
By Kent's Friend

Published on Feb 22, 2000


After all the time I spent thinking about the party, I almost missed it. I arrived fashionably late. My nap was almost too much of a success.

Two guys stood on the porch, watching me approach. When I reached them, I was ready to explain who had invited me and to talk my way in. No need. I let myself in.

The party was in full swing. Laughter and drunken voices filled every open space, and there were not many of those to fill. The apartment was packed. I wormed my way through the crowd, sometimes carried by small currents of people, sometimes stuck in pools of chatter. The dim light was not helping me find Kent.

I ended up on the patio by accident. The traffic by the punch bowl was more erratic than elsewhere. Paper cup in hand, I lurched through the open sliding door. The movement, which had pushed me out, also toppled a few others. More drunken laughter ensued.

"Finally! We thought you blew us off!" Kent was posed against the iron railing, filling his turquoise polo shirt beautifully. He held two drinks and kept his legs out in front of him to take up more room than anyone else had.

At that moment, someone brushed past me to claim one of the drinks. Kent pulled his legs back to make room.

"This is Jim." Kent went on a little bit but I completely missed it. Perhaps I wanted to ask my own questions later. If Kent told me he was a swimmer, he was stating the obvious. No other athletes have the broad, muscular shoulders and the trim, solid waists of swimmers. I wanted to check out his back, expecting the perfect V-shape I knew from my brother's crowd of friends. For now, though, I'd be perfectly happy with the half-profile the crowd had set up for me.

I don't recall what I said, but Jim seemed to like it. He passed his drink from his right hand to his left and reached out for a handshake. I clasped his large hand and held on for a moment. Kent did keep a nice crowd around him.

The party began wane and rebuild as the guests made their rounds between this and other places. Any Friday at school offers plenty of parties, but this particular Friday was in the middle of finals week. Some people were finished already; others just took a break before studying all weekend. Once the punch was gone, something which I'd helped bring about, the party started to fall into decline. Soon the three of us shared the porch only with a couple that had been lip locked for most of the night. Jim had done an excellent job of making conversation. It came naturally to him, and I easily picked up on his words and built from them. Kent was in a particularly good mood, the computer class now successfully behind him. We'd been on the porch almost two hours before Kent suggested that we leave.

At the bottom of the front steps, Kent found a reason to tell Jim that I had been made an honorary member of "the team." Jim seemed to let that pass without notice, and I certainly wasn't going to elaborate. Kent further explained that one of his frat brothers was working the overnight shift of the front desk of the main gym building. One of his jobs was to unlock the various locker rooms early in the morning. He'd arranged for one of the rooms, normally assigned to visiting teams, to be left open. He'd be happy to give me a tour, of course.

Without prompting, Jim spoke up. "I'll come too!" Kent approved.

I answered with a smile. "Let's go."

The walk to the gym building seemed to take no time at all. I'd forgotten about the cold, helped by both the drinks and by walking across campus between Kent and Jim. We left a cloud of steamy breath behind us as we stepped through the broad, lighted doorway and into the building.

"Wake up, you slacker!" Kent bellowed at his friend.

I recognized the desk attendant. He nodded and rolled his right hand away from his chin. His index finger gestured the hall, as if we needed directions.

"Thank you, Barry." Kent's tone made fun of Barry's lack of interest. Whatever was on his computer was of much more fun than his desk duty.

We headed downstairs. Along the main hallway were several doors, some leading to offices, and some to larger rooms. We took the second one, which Kent pulled open to reveal compete darkness. After some fumbling, the fluorescent lights kicked on with flickers of protest. The smell of disinfectant filled the room, no doubt preferable to whatever smells swirled under it.

The lockers, alternating blocks of the school colors, stood like blocks of silent apartment buildings. Aside, from our footsteps and a faint hum from the lights, there was no sound until Kent spoke.

"Go down this row." I wondered what he had stashed. Jim was close behind, and stopped as Kent turned to a locker and pulled it open. "Here. These are the real uniforms." He lifted a softball jersey out of the locker and hooked it on the door.

