Kasey with a K

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 1, 2024


Adam Chapter 81 Maxieplus The cabin was opened up again, and while Kasey put the amenities on and the coffee, I went to see June. The kids weren't home from school yet and I wanted to talk to her and give her the big bucket of KFC we had bought on the way. "June what kind of work does Kasey give you?" "His and your personal accounts Adam, why?" "I am streamlining the business, he hasn't been to well lately and needs to slow down. Has there been any problems with what you do?" "None whatsoever, he does check my work, but never finds anything out of order." "Okay from now on you just do what you do best, he doesn't need to check your work, so just do your own thing please." "Will he get upset?" "Not at all, he understands he's been a pest in the past, so please just do your thing, your way." "Well I thought it unusual at the time but as I got to know him better I understood." "Things are changing in his life and we are here to sort out the loose ends. Do your thing, and I will do the rest." I smiled. "Okay, no Sam?" "Not this time June, he's having a holiday with mum and dad." I walked back to the cabin and Kasey was sitting at the table, staring out into the gully. I made the coffee found some biscuits and sat with him. Nothing was said except he placed his hand on mine and said. "Thank you." "It has to be done Kasey, I could never cope without you being around." He kissed me then we both stared into the gully which I found totally relaxing. We ordered pizzas, rang Sam and Trish then settled in for the night to watch an old movie, which the name escapes me now. We went for a walk the next day to see Eva and sat with her and little Casey for an hour or so. I told her I would give her a hand if I was still here, but she said no need she had found someone local to work the days. The same thing happened that night, we had pizza and watched a movie. Boring, you say? but no, we weren't bored because we had each other, we made love many times in that quiet time together and even lay naked in the sun, in the gully. We lasted a little over a week. He didn't pick his phone up once, and we weren't bothered with everyday mundane things. We did go into town to sit and had coffee, and had a card reading at Rhonda's. She told him whatever was happening in his life it would pass, and he mustn't think twice about feeling guilty about anything. And also he was trying too hard to make it all happen too quickly. I knew he was giving us this few weeks and I knew he would be itching to get back to some work. I won't force him to lose his need to keep us safe, but I can restrict what access he has to paperwork. He has to trust his workers, and I have to show him they can be trusted. "Can you organise that please Mick, we will be back next week and we are dying to see what you have done." I hung up and turned to Kase. "That was Mick, the office space is finished, I got him to move everyone in under one roof as soon as possible." "I have plans for who gets what office, there will be different departments." "They will work it out, he's very clever you know." "I see, I will end up with a cupboard for an office." "He has been to the house and found your notes, I told him to improve the layout or go with your suggestions, your big office is still there waiting for your return." "Trust Adam." "Yes I trust Mick, and so should you after all this time." "Chloe's final chapter is on tonight, we should be there with her." "Trish and Joe have planned a special night for the viewing, Chloe and her mum will be there and we will be with them in spirit." "Did I say anything nasty to Sam" "Nothing my love, he wasn't involved in it at all." He breathed out. "You didn't say anything nasty to anyone Kasey, so stop thinking about it." "It's just that If I did I would never forgive myself." "You didn't, and he would have been the first one to forgive you, he's your son." "I miss him Adam." "Then we go home but not until tomorrow, I want one last night with you, on our own." "It won't be our last night, I have plans for us." "Good." I dished up dinner and he put the TV on. Chloe's series was excellent although not a movie just a documentary, but the boys have done her and Adele proud, and Kasey. The jewellery series will start next then the movie with proper actors with proper lines. The show was about to start and I got more food out, good food always heals the body and Kasey is looking much better, he is benefitting from the sleep-ins, exercise and food. I shed a tear when Adele sat in my chair to have her hair done, they had aged Chloe with some clever makeup. I felt the touch of her hand as she farewelled me and watched her slowly walk out into the