Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Apr 28, 2023


Adam 64


Finally, the day has arrived and my new workmate Ethan will be coming in. I had once again dressed to impress, my boots weren't very salon friendly but they did complete my bad boy look. He walked into the tea room and I was introduced. He seemed quite nice, and no, he wasn't in my league but I can see the potential. I got Gloria to show him the ropes and he already knew James and Marko from the clubs. I think he will be a good fit for all of us. He spent the morning getting familiar with all the nick knacks and he helped Lynnie when we got busy. Gloria and he laughed and I did see him take a sneaky peek at my husband's ass when he walked in.

Sam was tucked away at kindy, and Kase was about to tackle some editing. Mick and his gang had done some already and they had asked Kase if he wanted to try it.

"So they are teaching you how to edit today?"

"Yes Adam I have been reading up on it, and the programs nowadays are very straightforward, and easy to use. I would let Mick do it all but he may miss something important."

"You wouldn't have much at the moment."

"Plenty Adam, there is tons of footage because everyone's phones have a different aspect."

"I see, and how much of that footage is of me?"

"Lots, you're the main character, Chloe is the star but you and Jimmy are the narrators so's to speak."

"I haven't done much."

"You sat with Chloe and told her all about your friendship with Adele, the way she liked her hair done, her makeup, her clothes, and even her home."

"But that was just background noise."

"Yes and it was important you did that, we have to get Jimmy talking about her, he knows much more."

"Well, I wish you luck."

"It will all fall into place and we can go back and fill in the gaps, it's so interesting."

I wasn't sure about Jimmy but he did say it's been a load off his shoulders.

He left and I went to talk to Trish, she is having dinner up the hills tonight so I wanted to know if she is taking the afternoon off.

"No, Joe is picking me up at five Adam. I have a change of clothes here and will get Eva to toss my hair around." She giggled.

"Okay as long as you will be okay."

"I will be fine it's informal so I don't have to get all dressed up."

I went back to my station and a soldier walked in. I wasn't quick enough because Ethan was right onto him, he needed a cut and shave, at that moment I felt a small pang of jealousy, well it is my job sort of.

Tim needed a hand when I walked out the back so I grabbed a wig and head, looked at the photos, and started on it. I worked up until lunchtime then Kasey returned.

Pies today and plenty of sauce, he was grinning and I knew something was up.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"In a minute Adam, I was just thinking you look really good on film."

"So you have been perving on me."

"Yes, the footage is intimate and amazing."

"When do I see it?"

"Soon, we have to check if there is a better angle first."

"Don't forget to get my ass in it and if you want a nude scene, I'm up for it anytime." I grinned.

Lunch was nice as usual and Joe came and sat with Trish while she ate, he had to leave early for a meeting but at least he made the effort. She started getting ready early, I saw two outfits hanging in the changing room and Eva was doing her hair. The makeup was applied by Gloria and she looked a million dollars when she decided on a very nice outfit.

"Just a low-key meal with the in-laws hey Trish?"

"I always look like this Adam."

"Sure you do," I smirked.

I took another young man in uniform before Ethan could grab him and gleefully smiled inside, this is fun.

I said my goodnights to everyone and left with Kasey when he called back, he told me he was doing a good job editing. Of course, when I looked at what he has been working on it was all me, from start to finish it was me. He even had one small movie of Sam which delighted him when he saw it.

"I think we will have hot dogs tonight Kase, can we go to the butchers on the way home?"

"Walk this way, Adam." He bounced Sam on his shoulders and started wobbling side to side, I followed him towards the shops, and Sam giggled.

At home we watched his edited movies and Sam loved his so much he had to show his friends, so he sat at the table with his bears and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves, so he said.

I rang mum and asked her what day she was coming up to the cabin, and we talked about food and what to take. Kasey kept looking at the kitchen and I threw my hands in the air and said.

"We eat now I guess." He rubbed his hands together.

I had baby ones for Sam and plenty of tomato sauce, which they both like. The buns were fresh and I buttered them while they both watched me. We ate early and by five-thirty, we were laying in front of the tv watching a wildlife program. Kasey had slid down behind me and Sam was lounging on the extended part, that's his comfy spot. The computer had been forgotten tonight, I think he is pretty much burnt out for the day.

