Ken and Roy

Published on Jun 13, 2005


Ken and Roy 1 By

The phone rang early Friday evening, and when I picked up I heard Ken's voice: "Hey, Jack, a friend of mine, Roy, just dropped in from out of town. I'm sure you'd like to meet him, so if you're free, why not pop over? Stay the night with us, if you want." I'd been planning to see Ken the next morning anyway, so it wasn't a problem packing a couple of things and driving to his house then and there. "Yeah, sounds good. I'll be over in maybe half an hour." He rang off, and I quickly changed, packed a bag with a few things I might need for an overnight stay, and got underway. Friday evening traffic was heavy as usual, but I arrived in exactly 30 minutes as I'd promised. When Ken opened the door, he stood behind it and I guessed that he was already in the buff, and probably his friend was too. I entered and saw Roy standing in the living room. Ken quickly made the introductions while Roy and I scrutinized each other. Roy was in his early 40s, like Ken and myself, slim, about six feet, but with blond hair and blue eyes. Ken and I have brown hair and eyes. Roy had an oval face, with full lips, and as I quickly stripped down my eyes traveled down to his crotch. I was out of my clothes in a minute so that he could see me as well. Roy's half-hard cock arced forward and down over a low-hanging set of balls, and I guessed that as both he and Ken were half-hard they'd been anticipating my arrival with a little mutual fondling. Roy's cock-head was only half covered with skin, leaving the round front dome bare. It was a pink mushroom type head, big but with a flat rim that didn't flare the way mine and Ken's did. "Hey Roy, you cut?" I asked. I'd seen a lot of cocks that way, cut but with only the front ring of the foreskin removed, and I wondered if he'd been snipped. "No, I never was, although when I get hard the skin pulls back all the way. That's why it seems cut. When I was a kid, I had skin that covered the whole head, but when I hit 13 the tip started growing and grew right out of it." Both Ken and I had long foreskins that formed a nipple beyond the glans when soft, and still covered our helmets when hard. Roy apparently had a short foreskin, and I asked him more about it: "Does it ever cover the head when you're soft?" "No, not these days. Even when I'm completely soft it covers only part-way. I guess yours always was long, and still is, like Ken's." "Yeah, you can see mine has a nipple at the end, and it's pretty tight. I guess you don't have to skin back to pee, right?" "No, I'm already skinned back, you could say. Before I hit puberty, my skin was tight, and one day when my father took me in for a physical, the doctor told him I should be circumcised. My father told him no, because his skin had been tight just like mine when he was a kid, and he grew out of it. His cock had a big head like mine, and it just popped out of the skin when he matured. Both our skins just stretched." "I'm glad your father didn't let him circumcise you," Ken said, contributing to the conversation. "That would have been a shame. Jack and I had the same experience, since we both had really long foreskins when we were kids. We still do." He led us back to the bedroom, where we sat on the big queen-size mattress facing each other.

