
By Kristen Abrhams

Published on Mar 26, 2000


Old Self

So, there I was at my best friend's wedding without a date. I still couldn't believe it. No matter what I tried, James just wasn't interested. I'd gone to his friends' weddings plenty of times and he never heard a complaint. We found someone to watch the girls and BOOM. We were there. Now, when it's my friend, "Well, Shelly, it'll take so long, I won't know anyone and besides, we need to spend money on a sitter. Would you be mad if I don't go?"

So, here I am. The matron of honor. Dateless.

Kailen thought it was funny. I know she felt sorry for me, but I think deep down she thought it was hilarious. After all, I spent most of college dating James. It was roughly the same amount of time I roomed with her. She knew I could never have given him up and was cool about it. Now, here it was on an important day for me, and one of the people I would never give up on has given up on me.

I was depressed.

But, hey, I couldn't show it. I was the matron of honor! I had to be just as happy as the bride and her hubby. Plastic smiles and lost of fake laughter had to be good enough to mask that I was pissed.

After what seemed like hours of meeting people and becoming fast friends (and knowing that I'd never see most of them again), the party finally started. Toasts were out of the way, and lots of inebriated people were making fools of themselves on the dance floor. I became one of them. And what do most girls do when they have no date and other guys are being wallflowers? I danced with the girls!

One, in particular, kept me intrigued. She wore a tuxedo. There was no mistaking that she was a girl. Granted, she didn't have an hourglass figure. She was, however, very... well, very butch. She wore it well. Many butch women I've known are awkward. They handle themselves like they're uncomfortable. Like they're trying to push this tough confidence. This girl just had it. She wasn't pushing it. It exuded from her. It was very attractive.

Her name was Alexandra. People called her Alex. She was also one of Kailen's cousins. I forget how many times they're removed, but they were close enough to spend some time together growing up.

So, as people do on the dance floor, I just boogied. I boogied with everyone. I'd just go from person to person, face them, dance and move to the next. Once I moved past Alex, she moved around to dance with me again. Before I knew it, we were dancing a lot. Me, Alex and one or two other people. The other people would change, but Alex and I wouldn't.

During a break, Alex went to get us drinks and Kailen came by. She was radiant and really tipsy. "How are you managing, Shelly?"

"I'll get by. Alex is keeping me company."

Her eyebrow rose to say, "Well! Isn't THIS interesting?"

"Well, good for you guys. You do realize that she's gay, right?"

"Yeah, I kind of assumed that."

"O.K. Well, I just wanted to make sure I said something in case you're as drunk as I am and maybe thought she was making some sort of fashion statement."

"Thanks for the thought, Kailen." With that, I kissed her on the lips. It was short. It was quick. It was meaningful. Considering our history, I was allowed that luxury.

Then, she leaned in and whispered, "A couple of people have asked about you two, so I'm telling them that you're just keeping each other company since neither of you have dates. They worry that Alex will corrupt all the young ladies. A married mother of three, they figure, will be immune." With that, she winked.

"Wait," I said to my self. "I must be missing something. Others see something between us. Now Kailen's given us this 'cover'. I just don't..." Just then, Alex returned with the drinks. My wine was cool and light. She drank some concoction that smelled like jet fuel and probably tasted worse based on the face she made. After recovering from swallowing her bitter medicine, she looked at me.


I was startled. "What do you mean?"

"You were staring at me like you wanted to say something."

From there, I was on autopilot. "Let's dance, Alex."

"But, it's a slow song, Shelly."

"And the bride said I'm to keep you from all the innocent young girls. So, you're dancing with me."

She blushed. Not sure what to say next, she asked, "And why do you want to keep me away from all the girls?"

"Because I want you all for myself." With that, I stood and walked to the dance floor. It'd been a long time since I'd done this, but I prayed to God that she was following me. Thankfully, when I turned, she was there.

I put my arms around her neck. She put her arms around my waist. We held each other just dazed with the fact we were doing this in front of everyone. Believe me. In the right setting, like a club with all women, we'd be all over each other. Here, we had to balance it. I was the responsible woman helping to make sure all the straight girls didn't get "turned". Feeling Alex's hands on my waist and seeing the look in her eyes, little did they know the lengths to which I was willing to go to keep her with me.

