Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Sep 4, 2018


Ken and I - Part 39

Time always seemed to speed up while we were in school (except of course during actual classes, which could drag on forever), and before I knew it we were on Christmas break from school. It would be my birthday in another couple of months and I was thinking about turning 15. I was also thinking back on the past few months since school had started.

School had settled into a routine, and even my relationships with Ken, Jamie and David felt like they had become part of that routine. Not that anytime there was an opportunity to fool around with any one of them was boring. Not at 14. Not when something as simple as drying myself with a towel could cause a raging boner or absentmindedly grinding against the carpet while watching a movie could make me flood my shorts with jizz.

During this time, an aunt of David's often stayed at his house, and so we only had a few opportunities for me to spend the night. I loved spending the night at David's; the intensity of feeling him inside of me, his alternatingly soft and hard thrusts, and eventual release of spurt after spurt of his hot cum, was always amazing. At the same time, I was also a little relieved that I wasn't at David's all the time. The intense sex also came with intense emotions for me, and they often left me feeling overwhelmed. During those times I felt like I loved David, but I still wasn't sure how to deal with that. Not when I still also wanted Ken and Jamie, although with them it was different.

The two of them had figured out how much I enjoyed it when they dominated me. The excitement of having either of their cocks in my mouth or my ass was heightened by the filthy things they said to me. Especially so when it was Jamie talking; the combination of his sweet young voice and the graphic language he used was thrilling. Or if all three of us were together, one brother encouraging the other to thrust harder, slap my face with their cock, or tongue their tight hole would send shivers through me. More often than not during the school year, it had been me and Jamie hooking up now and then after school. Ken's time seemed to be filled with sports; football at the start of the school year, and then hockey.

In addition I found myself quite often in the bathroom at school, the one where I could be in the stall with a view of the urinals. I had lost track of the number of young cocks I had seen there, watching as they unzipped, pulled themselves out and pissed against the porcelain. Sometimes they'd pull on their dicks a little too long and start to stiffen. I had squirted many loads of my young cream into that toilet since school had begun. There were days where I'd spend up to half of my lunch hour locked up in that stall. I was afraid people were going to start noticing how long I was in there, but I was hooked on seeing all that cock on display. I figured I could just make an excuse about not feeling well or something if I had to.

I had been disappointed that Daryl hadn't been able to visit at Thanksgiving after all; it was looking more like maybe I wouldn't see him until Easter break. On the positive side we were talking on the phone almost every weekend. At least it felt like I had my best friend back, even if it was only his voice. A few times when we were both alone at home, we talked about the stuff we'd done on my summer visit; we both masturbated as we tried to graphically describe what it had been like and how it felt. I'd never know that phone sex was a thing; at the time I still didn't really know it was thing that other people did. I figured we were just a couple of horny boys who'd be masturbating on our own anyway.

I was also having increasingly frequent sexual fantasies about Colin. I still couldn't quite tell if Colin was teasing me on purpose. Between his sitting next to me drawing sexual doodles, comments about my random boners during class and other suggestive (at least to my ears) comments, I was becoming slightly obsessed with him. I hadn't acted on it; in a way I'd been enjoying just in the way it was. That's why I was surprised when he called me during the Christmas break. It was the weekend after Christmas Day; I was excited to hear from him, in part because I hadn't really done much other than with my family. Ken and Jamie were away at their grandparent's for most of the break, and David was away as well.

"Hi, is Martin there?"

"Uhm, this is Martin", I answered, unsure of who was calling.

"Oh hey, ah, how's it going? How was your Christmas?"

"It's going alright", I said, "it was good ... I guess, uhm, how was yours?"

"You don't know who this is, do you", the voice on the other end of phone laughed.

"Well, uhm ... no, not really I guess", I replied.

"It's Colin. From school? We're in a bunch of classes together."

"Ohhh", I said, adding, "well yeah, I know we're in a bunch of classes together."

"Oh, yeah, ha ha, I guess you would", Colin laughed.

"Uhm yeah, so, what's going on?" I asked.

"Not much, but uhm, I was wondering if you maybe you wanted to tobogganing?"

"Oh, ah ... like today you mean?"

"Well yeah, we just had that big dump of snow and it's not too cold out. I uhm, thought it could be fun."

"Oh okay, well yeah, okay, let's do it."

"Cool", I heard Colin say, with a hint of relief in his voice, "so, okay, you know Anderson Hill by the school? We could meet there in half an hour? Just come, I've got a big toboggan we can use and I live right by there anyway."

