
By Kent's Friend

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Note: I apologize for keeping my readers waiting. A quick reread of chapter 12 might be helpful.

My announcement to the party was a surprise. I would be waiving the hour I had to figure out the identity of the mystery cock.

"You should at least consider your choice over a beer," Marcus advised. "You know what happens if you lose this one."

Of course I did. I had run a few versions of it through my mind, even as I was going down on my new friend minutes earlier. "Fine with me," I said. "You can all wait."

The recommended beer appeared in moments, along with a smile from Tony. The three football jocks were playing as a team. Deke and Brad were watching from nearby, and trying to listen in.

"So you think you have it figured out, do you?" Tony drew from his beer. He kept his eyes locked squarely on mine, hoping for a clue.

"Yes, I think I know. There were a few indications, enough to make a reasoned guess." I wasn't going to give anything away. While paying the required attention to him, I was deciding if I really wanted to wash out the delightful taste of cum that lingered in my mouth. Ultimately I decided to try to make Tony blush by becoming friendly with the bottle. The bubbles carried off the delicate aftertaste I had been savoring.

"You are sure enough to risk it?" He winked at me. "Or maybe that's what you were planning, intentionally, all along. I think I know what you want. Why not just ask for it?" Tony looked towards Deke, as obviously as if he had pointed to him. I have to admit to thinking a few times of taking a fuck from Deke. And I was considering it again now.

"Think I'm going to claim it's Deke, do you? Then let him fuck me if it isn't?" I returned Tony's stare. He blinked, momentarily looking at his beer. "Of course if it was, he'd have to blow me and someone else while his two teammates watched. That would almost be worth it." A little tongue on the open mouth of the bottle drew Tony's eyes and derailed him for a moment.

"Well, that's your bet to make, isn't it? Good luck." He sauntered away, stopping to trade a few words before going back to Deke to report. They'd make an interesting foursome with the addition of me. I expect Deke would fuck us all, but that certainly wasn't going to be tonight.

The next one to pass by was Kent.

"I can't tell you anything, of course," he offered.

"I don't think I need your help in any case, other than for a ride back to your place later." My free hand found Kent's lower back. I leaned towards his ear and whispered. "I caught your clue, by the way, the reference to 'a few meters to go' or some such thing. If you meant to suggest a swimmer, thanks for the hot recommendation. It isn't correct, though. You can explain what you were thinking later."

Kent looked at me in a way that questioned my naturally plotting ways. I shot back a smile. I expect he thought I'd miss my guess, and was trying to steer me towards a gentle fuck. No dice, Kent. I'd take my chances or throw them as I pleased.

I had barely enough time to take a second swig of beer before Deke himself stepped in front of me. He was a massive hunk of beef, all right. Not a bad looking guy, but more notable for his attitude. Arrogance dripped from his chin. Whether he fudged the number of conquests that he claimed earlier or not, he dished out the confidence of a guy who usually gets what he wants.

"Why don't you just give it up?" Deke asked. He just stood there, demanding a reply. Butterflies returned to my stomach, for the first time in quite a while. I felt this way when I first saw Kent's photos, and then again with Mike. Deke worked a magic similar to Kent's. I focused on his ears, wondering if I would see them next to my feet sometime as he held onto my ankles. My balls were saying yes. My ass wasn't so sure.

"Yeah. Guess we all know how it's going to go," I told Deke.

"Thought so." He smiled and walked off, flashing a thumbs-up to the other two.

I must have mumbled what I was thinking, which was less than polite words for Deke, because Aaron looked genuinely shocked.

"You are absolutely right about that," Aaron said. "I can tell you all about it, believe me."

So it had been Deke who got his way with Aaron. Marcus probably had Aaron suck off Tony. Deke did his routine, and the poor boy fell for it. "You can bag a better guy than that," I assured him.

"Wouldn't say no." He was all smiles. I liked him instantly when I met him, and even more now after hearing his voice again. He had a cuteness unique in this crowd. I would call his an ice cream smile, the kind that could get you to try cherry when you came in looking for something more potent. Before I could move on my impulse and his invitation, the pair of swimmers came over to us.

"Ryan, and Doug," I said hesitatingly. "Or do I have it backwards?" More beer.

"Oh dear. That cuts his chances of guessing right in half, doesn't it?" One spoke and the other nodded. They were certainly an item.

