran up to him, tapping him on the shoulder. "Feel like some coffee?" I asked.

"I thought you were with someone,"

I nodded. "I was, but something more important came up."

"You sound sort of upset. I take it that this important thing wasn't so important?"

"Not particularly. I mean... I don't know. It didn't sound like it,"

Ethan clasped his hands together and smiled. "Well, I'll be glad to be your substitute entertainment for this evening,"

"You make it sound so insignificant. Do you mind if we go back to my place for a second? I don't want to go get coffee looking like a business manager,"

"Not at all,"

The two of us walked together back to my apartment, idly chatting the entire way about nothing of any particular importance. We talked about music, school and people in general. By the time we got on the subject of relationships, we were at the apartment. "Do you want to come in?" I asked. Ethan shook his head. "I'll wait out here,"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. I'll be back in a second,"

I dashed inside and into my room. "Well, you're back early," Emmett said from the couch. "I thought you and Justin would be out for a while,"

"Or maybe they came back to fuck," Michael chimed in. I let out a fake laugh. "You're funny, Michael Novotny. I'll have you know that Justin ditched me for a business party with Brian,"

"Who would have seen that one coming?" Michael replied sarcastically as I changed. "Where are you going now?" Em asked. I rolled my eyes. "Do I need to make a sign out sheet so you can keep tabs on me? Should I leave a number where you can reach me?"

"I was just asking,"

"I'm going to get coffee with a friend of mine,"

"Male or female?" Michael asked, now perched on the back of the couch, eyeing me curiously. Emmett sighed. "Look at the outfit, Mikey. It's a guy,"

"How do you know?" I queried, wanting to know. Emmett stood up and walked over to me. "Let's examine. Tight t-shirt, accenting pecs, abs and biceps. Key parts of the homosexual courtship display, as we all know. A pair of brand name, brand new jeans, tight on the ass and... special regions, low on the hips. No underwear, I can tell. A light spray of cologne. And, the classic `I've done my hair, but I made it look like I didn't so I'd be even cuter' hairstyle. It's obviously a guy,"

Michael looked at me. "He's right. And, I'm leaving,"

"If it's not Justin, then who is it?" Emmett asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head and headed for the door. "I will see you two later,"

As I opened the door, Michael and Emmett shoved past me. "Hi, I'm Emmett. I see you're taking our little Keiran out to coffee. Thought we'd come out here and introduce ourselves. This is Michael,"

"We've met," Ethan replied.

"Oh. well. Great. Well, have our little Keiran back before the sun comes up, okay?"

"I plan on it,"

I shoved the two of them out of the way, grabbed Ethan and started down the hall. "Use protection!" Em yelled. I could have killed him. I should have. "So, that just lends itself to my earlier question," Ethan laughed. I looked at him. "What earlier question?"

"If having sex with strangers is something that you do often?"

I paused as we walked down the stairs. "Not really,"

"Not really?" Ethan repeated. "How so?"

I sighed deeply. "As stereotypical as it sounds, I have a really shady past. And, I've done a lot of things over the years that I'm not too proud of. Many of them being sexual,"

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean you have a shady past? Like... were you a criminal? Did you drop out of school? What?"

We were now out on the street, walking towards the coffee shop. "I left my home at sixteen, okay? I continued going to school, but I had gotten a shitty little room in some crappy building that cost me like... a hundred dollars a month. That I didn't have. So I got a job. Stripping. At that point in time, all I had was

my body. I managed to pay my rent and support myself. So, I graduated and I've been moving from place to place working as an escort or as a go-go dancer or a nude waiter. Sex is pretty much my life. Lately, though, I've been questioning whether or not I'm benefiting from it,"

"Financially, it seems, but I doubt that it's doing anything for your self esteem level," Ethan commented seriously. "And, I don't think that's all you have going for you,"

"It is,"

"What about your piano?" he replied. "Couldn't you play?"

"I haven't had a piano lesson in about four years,"

He shrugged. "Why don't you go to school and study then? Come to my school. We have a great piano department,"

"I don't have the money and I don't have the skills to be a real pianist,"

"Scholarships, and have you auditioned for them?"