"Okay, that sounds good. I'll see you there."

"Okay, bye, see yah", Colin said before hanging up.

I told mom and dad where I was going as I got my snow pants and boots out of the closet. As I got dressed, I was more excited about going than I was willing to admit. In part because I hadn't gone out for a toboggan ride since last year, and in part because it was the first time Colin and I would be doing anything outside of school. It wasn't just because I'd been picturing Colin while I masturbated; I genuinely liked Colin, he was actually really funny and fun to talk with.

I was at the hill almost ten minutes earlier than agreed, and to my surprise, Colin was already there waiting for me. We spent nearly the next hour sliding, running back up the hill and sliding down again. At first we took turns, but the toboggan was easily big enough for two so eventually Colin suggested we ride down together. Colin sat in the front and I sat behind him, my legs wrapped around either side of him, my arms wrapped around his chest.

We went on run after run like that, sometimes making it down all the way, sometimes spilling out half way down. By the time we were done, we had snow in our boots and jackets, and were laughing like little kids.

"Hey, uhm, you wanna come back to my house for a while", Colin asked and pointed just down the street, "I just live right there."

"Oh, ah, yeah, okay, sounds good", I replied.

We walked over and went in the back door.

"We can dump our stuff in here", Colin said, walking into a large laundry room to the left.

We took off our mitts, coats and boots. Colin slid his snow pants off, revealing the jeans he was wearing underneath. I was about to take off my snow pants when I realized that unlike Colin, I hadn't worn my jeans underneath. I had grown a bit since we'd bought those snow pants and I found they were too tight to be comfortable with other pants underneath.

"C'mon and we'll get some hot chocolate", Colin said, and then noticing I was hesitating, "what's wrong?"

"I uh, uhm, well, this is a little embarrassing", I mumbled, "I uh ... well I thought I'd be going home so I don't have any other pants on."

Colin smiled and started laughing.

"I mean I do have underwear on", I quickly added, feeling a bit of heat flushing my cheeks.

"Okay well", Colin said, "I'd give you a pair of my jeans, but I don't think they'd fit you."

Although I wasn't exactly big, Colin was sufficiently smaller than I that there'd be no way I'd be able to get them on.

"Hey, okay, how about I give you a pair of my sweat pants? At least they'll be a bit stretchy?" Colin offered.

"Uhm, okay, yeah I guess that could work."

"Hang on", Colin shouted at me as he ran off and came back, tossing a pair of grey sweatpants at me, "try these."

I undid my snow pants and was about to slide them off when I realized Colin was still in the laundry room with me, waiting for me to get changed. I'm not sure, but it felt weird. We'd seen each other get changed for PE class lots of times, but this wasn't the locker room, this was the laundry room at his house. I decided that there was no reason for me to be embarrassed, so I stepped out of my snow pants. I stood there in my briefs and fumbled with the sweatpants.

"It was colder out than I thought it would be", I said as I started putting on the sweatpants, trying to relieve what was probably only my own awkwardness.

"Oh, ha ha", Colin laughed, "is that why there's nothing showing in your briefs?"

I was surprised at his comment and it must've shown on my face because he stopped laughing.

I tried to lighten the mood again as I pulled the sweatpants up, "Shut up, this'll be the first time these sweatpants will have been filled out."

Colin's face broke into a smile and he laughed, looking at me; specifically, he was looking openly at my crotch. I looked down and saw that although I'd managed to pull his sweatpants all the way up, they were tight enough on me that I was showing what seemed to me a rather obvious bulge.

"Okay, okay, stop staring", I said, laughing, "I mean uhm, I know I look super sexy in these, but ..."

Colin laughed too, "I'll try to keep my hands off. C'mon, let's get that hot chocolate."

I followed Colin to the kitchen, where he put the kettle on, grabbed a couple of mugs and put in the hot chocolate mix.

"Where's your folks?", I asked while we waited for the water to boil.

"They're out at the mall with my little brother and sister, they should be back fairly soon for supper."

"Oh okay, well, I'll just have the hot chocolate and then get going", I said, thinking that Colin was cueing me not to stay too long.

"Nah, it's cool. Hey you should stay for supper, we'll be ordering pizza", Colin said.

"Uhm oh, won't your parents mind?"

"It'll be cool, I was actually supposed to have someone else stay over tonight, but he got sick over Christmas."

