Kappa Kappa Cocksucker

Published on Feb 9, 2017


Kappa Kappa Cocksucker 2

"Kappa Kappa Cocksucker"

...by NoGagRflks@aol.com

Chapter 2: Me first though...

If you've followed the story thus far, you know that at the same time Dante claimed me as his personal cocksucker and made me swear to rules about it that gave him the upper hand and all the power, he announced I was going to be servicing his cousin too. I knew at some level I ought to be offended and resist, but from the jump it felt intoxicating, other-worldly, his power over me. To the degree I could figure anything out about it, what I knew was that the way he just ran me like I was his to run was bricking my dick nonstop, just even thinking about it, and driving my decisions. There was less than half an hour between his first talking to me and to me feeling his hands on the back of my head and his long fat dick balls deep while he started to train me to suck his dick the way he liked. I might have jumped off a cliff but the landing felt incredible. And incredibly consuming; what was missing incrementally as time moved forth was any fear it was a mistake to be giving in to him. I really tried to focus on who I promised myself to be, but it was like studying the details of a religion in which I didn't believe.

I didn't bother to try and make the class I'd been missing by hitting my knees in front of Dante because I knew I wouldn't be able to think about whatever was being said. Plus my dick simply wouldn't go down. That experience, not being able to get my dick to deflate, went on through the afternoon, through dinner, through the evening and was still true when I went to bed. I beat off twice in the dorm john, but it only had the effect of making my dick skin sore enough that I couldn't do it again. The dreams I had were technicolor, they had smells, and were full of strange recriminations. Not recriminations about that I was sucking a dick or on my knees in front of a stranger in a public bathroom, but rather that I couldn't conjure up a recollection about exactly what his load tasted like and that I never found a way to get my tongue on his balls. And I couldn't stop being giddy, awake or asleep, that he liked how I sucked his dick. Actually, that he loved how I sucked his dick.

I rearranged my shift with a co-worker so I didn't have to worry about having enough time to service these guys. I fretted over what I was going to wear and began to wonder if it was better that I dressed in ways that accentuated my masculinity like usual now that I was proud of my body, or whether I ought dress like it wasn't appropriate to call attention to myself because somehow that was inconsistent with the contract I seemed to be making to be somebody's bitch.

Of course I got to the bathroom we used yesterday half an hour early. The nervous energy was intense. I couldn't relax, so I tried to find something to do to occupy my time. I was five minutes into the task that occurred to me as the right thing to do before I realized I was tidying and cleaning the fuckin' bathroom because somehow I thought I ought and that would please him. Hell, he wouldn't even know I'd done it. I actually had to leave and return just so I wouldn't hyperventilate myself into a little wisp of smoke waiting for my chance to be his cocksucker again.

No small part of my dreaming the night before was about creating the character of Dante's cousin in my head. All I knew was that he was hung even bigger than Dante, that they shared a cocksucker before and trained him too, and that he thought females were lousy cocksuckers. In my dream he looked like Dante and had his same combination of salty and sweet. Those things did not turn out to be true.

I waited outside the john in the hallway listening for every footstep and elevator bell in the building. I had originally worried that hanging out outside a bathroom was a noticeably pervy thing to do, but as it turns out this floor of this building had no one in it the entire time I waited. I finally settled on taking my watch off and putting it in my pocket to try and buy myself some calm.

Then I heard Dante on the stairs coming down. I don't know how the unique pattern of his walking down stairs had already become cemented in my mind, but I did know it was Dante's walk. One set of feet, though. I decided Dante was checking out the situation before his cousin arrived.

Dante greeted me in a voice louder than I thought our sneaking about ought to prompt. "Hey dude! You ready for some more practice?" laughing out loud as he approached. When he got near, he stopped much closer to me than most people would put themselves into someone's personal space, smiled wide and cupped his dick and balls. I could smell him, not cologne but his smell as a man. He left one hand on his junk and the other reached out and stroked some fingers along my cheek. He smiled the question "How's my brand new favorite cocksucker?" I stammered, and he kept grinning. "Muthafucka, one time on my dick and you already sprung. Thass cool, I ain't mad. It's funny. Told ya' I was lookin' for a cocksucker and you a good one."