We did have a great night, it was a very unusual setup because we were alone and together. Sam decided we better go camping just in case we forgot how to do it, I wondered if his fascination with it was from sleeping anywhere he could when he wasn't with us and this is his way of reliving it. The only difference now is he has his daddies to cuddle him.

"Let's cuddle up and have an early night," Kasey suggested.

Sam was asleep in no time and Kasey was mucking around in my shorts, he finally hit the spot and I gasped as he slipped into me.

In the morning the tv woke me up. Sam had turned it on and Kasey was nowhere to be found. He came out of the bathroom and made the coffee and milo for Sam, then he got under the covers with me.

"Are you going to open the cabin salon when we are there?"

"No, I am going to stick to the plan, one weekend a month. But it's not set in concrete if anyone wants to call by we can do it."

"When is Billy arriving?"

"Saturday morning papa," Sam said.

"Good he will have a lot of fun, I will get Joe to take them to the farm if he's not busy."

"I have to learn to ride a horse daddy."

"So you do I forgot that." I smiled.

Trish arrived shortly after we had showered, Joe was not long behind her so I made some eggs on toast for everyone.

Her big family dinner was a success, they all sat in the pizza cafe to eat. She told me Chloe and Joe are going to give his mum a private tour of the museum next week, and she admitted she was a little overdressed.

"You don't need to impress her baby, she already likes you." Joe kissed her cheek.

"So does half the town, all through the night people were calling in for pickups and they all knew me by name. It was almost like someone had announced that we were there dining out." She giggled.

"That's because everyone likes you, and so do I. The word always gets around fast in that town." He's got it bad, surely there's something about him that's not so perfect.

Friday afternoon finally arrived and we headed for the cabin.

The hot water was turned on and Sam checked in next door. I could hear the screaming and when I was loading up the fridge they were all heading for the hut. I liked them to play there because I can watch them. Kasey took the bucket of KFC out to them and they sat on their makeshift boxes to eat. The bears had been seated on the couch, they were watching them also.

Mum Billy and dad will be here tomorrow morning and Trish and Joe will be here soon, they are staying the night then tomorrow night at the farm. Kasey set his laptop up and sat with a big piece of chicken in his hand. The kids decided it was time for some tv so they barged in and took up their positions in front of it. I handed out a bar of small chocolate to them all, then decided that pizza will be the better choice for dinner.

I checked the salon and there were three notes, so I will ring them later on. I can do them tomorrow while the others are at the farm. I also wanted to go see Rhoda, she needs to do my cards again and I wondered if she could do Sams but maybe he's too little.

Kasey has set up his camcorder, it doesn't take photos only videos. He is saving it for the farm but I think his pop will be taking most of the footage.

"What are you working on Kasey?"

"Joe's investments still, it hasn't had an overhaul in years. I think he went with what his dad was doing by the looks of it."

"So how wealthy is he?"

"I can't tell you, Joe has sworn me to secrecy."

"How mean is that?" I pouted.

"Not mean Adam, he knows you tell Trish everything and doesn't want her to know about it. He thinks it will change her and he likes her the way she is."

"Shades of the last girlfriend, he must have told her, or she found out. Surely he knows she's not like that by now, sure she likes money but she's not a gold digger."

"I told him that and he said if it comes up in conversation he will tell her but at the moment he is being cautious. He's loaded that's all you need to know."

"Thank you." I smiled to myself.

I called the phone numbers on the notes and all three were urgent for tomorrow morning if I could fit them in. I gave them a time, and was rewarded with a genuine thank you, I had saved their lives.

I opened a wine and went to find a nice spot on the couch with the bears. The kids were all on the floor under the sleeping bags now. I have no idea why they all do that because it is warm in here. Kasey had told me we can shut it off over the summer but not yet, it still gets a little chilly at night.

It was Trish's voice that woke me up, I had fallen asleep and she and Joe had arrived. I listened to their voices then I opened my eyes, The boys had headed for the hut and I moaned.


