Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jan 25, 2017


Ken and I - Part 13

Seeing Ken at school on Monday filled me with mixed emotions. I couldn't wait to get together with him again, but part of me also felt guilty for having been with Jamie. I was also feeling guilty thinking about how I wanted the both of them. Together. At the same time. I also realized that thinking about this in class at school wasn't the best idea. I already had issues with the frequency of random boners that made it feel like my hoodie needed to hang permanently in front of my crotch. I knew I should be concentrating on doing my math problems, but right now that concentration was losing out to the feeling of my hard cock confined awkwardly in my jeans, trapped along my thigh. My only saving grace was that I was seated at the back of the class.

Ken sitting next to me, however, was of no help. Especially once he noticed my predicament.

"Having trouble with a hard problem?" Ken whispered as he leaned towards me.

"Shut up!" I hissed under my breath.

Ken grinned at me, "Y'know Martin, sometimes when I have a hard problem it helps if someone gives me a hand. Do you need a hand with that problem?"

I glared at Ken as I felt my dick throb, and I was sure that I could being to feel precum leaking into my briefs. Having my cock confined along my thigh was becoming increasingly uncomfortable, and somehow I felt that if I could only adjust a little so that it was pointing up would relieve some of the pressure I was feeling. I slid a little further down in my seat, and took a look around to make sure no one was paying attention. As quickly as I could I slid my hand into the top of my jeans, grabbed my dick and pulled it up and under the waistband. I pulled my hand back out and realized that my fingers were wet with sticky precum.

Looking to my left I saw Ken staring at me, his eyes wide and his mouth practically hanging open, "Holy fuck Martin, what the hell are you doing?"

"Shut up!" I hissed at him again, hoping that we weren't drawing attention to ourselves. To me.

Ken grabbed my hand and wiped the sticky juice from my fingers. I could only watch with a mixture of horror and horniness as Ken licked my precum from his fingers. As Ken licked my fingers I felt my cock lurch in my jeans followed by a small gush of sperm splashing into my briefs. I quickly pressed my hand down against my crotch, hoping to stop what now seemed inevitable. Ken's eyes narrowed and he grinned as he looked around the room to make sure no one was paying attention before he slowly slid one his fingers into his mouth. Pushing down against my crotch I could feel another contraction deep in my groin as more sperm gushed into pants. I moved my hand and Ken could only stare as the crotch of my jeans flexed in rhythm with the release of gush after gush of cum from my twitching cock. A wet patch quickly spread across the front of my pants as I closed my eyes, hoping to hold back the tears that were now starting to form. The bleachy smell of my spent load drifted up to my nose and I was sure that even if no one saw the wet patch, surely every boy in the room would catch the familiar scent of jizz wafting in the air. Thank god I had worn a hoodie that was a few sizes too large this morning; I was fairly certain that it would hang low enough to cover my shame.

Slowly I opened my eyes as Ken whispered, "Dude. Dude? Are you ok? Damn, what was that?"

Before I could answer, I heard the teacher ask, "Ken? Is there a problem? Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"

I swear I almost heard Ken snicker, but he managed to pull it together and answer with a reasonably straight face, "No, I was just asking Martin if he got the same answer to this math problem."


"Oh, he did", Ken followed up, "it was a, uhm, hard one, but we got it. I wasn't sure the answer was, uhm, gonna come to us, but then it sure did!"

I literally wanted to crawl under the desk as I'm sure my face was turning a thousand shades of red while Ken gave his carefully worded answer.

"Well Martin, why don't you come up to the board then and share how you solved that problem with the rest of the class."

I wasn't sure that I'd heard that correctly. He wanted me to come up to the front and do what? Oh my god, this was like one of my worst nightmares coming true. I stared daggers at Ken, as he tried to keep from bursting out laughing.

"Well, Martin? We're waiting."

I tried to compose myself as I slowly stood, pulling the front of my hoodie down as far as it could possibly go. As I got out of my seat I could feel some of the slick mess coating the inside of my pants run down my right leg. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked to the front, and again, I was certain that every boy in that class knew exactly what had just happened; could see and smell the shame of my having creamed my jeans during class. It felt as though I was a prisoner, moving in slow motion to the electric chair. And right at this moment, I would've gladly done so rather than having to stand at the front of the class. At least I'd have my back turned to them most of the time.

Our teacher must've seen the trepidation on my face and mistook it for a simple case of nerves, "Come on Martin, no need to panic if you've already solved the problem, just write out the steps on the board."

At that point it dawned on me that of course I hadn't already solved the problem, but I could hardly tell the teacher and the class as to why, "Look, the truth is I was busy ejaculating a fresh load of semen into my freshly washed briefs and jeans, and I'd rather go to the washroom and wipe up this mess dripping down my now shriveled penis."

For the first time I actually looked at the paper in my hand and read the problem. For one of the first times in my life I thanked god for being one of the mathletes; I was loathe to admit that I'd already worked ahead in our math textbook and that I knew exactly how to solve the problem. Within minutes I had written out the steps and answer on the board, and without waiting our teacher to say anything I moved back to my seat as quickly as I could. Dropping into my chair I glared at Ken. The grin on his face melted and he mouthed "I'm sorry", but I was pissed. While I knew that Ken wasn't entirely at fault for what had happened, I still blamed him for not only pushing me over the edge, but also for giving our teacher that slick answer that got me hauled to the front of the class.

For the rest of the class I refused to look at Ken, and when the bell rang I jumped up and made it out of class in record time. I practically sprinted to the nearest washroom and locked myself in the last stall. My hands were shaking as I undid my pant, pulling them and my wet briefs down to examine just how badly I messed them up. I cursed myself and my stupid raging hormones as I realized that there was now little I could do; the cum had soaked into the fabric of my briefs and jeans, and all toilet paper would do now is stick to it and make the mess even worse. I sat on the toilet and looked at my watch; I had nearly 15 minutes before the next class so I simply sat there and hoped that at least some of it would dry before I had to go. The only other "good" thing I remembered is that today wasn't a PE day; while I normally enjoyed seeing the other boys in the locker room getting undressed and changing into their gym clothes, the thought of exposing my soaked my briefs to 30 boys who would never let me live it down terrified me.

The bell began to ring, signaling time for our next, and thankfully last class of the day. I realized I'd now be late, but at least there would be less kids in the hallway, and the door to the class I was going to was at the back, so I'd be able to slip in without everyone watching me.

As I got up, I pulled up my briefs and jeans, the now thoroughly cooled, but still wet fabric clinging to my dick and balls. Again, I cursed Ken; the guilt of what I'd done with Jamie had vanished, and the thought of pulling him into our relationship, such as it was, morphed from a purely sexual thrill to an element of revenge. I would make Ken pay for the near humiliation he'd caused.

Next: Chapter 14: Ken and I 14

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