Kevin and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Jan 19, 2001


This story is a work of fiction. I do not know the true sexuality of either Backstreet Boys, or Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexual material, then, this story isn't for you.

Kevin and Joey Chapter 2

The days' events were pretty routine for the guys. It was a run through of their show, some last minute preparations, some interviews, and a personal appearance at a local TV show. Things were going smoothly so far.

"Guys, listen, don't forget we need to be ready to go tonight around 5pm. The show starts at 8pm." Kevin said, making sure everyone knew what was happening.

"Got it, Boss." AJ said, giving Kevin a little grin.

"Oh, knock it off," Kevin said, with a slight laugh.

Things had been really tight with the guys since Kevin and Howie's little revelation. It just seemed to bring them together even more as a team. They truly are family. After all, when the lights go down, all they have is each other.

"Oh yeah, one more thing. Tomorrow, we're suppose to meet up with the Nsync guys. Let's try to act civilized, shall we?" Kevin said.

"So, basically, you want us to lie to them, right?" Brian said, with a big smile.

"Basically," Kevin said, with a smile as he shook his head.

"I hope they're not a bunch of jerks." Nick said, as he rolled his eyes.

"Just give them a chance, Nick. Let's put our best foot forward." Kevin said, as a father to his son.

"Okay, I'll do my best." Nick said, giving in to Kevin.

"Umm, ya might wanna do better than that, Nick. I've seen your best." Brian said, with a mischievous grin.

"Shut up, ya loser!" Nick said, slugging Brian's arm.

"Abuse! Somebody, call the cops!" Brian yelled, causing Nick to laugh.

"Are you two finished?" Kevin asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah," they answered in unison.

"Good, I'll see you guys later, and try to stay out of trouble, will ya?" Kevin said, knowing better, but hoping just the same.

"C'ya, Kev," everyone said, as they waved to him.

Kevin waved over his shoulder as he made his way back to his room. He gave a slight grin as he thought of all the mischief that was probably already going through his bandmate's minds even as he was walking away from them.

"He's such a good influence on us, don't you think?" Nick said, to them.

"He sure is," AJ said, with a gleam in his eye. "C'mon, Nick, let's go moon the kitchen staff." He said, grabbing Nicks arm and leading him away.

Brian and Howie, looked at each other. Smiling, they shrugged their shoulders and headed off to join AJ and Nick.

The guys managed to get through the rest of the day without getting into too much trouble. The show went off without a hitch, and soon, they would have an entire week off, to do whatever they wanted. They had worked hard, and were looking forward to that time.

Everyone was a bit uncomfortable with the empending meeting with the boys of Nsync. The press was already making them out to be rivals, and they hadn't even met, yet. The truth be known, the guys had nothing against Nsync. They were just another band of guys, who just happened to be in the same business as Backstreet. Of course, they didn't want to do or say anything that would add fuel to the fires of the press, or the tabloids.

After the show the guys decided to just go back to their rooms, chill, and get some sleep, so they would be at their best for tomorrow.

Kevin was about to head to bed, when his phone rang. Wondering who would be calling him so late, he made his way to the phone.

"Hello?" Kevin answered.

"Kevin?" The voice said, on the other end.

"Yeah, who's this?" Kevin asked, with suspicion.

"This is Lance, from Nsync. I hope I didn't wake you." Lance said, with uncertainty.

"Oh, hey Lance, no, you didn't wake me. What's up," Kevin said, business mode taking over.

"I just wanted to double check things for tomorrow, and make sure we were still on the same page. I thought it would be best if I just talked to you. You know how management can be." Lance said, with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, I do for a fact." Kevin said, with a laugh of his own.

"So, things are still on schedule, then?" Lance asked, still in business mode himself.

"Um, yeah, we're scheduled to fly out in the morning, so we should be there, unless our flight is delayed. I have your cell number here somewhere. I'll give you a call if something changes." Kevin said, looking through his things for the number.

"Okay, that sounds great. I'll get my guys settled in the hotel, and I'll come and get you guys at the airport." Lance said, trying to be courteous.

"You don't have to do that. I'm sure management will send a car for us." Kevin said, being impressed with the offer.

"Oh, no, I'd like to do it, that is, if you guys don't mind." Lance said, leaving it in Kevin's hands.

"Well, if you're sure. That would be great. It will give us a chance to talk." Kevin said, accepting Lance's offer.

"Great, I'll see you guys at the airport, then." Lance said, in a cheerful tone.

"Sounds like a plan. We'll see ya then." Kevin said.

