Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Nov 25, 2006


Sorry for the delay guys have had a lot going on including a weekend spent in the hospital. As per the usual if you're not supposed to be reading this then go to Disney.com or somewhere more appropriate. After the last chapter I got not one response. Because of this I almost decided to just give up on this thing. I figured Ill just give the guys the gratuitous sex they have been asking for. But not one person has told me they liked it. But a friend of mine told me just cause no one is telling me they like it doesn't mean that they are not reading it. So Ill try this one more time.

Chapter IX

"Were going to what????"

They say time flies when your having fun. Well when you're a freshman and have a full load time does anything but fly. Between work and classes the guys were beat. The whole month of September and most of October they were lucky to be able to do anything together. Ross, when not in classes or working spent much of his time at home to help out with his grandma. She had taken a nasty fall and fractured her hip. Ross was the only one she wanted around but knew he had to keep up with his studies so he was only there when really needed.

Since Taz had no classes on the weekends he spent time practicing with his band or playing at various bars or clubs when they could get a gig. But by the second week of October he was driving home on the weekends to help his mom at her costume shop. Given that Halloween was around the corner she was busy everyday and need all the help she could get.

Leslie had the most free time, when he wasn't doing the usual schoolwork or doing his job in the library he was online. Taz kept telling him he needed to get out more but what Taz didn't know was that Leslie didn't stay online for long. Because of his youthful looks he had his pick of guys he would meet. He was getting laid more then any of the guys and Kyle had a boyfriend. His only problem was he was getting bored with it. Come home, get online, have a hookup, within an hour go over there get fucked then go back home. He wanted to try something other then just getting fucked but to chicken to try anything new. And what he really wanted is some romance. Kinda hard to have romance when your just going to get fucked.

As stated Kyle had a boyfiend. Every free moment they had Kyle and Antonio were together. After their first encounter Antonio called Kyle that night wanting to know when they could get together again. They made a date for lunch the next day. From there they met all the time Kyle couldn't believe his luck he found a guy that was as into sex as much as him and they couldn't get enough of each other. What surprised everyone was the fact they didn't spend all their time fucking. They actually spent most of the time cuddled together at Antonio's watching TV. It caused quite a stir because Kyle made Antonio promise not to whore himself out at the library anymore. Many guys were pissed their favorite mouth was out of service.

K "If you ever need to get some action come to me. I'm not the jealous type but I need you. Hell I want you all to myself. I've never felt like this before about another guy. After meeting you I don't want anyone else."

When Kyle told him that Antonio broke down, who knew such a tough strong man could be so emotional. All things considered things couldn't be better. Halloween is just around the corner and Kyle was excited. It is his favorite time of year and couldn't wait to see how much fun he could have with the guys in Detroit. Well until Antonio gave him the bad news. For some stupid reason a tournament had been scheduled down in Ohio for that week so he wouldn't be around to celebrate.

The week leading up to Halloween found Kyle depressed and agitated over everything. Taz would have nothing of it. By the time he had his plan formulated it was Saturday evening and Halloween is Tuesday. So at their usual late Sunday dinner Taz ran it by them.

T "Ok guys Halloween is next week so clear any plans you've made for the night cause your coming out with me."

L "Oh and what crazy idea have you come up with? Streaking across campus?"

T "No no nothing that bad but we will be half naked."

If you've ever seen a true spit take this is when Ross had his. He ended up covering Kyle in cola.

R "There is no way your getting me to go anywhere half naked with you around. Your liable to pants us."

K "Besides I've told you before im not into gay clubs and you know Ross wont go to one."

T "Boy you guys have to stop thinking like that all the time. My band is getting the chance to play a few of our songs at the Emerald Ballroom. Ever other month or so they have a pimps and hoes party and its usually hosted by Ron Jeremy. Well since this one is on Halloween the theme is dress up as your favorite porn star."

R "Who are we supposed to go as? I admit I've seen porn but not enough to know who to go as."

L "Besides the Emerald is a bar. Kyle is the only one old enough to go."

T "I have that covered. I have band passes for the three of you all you have to do is help carry in the equipment and you're in."

K "Ok genius if you have all this figured out how are we going to come up with who we are going to go as and find costumes in less then two days?"

T "Got that covered already I have seen enough porn gay and straight to know who each of us is going as. And DUUUHHHHHH my mom owns a costume shop and she has got our stuff its all down in my truck."

L "Then who are we going as cause I look nothing like any porn star ive ever seen?"

R "Ya good question. And I am not going to be half naked."

T "Less you were the easiest to match to a star. You're the spitting image of a young Sean Storm. Back when he still shaved his chest and was considered the ultimate twink bottom."

K "Oh my god! You are so right he can defiantly pass as Sean Storm. What have you got for him to wear?"

T "Easy a jock, loose running shorts, tennis shoes no socks of course, and a wife beater that is way to big on him."

