Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Sep 9, 2006


The usual disclaimer applies if you shouldn't be reading this then don't. Any songs or movies or anything like that are bound by their respective copyrights hope they dont mind I use them afterall its only for fun. If anything its giving them more exposer. All comments are welcome I need to know if I should continue working on this or just give it up you can contact me at ujinmo@yahoo.com. Thank you.


"Silver streaks"

"I woke up this morning with the burden of love hanging over my head as I

Walked into the living room

Sit with you, discuss whats going on

Is it me?

Is it you?

Is it something I forgot to do?

Tell me so that I understand

I just need some time

Gather all my thoughts

To make up for the love I just lost

You've been so good to me, given me everything

Take what you want cause it doesn't belong to me

I woke up this morning with the hurting that I would never ever wish upon

Even my worst enemy

Who is she, what the hell do you people want?

Is it me?

Is it you?

Is it something i forgot to do?

Tell me so that i understand

I just need some time

Gather all my thoughts

To make up for the love I just lost

You've been so good to me given me everything

Take what you want cause it doesn't belong to me anyway

I just need some time

Gather all my thoughts

To make up for the love I just lost

You've been so good to me given me everything

Take what you want cause it doesn't belong to me"

As Kyle laid in bed he could hear the song playing loudly in the distance. I was the begining of the song that woke him up with a start. At first he didn't realize where he was but as the familure song played he relaxed back into the bed remembering where he was. The song was "Take what you want" by Maroon 5 Kyle favorite band. All he thought was how does anyone know about that song it hasn't really been released. He took a glance at the clock on his desk and it read 11:30am. "Dam." He thought how did I sleep so late. He arose out of the bed a stretched out, looking up he found the top bunk empty.

"Hmmm, wonder why Ross didn't wake me up. And who is playing that song? I have to know anyone who is a fan of Maroon 5 is going to be a friend of mine."

Just then he heard the door open and close and Ross came into the room holding a box of doughnuts and a couple cups which smelled like coffee. Ross stopped dead in his tracks and almost dropped his box and coffees. Standing in front of him was something he wasn't expecting. Kyle was standing there still naked since he had just gotten up. When Ross had gotten up Kyle was still asleep and had the sheet wrapped tightly around him so all he saw was the top of Kyle's chest which should a trimmed carpet of red hair and his feet at the other end. But now in all his naked glory Ross was just stunned who know Kyle could have such a big dick on him. Ross was strait but had never seen a white boy whos dick hung seven inches while still soft. Kyle followed Ross's eyes and grinned at the look on his face. Then Kyle got this serious look on his face and snapped his fingers bring Ross out of his trance.

"You sure your not gay?"

"Oh sorry its just you kinda caught me off guard there. And well its um ya know kinda big."

"Don't worry about it Im used to it but just for your information unfortunatly im a shower not a grower it just gets harder not bigger."

with a shudder "Ewww way to much information could you please put some shorts on already?!"

Kyle got dressed while Ross placed the doughnuts on a desk pulling out a crueller out for himself.

"Seems like we have a neighbor already some guy is moving in down the hall."

"Ya I could hear the music one of my favorite songs woke me up. Speaking of which why didn't you wake me up?"

"I tried to, I was poking you for like five minutes and you didn't even move other then to grunt and push me away. You always sleep like a bear?"

"No thats kinda strange for me a mouse could sneeze and I would wake up I must have been more tired then I thought lastnight. I havn't sleept for more then twelve hours since the last time I was in the hospital and under anestesia."

"Well I needed to stretch my legs so I went out for a bit hope you like coffee seemed like you might need it."

"Thanks I could use it, but just for the record if this happens again I prefer OJ or some strong tea. Coffee tends to not agree but i'll take it if theres nothing else."

"Good to know. I actually stay away from tea its never strong enough for me and since im allergic to oranges I stay away from juice."

"Tell me about it I know all about food allergies I have quite a few of my own shellfish, tomatoes unless they have been processed, peaches, necterines, and mango."

"Ouch all I have is oranges and strawberries."

"Just oranges not other citrus?"

"No and thank god I don't think I could live without my grandma's lemonade atleast once a week."

They both got a good laugh at that one. After each had a doughnut Ross suggested they go meet the new guy down the hall then check out the city. As they walked down the hall they saw a guy carrying a box into the room 2 doors down. The guy stood about 5'11" just that inch short of 6' that Kyle despritely wish he could reach. He appered to have White hair at first which seemed a bit strange to both guys but as they got closer it turned out it was dyed a bright silver. He was muscular with a trim waist and huge shoulders giving him that perfect V shape. When they got to the open door the guy was bent over a box lookin for somthing inside of it. All of the sudden the guy shot up and shouted "FUCK". Kyle knock on the door frame and the guy spun around.

"Hey everything Ok?"

"Ya just can't find my lucky cap. I could have swore it was in one of these boxes. It kinda important to me."

"Well im sure it will turn up. Um Im Kyle and this is my roommate Ross."

Each of the guys stuck out there hands for a brief shake after all its rude not to right?

"Im Taylor but everyone calls me Taz. I didn't realize anyone else was hear yet.?"

