Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 13, 2022


Adam 39.


The boys woke up and the neighbours were on our doorstep shortly after, they were all watching cartoons while their dad and aunty had a nap, they were very happy for some reason. Dad and mum came out and Kasey had started on his return to military life by rewriting his memory of all the encounters he had down. Dad got a couple of phone calls and told us arrests were being made and potential parents were talked to. The cargo ship had been drained of all its oil and was still laying at the bottom of the sea, I shuddered when he said that, it could easily have been Kasey laying there.

He was smiling to himself and I looked at him, then he looked up and smiled at me.

"I think I got it all Adam,"

"Good." He's back, and I wasn't allowed to read it, but dad did and he was very impressed with the finer detail he said.

Mum made up some rolls for the boys and us, they were hungry. I wasn't, but the men were, dad and Kasey scoffed two each down. Miraculously another block of chocolate appeared and the party was on again. When the cartoons finished it was time to go home, the kids hugged each other and left, our two decided they wanted to watch a movie, so we all sat and watched with them.

"God it is peaceful here." Dad mused.

"Anytime you want to come here just let us know."

"Are you going to buy it?'

"I hope so dad, I have no idea what it's worth but there are funds there to achieve it."

"Business is good then."

"Yes it is dad, and Kase has money so we won't go short."

He looked at Kasey and flicked his ear lobe.

"So what money do you have Major Kasey?"

He started giggling because he hadn't got to that memory back yet, but he will.

"I have no idea, and it's Lieutenant Colonel to you, sir.

"Not yet it isn't."

"I'm sure it's coming up soon sir." He started laughing again, he knows my dad so well, Kasey is only getting what he deserves nothing more, nothing less, what he has done for the military and the government this time is massive.

Billy and Sam decided to sleep on the floor again so Kasey and I will take the bed tonight he has lots of interesting things to teach me, and a little privacy won't be so bad.

Dad's door was left open just in case the kids want to crawl in with them, but ours was closed and when it was, I was properly shafted every which way and some more. We talked while we lay there and his leg was over mine so I was rubbing his inner thigh, I like doing that. He started telling me about his time on the island and how he went out in the boats to help with the fishing. It was a poor village he was staying in and they relied on their carving skills to make any sort of real money. Once a month a buyer would call and take the lot, they paid in coin and provisions which were much needed. He finished by saying he will do something for them as a thank you but he's still thinking about that.

"Adam, there was someone on the island I liked a lot, his name was Ti, he was an orphan kid I grew very fond of."

"Is he house trained?'

"I think so, he slept anywhere he could, mainly he slept with me in the communal house while I was there."

"And you're telling me this because?"

"I don't know, I thought maybe we could do something special for him, like build him a small home, maybe."

"You will have to ask Sam, it's up to him if he wants a brother or not."

"I didn't mean to adopt him, just help him out a bit."

"Sure Kasey, goodnight my love, oh by the way how old is he?"


I kissed him and I could feel him smiling at me. I wasn't sure of this one but I will go along with him, it may be a shock to his island life, but then again Sam had a terrible time before we got hold of him, and he has adapted wonderfully.

"What eighteen? no way." His laughing and tickling started about that time, then he said.

"Remove your hand please Adam." I did what I was told, and I felt that number three for the day is on its way, and the orders are back. Eighteen really, how stupid does he think I am?

After having a late sex-filled night I still woke up feeling refreshed, Adele is looking out for me still, and I lay there just looking at my Kasey. I prayed that he will get all his memory back and we can continue unhindered to be a family. I hoped also that his comments last night were a joke and he didn't sleep with him, well, not every night.

The boys were up and raring to go, they have the morning to play and then Billy has to go home. They begged us for breakfast as soon as we made an appearance, they were in a hurry. I did some boiled eggs and soldiers for them while they made their plans. Kasey came out blushing, he was sporting a boner. He sat at the computer end of the table and placed the tablecloth over my nice view. The room was filling up because mum and dad weren't far off. The kids ate their meal in record time then they both looked at dad.

