Juvey Lockup

By charlie

Published on Feb 27, 2011


fiction by charlie comments welcome charles.whaley@comcast.net

juvey lockup-2

"Ok guys, time to rise and shine."

The lights went on. Todd's eyes adjusted to the light and he saw Joseph, one of the staff, walking through the room making sure everyone was awake. "Good morning Todd. Sleep ok?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok Maxey, get up or I'll tickle your feet." Maxey was hiding under the sheet with the pillow over his head.

"No!" he yelled, throwing the pillow off and siting up.

Joseph left as Pete went behind the wall. The sound of pee hitting water followed. Todd's morning hardness started to soften. Pete came out and Rico walked to the back. His boxers stuck straight out showing a big boner. Rico seemed proud of it, giving Todd a smile as he passed. Todd got hard again.

When everyone had been to the toilet, they took off their shorts, got towels and flip-flops, and started to the showers. The other three boys carried the towels on their shoulders, walking nude, so Todd did the same. He was still a bit shy about being naked around strangers, but it seemed he was the only one. Several other boys were coming out of their rooms. Todd saw only two who wrapped their towels around their waste. Todd walked beside Rico. He got a couple of good looks at Rico's large uncircumcised pole. Light brown skin covered all but the tip of the head. Todd had seen several uncut boys on the internet, but this was the first time up close and in person. The hallway was filled with chatter and boy butts. Todd made himself think of other things to keep from getting a boner.

"So, did little Freddie make you feel welcome last night?" Pete asked looking back at Todd.

"They made us both feel welcome" said Maxey with a grin.

"Well, it was fun" replied Todd. "If that's all you had to do here, I could get to like this place."

The others laughed. Soon they were in the shower room. Todd followed his roommates down a walkway with benches against the wall on the right. Above the benches were numbered pegs where they hung their towels. As Todd had heard there was a long room in the front and one in the back. They were separated by a wall about seven feet high holding shower heads for each room. Laughter burst out from the back and mixed with sounds of running water mixed with talking and yelling all echoing off the hard walls.

"I woke up early this morning and had to jerk off to get back to sleep. I'm going up front today." Pete said as he walked off to the front shower room.

"I slept great" Maxey said as he walked to the rear followed by Rico and Todd.

Todd didn't know what to expect, but he saw mostly just some boys getting wet and starting to soap-up. They walked passed several boys who had taken the first available showers until they got to three unoccupied ones. They were close to the middle of the room. Rico showed him how to adjust the water temperature.

Looking down the steamy room, Todd saw many shiny wet boy butts and a couple of impressive cocks but only one kid who was hard. He was soaping his penis, staring straight ahead at the wall. No one was paying any attention to him. On down on the left were three black boys, laughing about something. One had a extra long dick arching towards the floor. The other two were more normal sized. Todd, Rico, and Maxey were soaping up now.

Laughter broke out again and Todd looked up to see the black kid with the extra long meat pivoting his hips which made his dick slap back and forth from one leg to the other. The sight was fascinating. The boy was smiling broadly as he had the attention of all the boys around him. The other black boys laughed. One young white boy stared open-mouthed at the big swinging pole. The black kid grabbed his dick at the base and began to spin it in a circle. Most of the other boys in the room were staring at him, some soaping up their growing dicks. Todd felt his own penis swell as he thought 'I could watch this all day.'

"Rico!" Todd turned to see a young Latino boy with light brown skin. He was a good looking kid. Perfect white teeth were set in a wide smile. "Need any help Rico" he said walking up next to him. He then whispered something quickly in Spanish that made Rico laugh.

"Todd, this is Tony. He's my little friend I told you about. Tony this is Todd, he's new in our room."

"Hey Tony" said Todd.

"Little friend? I'm not so little see?" he said pulling his penis out to full length. The well toned young boy was also uncircumcised, but was not as large as Rico. Tony looked unashamedly from Todd's face down to his cock and back. "Looking good Todd! Rico, can I wash your back for you?"

"Ok Tony, your so nice."

