Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Feb 7, 2023


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The driver left again immediately with one of the nurses to go to the boys' motel, retrieve their things, check out for them, and drive their car back. The rest made their way upstairs, luckily there was an elevator, and got comfortable. The nurses helped Reiner onto a hospital bed the doctor had delivered. He was smiling and joking, despite the sharp pains coming from his hole. The doctor put Billy and Evan into a guest room upstairs from the main floor. When the driver arrived, he put their bags into their room, and the boys noticed their stinky work clothes and underwear, as well as the shorts and t-shirts they had changed into after work, were gone and being laundered.

Soon, dinner was ready, and they all sat at a large table next to a big window looking out over the lake. The food was delicious and strange for the boys, used to small-town Midwestern home cooking. Pizza and tacos were still relatively exotic where they came from. Reiner had to have liquid food unfortunately, but they all made sure he knew how good it was. The doctor offered the boys some wine, and feeling bold, they accepted with thanks. What could possibly happen here in this beautiful house hundreds of miles from the police and Pine Creek. Not having drunk much in the past eight months, apart from some beers or shots once in a while, but only at home, Evan and Billy were pretty buzzed. After dinner the doctor asked if the boys wanted to get in his hot tub, to which they readily agreed. The nurses argued and then flipped a coin to see who would have to stay with Reiner.

The doctor apologized and said he only had speedos to lend them and he knew that boys today prefer baggy shorts. Evan asked shyly if they needed suits, and the doctor and nurse immediately got semis. The boys, the doctor, and one of the nurses shucked their clothes and undies right there in the living room and headed to the roof. The doctor took the cover off. It was a hot night, and the water didn't feel too hot as a result. They all got in, the doctor opened two more bottles of wine, and they enjoyed the view and the traffic noise coming up from below. Evan immediately started rubbing Billy's meat, which got hard from the wine and all the stimulation of the day.

The nurse looked at Billy's beautiful face and at Evan looking at him and figured out what was going on. He reached over to where Evan's dick should be and moved his hand looking for it. He had been last in the line as they walked up the stairs, so while he got to admire the hot jocks' perfect asses in motion, he hadn't seen their dicks yet. His hand was too low, he was looking for a soft cock. As he raised his hand through the water, it bumped into a stiff log pointing straight up in the water. He grabbed hold, making Evan look at him quickly and then smile. He couldn't believe it as he pulled his hand, which couldn't even reach around the cock, upward thinking he would find the head. As he felt his hand about to break the water surface, he finally found the head of the penis, big as a small apple. He rubbed his pointed finger into the extra large piss slit making Evan close his eyes. This kid was HUNG.

After another glass of wine, the doctor said he was going down to check on Reiner. He toweled off lightly and headed down the stairs telling the nurse that maybe he should trade with his partner and look after Reiner. As the door closed, the nurse told Evan: "you gotta let me have that thing." Evan looked at Billy, who nodded. Billy had certainly been seeing other guys, so why couldn't Evan. Plus, the nurse, who looked in his mid-20s, was hot and he would enjoy seeing another guy worship Evan's massive meat. Evan got a broad grin and hopped his pert little ass up onto the edge. The nurse immediately groaned at the sight of the eleven plus inch dick, and moved between Evan's legs. The nurse took the huge head into his mouth and worked down as far as he could. He began gagging a bit as it nudged his throat hole. Usually he could deep throat any guy! Evan laughed a little and told Billy to show him how it was done.

Billy moved over as the nurse got out of the way and with one jerking motion, pushed his upper lip to Evan's pubes. The nurse was shocked. How could this boy just take that huge cock like that. Billy worked the cock for a few minutes before turning to the nurse and saying, why don't you practice on me? Billy hopped up next to Evan and the nurse looked at his huge cock. Not as big as Evan's but big by god! With some difficulty, he finally got Billy's cock down his throat. Billy couldn't believe how the guy was working it. He guessed that's what years of experience sucking dick would do. The nurse's tongue was everywhere, and his throat muscles actually felt like fingers on the top half of his cock. The nurse was ready to try Evan again. Pushing hard onto the huge meat, he finally forced it down his gullet and felt the giant head expanding his throat everywhere. He couldn't give Evan the same throat service he gave Billy because his neck muscles were in shock, but Evan was feeling good. He alternated between the two boys with their big country dicks until each deposited a big load in his mouth in quick succession.

