Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 20, 2020


Kasey with a k

Chapter 2

By Maxieplus

A week after the G club he again walked into the salon all smiles. I was busy with Meryl, Adele's sister, she had a standing appointment each month for a trim color and blow-dry. He waved to me and smiled, but then something happened that turned my stomach. Eva appeared from the staff room dressed in her day wear, she always looks immaculate. She walked up to the reception desk and Kasey stood up and they hugged, then he escorted her out the door. I couldn't speak, my throat was so dry, and a stunned confusion set in.

"I won't be a minute Meryl, there's something I have to attend to." I quietly walked up to Trish and whispered.

"What was that all about?"

"They are going out to lunch, he asked for her number at the club last week."

"Oh, I didn't know." I was still feeling unwell inside.

"Nobody did, until about twenty minutes ago, she told me he rang her last night, and because she was taking the afternoon off anyway. She had some time to kill for a lunch date, lucky bitch. I wouldn't mind a piece of that ass myself"

"Yes, lucky bitch, me too." I tried to joke and smile.

I couldn't leave Meryl for too long, so I went back and finished her hair off with a good blow-dry, she looked ten years younger.

"Are you still doing well here Adam?" She was only looking after me, and whenever she asks I am quite truthful with her.

"Yes Meryl, the business is still doing extremely well. I am about to go see the bank because I'm going to try and buy the apartment below me. It's just come on the market."

"That's awesome, Adele had mentioned you had a good business head on your shoulders. Will you have to mortgage your home to secure it?"

"No, my lovely I nearly have enough to cover the transaction. The bank appointment is for a loan to make up the small shortfall, it's early days yet, I got plenty of time." I grinned.

"My God that would be so awesome honey."

"Well I have big plans, and let's not forget who put me in the position to be able to do it in the first place. I just have to be very careful about what I touch, meaning, what I have to preserve in both apartments when they are made into one."

"Adele was right, you are so like her." She smiled.

"And you."

"And Me?"

"Yes you, I was prepared for an expensive court battle, that's why I wanted to decline the gift right from the start. I thought you may have been the wicked witch from the west, but instead, you turned out to be just as loving and giving as your sister, and I sincerely thank you both." That bought a tear to her eye.

"Thank you for the compliment, Adam."

"Thank you for not being that nasty person." I kissed her hand because I had become very fond of her in the past seven months.

"Your welcome son, and don't forget if there's anything you need just give me a holler."

"Holler?" I laughed so much I dropped my brush.

It was so out of character for her, I think she's starting to relax a little more around me. The more I see her, the more we get to know a little about each other, it's just the way she is, a very private person.

When she left I went to have a coffee and a pick at the veggies I had bought for lunch, my thoughts returned to Kasey and Eva's lunch date. If Eva was only going for lunch why did she want the afternoon off too? I don't mind in the least if she takes time off, she's a damn good hard-working stylist, but it confused me a bit. Stop it, Adam, he has every right to date one of the girls, they did laugh a lot last week and seemed to be getting along okay, and they even sort of danced together once. He's a very sexy dancer.

Then it hit me like a thunderstorm, between the piece of cauliflower and the uninviting pumpkin, they are probably going to her place to make love. I felt tears, and I felt let down and humiliated all of a sudden. I reached for the tissue box just as young Trev walked in, he is our resident straight guy, and very good at his craft. I hope he didn't see how upset I was, it's not good business practice for the boss to show too much emotion to the staff. I took a deep breath and turned to look at him.

"Trev, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Adam, just let me grab my lunch from the fridge."

I waited a few seconds until he was set up, then asked.

"Did you know Kasey and Eva had a lunch date?"

"Yes, and no Adam, she said something after the club the other night, something like a hunky man just asked for her number. But I didn't take much notice, so today was a bit of a shock. We all know he's your friend, and she shouldn't have gone there without talking to you first."

"It's her life, I was just feeling a little disappointed she didn't warn me, that's all. It's okay I was just wondering." He moved his hand to cover mine then squeezed it.