"My father and the doctor got into a real screaming argument about it," Roy said. "The doc told him I'd get cancer and VD and other infections if he left the skin on, but my father knew better. He knew how nice it was to have a foreskin, which is why he'd said no when my mother wanted me circumcised when I was born." "My mother didn't want me cut," said Ken. "Both she and my father knew it was better to leave it alone. They'd been born in Europe, where they don't do that shit." At this point our cocks were almost fully hard, even though we hadn't touched each other. The talk about cocks was getting us all aroused. I noticed that the skin on Roy's tip had pulled back flat along his shaft, leaving the pink mushroom fully exposed. "My skin was really long and tight when I was a kid," I said. "When I was ten, the doctor told my father I'd have a problem with it unless he snipped it, but my father said no. There was no argument. The doctor just let it go at that." I saw that Roy's tip, which had been pink when I'd arrived, was now purple, but not as dark as Ken's or mine. "When you jack yourself can you stretch the skin all the way over the head, or is it too short?" I asked. "Yeah, the skin stretches, but I usually just hold the shaft and bring the skin up against the rim. My rim's pretty sensitive, and that's enough to get me off." His explanation brought back pleasant memories of some of the most exciting jerk-offs I'd had, holding my foreskin back in a thick collar and just jiggling it, enjoying the pleasant jolts of sensation to the base of the glans. "I've done that too, because I like to watch the head swell and turn darker when I'm about to come," I said. "Jack and I can bring the skin all the way over the head when we stroke, but we've held it back to keep the head free a lot of times," Ken said. "Personally, I like to keep my slit free so that I can shoot instead of dribbling into my foreskin." "Same here," I added. ""Though often I miss the show because my eyes usually close when I come." "When we do each other, though, we can watch the cream shoot if we hold the skin back," Ken said. "We also see the head get darker. That's a real turn-on. We really enjoy stroking each other's pricks." "It's a vicarious thrill for us," I explained. "I really love to wrap my fingers around Ken's cock and make him come." "Roy also has a long slit, like mine," Ken pointed out, skinning his back to show us both the similarity. Ken was already leaking lube, as he always did at the slightest arousal. Roy's exposed slit was long and tight, but there was a slight wetness at the lower end where a drop of lube was trying to seep through it. I reached out and pressed my fingertip against Roy's slit, feeling the wetness as I pushed. I began spreading the lube in small circles around his slit. "That turn you on?" I asked. "Feels good, but it feels better when you stroke around the rim. My rim's really sensitive because it's always under the skin when I'm not hard." Now that Roy was fully hard, with foreskin drawn tightly back, I studied the shape of his glans. It was the classic wide mushroom type, with a high corona that stood out starkly above the shaft, but without a hint of flare. Roy's mushroom was shorter than the head on my cock or Ken's, because his ridge did not sweep back as sharply. His large rim glistened in the soft room light, and was studded with little bumps that I knew were nerve endings. I lifted his cock to see the underside. "You've got a thick gee-string like Ken's," I commented. "Mine isn't as long or thick, and doesn't pull the head down when you pull on it." Roy reached for my cock, twisting the foreskin over the head a few times before easing it back to uncover my glans. I gathered another drop of lube from his tip and ran my fingertip around his corona. I noted that Roy's fully aroused cock was somewhat longer than my six inches, about the same length as Ken's. "I see that," he said. "I guess you like having your skin twisted like Ken." His warm fingers continued to stroke my foreskin, drawing it forward again and pulling it out from my body, then pushing it back so he could see my naked glans. "Yeah, that feels good," I murmured, enjoying the sensations. We three really enjoyed comparing cocks, and I think I enjoyed it the most. "Yours has a nice smell to it," he said as he reached with his other hand to uncover Ken's swollen tip. "I think the smell of cock's really hot." I leaned over and put my face close to his naked glans, inhaling deeply. "Yours is nice too. It smells different from Ken's, but it's