Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jul 23, 2017


Ken and I - Part 21

When I woke up, it was morning; the sun was already shining through the bedroom window. I looked over and saw that Daryl must've already gotten up. I immediately noticed two other things. One, Daryl must've not only gotten up already, but he was probably dressed because his underwear was laying at the edge of his side of the bed. And two, my dick was rock hard, my morning wood in all its steely glory. Of course this wasn't unusual, but because I hadn't jacked off last night it felt like it was extra stiff. I reached under the bed sheet and gave myself a squeeze. It felt good. Too good because one squeeze turned into a slow massaging.

I had no idea what Daryl was doing, or if he was going to suddenly burst back into his bedroom, but I was feeling like I needed release, and I needed it now. I lifted my knees so that the sheet was tented and pulled the waistband of my briefs down to hook them under my sack. I began stroking myself, the head of my cock already slick with precum. I remembered that Daryl's briefs were laying on his side of the bed. With only a moment's hesitation I grabbed them with my other hand and brought them to my face. I was practically trembling as I inhaled the musky scent. I had probably only been stroking myself for a minute but I could already feel my balls tightening; I knew I was only moments away from ejaculation. Up until this second I hadn't really considered how I was going to clean up; I didn't really want to leave a huge wet spot on his bed sheet. Without thinking it through, I wrapped his briefs around the head of my cock and instantly began gushing my hot morning spunk into them. I could barely stifle groaning as I did.

I let out the deep breath I'd been holding in and relaxed. And just then his bedroom door opened and Daryl walked in. And I was still holding his now cum soaked briefs against my dick.

"It's about time you were awake, I thought I was gonna have to dump a bucket of water on you or something to get you up!"

"Ah .. yeah", I mumbled as I laid there, stalling for time to let my dick soften, "I'm up, I'm up."

"Well? Come on already, get up so we can have something to eat before we get going!"

"Oh yeah, the big day", I said, "... so what're we doing? Can you tell me now?"

"Well I guess I have to", he laughed, "...put on you're swim trunks, we're going to a really wicked waterpark! You're gonna love it!"

"Serious?" I said, feeling truly excited, "that's seriously cool, I love waterparks!"

Daryl began going through his dresser to grab some clothes for after the park and putting them in a backpack,

"You can put your stuff in here too."

I unhooked my briefs from under my balls and pulled them back up. With Daryl in the room, I had no choice but to leave his underwear under the sheet as I got up. I hoped that I'd get a chance to have a few moments alone in the room so that I could at least throw them in his dirty clothes pile, and that he wouldn't remember that he'd just left them on the edge of his bed.

As I stood up Daryl, threw me my swim shorts, having taken the initiative to go through my drawer as well. I was still semi hard and I was sure the end of my dick would still be wet with cum. Daryl's back was to me so I quickly stepped out my briefs and began to pull on my swim shorts. They were about mid-thigh when Daryl turned with a pair of plaid shorts in his hand.

"I'm gonna put these in the bag, ok?"

I could see his eyes drop to my crotch as I finished pulling up my swim shorts; my not-quite soft dick slid beneath the nylon fabric and I could see that I'd been right about the tip still being wet. I don't know if Daryl had noticed that, but if he did, he didn't say anything.

"These shorts? Ok?", he waved them at me.

"Yes, yes, those are fine." I said, as he also tossed me a t-shirt to put on.

"Fuck, why don't you just dress me yourself already." I joked, and Daryl laughed.

"Because you'd enjoy that too much, queer boy!"

I felt a slight blush in my cheeks at Daryl's comment. I knew he was joking, but it was hitting close to home. Thankfully the t-shirt he'd thrown me was hiding my face as I was pulling it on.

Daryl had finished packing the bag, "Ready?"

"Ok, ok, let's go already, just need to take a piss."

Daryl grinned, "Okay, but at least go to the bathroom, we're not in the pool at the waterpark yet!"

"Gross." I laughed, but knowing that we'd both done it before.

I popped into the bathroom to pee while Daryl headed to their kitchen. After peeing, I washed my hands, quickly washed my face and wet my hair a little so it didn't look like I had just rolled out of bed. Even though I pretty much had. With Daryl in the kitchen, it would've been a good moment to stash his briefs in with his other dirty clothes. But at this point, I'd already forgotten about them.

I walked into the kitchen where Daryl was sitting at the counter eating a bowl of cereal. Without missing a spoonful he nodded and grunted something that I assumed meant to pour myself my own bowl. As we ate I asked about the waterpark.

"So fucking amazing. Some really wicked slides to go on. You're gonna love it!"

"Who else is going? Mike?" I asked between a spoonful of cereal.