I sat down to watch the show. Jim remained standing, his back flat up against the lockers, and his feet wide apart. He had a slight bend to his knees, which folded the fabric of his jeans in a flattering way. This was the first time I'd studied him in good light, and I liked both what I could see and what I could not. His hands hung loosely at his sides. The long fingers rested at the tips on his jeans. I checked out the distance from the base of his right palm to the tip of his index finger, and hoped for his sake that the old saying relating that to dick size was right.

By this time, Kent had traded his polo shirt for the jersey. He stood at the end of the bench, facing me. Any thoughts I'd had of changing roles this time had vanished from my mind. I felt my pulse pick up and my throat tighten. I worked to swallow before opening my mouth. This time, he wanted it in his actual uniform.

"Hey, Jim." I turned to face him as I swung a leg over to the opposite side of the bench. "Even seen Kent get a blow job?"

"Only in pictures, and they were plenty hot." With that he tipped his head towards Kent. Jim had come to watch it live this time, and the thought of sucking dick for an audience was enough to plump up my own cock. I'd just learned to eat cock, after all. The way Kent taught, it was more getting mouth fucked than doing much in the way of sucking. The step from photos to a live audience wasn't much, but it was enough to have my heart booming in my ears.

Kent stood tall at the end of the bench, clutching something in his right hand. "Put this on first. It's mine." He handed me the bundle, which unrolled slightly in my hands. He'd given me a jock, which I opened at the waistband.

I looked into the pouch. The fabric had been stretched, making the mesh pattern uneven and distorted. Some of the elastic was giving way along the top of the band, suggesting a season of use. I couldn't wait to get it on.

I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my jeans. I had on a well-worn pair that fit me very well, but they did not just fall off. With a little awkward work, I had them in a bundle on the floor. Next came my briefs. I usually wear bikini style cotton briefs, anything but white. Tonight's choice was green. I stood for a moment in front of Kent.

"Shirt too." Kent was enjoying directing the show.

I obliged, carefully unbuttoning it. I was down to one item of clothing, which was at this moment doing a rather poor job. I had six and a half inches, and it wanted to get out and play even if it meant drilling through the thin fabric.

Kent looked at my bulge. I hooked my thumbs on the waistband and peeled down my briefs. My hard on tumbled out and aimed slightly upwards. I stepped one leg out, then the other. This was the first time I was naked in front of him, and in hopes something like this I'd actually left my dick alone since the previous weekend. If he wanted it half as much as I wanted to do him, we'd have a great time.

Jim had moved up on my left, watching over my shoulder as I disrobed.

I stepped into his jock, packing myself into it and flattening the leg straps. I let my hands fall to my sides.

"You like it?" Kent's question revealed his gift for spotting the obvious. My hard on was straining against a more substantial barrier now, pushed downward rather uncomfortably into the pouch. As it strained against the fabric, it pulled the entire pouch outwards. The tender skin besides my balls was open to the air. No matter what he thought of it, I was enjoying it immensely.

To my surprise, Kent grasped my basket with his right hand. His hand easily covered me completely. The muscular base of his thumb pressed against my hair, while the tip of his middle finger pressed the bottom seam of the jock up behind my nuts. He slid the tips of his fingers forward until he was firmly clutching my meat. With his forefinger, he wound under the fabric and popped my shaft out into the air. He let me swing there for a moment, and then squeezed the base of my shaft between his thumb and forefinger.

"Put your dickhead up under the waist band." Kent had plans.

I followed Kent's order, slipping my dick back under the pouch and straightening it up inside the jock. It pointed up to my chest, with a jewel of precum forming at my slit.

"Now let me out." Kent spread his knees apart to expose his basket. I worked with both hands to undo his belt and release the button on his pants. They nearly unzipped themselves as his fully hard penis emerged. I was still gazing at it, admiring its heft as I heard Jim rustle some plastic. He handed Kent a condom, just taken from its package.

"Ever been fucked before?' Kent smiled slightly at what must have been an amazing expression from me.

"Uh, no! Never." I replied as I watched the bright red condom roll down Kent's stiff member.

