Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Thinking they ought to get out of their spot, the boys walked back toward the dock. Billy's mind had been racing as to how he could help Reiner. He felt so bad the boy was alone with his injuries and thoughts. He proposed they go fishing the next Saturday at a creek roughly between Billy's city and Reiner's town. Reiner thought he'd be able to use the car and agreed. Even though Billy's phone was in the car, he had Reiner call him so he'd have the missed call. Reiner, with tears in his eyes, called his friends on the boat, and the two walked towards the dock. Billy waited while Reiner got in the boat. His friends were all hot preppy looking boys with the latest styles in swim trunks and sunglasses. Billy waved so long and went back to find Evan. He explained to Evan what had happened, and Evan understood completely and was proud of his soul mate for being such a good and caring person. The two enjoyed the afternoon at the lake, but Billy couldn't put Reiner out of his mind and didn't want to.

The week passed slowly. There was a heat wave and the boys were almost too hot and tired after work to mess around, but that didn't stop them. The house they were working on was a big estate type thing in a wooded area out of town. There were plenty of roads in the trees they could go down after work to exchange bjs on each other's sweaty stinky cocks. Billy drove himself to work one day that week and went to the library afterwards to do some internet research. He found exactly what he was looking for and left the library to make a phone call. He went over to Evan's to spend the night. He told his parent's they had to be up super early and the job site was closer to Evan's house. It was an unnecessary lie. Both boys' parents completely trusted their sons at this point, approved of all their mutual self improvement and they spent the night at one of their houses more than half the time anyway. Evan had been waiting for Billy, and was secretly overjoyed that his jock boyfriend hadn't changed or showered after work. He immediately went to work licking around the boy's whole crotch and upper thighs, his abs, balls, and crack. Evan secretly loved it. His dick got a tingle when he flipped Billy over and found that the boy hadn't done a very good job wiping after his mid-morning dump in the porta-potty. Billy had bad swamp ass. Billy, embarrassed about the stank rising out of his loins, almost insisted he go shower before Evan continued, but Evan told him no problem. Billy was beginning to realize his boyfriend was a bit nasty, but he just smiled and closed his eyes and enjoyed the thorough cleaning of his undercarriage by Evan's tongue.

Once Evan had had his fill of Billy's rank crotch and ass, he began to sink his giant missile into the boy's hole. It was a short but very sexy fuck. Billy's stink had gotten Evan so worked up he dumped his load after only about 10 minutes. Billy wanted to talk after he'd cleaned Evan's dick off. He wanted to know if Evan would be willing to part with some of his summer pay to help Reiner. Evan could tell Billy was serious, and now realized that the distraction he'd noticed all week in Billy was his worry about Reiner. Even though the boys had discussed saving up for a senior spring break trip to Mexico or the islands, Evan of course agreed immediately. Billy kissed him and the two went to take a shower. Billy hadn't cum that day so Evan sank to his knees in the shower, and sucked a big load out of Billy, thinking the whole time how lucky he was to be with such a big-hearted guy.

Saturday rolled around and Billy and Evan set off early to meet Reiner on the gravel bar they had discussed by phone during the week. They all arrived roughly the same time as Billy could see Reiner's car driving down the levee about a half mile in front of them. It was a secluded spot. The gravel bar backed into the levee, and on the other side of the river were railroad tracks. The land-side of the levee was too steep to drive up, so any car would have to come from the highway six miles back like the boys had. The only way someone could sneak up on them would be in a float boat, but those were rare and the river was moving lazily this dry summer.