"No, it's not okay Adam, obviously you like him a lot, and from where I stand you both seem to have some sort of a connection. She's doing the wrong thing. Even if he is straight, she should have declined the invitation out of respect for your feelings. Kasey is a big boy he can look after himself, but he shouldn't have even asked her out in the first place. Stupid dumb jocks always get it wrong. But we can't blame his stupid, or hers either. I am sorry Adam if it's any consolation we all feel the same about it, none of us are too happy at the moment"

I squeezed his hand back and said a very sincere thank you to him. I didn't want the staff involved in this minor domestic situation, so I told him to let them know to just let it go, and cool it. I wasn't sure of my feelings about the whole thing, but I sure knew I felt like a jilted lover.

By three I had enough of the stares I was getting because my mood had changed to a somber one. I felt like I was being babysat by a bunch of kids, so I cleaned up and put away my tools of the trade and asked Trish if she wouldn't mind locking up for me, she was fine with that, so I left to go home.

I had pilfered Trish from my old workplace, she and I had become the best of friends and she was the perfect woman to look after our bookings, she specialized in perms and straighteners, she was my, sort of shop manager.

They would be fucking now, laying in her bed in the nude, her hand stroking Kasey's beautiful face, his big safe arms holding her to him. I had to get that thought out of my head, I need a distraction and fast.

I called into the café on the bottom floor of the flats to grab something for dinner, I couldn't look at another boiled vegetable. I didn't notice at first but while I waited for my order I saw some military guys come in. I knew Kasey wasn't amongst them, but I did know they were the ones that sometimes catcall me whenever I walk past.

I grabbed my order and had to walk past a couple of them, that's when it happened. I accidentally bumped one of them as he stepped in my way, I felt the elbow ram into my chest as I said sorry to the guy. The pain was unbelievable and the stare I got was dark. I didn't react just turned and walked out of the café into the lobby to go upstairs.

When I got in the lift and the doors closed behind me, I rubbed my chest and my forehead hit the wall as I let my breath out, I had been holding it all that time. I had no idea what that was all about, but I was as angry as hell and I will tell Kasey to tell whoever it was to stay away from me in the future. Tears and a very bad mood swing appeared as I walked into my hideaway. It was a hideaway too, I have never invited anyone to my place. I threw my keys on the table and went into the bathroom, I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror, there was a big red welt in the middle of my sternum, I hope it doesn't bruise or worse give me a heart attack during the night, fuck that hurt.

Whenever we had a staff party, like Easter or Christmas it was always at the restaurant come cafe on the ground floor. The reason I gave myself was, this is my home and sanctuary, Adele's gift, and I didn't want to break that bond by having a load of people disturbing its serenity.

But I certainly did disturb it when I walked through to the security gates and slammed the beautifully crafted wrought ironwork closed. I almost screamed with rage, my pain and humiliation were hard to bear, and it was self-inflicted, no one else's fault but mine. It was then I started to believe in love at first sight, and it had me totally within its grasp, and I loathed myself for feeling this way about Kasey, especially because of his job.

I opened a bottle of wine and sat on the balcony, it was cold out there so I turned the gas heater on, still rubbing my chest. Bloody wankers they are everywhere, I didn't do anything to deserve that and I didn't do anything to Kasey to deserve the pure agony I felt in my heart. The heater burst into life then settled down to an even red glow as I sipped my drink, then I cried into the wine feeling sorry for myself, sorry that I was all alone and sorry I didn't have anyone to protect me or talk to except Adele's ghost.

This self-assured Adam was having a mini-breakdown and I didn't care, because no one could see me. I wasn't going to let it get to me, I was being silly about the whole thing and I wanted to go over to Eva's place and punch her in the face, but instead, I went to bed early. It wasn't her fault some dumb jock wanted to fuck her, it was his for playing house in my schoolyard without my permission, and as for his mates, I'm not even going to go there.

I had a very restless night and was dreading turning up for work in the morning. What makes a man not want to go into his own business. I didn't want to walk past the federal building and I didn't want to look at Eva's face and read the answers I dreaded. I thought about that as I showered, in the end, the only answer I got was. Start again Adam, forget these past few weeks and get on with it, but I was still scared.

I took another route this morning, it's not a long walk, but I used the opposite side of the road from the Federal building, then I crossed over when I got nearer to the salon. That way I don't get stared at by a bunch of total morons first thing in the morning, and I pulled my jacket up around my neck so I wouldn't be recognized. My chest still hurt and a lovely bruise was forming, when I looked at it in the morning, that rage inside resurfaced.