"Go on, and don't get dirty." he saluted them and they did it back then shot off.

"You know dad Billy can stay if you have to go home, we can drop him off."

"How long will you be here?"

I looked at Kasey and he said.

"A month or two."

I laughed because I knew he was maybe serious.

It was decided after that comment Billy had better accompany mum and dad, then mum looked in the fridge. We did bacon sausages and eggs today, a full breakfast, and we had to get rid of that cooked meat.

Kasey didn't have a printer so he emailed everything he had to dads computer at his work, dad will send it on or print it out.

"Kasey this is all so interesting who is this guy Ti, you want to help?"

I looked at him and said.

"Yes please tell us Kasey who is this Ti?"

He laughed.

"He's about eighteen and has been saving up to build himself and his potential wife a small home on the island. It doesn't cost them much to build, but he said he had been saving since he was small. He does the best carvings on the island and demands cash for his work. He was the only one I got to know better, and he also was the one to give me all his savings, so I could buy my way to Darwin and eventually get to Brisbane."

"So you remembered that, finally, and yes we should pay him back," I said.

"I would like to build him a bigger home than he planned Adam, he helped me when no one else would."

"Done," I said.

"Leave it to me son," Dad said.


"Because we will have people crawling all over the islands soon, a few more tradesmen won't burn the budget, does he have land?"

"Yes dad, he's set up with a nice block overlooking the beach."

"Maybe a few extra rooms for tourists might help him out. He grinned, and if I know my dad it will be more like a hotel when it's finished. He did a good thing for my Kasey, I would like to do something special for him but I think a haircut won't do in this case.

"He needs a mobile phone with satellite connection Adam." Kasey didn't even look at me when he said that, he knows me so well.

"Done," Dad said.

"No dad I want to do something."

"While the guys are there a few satellite phones aren't going to be hard to lose son, leave it to daddy." He winked. Now I'm stuck for something to donate but I guess dads got it covered, for now. I will talk to Kasey in private when dad has gone home.

Breakfast was yummy, and I helped mum clean up then she swept the floor while we talked.

"You know it is going to be dangerous up here in summer, there are many bushfires around this part."

"George was telling Kasey he doesn't worry about them, but he has an emergency pack in the garage ready to go, when or if they have to evacuate. Just the kiddie's baby photos, things that can't be replaced so easily."

"How long has he lived here?"

"About ten years, and he's never once had to leave he said."

She looked at me.

"Mum if we come here in summer we will be very cautious, but I think this is going to be our winter home from now on, we like that the best." I winked.

We finished up and then took a walk over to see what the kids were up to. George was whistling and June was smiling, I think we have lift off.

It was hard to watch Billy leave, it took him ages to say goodbye to his new mates and Sam, they have already set up their play dates for the next month, so I guess he will be teaching Bill how to camp in our lounge room, or his, when the schedule says sleepovers.

We waved them goodbye and went back inside, you know who continued to play next door. Kasey held me for ages and we ended up on the sofa, he started dry humping me while biting at my ear lobe. One thing lead to another and my sweatpants were down and I was being attended to very nicely. I made it last for some time, that was until I got an image of Kasey screwing a very nice-looking island boy, I came long and hard. When it was Kasey's turn I did make him last and my jaw was aching by the time he finished off, I may say it was a very sexy romp.

I fell asleep and Kasey went to his workstation to write some more.

What woke me up was the kids whispering, I think they wanted to watch some tv so I got up and told them I had finished my nap. I needed coffee badly so I put the kettle on, sitting with Kasey I watched as the kids argued over what to watch, they eventually found a John Wayne western playing and proceeded to wow their way through it. I used to love my westerns as a kid, so I had one eye on Kasey and one on the tv. He nudged me with his foot and said.

"The kettles boiling."

