
By Kent's Friend

Published on Feb 11, 2001


Kent 14 - Morning with Brian

Marcus' bedroom windows opened to the east. From what I knew of him, I should have expected the drapes to be open. He paused in front of the window every morning, I imagined, selecting the day's clothes and admiring himself. Maybe someone else would see him there by the window. He would regard it as his right to treat himself to an audience.

Darkness faded into a cloudy dawn, reminding me that I hadn't slept very much. Brian was nothing short of athletic in his sleep. Aaron was a pillow thief, content only if his head was resting on my pillow. We came easily to an accommodation, but being in the middle required constant attention. Something worth noting could happen at any time. I recalled a long drive I once made through a part of the state to which I had no reason to return. Although there was nothing new to see, I felt like I had to notice everything since I might never be back. The same forced low level of alertness had burned in me all night.

Being up at early hours was nothing new for me. The hour before dawn often found me awake. I would listen to the birds, watch the light change, and from about age thirteen onwards, use this most private time of day to beat off. After packing the soaked wad of tissues into my briefs, I'd fall into the best sleep of the night. The sweet tiredness that followed a precisely orchestrated ejaculation would carry me in sleep until some hated device would demand that I wake up.

Today the alarm was much more agreeable. Aaron flipped onto his back, eyes wide as they scanned the unfamiliar room. As he rolled his gaze onto me, his smile quickly took shape.

"Thank you." Aaron's first words were barely above a whisper. "I almost turned around for home on the porch last night. I came in just to see what would happen this time."

"Go on." I propped my head up with one arm, giving myself a better look at his face. His skin was the vibrant hue of someone who gets more than his share of fresh air and physical activity. His brown eyes, framed in lashes that would sink the cosmetics business if they were more common, continued to search the room.

"Ryan got it last time. He guessed wrong and spent his evening bending over for Jim. I guess you know him?"

"Yes. Sure do."

"Jim's a decent guy, but I was watching Ryan while Jim had him on the sofa. He wasn't looking too happy about it, probably because Doug was there to watch."

"They're together?"

"They act like it, but they aren't really. They are teammates and the best of friends, and protective of each other, but they each see other guys. I think Ryan just didn't like getting reamed in front of Doug. Lucky for him, Jim didn't keep him going all night."

"Yes, the tale of Aaron and Deke. Fill me in."

"Geez, sounds like you already know! Did Kent tell you?"

"Not a word of it. I just watched how the two of you interacted last night. That puzzle was easy to figure out."

Aaron fell silent for a minute and stole a glance at Brian, who was still sleeping soundly. I used the interruption to slide my head off my own hand and onto Aaron's chest. I cast the corner of sheet, which still covered him aside, leaving him naked before me. His cock was at rest, but the exposure caused him to take an abnormal breath.

"Okay. You know the story so it can't hurt to give you the details. Deke and his buddies probably tell it to everyone they meet anyway." Aaron pursed his lips briefly before continuing. "My turn, my initiation, was two times back. Same rules, only Ryan and you were not there. Otherwise it was the same party. I truly had no idea who Marcus made me blow, but I thought it was Deke. It was a mouthful, and Deke has got that. So do Brad and Tony, it turns out."

"Did you notice how the three of them worked together last night? I bet they did the same for you."

"Oh yeah, they did all right. When I fingered Deke, the three of them went totally nuts. I'd been turned on by the game, and honestly liked the idea." Aaron paused to swallow, but his voice didn't fully recover before he continued.. "I even liked the idea of getting fucked in front of the other jocks. Deke was great fantasy material for that. He has this intense sexiness to him, even if he is an arrogant jerk."

"That's a big part of it. But go on."

"Deke came over and undid my belt, then forced my pants and boxers down. I was still really hard, and kept it up until my shirt was off over my head but still tangled around my arms. Then I started to get kinda scared."

Aaron's breathing had become shallower. His voice came from higher in his throat.

"When they put me down on the floor, I thought I would just take it and enjoy it. I like being on the bottom, but I hadn't ever gotten it like that. Deke just plowed it into me and kept piston ramming me for what seemed like an hour. Most of the other guys stayed around to watch it get started, but sooner or later they all left me there. Even Marcus left. It was just me and those three."

Another swallow made him pause. He remained motionless as he continued to detail the events.