I found my keys and stopped in front of the door just staring into the salon, if I walk through these doors there will be no going back. I took a deep breath, told myself I was being paranoid, then I opened the big heavy door and stepped inside. The salon seemed to close in around me, I shook myself because I was being bloody ridiculous now. I started doing all the normal jobs I did before the others came in. I went to the tea room and turned the urn on for hot water, then I checked the sterilizing trays and I even made sure each work station had enough clean linen.

I didn't have to do that because little Janice was our resident apprentice, and it was her job to make sure the place was spotless before she left each night. She was a lovely kid of seventeen, her mum is a customer, and she had begged me to take her on. She even said she would pay half her wages if I did. It's all Janice ever talked about was becoming a hairdresser, and if it's what her daughter wanted then she would move heaven and earth to get it done. When I finally met her, it was a no brainer, she was perfect, a bubbly excited kid with loads of ideas and very talented hands when it came to using the brush and dryer.

I said good morning to Tim and Anne then Janice as they arrived, they were all wearing heavy coats today it was chilly outside. Eva turned up and the same treatment was given to her before she went to make her first coffee for the day. I switched the music on then started looking at the appointment book. Not an easy day today, someone had squeezed themselves in for a twenty-minute eye makeup treatment, it's okay though. I liked this woman, she was a hoot whenever she came in. She always left us feeling happy. She can't see for nuts, and won't wear her glasses, so when she has a big night or luncheon we do her eye make-up and false eyelashes for her. It must be a lunch date today because she's booked in early.

I smiled at the thought, then I spied our first customer coming through the door.

The day went off with no hiccups and Eva, although quiet, was her true gorgeous professional self. I got a phone call just as I was about to go to have a break, it was a block booking, and I will need all of the staff and the casuals on board for it. I booked it in for three months' time and just like that, the whole two days up to eight o'clock, were booked out, and the money keeps rolling in.

It was for big awards do at the local football club, the Brisbane Bombers, we were their go-to salon to attend to any lady that needed a bit of help for the night.

The club will pick up the tab because there will be cameras and interviews, and they want the girlfriends and wives of their players looking as sharp they can for the big event, more money, and free advertising. But the girls have to ring and let us know what they want beforehand, they will get a voucher with their invitations. It all works, but I do wish sometimes the guys would come in to be pampered a bit.

Anyway, I digress. I block booked the days in, and asked Trish to move the two regular bookings we already had for those days, to another day, then I went to have lunch. I made my coffee and sat with it looking at my sandwich, it didn't look very appetizing. I had asked little Janice to get me a ham and cheese sandwich when she was taking the lunch orders, but they missed the mark on this one. It looked so gross, I got up and threw it in the bin, then rubbed my chest it was annoying me and a constant reminder that all Military men are bastards.

"Don't fancy the sandwich, Adam?" Eva said behind me. I spun around and stared at her, then said.

"No, it was rubbish, I had better go to the other cafe and get another one."

"You can share mine if you like, Ham cheese and tomato, I always make too many." She placed her plastic lunch box on the table and began unloading it.

I relented. I couldn't hate her, and she is a beautiful girl. I don't blame Kasey for wanting to bed her, and I'm glad because she will have to put up with his mindless mates from now on.

"If you don't mind lovely, it will save me some time."

"Not at all, hey Adam can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Is something going on out there that I don't know about? Like, I feel I'm getting the cold shoulder this morning, did something happen when I left yesterday?"

"No, honey not at all. I think they were all a bit surprised you were dating Kasey that's all." I didn't want to have this conversation with her, and I don't want to know about their big date either, so I started eating the sandwich.

"Oh for God's sake, he asked me for my number at the G club, then rang me to go for lunch out of the blue. What's the big deal anyway he's single, and a nice guy, and we had a good time. I had to leave shortly after lunch, I was catching up with my mum to do some shopping in town, we had planned it weeks ago. He was just lucky I didn't want to have lunch on my own."

"Well, as I said they were surprised, but if you like him don't let them get into your head. Maybe they are just a tad jealous." I smiled, what could I do but smile. She stared at me for a minute then said.

"You're not in love with him are you Adam, I mean he's supposedly straight, but is there something going on that I need to know about?"