I giggled then got up to make us a coffee, I loved this place so much, but the days are going faster and getting shorter. I also felt guilty I wasn't at work, so we won't stay a month maybe another week then I will get back to hiring some more staff. I guess Trish is leaving me alone because I have only had one call from her, maybe I better ring in tomorrow morning.

"What are we having for dinner Adam?"

"I haven't planned anything yet give me a minute."

Sam jumped up and whispered something in Kasey's ear then he pushed his leg a few times.

"Pizza would be nice, saves you cooking."

"Pizza it is." Good because I don't mind the pizzas up here.

He finally got up and made another coffee then went out on the porch I think he's ringing his mum at long last. She was worried but I couldn't help her the way I was, so I left it up to mum and dad to keep her informed, not that there was anything to say anyway.

"Sam you want the same as the other night?"

Yes please daddy it was nice." He will be lonely tomorrow the local kids go back to school and the little one is off to kindy, so there will be no one to play with. I should get him back to his kindy and try to get some sort of routine going again before he goes back, and I also wanted to get him and Kasey doing some father-son stuff before his school opens again.

Kase came in and I asked how his mum was, he said she was feeling better now he had talked to her and she wants us to go there when we get back. She got herself a part-time job at a news agency so she is very happy to be back in the workforce again.

"She is getting Chris to send me the codes for our investment account I can't seem to remember them so I can look and see what I have, how much do you think this cabin will cost?"

"I have no idea except George said he offered Adele three hundred two years ago, knowing her family it will be a bit cheaper but I won't take it for nothing I would rather build something similar down the road."

"Ok, we will revisit it when and if it happens."

"Kase, you have tons of cash so don't sweat it."

"Do I?"

"I thought Maree said four million but I may have heard wrong that may be between the three of you."

"That much, hell I could have done with that money weeks ago."

"You wouldn't have checked into a hotel Kase, you had business to attend to in the car park, or you knew you had something to do."

"You're right as usual, I was offered accommodation but it was far away from the city."

"Maybe you should put all that money to good use and start up a hostel for vets." He stared at me and then opened a packet of Tim Tams, Sam heard the wrapper noise and stood up, Kasey held the packet out and he ran to get one.

"Ok Ok, I will order the pizza my god you both can eat. I rang the shop as I nibbled on a biscuit, I think the guy was very happy with us being here. I guess business was slow in these hills.

I was to find out a lot of things while up there, there was a pizza shop in every little town they had been there for years, so there is business around because the small towns were only five to ten miles apart. Maybe a salon would do well up here, I must ask June.

I had given her my card to bring the boys in any time for cuts, it's only an hour away, and it would be good to see them occasionally. I know Sam will give them a tour of the fed building, maybe they will stay the night, who knows it's early days yet.

Our dinner was delicious, Kasey eyed mine off but I knew he was only joking, he had already polished off two family ones, well, I helped him, Sam had his small one all by himself and he guarded it with his hands.

"When do you think we should go home, Adam?"

"I was thinking that earlier, the local schools reopen tomorrow. Sam doesn't have to be at kindy if he doesn't want to, but he can go back anytime, and I have so much work to do, and a lot of apologies to make. I want Sam to get back to his normal day-to-day routine. Maybe if you don't mind we can go tomorrow or the day after?"

"Ok, that's good we can always come back on the weekend, I need to get back into it also. I want to do some study so I have to go and buy some law books, and Adam, I want us to get back to normal also."

"Okay, it's decided then we go tomorrow lunchtime. But I must say I will miss the pizzas."

"Then we do a cookery course and make them ourselves eh?"

"No need, we have nona Zena to teach us." I wined.

"I forgot about her, yes she will do that for us."

"Just be prepared for some ass pinching." I grinned.

"I like a bit of ass play baby."

"I know you do."

Our last night in our quiet place was spent watching a movie, packing some stuff, and getting cozy on the floor. As per usual Sam was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow, Kasey had other plans and we made love well into the night again.