fading light. I didn't want to go with her, I wanted to live because I knew my life would be a lot better after knowing her. "Let's go to bed." Kasey stood me up and kissed me, my robe dropped to the floor and we both walked naked into our bedroom. He was his old excited self the next day, he was packing, cleaning up and turning everything off. I said a farewell to the cabin and gully, and Kasey said we would be back in a few weeks and this time Sam would be with us. I missed him very much and so did Kasey, maybe I did the wrong thing by not bringing him, but he has rehearsals for his school play. Because we hadn't bought a computer I wasn't prepared for the hundreds of questions and photos Jimmy had sent us. I closed it down and will deal with it later on. Kasey was in his office sorting out his stuff, he promised me he wouldn't do any actual work if I unlocked the door. Evans called by and he made his peace with him, I could hear Evans laughing, there wasn't any need for that. But he did leave with a present, Kasey had given him that gun to destroy or keep, but he didn't want it in the house anymore. I had warned mum we would be home so she gave us some time to settle back in, and she and dad sat in their home playing cards. Natalie had left food and we ate in the kitchen. Kasey had thick folders sitting next to him with his friend's names written on them, he said he wouldn't check them again they should be right. I asked about Nat's one he said if I thought it was good then she could go ahead with ordering the fittings. He has an empty warehouse she can use for storage. "So I get to go shopping again?" "You certainly do, and I will be with you. Adam, I want to get back to basics. I miss hanging out in the alleyways with you. I used to get a big buzz out of it back then." "I can give you a bigger buzz Kasey." "I know you can, let's go upstairs before the kids get home." We did, and we did. I could hear screaming and Kasey shot out of bed, he struggled to get his bathers on and I nearly shot a load in the process of ogling him. "I'll meet you downstairs." He smiled and then came over to kiss me. The screaming got louder two minutes later as I heard him dive into the pool. After dressing I walked calmly down the winding staircase pretending I was a main character in Sunset Boulevard. Mum and dad were watching as usual and I kissed them both. "How did it all go son?" "Very well, we should do that more often." "It's been a little dull around here without you both." "Did Sam cope?" "Perfectly, we had to sleep in your bed several times, they didn't want to lose their momentum with sleepovers." Mum smiled. "Well I hope you changed the sheets." I stared at her. "And he's back, just like that." Dad laughed and snapped his fingers, I ignored his quip. "Was Chloe pleased with the final show?" "Yes, she will call in to thank Kasey someday soon. She was sad it was over, but very happy." "Well there will be reruns and the dvd's but they will come later. Kasey said he would have a special set made just for her, and some for us and her mum. How is Joe and Trish?" "Fine, they settled down after you left, and have spent a lot of time in their flat. They missed you both terribly. They knew there was nothing they could do but they still missed you." Sam rushed out of the pool when his poppa let him go, and he jumped into my lap and hugged me, I kissed his face all over and thanked him for being so brave. "Did you forget again, that we got this Daddy?" I didn't forget son, and I knew you would be okay." He crawled up closer and whispered. "I was really worried." "I know you were, but poppas good now and we are home with you again. Tell me about your play?" The wrong or right thing to do, Billy had to come over and show us what they were practising, it sounded very professional. "When is it on and where do I buy some tickets?" "I can get you a ticket daddy, it's on in two weeks." "Then get me two, Poppa will want to come also." "I have tickets Sammy, I bought them yesterday," Mum said. "How many?" "About a dozen Adam, everyone wants to come." "Yeahhhh." The boys screamed. Arms wrapped around me then he put his bathrobe on, he smiled and pulled Sam into him for a tickle. "Dad I have a big folder in the kitchen for you to look at, any nasties you see fix them, please. Get one of the architects to help if you get stuck" "Is it the build stuff?" "Yes, go through it then show the boys in the office, have them go through it and I will sign off. By the time that's all done everyone will know what I have been doing." "Good thinking son, I'll get onto it tonight." "No rush, take your time." He laid back and Sam jumped in the pool again. "Do you have something for me to do Kasey?" Joe was behind us. "Joe." He jumped up