"When he finally took a break, he let Tony take a turn. By that time, they had taken away my shirt and Brad came around in front of me."

Brian stirred at this moment, making Aaron pause. I recognized the slight twitch in my crotch. I might have felt guilty in taking pleasure at Aaron's admissions, except that they were so close to my own fantasy about the same men. This was like hearing my own wild invention related by someone else, complete with the details of apprehension. My dick was undeniably interested.

"When Tony backed off, Brad hung his cock in front of me. He kept telling me how I had been there already that night, which kinda turned me on. I'd done something for all three of them. I was stated serving him, bringing Brad closer and closer to losing his load, until Deke demanded that I stop. Next thing I know, Brad was up my ass, happily emptying his balls inside me."

I rubbed my hand over his chest. He kept looking forward, to the ceiling.

"Tony went next. By this time they weren't causing me any more pain, in fact it was almost boring for me compared to earlier that night. He pounded away pretty fast, and then collapsed onto me moaning and grunting. Then he just stayed there, like he was going to take a nap. By the time he got off me, I was wet with his sweat."

Aaron paused. The nervous highness in his voice had abated and he continued with his story. "Then Deke returned. He made me get up and go into the bedroom. He put on some sort of strap thing that wrapped around his cock and balls. It looked like it could be kinda uncomfortable, but he seemed to like having it on himself. "

I shifted in the bed to accommodate my own equipment. Aaron didn't need to know, but I was enjoying his story.

"He built this pile of pillows on top of some sort of soft back rest thing that Deke has. When he motioned to it, I just climbed over it all and lay down with my ass in the air. He moved me around a bit, and started out by driving himself almost vertically up and down into me. The other two came in to watch, and he thanked them for opening me up and lubricating me with their cum. Deke seemed to really get off on sharing me, and on being where his buddies had been."

Aaron looked at me, and I felt compelled to respond. "I would have expected it to be the other way around," I said. It was all I could come up with. I was still working on the image of Deke's immense meat in a cock ring, quite successfully in fact.

"Then it got even weirder. Brad came over and started pulling at Deke's balls, and then fingering his ass. Tony was twisting his nipples, really hard by the sound of it. All the while he kept pumping in and out of me. It only took a little of that until Deke lost his load, and I had the third load of the evening inside me. While they showered, I slipped out the door. It was already dawn."

Without warning, Br1an swung his legs out from under the covers and stood up next to the bed. "That's exactly how I heard it, except you left out the part about how they made you kiss Deke's ass before he fucked you the second time." Brian was enjoying some morning wood as well.

"Yeah, I did. I wasn't into that at all," Aaron replied.

Brian had sauntered over to Marcus' dresser, and was checking out the assortment of stuff piled on it. He selected Marcus' cap, tried it on, and inspected himself in the mirror. Brian and I came to the simultaneous conclusion that it should stay on. I decided to share my good mood with the others, and threw the covers aside.

Brian paused in front of the bedroom window, bathing in the early light. He saw what he wanted right away in Marcus' closet. As he put on the short-sleeved jersey, slightly large for him, he turned towards the two of us still in bed. He didn't button it, allowing the tails to hang freely next to his crotch.

"It's morning, so I don't have to be your boy anymore," Brian announced. "Now which one of you is going to take care of this issue?" Pointing to his erection, he continued. "Looks like you passed on your chance to ream my hole, but that doesn't mean I am going to let you two get out of here so easily." He placed his hands on his hips. Blood continued to engorge his beautiful rod.

I looked over at Aaron and winked, flipping over and sliding halfway off the end of the bed. After hearing the story, and after watching Brian put on a few select items from Marcus' closet, I was definitely ready for more.

"Throw some pillows down here," Brian demanded. After stuffing them under me, Brian seemed satisfied with the adjustment. He moved in, forcing my legs wide apart. There would be no foreplay, excepting the previous several hours.

Aaron scrutinized my face as Brian forced his way into me. Aware of this, I arched my back slightly upwards and drew in a breath as Brian's dick pushed into me. Softened by recent use, it barely resisted his progress. The fabric of Marcus' shirt brushed against my thighs. I let myself imagine for a moment that it was Marcus behind me, though I quickly returned to the pleasant reality of Brian as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah," I moaned. "Latch onto me and cram it in, Brian." I could see him in the mirror, from about mid-shoulder up. The brim of the cap shielded his eyes, so I studied the seams and the small button of it instead. Brian settled into a steady rhythm, and I drifted off into the pleasure of him filling me. He stood a good chance of probing my prostate from his angle, but he was not working that deeply yet.