really nice." We were also aroused by the odors of each other's cocks. I used my other hand to cup his balls, which had already begun to tighten against his body. "Ken told me you don't lube as much as we do," Roy said. "Your slit's wide open, though." "Like a teardrop," Ken said. "I can give him some of my lube." He dipped a finger into the drop that parted the lips of his long slit and lovingly rubbed around my rim with his lubricated finger, sending a shiver through my body. "That's a nice helmet head," Roy said. "Just like Ken's. My rim doesn't flare like you guys." "No, but it's pretty sensitive, isn't it?" I asked as I caressed it. "Yeah, I really like it when you run your finger around it like that. You make my rim tingle." I looked at Ken's crotch and saw that his scrotum was tighter than it had been a couple of minutes ago. Roy's balls had also shrunk. "Your balls are getting tight," I said to Roy as I continued to cup and knead them, pressing my fingertips into the warm and tender flesh behind them. "I noticed yours are already tight," he answered. "They always that way?" "As long as I can remember. I never had low hangers like you and Ken." "The doctor ever put a finger up under your balls and ask you to cough?" Roy asked. "Yeah, a lot when I was a kid," I replied. "Not anymore, though. I guess if you don't have a hernia when you're young, it probably won't happen." "My doctor still does it," Ken added. "Maybe he didn't get the word." "My doctor still asks me to skin it back each time I go in for a check-up," I said. "I think he still can't believe skin that tight can go back. He always seems surprised when I can skin it back." "My doctor doesn't bother," Roy said. "He sees how it's already half back, so he must figure I can get it back the rest of the way. How about you, Ken?" "My doctor still asks me to skin it, since I have a long hood. It's looser than Jack's, so skinning back's no problem." "The doc ever do it to you?" I asked Ken. "Once or twice. It's long, but always slides back nice and easy, so none of them suggested I get it clipped since I've been an adult." "Once a woman doctor had me lie on the table and she skinned it back herself. She seemed to be fascinated by my foreskin, and kept working it back and forth. I think she'd never seen one on an adult, only newborn babies before they got clipped." "Did it make you hard?" Ken asked. "Not really. Only half-hard. When she saw me getting up there, she stopped." "When I was a kid, one doctor got me all the way hard, trying to skin mine back," Roy added. "To this day, I don't know if he was really trying to see if it would go back, or just loved playing with my skin." "You guys have longer cocks, than I do," I said. "They're about the same thickness as mine, and I like the way they look." We were enjoying the discussion about each other's masculinity, and I knew we could go on for hours in this vein. "All of us have straight shafts," Ken said. "Jack's and mine have that big vein on the right, but yours seems to be smooth all round," he said to Roy. "Your tips are different from mine," Roy responded. "You both have that sexy flare in the rim." Roy's corona was flat on top, although it stood about a quarter-inch off the neck of his shaft. "You're also got a lot more skin. Mine just lays back behind the rim when I get hard. Yours bunches up behind your rims." As he spoke, his fingers continued to slide my thick hood up and down my engorged head. "We've all got big tips," Ken said. "I've seen you walk naked, Roy. Your cock swings back and forth when you move, just like mine and Jack's." "Yeah, big tips are so sexy," Roy replied. "I really like yours. They're both darker purple than mine. That color is so nice." The sight of Roy's big sexy tip was temptin g, and I shifted my position to bring my head closer. "I like that heavy-ended look. Here, let me taste your big tip," I suggested. I steadied his shaft with one hand as I ran my tongue around Roy's corona and felt his cock throb between my encircling fingers. The blood-filled head was hot against my tongue, and glassy smooth. Then I probed his slit with my tongue-tip, parting the lips to taste his salty lube. "Love that taste," I said. "It's a bit different from the way Ken tastes, but delicious anyway." I returned to Roy's crown, caressing the little sensitive buds with my tongue. "That looks good," Ken said as he spread a towel under us. "You keep that up, Jack, and you'll make him shoot damn quick." "He will, Ken. My rim's so sensitive, and I need to bust my nut so bad." I could feel his glans