Kevin the Cyborg

By Boris Chen

Published on Jan 12, 2025


Chapter 5. July 6th. Still getting to know each other.

Unlike previous ones we started today in the shower, sort of like regular work days for me. I went in his room and unplugged the wire in his head and his eyes opened one second later. This time we bathed ourselves and tried not to bump into each other. I told him when vacation is over this will be our normal morning routine.

"You mean on days you work I have to shower with you?"

"Yes, I want to see that you're okay every day before I leave for work, and what better way to check on you than to see you naked and up-close. On my work days I want you to set your alarm clock the same as mine, but after I leave you can go back to bed if you want." He gave me a brief look I didn't understand but at least he wasn't flipping me off. The thought crossed my mind that if bathing at 6am is a big problem he could sit naked on the bathroom counter instead.

Because of the look I asked him, "Is that a problem?"

"Oh no, I just want to understand what you said. The syntax of English is a sometimes backwards from Japanese, the way Americans form sentences initially makes an opposite or contradictory impression, I was just trying to make sure I understood what you said."

So I quickly asked, "Inside your head when you think to yourself is it in English or Japanese?"

His answer really shocked me, "I think to myself in Japanese, it's my native language."

That statement really surprised me, I assumed he was thinking in English, boy was I wrong about that! I tried not to show any emotion when he said that so we stopped talking briefly. Next, I asked if he listens to me then translates what I say into Japanese or does he understand English as is. He said it depends on the situation but with my he translates into Japanese in his head, but when talking to kids at the skate park its usually just English in his head because those conversations have no great importance. Kevin also said skateboarding 11 year olds often talk in their own dialect you have to pick up as you go along. He said they sub-out a lot of words because they're all trying to sound cool in front of each other. They don't want to sound like their parents. I chuckled when he said that because it reminded me of me at that age.

The problem with two people showering in my bathroom at the same time happens when we're back to back and bend over at the same time, two butts collide and someone can get pushed out! I could see one of us flying out of the shower onto the bathroom floor! My shower is not huge, I wish it was bigger and the counter was smaller. I don't need eight feet of bathroom counter and two sinks!

After our shower I checked tracking on the stuff he ordered and his laptop computer. I think a lot of that stuff will be delivered sometime today.

An hour after our shower I got a text, at first I dreaded reading it but it wasn't from work - it was from downstairs, two of our packages arrived early. I sent Kevin downstairs to grab them, and while he was busy I had something very human to take care of, I used my bathroom with the door shut to take a dump (aka: drop the kids off in the pool).

He squeezed through our door with two large boxes; I bet if his face could turn red his would be right then. I'm pretty sure cyborgs lack a blush response. We set the boxes on the kitchen counter and opened them one at a time.

I asked if they were too heavy and he said weight wasn't a problem, he couldn't see the floor, which freaked him out because he's afraid of tripping over something.

First, we unpacked both gallon bottles of nutrient and had him put them on the shelf in his bedroom closet. A gallon bottle of cyborg nutrient lasts about three months.

Each morning I mixed him a cup of nutrient and left it sitting on the counter by the sink. Its (30ml) roughly the same volume as half a shot glass or half an espresso shot. I asked if it had any flavor and he said it tasted like Pedialyte, salty grape soda without the fizz.

His new laptop arrived, I handed him the box and Kevin seemed thrilled, his own computer. I thought to myself how odd it was that a humanoid computer being given a laptop computer (with much less power) would find that exciting. There were several other small things in the box, like a new pack of yellow legal pads (I use a LOT of them for work), there was a pack of color pens for the blueprint printer (a plotter actually).

In the second box were the two small chargers with six-foot wires, and the stuff we ordered for making cyborg pee and semen. I also got him a wireless mouse and mouse pad for his desk. His skateboard parts will be here in another day or two. I also got him some soft elastic knee and elbow pads and new designer sun glasses.

Kevin went directly to his bedroom and put the laptop together and got online and was downloading music (from my home server) and generally having a good time. I gave him an old set of ear buds (and a pair of headphones) and he sat cross legged (naked) on his bed enjoying his first tech-toy. While he was totally absorbed in that I stood in his bedroom doorway and took a few pictures of him with my cell. After a while he moved so he was lying down in bed watching videos online, then an hour later he was plugged in by the toe and watching TV show reruns online, but he seemed happy as can be, not even aware he was a cyborg. His behavior looked totally human. The sight almost brought me to tears and reminded me of myself at 19. It was difficult to believe he was just software with such natural human behaviors.

One thing, the sight of a computer being entertained by another computer gave me was an awareness of how little I understood how consciousness and self-awareness was achieved in a machine. I know his self-awareness was totally separate from the parts of him that store data and maintain his physical body, but somehow they created a thinking-creative-feeling entity with a personality but no soul, made entirely by computing power. I watched a show on TV once about the series of inventions that lead to an actual learning machine but it was sort of over my head. I think they said the big breakthrough was the invention of the cube memory/processor.

The actual processor for a self-aware/learning computer was invented decades ago, it started with research into mimicking human conversation (language modeling) and then decades later added the awareness module with a personality overlay. At that point they realized they already invented a thinking/aware/learning machine. The next big breakthrough came with the invention of the human/computer interface where a human spinal cord connected directly to a computer.

Machines like Kevin were still a long time coming and were first built only as mindless obedient workers and soldiers (upright humanoid soldier-drones). Text books today say the drone war started when China built a swarm of 5000 tiny armed autonomous flying quadcopters and unleashed them on the house of parliament in Taiwan on one day to shoot and kill the entire parliament and the prime minister and his cabinet so they could invade without much military opposition. But war broke out and within months the flying drones were replaced by humanoid robots in combat. Boat loads of these mechanical humanoid machines went house to house killing civilians across Taiwan. But the world united and landed ships loaded with their humanoid soldiers and it turned Taiwan into a battle field unseen since the USA fought Japan for control of Okinawa. During the 15 year war for Taiwan the technology in humanoid soldiers advanced dramatically.

Giving a humanoid soldier an automatic rifle and sending them into battle requires a tremendous amount of research and invention. Building a robot capable of aiming and shooting an M16 style rifle while running across a burning rice field required an entirely new type of operating system and intelligence, not to mention data storage and networking.

According to the story one day a humanoid drone (an infantry officer) was sitting inside an armored personnel carrier and looked out the back door and considered what the world would be like if all of the other soldiers were wearing civilian clothes and living amongst humans. Three (mecha) Japanese Army officers went on to found the company known today as Robco-Japan Inc. Yes, Robco was started by robots, not humans.

It also got me thinking about how aware Kevin is of his mecha status, does he even feel it? It made me wonder if his awareness was separate from his machine body, as if the flesh-enclosed machine was just a transporter. We're going to have some fantastic all night conversations about how he feels in his body. I know, for example, that me thinking to myself inside my head (my internal dialog) is separate from my body, I call it (the center of awareness and thinking inside my skull) my soul. I wonder how Kevin feels about such things. I pray we have lots of all night conversations. I want to hear from him how it feels to live in his body, how he thinks, what influences his opinions, what he wants out of life?

That afternoon I told Kevin I wanted to watch him fill some of his tanks. I asked him to demonstrate by filling his saline and ginger ale tanks. He turned toward the hallway and gestured for me to follow. We went into his bathroom where he used a measuring cup and poured the exact amount of each and paused briefly while standing at the sink then swallowed all of it, rinsed the cup, and waited for the saline to fill his tank then he did the ginger ale. I stood there watching him in his white briefs slowly re-fill some internal tanks. He said the tanks actually small, smaller than a baseball and they shrink down as they empty. He has an esophagus with valves to divert everything coming down the pipe into specific storage bladders along the food pipe that ends at his `stomach.' But the only outlet his stomach has is the same tube he used to swallow the contents. What goes in must eventually come back out the same way. He said he controls them mentally and sees indicators on his taskbar to know when one is ready to refill. He said those valves are not mechanical, they're like heart valves. He also said there are simple content sensors in his stomach but he has no absorption from his stomach, it's like a balloon at the bottom of a tube. He said all the tanks work like balloons and can stretch and then go flat.

The weird one was the powdered coffee creamer, he said it doesn't dissolve in cold water so that's what he rinsed it down with so its partially wet in his tank then its mixed with sex lube it comes out looking almost exactly like human semen, it's even salty too. He said a team of technicians in Tokyo spent three months developing a substance made of common grocery store items that looked and tasted like actual human semen, except it contains no DNA or sperm tadpoles.

Kevin asked why human semen was salty. I told him the body needed and used salt for lots of maintenance things, since the body kept a big supply it was in semen too. In other words our semen is salty because our bodies are very salty inside, we have a lot to spare. Probably every liquid that comes out of a human contains salt (blood, urine, tears, sweat, saliva, snot, etc.).

After his demonstration was done I ran my hand down his left arm and we smiled at each other, then I reached up and slid my hand across his chest and gently rubbed one of his tits and he just stood there smiling and looking down as he watched my hand. He softly said, "That feels nice."

I got up the nerve to just come out and ask, "You have time to suck my dick?"

Kevin smiled and said sure, he'd love to, we decided to do it in the kitchen. I sat on my chair with my legs spread after I dropped my shorts. My dick was already fully hard and pointing at the ceiling.

He got on his knees between my feet and rested his arms on my thighs as he took me in his mouth and slowly fucked my dick with his mouth, I lasted about 90 seconds before I felt an orgasm begin so I told him to back off. He quickly stood up in time to see semen spurt from my dick across the kitchen floor. My body was hit with strong twitches each time I came on the floor. After it ended we sat there and watched it drip for maybe 20 seconds, but when he reached for paper towels I told him I'd clean it up.

