Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Mar 16, 2007


Sorry for the long delay guys but as they say bad things come in threes but in my case they come in twelve's. Anyway as the usual goes if your not supposed to read this then don't. Enjoy the story and hope you like the new twists.

Chapter X

"If you only knew what really happened."

Slowly and painfully Ross woke up. The first thing he noticed was the bright light shining in the rooms only window, so bright in fact he had to keep his eyes closed to get used to it. The next thing he noticed was that he was tied to the chair he was sitting in and someone else was right behind him. He tried to stand up and discovered that his hands were just tied behind his back and not to the chair itself. All he had on were his boxers and socks. Ross turned around and found Taz passed out and tied up in a similar fashion, only Taz also had been gagged. He nudged Taz and only received a moan for it. Taz also had bruises on the side of his head as well as his back and chest.

As he scanned the room and other then it was barren of any personal touches it was just like their dorm rooms. When he went for the door Taz started to come to. Backing up to him Ross removed the gag.

"What the hell happened??"

"I don't know I just remember going to the party with everyone last night. We were all having a good time the I woke up here."

"Ya I played my set and was dancing with you guys. Kyle got us a few drinks but wouldn't let us get drunk."

"Oh shit I was looking for Less just before I blacked out I promised id look after him!"

"We don't have to worry about Less I sent him home with a friend of mine when I got done with my set. I know for a fact they left together and he'll be fine. Im worried about Kyle I saw him talking to some girl then he stormed out the stage door. I followed him but when I got outside someone hit me from behind.

"Can you stand up?"

"Ya I think so. Lets see if we can untie each other."

Taz stood up and almost fell over from the dizziness. He shook off the cobwebs and he and Ross stood back to back and Ross untied his ropes.

"I wonder where we are? It looks kinda like our dorms."

"Were on the top floor of the girls dorm across from ours."

"How do you know that?"

"I took a girl out from here and she snuck my up here. She said that this was the only building that wasn't filled up and the girls sometime brought their guys up here to fool around."

"We need to get out of here and call the police."

"There should be a payphone at the end of the hall by the stairs. You make the call Ill see if I can get one of the girls downstairs to give us a hand and some aspirin my head is killin me."

As Ross headed for the phone Taz opened the doors to the stairs and let out a yell. At the bottom of the stairs lay Kyle all bloody and limp.

"Hurry and tell them to send an ambulance. Kyles down here and he's messed up."

Hearing the commotion a few girls came to the staircase and started screaming at the site.

Twenty minutes later at the hospital

As the doctors worked on Kyle and Taz the police were questioning Ross.

"So let me get this straight both of your "friends" have concussions and one has a broken leg, a few broken ribs, and cuts all over and you don't have a scratch on you? And you have no idea how any of it happened?"

"For the tenth time no. We were at a party last night. Last thing I remember was this girl buying me a drink and talking with her at the bar. I think I was drugged."

"Well the blood they took from you will confirm that or not."

"Ross what are you doing here?"

"Were attacked last night. Taz has a concussion and Kyle is messed up really bad. Why is your arm in a sling?"

"Oh my god can anything else go wrong today. Rob was dropping me back off at home this morning and this jeep came flying out of the parking lot for the dorms across the street. It ran us off the road and we smashed into a parked car. Rob is alright but my shoulder is sprained. He is talking to an officer right now about it."

"Officers this cant be a coincidence. Who ever was driving that jeep must have been the ones that did this to us."

"Ya we heard that something had happened there on the other officers radio and Rob is trying to tell them what happened to us must be related."

"Ok why don't you guys take me to your other friend and we will sort this out."

"I don't want to leave my friends here by themselves."

"My partner can stay here till we get back."

Half an hour later they were sitting in the waiting room with Taz and the officers taking statements. Another officer was standing guard outside of Kyle's room as Kyle started mumbling coming to. The officer called for a nurse and stepped up to Kyle.

"Hold on the nurse is coming you've been beaten up pretty badly."

"What? Where the hell am I? THOSE BITCHES WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THEM!!!!"

"Hold on kid, take it easy you don't want to make things worse. Why don't you start form the beginning and tell me what happened."

"Last night my friends and I were... Wait where are my friends are they ok do they even know im here?"

"Their here. They were the ones that found you and are making statements right now you'll be able to see them soon."

"Ok well last night I ran into my............

Ok guys sorry for the long absence but like I said in the beginning I've had a lot of shit happening to me in the last few months so bare with me. As im sending this chapter in im already working on the next. And some people will be pissed that I left it on a cliffhanger like this but I had to it will make the surprise that more rich. That and it allows me to do a little contest it may not be much but it could be fun. I plan on posting the next story by March 23rd. So here is the deal the first two guys that can tell me who it is Kyle ran into at the party get a set of pics of who I think best match the guys from the story. And a bonus to whom ever comes up with the best name for this character. Here is the only hint ill give on who it isn't. I isn't his ex.

And here is the email to send your entrys to ujinmo@yahoo.com

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