Tony took a bar of soap and rubbed it on Rico's back then massaged his neck and shoulders. "Must get it all clean Rico. Must get it all clean, all the way down." Tony moved the soap to The larger boys lower back and then his butt. "All clean all the way." He massaged Rico's ass and ran the soap up and down his crack. Rico did not protest. Instead he looked at Todd and smiled broadly.

Todd saw that Tony's dick was now fully hard. All of his foreskin was pulled back from the head. Looking forward he saw that Rico was also hard and massive. Todd couldn't stop his dick from springing to full hard. He looked over at Maxey who was already stroking and smiling at Tony's play. Most of the other boys in the room were also now beating their dicks as they watched the two hot Latinos.

"All of it clean clean clean." Tony said, his voice rising as he reached around Rico's waist with both arms and started to soap his dick and balls. "Clean, clean, clean" he chanted in a high comical voice as he began to stroke the big erect log. Rico had at least eight inches of thick chocolate dick. Tony stroked it fast as he brought the bar of soap back with his left hand and rubbed it up and down over Rico's butt hole. He then poked it rapidly against the hole as he rapidly stroked the big dick.

Todd noticed that probably because he was the new boy in the showers, most of the boys were also checking him out. He saw a couple of the younger boys were staring at his hard cock while they beat theirs. Older boys stared too. Todd felt that he was becoming part of the group.

He was stroking hard with the other boys. The black boys moved into the circle that had formed around Rico and Tony. They were all stroking as they watched Tony work on Rico's big pole. Looking at the black boy with the extra long dick Todd saw soap suds dripping off the shiny black meat like cum. Through the mass of wet hard boys Todd caught glimpses of two younger boys stroking each other, smiling.

One of the younger boys started to squirt cum into a stream of water running to a drain. Todd watched and swelled more. Looking back to Rico he saw Rico staring straight at his dick. Todd found it exciting to have boys watching him, especially this hot boy Rico. Todd looked down to see that Tony was jacking him faster now. He thought 'Pete is right, this is like watching porn'. He got harder and closer.

Rico made a short high cry and began to blast jets of cum high in the air in the general direction the nearest drain. The first blast hit a young boy in the thigh who let out a cry and jumped back bringing a round of laughter. The big dick shot six or seven more times, cum running to the drain. Boys cheered on the show. Tony smiled wide, obviously proud of himself. When Rico was spent, Tony wiped the last of the cum off and said "See, all clean Rico."

"Good job Tony. You clean so nice" said Rico. He gave Tony a slap on the ass as he walked over to shower off.

Todd, like the other boys were still stroking hard. Tony rubbed soap on his dick and joined the group circled around the drain. Tony stared unashamedly at the black boys and then at Todd's dick and gave him a smile. He moved over until he was on Todd's right.

"Nice cock" said Tony.

"Thanks" Todd said blushing at all the attention. "You're pretty cool."

They watched the other boys beating off. Another slim white boy moved up on Todd's left. He had a cute face with a dreamy half smile as he looked down at Todd's cock. He looked slightly younger although he was as tall as Todd. The kid was stroking a big dick very close to the same length as Todd's although not as thick. Their legs touched lightly at first and then more firmly as the boy leaned in more obviously enjoying the contact. They were both stroking very fast. Todd was there. He saw Maxey start to cum out of the corner of his eye as he himself started to let go.

"Yea! Cool!" said the boy on his left.

The entire group of wet hard boys were watching him shoot. Other boys getting excited because of him. He almost felt like a porn star or something. He smiled as several of the younger boys watched him jizz.

"Wow!" said one of them.

Their attention shifted when the black boy with the big dick started to let a massive load squirt towards the drain. Todd watched the white juice fly from the big dark pole.

Todd and Maxey rinsed off as more boys shot their loads. They walked out to find that Pete and Rico had already left. After drying off they walked back to the room. "That was cool" Todd said as they walked up the 'D' hallway. Doors to many of the rooms they passed were now open. Some of the boys checked them out as they passed. Todd no longer cared that he was nude.