"Then, how would you know?"

I sighed. "Fine, Ethan. I don't know."

"Come to the school," he continued. "Audition for them. It's worth a try,"

"I'll think about it,"

We reached the coffee shop and Ethan turned to me in the line. "What do you want?"

"I'll pay for myself,"

"Hey, part of this agreement was that I would pay for both you and I. What do you want?"

I rolled my eyes tolerantly and told him what I wanted. He ordered and we received our drinks, taking a seat in the corner of the room. "So, what are you doing now?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "Job wise, I mean,"

"Dancing at Babylon,"

"Oh, really? Does that make you good money?"

I nodded. "On a good night, in a few hours, I can make six, seven hundred,"

"Maybe I should get a job there," he laughed. "Shake my body around. Make some cash." He made a vain attempt to look like he was dancing, causing me to laugh. "With moves like that, you'd be lucky if they even let you into the club,"

He pouted, then smiled. "I guess I'll stick to the strings,"

"You do that,"

There was a little while where neither of us spoke, each sipping our drinks. I looked out of the window for a while, watching the people outside talking. I saw someone that looked familiar, but I didn't think anything of it. The coffee shop was right in the middle of the neighborhood, so I had seen plenty of these people before. When I looked at Ethan, he was smiling. "What?"

"You have a little froth on your face,"

I wiped both sides of my mouth. "Did I get it?"

He picked up a napkin. "Here, let me,"

He moved forward with the napkin, then set it on the table and kissed me. I closed my eyes and put one hand on his leg. Ethan drew me closer, placing his hand in my hair. I kissed him for a long time, reveling in the feeling of his lips on mine. He kissed intensely, almost like his life depended on it. When he backed away, I wanted to pull him back to me.

"I take it there was no froth," I jested. He shook his head. "Sorry to deceive you,"

"You know, if you keep doing that, I might just have to teach you a lesson," I challenged playfully. Ethan's eyebrow popped up. "What kind of lesson might that be?"

"A lesson on subtlety,"

"What's that?" he replied, grinning.

"My point exactly. It would be a lot more efficient if you just said, `Can I kiss you?''


"Yes what?"

Ethan shrugged. "You can kiss me,"

"You're missing my point," I said, taking a sip of my drink. In all honesty, I was distracting myself. I wanted to kiss him, but I kept thinking of Justin, my unofficial boyfriend who had a boyfriend.

"You're lying to yourself," Ethan shot back. "You know you want to kiss me. You've wanted to since we met. And, I want you to. So, go ahead,"

Damn, he had me. I closed the space between us, thinking about you know who. Then, I thought of that evening and how he had left me in the theater lobby. I felt Ethan's lips make contact with mine and I went with it. This kiss was beyond intimate. It was fervent, ardent, fiery, and place your favorite sexual adjective here. Ethan's tongue was close to ruthless in its mission to please. My body was exhilarated. Goosebumps and chills ran rampant. I felt like I would overheat at any second, so I sat back. Both of us were breathing heavily as we rested on each other's foreheads.

"I want to," I whispered.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "What about your special someone? I wouldn't want to come between you and him,"

"You aren't," I replied.

"Are you completely sure that you want to do this?"

I looked him in his eyes. "If you ask me that one more time, I will strip the both of us and do it right here,"

"Your place or mine?"

"Yours. Unless you have roommates,"

He shook his head. "Just me and you. Unless you mind the cat watching,"

"Don't mind at all,"

We grabbed our cups and quickly left the caf‚. I took Ethan's hand in mine, causing him to look back at me and smile. I heard a familiar laugh, but brushed it off as Ethan took off for his place. We reached it in a matter of minutes. And, not a minute too soon. We basically ran up four flights of stairs to Ethan's apartment and burst through the door. I didn't get to look around for too long before Ethan pressed his lips to mine, walking me backwards to his bed.