I used three paper towels and some glass cleaner on the floor. Usually, by myself one paper towel is enough so it was a lot this time. I take that as independent corroboration that he did a good job.

After that we went to the living room and watched Sports-TV San Diego for two hours then it was dinner time and I was hungry. Tonight I had spaghetti and meatballs with a very nice marinara sauce and grated cheese, I added salt and pepper. It came with a small salad and buttery garlic bread.

I thought someday I should borrow someone's microscope to show him how my semen is full of little tadpoles swimming around like a school of fish in search of an egg. On a microscope slide they might look very interesting to him.

That evening we played question and answer again, he had a lot of things (he heard in school) he wanted to ask about. He also had a lot of questions about the English language and where some of our weird sayings came from. I actually try hard not to use old sayings for that very reason.

Tongue in cheek.

Make do.

Hi, how are you?

No problemo!

Kevin also had several cultural questions about things we all say:

Explain our calendar and major holidays.

Domestic pets people own, dogs and cats in particular. I think he's more than a little afraid of both.

Exactly what are the moon and stars and where did they come from?

Is the Earth actually round or flat?

And how do airplanes fly?

I started with the one about the shape of the Earth, sun, and moon since they're the most visible.

I told him the sun was a star, same as the others. It's made of different gasses and has fission reactions taking place constantly and emits many kinds of energy and particles. Stars are a normal part of the universe, most of the white spots in the sky at night are stars, and each one is different. The moon is made of the same stuff as other planets: rock, minerals, and gasses. They were shaped into a sphere by gravity, the moon is stuck in orbit around the earth. It's basically a large rock covered by a layer of dust, sand, and small rocks. I told him most of the planets look similar to the moon: impact craters, rocks, ice, and loose soil.

I didn't have the numbers memorized and he had full time access (when at home) to the online encyclopedia so he doesn't need me to look up stuff for him, but the Earth was about 25,000 miles around at the equator, the sun is like 93 million miles away, and the moon is around 200,000 miles away the Earth. From side to side it's about the same size as the distance from Chicago to Los Angeles, so it's not very big, maybe a diameter of 2200 miles. Because it's smaller it has less gravity too, and it has no appreciable atmosphere. No atmosphere means no wind, and no erosion.

I showed him video of a space station astronaut gently squirting water into the air from a squeeze bottle and how the water formed a sphere, why was that?

I told him it was because of a rule of matter called the conservation of energy. There are attractive forces between atoms and molecules, they must form the most energy efficient bonds and shapes and in space there is very little gravity and the most energy efficient shape (for fluids) is a sphere, not a plane which would actually take a lot more energy to form and maintain, so the natural shape is round like a ball, the earth, moon, and sun cannot be flat unless additional energy was applied to allow some atoms to repel each other.

Then Kevin asked if outerspace was hot or cold.

I said it is neither hot nor cold. By definition whether something is hot or cold depends on the movement of the atoms it's made of. The more they jiggle and bounce into each other the more friction, the warmer they feel. But there has to be something there to measure, nothing cannot have a temperature because there are no atoms to create friction. As a vacuum (absence of atoms) space is an insulator, so things suddenly put into outerspace tend to remain at the temperature they held when they entered space, unless something acts upon them to increase or decrease the movement of atoms.

If you put a temperature probe in outerspace you're not measuring the temperature of space but of the probe itself. Over time it will cool off as the atoms begin to naturally slow down. But considering the distance we are from the sun anything in space near Earth's orbit will warm up dramatically due to exposure to the sun's energy.

Then I told him there was only one thing in the history of man that went into outerspace and got colder. He asked what it was. I said the Apollo 13 spacecraft cooled off, everything else in space gradually gets warmer, just like the earth itself and the moon. I told him the sun has 100% control of the surface temperature on the inner planets and our moon. If the surface of any inner planets warms or cools it is 100% controlled by the sun's output. I told him that if he ever hears anyone saying `the cold vacuum of space' that person is not well educated. And if you hear a scientist in any field say it you should find out what school they went to and never go there! Nothing cannot have a temperature, or a weight.

As far as holidays are concerned, our current year numbering system and calendar (Gregorian calendar) gradually came into use starting in 1584AD, so prior to that people in the Middle East used the Hebrew calendar. Back then the year was divided into 12 Houses based on the stars. So when Jesus was born common people told the month by the appearance and positions of certain constellations. Nobody knows when Jesus was born, he probably didn't know or care either (like we do today). So there were two (Roman Catholic) church estimates which were represented by two zodiac signs, the cross as Libra Scales and the fish as Pisces, basically September or February.

I told him Christmas today was based on pre-Christian Sun worship, they created December 25th as a significant date because of the arc of the sun across the sky. It was the day of the re-birth of God's Sun which was also how Jesus became known as God's Son. Sun worship is one of the oldest religions on the planet.

Even if the 25th had been Christian it would have not had a specific date because they didn't exist back then. An actual birthday for Jesus would have been based on casual moon watching. His mother would have told people something like: "The baby was born nine days after the full moon in the month of Adar." I told Kevin December 25th is about as real as the date of the famous 79 AD eruption of Mt Vesuvius, it's an educated guess which later became considered factual after everyone forgot it was just a guess to begin with. The written history of those events is very contradictory and the actual date the baby was born is just a guess, Mary and Joseph certainly did not hang their stockings from the mantle either.

"Remember this, thousands of years ago the biggest show on Earth was the night sky. The constellations and the moon were things everyone used like a personal planner and calendar. They used the night sky because the weather was too variable to tell when it was time to plant or harvest. And just like the internet today, back then the sky was there every night, and it was portable too!

Kevin asked me about UFOs. I told him I did not believe in aliens from other planets, any UFO seen in the sky were either military projections or fakery and lies, same thing for Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster.

When he asked about my history I told him my parents died in a car crash six years ago and my sister was alive but we haven't spoken since I came out during high school. I told Kevin my ancestors came to the USA from Canada back in the mid-1800s, back when most people on Earth were peasant farmers. I told him I learned about Jesus in Sunday school when I was a kid, but the thing that bothers me about so-called Christianity today is the focus on Christmas and Easter instead of his actual message of forgiveness and exactly what that means. When Kevin asked about the other major religions I told him I really didn't know enough about them to answer any questions, except just the fundamentals.

He asked about the pyramids in Egypt and I told him the pyramids at Giza are believed to have been built starting around 3500BC and there is some physical evidence but not enough to totally say with certainty that was when construction started, they could be much older but there is no way to know for certain, yet. Some people believe the Giza pyramids underwent major restoration around 3500BC and have parts inside that are much older. We may never know those answers, but they are impressive none the less. I told him that Stone Age people knew very well how to do impressive things with big chunks of stone, and they were highly motivated too. Unfortunately today we have their monuments but not their meaning. All we can do is guess at what they mean while we search for buried clues.

Kevin laughed and said human history was very interesting. Then he asked about Stonehenge. I told him a lot more is known about Stonehenge and the monuments nearby than the Egyptian pyramids. Stonehenge started off as a cemetery for local celebrities of the Stone Age. The people who built Stonehenge and the Pyramids were physically just like us. Anyway, Stonehenge had multiple functions but it was built on that spot because of a naturally occurring feature on the ground that pointed at the sunrise on an important day in their year. It also appears to have also been a big party spot and attracted people from all across England and Wales and Scotland, and maybe even across the water in Ireland and Europe.

I told him that `...scientists today often assume the people who built Stonehenge were much more primitive and barbaric than they actually were. So always look at stories about Stone Age people with a healthy level of skepticism. They were physically identical to us, but their technology was simple and perfectly suited for working with stone. Let me repeat: perfectly suited.

People built monuments back then out of stone because it was the Stone Age when the science of doing stuff with stone was highly advanced, evidence of their technology has since vanished into dust and myth. They were built out of stone because stone was what they had access to, and they had lots of skill working with and moving huge stones long distances over hilly land. I reminded Kevin to believe little of what he reads and none of what he sees, especially everything on TV. Also notice that Stonehenge and the Pyramids were built to last a long time, they got that part right.

I paused briefly then kind of shouted at Kevin and pounded my fist on the kitchen table: "The stupid mother fuckers never considered people in the future may someday ask why. THEY FUCKING FORGOT TO EXPLAIN WHY THEY DID IT!"

Kevin laughed loudly at me as I started to explain how Stonehenge was partially made of stone monuments from other distant cemeteries. Peasants, over a span of decades moved their stone monuments to Stonehenge and re-mounted them and probably moved buried bones of deceased former leaders too. This period of peak-activity probably only lasted several decades then slowly fell into abandon as construction was considered complete. That period coincided with the quarrying, moving, and installation of the largest stones making the monument arranged like it is today. Stonehenge was re-modeled over a period of decades. The people who did it left evidence of the parties they held while doing it. It was like an island-wide building project with widespread support and enthusiasm.

Perhaps the Stone Age people should be known more for tremendous parties they threw to motivate the hoards of able bodied men to move the enormous sarsen stones.

I often wondered what became of the missing stones from Stonehenge. There should be an effort to scour the planet looking for those stones, even if they were cut down to build castles. All stones must be returned or risk prison, even if the stone is now part of the wall of your palace or castle or church. I'd bet that is where the missing stones went.