and gave him a real man hug, Joe's smile was gorgeous. "Yes, it's on the bench in the kitchen, past present and future decisions to do with the Banks trust, any questions just ask me. You take over for me, I will be busy for the next three months, maybe more." "I am sure I can handle that for you, it's so good to see you both again. Trish is just changing, I think she wants to string the reunion out a bit." He laughed and then sat next to Kasey. I got up and went to find her, she was sitting at the big table staring at my collection. "Hello again dear friend." I threw my arms around her from behind and hugged her to death almost. "I was just sitting here thinking about the bomb, the shooting, and Kasey's memory loss, we have been through some terrible times Adam, and now this. I don't for one moment blame Kasey, if anything he has taken on a lot to ensure your safety and Sam's. I can only wish Joe does the same for me and our children." She's being reflective. "On another note, what is Kasey going to do?" She smiled. "He has just handed some work over to dad and Joe, and the build and studio teams will get their orders tomorrow. Then he is going to immerse himself in his therapy, he will be seeing a psych from the military. He thinks he has some sort of shell shock going on. I am curing his need to stay up all night, and I can see a big improvement in him already, he's trying so hard to get back to where we were when we first met." "You know he will go back to being in charge again, it's what he loves the best, being in control." "I fully expect him to do that, but this time he will be surrounded by people who will help him, they won't just sit there and ask for something to do. That day in the salon when he walked in the first time I saw a different Kasey, we talked about the military and I saw the fear in his eyes. He wasn't cut out for the army and it showed. As things progressed he put on a different face, it was the one that scared but protected me. I have always known that he was destined for greatness if he left the military, they were holding him back, and I am holding him back now, but he understands. That's the most amazing talent he has, he can see the problem and has the inner strength to go through with fixing it." "He's one of a kind Adam, and I pray he succeeds for his sake not ours." "Well keep doing what you are all doing, and he will come back to normal. Well as normal as he can be." I laughed. "Maybe your answer is in the Fred Banks museum, Adam." "Why say that?" "Fred must have kept a journal or had diaries, he must have written down his day-to-day operations. It might be worth it to look if there's something on its contents list." "You brilliant woman, of course. Kasey is just like Fred and if he can read how he operated he may get something out of it." I grabbed my best friend and we went into the library, I remembered something and searched the shelves and found the books I wanted. 'How to run a successful empire by Fred Banks' "You mean something like this?" "Perfect, get Kasey to read it. I didn't know it even existed." "I read about it somewhere, it wasn't a bestseller but it's a start." "Maybe you should read it first." "I will read some of it, especially the chapters about family life. There's six copies on the shelf, take one for Joe." I knew Trish wouldn't read it but dad and Joe may like to. I also know if Kasey couldn't put it down his brain would be like a sponge soaking all the information in. I took two copies and she took one. When we walked out again there was food on the table, I handed a copy to Kasey. "What's this Adam?" "See the title and author, maybe you should read it." I smiled. "I am flying blind at the moment, maybe it will tell me something." He grinned. "Maybe." The food was wonderful, and our night was awesome. He started reading that book as soon as we finished making love. I turned the lights out at midnight, he didn't grumble and turned over and held me, then went to sleep. There was no hurry to get up in the morning, so we languished in bed for a few moments more. "That book is amazing." "He didn't sell a lot of copies baby, maybe it was too complicated for the normal businessman." "I am onto chapter eight, it's a fantastic read." "You read that much, my God Kasey did you wake up again?" "No, but I can read fast Adam," "Did you retain anything?" "Everything, and I will read it again a few times just to get it straight." "Do you think it will help?" "Yes, what he is saying is what's happening to me at the moment. I set everything up to run itself but I couldn't let go, he writes about letting go and how it changed his world overnight." "How did he change?' "I haven't read that part yet, but I am keen to do some reading today. What are