The doctor was surprised in walking downstairs to find the nurse's face buried in Reiner's crotch. He was angry at first, it was very unprofessional. He asked sharply what the nurse was doing, and he jolted upright, Reiner's big, perfectly shaped and smooth cock standing straight up and shiny, with a saliva trail leading back to the mouth that had just been on it. "Um, nothing doctor," the nurse stammered, "just trying to relieve pressure on his prostate."

The doctor laughed at the quick thinking and said, "we have procedures for that, you know that. Well anyway, you've gotten this lad into some state, you better finish the procedure."

The nurse and Reiner laughed, and the nurse went back down on the big smooth cock, taking it all the way to the base on the first go. The doctor stood at the foot of the bed and watched. Reiner was a beautiful boy. It was such a shame what had happened. He hadn't noticed the boy's face or body earlier. He had seen them of course, but was so focused on the boy's outrageously damaged hole that he could concentrate on nothing else. God, he really was one of the most beautiful boys, as were the other two. If the circumstances weren't so grave, the doctor would be in heaven. Three of possibly the most beautiful male specimens he had ever seen were in his house, two of them naked in his hot tub, the third having his giant cock pleasured by his nurse. Just then Reiner moaned and delivered a big load into the nurse's waiting mouth. The doctor had the nurse turn Reiner on his side, and he checked the stitches and dressings around and to the side of Reiner's now human-sized butthole.

Years later, after the investigation was complete, the doctor would contact all the boys that had been subject to the butt buster and offer them free surgery. He was outraged and disgusted by how many there were. In reality it was pretty small, only around twenty in the four years they used the device, but twenty too many. All were boys like Reiner who had been happy and full of promise until their lives were destroyed. The doctor also became close with one of the lead investigators on the case, and for decades received annual unofficial reports on the various horrors visited on the former Pine Creek staff in various prisons. Jail guards in prison never do well, especially if you were convicted of sexually torturing minor boy inmates. The doctor was not a cruel man, but was elated for weeks after receiving the reports. Several had been killed, including, the doctor never knew, the captain, who had first raped Billy.

The doctor poured himself a scotch and thought about the three boys. The minor things they had been sent to jail for would not even have aroused police interest in Chicago or any other city, but had resulted in punishments for these boys that would cause international human rights outrage if performed in some third world shithole. He decided then and there to help the boys as much as he could. He knew they would resist it, they thought they were tough and over what had happened to them, but the doctor knew this wasn't true. He knew roughly where the boys lived, but not exactly, so he went into Billy and Evan's room and looked for their wallets. He was right about the area code, and at least Billy lived in the one small city in that area. He actually knew a good psychiatrist there from medical school, and would see what he could do. He worried about them. These gorgeous jocks from small town Midwest certainly weren't gay before going to that jail. One part of the doctor was happy they'd found each other and had a sexual and psychological outlet, but knew it could be evidence of deep-seated psych trauma.

The doctor went back up to the hot tub and told the nurse to go down and spell the other. He had the boys alone for a few minutes and brought up the psychiatrist. No way they said. He finally convinced them saying that there would be no charge of course and that the psychiatrist was bound by confidentiality. Now the doctor knew this wasn't true, he had to report crimes, but he wanted the boys to see him, and would talk to him about their situation. Finally the boys agreed to see him once. The doctor, himself buzzed now, said they were beautiful boys and he was glad they had met. "Let me take a look at you," he said.

The boys, knowing how much they owed this man, and feeling very comfortable, both stood up in front of him. Their giant soft penises hanging between their lean jock legs. The doctor instinctively reached out and held the big flesh tubes, which jerked in his hands. He looked up at their lean defined smooth torsos, and immediately got painfully hard himself. He knew this was bad, even though they weren't his patients, and had to reluctantly let go just as the boys were reaching full mast. The two seemed disappointed but understood when he said he couldn't. Not at all like the jail guards! Billy and Evan both independently decided to give him a show. They got out of the tub and moved to a sun lounger. Evan dropped and took Billy's huge cock into his mouth, giving him exaggerated strokes and taking him all the way down each time. Billy blew in just a few minutes, and Evan held his mouth open to show the doctor.