"Your awake, I sent the kids outside so they didn't disturb you. Did you sleep well?" Kase asked.

"Yes thank you." I rubbed my face and stood up to go to the bathroom, I kissed Trish on the way through and almost patted Joe's fine ass but he got a shoulder rub instead.

When I came out Trish was having a wine and Joe was sitting with my husband. He was reading something on the screen and nodding.

"So this is the new version?"

"If you agree I will print it out for you to hand to your accountant."

"Come for a walk Adam," Trish said.

We took the bottle and went to the chill area, she told me she wanted Kasey and Joe to talk freely. She knows what he is working on and it's important Joe understands it all.

"So how do you know?'

"I was there when he asked him to look it over remember, and the phone calls and messages weren't very hush-hush. He is working on Joe's finances so I want to let them have some privacy."

"Exactly spot on."

"And?" She gave me a quizzical look.

"He's loaded but Kasey won't tell me because he knows I will tell you. So all I got was, he's loaded."

"I knew that it's the "how" loaded I am interested in."

"Who knows, he will tell you but he likes you the way you are, he thinks it will change you."

"You know me better than that. It won't change me one iota."

"I know, but he doesn't. Why are you so interested anyway?"

"Because it may influence my decision." She grinned.

"And what decision is that?"

"He asked me to marry him last night." That evil Trish grin has appeared.

I screamed so loud the birds cleared the area on mass.

"It's too early Adam, I don't know him, and I guess he has many secrets, but he seems so perfect for me."

"What you see is what you get Trish, don't look for any faults because believe me, I have been watching him and there is none. Furthermore, Kasey agrees with me, and he knows stuff about people." I grabbed her and kissed her cheek, then I hugged her tight. I was so happy for my friend I could have screamed, again.

"I take it by all the yelling Adam, she told you?" Joe and Kasey arrived.

"Yes, and I am so happy for the both of you." I then grabbed him and kissed his cheeks. I saw Kasey out of the corner of my eye and stopped short of destroying Joe's mouth with my tongue.

"So what was your answer?"

"I said yes of course." She giggled.


"When I'm ready Adam and not a minute before." She smiled at Joe.

"She's thinking about it Adam, I can wait but I don't think mum and Chloe can, last I heard they were looking at wedding dresses." Trish groaned.

We celebrated the announcement I was told to keep it under my hat for a while. Trish is only being cautious, I think she wants to get it right this time, but she doesn't see what I see, they are so right for each other.

I heard a voice and George was talking to the boys, he came our way and Kasey gave him a beer. He was telling us the boys are hanging around here too much, and he wanted them to sleep in their beds tonight. Kase insisted they stay with us, so George got his answer he and June will go out for dinner then.

"It's not a problem George if Sam is here, so are your boys, we don't mind in the least, he has no one at home except Billy sometimes. So it's a treat for him."

"Well at least let me pay for some dinners then." He handed Kasey a fifty and it was tucked into his pocket. We would gladly pay for them but pride is pride, and George doesn't want them bludging off us.

He left and the kids invaded us, the talk was all about the farm when Sam sat on Joe's knees. I told Trish we had three ladies in the morning she didn't complain and if she did I would do them on my own.

Kasey pulled me in and we cuddled for a while, he was telling me he has sent all the work he had completed to Canberra, they wanted to check it out before he does his final reading.

"That was quick Kase, do you think they will understand it?"

"It's a lot better than what it was Adam, but I still have more to do. I think they are excited about it but between me and you, I hope they don't want me to overhaul every bloody law it's painful." He laughed.

"Me too, I want you to get some lawyering practice I recon that would excite you more."

"Nothing excites me more than being with you."

"Me too."

I snuggled up closer, Joe moaned because he still had Sam on his knees. The pizzas were ordered and the kids sat waiting for their treats, I doubt whether the bears were interested but they sat quietly on the sofa. The screaming was heard before he even got to the door, mum and dad had decided to come early and Billy wanted in. All the kids went to greet him and I rang the pizza shop to add to the order.