"Just us. Mike's gone with mom and dad. We'll take the bus, it's not too far."

I was feeling good this morning, my guilty sleep forgotten for now. Sitting here with Daryl made it feel like old times. I also thought about Ken; I wondered again if I was somehow trying to replace Daryl with Ken. Maybe in a way I was. As much as in this moment it still felt like Daryl was my best friend in the world, it was hard not having back home in person. Maybe that was the part I was trying to replace.

Daryl broke my thoughts, and I was glad because this wasn't something I wanted to think about. Not right now at least.

"C'mon, dump your bowl in the sink. We gotta roll so we don't miss the bus, otherwise we'll miss part of the day."

Daryl slung the backpack over his shoulder and locked the door behind us as we began heading for the bus stop. We made it with only a minute to spare and I suddenly had a panic attack.

"Shit, shit ... I don't have my wallet! I don't have bus fare!"

Daryl cut me off, "Forget it, I got it covered ... you can pay me back later ...", adding "bitch" as we started boarding the bus.

As we sat it occurred to me that if I didn't have money for bus fare, I wouldn't have money for the waterpark either. I wasn't sure that Daryl would have enough money for both of us for the day.

"Hey, I won't have money for the park or anything either."

"I told you, I got it covered ... but now you're really gonna owe me!" he grinned broadly, "I'm really gonna make you pay big time!"

"Fuck you", I said as Daryl punched me in the arm, "you'll get your money."

"Who said anything about money?" Daryl laughed, "Maybe I'll make you work it off. I think the toilet needs to be scrubbed."

"Ewww", I scrunched my face, "looked like you and Mike still can't hit the bowl, more like the floor needs scrubbed!"

Daryl laughed, "Hope you brought an extra toothbrush!"

The time passed quickly as we traded shots, and before I knew it Daryl said it was time to get off. The bus pretty much cleared out at this stop; it was only then that I noticed that most of the passengers had been groups of kids around our age or slightly older. Too young to have licenses, or at least to have cars; too old for it to be cool to go to the park with your family.

The entrance was a short walk from the bus stop; Daryl paid our entry fee and then we went to find a locker in which to lock up our bag. We took off our shirts and threw those in there along with our flip flops. We weren't going to be bogged down having to carry or worry about anything. I was a little surprise when Daryl pulled out a bottle of suntan lotion; it wouldn't have occurred to me to bring any unless my mom had packed it.

"Your mom pack that for you?" I mocked.

"Hey I don't care if you fucking burn like a lobster", Daryl replied as he started applying it all over.

He tossed me the bottle and I started putting it on as well. I was trying to reach behind my back when Daryl told me he'd put it on my back if I'd put it on his. I turned away from Daryl and felt him squirt a huge gob of it in the middle of my back; it felt cold and I jumped.

"Mother fucker!"

Daryl laughed and rubbed it all over; I was worried that this was going to give me a boner, especially because as he was applying it I was busy watching some of the other boys getting changed in front of their lockers. Before I could pop total wood, Daryl was done and told me it was his turn.

I turned around and applied it to his back. I made sure to get it all over and was slowly rubbing it into his skin, picturing myself giving him a massage.

"Almost done? Or should I wait for you to give me a happy ending?" Daryl laughed, breaking me out of my spell.

I stopped and put the bottle in the locker; as Daryl turned I looked down and could swear that there was a bit of a chub in his swim trunks, more so than when we'd arrived.

Daryl slapped me on the shoulder and closed the locker, using the locker safety pin on the key to pin it to the top inside of his trunks, "Ready to go get wet?"

"Fuckin' right I am!" I shouted, earning a few dirty looks from fathers with young sons.

We took off and headed for the closest slide we could find. Daryl was right; this place was awesome. Slides as far as I could see, all of different heights and with various twists, turns and drops. After we had hit all the slides at least twice, we decided to grab a couple of tubes to float along on the lazy river. I was having a great day. And it didn't hurt that there all sorts of hot boys that I could watch; the best being when they would first climb out of a pool of water, their shorts clinging to their fronts, tugging at them to pull them away.

I could feel myself getting hard inside my trunks; thankfully sitting in the tube meant that no one could see the front of them starting to tent out. I leaned back and let my gaze fall towards Daryl, who was drifting about a foot or so ahead of me. I had to admit that he looked good; you could tell that he was developing muscles. He wasn't big, but definitely fit. In a way that reminded me of Ken. Not that the two of them looked the same, but he was more athletic than I was and that made him seem more like Ken. There was a certain similarity in personality too; both of them were very outgoing, although Daryl had a rougher edge. Where Ken was generally good- natured, Daryl could have a mean streak, sometimes carrying jokes a bit too far or teasing someone a bit too long. I'd seen him make more than one kid cry and run off the playground when we were younger. Part of me always knew that it was wrong to make someone else cry, but for some reason his brash, sometimes reckless demeanor was part of what attracted me to him.