"We just moved in yesterday Kyle has never really been here and wanted to get here before classes started to get a feel for the city. He's just lucky that im a nice guy and agreed to start early also and show him the ropes." he said with a wink to Kyle

"Gee didn't mean to be such a burden to you. So whats up why are you hear so early?"

"Well Im from up in algonac and its a bit of a drive. My band had a few gigs set up for here this week so I figured Id already be here no need to be making so many trips back and forth."

"Cool never knew anyone in a band before. What do you play?"

"I mostly play the drums but can also play a mean keyboard. Well I would love to stay and chat all day gentlemen but I really want to get this all done and moved in and you guys should go out and see the city since red here doesn't know his way around. How about we meet up later and get some dinner then we can get to know eachother."

"Great sounds like a plan to me. But you sure you don't want some help with your stuff?"

"Naa thanks anyway though Im kinda touchy about people handleing my things."

"Ok we will see you later then say around sevenish.?"

"That would be perfect I can get a nap in then. See you guys later."


The guys hopped into Kyle's car he insisted driving that way he could actually learn how to get where they were going instead of being led around.

"You drive a stick?"

"Yup wouldn't drive anyother way. And im really good at it after all I have had lots of practice driving sticks." with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"What do you mean...... Oh god would you quit that you pervert."

"Get used to it I pull no punches for anyone. I have a offbeat smartass personality and will change it for noone."

Ross showed Kyle around the New center area the museums and art galleries, the Rec Cen, Mexacian town can't miss seeing the ambassador bridge from there. Kyle was sure he would have to do a lot more exploring to get it all but for now he was happy. Kyle had to see the Joe Louis Arena where his Wings played and got to see the newish Ford Field and Comerica Park. Kyle got really excited when they got to Greektown. Kyle loved greek food they had to stop for lunch. When he saw the Greektown Casino he wanted to go there to eat.

"Awsome I didn't know there were casinos in Detroit. We should go there to eat I really want some saganaki now."

"Sorry no can do bud."

"Why not its right there?"

"Im only nineteen you can't get into the casinos here unless your twentyone."

"Dammit why cant you be a little older guess I'll have to come sometime on my own."

"We can still get your flaming chesse here there are plenty of other good greek places after all this is Greektown. Besides there are two other casinos we I can show you before we head back. And if you really want to go to a casino with me we can go through the tunnel over to the Windsor Casino you only have to be nineteen to get in there."

"Ok that sounds like fun Ive never been to another country."

"Don't get to excited its not that much different from here you just get to play with the funny monopoly money there. That and their dam metric system."

Both guys got a good laugh at that. After a hearty lunch they hit the road again sneaking a peak at the MGM Grand and Motorcity Casinos. They spent the rest of the day wondering around getting to know the surounding areas like th7e big tire off the I-94 in Allen Park. The arabic and polish communitys in Dearborn and Hamtramck respectivly also have Kyle interests peaked since he like to learn about other cultures. By the time they got back to the dorms it was almost 6:30 and they had to meet Taylor for dinner soon.

When they got back to thier room Ross jump on him computer to check his mail. Kyle took a walk outside so he could call home and check in not that anyone probubly noticed him really gone anyway. Its just they never worried about him he was the smart innocent responceable one ya right if they only knew. As he started back up the stair he ran into Taylor who seemed fresh out of the shower the silver had dissapeard and now his wavy hair was jet black like so black that your eyes seemed to glance off it like it wasn't really there.

"There you are red Ross is upstairs looking for you. I told him id meet you guys down here go grab him I know this nice Italian place around here."

"Ok Taylor ill be right back then. And please stop calling me red I hate being a redhead as it is."

"Fine as long as you just call me Taz."

Minutes later they were strapped into Tazes van and on their way.

"So what was with the silver doo?"

"I just do it for the gigs we all paint our hair different outrageous colors for the shows."

"Ok so what is your natural color?"

"Black like it is now."

"Wait how did you get it such a bright silver and back to the black like that? I tried being a blond once and it took a lot of bleaching."

"Its not a dye. My mom owns a costume shop and she gets these great hair paints. Just spray it in comb it through and wash it out when your done. Its so easy Im sure I could make you a blonde again in no time."

"They do say blondes have more fun."

"Well this one didnt I looked like an albino."

The rest of the time was a quiet somber affair with the guys chatting away getting to know eachother better. The place they went to was owned by Tazes uncle and was quite nice. Kyle finaly remembered to ask Taz about the song he heard earlier.

"I heard "Take what you want" when I woke up how did you know about that song? I don't know anyone else that much into Maroon 5 to know that song."

"Yeah I have a very large collection of Cds that ive made myself. Im a big fan of Maroon 5 Ive get everything I can get on them we will have to compair later to see if we have missed anything."

"Im sure I have everthing they have recorded including back when they were still Karas Flowers."

"Ok you have to let me copy that then Ive been trying to find it and can't find a place that can order it for me."

"No problem ill get it out of my car when we get back."