"Good." Kent reached into his locker, and pulled out a bottle of clear gel. "I enjoy a tight ass. Jim will talk you through it, and I've got plenty of lube. Now turn around."

I stepped carefully over the bench and back again with the other leg. I was nervous enough to trip. I had not, in fact, ever had it up the ass. Now I'd found myself a big and determined teacher. "Go easy on me, okay? You're a big boy." I was thinking that I should have had a few more of the potent punch drinks at the party.

"I'll treat you like my little brother. It's pledge week all over again." With that, Kent fingered a glob of lube against my asshole. The jock gave him clear access.

Jim smiled at Kent's remark and put a hand on my shoulders. "Lean forward now." It was the first time Jim had spoken in what seemed like hours. "Bend you knees a little and put your face right...there." I looked up to see that I was facing his fly. He had a magnificent hard-on going, and I was right in front of it.

"Go ahead and feel it." Jim arched his back slightly as I steadied one hand on the bench and raised the other to his crotch. He was massive at only half hard! His dick was most of the way to his keys and it was not even fully erect.

For a moment I thought to myself that I was lucky not to be facing the other way, subject to Jim's shaft, but I lost that thought as Kent slipped a finger into my ass. I must have jumped. Jim pressed against my shoulders and Kent reached around with his free arm to grasp me in front of my waist.

"You are a tight one!" Kent said this like it was a delightful challenge for him. "I can fix that." He wiped his used hand on a gym towel after a bit of exploring and tossed it onto the bench under me. "Here I come!"

I felt his shaft probe between my cheeks. He wasn't far off his target. "Lean down some more." Jim pushed down on my shoulders until my face was nearly on the bench. Making himself comfortable, Jim sat down and pushed his crotch to my forehead.

Kent took my cherry with one thrust. His hands gripped the top of my thighs as I lurched forwards against Jim. My own meat was rapidly losing its stature as my attention followed the bolt of pain that shot up from my ass. I was going to do what I had to in order to get through this, but at the moment I wanted to scream. I'd fantasized about getting reamed by a big dick, but had always left out the part about my sphincter losing the fight.

"Sorry about that." Kent took his hands off my hips and ran his thumbs up along my spine. "It's best to get that part over fast. Now that I'm in, you'll start to like it." Kent started to work his hips, probing just a little deeper and pulling back in quick succession. I felt him pulling me towards him but didn't sense him penetrating me deeper. My asshole was still on fire from the assault.

"You're getting used to me. I can feel it." Kent sounded as if he was trying to talk me into it. I wondered about that as I felt Jim let go of my shoulders and move back. Kent had grabbed my hips again, keeping up the rhythmic pushing and withdrawing. Jim got up to check out Kent's progress. He watched from beside me, then moved to see the view from Kent's side. Kent paused for a minute, and pulled slowly back. He was treating Jim to a great view of the action, of his dick making its way in and out of my ass. I prepared myself for another thrust, but instead got a slow push slightly deeper than before.

"Let's change a few things," Kent offered. "I want you to sit in my lap." Kent slipped himself mostly under my ass as I lifted myself up from the bench. I was squatting somewhat awkwardly above him.

"Now you can slide down as you want. Take it slow and easy." He guided me into position and let go. I glanced down the row of lockers. In a few hours, the gym would start to fill up. I imagined guys calling out to each other in delight at our performance. Determined to put on a good show, I lowered myself down onto Kent's shaft and let out a sigh. I worked my hips slightly as I slid down, and then pulled back up. I rode Kent's shaft for a few minutes, perhaps longer. I was, in fact, getting to like it.

"Ah. You're right. This is getting better." Jim was smiling at me as I hovered above Kent's lap. He had seated himself across from me, directing his eyes over every detail of the scene.

"You're ready." Kent put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me down towards him. As he drove in deeper, I tilted my head backwards and let my mouth fall open. With a deep exhale from me and a firm tug from Kent, he was fully inside me. I was surprised that this did not hurt like the initial penetration, and was totally turned on by the thought of letting Kent's big cock plunder my ass.