It was good to see them both and as I hugged them Sam was thrown over dads shoulders to be jiggled for a moment then he was released to go play. Billy hugged my legs and then Kasey picked him up and kissed his face, he leaned over to get one from Trish, and Joe he wasn't certain about, but kissed him anyway.

I told mum dinner was ordered and she put Billy's backpack into Sam's bedroom.

The moment he sat down dad asked Kase what he was working on and he replied he was finishing up a client's investment portfolio.

"I have sent the other stuff off to them in Canberra dad, you will know the results before I do probably."

"Only because I will ask son, you know what a busybody I am." He chuckled and Billy watched him, he was smiling and so was I.

"So what prompted this early visit mum?"

"The yelling, the dummy spit, the absolute destruction of his room." She laughed.

"I see, well it's good to see you all anyway."

I looked at Billy, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, and he was very happy to see his mates.

"I think he thinks they will go to the farm without him, that was the catalyst."

Joe was listening and he said.

"We would have waited, but they may have missed the birth it's about to happen sometime tonight."

"What birth?" I asked.

"There is a cow in labor. I was hoping she will hold off until tomorrow but I just got a message that she has started. Doesn't matter it's a common occurrence and they will get to see it one day."

"Good, they will like that."

"The boys next door have seen many births, they come to the farm with their school sometimes. You should take him to the Alpaca farm, that's interesting."

"I did the lady's hair the first day and she did invite us there."

"She's lovely and makes the kids feel very welcome, give her a call."

"I might do that, something different for them to do and see."

The air shifted when the delivery guy appeared on the screen. Joe and Kasey went to grab the pile of boxes and pay I presume. The kids were first and Sam's was still the same he doesn't like to mix them up, and he may not like a different combination.

Mum and I organized the marshmallows, we will do them outside and after that, the kids will be getting ready for bed.

I had the opportunity to sit with Joe in our chill-out area, Trish and mum were supervising the kids, so I asked.

"Joe, I am curious, why did you even date the other lady if she was so crazy?

"She wasn't Adam, not at first she was very sweet. I used to see her at the big department store in town when I went to buy clothes. It was around a month after we started dating she changed. A work colleague told her my situation and she decided I wasn't spending nearly enough on her. Hence the big ideas about living in Fiji or Spain she also decided the restaurants in Brisbane were crap and she wanted to fly to Sydney for dinner occasionally. I couldn't cope with it so I dumped her. I hadn't asked her to marry me that was all a lie spread by her, so when she tried to sue she was told there was no case."

"Crazy lady she could have had it all if she had just kept her trap shut."

"Well I don't want to get into the same situation with Trish, I know she is more down to earth than Chris was and Adam I do love her very much and yes I want to spoil her but not yet."

"She feels the same Joe it won't be long before the arrangements will be made." I giggled.

"Mum will see to that, she is kind of infatuated with her."

"Maybe she sees things differently like she sees a little of herself in Trish."

"Maybe Adam, mum is very down to earth, sure she can do business like any other land owner but she is very much grounded."

"Like Trish." I nodded.

The kids were looking tired so it was time for bed, I knew when they put their heads on their pillows they would be off to sleep. Billy was the last one to nod off, he isn't going to miss a thing.

We sat and talked for another hour and then it was time for us to start moving. Kasey and dad had taken one of the bunk beds apart and sat two singles together, they wanted to be nearer to Bill just in case. Dad said he wanted to watch the lights before he went to sleep and also wanted to let Trish and Joe have the bigger bedroom upstairs. I talked to Kasey about the bedroom and the boys not using it he said that mum suggested we get a king-size bed for that room and ditch the double-decker ones, makes sense to do that. I will ask June if she wants them other than that we can donate them to the goodwill shop up the road.

He started on my neck and didn't let up until he was sucking on my toes, it was a mammoth night of making love, but it's a duty? and I loved doing it.

Mum was up with the kids and they were sitting around the table eating some eggs on toast. The tv had been switched on but no one was watching it. They were planning their day, the boys will go home and do some school work then they will play when Sam and Bill get back. I think mum and dad are going with them, they will meet Joe's sister and mum while there. I went to the toilet and made coffee for Kasey, then I sat at the table listening to their conversation. Kase arrived and the first thing he did was kiss Sam and me then the laptop went on.