Back at their room the found that Pete and Rico were shaving. Todd got a pair of jockeys and socks and put them on. From behind the wall he heard Rico say "Yea, just last night Tony gave me a great blow job and this morning he gives me a hot hand job in the shower. Don't you wish you had a friend like that Petey?"

"I think the two of you should run off to San Francisco and get married."

"Awww Petey, your jealous."

"What would your friends in Mexico think Rico?"

"People where I come from wouldn't give a damn. There, it's all good. Boys have sex with girls, boys have sex with boys and it's all good. I don't get why people here are so uptight. I don't know about all Mexico, but where we lived they say that anything that will make you cum is good."

"So the whole damned place is queer?"

"Fuck you Petey. Why don't you go stretch your little noodle."

Todd laughed as Rico walked out followed by Pete.

"Better shave that peach fuzz Todd" said Pete as he passed.

"Yea, I was going to" said Todd as he went to the back.

"Maxey's too widdle" Pete said in 'baby talk'.

"Your dick is too little" said Maxey.

"Oh Pete, I've got some bad news about Todd." said Rico.

Todd was soaping his face but stopped.


"He's a, oh I hate to say it, he's a, a masturbator, a peter beater."


"He was choking his chicken in the showers right out in front of God and everybody."

"I saw it!" Maxey joined in.

"Where did we go wrong?"

Todd stepped out from behind the wall long enough to give them a serious look, then turn to his side and flex his bicep a couple of times.

The boys all laughed. After they were all dressed, they still had a few minutes before breakfast at 7:00. Pete sat at the table and continued to prepare for his upcoming test.

"They are going to work out my schedule this morning. How does that work? Do they let you pick what trade courses you take or what?"

"Well they're going to give you some tests and stuff, but yea, if there's something you really want to learn they will probably put you in it" said Pete.

"Anything I should try to get?"

"Just pick whatever you most want to learn" said Pete.

"I like landscaping because you get to go outside more" said Rico as he stood up to leave. "Helps to get out of here sometimes. Like when Maxey farts. I'll see you criminals later."

"Rico, you're a smart feller, I mean a fart smeller" Maxey called after him.

After Rico left, Maxey walked with Todd to Administration and showed him where the Councilor's office was located. They then walked back to the Rec-room where they sat and talked with some more boys until 7:00.

Breakfast was delicious. Scrambled eggs toped with melted cheese plus bacon, biscuits, and milk. Todd and Maxey were joined by Pete and another boy from Pete's auto-mechanics class. The two discussed matters related to the test. Todd was interested in motors but was thinking more about auto body work and painting. One of his uncles owned a body repair shop and Todd was sure he could get a job there.

After breakfast, Todd and Maxey went to the library where Maxey did some homework while Todd walked around becoming familiar with the filing system. He did a quick computer search and then located some of the referenced material.

"Time to go" said Maxey. Todd checked the clock which said 7:50. They split up as they left the library and Todd reported to the Councilor's office.

The next couple of hours were with a perky middle aged woman who gave Todd a battery of aptitude tests designed to measure his knowledge, ability to learn, and interest in many areas from computer programing to trade job skills. There were more tests in normal school subjects.

Next he went to another office where a nice young man outlined what was involved with the different trade studies. Todd told him about his uncle's body shop. He also mentioned that he was interested in the landscaping course as he liked to be outside.

"Well then, I'm sure we can get you into the paint and body program Todd, after all learning the skills to get a good paying job is what we're all about here."

The lady brought in Todd's test results. After a few minutes of checking these results and Todd's school records the young man began typing at his computer terminal, a process which finally ended with him printing a schedule for Todd's classes. "Ok Todd, as you see you have these academic classes here at 8:00 until 12:00 noon. Then you eat lunch and have a thirty minute break. Then you have this math class at 1:00. Then from 2:00 until 4:00 you will be in the auto body-paint class and from 4:00 until 6:00 you are in landscaping. On October first we will change that landscaping class to 2:00 as it will be getting cold outside." He printed another sheet of paper. This is a map of everything here. As you see all the buildings, classrooms, etc. are shown and correspond to the rooms listed on your class schedule. So the B-A-16 here by your math class means building 'B' here on your map, hallway 'A' here, and room 16 here. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, well it's after 11:00 so we won't put you in a class until 1:00 this afternoon. Your teachers will be expecting you in your classes this afternoon and all of your classes as of tomorrow. Ok?"