"Okay, talk to ya later," Lance said, ending his part of the conversation.

"Okay, bye," Kevin said, as he hung up the phone.

'Well, he sounded nice enough.' Kevin thought to himself.

He fell back onto his bed, rubbing his face with his hands. He lay there for a minute or two, running the days' events through his mind. Finally, he decided to get some sleep, and crawled into his bed. In the back of his mind he was hoping that his guys and the guys of Nsync would get along just fine. That being his last thought, he drifted off to sleep.

Things went unusually smooth the next morning. The guys got up easily, breakfast arrived, with good service, on time, everyone was in a good mood, and the plane was on time. This was shaping up to be a pretty good day, so far.

Before long the announcement could be heard, letting the guys know that they were on their final approach towards the airport runway.

"Are all the guys gonna be here?" AJ asked, as the plane made its way down the runway.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's only gonna be, Lance." Kevin answered, as he put his things away, preparing for departure.

"There's a limo." Brian said, looking out the window.

"Yeah, it must be him. The driver is waiting by the door." Nick said, taking a look for himself.

"Well, here we go, guys." Kevin said, standing from his seat.

Once the plane was safely secured, and most passengers were off, the guys made their way outside. As they emerged from the plane, they were met at the stairs, by the limo driver.

"Good day, gentlemen. Mr. Bass is waiting in the car for you." The driver said, being very professional.

"Thank you. What's your name?" Kevin asked, taking the driver by surprise.

"My name is, Michael, Sir." The driver answered.

"Thanks, Michael. You can call me, Kevin. There's no need for this Sir, business.

"Whatever you say, Kevin." The driver answered, with a thankful smile.

Each of the guys introduced themselves to the driver, insisting that he call them by name. They in turn called him by his. As they approached the car, the door opened and out stepped, Lance.

"I got it from here, Michael. Thanks." He said, waving the driver off, as he attempted to get the door for the guys.

"If you say so, Lance." The driver responded, bringing a smile to the guys face.

"Hello, guys." Lance said, smiling at them.

"Hey, Lance. How you doing, man?" Kevin said, offering him his hand.

"Doing good, Kevin. How was the flight?" Lance said, looking at the rest of the crew.

"It's been a pretty smooth day, so far." Kevin said, "Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Howie."

"Hello, Howie." Lance said, shaking his hand.

"Hey, Lance. Nice to meet you." Howie said, as he entered the limo.

"This is, AJ." Kevin said.

"Sup, Lance." AJ said, gripping Lance's hand.

"Hey, AJ. Good to see ya." Lance said, with a smile.

"This one's, Nick." Kevin continued.

"Hi, Nick." Lance said, politely.

"Nice to meet you, Lance." Nick said, shyly, entering the limo.

"Last, but not least, this is my cousin, Brian." Kevin said, as the two shook hands.

"How ya doing, Lance?" Brian asked, in greeting.

"I'm doing good, Brian. Thanks." Lance answered.

"I guess, we're ready, if you are." Kevin said, gesturing towards the limo.

"After you," Lance said, being quite the gentleman.

"Well, thank you." Kevin said, entering the limo, but noticing, Lance's good manners.

"We're ready to roll, Michael." Lance said, into the intercom.

"Sure thing, Lance. Back to the hotel?" The driver asked.

"Yes, please," Lance answered, noticing the guys smiling at him. "What?" He asked, of them.

"We do the same thing." Kevin said, confusing him a bit.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Stop our drivers, and other staff from calling us, Sir." Kevin said, with a laugh.

"Really? I hate it when they do that." Lance said, as the guys laughed.

"We do, too." Brian said.

From there, the ice being broken, the guys relaxed and talked openly among themselves. The ride to the hotel went by in no time. It turned out that Kevin and Lance had a great deal in common. I guess, that would be expected with similar backgrounds, and the role they each played in their group.

The limo pulled into the hotel, taking the guys to a secluded entrance in the back, where they would not be noticed entering.

"Okay, I'll get with my guys and we'll meet in your room tonight at 6, right?" Lance asked, making sure he had the game plan in his head.

"That'll work," Kevin said, as the guys exited the limo.

"Will you be needing anything else tonight, Lance?" Michael asked, as he closed the limo door.

"No, that will be all, Michael. Thanks." Lance said, shaking his hand.

"It was my pleasure." Michael answered.

"Have a good night, Michael." Kevin said, from behind Lance.

"Thank you, Kevin. You do the same." Michael answered.