Then Billy lay forward on the lounger while Evan ate his hot ass and inserted the impossibly big dick balls deep in his lover. The doctor couldn't believe that this lean jockboy could take that huge dick, but was loving the show. Evan fucked Billy strongly, but not violently until he shot his load a foot up Billy's rear. He immediately went to suck his jizz out of Billy, and the doctor fired off his own load under the water. They all had a last glass of wine with the second nurse, who had joined them, and then toweled off and went to see Reiner. Reiner and the nurse were watching TV and Reiner seemed to be doing just fine. They all went to bed, and woke up to a huge breakfast the valet had made, which they ate upstairs by the hot tub. The doctor took Evan and Billy out to see some of the sights of Chicago, in sort of a more mature Ferris Bueller itinerary. He took them to lunch at a fancy Asian bistro in Lincoln Park, and then they headed home to check on Reiner. The nurses had offered their holiday weekends without being asked, and both were attending to Reiner when the others returned. That evening, the doctor and the nurse who lost the coin toss took the boys to a Cubs game and then out for a late dinner. The nurse even bought both boys a beer at the game.

They had a nice evening together, having a couple glasses of wine on the deck. The boys were somewhat sad, knowing they had to leave rather early the next morning if they had any hope of visiting the campus they planned to. The doctor asked them some about their college plans, the boys telling him they wanted to go to the University, but were looking around a bit. The doctor asked if they planned to apply to his alma mater, a top Ivy. The boys had never even contemplated leaving their state for college, but were intrigued. When the doctor heard about some of the schools that had offered them athletic scholarships, he told them they could easily attend for free, and that he could see to it in any case. He told them the admissions director always visited Chicago in the fall to interview kids, and he would keep them posted. The boys didn't know how to thank him, but they tried, and then had a glass of wine.

That evening before falling asleep, the boys talked about what the doctor had said and how awesome it would be to go to a big fancy school in the east, and get away from their town and jail and everything once and for all. They got so excited they had to do a quick 69, and both fell asleep thinking about the future. In the morning when the boys woke up, the doctor was examining Reiner and the nurses were packing pills into little Ziploc bags, one for each day, plus some extra pain pills. The doctor wrote them a prescription and a note saying he had dispensed the pain pills just in case the boys got pulled over and searched or anything like that. The doctor pronounced Reiner fit as could be. He was amazed at how fast the boy was healing. He was used to old men who usually had other health problems. This hot fit little jock would be back to normal in no time.

The doctor had worried about the stitches, and even showed Billy and Evan how to remove them. Luckily, he was able to remove all but a few and replace them with tape, which he showed the boys how to re-apply. Reiner even walked to the elevator and to the car. The doctor had given him some pillows to sit on, and he was actually very comfortable after being worried about the car ride. More embarrassingly, the doctor had given them some diapers for Reiner to wear so they wouldn't have to be stopping all the time to clean him up. The boys drove away in the light Labor Day traffic, thankful the roads were so calm, the city traffic was intimidating. Within several hours they reached their own state and the small college they were supposed to visit. They went to the admissions office and found out a tour was leaving in a half hour. They took Reiner to an ice cream shop where he said he'd be ok for a couple hours. The tour was boring, but got the boys thinking about college life. They sat in on a class for 15 minutes, saw some dorms, and toured around the pretty grounds.

They picked Reiner up and started for home. Reiner started crying and told the boys he owed them his life, no one had ever done so much for him. The boys told him they loved him and that he would've done the same for them. Reiner felt better, but knew he never could have organized such a thing. As they neared Reiner's town, they stopped at a pull out and took off Reiner's diaper. Evan leaned into the backseat and used some of the baby wipes they'd been given to gingerly clean out and around the scarred and still raw butthole, that actually looked surprisingly normal. The ditched the diaper at the next gas station and drove to Reiner's house. His dad's car was gone to his relief, probably a church bbq or something. They helped Reiner into his house with his things. He said he'd be ok, and they left him, teasingly telling him to wear two pairs of briefs and dark shorts for a while.

Billy and Evan drove home in near silence. The weekend had been unbelievable. There was an adult who understood and actually wanted to help them. They made plans for Evan to pick Billy up in the morning; they were working right up till school started on Thursday. Billy dropped Evan off at his house, his parents and one of his brothers coming out to find out how camping was. They remarked at how clean the boys were, and they said they had dropped into the college gym to shower before their tour. Couldn't be making first impressions after three days in the woods! Billy went home and had dinner with his parents, who asked too many questions about camping, but were more interested in the college tour once Billy changed the subject. He also told them he was thinking about looking out of state at schools, which his parents said was pretty expensive. They were well-to-do for their town, his father explained, but on the east coast everything was expensive, and some of those schools cost almost as much as he made in a year after taxes. Billy left it there, saying just that he had read there were scholarships available at some, even the ivy league.

Next: Chapter 40

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