Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jul 4, 2016


Ken and I - Part 08

"You É like me?" I was still trying to process what Ken had just told me.

"Did ya think I'd be doing this with someone I don't like?" Ken grinned and continued, "Like I said, I don't really know exactly what I'm feeling or what any of this means. I just hope we can be cool about this. And be friends. And figure this out together. "

I was too stunned to reply. My young mind raced between thoughts, a jumbled puzzle that I just couldn't piece together. Friends. Like. Love. Boyfriend. Awkward. Weird. And then it struck me. Ken had said we could figure it out together. I didn't have to decipher it on my own. We were now in this together. Whatever that meant. I was impressed at how Ken was handling all of this. I had never really thought of Ken as being mature. And I hadn't meant that in a rude way, but Ken had always seemed like, well É a typical 14 year old teen boy.

"Cool, Martin? Yeah?" Ken's words brought me out of my head.

"Yeah Ken. Cool!"

Without much more said we cleaned ourselves up and realized that it was late and we were exhausted. Sleep came quickly and lasted nearly until noon the next day. The ringing of the phone, followed by my mom shouting that Ken's mother had phoned for him to come home got us up. We quickly got dressed and Ken looked me in the eyes, "Still cool, yeah?"

"Still cool."

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful, not that there was a lot that could've happened that would surpass the events of the past couple of days. Despite telling Ken that I was cool, I couldn't help but wonder at would happen. I wasn't sure what to expect going to school on Monday. I was nervous, excited, confused. Would everyone look at us and know what we'd done?

And of course, no one was able to tell. And other than my own overactive paranoia, Monday's school day unfolded just like every other school day before it. I'd like to say Ken and I played it cool, but the truth was we acted normal because it was a normal day and neither of us would've known to act any different. It wasn't as though we were suddenly going to walk to school together holding hands or kissing in front of our lockers like some of the girlfriend-boyfriend couples at our school. Hell, we weren't even a couple in that sense. We were É well, we were still just Ken and Martin. We didn't interact any more than usual and neither of us talked about what happened on the way to school or home. Of course, we weren't alone on our walk so having a conversation about our weekend wasn't really going to happen anyway.

When we got to our street Ken said, "See you tomorrow!" And we did. And the next couple of days went just like that. I wasn't sure if I was feeling disappointed or relieved that things had returned to normal between us. I replayed the events of the weekend in my mind every time I masturbated. Which happened in my room when I went to bed each night.

I was still able still smell Ken on my bed sheets; I'd wished my mom would never wash my sheets. I knew my dirty clothes from the weekend were still in my hamper as it wasn't yet laundry day at our house. I would fish a pair of my weekend briefs from the bottom of the hamper. For some reason I had always pushed any clothes that had cum on them to the bottom of my hamper; somehow I guess I figured I was hiding it from mom that way when she came to get my stuff for the wash. Although given the state of some of my stuff, especially my briefs or pajamas or even my sheets, I have no idea how she could not know. Not that I had pictured her meticulously reviewing each of my items before putting them in the washing machine. Stupid teen brain. That was only something I had done in my perverted young mind. Well, not just in my mind.

I laid the cum stained briefs on my pillow, leaned in and inhaled. The aroma from the mixture of cum, pee and sweat filled my nostrils. I inhaled deeper, the scents making my memories of our lust filled weekend so much more vivid. Without realizing it, I had slowly begun to grind myself against my mattress, my face buried in the cotton briefs on my pillow. I kept picturing Ken's steely hard cock in my mouth, tasting its sweaty fleshiness, Ken encouraging me to take it. To be his dirty whore cocksucker. My grinding became more intense, my own steely hard flesh sliding inside my pajamas against the mattress. And then the image in my mind changed. I could still smell Ken, but now I could also feel his weight on me, his sweaty teen chest pressed against my back. His hot breath in my ear telling me how he was going to take me. Feeling the head of his cock pushing against my boy hole, forcing its way in and burying itself deep in me. Feeling him grind into my ass the way I was grinding into my mattress.

I moaned into the fabric of my briefs which were now damp from my open mouth trying to take in the taste of my weekend load. An intense orgasm washed over me as I thrust myself hard against my bed. I could feel the cum gushing into my pajamas, as my young ass pulsed and throbbed with Ken's imagined pounding and thrusting into me, his own creamy load being deposited deep inside me.

I laid there for a long time, thoroughly exhausted by my simulated night of passion. In fact, I fell asleep that way; my face against my briefs, my damp deposit of jizz soaking the fabric of my pajamas as well as my bed sheet. Thankfully I woke up before my mother had to, as she did on many school mornings. I pushed my briefs and pajamas to the bottom of the hamper, and opened the window to let that peculiarly unique smell of a hormonal teen boy air out of my room. Grabbing a some clean clothes I carefully opened my door, making sure the coast was clear before streaking my way to the bathroom for a well needed shower before school.