throb against my tongue as I worked on his corona. Now I felt Ken's warm fingers encircle my shaft, gently and lovingly. "I'll keep you going, Jack. You just work on Roy so that he shoots. Don't worry about me for right now. I'll catch up with you guys later." Ken's fingers moved my foreskin gently along the length of my glans, not pumping hard but slowly enough so that I was in no danger of creaming while I worked on Roy's staff and mushroom. I pulled down on his shaft-skin, stretching the retracted foreskin to the limit because I knew that the tension on the skin and gee-string would add to Roy's excitement. Now Roy was on his side, his cock pointing at my face, and I ran my tongue around his rim and down to the hot spot under the head where the two halves of his corona met to form a deep triangular groove. His taut gee-string was attached at the bottom of the groove and I pressed my tongue-tip into his hot spot, feeling his body shudder in response. "I haven't come in three days," he moaned. "My tip's tingling now, and really hot." Inches in front of my eyes, Roy's hot hard glans was turning darker, especially around the rim. I gripped his shaft tighter and pulled downward as I grasped his sac with my other hand to exert traction. "Wow, I like that, Jack. Keep pulling on my balls, it's so hot!" The surface of his glans was hardening against my tongue. Ken's warm fingers continued to slide my hood slowly along the head. "His eyes are closing, Jack," Ken said. "Any second now." Roy had stopped speaking as the sensations captured all of his attention. He began to moan loudly, and I knew he was very close. My tongue made another circuit around his hard corona and I lapped at the tight ring of retracted foreskin. Now I probed under the head again, and I felt his body shudder hard. His cock throbbed in my fist, and he let out a loud helpless cry of ecstasy as his first contraction expelled a thick stream of cream from his long slit. Roy yelled again and spewed another thick white jet into the air. The cream parted the lips of his slit and shot onto the towel. Roy's cock was jerking in my fist as he shot again and again, totally caught up in the frenzy of his orgasm. Now the jets were weaker, and I knew he was slowing down as the end approached. Finally, his big tip was just oozing, and I released his cock. Roy opened his eyes to look at us, as his breathing slowed to normal and his body relaxed. His erection was subsiding and as the head shrunk the foreskin began slipping forward to cover it. He studied our hard cocks and said: "Your foreskins lock back behind your rims. Mine goes forward unless I'm hard." "Mine locks behind the rim even when I'm soft," I said. "I think Ken's does too." "Yes, mine does too," said Ken. "That's convenient when peeing. I don't have to hold on tight to keep it back." "Good thing, too," I added. "A couple of times I skinned back but wasn't careful to lock it behind the ridge, and it slipped forward and suddenly my stream was splattering all over the place." Ken reached out and tugged my foreskin forward to normal position, where it formed a thick pucker beyond the glans.. "See, that thick pucker really obstructs the stream," he said to Roy. "Boy, I like the way the big head shows through the skin, even though the skin's thick." Roy reached for my penis and began jiggling the hood back and forth over the head. "I can feel the rim through the skin." Ken joined in, cupping my balls, as I lay back on the bed. "I guess you can be next," Ken said to me. "You really worked hard getting Roy off, and now it's your turn." "Sure you want to wait?" I asked Ken. "No problem. I don't mind. I know the longer I wait the hotter it will be for me." Ken's long fingers encased my sac, and I felt his fingertips touching the skin behind my balls. Roy had stopped jiggling my hood and was now squeezing the head, making my cock-root throb with every squeeze. "That feel good." He asked. I nodded, and he continued to apply rhythmic squeezes. "Each time you squeeze him I can feel his cock-root throb," Ken said. Roy had my foreskin fully forward and kept squeezing my glans through the thick hood, sending a thrill down my shaft each time. I was now totally relaxed, enjoying the sensations, anticipating what was to come. "Now for something a little different," Roy said as he stopped squeezing and began to slide my long skin in full strokes up and down the long head. Each long smooth slide generated pleasant feelings, and after about a minute the surface of my dick-head was filled with a tickling sensation. Ken's other