"Oh, so wait, I'm just your second choice?" I joked.

"No, no", Colin said, sounding serious, "honest, I've kind of wanted to call you to do something for a while now."

"You have?" I asked.

"Well ... yeah, I mean, we seem to have talking at school and stuff."

"Yeah, true", I replied.

"So yeah, they're totally expecting someone anyway ... I mean, just not you exactly, but ...", Colin trailed off, but then smiled.

"Well okay, but I guess I should at least call my mom to tell her I won't be home for supper", I said as I walked over to their kitchen phone.

"Yeah okay ... oh and uhm, well why don't you just ask if you can just stay over after?" Colin half said, half asked.

"Stay over? Like sleep over you mean?"

"Uhm yeah, why not? We could watch a movie or play games or stuff."

Colin had a questioning, but hopeful look on his face.

"Okay, but uhm, I don't even have any stuff with me."

Colin thought for a second and said, "Well, you can just, y'know, use my sweatpants and I just got a new toothbrush at the dentist's, you could use that. What else do you need?"

"Uhm, nothing I guess", I said as nothing really came to mind.

I called and let my mom know I wouldn't be home; I promised that I'd call if Colin's parents decided that I couldn't stay. By the time I was done with the call, our hot chocolate was ready. Colin handed me a mug and told me to follow him. We went upstairs, and he showed me his room. It looked like a pretty typical teen boy's room, his bed was unmade and there was a small pile of dirty clothes in one corner. There was a small desk by the window and a TV on a stand across from the end of his bed.

"Hey cool, you've got your own TV", I commented.

"Yeah, mom and dad got a new one for the living room so I got to take this one."

"Cool. Do you have to share the room with your little brother?" I asked.

"No, he has his own room, and so does my little sister. But I've got the biggest room. Well, not as big as mom and dad's room, but bigger than theirs."

"That's cool", I said, sitting in the chair in front of his desk, sipping my hot chocolate while Colin sat on the end of his bed.

We talked for a while, exchanging information about our families, and other things that just never seemed to come up while we were at school. I found out that Colin liked to run and that he'd even run in a few marathons.

By the time we were done our hot chocolate, we heard his family coming in to the house. We went down and Colin introduced me, saying that I was going to stay over. As I shook hands with his parents, I suddenly remembered that I was wearing Colin's tight fitting sweatpants. If either of them noticed, they didn't say anything. His little brother and sister were ten year old twins, and after a quick introduction, they went off to play.

Colin's family was very nice; after the pizza arrived, we all sat at the table, ate and talked. After pizza, we had ice cream and cookies. I was stuffed, and it felt like there was even less room in those sweatpants. Eventually Colin and I excused ourselves and went back up to his room. Colin flopped himself on his bed and I laid on the floor, as we watched TV. As we watched and talked, I looked to my right and noticed a pair of Colin's underwear sticking out from underneath his bed. It made me think about how he looked when I'd seen him getting changed, and when I'd been able to look up his gym shorts while we were doing sit ups. I could feel myself getting an erection and prayed that there'd be no immediate reason for me to have to get up. Even though I knew Colin had seen me with a boner in my jeans at school, this felt different. And in these tight sweatpants, there would be almost nothing left to the imagination.

I tried to focus on the TV and our conversation, and eventually I softened. It was around 11 when Colin's mom knocked on his door. She said that we could stay up to watch a movie, but that we should at least brush our teeth and get ready for bed in case we fell asleep. Colin went to the bathroom to get ready and came back with a toothbrush for me to use. By the time I'd brushed my teeth, peed and returned to the room, he'd gotten into bed, sitting with a pillow behind his back to make it easier to watch the TV.

I looked around, wondering where I'd be sleeping.

"Uhm, I could set up a sleeping bag if you want or uhm, you could just sleep up here", he said, pointing at a pillow he'd set up next to him.

"Oh okay", I said, "uhm, well the bed's probably more comfortable than a sleeping bag on the floor."

Colin smiled, "Yup, that's for sure. Just try to keep your boner on your half."

I laughed and walked around to the other side of the bed, "If I get a boner, I'll need wayyy more than half the bed!"

Colin laughed, "You're funny."

I sat on the edge of the bed and debated whether I should take off Colin's sweatpants to sleep in my underwear or whether I should leave them on like pajama pants. I wondered what Colin was wearing, but with the blankets covering him I couldn't tell. I was hesitant about asking him, and then thought of a way I might be able to ask without it seeming weird.

