Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Jan 22, 2023


Both boys' parents, shaken at their jail sentences, were overjoyed with the improvements in both boys since they began spending so much time together. They talked by phone every couple weeks, and were really proud of their sons and how they had turned adversity into a personal challenge to improve. Billy's brother was getting to that age of mid-freshman year when you start to go to upperclassmen's parties. Billy was worried about him falling into the same behavior that had gotten him locked up. One day Billy's brother Jason asked him why he spent so much time with Evan and why he never came to parties. Were they homos or something? He had obviously heard people talking. Billy explained to him that he and Evan were very close because they had been in jail together and never wanted to go back. They were in the best shape of their lives, making perfect grades, and having fun together, so what was the problem.

Without revealing much, Billy told Jason how awful jail was, and that he would do anything not to return, that's why he didn't go to parties. He warned his brother to be very careful who he kept company with and where he went. Billy told him if he felt he must drink, to do it somewhere safe, not at a party where the police could come any time. Billy tried to emphasize how awful Pine Creek was, but he could tell Jason couldn't fathom the truth. As a stunning looking boy, he wouldn't have much fun in there. The COs would find some way to get him into punishment.

The spring got warmer, and Billy and Evan were spending more time outside, bronzing like Scandinavian people are programmed to do. They took the LSAT and both scored very highly, and did all the things robust jocks finishing their junior year do. When school let out, both boys got jobs on the same construction crew where they sweated together and after a few sore weeks began to build new muscles that high school athletes don't usually get. For the first few weeks they were too tired after work for anything but a few BJs, but they didn't mind. Waking up in the dark at 0400 felt like being back in jail, but the boys took turns driving, picking the other up if they weren't spending the night at one of their houses. The one driving got a nice BJ all the way to the jobsite, sometimes taking a circuitous route if the direct route wasn't long enough to cum. The boys never showered before work, what was the point, and they felt kind of naughty for being so funky all day. For jock boys like them, accustomed to three or four showers a day during school and athletics season, it was a change, but they liked eachothers' smells.

Evan never told Billy, but his favorite thing was when Billy spent the night at his house and had to put on the same undies and work pants he'd had on the night before. Even though the boys had showered the night before, Billy's crotch quickly took on the smell of a man when he put on the funky briefs. When this happened, he'd always make Billy drive, even though they were usually in Evan's car, so that he could sniff Billy's crotch and suck on the long funky dick. Doubly good was when Billy hadn't showered for a day or two on the job, which sometimes happened, and he got to blow him right after work, when his balls were still wet with sweat, his dick slick with precum from watching Evan work shirtless all day, and his pubes matted with sweat and sometimes sawdust. It was a happy summer.

One weekend they went to a state park out of town where the young people went to swim and do water sports. They were swimming and tanning and having a good time watching the boys and girls strut their stuff. Both boys still occasionally saw girls. Halfway to keep up their reputations as jock studs of the school, but also because each wanted to. The best was when both boys had sex with dates, and then met up later and 69d each other. It was the best of both worlds. They had discussed finding a girl who would have sex with both of them, but didn't know how to go about finding one in their sets of friends. Evan had never been able to get more than half his dick into a girl, but Billy had dated a girl over the past couple months, Erin, who was a bit slutty and loved him to bang his big dick into her. She used to joke that she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant cause if she did his big cock would kill the baby anyway.

At the lake that day the boys were standing dick-deep in the lake to hide their boners and because they weren't ready to jump into the still-chilly water. Billy was looking over toward the boat launch and saw someone familiar. He immediately got out of the lake and walked over. At the dock next to the boat ramp Reiner was sitting in a ski boat with a few other guys. Billy jogged over to make sure he got there before they took off in the boat. Reiner jumped up when he saw Billy walk down the dock. He made an excuse to his friends and got his phone out of the boat's glove box. He told them he'd call them soon to come pick him up. He made up some excuse about Billy being his cousin's best friend and how he had to talk with him about something. Reiner got out of the boat and walked down the dock till he met Billy. They shook hands, which they had never done of course, and both smiled.