hand wrapped tightly around the base of my shaft, squeezing the veins. I felt my glans swell a bit more, as it filled out completely with blood. "You made the head turn darker," Roy said as he stripped the skin back all the way and held it retracted. "It must be getting really sensitive." "Let me give you some of my lube," said Ken. "I'll just milk my cock and drip it onto his head." I felt a torrent of warm drops dripping onto my glans, and when Roy pulled my foreskin up it slid very smoothly, cushioned by a thick film of Ken's lubricant. "That made it smooth, real smooth," Roy said as he continued to slide my hood up and down the long head. I felt Ken's fingers tighten slightly around my sac, then press into the tender flesh behind it. "Now skin him back, Roy," he said. "Keep the skin back and stroke the head with your fingertips." "Just the rim, or the whole head?" Roy asked. His fingers were caressing my corona, sending thrills down my shaft. "No, work your fingertips all over the head. Jack's head is sensitive all over because his skin normally keeps it covered. You'll get him off fast this way. Just watch his reaction." Roy's fingers began working around the head, running down the rim and then pressing into the hot spot under my glans, and then caressing the blunt nose. Hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into my glans and I began moaning uncontrollably. "Yeah, I see what you mean, Ken. He's really into it now." Roy ran his fingers around the head, and then caressed the broad upper surface, making me shudder and cry out. It felt as if I were about to come immediately, but the sensual torture continued without my cock-root exploding. The tickle in my glans changed to a hot tingle, and I knew I was getting close. "See how the head got even darker, Roy? You're really turning him on." Roy's fingertips moved to the blunt nose of my glans, working around my distended orifice, and then traveled back smoothly to the rim, only to plunge into the deep groove behind it and hit the nerve endings there. I moaned even louder, totally captivated by the intensity of the sensations. "Jack's tip feels harder now," Roy commented. "It was a little spongy before, but now it feels hard like a marble. The back of his rim's almost black." His fingers danced over my glans in light teasing touches that made my nerve endings quiver. My cock began to jerk and throb as the sensations built up, and my legs began to tremble. "You've got him on the edge, Roy. Just keep doing that and you'll make him cream any second." The combination of Roy's stroking fingers, Ken's tight grip on my shaft, and his cupping my balls drove me to the brink, and despite my best effort to relax, I felt my cock-root tighten. "AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!" I cried out as the sensations peaked and I tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm. My cock-root clenched hard for a second, then released its first hot torrent with a heavy spasm that made me cry out helplessly. Stars flashed before my eyes as the burning jet coursed up my urethra and shot from the end. Another spasm gripped me and I shot again, yelping in joyful agony as the sensations totally overwhelmed me. "Man, he's loud," Roy said as he lovingly caressed my glans, faster now to give me more intense sensations. Another hot jet blew through my penis to erupt from my throbbing tip. "That's how he gets when he's having a hot one," Ken explained. "You're really giving it to him." My crotch muscles tightened in another spasm and more juice went flying. "His tip's throbbing so hard..." Roy said as he worked his fingertips around my rim and pressed my hot spot under the head. I cried out again as another string of cream spewed from my swollen glans. My sensations peaked and suddenly the head was too sensitive. "AH-AH-AH!" I cried out, and I heard Ken tell Roy to stop. My naked cock-head throbbed as the last few spasms ran their course, with Ken still holding my shaft and balls. "I guess that's it," said Roy. "He stopped shooting. His prick's just drooling now." I knew that my cream was just oozing instead of shooting forcefully, as I'd pretty much drained myself during the hot spasms of climax. I felt my body relax, and then Ken's fingers delicately pulled my foreskin up to protect the head. Now my prick lay on my stomach, seeping its last drops, and I opened my eyes to see Roy and Ken smiling down at me. Roy leaned over to kiss me tenderly on the lips. "There. That's for you," he said. "You gave me such a hot one that I'm glad I was able to return the