
By Frank Foley

Published on Feb 16, 2002


"What time is Fred coming over with his friends?" Karen asked, as she laid naked on her back, next to me on the bed.

It was Sunday morning, about 9. Karen and I had gotten up and had a quick, early breakfast together and after talking dirty to each other at the breakfast table, we went right back to bed and fucked, sucked and licked each other all over for nearly 2 hours. Karen was going out with Fred's wife Julie later, while Fred and some of friends came over here to watch football with me this afternoon, and Karen wanted to know when they were coming.

"Around noon, I think." I told her.

"I'm meeting Julie at ten, if you want I'll call her and tell her I'll be a little late, that way I'll be able to get to the supermarket and make something for you men to eat." Karen said to me. "How many will be here?"

"Fred's bringing 3 of his friends over, so there'll 5 of us. But you don't have to bother." I told her.

My tone of voice told Karen that I appreciated her thinking of us, but it wasn't necessary for her to go out of her way.

"I don't mind." Karen said, in a sincere voice.

"I know you don't! But it isn't necessary." I said to her, sweetly.

"Are you sure?" she asked, again letting me know she didn't mind by the way she asked.

"Your'e sweet dear! Go and have a nice day with Julie, I'll take good care of the men!" I told her, turning and giving her a kiss on her cheek to let her know I knew she meant it and it was sweet of her, but not necessary.

"I suppose you know what the men want more than me." Karen conceded.

"I suppose I do!" I agreed.

I laid on my side looking at Karen's face for a moment, then moved my eyes down along her neck to her tits, that although were very big, stood nicely on her chest. Karen has a great body, I said to myself as I looked at them, and nice, big tits! Big, the word stuck in my mind as I stared at Karen's tits. Fred's big too, I then thought. I pictured Fred's cock in my mind, so big, so black and I thought about how it looked coming at me just as I was about to put it in my mouth! Then I focused on Karen's tits in front of me. Karen didn't know that I'd been sucking Fred's cock in our basement for the past 2 months and that most of the time she was upstairs when I did it! That thought excited me! I have such a beautiful, sexy wife next to me, who I sincerely love, I said to myself, why would I ever suck Fred's cock! It turns me on, I thought, answering my own question immediately, and I like Fred's big, black cock cumming in my mouth! What if Karen found out that I was sucking Fred's cock, I jokingly wondered to myself, if anyone could understand it would be her! Karen loved to suck cock herself, she'd admitted it to me years ago! I'd be like her, that's all!

"Have you met Fred's friends?" Karen asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"No, I haven't!" I told her.

"Do men feel nervous about meeting other men they don't know?" Karen curiously asked.

"What do you mean?" I said, unsure of what she meant.

"Well, you know Fred, but he's bringing 3 men you've never met. Maybe you wonder if you'll like them, or what you're going to do all day with 3 strangers." Karen explained.

I paused as if I had to give her question some thought.

"Let me see!" I said.

I knew exactly what I was going to do all day with Fred and his 3 friends, his 3 black friends! I was going to suck their cocks, all 4 of them! I'd never sucked more than one guy at a time, but Fred convinced me that I'd love it, that after today I'd never want to suck just one guy again! At first I wasn't sure if I should do it, but when Fred mentioned that his 3 friends had cocks a little bigger than his, I gave in!

"I see what your'e saying. Men don't think about that, I know I don't." I said to her.

"You don't?" Karen looked at me and said inquisitively.

"No, not at all! Besides, I'm used to meeting strangers at work! I guarantee you that in less than 15 minitues I'll have them feeling so comfortable that they'll wish we'd all met a long time ago! I know what men like!" I told her.

"I was just wondering about that." Karen said.

"Fred and his 3 friends are coming over for a good time! I know that! It's my house, they're my guests, I know how to make everyone feel welcome and I'm not nervous about anything, especially what I should do, or say! I know what to do with the 4 of them, and believe me Karen when I say I'm not in the least worried about doing it to them!" I told her.

I was going on like this because I was having fun! Here's Karen wondering if I'm nervous about meeting new men, when the only reason they're all coming here is so I can suck their cocks! I couldn't help talking like this.

Karen rolled off the bed and stood up.

"Well, do whatever you want to them, just make sure they're not too drunk to drive home!" Karen said to me, as she walked past the foot of the bed and looked at me.

As soon as she said, to them, I realized I had unintentionally ended my last sentence with to them. I should have ended it when I said I wasn't worried about doing it, not doing it to them! But what was I worried about? Karen didn't know what I was really talking about and it was just a figure of speech anyway.