My trance was broken by a dial tone and the beeps of clumsily dialed numbers. Aaron had passed Brian the phone. Brian was doing his best to dial one handed, his big thumb poorly suited to the little buttons.

"Hi. This is Brian." "Yah, the one and only" "Sure did. We all had a good time last night, especially me." "Yah, in fact I am getting a little more right now." "No, dude, I'm fucking him, right now!" "Sure. Go for it. That would be incredible" Brian laughed and put the phone down. Aaron was playing with a semi.

"What's happening?" I asked.

Brian snickered. "You'll find out." After about a minute, he picked up the phone again.

"Sweet, isn't it?" "Yah, I know. I put on Marcus' cap and shirt. I'm sure he likes it. I know he does." "Hmmm. Let me talk to him."

Brian started gyrating his hips, and forced his way deeper but not fully in.

"Good morning to you, too, but I think mine is off to a better start!" "Well, then everybody is happy. No problems there." "Yah, he's a big one alright. You okay with that?" "Thought so." "Sure. Hang on, like you can go anywhere."

Brian put the phone down next to me. "Someone wants to talk to you."

I reached for the phone, balancing on one elbow as I brought it to my ear.

"Looks like we're both starting the day out right, huh?" Kent was on the line.

" Kent!" I couldn't go on right then. The thought of Mike riding Kent while Brian was on top of me sent blood rushing to my meat. The excitement of it made me lightheaded. I was on the phone to the guy who usually fucks me, and we were both bottoming at the moment. It was too early for something so complicated.

Kent thought of it first. "I want to hear you getting it. Tell Brian to go for it." Kent knew what that would sound like, having brought those noises out of me several times himself.

"Hey Brian," I turned around to look at him and relayed the request.

"No problem, dude. Hang on," Brian said.

I crashed into the bed, phone held against my face, as Brian's first full drive slammed into me. I mumbled something incomprehensible into the phone, and got the same in return. I could hear Mike in the background, talking it up to Kent in his usual porn star fashion. Brian pulled completely out, and then dove in again. I let loose a shout, bringing a similar but more urgent reply moments later. Brian was doing it right. Mike was doing it even more so.

Kent began to take up more and more of the wordless conversation. His deep, commanding voice wavered and shuddered at times. I had seen Mike working him, and I knew what he was getting.

On my end, Brian had returned to a full grasp on my shoulders. Kent heard the effects of the long strokes into my ass until Brian abruptly stopped. He told me to sit on the floor.

"I think he's going to shoot onto my face, Kent." I got only a grunt in reply. Brian stood before me, pounding his meat just inches from my face. The shirt danced along with him.

"Yeah. He's gonna do it, Kent. Shoot his cum all over me, like you do. Won't be... mmmm." I pressed my lips together as the rope of jism hit my nose and piled over onto my left cheek. Brian silently let go of another round.

"Cum city, Kent, he plastered me!"

"Uh-huh, uh." Kent was whimpering now. I pictured him crashed into Mike's bed much as I had been, straining to accept Mike's ceaseless pounding. Shortly I heard Mike shout from the background, loudly enough that both Aaron and Brian heard it. They smiled. Brian took the phone.

"Let me talk to the jockfucker," Brian demanded. "Good work, stud!" "Yah, love to. You sure?" "Oh, give it an hour. This joint is a mess, and your guests are in worse shape." "See you then." He laughed and hung up.

"We gotta get cleaned up, guys. Mike is having us over for pancakes in an hour." Brian flung the hat back onto the dresser. "And you." he said looking at me, "are a mess!"

"You guys go first." Aaron said. "I'm going to check out the new additions to Marcus' web site."

I slipped the jersey off Brian's torso and returned it to Marcus' closet. This fascinating morning was just getting started. The Army ad, the one which says something about doing more before breakfast than most people do all day, came to mind as I heard the shower water start.

"Oh shit! Check this out!" Aaron was calling from the front room.

I paused in front of the window before making my way to Aaron. If anyone had been watching this morning, they had plenty to see.

Next: Chapter 15

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