The song ended. I dragged Alex to the ladies room. It took a little while, but I finally found one that wasn't crowded. I wanted to be alone with her. I didn't want a lot of nosy women gossiping.

In the lounge, I sat on the couch. Alex sat on the chair next to me. We talked about our lives. Our schools. I told her about James and our girls. She told me about her girlfriends. It was good. It was fun. It was obviously foreplay.

Finally, I noticed something. When she shifted, Alex looked as though there were something in her tuxedo pants. Something hard. Something long. "Holy shit. Is that what I think it is?"

Alex blushed and sat straight up. "Um, yeah. Ever see BOYS DON'T CRY?"

"Yes." I couldn't help but grin.

"Same thing."

"So, you wore a 'toy' to your cousin's wedding. Do you usually do this or just when you hope to get lucky?"

She bit on her lower lip. God, she was so cute when she was embarrassed. "Do you know how much this hurts if you wear it too long?"

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her up and brought her in front of me. I pulled down the zipper of her trousers and started to fish it out.

"Shelly, someone will come in and catch us. Please!"

I looked around and spied the chair in the corner across from the door. I brought her over there and sat down. "Keep talking and stand right in front of me. That way, if someone comes in, they'll think we're just chatting."

"But Shelly..." That was the last I heard her say. I dug into the pants and pulled out the most realistic cock I'd seen in ages. It was decent length. It was thick. It was everything I loved about penises to begin with. I couldn't resist. Looking Alex directly in the eyes, I opened my mouth and traced my tongue around the edges of its head. It all followed so naturally. Kiss the tip. Wrap your fingers around the shaft. Suck it in a little more. Alex's hands stroked my face. Encouragement. More. More. Soon, I was really into it. Feeling this powerful shaft between my lips and down my throat made me hot and excited. The fire in my belly roared out of control. I wanted her to encourage me more. I wanted her.

Suddenly, the door opened and an elderly voice greeted us, "Hello!"

It was Kailen's grandmother.

"Mrs. Gallagher!"

"Grandma." Alex hurriedly 'fixed' herself while I greeted Mrs. Gallagher.

"Shelly. Alex. How are you dears?"

"We're well," I replied. "Are you enjoying the wedding?"

"Oh lord, yes." She grabbed both our hands and took us into the restroom. "Let's have some girl-talk."

I love Kailen's grandma, but the woman can REALLY TALK! I sat on the counter while Alex stood across from me while we listened to grandmother prattle on about the wedding and just about any other wedding she'd ever been to. Meanwhile, I got more and more over with Alex to see what she'd do with grandma so close. I blew kisses at her. I licked me lips. I even sat up straight to show off me cleavage and then looked at her with that questioning "Do you want me?" stare. She blushed seven shades of crimson.

Lastly, I dropped to the floor and hiked up my dress enough to pull down my pantyhose. Although I didn't plan on it, I also took off my underwear. Like I said, I didn't plan on it, but I wasn't going to put it back on either. Tossing the bundle of material to Alex, I hopped back on the counter to await her reaction.

Her eyes bulged. Then she noticed me subtly opening and closing my legs under my satin bridesmaid dress. I was hot. I knew she was hot. The feel of the satin on my bare, freshly shaven legs just sent things over the edge.

Just then Mrs. Gallagher came out. I stopped teasing Alex. Alex hid my underwear behind her back. I said my goodnights, and Alex helped her back to the party.

What was I doing? I'm a married woman who was looking to have sex with my best friend's cousin? Ever since the girls were born, I'd been little miss straight homemaker. As Kailen knew, that's not how I was in college. But James had been so distant lately that my most intimate sexual moments were with my toys.

No longer.

I turned around to face the mirror to reapply my lipstick. Alex came back from helping grandma and stood directly behind me. She stepped close so I could feel her against my ass. The shaft of her 'cock' was right between my cheeks. I almost fainted.

"Be careful with that thing, Alex. Are you sure you know how to use it?"

Suddenly, she spun me around and pulled me close for the hottest kiss I've had in years. Soft, open lips gliding against each other and directly connected to our libidos. My arms wrapped around her neck to pulled her close. My legs opened and wrapped around her. Finally, I broke off and reached down to open her pants.

She stopped me. "Hold on." Alex walked to the lounge and checked outside. Coming back in, she opened the janitor's closet to pull an OUT OF ORDER sign. Placing that in front of the door, she locked it.