I was seated on a hallway bench and he was standing. He released his hand from the front of his pants and moved it around to the back of my head. "Les' go, baby. You got some work to do on this dick today. I ain't givin' up that sweet nut so easy this time, you gonna have to earn it." He said this sure and slow, never breaking eye contact with me and slowly pulling me up from being seated with the hand on the back of my head. "Dude;" "Muthafucka;" "Baby;" "Cocksucker;" It didn't matter what he said or how, it all fuckin' thrilled me. These were the earliest experiences of coming to realize being a service bottom actualized me.

We walked that way into the bathroom, him with his hands on the back of my head and his eyes messing with mine. I was all jumpy turmoil and testosterone tsunami, he moved and talked slow leading me into the john. "Tell me you didn't bust a coupla' nuts last night thinking about sucking my dick and wondering about Darnell?" he questioned. Darnell; he'd not used his name before. He enjoyed my look of surprise, realizing he was exactly right about the number of times. "Don't sweat, baby," he said. "You gonna be sucking both our dicks but I told Darnell half an hour later than we meetin' `cuz you gonna suck my dick before he get here and again after he get here. I'm gonna let Darrell use yo' cunt mouth but me first. You ain't gonna be in no hurry neither bitch. I'm gonna get close and then yank you off my shit and cool down. Then you gonna get me close again. Like it when a cocksucker gets really hot for the load and has to work for it. Gotta get you trained up right for long sessions."

We walked the same way into the last stall and he opened the door again for me, and it had the same effect, a kind of sissy rush I guess I'd call it, enjoying something a man usually did for a woman. He never dropped his hand and once we were inside he said "Now where you `spose to be?" It really was his fault I wasn't my usually fast-acting self, but I trusted this was all still because this stuff was new to me. I looked at him not understanding. "ON YOUR KNEES, FOOL. GIT ON YOUR MUTHAFUCKIN' KNEES," this last part matching a hard steady pull using the hair he had gathered up in his fingers and used it to control his guiding me down. Once there, he gave me a small open palmed smack on my cheek, light. "Thass something you best figure out before D gets here," he said flatly, without any sign of the playfulness or friendliness he'd been including. "He hate a cocksucker that don't know his place He not as nice as me either."

In other circumstances I might have taken a minute to think about that information about "D" but Dante had just moved my face into his crotch and was pressing his crotch forward hard and rotating it around. "Jus' like that, baby gurl, little bit of pressure against my shit and move your face around on my shit --- balls too---slow and gentle-like. Yeahhhhhhh, you doin' it...hellyeah. You are doing gooood...feel that shit springin' up? Thass' gonna' be for you, baby. But you got to love this dick, show it respect. Mmmmmmmmmmm... just stay there a minute baby, feel that dick filling up nice and slow. Now nuzzle it with your nose and lips, gentle-like and don't get no spit or drool on my jeans. That shit would piss me off. Yeah, I like that... stay like that a minute... Thass a good bitch learning fast, I like that. Soon as my shit feel all the way hard, I want you to open your mouth and let your teeths kind of nibble soft like back and forth on my hard dick. Yeah... you got it. Rub your face all around it some more...ok... good... now get back on it. No fuckin' biting, but trace my dick back and forth using just your mouth open and your teeths touching the top and bottom of mah dick. Yeah! Yeah! Thass the shit baby. That – is - THE-- SHIT! Oooohhh you doin' good."

Dante broke the moment and pulled my head away from his crotch for a minute. "You ready for some real dick faggot?" he asked, looking down at me with his hands in my hair pulling my head back in a hyperextension so he was getting a full on view of my eyes. "'Cuz I think you earned a shot at sucking out some more nut you doin' so good." I nodded, and more than once when once would have been sufficient. "Aaaight then," he started. "Now use your hands and slowly pull down my zipper til it all the way down. Slowly bitch! Damn you got to remember to listen!" he said, with another open palmed smack on my cheek, but less gentle this time. "OK, baby, here we go. Now I want you to focus bitch and hold still. You need to cement this picture in your mind, my pants open and my fly down. This need to be a memory you hang on to and think about all the time."