I stood up and put my hands into the waistband of the sweat pants, "Oh, uhm, hey Colin, where should I put these? Is there something else I should sleep in?"

Colin looked over at me, "You can just toss them on the floor right there, you'll probably want to put them on in the morning before breakfast."

"Oh okay", I replied, but still not making a move to pull them off.

Colin noticed my hesitation, "Oh, right, you can just sleep in your underwear, I am."

As if to confirm, he quickly pulled back the blankets to show that he was only wearing light blue briefs. Pulling the blankets back over him, he turned his attention to the TV, flipping channels until he found he one he wanted. As I pulled the sweat pants down, I could sense Colin looking at me; the sweat pants were so tight one me that as they came down, my briefs started to pull down a bit as well. By the time they were on the floor, half my ass was on display.

"Oooh, this show looks way hotter than what's on TV", Colin laughed and teased.

I turned my back to him, pulled down my briefs a bit further and wiggled my naked ass at him. We both laughed hard as I pulled them back up and got into bed. We settled back against our pillows and watched the movie; it was a horror movie and we both groaned and made comments whenever the characters did something stupid, like go into the basement. When the movie was over, Colin used the remote to turn off the TV; I thought we were going to go to sleep, but Colin turned on the little lamp on his nightstand.

For a minute Colin just sat there with his back against the pillow, looking at the now dark television, before saying, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure", I replied, "ask me whatever you want."

"It's ... uhm, well, it's maybe kind of embarrassing", Colin mumbled.

"Oh ... well ... you can ask anyway, I mean, we're kind of friends now, right?"

Colin laughed a little, "Well yeah, I don't usually let strangers sleep with me in my bed."

"Not usually?" I teased, "But sometimes you do?"

"No, ha ha, you know what I mean", Colin said, and then went quiet again.

"Soooo?" I said a minute later, "Are you gonna ask me that question?"

"Well", he started, "it's uhm, kind of about something you said earlier ... about uhm, you know, ah, needing more than half the bed? If you , y'know, get a boner?"

I looked at him for a second and then burst out laughing, "Seriously? You know I was totally joking."

Colin smiled, and started again, "Well yeah, I know, it's just that ... well, ah ... I'm just kind of ... I'm scared that y'know, I might be .. too small, like, y'know, down there", finished in an almost whisper.

I was about to make another joke, but I could tell that Colin was serious. Physically Colin was obviously smaller than I was, but it had somehow never occurred to me that his dick would be smaller. Even though I'd had imagined him naked when I'd masturbated, I'd never really thought specifically about how big his dick would be.

"Oh, uhm ... well I'm sure it's fine, right?" I replied and then added, "I think all guys worry about that."

"Do you?" he asked, looking right at me.

"Well sure, I mean, uhm ... a bit sometimes, ah ... I think I'm okay", I said, even though I knew I was bigger than average for a guy my age; this didn't feel like the right time to brag about that.

Colin sat there quietly for a minute, so I asked, "So uhm, well why do you, y'know, think you're too small?"

He still said nothing, just looking down now, so I continued, "I'm sure it's fine, right? I mean, uhm ... it works and everything right?"

Colin blushed a little as he looked back up at me, "Well yeah, it uhm ... works good."

"Then I'm sure it's no problem", I replied.

Colin blushed more deeply as he continued to look at me, "Could you ... I mean could I, uhm, see ... never mind."

I took a deep breath; despite everything I'd already done with other boys, I still felt nervous when I said, "You wanna see mine?"

Colin nodded, and I took another deep breath. The truth was that our conversation had already made me rock hard, and I was getting increasingly horny. I slid the blankets down, and I heard Colin draw in a breath as he saw how hard I was, straining against the fabric of my white briefs. With another deep breath, I lifted my butt a little and slid my briefs down to my knees. My hard cock bounced out, slapped against my stomach and then stood up pointing to the ceiling. My foreskin was partially peeled back and I noticed that the tip was already moist with some precum.

"Woah", I heard Colin say, "Shit Martin, that's way more than okay, you're huge!"

I blushed a little, but was also proud that I had something that made other boys my age a little jealous. I tightened my muscles and made my dick sway and bounce.

Colin giggled, and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Sooo", I said, "uhm, so ... what about yours? I'm feeling a little ... alone and exposed here."