He was right. I liked it. But it wasn't the physical sensation, remarkable as it was, but the psychological rush of submitting. I'd given it all to the stud who'd captured my imagination from the moment I saw him, and it was making me wild. I slipped a hand down to my balls. As I lifted them up, I felt his sack. His nuts were right next to mine.

"Time to switch again," Kent declared. I didn't think I could argue in my position. "Lean forward, put your hands on the bench."

As I grabbed the bench, Kent pulled my skewered ass into line with his cock. "Now hang on to that bench. You're going to learn all about getting completely fucked!" His voice has become sharper, more commanding than it had been a few minutes before.

With that, he pulled half way out and slammed it home again. I slipped forward, only to wrap my arms under the bench and press it against my upper chest. I grabbed on to one of the posts that anchored the bench to the floor. Again and again he pounded me. Determined to give it my all, I held on and responded only with an occasional moan. It was more that I wanted, but I held on.

"Hey, you were right Kent!" Jim spoke with a quiver in his voice. "He's going to let you cum in his ass!"

Kent replied between heavy breaths. "Yeah. You want it. You wanted it all along." Kent picked up the pace, pounding me harder. "I knew I'd make you suck me. Now your ass is mine too. You like getting fucked!" He said "fuck" with a snarl as he slammed his thighs against the back of my legs. With that he pulled completely out, only to ram his cock into me once more. My whimper was lost under Kent's surging cheer. "Yeah!" He remained fully inside of me. "Oh fuck yeah! Take it! Take it all!" I held tight to the bench to allow the stud who had just plugged my ass to enjoy his reward.

Kent was relishing his moment, taking slow victory strokes inside me. I let go of my grasp on the bench, pressing my torso up as Kent withdrew. I sat my sore ass down on the bench and looked back to see Kent rolling the rubber off his cock. He looked at me and smiled. "You're a great fuck, but you're not done yet," he said as he looked past me to Jim.

"Out-fuckin-rageous! I nearly came just watching you do it." Jim was heaping on the praise as Kent wiped off his rod.

"Don't waste it, buddy. You can fuck him in the mouth." Kent put his hands on my shoulders as I sat up. I felt the tip of his softening prick against the back of my neck. "You saw the pictures, buddy. You know what to do."

Jim pulled open the string of buttons on his jeans and stepped forward. He was now fully hard. His erection strained against his grey-blue boxer shorts, pulling the fly halfway open. The shorts were a little oversized, and no doubt let things hang out nicely in calmer times.

I could see a thick mat of dark brown pubic hair through the opening. The cotton fabric of his shorts was showing a wet spot at the tip of his cock. I knew that I wouldn't be sucking for long on this majestic dick, but was determined to enjoy every moment of it.

Jim flipped his meat over the elastic of his shorts as they rode down his legs. His cock pointed up at an angle, its mushroom shaped head looming before me. I thought to myself that this must be what eight inches, maybe more, looked like. I was even more impressed by the width of his head.

I looked up to Jim's face. He was smiling. We held eye contact for several seconds. In that moment, he didn't seem anything like Kent. The rough, domineering edge that Kent had so skillfully played to gain my submission was not part of Jim. He had his own way, and it was working every bit as well. I wanted to taste this man and bring him pleasure.

As I ran my eyes down his beautifully crafted abs, he pressed down at the base of his prick. His head rubbed against my forehead and nose, leaving a thin trail of his precum. By the time he reached my lips, they were parted and waiting for him. He paused just outside my mouth.

"Kiss it. Kiss my cockhead." Jim spoke invitingly, as if leading me. I nudged upwards to oblige.

With my mouth parted in a natural way, I felt Jim's cock pressing against all but the very corners of my mouth. I wanted to take it fully right then, but instead obliged his request by gently closing my lips against his skin and then parting them to flick my tongue lightly against the very tip of his meat.

"Nice!" Kent was leaning over my right shoulder, watching me begin to service his friend.

"I like your friend." I said to Kent. "Great..." I never got to finish the thought. Jim pushed his head into my mouth just as a drop of precum oozed from his slit. This was going to happen much too quickly. Jim pressed on until he hit the roof of my mouth. He was nowhere near fully in. I felt along his shaft. He had a good three inches left to go when I thought my mouth was full.