The morning was also busy, Sam had to go say goodbye to his mates and I did the same with George and June, they thanked us for all the help and promised they will come and stay for a night after the kids are settled back into school. I tossed the leftover meat into the forest, Kasey set the fire to be ready for our return and after we packed up the car, he drove us home. I had no problem with him driving, but he was being cautious.

Sam slept most of the way so we stopped for meccas because he will be hungry when we get in, and I will order up from downstairs for us two.

We hauled our goods up in the supermarket trolley, which I thanked Kasey for. He helped me distribute the stuff to the appropriate rooms and cupboards. I started the washing machine and Sam ate his happy meal. Trish knocked on the door just as I was about to order something to eat, so I yelled out.

"Lasagna for one or two."

"For two thanks Adam, and don't be a smart ass. I will pay the bill when I go by tomorrow."

"You don't have to Trish, it's our pleasure." I laughed. I hugged her and as always she smelt wonderful she asked about our time away as she looked at Kasey.

"About ninety percent Trish, the rest are in numbers and passwords I think," I told her.

"That is so good Adam, and how about you Sammy did you have fun when you were away?" Wrong question because he was sitting on her knees in no time giving her a blow-by-blow description of his holiday, she rolled her eyes just as Evans walked in. They did something they usually don't and saluted each other. Usually, they don't bother with formalities but this time it was Kasey that instigated it. Evans was ok with it, he understands these things more than we know, when Kasey was missing I could tell he was very worried about him, and on many an occasion I caught him on the balcony deep in thought. I opened the wine and Trish answered the door, the food was wonderful and very familiar. I will get Zena to show me how to make an old-fashioned pizza at some stage.

We talked a lot about work while Kase and Evans caught up with some military gossip, Sam had gone to sleep. I shifted him into his bed and kissed my brave little soldier goodnight. Trish was telling me that someone had dropped their cv off and I was to look at it, she was a friend of Lucy's from the drag show.

"I think you should give her a ring Adam, it reads well and she has had a lot of experience in the salon's she has worked in."

"I will ring her tomorrow then, was there something you have left out?"

"Not at the moment lovely, it will be good to have you back and in one piece again. Ummm, there is something I would like to ask you."

"So you finally want to shift back to the city salon?"

"Well, I live here now, and now winter has arrived it's going to be tough to get to work." She giggled.

"Have you someone in mind to take over the bookings?"

"Well, yes I have actually. Ethans got experience and he's very good with the customers, we can trust him."

"Do what you want Trish, it will be good to be working with you again, I missed you a lot." And I did miss her.

So there's my one apprentice and two staff members done, I can now go back with a full crew and a happy heart.

We checked in on Sam he was sleeping peacefully, my clothes had been removed just after they had left, and Kasey was familiarising himself with my body. Before Trish left Kasey had a stern word with her.

"Do something about the grey Trish, I want it done first thing, and keep an eye on it." She saluted him and answered.

"Yes sir."

"I kind of like it Kasey."

"Never going to happen, you have an image to maintain so maintain it." He grinned as he relieved me of a big pent-up load.

He crawled in around two and Kasey pulled him in, kissed his head and they went off to sleep. Sam is still watching him and several times I told him he's not going away again, I even pulled out Kasey's contract and shoved it in his face.

"Read this again." Which he did.

"Looks perfectly all right to me." He grinned.

"Well explain contracts to your son, he's worried."

"Coming up boss." He did that chore and Sam was much more relaxed after that, I wasn't all that convinced.

We spent the next three days talking and the more we talked Kasey slipped back to where he was before he left, passwords were remembered and many emails were written after he had a grasp on what his life was like. We visited his mum and sister and had a great day in her new home, she said she hadn't heard from Kasey's dad and she didn't expect to, everything had been sorted out and he won't get his hands on any money but he will get half the house, she smiled when she said that, he will have to move out.