Kevin confessed he was afraid of dogs because of their teeth and they look like predators. I told him dogs are predators, pack hunters, and have been socially involved in humankind for thousands of years, probably for the sake of having easier access to food and safety. I told him that dogs have a lot of personality and are often very interesting to know. I told him when he meets dogs to avoid eye contact at first and let them sniff him and suppress any thoughts of fear when meeting dogs, they can tell if you're afraid and it triggers some into unintended aggression. If the dog touches you then it's probably okay to gently touch them back, but move slowly. I told him to watch their body for emotional signs, the tail wagging means excitement, not happiness.

He also asked about airplanes. I told them the wings create an upward force that lifts them off the ground, the faster the plane moves the stronger the upward force, but they must keep moving to stay aloft. The larger the wing, the faster it moves, the more weight it can lift off the ground. They work very similar to how a bird's wings work. I told him the earliest types of planes were like kites, flown by the ancient Chinese as observation platforms during battles.

"And you didn't ask but the Chinese probably also invented writing, paper, chemistry, and medicine long ago too. Back then like the rest of the planet there were no countries like there are today, the world was hundreds of smaller kingdoms. Countries and borders are more of a recent invention when people started to travel around the world as explorers."

We ended up getting naked and getting into my bed and spooning under the sheets, I turned off the lights and we both fell asleep. He was back in high school and I went to dreamland. Before I fell asleep I pondered about how he felt about my brief human history lecture, I'm just trying to be the father/friend to him that I never had when I was his age.

I fell asleep with my face against the back of his neck, I smelled his body as I tried to fall asleep.

Saturday July 7th.

I woke up at 9:10am, no alarm set. Before I opened my eyes I could sense that Kevin was no longer in bed with me. I stayed there briefly thinking to myself about today, then tossed the sheets aside and went to the bathroom and got cleaned up, then out to the kitchen in my underwear.

When I was done in the bathroom I saw his underwear on the floor in my bedroom, but I left it there like a trophy.

As I walked past his bedroom door I saw his laptop open on his bed. Kevin was at the kitchen table in gym shorts reading a newspaper, sipping a cup of coffee. On the counter sat my coffee mug (with the company lightning bolt logo on the side) and the microwave oven was heating something. I walked in the room and rested one hand on his bare shoulder, he reached over and patted my hand.

"Hey man what's cookin?"

"Your breakfast, should be done soon."

Two quick seconds later the microwave beeped and the door opened slightly.

I pulled the steamy breakfast onto the counter and slid it onto a plate and set it on the table and grabbed a spoon and my coffee and saw he already put a spoon on the other side of the table and the bottle of Cholula was there too. How sweet was all that? He remembered everything! Kevin said the cold stuff is still in the refrigerator.

I sat down (smiling) and carefully opened the steamy clear plastic container. This one had scrambled eggs with (red, yellow, green) bell pepper slices and bacon chunks added, along with two toasted English muffins and another container had chunks of watermelon with packets of butter, jam, salt, pepper, and catsup. I sat and started to eat, then got up and made myself a tall glass of orange juice.

I gotta compliment Deli on something: I do not like my bacon cooked until it's as stiff and crunchy as Doritos. I like bacon greasy, salty, thick, and fatty. That's how they were in my eggs the first time I ate there, I fell in love with Deli on my first trip when I saw that. People who only eat bacon crunchy like a hard taco shell ask for bacon extra well-done as a side dish instead of in the eggs.

I really like their scrambled egg breakfast, it's fluffy and filling plus I go for hours without feeling hungry again. Their muffins are homemade, it's one of things you smell on the sidewalk outside the hotel in the morning. I probably eat more than three of these (scrambled eggs) a week, I love `em.

Across the table Kevin silently read the paper and sipped his black coffee. I asked what he was drinking and he said it was the K-cups we got on July 2nd, there's one left. Yesterday morning Kevin told me the roasted whole beans were less bitter than Starbucks House Blend so he wasn't going to buy them anymore. At first I laughed because he has no money to buy anything, then I started to understand what he meant.

I think to some degree Kevin has started to grasp that I am somewhat wealthy (upper middle class) and he can have anything he wants but he has to also behave like me, then his life will have harmony, except he's a machine so.... Nobody on Earth can honestly say they understand the secret desires of a 19 year old intelligent machine. I suspect they are more human-like than we realize. I suspect most cyborg owners hope their teenage cyborg has no secret desires or deep thoughts.

After I was done eating Kevin asked what we were doing today and I told him we should walk over to the USS Midway. Then I asked him how school was going and he said he was nearly done with freshman year, he made great progress last night, and he also said he really liked sleeping with me.

I told Kevin he was welcome in my bed anytime. And not to be outdone Kevin told me I was welcome in his bed anytime too. I never commented about his underwear on my bedroom floor.

Kevin asked what an aircraft carrier was. "It's a floating military airport, it's a combat vessel roughly 1000 feet long and 120 feet wide with about 4000 military people on board, probably powered by a nuclear reactor. Today they're obsolete and highly vulnerable to attack, they're slow and too expensive. We lost a carrier in the Indian Ocean 15 years ago during the drone wars. It was shot with one high speed weapon, a small rocket-powered weapon pierced the hull, penetrated the reactor, and came out the other side and eventually ran out of fuel and dropped into the ocean, the reactor exploded that hour and the ship broke in half and sunk, 792 lives were lost that hour. 1254 were lost within two years from radiation exposure. And there is a uranium contamination site on the island of Diego Garcia.

I try to keep a thing running all day long in my head that warns me if I might someday talk or act like my father. When I saw his white cotton briefs on my bedroom floor it awoke my inner ass-hole but my alert stopped me from making a big deal out of it and instead I turned my anger against the impression my father made on me to react with irrational anger to stupid little shit. Instead of getting mad I smiled and saw his Haines Briefs as a trophy that I slept with a 19 year old boy from Tokyo instead of a transgression. It ain't easy being me!

USS Midway, CV-41, 1943-1992. One hundred twenty eight million pounds of American steel built in Virginia, USA.

After eating and clean-up I got dressed, Kevin got dressed in jeans and a hoodie. He had his cell in his pocket and was ready for a (¾ mile) walk over to the Midway Museum. In the kitchen I looked across the room. Kevin raised the bottom of his hoodie to show me he had no shirt on underneath it. He flashed his lower tummy, which got an immediate response from my dick but I had to concentrate on the task at hand.

I noticed lately that he likes going outside wearing a hoodie with nothing on underneath. Maybe it's possible it finally clicked in his head how much a quick glimpse of his tummy fills me with desire. You know that expression guys use: `Thinking with the wrong head.' It means you are thinking with your dick instead of common sense. Well when he flashes his lower tummy at me it sometimes manually operates that switch that puts my dick in charge of my brain briefly! I think he figured that out.

What he needs to do is make sure his waist band is as low as possible, then raise the bottom of his sweatshirt halfway to his chest to expose his entire hairless soft stomach and that big round hole in the middle, my eyes and brain instantly zoom in on it and I am briefly captured. If maintained my dick is guaranteed to start growing too. If he kept it up even longer I'd have to stop whatever I was doing and move toward it like a bug to the light. I cannot control my reaction at that point. Flashing one or both of his tits would accomplish the same thing, but quicker.

Anytime I see someone naked the first place my eyes go is to their tits, then the belly button, then any other private parts. At that point I still have almost no awareness of their age, race, or gender. Remember, my fascination with belly buttons and nipples isn't to the person they're on but to those parts alone. A belly button on a chunk of flesh nailed to a fence post would have just as much power over me as one on a dude my age.

San Diego is often cool and hot at the same time. We're pretty far south so the sun feels hot, but we're on the Pacific Ocean which is very cold along the west coast so there is always a cool breeze too. This is why it's both hot and cold at the same time in San Diego. A hoodie allows you to unzip or zip it shut and cover your head too. With the long sleeves you can take it off and tie it around your waist. The hoodie I got was for a brand of skateboards and their colors.

Some people swear that San Diego has the best weather in North America. I was born here.

We left the condo at 10am and arrived at 10:45. I paid ($35 each) and we entered the aircraft carrier, I told him to stay near me and turn on his cell, make sure he could hear it ring. If we got separated go up on the hangar deck, I'd call him. That day I kept track: he tripped three times! Every time he fell he tripped over seams on the floor with a tall edge. The Midway underwent a lot of major construction and was not always finished with perfectly flat decks. In some places the ceiling is barely 5'9" high. On the exact same floor I tripped or crashed ZERO times. Just sayin.

We spent three hours wandering around inside the Midway, we never attended any of the lectures on the flight deck put on by former navy combat pilots. Midway was retired from service 87 years ago in 1993.

We saw a video on a screen in the mess deck showing the crew having fun by catapulting trash items off the bow like a contest, whose trash flew the furthest or looked the best. Some of them were made up almost like small parade floats before catapulting into thin air off the bow. I guess they also had parties on the hangar deck then when they crossed the equator.

I was surprised to hear the ship was actually still floating, it had something like a two foot gap under the hull at the shallowest point near the stern. I read in the newspaper that the WW2 submarine on display in Pearl Harbor was recently moved onto land because of the age of the hull, they plan on doing the same thing eventually to the USS Missouri too, but it sounds super expensive. Maybe they'd have to raise it and build a pier underneath the hull, or enclose it and pump out the water.

When you walk out on the pier the Midway has ticket machines and sales windows too. You buy a ticket then use one of three entrances and either climb the stairs or ride the elevator. After you're at the right height then there is a long walkway over to the ship. Most of the entrances take you directly onto the flight deck level. After that you're on your own to explore, follow the provided map, or take a guided tour. Only a small portion of the ship can be seen because it takes a long time and a lot of money to prep one area for access by the public. I think the ship may still be loaded with asbestos too. I read somewhere that many sailors who served on the Midway died from asbestos inhalation illness.