It was at that moment that Kyle looked into Tazes eyes and saw something he didn't think he would find so soon in coming here. It was a simple thing really, in one word lust. When they got back to the Dorm Taz invited the guys in for a movie since it was still only 9:00 or so. Kyle agreed right away he loved to sit back and watch movies his 3rd favorite pasttime. But Ross declined saying he was to tired cause Kyle wore his ass out running all over town. Both Kyle and Taz smirked at that both thinking "If only".

"So what are you in the mood to watch?"

"Whatever just as long as its not sappy."

"Go ahead and get comforable I think I have just the thing."

Taz put in one of his favorites Eating Out if you havent seen it rent it its funny. Throughout the movie both guys kept making suggestive looks at the other. About halfway in Kyle couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up and kneeled infront of Taz. He reached up and took ahold of Taz's obvious erection.

"This is mine got it and your going to do anything I tell you or I leave now."

"Ok but Im bi not gay and I dont get fucked."

"Fine as much as I want to fuck your brains and make you beg for more theres more we can do."

Kyle stood both of them up unbuckling Taz's pants in the process. He crouched once again taking Taz's pant and tight blue briefs with them while Taz puller his shirt off. Kyle looked up before him stood the perfect wrestlers body tight toned and all muscle. A nice olive complection to go with the Italian heritage. His chest was smooth with small dark brown dime sized nipples. Starting just above the navel was a thick corse treasure trail, seeing that just turned Kyle on even more. It led down to a nice thick bush which cradled a very thick six inches I mean beer can thick. It was hard as a rock and pointing strait up showing off a loose hanging dark sack that held the nicely sized balls.

He did what came naturaly, he attacked that cock like it was the last one he would ever have. It took all of Taz had not to collapse from the head he was recieving. At this rate he would blow way to soon so he pushed Kyle off his cock. Kyle looked confused.

"Im going to cum, I need this to last. Get your clothes off quick I need some of that cock."

Without a word Kyle struted over to the bed striping off as he went with a look over his shoulder and a wink he spun around a laid back on the bed spreading his legs wide open.

"Well you want it come and get it."

Taz just stared, all he could think was "what a hot beefy furry body I gotta get me some of that". He rushed over to the bed but bypassed Kyle's cock and instead laid down on top of him and ground their crotches togather. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Kyle and Kyle grab the back of his head and gave Taz the most passionte kiss he has ever had. They moaned into eachother mouths tounge fighting for dominance it seemed like time stopped neither wanting it to end. Eventually Taz lifted up and worked his tounge to Kyles chest bathing the hair all over with his saliva. Kyle got impatiant and push on his head till he was down to him dick where Taz sucked like no tomarrow.

Kyle needed Taz's cock back so he spun him around and let the thick tool slide down his throat. This went on for about five minutes each devouring the other trying to out suck the other. Getting a bit bored Kyle let the thick piece of meat fall from his mouth and made his way to Taz's balls rolling the sack around in his mouth. This brought a gasp from Taz which caused him to redouble his efforts on Kyles dick. Kyle got what he wanted now to try to get what he really wanted. He spit out Taz's balls craned his neck up and swipped his tounge up The crack of the ass in front of him. This caused Taz to sit up at the shock noone had ever done that to him before. But sitting up like that brought his ass right on Kyle's face. Kyle grabbed his hips so he couldn't move. Taz's ass tasted so good he didn't want to lose it till it was opened up so he could fuck it. Unfortunatly it was not ment to be at least this time cause less then a minute later Taz lost it. Having his ass eaten out like that for the first time was so hot and new that the cum just started shooting out all over Kyle's body. He fell over still shaking from the intense orgasm.

Standing up Kyle looked down at his handy work both the the site of Taz there twitching in his post orgasmic bliss and at the thick cum slowly dripping down his body. He reached down and scooped up some of the cum in his hand bringing it to his mouth licking it clean and continued till it was all gone and it was a big load so sweet and tangy. One of Kyle fetishes other then eating out a nice ass was cum it got him so hot seeing anyone take a load in any hole even his own it may not really be safe but he loved it to much. Now onto more pressing matters like what was hanging between his legs. He took ahold of Taz and got him to lay on the bed with his head hanging off. Without so much as a word he started a slow fuck of his throat if he wasnt getting an ass he was still getting a fuck out of this. Good thing Taz was such a good cocksucker cause soon Kyle was in a frenzy not letting up at all in no time he was blasting into Taz's mouth but pulled out finishing all over his face.

Kyle laid down next to Taz and began licking his cum off his face feeding it to him as they shared another hot kiss sharing the load between them. They just laid there kissing till they drifted off to sleep in eachothers arms. Taz's last thought were "maybe I need to rethink the whole bottoming thing?" and Kyle's were "Im getting me some of that ass whether he knows it or not". In the meantime down the hall Ross slept a dreamless sleep having no idea what was happening just down the hall from him who knows what he would have thought if he really knew.

Well there ya go guys finally some action let me know how you liked it. Anyone shoot a load of their own in the process?

And just incase your wondering about the Big Tire thing heres a link about it http://www.detroitpages.com/tire its kinda cool landmark for the area. Once again all comments welcome and I hope I turn some guys on to some new things.

Next: Chapter 4

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