Reiner was outside his car with a huge smile when he saw Billy pull up. When the dust settled and he saw two boys had gotten out of the car, his smile faded. Billy immediately introduced them and explained that Evan and he were friends from school and had been cellmates in punishment after Reiner left. Billy explained how he didn't know how he would have gotten by after release if it hadn't been for Evan, and thought the two of them would be able to give Reiner the same kind of support and understanding. Reiner immediately understood and gave Evan a big hug, partly for being Billy's friend, partly for caring enough about him to give up a Saturday, partly because of their shared experience of Pine Creek, and partly because he was a hot, sexy, shirtless stud. They sat down and talked awhile. Reiner relayed more of his story post-release and Evan felt about to cry. Reiner was a popular, outgoing, athletic, smart kid before going into jail, and was now depressed, withdrawn, and scared for the future, the opposite of Evan and Billy. Reiner's dad was the town doctor, and had sent his son to counselors and tried to talk him into going on medication. His parents were furious that he had been jailed over such a minor thing, and were contemplating a lawsuit against the county, not even knowing an inkling of what had happened to him. Reiner's dad had wanted to give him an exam, but Reiner had refused. His dad didn't think much of it, it was after all a little odd for a doctor to examine his own 17 year old son, but not so much in a one-doctor town.

Reiner already felt better than he had in months. These two boys understood what he'd been through, and were caring and truly interested in and concerned for him. Billy and Evan shucked off their swimsuits and walked around in only their flip flops. The boys got their poles rigged and started casting. Reiner couldn't take his eyes off Evan's cock. He didn't think he had ever seen one that big before. Reiner was still clothed and Billy encouraged him to strip off and get some sun on his white ass. Reiner didn't know what to do. No one apart from Billy had seen him naked since jail. Even with Billy he only pulled his shorts down for a minute. Billy had made Evan promise not to say anything about Reiner's hole. Finally, Reiner took off his boardies and his ample pale cock saw the sun for the first time in a year. Reiner smiled. He felt really free. It was nothing like being naked in jail, which was humiliating, degrading and led to massive pain for Reiner. He felt light on his feet, like a weight had been lifted. The boys stood on the bank or in the shallow water casting. When Reiner dropped a fly and bent over to retrieve it, Evan saw his hole for the first time and gasped, before Billy shot him a glance. When Reiner bent over, the giant uneven oval of his anal ring opened into a crooked smiley face. Billy and Evan could see a large black area that was the cavern of his rectum. Both boys went back to casting and didn't interrupt their conversation, so Reiner was unaware of their horror and wasn't pulled down from his elated mood.

After a few hours they stopped for an early lunch. They had each brought some stuff to eat, and Reiner had brought a six pack. This alarmed Billy and Evan at first, since they had both studiously avoided alcohol since jail. However, it seemed safe, and Billy said it was ok by him as long as they buried the cans and didn't drive for a few hours. They enjoyed the cold beers and snacks. Billy looked at Evan who nodded. Billy told Reiner they had a surprise for him. Billy had found and located a doctor who did anal reconstruction. He was in Chicago, and his normal rates were very high, but Billy had explained the situation to him as best he could, and the doctor had agreed to see Reiner and treat him if possible on an anonymous basis even though he was not yet 18. The doctor had almost cried himself when Billy described how the stretched anus had affected Reiner's life. The doctor of course was gay, and Billy had told him that Reiner had gotten into a rough sexual relationship with an older man who had gotten him into fisting and giant buttplugs etc. When Billy described how beautiful Reiner was and how he had been the golden boy of the town and the big regional high school before his 'problem' the doctor boned up imagining this gorgeous country boy who played lacrosse. Billy had demanded absolute confidentiality because of the 'conservative little town' Reiner lived in, and the doctor agreed.

By this time Reiner was openly sobbing with joy at what a wonderful friend he had. No one, none of his former friends or even his family had ever done something so kind and thoughtful for him. His parents loved him of course and had given him lots, but nothing that required them going out of their way. Billy had bargained the doctor down to about one third of his normal charge for the operation and procedure. It was a safe and proven method of going into the anal area and connecting plastic bands around the rectal tube, or as Billy put it in vernacular, the ass tube. This would restrict it and allow it to regain it shape. Once its diameter was smaller, the muscles that normally encircle it, which in Reiner's case had been torn, should reconnect tissue and hold the anal tube to a normal tight diameter. Once that procedure was done, the doctor could scrape away excess tissue from around the asshole, and make a smooth normal looking opening for the hole. He might have to take some skin from the sole of Reiner's foot as that worked best for asshole skin, but it was a minor deal.

Next: Chapter 34

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