The man wrote something on a slip of paper and signed it before handing it to Todd. "Here's a hall pass. If anyone wants to know why you are not in class show them this. Otherwise you are free until lunch at 12:00 and make sure you are in your 1:00 class, alright?"

"Yes sir."

Todd left Administration and passed the Rec-room. He stopped by a water fountain for a drink and then went to the library. A librarian asked why he was out of class and Todd showed her the pass. She then helped him find a book.

The mornings tests had showed him to be weak in Trigonometry. He reviewed the subject for several minutes and then felt the urge to pee. As he crossed the room to the restroom he remembered Maxey telling him about sex play in there at night. The room was painted the same bright yellow as most of the library. There were two sinks on the right and two urinals on the left. In the back were two stalls side by side.

Todd walked back and opened one of the stalls. Everything was clean except the walls were covered with messages and artwork. Huge spurting dicks were drawn next to messages like 'Want to get fucked now' or 'Show it hard and I'll suck it'. Another drawing was a boy on his knees sucking on an oversized penis.Todd felt his dick swell some. He could imagine boys sitting in here beating off. He looked in the other stall. Some talented artist had done a fairly detailed ink drawing of a boy sucking his own dick and smiling as his cum ran down his chin. 'Wow' thought Todd as he looked at more messages and drawings. They were getting him hard. He crossed back to a urinal. When he got his semi-hard dick out he couldn't pee. He had to think of fat girls with pimples to make it deflate.

He continued to review the Trigonometry text until lunchtime. He was one of the first through the line and got a plate of spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, and iced tea. He sat at an empty table but was soon joined by Rico. They saw Maxey in line with two other young black boys.

"Is the food always this good?" asked Todd.

"Yea." Rico smiled "I've gained some weight since I've been here."


Pete brought his tray over and joined them. Todd showed them his schedule as they ate. Rico said he also had landscaping from 4:00 until 6:00 but he didn't know if Todd would be on his crew as they had four crews. Mr. Harris, was the landscape manager and would assign Todd to one of the crews. He said that everyone secretly called him 'Mr. Hairless' because he was going bald. "If you are not on my crew there is still a good chance we'll be on the same crew sometime. They change the crews around a lot."

"They do that everywhere here" added Pete. "They say that's how it is on real jobs. Always someone leaving and new people arriving. You get used to that."

The boys chatted for a while and then cleared out as the next group of boys entered the cafeteria. Rico and Pete went to the Rec-room, but Todd walked back to their room. He wanted to check himself in the mirror and have another pee before his first class. As he walked up the hallway he passed a room with the door open. A cute boy was walking out as Todd passed.

"Hi" he said, stopping in the doorway.

"Hi" Todd smiled back at him.

"Bye then, hurry back" he called after Todd.


Todd laughed to himself. He passed another open door. A young bare chested Latino boy inside was spinning and dancing to some beat that he alone heard.

When he finished in the bathroom he sat at the desk for a few minutes and let his head clear from all the tests. Twenty four hours earlier he was leaving Indianapolis for a new life. So far turned out much better than anything he could have expected. Looking at the clock mounted over the door he saw it was time to go.

His math class was different from any class he had ever attended. Mr.Charles, who insisted that everyone call him Joe, introduced Todd to the class which was divided into several groups sitting around tables. Joe looked young, like he was just out of college. He took Todd to an unoccupied table where he produced Todd's records. They went over his progress, he was fairly strong in algebra.