The Midway was built during World War-2 in Virginia, but put into service just days after the formal end of the war. She served during Vietnam and the Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s. The ship underwent two major overhauls and sustained serious damage from fires and also suffered from a problematic hull design that nearly sent her to the scrap yard in the mid 1980s. One time in bad weather the ship experienced a 26 degree lean, which on an analog clock is when the minute hand points at 10 minutes. That is a very steep incline for any deck loaded with jet aircraft and people. I think it always had stability problems and was often called the Rock-n-Roll Carrier. It sounded like the carrier had design problems that nobody ever confessed to, and couldn't be fixed without replacing the hull itself.

After leaving the Midway we walked home a different route, I showed him a storefront with a large sign in the window: `Sterile Chip Implants!' but he said he was worried about being injected so we went inside to ask about implanting a 2080 Robco cyborg. The lady at the cash register pulled out a sealed sterile package designed specifically for this year, it went under the skin near the shoulder and was placed beside the collar bone with a large bore needle, I think she said 14 gauge, but they numbed the skin first. Kevin asked about their history of post implant infections or other complications, like the tracker doesn't work or underperforms. He understood that once they were implanted they were usually impossible to remove. Her answers were obviously meant to distract us that implants had some risk and customers had to sign a waiver. The bottom line was: you take your chances with us.

We decided to hold off for now but I grabbed a paper that showed the tracking data packages and prices, since it was a subscription service. We continued our long walk down Kettner Boulevard toward home. He paid close attention to sidewalk surfaces, other people, dogs, and signs on sidewalks. On the walk home he asked if there was some place he could skateboard that was safe for skateboards and their tiny tires, so I told him only skate parks but there's multiple parks in San Diego. I told him that his skateboard tires are probably too small to use on a sidewalk (by design). Lots of people skateboard on the bicycle lanes on the street instead but they have problems with pebbles and cracks.

I noticed that anytime someone walked toward us on the sidewalk with a dog on a leash Kevin always got on my other side and never took his worried eyes off the dog. I already knew he was afraid of dogs and cats so when he mentioned rats in the city I told him the reason why he never saw them on the sidewalk in San Diego was because of the cats. I was kidding but I could tell it caused him anxiety.

Back at home another package was outside our door (which usually means it was placed there by delivery machine). Inside, Kevin opened the package from yesterday (with the two chargers) and discovered under the coffee table was an outlet in the living room floor so he plugged it in and stretched the cord across the coffee table. In my bedroom there was an empty outlet near the head of bed so he plugged in the other one and ran the cord across the headboard. I told him I wanted one more for the kitchen so he can sit at the table and still be plugged-in. It occurred to me to ask, "Kevin, if I plugged one of those charge-only units to your head port does it put you in standby mode?" He smiled and nodded no, just charging. I thought it might be more convenient than using his toe while he's at the table, but it might l look really weird.

Today's delivery had the rest of his order of fluids for his body (saline, food grade sex lube, ball point pens, and a Lamy fountain pen with cartridges for me).

We decided to skip lunch and eat an early dinner. He wanted to do it for me so he opened the refrigerator door and called out which ones where there. I picked pot roast with potatoes, carrots, salad, corn bread with butter, and coleslaw. He opened it up and ate one spoon full of coleslaw and said it tasted nice. Then he sampled my carrots and potatoes. While he was stealing bites of my dinner I made a face like I was upset to see him eating my (cold) dinner. But Kevin glanced at me and winked while he chewed on a new potato.

Kevin set it back in the refrigerator and dashed to his room and pulled off his hoodie and raced back to his kitchen chair (it was funny to watch him zooming around the condo like a cartoon character). After a while we moved to the sofa, and like previous times he stretched out and rested his head on my lap. I think he likes chilling and snuggling on the sofa.

I asked him if he regrets being a cyborg instead of human. He said he listens to the kids in his high school classes talk about their families, most of them complain about how stupid their parents are, but I got to thinking where they'd be if their parents died the day they were born. He said he was born in a machine in Tokyo and kind of misses the fact that he never had a mother. He said he feels an empty spot where memories of childhood should go.

Then Kevin asked, "What was the first word you learned to spell?"

I said, "Lucy."

"What's that?" he asked.

Lucy was our dog, she was a mutt.

Then Kevin asked if she ever bit or scared me.

"No, we were buddies we played together all the time."

"You see my first word was Robco. I was raised in a factory by company employees, they gave me about one day to grow up, and that was before I even had a physical body!"

"Wow, I think that was when you emailed me, right?"

"Ahhh! You remember that? Yes, that was when I was a computer chassis on an assembly line. Earlier that day they connected my spinal link and minutes later I woke up for the first time."

I wanted him to settle down, he was getting more upset so I interrupted him and said he was here, in his own home, with me his family, and I'd take good care of him from now on. I think he was working himself up to crying, but he quieted down and I held him firmly against me. Kevin rolled over and buried his face in my lower stomach, I think he felt embarrassed that he got so emotional.

During a commercial break I leaned forward and grabbed the cord and handed it to him. Kevin raised his right leg, bent at the knee, reached down and plugged-in and stretched back out and I put my hand on his arm. He spent the rest of the time before dinner on his side on the sofa, his head in my lap, his face against my lower belly. I heard him sniffle a few times, I think he actually got teary-eyed.

During one break I went to my room and got the tiny remote control with the emergency shutdown switch since he seemed to be winding himself up into some kind of emotional upset. I kept it in my pocket and sat back down on the sofa, his head returned to my lap.

After ten minutes I confessed to Kevin (trying to distract him) that one of my secret sex fantasies was to find an older man with a really big-deep-wide belly button that was big enough for me to fuck, and he had to have impressive man boobs too with woman size areolas. I also had kind of a breast feeding/diaper wearing role play fantasy about lying across some man's lap with his breast at my face so I could pretend to feed and he could check if I wet my diaper continuously. Kevin chuckled and said he hadn't developed any secret sex role play dreams yet because everything is still new.

For a while we talked about adult life in California, I told him about our wildfires. I said California has had wildfires for probably millions of years now. I told him that forest fires are a natural part of Mother Nature. In states without big wildfires during their rainy season they burn off areas of forest to prevent vast destructive wildfires, like in northern Arizona around Flagstaff.

Then I got an idea... I told him to get dressed for riding the train. Three minutes later we met by the front door and went downstairs. On the way I told him to remember our route, he'll understand when we get there. He kept glancing at me as if to get a hint where we were going from the expression on my face.

We crossed the street and got on the trolley, we took the green line north to the Rio Vista platform and got off there. We walked east on the long Rio Vista platform where it ended at Qualcomm Way, then we walked south to Camino Del Rio, then one block east to a three story office building. My employer leased the entire 2nd floor. The landlord makes us do our audio testing after 5pm daily.

There was nobody inside and the building entrance was locked so we stayed outside. I pointed out a set of windows and I told him that was my office. It really wasn't my office, I have a cubicle but my engineering group is behind those windows. It's a space with eight cubicles and a large work bench for research and development.

I told him the building was 2385 North Camino Del Rio, suite 201. Kevin commented about the absence of a corporate sign on the outside of the building. But the names of all tenants were on a small plaque beside the door.

I told him this building was fairly new, only about 18 years old. The original building on this site was condemned due to a foundation cracking problem, so the building was stabilized and used for filming a big dollar Hollywood movie, they blew it up for the movie then tore it down since it was scheduled to be leveled anyway. Then a new office tower was built after the war. In the movie the building was supposedly hit by an asteroid in a disaster movie from back in 2065. Most of the buildings nearby were not there back then. The original building was basically the same size as the one there today.

He thanked me for showing him. At that time I grasped his hand and turned around and walked back to the trolley platform and rode it home. On the walk back I showed him the two local places I went for lunch on work days, both of them had great coffee too.

On the ride home he asked if I ordered only two meals per day at the deli on work days. I said yes, I never took Deli meals to work since there were nice places near the office and we were visited by a great Roach Coach during the noon hour too. Then I had to explain what a Roach Coach was.

Thirty nine minutes later we were back on the sofa, and he remembered to change into shorts right away. We watched This Week in So-Cal Sports.

I got up at the commercial break and poured us two glasses of wine and when I set them on the coffee table I told him, "Drink up me hearties, yo-ho!" but he had no idea what it meant.

When we experimented with our first 5-kilowatt audio amps (and speakers) we usually used the music from the end of the (2003) movie Pirates of the Caribbean, God bless Klaus Badelt for writing that short classical piece that took an entire 108 piece symphony orchestra to perform. We still use it every year to demonstrate our newest systems in the outdoor theater in Amarillo. The recording is absolutely brutal on any amplifier and speaker system when played at the correct loudness. Thank God they made an analog recording on a blank vinyl master disc in addition to recording it into a computer. Our demo recording is a copy of a copy of the original analog master disc, recorded at 45rpm for exceptionally low vinyl noise.

I must say that if you've never heard that theme song at 5kw you never heard it as intended by the composer. We've busted glass panels, glass light fixtures, fractured steel seat frames, and killed two pigeons that built nests on top of the outdoor theater columns the first time we played at 100% wattage. Last summer we played it on an experimental system at 19kw. It really wasn't any louder overall but the peaks had a lot more un-distorted punch, especially when the percussionist smacked the hell out of the bass drum. We heard that people in a tire factory 2500 feet away across the industrial park felt the bass drum beats in their basement employee break room. They thought it was an earthquake!

