
By Kent's Friend

Published on Jun 19, 2000


Pretending to sleep in the same bed as Mike and Kent nearly worked. I dozed a little, drifting between a nonsense dream and the wonderful reality of being in bed with these two studs. I wasn't begrudging the loss of sleep.

I heard noises from the kitchen and realized that Mike was not in the bed. I was going to have cottonmouth in the morning if I didn't drink water, so I got up myself. Besides, I wanted to talk to Mike. I carefully disentangled myself from Kent and wandered out to the kitchen.

"Hey." Mike's greeting was nearly as welcome is the strip of light from the refrigerator. Without asking, Mike snatched a mug out of the cupboard and filled it with orange juice for me. "Here you go."

"Thanks." It was exactly what I wanted. We stood in silence for most of a minute before I started in. "That was quite a show you put on."

Mike smiled a little and admitted that he doesn't get many complaints. "It was easier, er, with a guy than I thought. I mean Kent just took it from me, so I gave him more and more."

"Some guys like getting fucked," I said with a shrug.

"Yeah, you do. But not Kent. When we talked yesterday, whenever, he was telling me how he got off on making other guys suck him. Then he talked a lot about what it was like when he got you under him while Jim was watching. He went on about how totally in control he was with his dick up your ass, and how Jim later said he was awed by the way you responded to him. He said he felt like he owned you while he was ramming your ass."

I was starting to get red in the face. "I knew he liked to brag about me doing it for him, especially when I was around to hear it. But, shit, that's kind of embarrassing!" I said.

"Hey, guys like to brag about their conquests." Mike turned to face me and leaned back against the counter. "And I liked hearing it. That's how he got me to go along with this plan to trick you on the bet. By the end of Kent's call the other night, I had to try totally dominating another guy."

"You sure did tonight." I said. "You had Kent in total control from the moment he tasted your meat."

Mike looked down and gently twisted the head of his prick. Any skin that was sticking let go. As he ran the tips of his two longest fingers up his shaft, he lifted his rod away from his balls. It stayed free on its own. He liked being told he was a great top.

"Kent said he thought you really liked always serving him, and that was part of the game. He says you really love to suck, but you'll let him take your ass and ream it like it's his personal fuck toy."

There wasn't any need to answer. I met his eyes and then followed down his chest, past his dark and thick pubic hair, to his meat. I stared for a while, free to gaze in the way you can't do in a locker room. I felt him watching me as I admired his body, so I held my stare. This boy, large already, was a shower. He didn't so much gain length as he did thickness. His pecker was quickly engorging itself, readying for action.

Length aside, Kent was remarkable for the size of his head. Mike's head was just as big, but it didn't stand out in the same way against the oversized pole behind it. His shaft seemed to bow outwards in the middle like a barrel.

"Can you grasp around your shaft like this?" I asked, making a ring of my thumb and forefinger.

"Shit, no. Not when I'm hard. Not since I was twelve or thirteen," Mike said, and hopped up to sit on the counter top. He spread his legs so that his balls were exposed to the air. It was the first time I recall noticing that his nuts were not nearly as hairy as his thighs.

"Eat me." Mike leaned his head back as he spoke. "Put your head down and suck it."

I held still. I'd set myself up for this by wandering out to the kitchen and coming onto him, and here it was.

Mike spoke up again, and said, "What's your problem? Kent says you love it. Now eat the dick that raped Kent."

I put my hands wide apart on the counter to steady myself. Mike was right. I wanted like crazy to serve the man who had taken Kent's cherry. "You studfucker. You deserve this." I moved my mouth closer to his upright manhood. I started to speak again, but Mike pushed me down onto him. His thick, blunt head crashed onto my tongue and stayed there for a few seconds until Mike lifted me off him.

He was gripping me by both shoulders. Slowly he turned his hands so that his strong fingers covered the back of my neck. As he laced his fingers together he stared into my eyes. I rolled my arms in behind his back and rested my hands together, staring back at the man.

"You saw me dominate Kent. Now I'm going to have my way with you, sucker boy." Mike was relishing his position. He was more than good for a second round. After a short rest, he was charged up and horny as hell. His shaft rose up to my chin. I could see the sheen of a drop of precum starting to collect at his slit.

Mike eased my head down until my lips pressed against his pole. I ventured the tip of my tongue out to collect the droplet. The taste of it spread around my tongue as I pulled back into my mouth.