favor." Ken kissed me next, his tongue parting my lips slightly, controlling his passion, because he was the only one who hadn't yet come. Although I was still dazed from my orgasm, I rolled toward him and pushed him flat on the bed. His penis was stiff, lying against his abdomen, the big helmet covered by his long foreskin, and I noted that it was still drooling lubricant. "I'm going to let you dock my finger,' I said as I pushed my index finger into his foreskin's wet gaping orifice, probing for his long slit from which the clear nectar poured. Ken gasped as my fingertip contacted his sensitive glans and began spreading the lips of his slit. I worked my finger in small circles around the slit, searching for more nerve endings to tickle, and felt his hard glans throb as he moaned loudly. "I'll cup your balls, Ken," said Roy as his hand snaked between Ken's thighs to encase his scrotum. Ken's balls were almost retracted with excitement, and Roy kneaded them gently as I continued to caress the hooded tip of his penis. "Clamp your fist around his shaft," I told Roy. "That's to make sure the head's filled out." "Does it make the head more sensitive?" Roy asked. "It does on me." I felt Ken's glans lose its spongy feel and harden under my fingertip. His foreskin was thinner than mine, and the outline of his rim stood out clearly through the hood. "I'm sure it does, Roy. His tip's getting harder now, and he can feel every touch perfectly." I pushed my finger deeper into the loose hood, probing for the sensitive corona, and when I reached it I swept my finger down one side, ending up in the triangular groove under the head. Ken's body shuddered and when I pressed my finger against his gee-string he gasped in surprise and delight. "You really hit his hot spot under there," Roy said. "His eyes just closed." I knew this was a sign that Ken was withdrawing into himself as the sensations mounted, becoming oblivious to everything except the compelling sensations in his groin. "Yeah, he's getting hotter," I replied. Now I ran my finger up the other side of his rim, caressing the back-face and the deep groove behind it. Ken's body was quivering now, his legs twitching, and I knew that I was getting him closer to the moment of release. "Strip him back, Jack. I want to see the big head. Get the skin all the way back so we can watch the head shoot." I pried the foreskin back from one side of Ken's engorged glans, bringing the sensitive wet surface into view. Ken's cock-head seemed to be sculpted, its sharply defined contours and the flaring edge of his corona now naked to our gaze. Dripping with lubricant, it glistened wetly as I massaged its many nerve endings. "See? Nice and purple, Roy. He's right on the edge." The lips of Ken's slit were distended by a steady stream of lubricant that made his glans wet and slippery. I knew that this copious lubrication masked and softened the sensations produced by my caressing finger, but this also prolonged the period of anticipation, when he felt he was about to come, and his body was tensing for the explosion. "He's really hot," said Roy. "I can feel his cock-root throbbing." Ken's sac was tight and contracted, the testicles clearly defined through the wrinkled skin. I felt the swollen glans throbbing against my finger, and drew it around the circumference to push the remaining foreskin back to lock behind the flaring rim. Ken's legs were trembling now, and his stomach muscles tightened visibly. "Beautiful head, isn't it?" I asked Roy. The long helmet-shaped glans was gloriously exposed and we could see its burgundy color that darkened towards the high flaring rim. I caressed the broad upper surface with several fingers, moving back to rotate my fingertips around the hard, swollen rim. Ken's body stiffened, and a moment later he howled as the first hard throb pounded against my fingers. "He's coming!" Roy shouted as we watched a thick stream of cream shoot from the end of Ken's dick, arcing onto his chest and stomach. Ken's hips bucked hard as a second gush erupted and he howled his cries of helpless agony again. Ken's face was red, and his lips drawn back with the frenzy of orgasm. I twirled my fingertips around the big throbbing glans again, provoking another hot spasm that sent a thick gush through the distended lips of his long slit. Ken cried out again as his hot hard glans throbbed between my fingers, pouring another thick white stream onto his stomach. He was trembling all over, caught up in the fury of orgasm, as his cock throbbed again. This time it was weaker, and less came out