Jim pulled out and started rubbing his meat across my cheeks. He playfully bounced his shaft against my nose and lips. He'd certainly seen the photos.

"You can make it all go in." Kent blurted out. "You need to lie on your back, with your head off the end of the bench," Kent said to me.

I resented Kent's interruption, but Jim backed off and it looked like we'd continue only on Kent's terms. I swung around. Kent stood over my chest and directed Jim to kneel so that he had his shaft lined up with my throat. Jim moved forward to find my eager mouth waiting for him.

"Now just press it in. It will go." I wondered how Kent knew any of this. Had he actually taken advantage of an eager young pledge? He'd filled my mouth, but was determined to have Jim go even deeper.

I held my breath as Jim put more of his weight behind his shaft. He forced his way into my throat, only to be greeted by a deep gag and me nearly jumping off the bench.

"Go easy. Easy! Try it again," Kent ordered.

Jim and I settled back into alignment, and I tried to clear my mind of what was happening. It was no use. Jim would begin to force his cock down my throat. I'd feel it pressing against the walls of my throat. Then I'd nearly vomit. Jim would pull out, sometimes trailing thick spit from the top of my throat. After several attempts, Jim kindly proclaimed his satisfaction and said it was time for me to kneel. I clearly needed more practice at this. He backed up against a locker and reached over his head, resting his hands in his curly brown hair.

The sight of this lean, well-hung swimmer must be enough to make many guys entertain the idea of going down. I wondered how many of his teammates sought him out after practice. Here he was, all for me to enjoy.

I sucked him to orgasm in what seemed like seconds. It all went by in a blur. All at once Jim moaned and pulled his dick out of my mouth. He laid it against the top of my face, and I felt his pulsing orgasm as he unloaded into my hair. I reached up to run my fingers through the load and across Jim's sensitized head, only to find his hand already there. I pulled away from Jim's crotch and let his softening dick fall across my face.

After half a minute, the silence was broken. "Time for the showers!" Kent was orchestrating again, and this time it sounded like a good idea. We wandered past the last few rows of lockers and into the shower room. All three of us stood at one shower tree. As I faced the man who had just taken my cherry, I let the shower wash his friend's jism from my hair. I imagined it rolling down my body, coating me with fresh sperm. Kent was washing his dick vigorously. Jim asked if it hadn't earned a rest yet, which brought some manner of boastful objection. I stopped listening and leaned into the rush of the shower water. What an incredible night it had been. I'd gotten more than I'd planned on, but did not regret it for a moment.

When I pulled out of the water, the other two were looking at me. "So?" asked Jim. "When are you going to cum?"

We were all half hard, but I figured I had the advantage of hours of foreplay. "Last one to cum washes the winners!" With that, I began working my meat. Jim laughed and joined in right away. Kent, always up to a challenge, didn't let us get far ahead.

My advantage paid off, and I came for my partners in solid spurts. The first one hit the base of the shower tree, stubbornly sticking against the deflected drops of water. Subsequent shots crashed onto the tile floor, swirling away towards the drain. I leaned back and let go of a groan that was broken by each jolt. Jim came next, spraying his own leg with a thick ribbon of goo.

Kent, having lost, swung his meat around in the stream of shower water. He seemed completely at home in this scene, brandishing his cock in front of four attentive eyes.

"Do I have to clean you guys off?" Kent asked of us.

I suggested we leave the wad on the shower tree for some stud to find in the morning. Jim had apparently not noticed the cum on his leg. I thought that was best left where it was as well.

As we parted ways after an unhurried walk towards home, I found myself regretting semester break.

"Hey, thanks." Jim looked me square in the eyes. "You're, uh..."

"You can return my jock later," Kent cut in and blurted out loud enough for anyone nearby to hear.

He'd noticed that I snatched it. At the time I thought to myself that he'd have to gnaw it off me to get it back. After I'd settled into my bed I thought instead that we'd need it again. I slipped my hand under the sheets and stroked myself to sleep.


More is in the works. If you enjoy these, please let me know. If you want changes, speak up!

Next: Chapter 3

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