you doing?" "I thought I might go window shopping in the alleyways, But if you have a better idea let me know." "No, I want to go to the fed building office and look again, if Mick is following my instructions to the letter, it should be perfect." "He did say the trucks were lined up to deliver the furniture." "Adam, I don't want to go to interfere. I just want to observe." "Interfere? Not you Kasey." I laughed "Can you come with me, and then we can have lunch in the alley, maybe do that window shopping together." "You know the best place to go for deco pieces is in Paris." "I know, but not yet. I need to see that psych and get rid of the military forever." I smiled and kissed him I also felt the pain of loss, my lieutenant would be almost gone, but I do get a very awesome man in return. "Well save a part of the Lieutenant for me will you" "Done." We walked Sam to school and he and Billy practised their songs on the way. Trish was driving to work and Joe walked with Kasey, he's keeping his eye on him for sure. Dad was going to sign his official retirement papers, there will be a small reception for him in Canberra next month, and then he can hang up his uniform for good. "Ring me if there's anything you need, please just ring," Joe said as we left him at work. We caught the lift up to our floor and were met with a bunch of workmen, being ordered around by Mick. He was directing furniture to the various offices, and when he saw us he shook our hands. "Is everything okay here?" Kase asked. "One more truck to come then the staff will arrive tomorrow. Your office is being packed up today and I will leave it to you to place stuff where you want it. The rest is almost done and your build team are setting up now." He smiled. "And the entertainment offices?" "Done, my people are already working in there, they have smiles on their faces." He grinned. "Well done Mick, and thank you." "That's what I'm here for." "Adam let's go see my office." The last time we were here we made love, I guess I cannot expect it every time I visit him at work. "Okay, I think I am going to be very happy here, it's perfect. Dad and Joe can use the one at the house if they need to." "You won't be doing any work at home?" "Not if I can help it Adam, strictly nine to five. But maybe I will get in a few phone calls." He grinned. "That's good to hear Kase," I smirked. "I have to go and see the psych for an hour or so once a week, and he's on a lower floor, I can't miss that." It looked like he was on top again and when we left we called into the salon, he wanted to get some cakes for my staff on the way. Many hugs and some kisses were dealt out and while I made coffee he talked to Tim about Keith. "He's enjoying his new role in security Kasey, is there anything you want me to tell him?" "Nothing Tim, oh yes there is something. Tell him he's doing a great job and to keep it up." It's early days yet, Keith is still in the military but he will be leaving soon much to Tim's delight. "Oh and tell him to make time for you also, it's not always about work." He winked at him. "Sure boss." We had coffee with the staff, and then it was time to go shopping, but before we did he held my hand. "Adam, this part of the restaurant is very important, it's been designed this way because of your Deco passion. So I want you to do what you do best. The showcases will be made with toughened glass and they must display the best of the best. They will be the first thing the diners will see on arrival, so money is no object. Of course, you will have the final say on what is displayed." "I understand, you want class, not crass." I smiled. "Yes." He kissed me again. We left the salon and walked down the first alleyway, I wasn't ready for the disappointment I faced. Yes, there were some awesome pieces in the half-dozen shops we visited, but nothing that would stand up to any high standard. It was when we were in Sylvia's shop I had the biggest disappointment. "Adam, there's been nothing for a while now, some bits and pieces, but housewives collect that stuff. Dealers are buying all the better items because they are very much in demand, but nothing valuable or exquisite has come along for some time. Is this for the restaurant Nat is working on?" "Yes Sylvia, she has done a magnificent job on it, and now we are looking to buy some items for the display cases." "If you don't mind me saying Adam, but the best collection I have seen in a long time is right under your nose." "What do you mean?" "You have one of the best perfume bottle collections in town, you also have those gorgeous one-off statues that are a dealer's dream. Your friend Jimmy has items I saw at Eva's wedding I would give my eye teeth to own, and your salon has the most gorgeous one-off mirrors