of the slit. The next gush was not as white and had less pressure. I knew he was over the peak, and any moment his tip would become hyper-sensitive. I ran my ringers around the flaring rim for the last time, and removed them to let his orgasm fade naturally. "He's just seeping now," I told Roy. "It still feels good, but he's close to the end." "His tip gets sensitive too?" Roy asked. He'd noted that I'd stopped stimulating Ken's hard glans. "Yeah, just like mine does," I replied. "I'm just going to stroke his skin slightly from now on." I pulled his foreskin half-way up the long glans, leaving the nose free to drool the last of his semen. Slight pulses of clear fluid parted the lips of Ken's slit, and I realized that we'd forgotten to place a towel on his stomach as we'd been caught up in the excitement. He'd have to take a shower quickly to avoid having the fluid dry and stick to his hairs. Ken's body relaxed, and we sat back, satisfied that we'd given him a first-class orgasm. He lay there inert for a couple of minutes before opening his eyes. I leaned over and kissed him, then Roy kissed his lips. The three of us had bonded powerfully by working together to give each other hot, mind-stopping orgasms, and we enjoyed the mood. "Better get into the shower," I said as Ken opened his eyes. "If your cream dries, it'll stick to your hair." Ken got up and went into the bathroom. Roy and I followed. "Want some company in there?" Roy asked with easy familiarity. "Love it," Ken answered as he turned on the water. We crowded in with him and enjoyed the hot streams coursing over our bodies. "That hot water makes me want to pee," Roy said. "Do it, Roy," Ken urged. "I gotta go too. How about you, Jack?" I reached out and pinched the nipple of his foreskin shut before replying. Roy had turned half away from us and as the end of his mushroom was exposed to view, the thick yellow stream that drained from the front of his pink glans was clearly visible. I saw how the lips of his long slit parted to let the heavy flow emerge. "I need to go too," I said. "Let's give Roy a nice show of how we make our foreskins balloon." The nipple of my foreskin had tightened down over the glans and when I relaxed I felt the flow swirling around between hood and head before dribbling out the end. Ken had apparently relaxed his sphincter because his foreskin began to swell with trapped urine. When it appeared to be at the point where it would become uncomfortable, I let go of it and we watched a thick yellow gush explode from the puckered hood. At the same time, a heavy flow dribbled from the end of my foreskin's nipple. "Roy, you pinch Jack's skin the way he's doing mine. You'll see how it works." Roy obediently grasped the end of my long thick nipple between thumb and forefinger, interrupting my flow. My hood began swelling, and just as I was about to tell him to let go, he did, releasing my yellow gush to flow down the drain. "I knew about that, guys," Roy said. "Remember how I said mine was long and tight when I was a kid? I did this all the time in the shower. My father told me this would help my skin stretch and also work loose where it was attached to the head." He pinched my hood again, and my skin started to swell. Meanwhile, Ken's hood was swollen to the limit, and I again released it, letting the trapped fluid pour out onto the shower floor. "That feels good, Jack," he said, as his flow poured from the thick puckered foreskin. Now my hood was fully distended, and Roy released it to let my torrent flow from my long nipple. I rejoiced in the sensation of the rush of fluid sluicing through my precious hood flesh. After we'd drained ourselves, we soaped each other, carefully working over the armpits and crotches, while carefully avoiding getting soap under the foreskins. We all knew a soapy residue could be irritating, and that our secretions would easily rinse off without soap. Ken turned off the water and we dried each other, lovingly dabbing away the drops. Back in the bedroom, we found that we weren't sleepy, but keyed up from our mutual sexual adventure. Roy was half-hard, apparently recovered because he'd been the first to come. "Roy, you look like you could stand another orgasm," I said. His cock twitched as I spoke, and it was obvious that he again needed relief. "Ever try electro-sex?" I asked, thinking of some of the items I'd brought with me. "No, but Ken told me about it. He said it's really a hot thrill and makes you come real hard, even if you've just come a few minutes ago." "Want to try it now? I brought my stuff with me."