Karen went into the bathroom and got in the shower, I went downstairs for some more coffee and settled down at the kitchen table. I looked at the clock, it was 9:15. Less than 3 hours, I thought. If I was right about it taking 15 minitues to make Fred and his 3 friends comfortable, it meant that in exactly 3 hours Fred and his friends would be with me downstairs, all 4 of them naked and I'd be sucking on one of their cocks! I wondered what it would be like!

Fred's wife Julie had called and told Karen she had to leave the house for an hour or so, and asked Karen if she would mind coming over at 11 instead of ten. It was now 5 minitues to eleven and Karen came down to the basement to tell me she was leaving.

"You guys have a good time!" Karen said to me, as she gave me a kiss.

"We'll try dear." I graciously said.

"I think they're here now!" Karen suddenly said to me. "Yes, it's Fred!"

I looked at the rear sliding glass doors and sure enough, Fred was standing outside the door with his 3 friends behind him.

"I'll let them in." Karen said.

Karen went to the door and Fred introduced his friends to her as they came in.

"Julie's waiting!" Fred told Karen, nicely of course.

"I'm leaving! Don't worry!" Karen laughed and said, then walking through the door and closing it.

"Tim loves to suck black cock!" Fred said to his friends, suddenly surprising me when he came out and said it like that.

Karen was still at the door when he'd said it, Fred wasn't wasting a second! Fred's 3 friends immediately began taking off their clothes, seeming not to care whether Karen had left or not! In fact I could still see her walking away when they started pulling their pants down. By the time Karen opened her car door the 3 of them were already naked!

"Get on your knees Tim and suck some black cock!" Fred calmy and so politely said to me.

Fred just came out and told his friends I liked sucking black cock, even before introducing us, and it caught me by surprise! Actually it shocked me! Then they started stripping and shock turned to fear, fear of Karen suddenly remembering something she'd forgotten and coming right back! But then I looked down at thier cocks! Three naked black men in front of me, waiting for me to get on my knees so they can put their cocks in my mouth, I suddenly thought. I'd sucked Fred's cock 30 or so times in the last 2 months, right in the same place sometimes, and with Karen upstairs, I started thinking. Karen's right outside now and I'm in here with them! Whatever fear I had dissappeared, I was so turned on now!

I heard Karen's car door open and it did something to me. I lunged foward and fell to my knees at their feet, kneeling in front of the one standing in the middle, so that one would be on either side of me. I didn't get a good look at the two guy's cocks at my sides, but Fred certainly was right about the size of this guy's cock in front of me, it was huge! I opened my mouth, lowered my face under his cock, then lifted my head as I reached for the two cocks with my hands, and did it as fast as I could! Just as I felt his cock fill my mouth the sound of Karen's car door closing reached me. The engine started, then the car backed out of the driveway, all the while I was sucking on the cock in my mouth and jerking on the two cocks in my hands!

It excited me to suck cock with my wife close by. I didn't think doing that was weird, or crazy, it just turned me on to do it! Sucking a guy's cock was just a turn on to me, nothing more! I still loved my wife, and wouldn't think of leaving her for a cock! I understood that, so if it turned me on, why not do it! Once I realized that it was easy, and so much fun!

"This is Carl, Stan and George." Fred said, introducing his friends to me, once Karen's car had gone and I'd stood up.

"Glad to meet you!" I said, smiling at them and feeling amused at thinking how politely I said that, even though I'd already sucked one of their cocks.

I looked down at their cocks now, taking my time to get a good look at them and compare the three. There was hardly a difference in size! It was hard to believe that their cocks were as big as Fred's, I thought Fred was a rare exception, but right there in front of me were 3 just as big, or maybe bigger! The only real difference was that 2 were uncut, the other cut like Fred's.

"You 3 sit on the couch so Tim can enjoy himself. I'll join you in just a minitue." Fred said to the 3 of them.

They began to sit on the couch, but I stopped them.

"Do you mind if George sits in the middle?" I politely asked them.

"My cock is as big as George's!" Stan exclaimed. "What you got against sucking on my cock?"

"Nothing! I can't wait to suck on your cock! It's just that I've never had an uncut cock in my mouth before." I explained.

"Mine's uncut!" Carl said.

"Yes it is! But George's is just a little bigger!" I smiled and said.

I got my way and George sat in the middle of the 3. I knelt on the floor between George's legs, then reached out and grabbed both of the other's cocks!