I have ever seen reproduced. Don't look here, look at your collection." I was dealt a blow, and when I looked at her for some time I was adding it all up in my head. I knew I had collected wisely and I certainly didn't pay top dollar for that stuff. "Adam, when you collected, it wasn't that popular, you got in on the ground floor. Even I didn't collect deco all that much until it was too late. But as I said you have the best collection at your disposal here in Brisbane, in your home." I looked at Kasey. "We will send someone to Paris Adam, I can't ask you to give up your beautiful things." "Thank you, Sylvia. I am more sad we can't do any business with you today." "I have one thing for you today Adam, and Kasey, thank you for making my daughter's life much brighter. She is a different person today than she was two years ago. So thank you." She kissed both of our cheeks and we left empty-handed. More coffee and a sombre mood but strangely excited at the same time, it filled me as I thought about it some more. "Adam, I don't want you to use your precious items. I insist you don't. We will find what we need, whether it be overseas or here. We can start trolling the auction rooms online." I ignored him and then I smiled. "What a damn brilliant idea, thank God for Sylvia. No Kasey, I'm not sad about it. I am already placing items in those showcases and on the walls. I have to do an inventory and I know Jimmy has some beautiful stuff also, we can get the mirrors made, they won't be original but they will be authentic. We will need plenty because the bathrooms will have them also. This is wonderful, it's been right under our noses all along. They will be insured I gather, so that's a bonus, we can drop them off the house insurance and I have no doubt they will be safer than letting two little boys run around the house unchecked. Why have all that stuff and not share it with everybody?" I had displayed the statues in the big entrance hall and I did worry if Sam or Billy knocked them off their pedestals. It was easier in the apartment they were shielded by the smaller space, there was no running at all. "Adam, do you mind?" "Of course not, they would be perfect, the statues alone will take up the bigger case, the bottles another, you won't get Evan's handbag, but the rest will be on loan to our company. I can make it work Kasey, this is so exciting." "Then you're okay with it?" "Yes, I have to get into Jimmy's apartment and make a list of items to borrow." I kissed him and smiled. This is what I do best, Kasey has made my day and why not share my stuff with others? We made tracks for home, he wanted to call into Joe's I wanted to make lists. His smile got larger as he threw his arm over my shoulder. Back at home, he made some phone calls and I went to look at my stuff. I will ring Jimmy later on to get permission to go into his apartment and to update him on what is happening. "Kasey are their sizes for me to look at with the showcases" "Yes Adam, I did that earlier on. We can change them they haven't been ordered I was waiting for Nat's final drawings." "Good I will have them and I have also approved her final plans." I smiled. "That's what I want to hear, now do you want to go upstairs?" "No there's nothing up there." He rubbed his crotch. "Oh that nice item, of course, lead the way." He has made me happy, and I am going to have so much fun doing this project, I also had a funny feeling he manipulated me into it. He knows my collection is ideal for that restaurant. Mum was sitting out the back in the sun, she told us dad had done his work and was on the way home. Kasey had grabbed that book and was now settling in to read some more. "What's he reading?" "Fred's book he wrote, he's finding it interesting. It's about running an empire." "It might give him some ideas Adam," She smiled. "It already has mum, he's just totally manipulated me. He wants to use my collection for the restaurant." "Good idea son, whenever I look at the plans I can imagine all those items in those cases." "I am going mental just thinking about it, I know they would be safe there." "It will be like a museum." "Not when I get my hands on it." I grinned. Dad came home he was smiling, and he said to Kasey. "I had my men look at the build papers everything is legal, safe, and perfect Kasey." He handed Kase the big folder. "I will sign off on it tomorrow, we are having a shareholder conference call." "When did you organise that?" I looked at him. "While you were showering." He grinned. It has been too long, he has gone over those plans many times and now it's time to put them to bed and let his project managers take over. I believe there will be several of them. Sam's pick-up was done by dad and Kasey today, mum was helping