Roy looked at Ken, then said: "Okay. What do I do?" "Just lie back on the bed, Roy," Ken said. "Jack and I will hook you up and you just relax and enjoy the ride." Roy lay back and I extracted the black box and electrodes from my bag. Ken began squeezing the head of Roy's cock to produce erection, which made applying the electrodes easier. Within seconds, Roy's hood had eased back off the head, and his sac had begun to tighten. "There are several kinds of electrodes, Roy," I began. "Ken and I often use the cup that goes over the front of the head." I held one up for him to see. "Our foreskins hold it in place, but since yours comes back all the way, I'd have to tape it to the head, and taking the tape off might hurt. So instead, I'm going to use this collar-type electrode." I held up a small noose made of flexible conductive plastic, which I looped over his glans, fitting it behind his corona. "Now I'm going to put on some conductive jelly." I opened a small bottle and dribbled the liquid around the groove behind his corona, wetting the plastic loop thoroughly. I attached a clip to the terminal and connected it to the box. "This electrode goes between your butt cheeks. I also have a butt plug if you prefer that." "No, I don't even like a thermometers shoved inside me. Use the other one." "Okay, Roy. This one will contact your anus, and the current path will go right through your prostate and cock-root. You'll feel a hot spasm when I turn the current on." I wet the electrode with jelly and Roy turned on his side to let me slip it between his cheeks. I connected the wires and asked: "Okay, you ready? I'll go slowly at first." Roy nodded. I turned on the power, knowing from experience that a pleasant tingle would fill his penis and cock-root. "Let's not forget the towel this time," Ken said as he spread the fluffy terrycloth over Roy's chest and stomach. "Nice," he said. "Does it make me come just like that?" "No, this is low power. I'm going to turn it up a bit." I rotated the power knob and Ken's hand slipped between Roy's thighs to cup his balls. "Feel better?" I asked. Ken's other hand went to Roy's chest, and his fingers began gently twisting Roy's nipples. "Yeah, that's nice," Roy replied. I like the way Ken's touching me too," Now I turned on the pulse function, and the current began turning on and off, each pulse sending a pleasant spasm through Roy's cock. "That's different, isn't it?" I asked. "Yeah, feels very different, very nice." I increased the power and Roy's penis began to jerk with each pulse. "Now you're getting into it," said Ken. "When there's enough power in the pulses to make your cock twitch, you're on the way. It's going to get pretty intense from now on, so hang on." I increased the power and Roy's penis jerked harder. He began to grunt. "The current makes your penis and crotch muscles contract. That's what's making your cock twitch and jerk. It's beyond your control, so just enjoy it. Focus on the sensations." Ken and I watched Roy's glans bob up and down with each pulse, and I increased the power again. His grunts grew heavier, telling us that the sensations had intensified for him. I turned the power knob another increment and Roy's eyes closed. "This is the home stretch," I told him as I gave him yet more power. His glans had darkened from pink to a light purple, and was glistening in the light, the surface hard and fully distended. His hands contracted to fists, and I noted that his sac was tight in Ken's fingers. His penis was jerking hard with each pulse, and now his eyes closed. I knew he was focusing totally on the intense sensations pouring into his groin, becoming oblivious to the world around him. I turned the power knob again and his grunts became very loud, in time with the pulses: "HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" A steady drool of lube had been seeping from between the lips of his long slit, but now as his entire body jerked with the first throb of orgasm, a thick white jet lunged up from his tortured glans. His frenzied grunts filled the room. His penis jerked again, and another jet spewed from his naked tip, arcing high to fall on his chest. Roy's head rocked from side to side, and he began howling as the spasms continued, spreading the fury of orgasm through his groin. Several more gushed poured from his swollen purple tip, which had darkened further as the orgasm progressed, but then they weakened and became a steady ooze, and I turned the power down sharply. His penis still jerked, but not as hard, and I tapered off the power to let his orgasm wind down as his body began to relax. Finally, I turned off the box, and Roy opened his eyes. WOW! What hit me?" He said with a slight smile. "You just had your first electro-orgasm," Ken answered. "Congratulations." "You blew a very heavy load," I added. "Your prick was jerking and spewing, and you were really into it." I saw his penis begin to deflate, and I removed the electric loop to let Roy's foreskin come forward. He rolled onto his side to let me remove the electrode from between his cheeks and then lay back again. "I think we're all drained," said Ken. "We might as well get a good night's sleep and pick up again in the morning." I nodded, and he rose to turn out the light. I snuggled up beside Roy, feeling his warm body against mine, and Ken got into bed next to me, sandwiching me between him and Roy. I closed my eyes and was soon in a deep and dreamless sleep.

The end of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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