"We'll try, buddy." Kevin said, waving as Michael re-entered the limo.

The guys made their way inside, talking among themselves, leaving Kevin and Lance to their own conversation.

"It was nice to finally meet you, Lance. I guess, I'd better get our keys, and get these guys to their rooms." Kevin said, throwing an arm around Lance's shoulder.

"Umm, Kev?" Lance said, causing Kevin to stop and look at him.

"Yeah?" Kevin asked.

Lance smiled at him, as he pulled the already reserved room keys from his pocket. Knowing that the guys would want to get to their rooms, as soon as possible, he took the liberty of working it all out in advance for them.

"You didn't?" Kevin asked, being surprised by what he saw.

"I did. I thought you guys would want to avoid as much hassle as possible, so I took care of it." Lance said, handing Kevin the keys.

"That was incredibly nice of you, thanks." Kevin said, once again being pleasantly surprised.

"You're welcome." Lance said, "Now, let's get these guys settled in, shall we?"

They headed off to get everyone and everything taken care of, as best they could. Lance decided to go get his guys prepared for their meeting with the guys of Backstreet, while Kevin tried to get his guys settled and relaxed for a moment. The plan was just to order a pizza or something and just get to know each other.

The guys of Backstreet were all assembled in Kevin's room, as was the plan, by 5:30pm. Kevin had taken it upon himself to go ahead and get the pizza so everyone could get comfortable and eat, drink, and be merry as it were. Right at 6pm the guys heard a knock at the door.

"Okay, guys, this is it. Everyone be on your best behavior." Kevin admonished them, before heading to the door.

"We will if they are." AJ said, smiling at Kevin, who raised an eyebrow at him.

Kevin went to the door. Looking out he saw Lance standing at the door with his guys. He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Hey Lance," Kevin said, giving him a slight hug.

"Hey guy," Lance said, returning his hug.

"Hey guys, come on in, and get comfortable." Kevin said, to the rest of the guys.

"Guys, let me introduce everyone, and we can just talk among ourselves from there, if that's okay with everyone." Lance said, looking at everyone for approval.

"Sounds good to me," Kevin said, giving Lance the floor.

"Thanks, Kev." Lance said, with a smile. "Okay, these are my guys, this is JC, Justin, Chris, and Joey." He said, each guy waving as his name was called.

"Guys, this is Backstreet. This is Kevin, Brian, Nick, AJ, and Howie." He said, once again with everyone waving as his name was called.

"Nice to meet you guys. Just make yourself at home. I've already gotten some pizza and stuff to drink over on the bar if anyone wants something." Kevin said, as he pointed towards the kitchen area.

"Thanks, Kevin, sounds like a plan to me. I'm starved." Justin said, with a smile, as he and JC shook hands with Kevin and headed to get something to eat.

Kevin made his way around to everyone saying hello and shaking hands with them. Everyone was being really nice, and it seemed that the guys were getting along well. He had said hi to everyone except, Joey. He was looking around the room as his friends were talking. Not paying attention, he backed into someone that he didn't realize was there.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kevin said, turning around to find, Joey.

"That's okay, man. I should have said something. By the way, it's nice to finally meet you." Joey said, extending his hand.

"Same here, Joey." Kevin said, as he accepted Joey's hand.

As soon as Joey's hand touched his, Kevin felt a strong energy pass between them. It completely caught him off guard. So much so, that he lost himself for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Joey asked, still holding his hand.

"What?" Kevin said, as he looked into Joey's eyes. "Oh, yeah, umm, I'm fine." He answered, still holding Joey's hand in his.

"You sure? You kind of spaced on me there for a second." Joey said, slightly squeezing Kevin's hand.

Kevin found himself being lost in Joey's brown eyes. Joey smiled at him, being taken back by Kevin's beautiful green eyes, that seemed to dance in the light of the room.

"You guys doing okay?" Lance asked, bringing them back to reality, as they released hands.

"Umm, yeah, we were just getting to know each other." Kevin said, stealing a quick look at Joey.

"Great, everyone else seems to be hitting it off, as well." Lance said, placing his hand on Kevin's shoulder.

"Well, I'll let you two talk. See ya around, Kevin." Joey said, as he made his way back to the other guys.

"Yeah, Joey. I'll see ya." Kevin said, wishing inside that he wouldn't go.

Kevin watched as Joey went to the other guys, taking a seat between JC and Brian. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't realize that Lance was speaking to him.

"Kevin?" Lance said, getting no response. "Kevin!" Lance said, again, snapping his fingers in Kevin's face, getting his attention.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, Lance. Did you say something?" Kevin asked, finally looking at him.