"Ooooh, you like that. I bet you go wild when you taste man juice." Mike nearly whispered. "I've got lots of that for you. I was still horny after fucking Kent, big time. I knew you'd take care of me. Now stick out that cum-eating tongue for me."

As I rolled out my tongue for him, he turned my head to the side and began to guide me down his shaft. We traced the sperm chute on the underside of his meat. I could feel the occasional vein running beside it and taste the salt that he sweated out inside the rubber as he mastered Kent. We traveled down to his sac, then up to the string of skin left exposed by the circumcision. No dick head. Not yet. He drove me gently down again. This was the calm part, I thought. He's turning me on for the throat thrashing I'm about to get, at least so I hoped.

"Should have shaved my balls again," Mike said. "You'll just have to eat them hairy this time." He broke the hold on my neck and I squatted lower to reach his nuts. I lifted them with my tongue, but the heavy load piled off again and again. I worked back behind them, then traced up one side and down the other. Kent hadn't been here. The smell of the game, the intensity that earned him victory was still on his skin. I moved over to work his nuts, letting him direct my moves.

Mike was a ball man. After I'd been eating his eggs for ten or twenty minutes, he was rock hard. He'd resumed a hold on me, running his fingers through my hair and grasping to pull me back if it was getting too intense too quickly. He had slid down on the counter to place his jewels in front of my face, so I could not see his head until he sat back up. Precum had flowed generously across the broad tip of his dick. He was right; it drove me crazy.

"Not yet!" Mike said and cut off my advance. "We're going for a little walk first." He took me by a wrist and towed me down the hall to the open bedroom door, flicking on the hallway light on the way. He turned to face me, and I dropped to my knees. I would be sucking him in front of Kent while he slept. That was hot. Not only does Mike push Kent off the peak of masculinity by fucking his virgin ass, he makes me, Kent's loyal bottom, serve him while Kent sleeps off the pain of his descent.

I would suck him. Yes, I'd suck him more intensely than even the first time with Kent. He'd built a fire inside of me. I wanted to be his. I had to have it, and have it in front of Kent.

The drop of precum never saw my lips. Mike wiped his glossy tip across one cheek, under my nose, then onto the other. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I parted my lips and relaxed my jaw to invite his penetration. Instead he laid his cock against my nose and pressed his balls against my lips and chin.

"Find my head," Mike growled. I reached up and grasped the shaft resting in my hair. His prick helmet was an inch or two above my head. I rested the tip of my forefinger at his head and extended my thumb down. Not even close.

"Ever felt nine inches like this, dickboy?" Mike gave a few thrusts up and down my face to drive his message.

"Huge. You're so big," I said. No, I'd never been confronted with meat like this. Kent was massive; Mike was huge. Kent must have been in agony as this monster ripped open his anus.

"Are you ready to suck it? Can you take it all?" asked Mike. I nodded and stared ahead.

"Hold it open wide for me, yeah, good, just like that." Mike said as he steered his cock into my mouth. He pushed gently back until he touched the roof of my mouth. Again, the taste of a man filled my mouth. He held the top of my head and rocked it from side to side for a while. I slowed my breathing to deeper and fuller cycles, letting the exhales run past him as he probed my oral cavity.

"Now clamp down your lips and pump. Up and down. More." Mike forced me back until his head nearly escaped my lips, only to plunge in again. Mike was careful not to plunge into the back of my throat. I was dutifully applying a hard suck.

"Kent! Wake up!" Mike screamed loud enough to alert the neighbors. "Look at this!" Mike kept pacing me with a hand upon my head.

Kent groaned and rolled over. The light was softer on the bed. He lifted his head up to see.

"You're right on about this, dude. He's giving me quite a treatment. We should have called his bluff and had him hours ago. You said he was good, but he's incredible." Mike was basking in getting served in front of Kent. I let him enjoy it by quickening the pace. My back was starting to burn from the reps.

"Hey, it's you. Look at him go. He likes having your dick in his mouth," Kent said as he tossed aside the sheets. He sat up and began stroking himself. "Fuck, this is hot. I wake up and see you mouth fucking my bottom buddy. He'll just have to make it up to me later."

Mike threw me off him. "Yeah. You make him do that. Right now I'm ready to go deep." He grabbed me under the arms and pulled me up as I struggled to my feet.