"You should come with us Adam, it's nice there."

"I got work Kasey, I can go another time."

"I can teach you to ride daddy," Sam said.

"I will hold you to that, maybe in a few year's baby,"

"Okay daddy, just let me know first." The kids laughed, they knew he was joking.

A cartoon appeared and they disappeared from the table, Trish and Joe arrived along with dad, the second shift is here.

"Dad, sometime today will you help Kasey drag that big bed down here and take the bunks upstairs for me?"

"Sure son, I think that's a better idea I doubt Sam or the boys will use them, they like being together."

"Well it was a good idea and we may offer them to the goodwill, or June, she may be able to use them."

"No don't do that, they are new, so I will buy them from you." Joe interrupted.

"If you can use them you can have them," I replied.

"I will buy them, we are always looking for bunks for the cabins. I will get the guys to pick them up this afternoon if you like."

"That okay with you Kasey?"

"It sure is, we can get another bed for upstairs when we get around to it."

"How much?"

"Twenty-five dollars each Joe, or you shout the pizzas tonight."

"We won't be here we are staying at the farm."

"Can we talk money later on, but yes take them."

Will you be able to get the big bed down the stairs?" I asked.

"Yes, down outside steps, in here then the bedroom easy as," Kasey said.

I didn't think of that I guess Kasey will have it down and made up in no time. Mum was cooking the grown-up breakfasts and that bacon smelt very nice, I got up to help and landed the toast-making job. She said they slept okay but they like a bigger bed just in case Billy wants to crawl in.

"We will fix that, today mum."

"I think you will find the boys will use the big bed sometimes too, the bunks are good space savers but that's not what they are used to."

"I think your right mum, when Jimmy stayed last week he slept on the trundle, not the best of beds to have on offer."

She dumped a stack of bacon on a platter along with eggs and tomato and mushrooms, then she put aside three plates for us and I started filling them up.

"Trish come get your breakfast." She did that and the rest was placed on the table and the feeding frenzy started. I smiled because Kasey was shoveling it down as fast as he could.

"Kase it's not a race, slow down."

"Is there any more?"

"No," Mum said.

He slowed down.

A face appeared on the tv and my first customer had arrived. I went up to attend to her and she was very nice and grateful. She had a big date tonight and needed a cut and style to impress her new man.

I chatted about the cabin and the kid's playground and when Trish came by to lend a hand, they chatted about Joe and the dairy.

"And what was Chloe all dressed up for, we are all hanging out to know why?"

"It's a project she's working on for someone, it involves her dressing in vintage clothes."

"I see so she's making a movie?"

"Well not quite, she is just helping a friend out with their collection of vintage clothes. I think he's photographing her." Trish tactfully said. The lady bought it and didn't mention it again because she had bigger fish to fry.

"Any wedding plans yet Trish?" She almost dropped her brush. But yet again she was ready for the question.

"You will all be the first to know when he asks me, I will announce it on the local page."

"He hasn't asked you yet, what a slow poke."

"He is a bit." She laughed.

She looked wonderful when she left and she also sat in her car texting or was she placing a comment on that page?

My boys were ready, and dad and Kasey got them belted up in the cars.

"Go on you go with them."

"I don't want to leave you, Adam."

"I'm a big boy Trish, my next lady will be here soon then the other one is after lunch."

"If you don't mind I think I will go. I want to see Chloe anyway."

"Just go and have a good time Trish, don't worry about me so much." I walked out with her and said my goodbyes to the kids and Kasey, Sams's face was priceless, he had the biggest smile on it.

I watched them drive off and went back inside to make a coffee, I had just put the milk in when another car pulled up.

Having done my duty the other client will be three hours away so I said my goodbyes to a lovely local lady and cleaned up, then I closed up and went inside.

I tinkered with my phone and then opened the laptop, I was looking for the Solitaire game that Kasey and Sam had been playing.