Two speakers, two reflectors, 19kw. There was not a single dry eye in the theater when the 2:10 second song ended. It sounded like you were on the conductor's platform but twice as loud and totally faithful to the original performance. Our calibrated meter showed 0.002% THD during playback, which is far below human hearing levels.

I played Kevin the final seconds of Pirates of the Caribbean so he knew where the song came from when Johnny Depp says `Drink up me hearties, yo-ho!' That recording is so bass heavy I swear they must have added another set of bass drums on either side of the conductor's platform. The time we test-played it at full power outside in the arena we had to put cooling fans on the speakers and still nearly smoked four $12k (each) speaker coils and the crossover networks too!

Kevin laughed and said "You'd have to have pretty big arms to beat on a six foot bass drum that hard."

When the daily sports roundup show ended he unplugged and got up to nuke my dinner, I went to my bathroom.

We ate dinner in the kitchen and talked again. I even fed him half of a new potato and he actually chewed and swallowed, I also spoon fed him more of my coleslaw which he liked earlier. We talked about some of the music he was enjoying from my server collection, and I also had about 15,000 movies and documentaries too. During our conversation I slipped in a quick question hoping he wouldn't ponder about it much. In about half an hour from now would you fuck me please?' His unemotional mumbled response came without raising his eyes off the newspaper, You have to show me how.'

After dinner we went to our rooms to got ready, I made sure I had plenty of clean towels by the shower. I also lit two candles, closed the window shade and curtains. Kevin walked in after a while, naked with an erection. He said he watched a porno video online showing two younger guys in great detail during the first part of sex. He said it looked fairly simple. I told him that with a dick as big as his it won't be simple or painless, and it might get bloody too.

Kevin explained he heard kids in his gym class talking about a video and when he searched online he found it, he said it was two kids from his school but he never saw them before so it could be 15 years old.

We rolled the bed sheets all the way down to the foot-end of my bed. Next, I got on my back and he settled down on top of me and we kissed for several minutes to give me time to relax and get fully in the mood. After some romantic kissing he lifted up his face so our noses were maybe one inch apart and we talked briefly about how much fun this was. In the faint candle light and my blurred vision I saw his face was so close the biggest thing was his two thick black eyebrows and his coal black pupils. I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed his lips while he was talking which made him chuckle slightly. "I could do this all night." I whispered.

"I'm happier than I ever thought was possible." Was his reply, also at a soft whisper with a big smile across his face. Then he wiggled his hips around so I felt his erect penis rub on my thigh and I knew he was ready. I felt two wet spots growing between our bodies. As we spoke I smelled his coffee breath and he said he could smell my roast beef and potatoes breath but it was fine.

After he pulled his mouth off mine I told him the truth about his size and my rectum so I told him in plain English to move slowly. When Kevin rests his entire weight on me I noticed he feels surprisingly light weight for someone only one inch shorter than me.

To help him succeed in penetrating me I asked him to get up on his knees while I smeared a big glob of lube on my rectum. Kevin got into position with his rod sticking out like a construction crane. I pumped more lube onto my hand and lubed his dick so it had a thick coat of gel. Last, I wiped off my hands on a towel.

I reached down and pulled my knees up by my ears to raise my hips off the mattress so he could prop my thickest pillow underneath. Then he scooted in close and pressed his head against my flesh just behind my nutsack and moved down until he saw it was against my hole, then he started trying to inch his way inside.

I think he stuck one finger inside me to try to get it to open and relax so his head could follow with less stretching.

While he was doing that Kevin made a half-assed attempt at small talk, "You ever done this before?"

I said yes, but not lately. I think my last dick was maybe 24 months ago in Texas. My admission was rather embarrassing, I'd had no luck searching for someone to fuck me for two years. Of course the truth was I did not have a lot of spare time and jerking off was much easier than going out in search of a horny boy looking to nail some middle-aged ass. I always lied to myself thinking that having a lot of money in the bank might make it easier but it never really attracted anyone, not even the gays at my local bank.

The other problem is if someone actually flirted with me I might not recognize it unless it was really obvious. That is one of the disadvantages of being autistic.

Kevin asked if I had sex at the annual open-house and I said that's why I was in Amarillo but it happened in my hotel room. "Who was he?" he asked.

"Some local guy I met in a bar near the factory, I don't remember his name. I walked in and grabbed the only empty stool at the bar beside some guy in jeans and a t-shirt but no cowboy hat. After some small talk about the weather and Amarillo the subject turned to girls and sex but with a stranger in a bar (in Texas) you have to kind of hide the fact that you're talking about gay sex, but he clearly said he loved anal sex too, I told him I was somewhat inexperienced so he offered to show me. He said him and his X tried it because after two kids her pussy was stretched out, he could still fuck her but now he only gave hell to one side. That comment made me laugh loudly.

Now I make it sound like we only spoke for 40 seconds then left to go fuck but in fact I was on my third beer by the time we started talking about butt sex. He told me he loved to fuck and rarely said no to anyone, man, woman, or goat. You can always tell when someone is talking about butt sex when you mention the word Goat and his response is `Lying fucking animal!'

We had a great and funny conversation about him and his wife experimenting with butt sex, and then learning to give themselves enemas so his dick didn't end up smeared with shit. All that time I played like I never really did it, except maybe one time with an older woman, same reason, pussy too big.

When we went to the men's room together and were standing at urinals he told me he could show me how it's done, and I quietly told him `okay.'

I paid our tabs and we left in his old truck. On the way to my hotel he told me he couldn't stay out all night but never said what time he was due home, but something told me he'd come first then claim to be out of time.

We went to my hotel room and out went the lights and the next thing I knew we were naked in bed and he got on top and fucked me but pulled out and came on my stomach. Then it was my turn but he said he was almost out of time so he had me sit on the edge of the mattress with my feet on the floor. He was on the floor beside me and jerked me by hand and then left. My entire stomach was covered with semen when he left, but I really like the feeling of lying around in bed with some other guy's semen all over my front side. I told him I could spend all evening like that, on my back, naked, with vast amounts of semen on my body.

Kevin told me he had no stories, he never fucked anyone before. He said he was never touched sexually by anyone in Tokyo while he was awake, but after they put the chip in your head-port any of them could do anything they wanted while you were in standby mode.

I'd already put a pillow between the top of my head and the headboard, sure enough I still felt the headboard as the pillow started to squish. He made tiny pushes but it still took about fifteen minutes to get his dick fully inside me. Once he was about two inches in the rest of it went much easier. Those first two inches felt like I was being ripped open, like I was un-shitting a rock-hard turd. I moaned from the pain and my emotions. But Kevin kept a close watch on me as he inched deeper and deeper. About halfway in he stopped and pulled fully out knowing I was stretched.

He was right, plus pulling out got more lube on my rectum and when he pushed in he slid back effortlessly but my ass was still on fire and he said there were a few drops of blood on the bed sheet. He worked me slowly and after maybe three more minutes he finally hit bottom. We stayed like that briefly, and then he pulled all the way out, then slid back in. He did that about three times and one time I lubed my hand and when he pulled out I reached down and grabbed his rod and lubed him from end to end then he pushed it in and bottomed-out easily, painlessly.

I noticed when he pulled all the way out then pushed back inside it felt wonderful, and the sensation of shitting myself totally vanished and it turned into an extremely intense pleasure that I've only had a few times in my life.

I was starting to get emotional, once after he pulled out then slid all the way back in I felt his nuts bounce off my butt cheeks I grabbed him tightly and held him to me and we kissed deeply so he couldn't see I was silently crying. But the feeling of him inside me and our mouths together, tongues touching sent my emotions crazy and I happy-cried for a bit. I'm sure he felt me cry inside his mouth, but he never fell out of character as a passionate young man trying to have a super strong orgasm.

Next, he got into push-up position and started riding me slowly but sped up until he was hammering me fast, like someone his age would do. He asked if he could come inside me and I told him to come on my stomach so I could watch. He said he's getting close.

I put my hands on his sides so I could thumb massage his big flat nipples. The bad part was the more pleasure I got from being fucked the more I wanted dick in my mouth, but you can't do both unless you have three guys in bed, or maybe four because if one guy is fucking me, and another has his dick in my mouth, then the fourth guy can suck on my nipples too, or deep French my belly button!

About thirty seconds later he started to softly moan as he slowed down then pulled out and stood up erect on his knees between my thighs and placed both hands on my knees. Twice I saw a string of semen shoot out of his head and land on my chest and stomach, one tiny drop landed on my face. When he squirted his entire body flinched then he squirted one last time on my stomach. Each time just before it spit semen out his dick bounced up and down like it was working hard too.

Lastly he stood there on his knees with semen dripping off the head of his dick, it was landing on my lower abdomen. My knees were in the air and I felt like I was in Heaven.

The sight was beautiful, I wished I could have recorded it. Like mine his body twitched with every shot of semen, like he was getting electrical shocks, it looked totally human. He got whole body shocks that went on for half a minute after his orgasm ended, just like me. I looked up at his face and saw his eyes were still closed and he had a wonderful satisfied smile.

He kind of stayed in that position briefly as his orgasm faded and ended. In my mind I pictured the fireworks from the 4th happening on a tiny scale in 3D in the space between my stomach and his.