I did what he told me. Dropped my hands and steadied my gaze inches from his drawers, the kind of drawers that were white with the lump and the color of his darkness pressing against the stretched white cotton. It was hypnotic. I don't know how long he was silent and I was taking in the beauty and the promise of his dick hidden behind his underwear. He didn't ask or tell me to do it, but I pressed my nose forward just above the base of his dick and inhaled deeply. Long and deep. A couple times. Once inhaled I kept the air in me for a while, marking and naming the incredible crotch smell of this hung black man who loved getting his dick sucked. "Hellyeah, gurl, get your freak on. Thass YOUR dick. Thass the dick you gonna be takin' care of on the regular. You got a black man that likes gettin' his dick sucked, bitch, you fuckin' won the dick lotto!" he laughed to himself. "Aaaight, now it's time to get my shit into that warm hungry pussy mouth," he said, again yanking my head back and me beginning to realize this was his teaching stance. It's from this position I would be schooled on what he wanted. This head-yanked-back-looking-up-at-him-from-my-knees, this was the classroom part.

"OK," he said. "Las' time you took my whole shit to the balls and I was holding your head and pulling you slowly into deepthroating me. That was hella hot, you good at this shit. This time I want you to go that deep all by yourself, and once you get deep you stay there. I'll let you know when to do something else." I did just that and waited for instructions. `Fuck yeah, bitch. Thass goooood. You know I deserve this shit right? Hung bruthas all ought to have cocksuckers on the side. Keeps they mind cool from going crazy over them hood bitches trying to get a brutha caught up in some paternity shit. And don't get me started on what white folks owe black folks. I been knowin' this was right since I was 13 and my boy Ray schooled me. He been to juvie and in there those cats will make fuckers suck they dick. I ain't about that, plus you hot as fuck to do this for me, ain't you bitch?" "Yeetthhmmph," I tried to say, evidencing to him I was both anxious to be emphatic about the truth of it, and hampered by the 9 fat inches presently in control of my tonsil placement.

"Yeah, I know thass right," he laughed a kind of nasty chuckle. "OK, next I want to feel your whole throat swallowing a whole lotta times in a row, swallowing around my dick so I feel it all up and down... yeah, slow that shit down though baby... YEAH. FUCKIN' YEAH. I loves that shit and you remember this for when I tell you to start swallowin' when I'm fucking that pretty face, that's how I want you to do it. I'll say `start swallowin' and you do this shit right here just how you doin' right fuckin' now. And you don't stop doing that til my nuts stop spitting nut out. Thass how you gonna get your reward, baby, swallowin on this dick just like that." I made a mental note that following my own instincts on how to swallow on his dick when he was balls deep was not the right way; he wanted it more controlled and slower. "Also you don't never come up offfa my dick til I either tell you to or pull you off." He said that and a moan rolled outta me while I was all deep on his dick. "Shit that feel good too, do that ever once in a while too, moan like that. Yeah that shit feel good and sound good. Plus D gonna want you to moan like a female so the practice will do you good."

I moaned all kinda ways on his dick; deeper moans had a bass vibration to them, and he dug that shit. Higher moans made him hot because he closed his eyes and imagined some nasty female bitch that loved cum was gonna swallow his nut was suckin' his dick right fuckin' now. We were at it for a while, and I slipped in a couple new tricks to see how his dick would respond. A good bruthas' dicksucker can read a brutha's dick. I slickened up my mouth and throat and gave him that smooth wet but not too tight steady pulse of balls deep and then back up to a head slurp repeated and repeated, slow. Slow for a bit and then changing up paces to see what might be dug. His dick stayed cement hard and his constant moaning and telling me how good I was doing and his smack talk was hot as fuck.