"Kevin, you haven't heard a word, I've said. Is something wrong?" Lance asked, with concern for his new friend.

"No, I'm okay, thanks." Kevin responded.

"Are you sure? You seem kind of lost or something." Lance said, examining Kevin's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." Kevin said, glancing once more at Joey.

"Okay, if you say so. I guess, I'll join the others. You coming?" Lance asked, motioning towards their friends.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." Kevin said, smiling at Lance.

"Okay," Lance said, as he headed back to the guys.

Kevin got himself a drink, but instead of rejoining the others he stepped out onto the balcony of his suite. He looked out at the people moving about the city. His mind raced at a rapid pace. What just happened with Joey? Was it what he thought it was? He didn't have to wait too long to get his answers, when he heard a voice from behind him.

"You okay?" Joey asked, startling him a bit.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I thought you were with the others." Kevin said, as he turned to face him.

"Well, I saw you come out here, and I wanted to make sure you were alright." Joey said, as he moved to lean against the balcony.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a few things on my mind lately, that's all." Kevin answered, honestly.

"Wanna talk about it?" Joey asked, with genuine concern.

"Nah, no offense, but, I don't think it's something that you would understand, but thanks." Kevin said, causing Joey to narrow his brows a bit.

"Kevin, can I trust you?" Joey asked, taking him by surprise.

"Well, yeah, is something wrong?" Kevin asked, as his big brother mode took over.

"Not really, it's just that if what's bothering you, is what I think it is, then I would understand more than you think." Joey said, with a warm smile.

"Oh, really, and what would that be?" Kevin asked, not willing to believe that Joey had picked up on his feelings.

"You're gay, aren't you?" Joey asked, being rather blunt about the situation.

Kevin spit out the drink he had just taken and began to cough. He set his drink down, putting his hand on the balcony railing as he looked towards Joey.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Kevin asked, making sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

"Kevin, it's okay, man. Like I said, I understand." Joey said, giving him another warm smile.

"You mean...." Kevin said, as his voice trailed.

"Yup, that's exactly what I mean." Joey said, as he moved closer. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so. How did you know?" Kevin asked, in sudden fear.

"Well, it's hard to explain. I just had a feeling." Joey replied.

"Do your guys know about you?" Kevin asked, opening up a bit.

"Yeah, they do, and they support me. What about you?" Joey asked, concerned for his friends well being.

"Yeah, I just told them a couple of days ago, but they've been very supportive." Kevin answered, with a smile.

"Well, that's good." Joey said, as he placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder.

Kevin's body tingled slightly at the touch of Joey's warm hand on his shoulder. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt his body react.

"Hey, everything okay?" Brian asked, bringing them back to reality.

"Umm, yeah, Bri, we're good." Kevin answered.

"Well, get your butts in here and join the party, then." Brian said, with a slight laugh.

"I guess, we'd better head back inside, before they come and get us." Joey said, with a giggle as he turned to go.

"Yeah, I guess so. Um, Joey?" Kevin said, touching his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Joey said, turning to face him.

"I was just thinking. If you don't have any plans for tomorrow night, maybe we could go out" Kevin said, in a questioning tone.

"Mr. Richardson, are you asking me for a date?" Joey said, with a grin, causing Kevin's face to turn a slight shade of red.

"Well, yeah, I guess, I am." Kevin said, hoping he hadn't made a mistake.

"I'd like that, Kevin. Oh, by the way, you have beautiful eyes." Joey said, just as he turned to go inside.

Kevin's face once again turned a soft crimson, as he smiled at Joey's complement. He grabbed what was left of his drink, and made his way inside to the rest of the guys.

Everyone was still talking and getting to know each other, and most of them didn't even notice, Kevin and Joey's return, except of course, for Brian. Kevin took a seat next to him, as he listened to everyone talking. He found himself looking in Joey's direction, and smiled as their eyes met. The exchange between them, didn't go unnoticed.

"Something, you'd like to share?" Brian asked, as he looked from his cousin to Joey.

"What?" Kevin asked, being brought out of his thoughts.

"What's up with you and Joey?" Brian whispered in his cousin's ear.

"I'll tell ya later." Kevin said, still smiling about his thoughts of Joey.

To Be Continued....

Okay, guys/gals that's it for now. Let me know what you think about the story. Send mail to Oh yeah, check out my other story Me and Joey. Until next time, Much Luv to Ya!!!

Next: Chapter 3

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