"Lie on your back. Let your head hang off the end of the bed and look at me upside down." Kent threw more sheets aside and I climbed into the bed. I slipped down until I was just like Mike wanted me. A pillow under the shoulders had me in position.

Mike leaned over me, a hand at each side. With a little care, he lined himself up. "Kent, when you are hung like we are you gotta line up their throats to get all the way in." Mike ran his forefinger down the side of my neck, followed by his dick. Kent got up on is knees to watch.

"Got it, buddy. You're showing me all sorts of new tricks tonight," said Kent.

I gagged a little as Mike made his way into me. Sucking Kent would be easy after I got used to Mike's organ. The head was still pressed against the roof of my mouth as Mike placed his thumbs under my chin and eased my head lower. He was lining me up with his erection. Kent was kneeling at my feet, watching.

"Oh, there it is. Fuckin' your throat, boy. Relax and take it," Mike said to me as he eased forward.

I gagged again but Mike held me firmly in place until the sensation passed. I could not tell how far into me he had gone, but it was somewhere that Kent had never found. I closed my eyes and tried to go limp until Mike pulled back.

"Whoa! You were going way in!" Kent called out from behind.

"Yeah, in deep. Here I go again," Mike replied. I suppressed my breath and left myself open for Mike's advance. After some probing, Mike again nestled his cock head into my throat. Kent moved up closer and leaned over me to watch.

After a moment, I choked violently enough on the stud's meat to spit it out. Holding my breath during Mike's penetration left me starving for air. I gulped a few breaths.

"Oh yeah, you served me good," Mike said as he took a few strokes on his hard rod. I opened my eyes to see his tight nuts hanging before me. "Now I'm going to cum in your hot mouth, cocksucker. Open up."

I dropped open my mouth to admit Mike's manhood again into my mouth, stretching my lips wide around his head as he came in. I was hooked on his big cock, and he knew it. Meanwhile, Kent helped himself to the lube on the nightstand. I could hear him applying it as Mike pumped half the length of my jaw.

"Why don't you lift his legs and pin him down to the bed with that dick of yours. Looks like you are past ready, buddy," Mike said. I could hear Mike's intonation change slightly as he spoke. Surely he was breaking into a smile. The two jocks were about to get what they had wanted all along, me serving both of them.

I felt Kent press his dick into my nuts as he grabbed my ankles. The lube made him stick to me for a moment, until the motion of me easing my legs up onto Kent's shoulders pulled us apart. Through all this, Mike kept skillfully using my mouth.

Kent clasped his hands around my knees. "Never shared a fuck like this before." He lined himself up with my ass crack.

"Fuck his ass. I want to see you ream this cocksucker good." Mike panted the order to Kent as he increased his tempo. I did my best to hold steady as Mike did all the work.

"Yeah!" Kent called out his penetration. The tension of my situation, trapped between these two horny studs, hadn't allowed me to relax very well. This didn't stop Kent as he plowed past my anus with his greased shaft. The familiar bolt of pain, announcing that my ass had lost again to an intruder, stormed through my body. This wasn't just a fuck, though. This was Kent, the man who had claimed my cherry as his. This was the same Kent who had jizzed all over my face and bragged about it to his buddies. Kent was again penetrating me in front of one of his jock buddies, loving it as much as anything he knew.

As Kent rocked into me, Mike pulled out. I gasped for another full breath and used it to give Kent what he wanted.

"Fuck me! Kent!" I panted the words. "Yeah, stud. Come on! Take me!"

This turned him on to a new level. Kent lifted me up by the legs and rammed full force into me. The pain, not yet subsiding to the pleasure accessible while being reamed, was muted by the eroticism of taking it hard in front of Mike.

Mike was not able to hold himself any longer. He plowed himself into my mouth again. My cheeks puffed out as I sealed around his shaft, but this time I was not able to hold him. He had burst at the back of my mouth, and was filling me with his semen. The load was large enough to displace some of the air trapped by my lips. As he plunged in again with his second discharge, I closed my mouth tightly around his shaft. This forced some of the jism to escape my lips.

Kent and Mike exclaimed simultaneously, one congratulating, one grunting with pleasure. By this time, Mike had pumped much of his cum out onto my lips and chin. I felt another shot, delivered to the middle of my tongue. Mike pulled out and dragged his glossy shaft across my face, and I forced more of his cum out my mouth. By now, both lips had been overwhelmed. Mike's load was streaming down my cheeks. I lifted my head a little to keep it out of my nose.