"No, not really," I said. "I haven't had the pleasure of munching on either of you yet. I am quite certain of that." They seemed disappointed. "Neither of you has the amount of hair on the balls that I just encountered. Maybe next time guys, maybe then, but only as a set." I pursed my lips as if to send them a kiss, only to stick the bottle in instead. A fractional turn popped the head of the bottle through the barrier. They both watched the movement with such intensity that I could have made them jump if I had blown a kiss instead. I should have.

Had I shouted my decision to the room? The news passed around instantly. By the time it reached Marcus, he seemed to be growing impatient. I was growing something entirely different. The excitement flowing in from different sources was mixing in my crotch and firing up a very respectable woody. I was genuinely happy to be near Aaron, stimulated by the dance of nerves with Deke, absolutely enjoying the smell of the cum still on my face, and thinking that I was not one hundred percent certain who I'd just blown. The evening could still go either way.

"Pound the beer. Sounds like you are ready to make your announcement." Marcus was right, of course. I was going to go for it before I did something stupid like revise my guess.

The crowd formed around me. There was no need to find a vantage point to make my declaration.

"Okay, guys. I know who it was. Let me tell you how I figured it out." The remaining beer would be very hand for dramatic pauses. One gets so dry when holding all the attention.

"Kent, Jim, Mike, Marcus." I began. "All DQ'ed on the grounds of prior, er, association. Would have been too easy, especially Mike, who has, in case anyone has not had the pleasure, the most mouth filling man meat on campus." Deke saw me slice a sideways glance at him as I laid the compliment on Mike. Chuckles rose up. Mike, and surprisingly Kent, sported broad smiles. Yes, that was indeed a little reddening on Kent's face. I wonder who else noticed that.

"Ryan. Doug." I looked at them. "Doug. Ryan. Whatever. Swimmers shave their bodies. Yet I had some hairy nuts in my face just now. Wouldn't mind yours, guys, but that would be a new experience for me. Hasn't happened yet."

"Aaron?" I asked his name instead of declaring it. "It was a nice dick, like I expect you have. And there was a big, thick load, like you surely deliver. But it wasn't you. I'd know if it was you." I nailed him with a lusty gaze as I issued the last sentence from deep inside. I had accomplished another happy dismissal. I'd crossed him off the list with a pat on the back and a gentle grasp of his basket. Aaron was so pleased.

"Ah, Tony." I turned to face him. "Look at those muscular arms, with veins nearly squeezed out of them by solid muscle. I bet your dick is the same way, but the one I had tonight was smooth and even. Not yours, was it?" I hoped for a flicker of an indication, as I truly was not certain on this one, but he held his poker face admirably. Maybe.

"As for you, Brad, I bet your crotch is incredibly hairy. You have a thick nest of curly black hairs to nuzzle into, don't you? But by that time I'd be gagging on your cockhead. I can see it right through your pants, and I'd know if that manfucker was crammed down my throat. It wasn't."

"Now who does that leave?" I'd forgotten about the beer until now, and took two long draws from it. "I count two. Yes, there are two left." Deke actually took a step forward, confident that I'd hand him the night's big prize. A wild urge to do it overtook me at that moment. Surrendering my ass to him wouldn't be so bad, after all. Sure, it would hurt like crazy for a minute or two, but I'd adapt. He fits right in with my taste for being topped by the most dominant jock around, so how could there be any question? He knew it as well as I did.

I turned to dismiss Brian, my latest baseball idol. I looked into his eyes, two hazel gemstones with a brilliant intensity. Next, I ran my eyes through his close-cropped hair, wondering what it might be like to have the actual pleasure of kneading it if he were on his knees before me. The energy in the room had jumped up, most notably when I'd cast off Tony and then Brad. Now I was closing in on Brian. Deke was about ready to grab me from behind, I imagined, throwing me down right there to begin his night of pleasure.

"Brian." Another sip of beer, mostly foam, bought me a precious few seconds. "It's your cum on me, isn't it?"

The hoots and cheers from the guys cut my indictment of Brian short, but did not drown out a very distressed "Fuck!" from Deke.

"Guilty as charged," Brian offered. "May the court be merciful." He plainly wasn't distressed at the outcome. He might even be hiding his joy at my discovery. Yes, the slowly building smile proves it. Brian is a happy boy.

"Fuck!" Deke was going off again, so I turned towards him.

"Don't think it's over yet, dude. I still have one more choice to make. I was right the first time, and I won't disappoint on this selection either." The empty bottle landed more roughly than I'd planned on the coffee table, our brief affair finished. "I get to present the runner up with my date for the evening, as I recall, to share." I moved a few steps in the direction I was facing. Deke was intrigued by the opportunity and flashed a wicked grin at Brian as I stepped just beyond him and started to turn.