"No Eva, as you know I only met him in here a few weeks ago nothing's going on, I hardly know him. You probably know him better than I do."

"Well, you know if there was a connection, I would be the first to step away Adam. It never dawned on me that you may have feelings for him. And he certainly didn't say anything much except you helped him make a big decision about his ex-girlfriend or something. But on reflection, he did ask me a few questions about you. I want you to know Adam my lips were mostly sealed." She's a good kid.

"Yes I did help him with that problem, and you're not to worry about me, as you said, he's a nice guy, and I'm pleased he likes you." While having this conversation I was holding back the tears that threatened to crash down my face at any moment and my chest started throbbing. Thank god Trish came in to eat her lunch, which was my cue to get back to work. I was walking out when Trish grabbed my arm to stop me.

"What's wrong with your chest Adam?"

"What do you mean Trish?"

"You have been rubbing it all morning, has something happened?" "No my lovely, I ran into the security gate in my apartment full force it's bruising now and annoying the crap out of me."

"Okay, but if it's anything else, like a heart attack you will let me know."

I laughed as I kissed her cheek and thanked her for her concern. I thanked Eva for the lunch then went back to my duties.

Mrs, Hollingsworth, a fifty-year-old who looks like she's in her thirties, was my next appointment. Thank god she was because this Kasey thing was getting to me.

"How are you today, Kathy?"

"Very well Adam can you work your magic on this hair, I have a big date tonight and I want to look my best." She giggled as her oversized lips strained to find their natural shape, she's had so much filler and botox I sometimes think her whole face has been frozen solid.

"Sure thing honey I will get Janice to give it a wash first, then we can start making you beautiful for your husband." She leaned in and whispered to me.

"Well Adam, not my husband exactly, he's overseas, this is for my current lover." She giggled, I giggled along with the two-timing cow.

I chased Trish out the door at six, and then that just left Tim and me to finish locking up. He kept staring at me while I cleaned up the already clean kitchen, something I have always done.

"What's wrong Tim, you look like you have something to ask me."

"Well, I'm interested to hear your views on Eva and Kasey dating as a matter of fact, how are you coping?"

It didn't surprise me because I thought this might happen at one stage or another. The staff is in the dark, so I guess he's been elected the spokesperson.

"Nothing is going on with Kasey and me Tim, you know that. And he's perfectly free, and straight, to do his own thing with Eva or any other girl he fancies along the way." I tried to put on my best smile.

"You are so in love with him Adam, it was written all over your face at the G club, and the shoulder massage was very sensual, I was watching you." He smirked.

"Okay I have a thing for rugged guys in uniform, so sue me, but nothing is going on. Eva is just being a typical female, she likes him and he did ask her for her number, he didn't ask me for mine, and that says it all my friend."

"Well we aren't happy about it, she shouldn't be dating any of your friends. It's just that we all had him pegged to end up with you."

Again I laughed and replied.

"In my wildest dreams Tim, he would never end up with me, he's straight, he likes the girls, like you." I winked.

Tim was a gorgeous looking guy, he smiled then rubbed his shoulder, then he winced.

"What's up?" I said.

"Shoulders hurting, I don't suppose you will give me one of your special massages would you?"

"Go home Tim, I'll see you tomorrow." I threw the tea towel at him, the bloody cock teaser.

I was still smiling when I opened my front door, I had walked directly across the road and up the other side of the street, just to avoid that awful building. When I was safe and sound inside Kasey's image arrived in my mind, I headed straight into the bedroom to relieve myself of some pent up frustration, strangely Tim's image popped up a few times too, maybe I should give him a shot.

After our conversation in the tea room, I didn't ask Eva about her private life when we talked again. I think the staff had settled down and accepted that this God that invaded our salon one cool day was never their bosses to have, but a regular everyday man, that liked women.

I settled down a bit and went about my business as normal as I could, shoving thoughts of Kasey out of my head. I had more invites to go to the G club which was always a great night out, I had been in two minds to go because I didn't want to run into Eva and Kasey, that's if she invites him that is. But it never happened and I did have a good time there, and I even managed a blow job or two on the way.