My hands closed around the bottom of the two black men's cocks and I looked from side to side at them, looking in amazement at their size and how so much of their cocks ran up above my fists, bending in an arc up over their bodies! My grip tightened as my hands moved along the length of their long shafts and the sight excited me. My eyes moved to George's cock just below and in front of my face now. It stretched out from his body in a long arch, it's uncut tip slightly stretched back over it's head as it waited patiently for me to take it in my mouth. As I looked at it George sensed my anticipation and lifted it with his hand, pointing it upwards so that head pointed at my mouth from no more than an inch or two away. I waited two or three seconds and just looked at it. I thought about how I was going to put it in my mouth, then I leaned foward as my mouth opened and when the pressure of it's head hit the back of my mouth, I closed my lips around it's shaft. My tongue pressed along the bottom of it's shaft and I began to suck on it, gently at first, harder when I felt it begin to swell, then when his cock stiffened and had grown so large that I either pulled back and let some out, or take it down my throat, I lifted my head and let it fall from my mouth. I didn't move, I just looked down at it bounce off his body. George quickly took it in his hand again and lifted it, and I put it back in my mouth, stopping and holding it with my lips just under the head. George removed his hand I held his cock with my lips, not moving, only holding it in place and looking down at the long, black shaft stretching out in front of me. Then with one slow, but continual, and downward motion, I watched my lips slide down the entire length of the black shaft until they pressed into the point where it dissapeared into his body. I had all of it! I'd felt my throat stretch as George's long cock moved into it and now that I'd buried into my mouth and throat, I felt as if I'd had a stake driven into my face, taking me and stretching my head and neck as it hung me on itself. I knew this feeling! Fred had taken me like this many times before, right from the very first time! It was a feeling I'd become accustomed to and expected, it was a feeling I didn't want to do without!

"Didn't know what you were missing, did you?" Fred's voice called out from behind George.

I hadn't heard from Fred for at least 20 minitues. I'd been sucking and swallowing all 3 of his friend's cocks the whole time, and I forgotten all about him.

"No I didn't!" I enthusiastically agreed, looking up past George, where Fred was standing.

"Give him a break boys!" Fred said to his friends. "You two get up so he can concentrate on one at a time!"

George and Stan got up, and I moved between Carl's legs, then I started sucking his cock.

"Wrap your arms around him!" I heard Fred say to me, so I reached up and put my arms around Carl's waist.

Carl lifted his back and my hands wrapped around him, then he leaned back and pinned my arms with his body. I then felt Carl's hands grip the back of my head, which was something I was used to having Fred do to me when he wanted to fuck my mouth with his cock. I let my body go limp, to let Carl know I was letting him take control, then waited for him to start pumping his cock into my mouth. Surprisingly though, he didn't do that! Instead he tightened his grip on my head and held tightly in place.

"Let's have some fun!" I heard Fred say from behind me.

When he said that I didn't know what he meant and I didn't give it a thought. I was expecting Carl to start fucking my mouth any second anyway. Then all of a sudden I felt hands on my hips, which held me in place, and a second later I felt the cheeks of my ass being spread by a hard cock that immediately pushed into my asshole! I was being fucked up my ass by Fred, I thought, but no matter, whoever it was, he was driving his cock deep into my asshole again and again! There was nothing I could do about it!

Fred, Stan and George took turns fucking my ass, one after the other. Carl's cock was in my mouth, he had my arms pinned behind his back and he was holding my head, so I all I could do was let it happen. This wasn't something I'd expected! I'd never been fucked by a man before and it was a new experience. When the first one started fucking me I tightened up, then as he was doing it to me I thought about what was happening. I tried to relax and let it happen. I began thinking about how it felt and what they were doing to me; using me like a cheap slut! The thought turned me on!

I let my body go limp and let them do it to me. It turned me on to let them fuck me like that, to show no resistance at all and let it happen. Once I was able to do that, I loved it!

It was just after 4 when the last of them finished cumming in my mouth. The other 3 were dressed and waiting to leave, so less than 2 minitues after he came in my mouth they were gone. I watched them close the door as they left and I sat back in an armchair to think about my afternoon. I'd sucked and been fucked by 4 big, black cocks and now that it was over I knew I'd want to do it again and soon.

Karen came home awhile later and asked me how my day went with the guys. I told her we had a great day, but it wasn't the same without her.

"Maybe I'll stay home next time! How'd you like that?" Karen sincerely and enthusiastically said to me.

"That would be different!" I replied.

"It would." Karen agreed.

"I'd like that!" I smiled and said to her.

I wasn't sure if I meant it, but deep down inside the thought of being fucked and sucking big, black cocks all day while my wife watched, did kind of turn me on! We'll see!

Next: Chapter 3: One Surprise After Another

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