"Last chance to back out," he smirked, knowing the answer. I winked. "Not a chance,"

Ethan took off his jacket and I began unbuttoning his shirt, all the while being locked in a kiss. Everything was paced and slow, instead of being rushed and wild. Ethan sat back on my hips and removed his shirt. He leaned over and rolled to his right, ending up with me on top. He slid his hands under my shirt, which I took as incentive to take it off. "You've got a great body," Ethan commented quietly.

"Thank you,"

I kicked off my shoes and climbed all the way onto the bed. Ethan sat on the edge, took off his shoes and socks and joined me, sitting on my thighs. He kissed me and I felt his hands on my waist. He undid the button and pulled the zipper down. Then, he broke the kiss and looked down. "Oh."


"Nothing underneath," he smiled. "Didn't expect that,"

I pulled him down into a kiss, making him press his body against mine. I ran my hands down his back, slipping my hands into the back of his pants, caressing his skin. He sat back and undid his pants. "Bottom or top?" he asked.


"Ooh, you are trouble for me,"

"Why?" I asked, afraid he was going to say that he was a bottom, too. Although, I would mind topping him. "Because you are everything I want and then some." He slipped out of his remaining clothes, then pulled my pants off. "I've thought of you all week. I had to stop myself from calling you as soon as I got your number. When I saw you tonight all done up, I almost hurt myself,"

"We wouldn't want that, now would we?" I grinned, taking his face in my hands. He reached into a bedside table and pulled out a condom. "No foreplay for you, huh?"

"Not unless you really want to," he replied. "I personally feel that making love is like a concert,"

"How so?"

"There may be an opening act or two, but you came to see the real show. I mean, if you're interested in foreplay, I'm up for it,"

"I'm okay,"


"Nice simile by the way,"

He smiled and kissed me again, his hands out of sight. Still kissing me, he lifted one of my legs. I felt the tip of his cock at my ass. He pushed in gently, making me moan. He slowly engulfed himself inside me, sighing deeply. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He slowly pulled out, almost completely, then reentered gradually. Ethan kissed and sucked at my neck as he rhythmically made love to me. I could do nothing but whimper as he pleasured me.

I lifted his face out of my neck. He opened his eyes as if he had been in a dream and I had awakened him. I smiled and pulled him into a kiss, running my fingers through his hair. We stayed in that position forever, Ethan sliding in and out and me just laying back and enjoying it. I held onto him, feeling like if I let him go, he would be gone. That's how good he was making me feel. I felt safe, comforted... loved. I was pulled out of my sexual trance as that thought passed through my head. Maybe this wasn't just another one night stand. Maybe... maybe Ethan had feelings for me. Deep feelings. Maybe he thought of me the way I thought of Justin: here was this amazing person who seemed perfect for you, except that he belonged to someone else.

I was snapped back to reality as I felt Ethan's lips meet mine and his hand wrap around my previously unattended to erection. Seeing as I hadn't touched it at all, it only took a few strokes until I came. I moaned in Ethan's mouth and shot all over his hand and both of our stomachs. Ethan separated from me, eyes still closed, bit his bottom lip and pushed deeply. He let out a deep sigh as his body came down from its climax.

Ethan opened his eyes and smiled down at me. I hadn't realized it until that moment, but both of us were sweating generously. Locks of Ethan's hair were plastered to his forehead, framing his face. He pulled out of me, removed the condom and climbed out of bed. I closed my eyes and relaxed. When he returned, he had a towel in hand, which he used to wiped off my stomach, then folded it and wiped his own. He threw the towel into the bathroom and slipped under the sheets.

"I take it you'll want to go back home now,"

I turned to face him. "Why would you say that?"

He shrugged. "The last person that I was with never stayed. He always had some reason to leave afterwards. I thought you might feel the same way,"

I joined him under the sheets, snuggling next to him. "I'm here for the night, Mr. Gold,"

We kissed and Ethan wrapped an arm around me, drawing me into him.

<<Well, here ya go, kiddies. I hope you enjoyed Chapter 5. There is much much much more to come, including some interesting mistakes on the part of one of our loveable QAF boys. But, I won't tell you which one! Keep reading!>>

Next: Chapter 6

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