As I placed my hand on his shoulder, letting it climb across onto his neck, I got a broad and sincere smile that even an old friend spares for a rare occasion. A muttered obscenity came from behind me.

"I'd like you to join us, Aaron, if you are interested. I think Brian would like you, and I know that I would." My voice was aimed to a point just past his eyes.

"Yeah! I'm hot for both of you!" Aaron was throwing his cards down onto the table, having won the hand without any effort on his part.

"You like it, Brian?" I asked.

"Sure. You're the boss, but yeah, I like it," came Brain's reply.

"Thanks for the use of your room, Marcus, we will only be an hour or six, I expect." I wasn't sure he heard me until his reply came.

"It's your night, guy. You want to drag him off, then you do it." Marcus ended any protests from the wishful audience. They wanted part two in front of them, but I was not sharing Brian with anyone but Aaron tonight. I wanted Aaron nearly to myself as well.

Deke was more forthright in his opinion of my selfishness, and was apparently still smarting from my rejection of him. I heard him say "Enjoy it now. You'll pay up later," but didn't deign an acknowledgement.

I strode over to Brian and buzzed my knuckles through his hair. I assured him the court was going to be far beyond merely fair. I steered him next towards Aaron, who after his rough initiation to the club must surely have felt like the big winner tonight. Brian put a hand on each of us and we strolled off towards Marcus' bedroom.

"Just call when you want to be picked up. Anytime. I want to hear the details." The offer came from Kent.

"Great, but do I call your phone or Mike's?" I asked innocently enough but there was nothing innocent about the answer. Kent would be waking up with Mike. Looks like our hero has come back for more, I thought. Good for both of them!

The three of us collapsed onto the bed, Brian bearing most of the weight of his two companions. Aaron and I both started mapping his exposed shoulders with our lips. A hand to the pitcher's crotch confirmed that he was in heaven. Aaron had caught sight of my explorations, and was watching every move.

"Go ahead, Aaron. Have some. I don't much care about the order of things tonight. We'll get it all done in good time." My permission freed Brian from his pants, then his briefs. The familiar meat rose up to Aaron's tender lips. After watching Brian's cockhead slip inside Aaron's mouth, I returned to kissing Brian. He was one fantastic kisser, something neither Kent nor Mike could honestly claim.

"You guys lock up when you go. I have plans tonight myself, so make yourselves at home." Marcus was closing the door before we could issue our thanks. Time passed without notice. We were all busy.

Brian hugged me and gently grabbed my tongue with his teeth as he blew a load into Aaron's mouth. We froze together as Brian relished this, his second orgasm of the night. The humming from near my own crotch confirmed Aaron's pleasure with the results. My own recent memory of the sharp taste of Brian's semen overtook my thoughts. I climbed up and began feeding my newly liberated meat into Brian's mouth. He could kiss gently and make me feel it to my feet. When he sucked me, alternating between a gentle caress and a jism-stealing vacuum, I felt it in places where my feet had merely been for a moment. He soon earned his reward, making me double over with uncharacteristic exclamations of joy. Aaron found the same fate some time later, smashing into me and making it impossible for a minute to keep licking his ear.

Much later that night, after we had all tumbled into sleep, I dreamt of more incredible sex. We were all at a lake, everyone from the party and more. There was laughter and constant traffic in and out of the water, the bushes, and a little cabin. Reacting to the stimulation of some fleshy, muscular hands in the dream, I stirred enough to wake Brian and myself. I took the chance to climb onto him, settling onto him and pushing our rising manhood together.

As I felt him slide into me, I fought against his attempt to lift me off his penetrating shaft. Before long, we ceded the bed to our sweetly sleeping Aaron. I took Brian's fuck lying on my back on the floor. I begged him to make it last, and he did his best despite his excitement. In the darkness we locked eyes at the moment he lost his seed inside me. I wanted him to stay there all night, but settled for being carried back to the bed and placed in the middle of it.

As I drifted off again, I let Brian know that this was a new level of sex for me. Surely the mechanics were comparable to other times. For the first time, however, I would be crawling away from the scene with only an innocent desire for more of these guys. I resolved to remind him in the morning, for he was already asleep. I also wanted desperately to show off my two guys to anyone who would look at the sticky mass of us. My last thoughts before sleep were of calling Kent, at Mike's number, and setting up a long lunch for the group of us. That would surely set Campustown on its ear. Can't wait.

I hope you liked chapter 13. Now it's your turn to write:

Next: Chapter 14

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