"C'mon, I'm hungry." Daryl said, as he rolled off his tube into the water.

Before I knew it, he'd tipped my tube back and I was dumped into the water.

I spit out the water that had flooded my mouth, "Asshole."

"Yeah, yeah, you gotta expect to get a little wet around here."

I tried to reach for him to so that I could grab him and push him under, but he was a few steps ahead of me and quickly pulled himself out of the lazy river. I hopped out, and we dumped our tubes on the side before heading back to the lockers so that Daryl could get his wallet.

While Daryl opened the locker , I told him I needed to piss. I headed to the back of the locker area and found a urinal. I untied the string in my trunks and pulled down the front so that I could pull out my dick. I realized that I hadn't gone since before leaving the house this morning as an initial trickle turned into a steady forceful stream of piss hitting the back of the porcelain.

"Fuck, careful or that's gonna spray back all over yah!"

I turned my head to the sound of the voice; Daryl had stepped up to the urinal next to mine and was busy letting loose a stream of his own. I tried not to take more than an idle glance at his dick, knowing that I'd pop a bone if I did. I did note that the uncut head of his dick was thick and deep pink. I force the last few spurts of pee out and tugged my trunks back up over my dick.

I washed my hands and stepped out of the bathroom area, waiting for Daryl to finish. He came out and touched my cheek with his wet hand.

"Oops, forgot to wash."

"I'd laugh, but knowing what a pig you are it might be true!" I replied, and both of us laughed.

We found the concession area and ordered some food. We each got a cheeseburger, fries and chocolate milkshakes. Daryl paid and I felt guilty at having forgotten my wallet. But he'd rushed me out of bed and out the door so fast, it was partly his fault. He must've noticed the look on my face.

"Don't worry, I told yah you'll pay me back!"

"I know, that's what scares me." I laughed.

I wasn't really scared, but Daryl was unpredictable. I was mostly sure he was kidding and that I'd just pay him back with money from my wallet. You could just never be a hundred percent sure with him.

When we got our order, we sat at one of the picnic tables to eat. A few hours in the sun, running around and playing in the water had made us hungry. We ate in virtual silence, barely chewing our food. After finishing our milkshakes, Daryl let out a belch.

"Amateur", I laughed, and let out a burp of my own, a bit louder than I had intended.

A mother at the next table looked over at us, and we couldn't help but laugh. Her two young sons started laughing too and one of them let out a burp of his own. She turned and started admonishing him, and we took that as our queue to leave.

We tossed out our trash and headed back towards the slides.

"Another round of all slides before we head home?" Daryl asked.

"You bet."

In the end we made two rounds before we figured it was time to go. Back in the locker area we rinsed under the shower heads. It was only a quick rinse as the water was cold and it didn't seem as though it was going to heat up at all.

Daryl opened the locker and took out our stuff. He handed me one of the towels from the bag and we both began to dry off. I hesitated a moment before undoing the string in my trunks. I noticed Daryl was drying his back, but was looking at me. I took a breath and dropped my trunks. I knew he'd have gotten a good look before I moved my towel down to dry myself. Daryl followed suit and I got a full look at him. His dick was thick and pushed out above his balls. He had a fairly thick, but narrow band of pubic hair, lightly gingered like the hair on his head. Daryl moved his towel down and I looked up, realizing that Daryl had seen me checking him out. He grinned, but didn't say anything. Holding the towel in front of me with one hand I rifled through the bag with the other. I found my shorts, but couldn't find any underwear.

"If you're looking for your gitch, you won't find them." I heard Daryl say.

"What? Why not?"

"Don't need'em. I always go commando after swimming."

I saw him grinning, and I just shook my head as I dropped the towel and pulled on my shorts.

"Weirdo." I said.

"Don't you ever go commando?" he asked.

"Well yeah, I guess ... I don't usually force my friends to do it though."

We both laughed, and I watched Daryl drop his towel and pull on his own shorts. We pulled on our t-shirts and packed the rest of our things into the backpack.

"You can carry it home", he said, "... bitch."

I laughed, "Asshole."

I put on the backpack, not really caring that I was going to carry it home. We were both pretty tired, and said little on the bus ride. My mind kept thinking back to seeing Daryl's dick, how much bigger it had gotten since I'd last seen it. Touched it as he had slept. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to hold out another night without getting a little feel of it.

Next: Chapter 22: Ken and I 22

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