About ten seconds after he stopped dripping he opened his eyes and looked down at me and grew a wider smile on his face, "Hooo-leee cow!" He said with a sigh and seemed to relax and lower his shoulders. I smiled back and watched as his boner slowly started to fade. I reached out and held his hands with mine while he beamed with pride and we both laughed a little at the beauty of the moment.

About one minute later he lowered himself on top of me and our mouths met and we shared our tongues. His semen was smeared between our bodies and we kissed for probably fifteen minutes non-stop. I held him firmly against me and rubbed his back and his butt cheeks. I felt him move his body side to side to help smear the semen between us.

Kevin slid down a little and rested his head on my chest. Then he turned his head slightly and whispered that he loved me. I whispered back that I Ioved him too.

Ten minutes later we got up and washed each other in the shower. I burnt more incense too. We showered by candle light, it was very romantic.

While we toweled off I asked him if he meant what he said and he said "Uh huh. I'd never say something that serious if I didn't mean it." He whispered that in Japan if you tell someone you love them when you really don't most people believe bad luck will turn your life into shit until you die, and maybe beyond death too.

After everything was back to normal (my bed was made) he said he wanted me to show him how my blueprint printer/plotter worked. I told him it wasn't a laser printer, it drew lines with a small pen. I told him it was designed to print 36 inch wide by 24 inch long sheets of drafting paper. It was kind of expensive and slow so I got out one I recently printed, a circuit board design that was on the smaller paper, 24x18 inches and it showed the component side of the circuit board for a 200 watt mono intermediate amplifier. Then I showed him another one with the plans for inside a 5000-watt glass amplifier tube.

He commented that it looked like some weird kind of bunker inside with walls, fences, and metallic grids. I said, "Yep, it took almost two months for me to be able to design our first tube, and I needed lots of help doing it." I told him my first tube was an old fashioned amplifier, maybe 10 watts, and the tube was like the size of half a roll of nickels with an eight pin round base. Not only did we have to learn how to make vacuum tubes we had to make test fixtures to make sure the tubes worked as designed.

He asked how our tubes are made and I told him we had a robotic machine with four arms and a conveyor system that built them one at a time, like a miniature factory. The machine worked like a modern CNC machine but with small robotic arms inside an air-tight cabinet that also had four sleeves like a laboratory glove box.

The machine made ten identical tubes then someone had to join all ten to a glass pipe called a manifold. The manifold was connected to a vacuum pump and once they were all solidly connected the pump was started and it sat under heavy vacuum overnight. After that the tubes were heated one at a time with a wood rod and a loop of wire on the end. You held the loop over one tube and pressed a pedal with your foot and it passed a strong current through the loop which induced heat in the metal parts inside the tube until everything inside briefly glowed bright yellow-hot. That was done to burn off the anti-corrosion coatings, kind of like burning off the primer paint.

Next, all ten tubes still connected to the manifold were moved from the cabinet to a small oven to bake for twelve hours at 600 degrees. I explained that glass is actually porous when its new so those tubes would only work for maybe one day as air slowly leaked back inside through tiny pores in the glass. Baking it made the outside surface melt slightly and begin to flow and sealed all the pores.

Out on the work bench the ten tubes still joined by a thin glass pipe to the manifold (a two inch diameter glass tube connected to the vacuum pump). Then each tube was checked inside with a bright light and magnifying glasses so any ash formed during baking fell out of the tube and down into the manifold. As each tube is checked and approved they use a small gas torch to seal the top to remove it from the manifold and the tube is basically done.

After all ten are finished they get plugged into a test fixture which runs each one at its maximum rated voltage and current to make sure it works correctly, then the tube number is stamped on the outside and it is put in a cardboard sleeve and its ready to sell.

Whether you are making little glass tubes or the huge multi thousand watt glass amplifier tubes the process is the same. The biggest tubes have more metal parts outside to help protect from the heat generated during heavy loads.

"Wow, sounds cool, I'd love to see that." Kevin commented.

"You will at our next annual family open house in Amarillo Texas, unless you don't want to go. And you'll get to sit in a replica of an ancient Roman outdoor theater and hear our biggest system play the 1812 Overture loud enough to break windows."

"Wow, where's that?"

"It's in an old industrial park northeast of Amarillo Texas."

"What's there?"

"It's the factory where we build our stuff. The theater is outside behind the factory, I'll show you online. About 40 years ago, before I was born there was a wealthy Texas dude who used a laser scanner to map an ancient Roman outdoor theater in Merida Spain down to the quarter inch and they built a duplicate, except his was made of concrete instead of limestone, but it looks nearly the same. The acoustics are amazing. The original place is called the Teatro Romano de Merida. But they reduced the seating area and added thirty foot tall columns with plain concrete entablature encircling the entire theater. "

Then I paused and touched his chest two finger tips and told him, "Two speakers, two reflectors, unlimited power, and amazing sound. It makes me cry every time I see the demonstration. They needed to add all those columns because there had to be a structure to mount the reflectors and lighting equipment. It's a very nice looking theater, it sits in a pit outdoors in Amarillo Texas, of all places."

"Why can't they test the sound systems inside?" He wisely asked.

"It'll damage the building."

"Wow, that loud?"

"No, that much air pressure. Remember, sound is like air pressure. Over time it would vibrate the building apart no matter what it was made of, so it had to be outside and open to the sky. The bad part is your big performance might be cancelled because of the weather. They get big ass tornadoes in the Panhandle too."

He was quiet briefly, I told him the CEO of the company, the guy who actually manages the business has control over the outdoor demonstrations. Sometimes after everyone leaves we have our own private demos, we each bring one song, one recording and play it on the big system, it's a private party on the world's biggest sound system.

After those comments we turned off the lights and got in bed, I reached up and handed him the wire to plug himself in. I turned off the lights and we went to sleep with my face against the back of his neck and one arm over his body.

While we were in my bed under the covers he asked, "How do you know you got all the ash out?"

"When the tubes are done the technician presses it against a vibrating panel then holds it up to a light so he can see inside and look for any tiny flakes of ash. If he sees and they re-attach it to the manifold and put it under suction for another day, then check again and re-seal. It's kind of like a puzzle game to tilt the tube around until all the last bits of ash slide out of the tube and into the manifold. I mean we're talking about tiny black specks, smaller than grains of sand."

I told him it was sort of like the old Roll-A-Maze labyrinth steel ball game. I had to show him pictures of the game online, which made him laugh. Then he asked if any movie theaters ever had damage from our sound systems and I said yes, one did because they lied about how the building was constructed, since then we review all building plans before a system is installed. The building that had structural damage was an old small town theater dating back to the 1920s. It was just an old wood building with extensive termite damage, the first time they ran the system the roof collapsed and three windows shattered!

Sunday July 8th.

Like the last few days when I woke up he was already up and doing stuff but I think he stayed inside our apartment. I stayed in bed silently listening and heard the microwave oven running so I got up, hit the bathroom then went to the kitchen in my USC gym shorts.

Kevin had my breakfast in the microwave.

"How did you know I was awake?" I asked.

"I don't know I just do, like I feel it."

I got my coffee mug from under the spout on the machine and set it on the table then my breakfast out of the microwave oven and sat down to eat. The instant I set down my mug and picked up the spoon I felt the table shuddering slightly.

"Feel that?"

"No what?"

"Put your feet flat on the floor and your palms flat on the table and see if you feel it. We're having a small earthquake."

He did as I asked and said, "Maybe, barely I feel the table vibrating."

I pointed to the surface of the coffee in my mug, he leaned forward and saw the ripples, "Oh yah! That's cool, right?"

I told him it was probably like three point earthquake over on the San Andreas, we'll see how long it lasts. I kept my hand flat on the table, but I also felt it in my feet. It felt like the building was trembling.

It lasted about 50 seconds then lessened for a few seconds then suddenly stopped.

We went on with our morning as if nothing happened. I told Kevin that the higher up you live in the building the more you feel it because it amplifies the shake.

After breakfast and clean-up I got my laptop off the living room table and checked my email and ordered another charger for the kitchen table. Something told me that over time I'm going to find more places that need one, but I think for now three will be fine (my bed, the sofa, and the kitchen table). So he's never far from a power source, no excuse to get too low on charge status. Plus, if he meets other cyborgs like him and invites one over we could use another one in the living room, or in his bedroom.

I asked him what his current charge state was and he said 96 percent. He told me he dusted the living room and his bedroom. As a reward (for that and also last night) I decided to go back to the skate park with his board and buy him a membership and hopefully they'd let him in to see the place and what each section was designed for. As far as I know he's never even stood on a skateboard before. He might have tried it in his bedroom but that's as far as I know.

We agreed to get dressed and leave for the skate park. Ten minutes later we were standing on the platform waiting on the next trolley for either line. Once we got there I told Kevin he was the navigator again.

When I bought his skate board it came with some safety gear, so he brought a helmet and gloves and carried them in an old backpack of mine. He opened it on his first day here, and already shredded the box and instructions. I think I paid $95 for the set and I hope it doesn't turn out to be worthless junk.

On the walk from Commercial Street to the dog park Kevin asked how an amplifier tube worked.

"Tubes are actually pretty simple, and the concept is basically the same if it's an amplifier like the LM 385 transistor, I won't use technical terms. Inside the tube there are three metal parts. The first one is the sending plate, the second is the receiving plate, and the third is something like a metal window screen halfway between the plates. Your weak audio signal comes in to the sending plate and in the vacuum inside the tube the electrons jump from the sending plate to the receiving plate but they have to pass through the window screen to get across the gap. If you put a much stronger voltage on the screen the signal passing from sender to receiver is made stronger based on the strength of the voltage put on the screen. Inside a transistor picture it like an Oreo cookie, the signal goes from black wafer to black wafer but it has to pass through the white cream filling. If you apply a higher voltage to the cream filling the resulting signal is stronger than the original. Like I said, same process."