L "I can't wear that! Im so small it will all fall off me. Besides it's going to be to cold to be dressed like that."

R "Kid I think that's kinda the idea he has for you. Easy access. Once you get in the club it's going to be warm anyway your going to be glad you have loose clothes on."

T "Yup. It's that plain and simple. Ross you on the other hand have been a bitch to match so you're just going to wear a silk shirt open of course with tan slacks. You'll just be our generic black porn guy."

R "That's fine with me. Seems like luck is on my side for once. But who is Kyle going to be. With his pale skin and red hair that must have been really hard."

K "I've seen a lot of porn in my time and the few red headed guys in them are these smooth skinny twinks. Im beefy not thin and am a little hairy. If you think im shaving anything off your out of your mind!"

T "Nope no need to shave anything. Actually I need you to not shave your face so you'll have that scruffy look. We are going to be matching."

L "Matching? How are you going to pull that off you guys are nothing alike?"

T "My dear boy we are going as semi leather daddies and former porn stars turned couple."

K "Oh no! There's no way we could pull that off I look nothing like him he has those dark Mediterranean looks and black hair. I have neither. And just cause he is in a band doesn't mean you had to be him."

T "Once again you forget my mom owns a costume shop. I have spray on body paint that will give you a dark tan and I have a spray for all the body hair. Trust me we can pull this off. All I have to do it spray in some gray in my hair and goatee."

L "Who are you guys talking about?"

K "He wants us to go as Blake Harper and Colton Ford. But Im tellin ya we wont be able to pull it off."

R "I don't think it really is going to matter. No one is going to specifically know or care who you are."

T "Oh whatever this is going to be a blast and you guys know it. Ok so we have Halloween covered, what are we going to do tomorrow night since there are no evening classes?"

R "I've already signed up for an angels night patrol."

K "What's the angels night patrol? I think I heard something on the radio about that."

T "Well many years ago the night before Halloween has been known as devils night because in Detroit there seems to be more crime and so many fires are started."

L "I was reading about that in the paper. A few years ago someone came up with the idea of getting volunteers to patrol the neighborhoods and report anything suspicious to the police."

R "That's right now its called angels night. Every year they get more volunteers and now its considered the safest night in Detroit."

L "What do you have to do?"

R "Just go to one of the centers and get a flashing light for my truck then drive around for a few hours and keep an eye on things."

K "Antonio left this morning so I have nothing to do mind if I come with you?"

R "Sure no problem could always use the company and extra pair of eyes."

L "Id come to but I already have plans."

T "Same here I have to practice before the show."

K "Well guys if that concludes tonight's business let's get home im beat and need some sleep."

R "Good idea we are going to need our rest if we are going to stay out late tomorrow.

So the guys headed home where Ross and Kyle true to form crashed into a peaceful slumber. As Leslie and Taz were getting undressed Taz couldn't help noticing how fidgety and nervous Leslie was acting.

T "Cough it up kid what's wrong?"

L "Nothing is wrong."

T "You look like someone is about to kick you ass. So fess up and tell me what's going on."

L "You and Kyle have fooled around right? I mean its no big secret now."

T "Ya he is a hot guy and I like to get off with guys or girls."

L "Well has he ever fucked you? Or did you fuck him?"

T "Neither we are both tops we just blew each other."

L "Oh ok."

T "Why, you interested in messing around with Kyle?"

L "No he is not my type."

T "Then you want to fool around with me?"

L "No your not my type either."

T "Well that's a bit of a blow to my ego but Ill live. So why all the questions then?"

L "I have been messing around a lot lately and every time and I mean every single time I am always the bottom."

T "And you want to know what its like to top a guy?"

L "Sort of but all the guys I want wont let me. I figure I like getting fucked enough so it doesn't matter but it's been bothering me that I can't be a top."

T "Sure you can you just have to stop settling with just being a bottom and take charge for once. Let me guess the guys always dominate you and you just let them?"

L "Pretty much. But I kinda like that too it's like the guy is taking care of me."

T "Well little man all I can tell you is to go with what makes you happy but it sounds like you need a bit of a change."

L "Ya I think I do."

T "If I don't ask it's going to drive me nuts trying to figure it out. What kind of guys are you into?"

L "Older guys. I like a man with some experience under him."

T "Oh so our little boy is looking for a daddy. I think I have just the man for you."

L "Really? And who is that?"

Ok guys like I said before im sorry about the long delay I've had a lot going on in the past few months including a hospital stay. I hope this chapter will appease you guys for now Im already working on the next. And I promise to have it out by next week. This chapter is a prelude of things to come. I know Halloween and now Thanksgiving have come and gone but im not going to make a big deal about Thanksgiving like im-doing Halloween. So I should be caught up well sort of with the time line.

Next: Chapter 10

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