Next, she locked the bathroom door. I stood facing her. Nervous.

She approached again. I was putty in her hands. Whatever she wanted.

"Nervous," she asked.

"Yes. You?"

"Mmm, hmm."

I pulled her close and kissed her again. "Ever fuck a married woman before?"

She swallowed hard. We both knew what we were doing. I was just the first one to say it aloud. "No," she whispered.

"Well," I pulled my wedding ring and engagement ring from my fingers and put them in her hands, "hold on to these. For the next little while, I'm some girl you want. I'm some girl who wants you." I turned to face the mirror. Alex stood right behind me. Reaching up, I placed my hand behind her neck. It was a pretty picture.

Alex deposited the rings in her pocket and proceeded to caress me. My hips. My thighs. My back. I tried to stifle my moans, but it was too much. I wanted her badly. I wanted to feel her inside of me. I couldn't wait. I pulled up the dress so my bare ass could grind against her crotch. "Please. Please." My pleading look was answered when she pushed on my back until I was bent over the counter. It was lewd. It was rude. It was what I wanted.

Everything ran in slow motion. I could hear the zipper on the pants click-click-click its way down as she unzipped herself. The material rusted as she fished out her cock. It seemed forever as she slowly teased my pussy with the bulbous head of the cock. I was so wet, she could've just come straight in, but wanted to tease me. She wanted to make me beg. She wanted me to react . I pushed back to get her to enter me. I tried and tried. She wouldn't let it happen. Finally, she whispered, "Ask."


"Please what?"

"Please, Alex, fuck me. I need you to fuck me."

She pushed forward but didn't enter me. "What about your husband? Don't you like fucking him?"

"Yes, but he's not here. Besides..." I lost my head. I couldn't think of anything besides her and her cock teasing me. Taunting me. "Besides, he can't fuck me like a girl can."

"You want a girl to fuck you?"

"I want you to fuck me."

I looked in mirror to see her smiling. Then her hips moved forward.

Oooooooohhh. The cock slid right inside of me. I was so wet, I could've accommodated anything with no problem. But Alex knew what to do. She pulled the dress up to my waist and even unzipped the back to pull the top down. Her powerful, strong hands caressed my naked breasts after she practically tore off my bra.

My nipples singed anything that touched them. They breathed fire. Their hardness rivaled diamonds and granite... and oh, god. This girl was good.

One hand fell down the length of my torso to wrap around my naked torso and caress my pussy. Her fingers caressed my clit as she thrust into me time and time and time again. Relentlessly. She pushed in and pulled out. Her fingers played my clit like she knew what I needed more that I did. I trusted her. I needed her.

"Fuck me, Alex. Please. Please fuck me."

And she was. She fucked me slow and steady. She took me in that restroom like some Casanova taking his conquest. Ravaging her. Teaching a brash young woman a lesson. It was a lesson that I didn't want to end.

I know that I came at least twice. Apparently, I passed out after the second one. I awoke on the couch curled up in a ball. Alex dressed me as well as she could. The dress was back down below my waist. It was zipped up. My underwear, however, was more difficult to accomplish, so she was saving it for me.

Finally, she pulled my rings out and placed them delicately on my fingers. I looked at her. I smiled. Our fingers intertwined.

"Stay with me tonight." We both said it at the same time. We giggled. "OK" Again, more giggling.

Making a break for it, we headed for the elevator to my room. On the way, we ran into Kailen. She knew exactly what had happened. She just smiled as we said our goodnights and our congratulations. Before we walked away, Kailen whispered something to each of us.

In the elevator, as I kissed Alex like the starved lover I was, I asked what Kailen had whispered to her.

"You first, Shelly."

"She said she thought it was funny that even though I couldn't get sex on my own wedding night, I'd be totally fucked silly on hers. And she told me to be good to you."

She blushed. "Kailen said that you apparently have a thing for our family, so I should treat you right too."

With that, the elevator opened and we walked to my room hand-in-hand.


Comments and suggestions are welcome at msraspberryswirl@yahoo.com

Read more about Shelly and Kailen in "The Kailen Stories". Go to http://www.nifty.org. They're filed under LESBIAN/COLLEGE/KAILEN.

Next: Chapter 11: Old Self 2

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