Kevin said he liked my explanation, it made sense, but he had no idea what an Oreo cookie was. I got out my cell and found a video online of an Oreo and also showed someone eating them and twisting some apart, and the inside of their mouth getting covered with black wafer crud. He laughed and called it an edible amplifier that tasted good too!

An hour later we walked up to the entrance booth and paid for a 1-year sticker for him, she handed him a sticker and an alcohol prep to clean a spot and suggested immediately behind the rear truck, on the underside of the board itself. She also suggested on the bottom of the board just above one of the tires.

He cleaned the spot and peeled the back off and carefully applied it to the board and rubbed it with his thumb all over then raised it to show the lady in the booth. She pushed a button to release a lock on the iron gate and we entered the park.

Kevin dropped it on the deck and rolled over by the fence, his unfamiliar face and young looks turned many heads, he was older than 2/3 of the people in the park because skateboarding is mostly a game for very young boys (but some never outgrow it). I picked a spot along the fence with shade and sat on the concrete deck and watched him not ride but he watched others and cheered on younglings practicing new skills. Some of the stuff they do on those boards looks physically impossible, Kevin said it's magic.

About 30 minutes after we arrived I saw him running towards me without his board. When he got close he slowed and pulled his t-shirt off over his head and threw it at me and ran back to hang with the gang. From across the park I could still see his large red tits, but he wasn't the only person shirtless. It looked like everyone had minor elbow and knee scrapes! Most of them had helmets on, but not so much the older boarders, like the ones who looked over 30. When his back was turned I raised his shirt and pressed it to my face, it smelled just like a human teen wore it.

I watched Kevin shuffle sideways along the pits cheering on the youngest kids, throwing his hands in the air to shout praise and do what most of the others did, except his energy level was a bit on the higher side, maybe slightly too high. It looked like he was trying too hard to fit in and earn acceptance.

From across the park I couldn't tell he wasn't human. I wondered if he turned on his Bluetooth radio to see if there were any other cyborgs in the park.

This was the first time I saw him sweat, I don't recall that being described in the owner's manual, but he was wet all over. I bet he was running his nuke power generator too since he was running and outdoors.

I think a park like this sometimes one of the employees gets out a hose and sprays down the plants and the kids hanging out ask to get sprayed too to help cool off, that might be why he was wet.

After an hour of watching him from a distance I got up and bought a bottle of water from the vending machine and came back to my spot and sat back down against the iron fence. When Kevin saw it he ran over really fast and held out his hand, he drank about 1/3 of it and handed it back and ran back to his gang around the pits.

The way I figured is if we're eating each other's saliva and semen then it's okay to share one water bottle too. I suppose us doing it in public is sort of an admission that we share all sorts of body fluids.

I gave him another hour and he came back this time looking sweaty and exhausted, his hair was all stringy and wet I got him to sit down beside me and we talked briefly, I told him I needed to go, so he said he wanted to say bye and maybe swap cell numbers with some of the guys. He shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out my old cell and turned it on. Then he ran back across the deck to the pit where he was sitting with the dudes (most of them were in the range of 2-10 years younger than him, all the older kids were in another part of the park working in edges, ramps, ledges, and railings.

I saw him talking to one kid I saw the last time we were here, he reminded me of Christopher Atkins from the first Blue Lagoon movie, he was super cute with curly blond hair but a rather ordinary body. But the boy looked like he might be packing a rather large dick based on the bulge, or maybe he just has really big nuts. I suppose it's possible he was wearing some kind of athletic supporter too.

Kevin ran back and said he was ready. I stood and handed him the bottle for the last two swallows of warm water, which he gladly guzzled and dropped it in the recycle bin on the way out the gate.

We walked to the street and went north on 30th Street to Commercial Street. Then we turned left and walked west down the sidewalk toward the trolley platform several blocks away. When we got by the gay club he wanted to read the notices in a display case on the wall by the front door.

When there was a break in traffic we ran across two lanes, two trolley tracks, and two more lanes and across their parking lot.

We stood there outside the bar while he read the notes, and I got out my cell and took pictures of them instead. One of them was the Go-Go Boy schedule and a notice for try-outs for the upcoming competition. Kevin said he'd like to try competing. I told him he'd have to come here on his own. Once work starts my life's focus is on work, which is what pays our bills and all the nice stuff he's enjoying every day. He said he understood.

I told him he'd have to come up with a stage name if he's going to be dancing naked in front of 150 horny older drunk men. Kevin laughed loudly. I even heard his voice echo off the building across the street!

Seventy minutes later we were back home and he acted super happy and thanked me a few times for a wonderful day, he kissed me on the mouth too. I told him we both stunk and should take a shower, he asked about dinner as he was getting the grinder out to make some coffee.

At the refrigerator I saw we were low on meals, I only had three meals left in the house so we decided to order and pick-up before dinner, which meant like right now. This time he ordered but I had to scan my finger to pay on the laptop. After he picked out six meals for me Kevin asked if he could go pick it up alone and I agreed but told him his cell had to be turned on the entire time, and no skateboard use.

Kevin was back in 24 minutes with my food and he stashed them in the refrigerator while I got my bathroom ready. He said he never fell and hasn't had a sensor die in two days now.

I told him I was proud of him for how well he acted at the skate park. He smiled and looked happy but I think he feels it's kind of a no-brainer being nice to people and strangers who are nice back.

He turned on the TV to Sports-TV So-Cal but I muted it and said we should shower first, so he immediately stripped naked in the living room and stood there as if he was just waiting on me to start walking down the hallway. I turned around and walking past his bedroom door he leaned forward and pinched my butt, which hurt but I knew he was teasing.

I told him if he did that again I'd beat him to death with my boner, "Ewwww so scary!" he mocked. I laughed that he immediately recognized I was kidding and flirting at the same time. In my bedroom he asked me to stop and sit on the bed, so I did.

Kevin got on his knees on the floor between my feet and blew me. This time while he worked I leaned back on my elbows and he slid both hands up to my chest to massage my nipples rather roughly and he also jammed one of his fingers inside my belly button and acted like he was finger fucking my tummy hole. When it started I warned him and came in his mouth. It felt really nice. My entire body twitched like I was being shocked as I came in his mouth. Kevin kept my dick in his mouth during the entire thing but it did leak a little, he had semen on his hand. We call that leakage: Blow-by.

In the shower while I was adjusting the knobs he stepped up to the nozzle and opened his mouth and filled it with hot water then spit it on the shower floor.

After the shower water was how hot I wanted it he closed the curtain and we washed each other, which usually makes me hard but I just came so I wasn't totally limp yet. I washed him first. And I noticed that I start to feel more attached to him when I had to hand wash his entire body, he agreed he felt the same way when he did me. He said he started to feel like he partially owned me, or like we were brothers.

When he gets to my lower stomach he gets on his knees then starts with my feet and hand washes each one, every square inch, then up my legs and finally hand washes my butt crack, my rectum, behind my nuts, my nutsack, and my dick, lastly he soaps his fingers and washes inside my belly button about three times and uses the sprayer to hose out the soap. While he's on his knees I keep one hand against my thigh with the fingers to act like a soap tray so he has something other than the floor to place the soap bar while he scrubs all my private places. I also stand with my legs spread apart so he can reach between my thighs. He uses his hands instead of a washcloth and the sensation of being washed by hand usually makes my dick super hard. For soap bars we purchased a bag of five bars on Ebay called Plain Amish Soap and the ingredients list was very short. I usually cut the bars in half since they're too big at first. We also got a package of plain Ivory Soap bars but I'm not a huge fan of the scent of Ivory. They are known for not having a lot of chemicals inside.

After we dried off I told him to get dressed in board shorts, sandals, and a hoodie. Two minutes later he returned to the kitchen. I handed him a 50 dollar bill and told him to go downstairs and purchase an MTS monthly pass for himself. But he couldn't claim the student discount because he didn't have a student ID card.

He was back with his new MTS pass in twelve minutes and said he liked that doorman, it was the Mexican guy I liked (Luis) with the man boobs. Kevin said while he filled out the form he was staring at the man's shirt and could see the shadow from his brown nipples through his white uniform shirt. He said he saw the same thing on some of the guys at the Deli too. Kevin noticed the guys on the steam table serving line had lights directly above them that often shone down their shirts making their entire front side visible to and customer who took the time to look closely. He said he was sure they all knew they were on display to the customers. Then Kevin remarked that most of the people working the line at the Deli were from Mexico, and as far as he was concerned most of them were super hot looking guys. His comment made me pause and think about him working there. I thought the percentage of gays in rural Mexico was lower than it was in metro USA so he better be careful before he flirts with anyone, let him make the first move.

While I ate I asked him to tell me about the guys at the skate park. He said he talked to that one blond boy, his name was Scott and he also sent out Bluetooth pings and he was the only other person who reacted instantly, Scott's about an inch shorter but almost two years older (than Kevin). I asked if he saw his ports and he said you really have to use your finger tips to feel the head port, and he had shoes on so the answer is no. He said most of the kids there were in elementary school so there wasn't much to talk about. He was sure that to them he looked grown-up. He also said one of the shirtless little boys was actually a (9 year old) girl posing as a boy, her voice and overall appearance was the giveaway. She was just barely starting to grow breasts. He said her days easily posing as a boy were numbered. I told him it was kind of sad that she had to do that, but for now she still looked like a boy (even with no shirt on). The truth also came out when she had to sit on the toilet to pee while everyone else used the urinals. Kevin told me they were whispering about her when she was riding her board.