About four weeks after my talk with Tim in the tearoom we had a gentleman caller at the salon, and it was so wonderful to see his big blue eyes again, and all the crap I felt about him and his mates disappeared. He walked in then went over to talk to Eva, then he noticed me and came over to my work station.

"Hello stranger, where have you been?"

"Hi Adam, I have been to Sydney, some important stuff to do for the good old people of Australia." He smiled but there was something I was missing, something dark in his eyes.

"I see, so you can't talk about it then."

"Correct, but it's good to be back in the land of the living. I need some normal people in my life again."

"Good, is there anything I can do for you today?"

"Nah, I'm good I just wanted to say hello to you and Eva that's all, I haven't seen either of you for ages."

"It's good to see your dating again Kasey, she's a very special girl."

"She is, but she's busy today. I should have rung her last night, and Adam?"

"Yes Kasey with a K?" I smiled.

"We are not dating, we just did lunch as friends and that's all. I have an image to keep up with the guys." He smirked. `I bet you do', I said under my breath.

"She can take time off, God knows I owe her plenty, what's her problem?" I changed the subject.

"She just said she was busy today that's all, but I think we are having a coffee in the tearoom." I looked over at Eva's station she was deep in conversation with her client.

"She must have something important to do then, it looks like you're on your own then."

"No, I wanted to ask you if you would have lunch with me. I got nothing to do today, and it would be awesome for us to have a catch-up lunch," I laughed at his face.

"Now you're getting desperate and making me feel like I'm the booby prize, without the boobies."

"I didn't mean it like that, I have been meaning to ask you to lunch for a while, just mates having a bite to eat that's all." His eyes shone in the salon light, it was so hard to resist them, and his face was red from blushing.

"Well you lucked out on this one too mate, I have another bank appointment at one, and I have to leave very soon. Sorry Kasey but not today, maybe some other time." I lied.

"Can I have your number then, I'll warn you next time."

"Sure, no problem." I wrote it down for him then I had to leave before I melted into a blubbering mess in front of everyone.

I didn't like lying to him, but I didn't want Eva to think we had a strong connection either, so lunch was out for now. I don't screw with my friends would be partners, it's not the right thing, and anyway I was trying to force myself to be less and less interested in Kasey as the weeks have gone by, but I'm failing miserably, he did look awesome today.

I washed up after he walked over to talk to Eva again, they both went into the tearoom. I walked out the front door and down the road. Forgetting to cross the road I looked up and there they were three army guys standing on the pathway. I went to the curb to cross the road then I saw one of them do a cutthroat move as he stared at me. It was the one that banged into me at the café.

I started shaking as I tried to move quickly through the shoppers and I found a park bench hidden away from the lunchtime crowd then the tears started. I was all alone and scared for my safety, and didn't want to say anything to Kasey about it because they are all mates and he wouldn't believe me anyway.

It was my fault, I had fallen for his image. I say image because I didn't know what he was like inside. A hunk in tight camouflage pants is who I fell for, and I chastised myself for even letting it all get to me so hard. And I knew I would never forget my Kasey with a K as much as I try.

I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, a good cry always makes me feel better. After an hour I slowly walked back to work, no sign of anyone outside the fed building. I am very lucky I have great staff because they would have shouldered my customers whether I was coming back or not, I always had one girl or guy on call for any emergency.

Trish stared at me when I walked in, then she opened her drawer and handed me some eye drops, I went straight to the bathroom and dosed my eyes up. They were instantly clear but felt a bit puffy when I walked back to her.

"Thanks, Trish, I needed that."

"She's put him off Adam, she's not all that interested in dating someone in the forces anyway. That's not her thing... apparently." She shrugged her shoulders.

"She dumped him, how?"

"Just after you walked out, they had coffee together in the tearoom, and she had a good talk to him. She's just not into him, and she doesn't want him turning up at her work thinking she will drop everything to go out with him."

"Oh, I suppose I had better shut up then, I thought they were good friends though."

"I think they were, and still are, but she wanted to knock it on the head before he thought something serious was going to happen between them, lunch was just that Adam, lunch."

"I'm a big idiot Trish, I should have known better than to lust after the unobtainable." I dropped my head.