Colin continued to blush, but started to push down his part of the blankets, "Okay, oh my god, promise you won't laugh?"

"I promise", I said, as I saw his tented blue briefs come into view.

He hooked his fingers in his waistband and hesitated a moment before pushing his briefs down. The first thing I noticed was a small, but tight patch of dark pubes at the base of his dick. Once fully revealed, I saw his stiff pecker pointing up; it was smooth and cut, and I guessed it to be around 4 or 4-1/2 inches. It wasn't overly thick, but it wasn't thin like a little boy's either.

"Well", Colin said, not looking at me now, "so uhm, yeah, there it is. Kinda small, right?"

"Honestly, it looks fine Colin", I said, "I mean, uhm, obviously it's ah, not as big as mine, but y'know .. I'm kind of a freak."

I smiled, hoping to break the tension, and make Colin more comfortable.

"You really think it's okay?" Colin asked.

"Well uhm, I mean, I'm not exactly an expert", I started, "but, uhm, well I'm sure it's y'know, a normal size and everything."

Colin seemed to be starting to feel a bit more relaxed, and as he put his fingers around his boner, he said, "Do you think it'll grow more?"

"I guess", I said, "I mean, I don't know, but probably yeah."

Colin continued to hold his stiff prick, and looked over at mine, "But damn, you've got a real whopper, how are you, y'know, not passed out from loss of blood right now."

We both laughed and then fell silent.

"Uhm, Colin ...", I started, taking my cock in my hand in the same way Colin was holding his, "I uh, well uhm, are you ... y'know, are you horny?"

"Yeah", Colin whispered, "are you?"

"Yeah", I said, "I mean, uhm, y'know ... I usually ... but I haven't today ... have you?"


"Are you going to?"

"Are you?"

I had started to slowly move my hand already, "I uhm, I mean, ah, I could go to the bathroom ... if you want, y'know, some privacy and stuff."

Colin didn't answer, but started to slowly stroke himself, alternating between looking at his own and looking at mine. I continued to slowly stroke myself as well, fully exposing the head on each downward stroke. As I jacked myself, precum began to flow from my slit, and I used it to slicken my entire hard shaft.

Colin's cock, on the other hand, appeared dry, so I asked, "Do you uhm, y'know, use any lube or anything?"

"Sometimes", Colin replied, and spit in his hand as though I'd given him permission to do so. I watched him jerk himself, and also looked at his body; small red blotches were appearing on his chest and his breathing was becoming shorter and deeper. My own breath was becoming increasingly ragged, and I knew I wasn't far from ejaculating.

I looked back down at Colin's cock just as he quietly gasped; a large blob of cum began to ooze from the tip of his dick. It held there for a moment and then it began to run down his shaft, followed by a brief flow of his juices. Colin sighed as he finished and then looked over at me as I let out a series of short moans.

"Oh, oh, aww", I whimpered, trying to stifle louder groans.

My balls began to rhythmically contract as stream after stream of my hot jizz burst from the head and splattered up my stomach and chest. I let out a deep breath as the sixth and final rope of cum landed and a small amount of my milk ran down my shaft, over my hand and into my pubes.

"Holy shit", Colin gasped, "have you not cum for like a month or something!"

I laughed, "Sorry ha ha, I should've warned you I make a big mess."

I could feel some of it starting to run down the side of my stomach, "Uhm ... Colin?"

"What ... oh yeah, ha ha, okay, hang on", he said, and reached behind him to pull out a small hand towel he must've had stuffed along the head of his bed.

He quickly gave himself a wipe before handing me the towel, "Oh whoops, I uhm ... wait, I can get you something clean."

I grabbed the towel from his hand, "It's okay, this is fine."

I wiped myself, noting that even though Colin had only cum a little in comparison, the towel had quite a few dried, crusty spots. Clearly, he got a lot of use out of it. I was going to say something about it, but hesitated and decided not to.

I handed the towel back to him. He took it, and realized how damp it was now that I'd also cleaned myself with it.

"Oh ah, ha ha, shit", he said, tossing it towards his pile of dirty laundry, "I guess this is ready for the wash now!"

We both laughed and pulled up our briefs. We laid back, pulling the blankets up as well. We lay there in silence for a few minutes.




"For what?"

Colin stopped for a moment, and said "Y'know ... for not, y'now, making fun ... and ah ... for being a friend."

"It's cool, Colin", I replied, "definitely friends."

Next: Chapter 40: Ken and I 40

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