Another school day had passed, but today before we parted for our own houses Ken said, "Come over later, after supper? Maybe we can go for a bike ride or something?"

I had quickly agreed, somehow hoping that a bike ride was code for "I really need you suck my cock". My own cock stiffened with every step to my house, making an obscene bulge in my jeans by the time I got to the back door. I quickly shouted hello to my mother as I shuffled awkwardly to my room, my backpack held to the side so that my tented pants weren't visible to her. I desperately wanted to do nothing but pull down my jeans and underwear so that I could urgently stroke a load from my sweaty teen cock. The thought of a "bike ride" with Ken were fueling the fire in my groin, but it was the same thought that held me back. I wanted to save that load at the prospect of something better than being coaxed out by my own hand.

Suppertime came and went by agonizingly slowly.

"Is anything wrong?" my mother asked.

"No. Why does something have to be wrong?" I replied, rather more sharply than I had intended. "I'm É", I began to apologize.

"I know, I know, you're 14 and well, that can be rough. I get it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you be rude. Next time there'll be consequences. Now go on, go for that bike ride."

"Sorry. Thanks." I was up, my dish in the sink and practically out the door before both words left my mouth.

I grabbed my bike from the garage, pedaled the short distance across the street and dumped my bike unceremoniously in Ken's back yard, next to his and his brother's bikes. Their back door was open, letting the near summer evening breeze flow into the house. Through the screen door I could hear Ken and his younger brother Jamie; the squeals and yells told me they were roughhousing. I knocked and Ken's mom came to the door.

"Hi Martin, as I'm sure you can hear Ken's downstairs with Jamie. Go on down, I won't waste my breath telling him you're here since my last five minutes of yelling at them hasn't had any effect." She said, her face somewhere between seriously annoyed and a grin. Suddenly I had realized where Ken had gotten his trademark grin.

Coming downstairs, I saw Ken and Jamie wrestling on the floor of their rec room. Standing at the edge of the room I observed the two of them; clearly they hadn't heard me come in or down the stairs. At that moment Jamie was laying on the floor with Ken on top of him, pinning his legs and arms. Jamie squirmed and struggled, but Ken being the older and bigger of the two was clearly stronger. Instead of walking in, I took the time to just watch them for a minute. I realized how much Jamie looked like his older brother, he had those some piercing blue eyes and it was plain to see that as he got older he'd look just like Ken.

My thoughts stayed focused on Jamie; I knew he was getting close to his 13th birthday and I wondered if he'd started to experience the first stirrings of puberty. The constant awkward boners. Checking daily for the first few straggles of pubic hair. The wet dreams. On the floor of the room, Ken was kneeling firmly in place at Jamie's midsection, his legs back over Jamie's, his hands holding Jamie's arms out. This positioning was essentially holding Jamie spread eagled on the floor, with his squirming and struggling primarily confined to his hips and crotch which now became the focus of my attention.

I'm not quite sure if it was the masturbatory pleasure I had denied myself earlier, my hormonal teen mind or reality, but I swore I could see a tent on the front of Jamie's grey sweatpants. His movements would occasionally force Ken to sit back slightly, making it seem as though Jamie was thrusting himself up against his older brother's jeans covered ass. The erection that hadn't quite completely subsided during dinner flared to full fledged hard-on in seconds. I knew that the little scene playing out in front me would eventually become fuel for a serious session of self-abuse. My boner was awkwardly positioned down and I knew that if I didn't do something quickly I'd be shooting a load of my teen spunk down the front of the leg of my pants.

Without thinking about the fact that hard-on would be plainly obvious to both Ken and Jamie, I stepped into the rec room, "What's going on, buttheads?"

Jamie continued to struggle while both of them looked over at me; Ken's eyes immediately took in my state of arousal, a broad grin spreading across his face as he mouthed "you dirty fucker" at me. My eyes darted between Jamie's crotch and Jamie's face, who had also clearly seen what I couldn't hide. I thought his eyes were going to bulge out of his head and once again he blushed furiously as he realized I knew where he'd been looking. Jamie stopped struggling underneath Ken, his legs relaxing; as Ken shifted forward to lift himself up off Jamie I confirmed that the front of his sweatpants showed the bulge of a boner. This did nothing to soften my own hardness, and I was certain I could feel the dampness of precum flowing from my dick.

Ken finished standing up and said, "Ready for that bike ride?"

Looking down at Jamie on the floor, I began to turn, "Definitely!"

"Hey, can I come?" Jamie asked.

"Forget it squirt, let's go Martin."