"Yes, I agree with you there, but sometimes we don't have a choice. We are drawn in hook line and sinker to unusual situations that we think would never happen to us. In your case Adam, he's right up your alley, he's top of your list of men to love. Don't you think you should lower your expectations a little, there's plenty of guys around that would love to make you happy. And better-looking ones than Kasey I might add." She touched my hand, and she touched my heart, she truly was a good friend.

"Who have I got next Trish?"

"No one, it's all been taken care of, why don't you head home and have a good soak. We will see you tomorrow."

"Thank you kiddo." I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek then I said my goodnights and left the salon for the day.

I sat with the TV on and was thinking about my life up to date, I haven't had a regular boyfriend, but I never find it hard to find company when I'm around other like-minded people. No one has ever asked me for a real date or asked if they could come home with me, maybe I'm destined to sleep alone forever. Even today I was as mad as hell, he didn't call me by his pet name, even that had blown away to be lost in the madness of it all. I missed hearing it on his lips and I missed him too. Adam stop it! he's not for you, you're one crazy fucked up person.

I watched a news broadcast about home raids in Sydney, the police had bomb experts working with them. I watched as a guy in a blast suit carefully entered one house. The newsreader concluded that the Federal police had made several arrests and some unarmed home-made bombs had been deactivated. I knew it was Kasey in that outfit.

I slept well, but when I woke I had a sudden urge to take the day off work. I think I needed to get back to my old routine again, you know to find my old self. I left a message on the answering machine at work then I readied myself to have some breakfast at the café downstairs. I didn't have a clue what I was going to do, but I felt I would call into some obscure pop shop and rummage through their vintage wares. Maybe I will go and watch a movie, something, anything to get my brain back into some kind of order. I had found a table far away from the front door just in case some idiots decided to invade my space again, fortunately, I was left alone.

I had finished my morning meal and started walking down the street. I had a giggle because I wanted to walk past the salon and wave to Trish without stopping. The further I got the greater the crowd and I tried to blend in with them. I passed the salon and did my thing, whether she saw me or not didn't faze me one bit. I was just about to go around to my favorite shopping alleyway when I saw a familiar face climbing out of an SUV he was all dressed in full battle gear, bulletproof vest, holding an automatic gun and helmet, they all looked so menacing. I had to stop to let them past, I suppose they are guarding someone or something. I put my head down and as they walked past Kasey looked at me and I said.

"Gidday." It was just in passing, and he did see me coming down the street. That was when my world was about to be turned upside down, I immediately knew I had done the wrong thing.

He looked my way but didn't acknowledge me, his face went beetroot as he turned his back and walked off, but unfortunately, his mates had seen me, especially the horrible one who held his hand up and made a shooters hand gesture, so I quickly turned away and headed down the alley. You are a fuckwit sometimes Adam, you should have known he would have been embarrassed. It wasn't because I looked or acted gay it was because I stood out from the crowd. I shook it all off and slowly did some window shopping but nothing caught my eye, so I started up another street, then another and after some lunch, I slowly walked around the city then went home empty-handed.

I was dog tired when I got in, and after I checked my answering machine I was, at last, running a bath. It wasn't until later when I checked my phone I saw the message from Kasey.

`Adam please don't acknowledge me when I'm at work, it complicates my job.'

I thought about saying some smart assed thing but in the end, I have to let it go, I have to let him go, so I just sent him a thumbs-up emoji and a wink.

I rang Trish while I was in the tub, she was just leaving for home, she had worked back for an hour. She had a bride in that wanted a dry run on her hairdo for her big day.

"How was today?"

"Good, Trish I walked by and waved."

"Yes I just caught you, and you didn't wave you gave me the finger." She laughed.

"No, I didn't I wouldn't do that." I laughed.

"Well, it sounds better than a wave Adam. We had a good day, I will send you the totals when I get home."

"Thank you, Trish, I will see you tomorrow, having a day off is so boring."

"Your friend popped in dressed in full battle gear, he was looking for you. I think he frightened some of your customers."

"Yeah, I know what that was all about, thanks."

"Okay see you tomorrow."

I hung up, then I slid down into the big old bathtub, it was heaven, my bruise had appeared fully but the constant aching had stopped, thank God.

After wrapping myself in a fluffy bathrobe I then raided the fridge and found a frozen dinner so I prepared that and popped it in the microwave. I then snuggled up on the sofa and watched some TV.

Next: Chapter 3

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