They walked away together and Billy looked over at Evan still in the lake watching him. They walked off into the picnic area and towards some benches in a stand of trees where no one was. Billy immediately asked Reiner how he was. "Man, I am doing ok I guess. I just can't get all that shit out of my mind. I mean, what did I, I mean we, ever do to deserve that?" Reiner began to cry. He said he hadn't been able to talk with anyone about what had happened to him on butt buster. In the week he was in gen pop naked and high cuffed, everyone had just mocked him. At least no one had done anything bad to him, but everyone avoided him because of the constant drool of shit running down his leg. He spent time in the shower, but could not wash or dry himself, and the other boys forced him out when they wanted to shower because no one would go in with him. Even when he was decuffed, not a single person spoke to him the last three weeks he was there. Billy's heart just broke. Reiner had never seen another guy from his school or his town in jail, so there was no one to even talk to when he got out, he had just been carrying all this around inside him.

To try to make him feel better, Billy told him about his own last day in punishment, which though it paled in comparison to what Reiner had been through, was pretty awful. Billy explained how his ass had slowly gotten back into shape, and, although it made him wince, he asked Reiner how his ass was doing. Reiner started to cry again and said he didn't think it would ever go back to normal, which was probably true. Even when he left jail a month after butt buster, his ass just hung open and crap would fall out sometimes by surprise. He had no control of his anal muscles and had to sit on the toilet and wait for crap to fall out, or use an enema kit he had bought. In the six months since he'd been out of jail, things had gotten a little better. His ass at least closed on its own, but the sphincter was still grotesquely large and had no elasticity to it. Billy reassured him that a still-growing fit jock like him should be able to regain muscle tone anywhere in his body. Reiner said he wasn't much of a jock anymore, he had quit lacrosse because running hurt and made his ass open up again. Billy said to be optimistic, that there must be something that could be done.

Billy told Reiner he wanted to check him out. They walked off into the deep pine woods beyond the picnic area until they came to a gully with a little creek in it. Confident that no one was around, Reiner pulled down his board shorts and bent forward. Billy almost cried himself when he saw Reiner's ass. To think he had been feeling sorry for himself because his ass was a little bit looser than before jail. It would have been anyway with the five to ten fucks a week he'd been getting from Evan that past six months! Renier's ass was a pile of wrinkled and stretched out skin. In some places it looked almost bubbly. His 'butthole' was a long slit about five inches long, which all the wrinkly skin traced in a wavy, skinny oval. His ass looked like an elongated, uneven, and ugly pussy. Billy leaned forward and gave it a little lick, with made the slit open about a quarter inch as Reiner moaned. "Oh buddy, I am sorry," Billy said. Reiner started crying again, and Billy grabbed his abs to swivel him around. Reiner's cock was hard and pointing up. It was a beauty, cut, and only a half inch or inch shorter than Billy's, longer than he remembered. Reiner sobbed how he hadn't even touched another person since he got out of jail, and no one had touched him. His girlfriend broke up with him because he wouldn't undress with her. They had had a pretty precocious sex life before Reiner went to jail. He definitely had no one like Evan.

With no comforting words to say, Billy grabbed Reiner's cock and took it all the way down. Reiner jumped, but calmed down and let a low moan out. Billy worked the poor kid's dick as best he could, bending his neck so that Reiner's head got the maximum pleasure scraping his throat. He worked the boy's big balls with one hand, and with the other traced the oblong gash that was Reiner's asshole. Billy only meant to reassuringly rub the boy's butthole, but as Reiner bucked his hips a little, the giant hole kind of grabbed Billy's hand. He was shocked that with no pressure at all, his entire hand would just slip into an asshole. It really was destroyed and fucked for life. Reiner, who rarely jacked because it brought up memories of jail, only last about ten minutes before he dumped a dozen huge jets of cum in Billy's mouth. Reiner wanted to do Billy as repayment for all his kindness, but Billy refused. He probably wouldn't have been able to get hard anyway.

Next: Chapter 33

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