"Come on, please? You never go riding with me anymore. Please?" Jamie pleaded, his eyes moving from Ken's face to mine, as if to ask me to help plead on his behalf.

"I said forget it." Ken began toward the stairs.

Jamie's comment about Ken not riding with him anymore hit my thoughts and suddenly I felt as though maybe I was somehow part of the reason. I knew of course that I wasn't specifically the reason, but I was part of Ken's changing world. And somehow that made me partly responsible.

"Maybe next time?" I smiled at Jamie. As much as I wanted to push it and have Ken change his mind, I also knew that having Jamie along wouldn't improve the chances that a bike ride would turn into a blow job from Ken.

Jamie stopped pleading and gave me the faintest of smiles.

Ken grunted, " We'll see. Come on Martin."

And with that we were up the stairs, out the back door and grabbing our bikes. Ken took off first, with me close behind, but not before making a serious adjustment in my pants. There was no way I could ride my cock pushing obscenely down the leg of my pants. I pushed my hand into my jeans and pulled my cock up and under the waistband of my jeans. This also confirmed that my cock had indeed begun to leak precum, as pulling my hand out revealed a sticky sweet wetness which I licked off without hesitation.

We ended up back at the abandoned box car where Ken and I had previously jerked off together and shared our first awkward kiss. Sitting at the edge of the open boxcar door, we stared out at the creek in silence. I had begun to worry that our silence meant that a bike ride was just a bike ride, and that the events of the previous weekend were being relegated to boyhood memories of fumbling our way through puberty and sexual awakening.

Ken broke our silence. "Y'know, you're a right dirty fucker."

His statement caught me off guard; I was hoping to look over and see Ken's wicked grin and twinkling blue eyes. Before I had a chance to fully register the look on his face, he continued, "What was that back in my basement?"

Oh God. I was beginning to panic. Ken was angry. His younger brother was off-limits to my perverted teen mind. "I É look it was just that É", I began to say.

"Did seeing me wrestling around with Jamie really make you that hard? Geeze, I thought your boner was going to tear right through your pants and cover us both in your jizz!" This time Ken was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, I É", yet again trying to stammer out a few words.

Without a further word Ken jumped down from the boxcar and pulled me down with him. Dragging me forward onto the grass, he bent forward and flipped me over and down onto the ground.

"You like that Martin?" Ken asked as he fell on top of me, trying to pin me down in the same way he'd pinned Jamie earlier that evening. Ken's playful roughness was definitely having an impact on me, and for the moment I forgot all about Jamie. My erection was again at full mast, with Ken reaching back giving it a good squeeze.

"You do, you dirty little fuck." Ken lustfully whispered as he slid himself back, pressing himself down against me and rubbing with across my crotch with his shorts covered ass. Feeling Ken's weight on me felt incredibly good, my cock responding to his movement. "I bet this will make you cum right away. It will, won't it? Were you thinking about me or Jamie earlier?"

Shit. There it was. Jamie. But I was having trouble concentrating. All my energy was being focused into my groin and my urgent need to release the now nearly painful build-up in my balls.

"Not so fast, Martin." Ken stopped grinding back against me and slid himself forward and slightly up, but not entirely off me. Quickly reaching down, he unfastened his shorts, pulling them and his briefs down far enough to let his cock spring out. I could see the tip was wet and leaking, and I knew I desperately wanted it in my mouth.

I was no longer struggling under Ken, and he leaned forward knowing I wouldn't attempt to move. He knew he had me. That I was his cocksucker. Ken leaned far enough that he could wipe the tip of his cock against my lips. I raised my head off the grass wanting to take him into my mouth, but Ken moved back. "You really want this bad, don't you Martin?"

"Yes." I quietly responded between my ragged breathing.

Ken again leaned forward, this time slipping the head of his cock into my eager mouth. I began to swirl my tongue around the head, tasting Ken's musky wetness as he slowly thrust himself in and out. "Fuck yeah, Martin. Take it. Fucking suck me and eat my cum."

The way Ken was talking to me turned me on beyond belief. My hands had found the top of Ken's shorts and pulled them down far enough that I could hold the cheeks of his tight ass, practically pulling him down and into my throat.

"Oh fuck." Ken groaned. "Fuck yesss," he hissed down at me, one hand in my hair playfully tugging and holding me firmly in place. I wasn't going to move. Ken's movements became more urgent, more ragged. I could feel his legs and body tensing against me as his cockhead gushed squirt after squirt of his hot boy nectar into my mouth and down my throat.

I continued to suck and lick every drop from his cock, with Ken finally pulling himself out and rolling over into the grass next me. His face showed a deep satisfaction and all he uttered was a final "Fuck."

Next: Chapter 9: Ken and I 9

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