me make a list so she had asked them to do it. Joe will meet them there and walk home with them. Trish arrived home before them and smiled at me, then she sat with us to help with the list. Nat arrived just after Trish, she had a big boiler full of pasta bake. I told her what I was doing and she said she already knew. My things were in her mind when she designed the cabinets. Sam jumped up and kissed me, he had a big day today and wanted to tell me all about it. Billy confirmed his telling by repeating it to mum and dad. They have a bigger role in the play and have more lines to rehearse. The night was full of family love and fun, we ate heaps and Kasey put the book down and joined in on the festivities. I didn't know if that book helped him but he sure slept like a log and wanted a lay-in the next morning. Two things happened today I finally went back to work and the film crew arrived to do more shooting. They will be around all week so Kasey said he would go to the office and do some work, to get out of their way. Mum will supervise where they can or can't place lights and cameras, she won't let them anywhere near my precious things. "Meet me for lunch Kasey I want to go and have a look in Jimmy's place." "Okay baby, it will be good to snoop around a bit." I kissed him goodbye and took my first client to the wash basin. I chatted away as usual and found I was thoroughly enjoying myself, to be back doing hair again was like coming home. I did four clients and two soldiers, Kasey turned up with Joe and he grabbed Trish and we all marched up to Jimmy's place. It was quiet and his cleaners must have been in because there was a scent of rose in the air. I looked at his treasures in every room, it wasn't overdone, just placed perfectly. I picked out eight objects and took photos, then I stared at Adele's portrait. "What are you going to call the restaurant Kasey?" "I haven't decided yet." "You should call it Kasey's," Joe said. "No, sounds too much like a pub," Kase answered. "What about the Adele Banks restaurant?" I suggested. "I have that written down Adam, it nice but maybe a bit overdone lately." "What do you like the best then?" "The Salon, easy to remember, and has a certain sophistication about it." He shrugged. It was perfect, and I am sure that name will stick for many months to come. Trish and Joe insisted we go downstairs for lunch, it was so good to see the staff again and as usual, Kasey ordered first. He knew exactly what he wanted this time, bangers and mash with loads of dark gravy. When he said that I ordered the same, so we four had matching meals and I made a note for Nat to perfect this meal for us all. We were full and he asked me how many clients I had this afternoon. Trish said none, she thought I might over-exert myself on my first day back. "Can you come with me?" "Yes, where are we going" "I want to hire a boat and look up and down the river," he winked. "Okay." I walked them back to work then Joe dropped us off at the fed building. We took the lift up and everything was quieter than the other day. People were doing their jobs and the pretty receptionist was setting up her desk, he needed her to sort the calls out. There was a meeting going on in one of the conference rooms. "The vets, they are working on the drop-in centre." "Very good Mr, Casey." I smiled. "Adam do you want to go for a boat ride?" "Only if you do." He turned the sign on his door over to 'do not disturb' and I took a ride in his big office chair. He is amazing, it was amazing, as I collapsed into his big arms. We languished for a long time, then wiped up and dressed. We weren't disturbed and no one was rushing out to talk to him, they were all just getting on with their jobs. When we walked out Nathan winked at me and I smiled back. "Kasey, I want you to look at this?" "Yes Nathan, what is it?" Nathan was one of the project managers. "The penthouse at the front, the main bedroom seems too large, is there a reason it's been designed that way?" "Yes, it's Adams and he needs a lot of room." "I see, so we go ahead then, it will shave three feet of the adjoining apartment." "Joey won't mind." He laughed so much I early did a happy dance. "Thank you Nathan. I was puzzled as to why I did that, can you change it to a more presentable space?" "Yes consider it done." On the way out I asked him the real reason he made it bigger. "Have you seen your wardrobe Adam? Clothes are rapidly multiplying in there." He cracks me up. I guess I have a few things, Cody Mitchell's shop is such a paradise for me. I always buy up big when I go there. To be honest Kasey's is the same, and a lot messier.

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Next: Chapter 82

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