I have no idea what happened but his email opened and a new one came through. Please believe me I don't go snooping because Kasey usually tells me anyway if it's important. The subject was Sam Casey. I toyed with opening it and I knew Kasey will know if I did, so I closed it and went to find more coffee and some biscuits. I won't snoop but it did have Sam's name on it.

I walked into the spare room and started folding the blanket and sheets that were on the bunks and placed them in the corner, I will ask Joe if he wants them, but I had better get everything ready for his men to take when they get here.

The next thing I did was much the same to the big bed in the upstairs one, and as I took the bundle downstairs and promptly took a wrong step and unceremoniously fell in a heap down the staircase landing on top of the covers. I felt the searing pain in my ankle and screamed quite loudly as I tried to pull myself over to the table. I knew it wasn't broken because it looked straight and I had read somewhere that you can hear a bone break in your body, and I never heard anything. Crap that hurts. I pulled myself up and stood breathing heavily, I flexed my other foot, then my legs just to make sure it was just the one thing. The next thing I did was move the damaged ankle, it works and so I deemed it just a twisted one, thank God.

I didn't want to ring Kasey he would make Sam come home so I will sit and wait for them. I managed to get to the sofa and somehow moved it around so I could massage it which helped. The tv was still on and I saw June's face at the door when it switched to the camera. There was no way I could get there so I grabbed my phone and rang her.

"June I have had a fall can you come the back way, there is no way I can make the stairs yet."

She hung up and one minute later she was at my back door.

"I thought I heard screaming Adam, sorry I didn't come straight away. What have you done to yourself?"

"I tripped down the stairs and I think twisted my ankle or sprained it."

"Let's have a look." She gently picked it up and asked me to move it in a circle, which I did with a lot of pain.

"Okay sprained I think Adam, do you want me to call the ambulance?"

"No don't bother them, can you get the medical box from the pantry, there are painkillers in it."

She went to get it and I placed both feet on the floor, one hurt and the other was okay. I saw some minor swelling so I guess all is well. June gave me water and some pills which I gladly took then she went about strapping it up with some bandages.

"I thought I heard screaming Adam, but when I listened there was nothing."

"I did scream it bloody hurt, but not enough to yell for help, I was just going to sit here and wait for the others to get back."

"How long will they be, do you want me to ring them?"

"No thank you June, it feels a lot better now I suppose it was just the initial shock wave that soared through my leg. I will be fine, make yourself a coffee and sit for a while they won't be far away." She made us both coffees and grabbed the biscuits from the table. I remembered my client she will be here in a half an hour.

"I had better ring Trish she will have to do a client for me."

I dialed her number and she answered

"What's up Adam?"

"Trish I hate to do this to you but can you come home and do that client, I've had a mishap and can't walk properly yet."

"What happened?"

"I fell down the stairs, I'm okay and June is here with me. But I won't be able to work so can you come and do it for me?"

"On my way." She hung up before I could warn her not to say anything.

June had strapped it up pretty tightly and it eased a lot more as I got over my shock. I started laughing when she began to refold the sheets and blankets.

"You're getting an old hand at that."

"I'll have you know I'm the best sheet folder in town, do you want me to start something for dinner, or are you organized?"

"No, thank you everything is done, I suppose it will be pizza again." I laughed.

"The kids love them, we try not to get them too often they also need veggies and some solid meals. I think I just heard a car do you want me to go tell her it will be ten minutes?"

"If you would my lovely, Trish won't be too far away."

She left to go see my customer and I stood up, placing a small amount of weight on my ankle. It hurt but not as much as it did before. I tried walking and managed to make it to the table then I sat down.

Trish ran into the cabin and yelled for me. I sat there smiling at her face. Joe was behind her and when he saw me he started laughing.

"What happened?"

"I fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle, nurse June fixed me up with a bandage."

"Fuck me Adam I thought you had broken your neck."

"No lovely I will be fine but can you fix the client, just a root touch-up?"

She huffed and walked up the stairs, and she yelled at me again.

"You will be the death of me Adam Sutton, mark my words."

Joe sat with me and we both had to have a small giggle.

"I'll have another coffee thank you Joey."


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Next: Chapter 65

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