Kent now had a great view of my wad-drenched face. He stopped his thrusts for a moment to absorb the sight. As he did, I reached up and spread the ample man juice around my face and throat.

"So you like my load, huh?" Mike asked. "You like my sperm swimming on your face."

"Yeah," I answered. I might as well admit it. "I wanted to wear your cream all along."

Mike let out a hoot, but Kent cut him off. "You traitor! Now you'll pay me good," Kent blustered. He shifted his position again and began reaming me again. My legs had slid to the outside, so I hooked my knees around his arms, my feet pressed against his back. The encouragement bolstered Kent's efforts, and he began to go for broke.

The excitement of wearing Mike's jism as Kent had his way with my ass proved too much. The next glob of cum to hit my face was my own. Kent had me held up so that it was an easy shot, and the juice hit my cheek with enough force to splatter it up onto my hair. I hummed my pleasure, not wanting to open my mouth.

The familiar cascade followed. I didn't have meat like these guys, but I could cum like the best of them. I was a shooter, and in the right mood a fountain. I couldn't be hotter than I was between these two guys, and as they watched in amazement I glossed my face and chest before the pulsations relented.

"Fucked him right over the edge!" Mike exclaimed. "Look at it all! Too hot!"

I was smiling as Kent pulled out and let my legs drop. Cock in hand, he moved in close. He wanted to paint me good.

"Take this, cum boy!" Kent whispered as he stroked himself, inches from my nose. When I saw him tilt his head back, I closed my eyes. Kent's first shot hit me square in the left eye, spilling up onto the eyebrow. Four subsequent pulses drenched my face further. When no more came, I dropped my mouth open a bit. Strings of our combined cum stretched between my parting lips.

Kent took the invitation and slipped the tip of his dick inside. I held his head in my lips and felt a weak jump from his spent member. The flavor of his jism, this time bitter and salty, filled my mouth. I was elated with this taste of a man, and relished holding his fluid in my mouth

Suddenly, my closed eyelids showed the light of flash. I heard the motor of my big camera whirring. Without thinking, I slipped my tongue out and lifted Kent's proud dick above my semen soaked face. Another flash followed. Kent was now sitting on my chest, holding my head. More flashes ensued as Mike moved around.

It was my camera, so I eagerly cooperated when the guys wanted to change places. Mike posed above me in various ways before Kent returned to the scene. He managed to snap a pair of pictures of both of them at my mouth, trailing their drying jism as they jockeyed for access. By now we were all laughing, and thinking of outrageous poses.

I said I wanted one on my knees before each of the guys, full view of both of us. Neither Kent nor Mike minded, as long as it was clear who was on top. After a trip to the kitchen for more film, the men took turns in position.

Mike turned to Kent and said, "Make you a deal. You give me a nice shot or two of my dick in your mouth, and the fact I took your ass never happened." Kent paused, and Mike continued. "Think about it. You can have your pride back among the guys. I'll deny it ever happened, except when it's just us. Then you tell me how much you loved getting fucked by my big meat."

I took the camera, my pulse picking up as my hero considered his choices. Kent revealed his decision by dropping to his knees before Mike. His face lined up nicely with Mike's semi, and I took the photo.

"Tell me you liked it," Mike demanded.

"Yes, Mike. You fucked my ass. Fucked me hard, and I loved it. I liked yielding to a bigger man, and a better jock." Kent let his knees slip apart, lowering himself a small amount. "You'll have me again, buddy. A stud like you deserves to fuck me. Our secret. Whenever you want it."

Mike was even more surprised than I with Kent's effusive admission. I didn't know if Kent was just talking Mike up, like I had done for him, or if this was all the truth. Mike's dick did not care, and was rising slightly towards Kent.

Kent bent forward and took Mike into his mouth, then turned to look face-on into the camera. I finished the roll before we all collapsed together in a sweaty, sticky mass on the bed.

When I awoke, hours later and caked with dried cum, I had the bed to myself. I followed the noises coming down the hall from the kitchen. Kent was on his way out.

He looked at me and said, "I'm fucked."

"You're fucked? I can barely walk after what you did to me last night." I replied.

"No, not that. Mike took the film," Kent replied. Without another word, he left and closed the door.

Your comments are always welcome. Let me know you are reading and I'll keep writing.

Commercial reproduction prohibited. Kent is yours to enjoy for free.

Next: Chapter 9

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