"Don't worry too much about the Trig, we'll have plenty of work on that. I'm going to form a Trig group tomorrow. That will be you plus a couple of boys I'm introducing to Trig and some of my calculus students who need a review. Right now I want to get you started on some more advanced algebra that I think you will find both challenging and fun.. After a while I will get you doing something else to keep things from being so boring. I've got a couple of younger boys who need some help with their algebra."

"Sounds good."

Joe took him to a group at one of the tables and gave him some material. "Ok Todd, Tommy here will help you with any questions you might have as you read through this. When you are finished he will give you some problems to solve. After that move on to the next section. I'll be checking back, but you can call me over anytime, ok?"


Todd made rapid progress through the material for about twenty minutes when Joe moved him to another table with three younger boys. "Ok, boys Todd can help you with this material. Here Todd, they are doing this introductory algebra. If you need me just wave, Ok?"

Todd enjoyed working with the kids. After another twenty minutes he was moved to another group working on calculus. After he was seated, he began reading through the material. He noticed one of the boys seated around the table kept looking at him with the hint of a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He was a very good looking boy and looked very familiar but Todd couldn't place him. He read some more and looked up to see the boy was still looking at him. The smile had grown. He seemed amused and very familiar.

"Are you from Indianapolis?" Todd asked.

"No, Muncie" his face now breaking into a wide smile. "You don't remember me do you?"

"No, sorry, what?"

"See, nobody pays any attention to me. This morning? In the showers?" It was the boy who was jerking with him, pressing his leg into Todd's.

"Oh damn! I didn't recognize you with your clothes on" laughed Todd. "If you had been sitting here naked I would have known you right away."

A couple of the boys laughed.

"I'm Todd."

"I know, I'm Jimmy. I'll be glad to help you with your math or anything. Anything" Jimmy drew the last word out suggestively. There was more laughter around the table. "Any problems that might pop up."

"Good" Todd smiled back. "Because as you know I have big problems and need lots of help."

"Ooooooooooo" said one of the other boys.

"Yes, this case will require all of my skills" said Jimmy,leaning back and assuming a professorial tone.

"And a jar of Vaseline" one of the boys added.

They laughed and got back to work. Jimmy said he would see Todd at dinner.

Todd's nest two trade classes were generally uneventful. Each started with a safety course related to the equipment used. Todd found each interesting in it's own way. Of course Todd wanted to learn everything he could about auto body work, but he was also pleased to learn that there was more to the landscaping program than just cutting grass. They would be working inside mostly over the cold months. They taught you how to work on all of the equipment, from the big tractors to the smaller power tools like weed-eaters and trimmers. They also had a greenhouse where they would be starting plants over the Winter for Spring planting.

After Todd got out of Landscaping, he had time to drop off his stuff and use the bathroom before dinner. When he had finished getting his food, Jimmy was waiting for him at the end of the line.

"Hey, I'm sitting over here, come sit with me."

"Ok." Todd followed him to a table. A slim young Latino smiled as they arrived.

"Todd this is Micco, Micco, Todd."

"Hi Micco" said Todd as he emptied his tray.

The boys attacked the fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn on their plates.

"Micco is a little, you know, gay? But he's a sweetheart" Jimmy said looking innocently at Micco.

"That's from hanging around you. Some of your fairy dust got on me and now I like boys."

"Nothing wrong with that" Todd said. He told them about the welcoming that he had gotten the night before from little Freddie. "I got off so hard I thought I was going pass out."

"I know that boy. He's a cutie" said Jimmy. "What else have you done, a bunch of girls?"

"No not so much. I fucked one girl but she was all weird about it. She was scared. When I finally got it in, she just lay there and didn't move until it was over. Then she started crying. I got a couple of blow jobs from another girl, but the best blow job I ever had before last night was from a boy at camp. Other than that just jerking off with some of my friends. Oh yea, once I spent the night with my cousin and we jacked each other off."

"You ever fuck a boy?"


"Oh, well then we should examine the possibilities here."

Micco laughed.

"The reason I should be your first is so your first will also be your best" he said, nodding solemnly.

"He's so modest" said Micco.