"Damn baby you a cocksuckin' artist. I could fuckin' make money off you back in the hood if I rolled like that. Aiightt hold up... whoa... aiiight stay there and don't move for a minute I ain't ready to give up this nut just yet." We stayed frozen in that throat-stuffed / balls deep positon for a good long minute while Dante took deep steady breaths slower and slower until he felt like he could hang on to his nut.

"Aiiiight, puss mouth, now you gonna get a chance to freestyle on my shit. Yeah, do whatever the fuck you want with it. It's yo' dick. Fuckin' dance on it. Lemme' see what you got on your own. Show me all the shit you think is yo' best game and we'll see if I like any of it."

Him saying that shit to me was like another shot of some kinda drug. It was crazy hot and I grinned up at him, and then straight ahead at his spit slick dick smiling at me, bouncing a hello and breaking out a little juice for me. Fuckin' love that. I straightened my back, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly... and then I leaned into his dick and went balls deep pretty fast. Once I got there I shoved harder to force my throat to go deeper because I was pushing my face so hard into his body. "Well, you go bitch," he said under his breath, and you could hear the wonder and the approval in it.

I can breathe around a deepthroated dick, but not all my favorite shit allows for that possibility. I rearranged the dick in my throat enough to get a deep breath, and then sank all the way back down to the balls-deep / plus some more position. I started a pretty heavy clamp in my throat that ran the entire length of his dick plus the kisses at the end of my constricting throat that would be closing in a hot slick rhythm around the head of his dick from above and below. I laid into him with my throat like it was hungry and desperate for some cum. I was, actually, after so much sex adrenalin for so long, but I didn't believe he was ready to give it up just yet so I was just trying to impress him.

"Muthafuckin' biiiitttccchhhh... DAYUM you gonna make me nut... muthafucka! You `bout to make a nigga nut! Yeah... yeah... Keep swallowin like dat... Oh Oh Oh Oh OHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck... fuck fuck fuck fuck." He actually jerked a little bit a couple times. "Yeahhhh, stay right there," he said, quickly replacing a heavy hand on the back of my head. don't FUCKIN' move...yeah... thass it, just relax... Let that dick soak fo' a minute. Mmmm hellyeah gurl, take it all in. I gotta say you fuckin' just TOOK that nut from a brutha. Snatched it right the fuck up." We both laughed, except I had a sloppy dick down my throat when I did it. My coughing and jerking kept us laughing until after we finally calmed down. We were getting control of ourselves until Dante said "And the bitch never even let go of the dick!" That made us laugh some more and he finally said "You best let go of my shit now," groaning like he was truly sorry, backed up, and sat down heavily on the toilet.

The moments after he nutted were getting to be some of my favorite ones. He had that goofy grin, his face muscles were all relaxed, his head tilted a little back and he was letting the wall hold it up. Most of the time I was focused on his sexual energy, but in these moments I began to see how really fucking extraordinarily beautiful he was laying there with his spit sloppy dick hanging and his pants down around his ankles. The way he kept looking at me all the while he was grinning.

"You know, that's the second time yo' ass made me nut before I wanted to," he said raising one eyebrow while sounding pretty happy about it. "Thass cool, I aiin't mad though," and we both started to laugh again.

"You timed that shit pretty good though bitch. We got like 8 minutes before I got to go meet Darnell out front. But thass aiight, his ass gonna be late anyway."

"Dante," I said, suddenly nervous; I'd never sucked two adult dicks together with both of them watching each other. "Is there anything I ought to know about Darnell?" I figured that maybe I could get some inside info on how to make him happy too. You know, like a good bottom. Or any info would help me deal with a brand new case of nerves.

"Don't worry `bout it, Shugga Lips," Dante grinned. "He gonna tell you all `bout it."

End of Chapter 2

* Let's remember to thank Nifty with donations for creating this free, freeing, rowdy, and empowering forum. Thanks!

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Next: Chapter 3

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