I left Sam with Kasey, he will walk him to school today. I unlocked the salon door and stepped inside, those familiar scents were back and I took them in gratefully. Switching on the urn and placing buns in the big plastic container I sat quietly and had coffee just to take it all in again. My solitude was broken when Eva turned up, we hugged and she had tears as we caught up. When Anne arrived I tried to apologize, but there was no way they would accept it, so I stopped trying. Tim held me the longest, and my new apprentice Lynnie was all smiles as she also hugged me. James and Marko did the same and Trish was last, with a big grin on her face.

"Are you manning the reception area, Trish?"

"Yes I sure am Adam, you're doing walkins for a few days, then we will get you back to work. Maybe it will be a good idea if you use your station again and not be stuck out the back."

I agreed, it's time I got back to some real work.

The past months have been hard on everyone and I will take steps to make sure if it happens again there's enough staff to cope with it. Firstly I have to ring Gloria I need to talk to her first before she's hired.

"Leave that for now Adam we have some business to attend to." She took me over to her station and then started mixing the dye. I wanted to keep it but my man wants my color back.

It didn't take long and as she dried it I noticed a young man in baby blue step through the door and he looked delicious. I could see he was well decked out for me to take for his lover. He said hello to everyone as he passed then he kissed me. He played with my hair and told Trish she did a good job and that she is to maintain it for me.

"Sam get there okay?"

"Yes baby, all happy again. I have to go see the commander so I thought I would pop in just to see how you are doing."

"I'm doing fine Kase, are you sure you want to get back to work yourself?"

"Yes, I think everything is okay now, and I hate being at home on my own."

"At least you are not stuck in a small office on your own."

"Adam, I want to ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Can I bring my laptop here and work in your tea room?"

"Anytime Kase, it will be nice to have you around."

"Good, because I missed you this morning."

I think my Kasey is uncomfortable being on his own for now and I don't blame him, he needs people around him.

"Where do you go to get your books?"

"I can get some second-hand ones at the school, the commander said he will try and chase some up through the legal department, I have to give him the list."

"Let me look at it."

I looked there were six volumes to start with and that will slowly build as his studies get more into it.

"If he doesn't get them all I can ring our friend the lawyer she might know of a place."

"I am worried I won't remember what I have learned."

"You will just reread your emails a bit it seems you have to be shown the information to remember, it makes sense Kase you're photographic memory will do the rest."

He kissed me and left saying goodbye to everyone by name. I will run his request by the staff they must have a say in it all.

I spoke to Lynnie she was just like Janice all excited and bubbly and from what I heard she's going to ace this apprenticeship. After asking her many questions my first walk-in arrived for a shave, which I gladly did then I rang Gloria.

She sounded lovely and knew salon speak as I sort of interviewed her over the phone. She was single and available, and if I want she has photos of herself to send. I didn't want that but I wanted her to start as soon as possible. We set it up for two days, she won't be thrown in the deep end and can do the cuts and dyes. I moved to the desk and told Trish and she started moving some customers over for her to do.

With all that done I went back to work and did four more walk-ins, my morning had quickly passed by and Lynnie, or cute lunch girl was asking me for my order. I ordered for Kasey because he will be back soon, I hope.

She scuttled off and I smiled at Marko, he was watching her.

"She's eager to please you boss she loves it here." He winked.

"Well she is adorable and there's no need for her to worry about anything, has she started at school yet?" I had been out of it and didn't know, I left all that up to Trish.

"Yes Adam, and loving it." He grinned then my man walked in.

"Did you get it done?"

"Yes Adam they are going to send them down on the next shipment, I told them to deliver them here if you don't mind."

"That's fine Kase, I will make some room for you in the storeroom." I had worded up the girls and boys about him being here and they understood, and if I know Kasey he will be back at home when he feels more comfortable, the constant interruptions will drive him crazy here.

We had lunch together and he was at a loose end so I set him up at my station and we talked, he said he felt his memory was fully back but he won't know for sure until he starts studying again. He has feelings it's all still in there somewhere, and he knows he is good at studying. I reassured him he was good at many things and study was on the list.