"I've got condoms, oil, everything we need including a very tight butt. Ok?"

Todd had to laugh. "Ok, I'm sold. Where, when?"

"If you don't have anything better to do, how about when we finish eating. There won't be anyone in my room until later.

"Alright" Todd felt his penis awaken at the thought of a new way to cum.

"Cool" said Jimmy.

"Do I get to come and watch?" asked Micco smiling.

Jimmy looked at Todd. "Up to Todd" he said. "You know I don't care."

"I don't care" said Todd. "I like to be watched."

"Hot" said Micco running his hand to his crotch.

The boys finished their food and left the cafeteria. Micco led the way down the main hall and then turning into the 'D' hallway. Todd hoped that the bulge in his pants was not too obvious but again he didn't really care. They passed his room and on to the back past a cross hallway and into a room on the left.

"Welcome to D-36" said Jimmy.

"Thank you" said Micco.

"Not you idiot."

"Thank you" said Todd.

Jimmy sat on the first bed on the right and started taking his clothes off.

"Jimmy did all these drawings" said Micco pointing to several pencil and ink drawings on the walls around Jimmy's area.

"Cool, they're really nice."

"Thank you, have a seat, get those pants off. I want Micco to see what's making your pants stick out there."

After Todd removed his shoes and pants, he pulled on his rapidly hardening boner. Then he dropped his jockeys in front of Micco. His cock sprang free and straight up.

"Oh!" said Micco as he squeezed a rapidly growing bulge in his own pants.

Todd smiled. "He's friendly if you want to shake hands."

Smiling, Micco reached out and stroked Todd for a minute.

Jimmy was nude now. He got three items from his dresser. One was a condom that he opened and handed to Micco. "Put that on him" he said. Another was a tube of oil. The last was a clear plastic cigar container, rounded on one end to accommodate a cigar and making a perfect shape for a dildo.

"This is the way you do this so it doesn't hurt like hell when you put it in" Jimmy said as he smeared oil on the tube and then slowly inserted it into his hole. It looked very sexy to Todd as you could see the hole open through the clear plastic.

His dick jumped as Micco rolled the condom over the head and down the shaft. Micco smiled broadly, clearly enjoying his task.

Jimmy withdrew the tube, added a little oil and inserted it again, faster and deeper. "When you get oil all up in there, that's when it's good" he said. He took some off the oil and put it on the head off the condom, then got on the bed on his knees with his feet together.He leaned forward so his face was down to the pillow and his butt was raised slightly in the air.

"Get here with your knees outside of mine and stick it in slow" Jimmy said as he removed the plastic tube.

To Todd's surprise his big cock went in with little resistance.

"Easy baby, that's it" moaned Jimmy. "Take it kinda slow at first."

Todd slowly pushed in and out. Jimmy's butt was very tight, squeezing him with every thrust.

"Yes... yes" said Jimmy as he raised his ass to meet the thrusts. The big rod felt delightfully hard inside him. He picked up Todd's rhythm and helped push him deeper inside.

"Harder now, harder."

As Todd started to thrust faster and harder he saw that Micco now had his pants down and was beating his uncut meat. The foreskin flew up and down giving flashes of the pink head like the flashes of a slow motion movie. Todd watched and swelled more.

"Yea. Give it to me."

On impulse Todd reached around and took Jimmy's rock hard cock in his hand. He started to stroke him as he fucked him.

"Oh... oh.."

Todd loved the feeling of the penis in his hand. He now fucked Jimmy very fast and then slowed a few strokes and then very fast again. Jimmy pushing against him brought him to a shattering orgasm. He slowed as he began to cum. As he did he felt Jimmy's butt contract several times around his cock as Jimmy also reached orgasm. Todd felt the boy's dick pulse in his hand. Todd was still hard inside of him.

"Oooohhhh baby!" Jimmy moaned.

Todd looked over to see that Micco now had the plastic tube in his ass pushing it rapidly in and out. He suddenly erupted, sending shinny ribbons of cum flying through the air.

Next: Chapter 3

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