We bantered back and forth, he moved over one station and I did a private's locks, as usual, he had grown it a little longer and wanted a new look, Kasey didn't know him but by the time he left they were old friends.

"Adam, can we go for a walk?"

"Of course, after you."

I told Trish I was taking Kase for a walk then we will pick Sam up and probably go on home. I didn't like leaving her but she was okay about it she wants us to have as much time together as possible.

He took me on a tour of the laneways, it was when he stopped at an ATM I realized what he wanted to do, he drew out some money, and whenever he saw someone begging he would toss twenty dollars into the hats or cups. There wasn't a lot maybe five and he said he didn't know them but will help when he can. We stopped at a small cafe and had coffee, I got a cake for Sam. We sat inside because it was a bit chilly out there.

"Are you all right Adam? Do you need to talk to someone?"

"I'm fine now Kasey, it was touch and go for a while but I got through it. The only person I want to talk to is you, so don't stress all good with me."

"I was talking to the commander and he told me a few things, and I am sorry Adam, I didn't think it would have affected you as it did."

"It was the not knowing that drove me nuts. I knew you would try your best to come home to us, it was the, when, that annoyed me."

"Well I'm here now, and will try and make it up to you."

"You already have in all sorts of ways, but the best is to see your smile again, I missed that also and I think it's fully back."

He smiled and said.

"It is."

We talked some more he remembered his PIN for the bank and found his little black book with almost everything he needed to know about finances written in it, he's a stickler for making notes.

We got our take away and walked up to Sam's kindy the receptionist he knew by name and he also collected a hug from her.

"When you feel better we will get that talk on the military from you, Kasey."

"What talk?"

"The daddy project you did with Sammy." He was deep in thought then the dimples arrived and he looked at me and burst out laughing.

"I guess I remembered it, I will give you a heads up when I'm ready Angela."

"You do that." She smiled at me and pushed a button to sound the alarm that kindy was finished for the day. It wasn't anything he did except standing there with his blue uniform and cap on but when the kids started coming out of the classroom they almost bowled him over trying to touch and shake his hand. They wanted to welcome Sam's daddy home, he was the last to get to Kasey and jumped up into his arms receiving many kisses.

He got a shoulder ride on the way home and also eyed off the box I was carrying, he found out what it was when we got inside, the cream cake was delicious, he told me several times.

He sat and rang Billy and they made sure they were watching the same cartoons then they talked away about their holiday. I made coffee and Kasey turned his computer on, he was reading something he had been sent then he went to get some printer paper and started writing on it.

"More school work Kase?"

"No, something the general wants me to look into." He started reading again then stopped to look at me.

"It's okay local stuff."

"That's all right then, I should give dad a ring it's been a while since I read him the rules." I laughed.

I had bought some chicken fillets and we can have them with veggies tonight, so I got up and started preparing them.

My phone rang and it was Mr. Walsham the lawyer, I went into the bedroom to talk and he advised me that the family do indeed want to sell off the property and it will cost me two fifty. I didn't try to argue with him he said they knew that I wouldn't take it for free, so they placed a fair price on it. I said we would take it and thanked him sincerely. As he said only my family would be trusted to look after it and hopefully Sam's family into the future. I hung up after making an appointment with them for Monday morning. Kasey was still writing away on his note paper and Sam had finished his call, I restarted peeling veggies and grabbed a steamer to do them in, then I lit the oven. I heard a clicking noise, it was Kasey snapping his fingers. He wasn't looking at me just snapping away.

"What is it, do you want more coffee?"

"No, who was on the phone?" I giggle I can't get anything passed him.

"They want two fifty for the cabin I told them we would take it, we have an appointment Monday morning at nine-thirty." He made a noise and wrote that information down.

"Good price baby."

"The best." and that was it, that's the way business is done at our place now.

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Next: Chapter 40

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