I asked about the older guys and he said one of them was a park employee, sort of undercover to keep out drug dealers and gang recruiters, the park was for skateboarding only. They called him the Park-Narc. No drugs or weapons are allowed. He said that was why they encouraged shirts to come off because that eliminated a lot of places to conceal a weapon.

I told him I read about another San Diego skate park that was built by a group of skaters, it sits under the I-5 freeway near the airport, but it's kind of gang oriented and not as pretty, it's totally covered by graffiti and drugs are sold there but nobody's been robbed or hurt, it just looks rough to outsiders. So it's kind of an edgy outlaw faux-bad boy skate park, and the clientele is much older there. Since it sits under a highway overpass it rarely sees direct sunlight. It was designed by a group of older skilled boarders, so it's not designed for newbs or kids in elementary school (unless they chain smoke unfiltered Camels).

Kevin said the sunlight at Memorial Park was brutal sometimes, there's no shade inside the fence but there is a great ocean breeze.

I asked him how he explained his non-riding status and he said he told people he hurt his knee really bad up in Los Angeles (at Van's Off the Wall Skateboard Park in Huntington Beach) and wasn't supposed to ride again for a few weeks or he might have a limp for the rest of his life, and everyone believed his excuse, except that blond kid. Then he told me the blond boy, Scott, had kind of pointy red tits that might be fun to suck on, but he had a super obvious lump in his shorts, like a porn-star grade dick! He said his tits were red and stuck out like a Hershey Kiss with the tip bit off. Kevin admitted his were the biggest in the park and he saw lots of people staring at his chest, especially a few of the grade school age kids. If he caught a glimpse of someone staring he just stood there and turned slightly so they could see better. He said at first he thought some of the kids thought he might be another girl posing as a boy but after they got to know him his voice was the giveaway.

So I asked if he was proud or embarrassed by his tits and he paused as if he was thinking, then he said he was proud of his body and how some people treated him better because he was nice looking. I told him, "You're welcome." And he laughed at my self-praise!

He told me nobody fits-in right away there, it takes a while to be accepted by the locals. So maybe after a few weeks of going there a few times a week and people will stop ignoring him. Especially after they see him riding and learning and improving then they'll see he's not a poser or another Park-Narc. Every new face there is suspect at first, it's how kids that age are.

I asked what Scott had to say and he said when he saw he was there he did a Bluetooth ping that really only can be detected by another cyborg. When he did that "...Scott suddenly stood up and looked all around the park and he saw me standing there staring right back at him, so I barely waved and he smiled and nodded then ignored me again for a while." It was a dead giveaway I thought to myself.

"So now you both know the truth, right?"

"Basically yes, unless him popping up was a coincidence."

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think he's mecha like me, probably a Robco, maybe 2078 or 9."

"Did you ever talk about it?" I asked, then Kevin sort of began narrating his first conversation with Scott:

"Sort of, but about thirty minutes later when I was cheering on a newb trying his first steep angle 180 degree turn when I went to sit back down I bumped into someone right behind me, it was him. The first thing I did was smile and hold out my hand but he stood there with my fingertips barely touching his stomach, I said, You heard my ping.' And all he had to say right then was, whatever dude.'"

"I lowered my hand but kept smiling at him. He stood there examining me from head to toe, then after looking me over while I watched his eyes go to my chest and look at my tits from up close." Then Kevin continued his narration:

"New face in the park?" Scott commented. So I lowered my hand.

"Yep, new face. I'm calibrating."

"Toddler eh?" Scott asked kind of joking.

"Yep, you?"

"I'm two, card says I'm almost 18, next month I think."

"Ahh yah, cool. I'm Kevin."


"You a regular here? I seen you before." Kevin asked him.

"Depends, I get some days off, like today. I got a job and they need me." Scott defended himself.

"He kind of reached up to run his fingers through his curly blond hair, which was when I saw scars and marks on his wrists and on his elbows. They looked like he's struggled with handcuffs on, and maybe some carpet burns." Kevin then said to me, "Teenage male cyborg running around in public trying to be noticed, showing off his good looks, has visible restraint marks, that could only mean one thing, he was a sexbot. A fuck-machine, a walking hard-on, a bonerboy."

Then Kevin said he gave Scott his cell number on a sliver of paper but Scott never gave him his. He said the rest of the time we spent there every once in a while he'd look around the entire park and saw Scott at a distance staring right back at him. He said every time he looked around for Scott's blond hair he was staring at him from a distance.

I told Kevin it was his tits, they really stand out, even in a crowd. At first people see them and think you're a topless girl. Kevin laughed but never said anything else. All he knew was he attracted a lot of eyeballs. That's why he thinks he might win any fair Go-Go-Boy competition.

I asked him if Scott was cute in the face and he said he was super cute, like movie star cute in the face, but below the neck his body is so typical it's like boring. He said he had kind of a hard body look, tight, a little muscular, skinny, slender, well tanned, but his bright blue eyes and curly blond hair was boyish cute, and when he smiled he had these big dimples on both sides of his mouth. Kevin added that he believed Scott had a freak show size boner too, you could see he was packing something in his shorts.

He said he spent the rest of our time cheering on the younglings trying new board stunts, like flying up the side of the pit and landing with your board in hand, standing on the edge of the pit, but not falling back in the hole! He told me the clickish kids in the park were the youngest ones, younger than about 10. They spoke to nobody but other kids they knew from elementary school. He also told me several people told him the trucks and tires on my board were Chinese crap, get better stuff ASAP. One kid said "You use that hardware and your board is gonna roll around like you got four flat tires and wheel bearings full of sand. I asked if anyone mentioned a better brand and he said yes, a few did. When they showed me their boards I saw most of them used the exact same trucks and tires, personalization is on the top of the board, not underneath.

I asked how much power he had left when we got back home and he said nine percent.

My jaw dropped and I was instantly mad and escorted him to bed and plugged him into both wires and slammed his bedroom door on the way out. Then I poured myself a glass of wine and went to bed to read for a while.

Monday July 9th.

I decided since I was on vacation we'd go back to the skate park together, they unlock the gates at 10am and chase everyone out when the street lights come on. We left home at 10am, at 12th Street and Imperial we had to get off and change to the orange line. There was a vendor there so I bought two bottles of water and three hot dogs with: mustard, horseradish, onions, and Sauer kraut, with celery salt on top. The walk from the trolley platform to the skate park is eight blocks, nearly one mile. We do that in about 25 minutes but there's a cool breeze most of the time and very little shade. I already put the food in our backpack because food isn't allowed on the train, but you can hide it. I bet everyone in the car smelled the hot dogs, but I never got one out.

He showed his sticker and both of us got in. Kevin was walking much better today, he no longer looks like he's dizzy or drunk, and it's been a while since the last time I saw him fall so I told him he could ride the easiest parts of the track, but he's still very much a skateboard newbie too.

At 10:45am we arrived and the place was nearly empty. As Kevin walked away with his board in hand I told him we couldn't stay three hours this time, I'm sure he knew why too. I saw him head for the tubes in the corner which was a milder place for newbs like him to ride and learn basics, like not smashing his face into the wall. And he did okay early on. He dropped the board and stood on it and kicked off and was learning basic left-right steering. There was nobody around to laugh at him. I saw him try to take the turnaround at the end but he lost his balance, which is normal. It's all about repetition and practice, over and over, he improved quickly.

This track he's riding is about 100 feet long, its slanted downhill, and at the deep end the floor is about 4-5 feet below the deck. The walls are curved upward so every surface can be rode, it's shaped sort of like a mild S-curve. The fact that is goes downhill means you can focus on riding instead of riding and pushing off too, which is a really nice design. They blow it clean of sand and pebbles daily, the entire park is well maintained and very well designed. You can see it online, its near the intersection of Greely Avenue at south 30th Street in San Diego.

There is one tree growing in the park but the iron fence goes around it so technically it's on the outside, that is where I sit and watch Kevin and get a little shade. It's about the only shade in the park.

I heard someone say that if you are a juvenile and get arrested in the area for petty crimes your punishment is usually community service, which means you end up in the skate park with a bucket of soap and a wire brush scrubbing the graffiti off the concrete! On one other part of the park there was one kid wearing a wide ankle bracelet with a wire brush scrubbing spray paint off the concrete deck. I thought it was a great idea, especially when their friends got to see them spend hours every Saturday scrubbing the decks with an ankle bracelet on. There is one place where graffiti is allowed, they call it the Salad Bowl.

A father-son duo followed us inside. And within 30 minutes of arriving about ten more kids rode up on bikes and started practicing in the same part of the park. After the crowd arrived Kevin had to start taking turns with the rest of the kids. I saw some of them offer suggestions to him how to take the big turn-around at the deep end of the track. The other old guy who followed us inside the park walked up to me and started talking.

"Hey!" He said with a smile. The guy had some grey hair by his ears, I think he was probably 15-20 years older than me. The boy he came with looked to be 12ish. At a distance I caught the sight of a few black hairs on his lower legs above his ankles so maybe 12 or 13, probably 7th grade. I remember when I was in 7th grade my dick was hard 12 hours a day, and it would not go down.

"Hi. You skating or watching a kid?" I asked.

"Brought my son, he's the one with the bright yellow helmet mastering the short walls. You?"

"My nephew lives with me but he got injured a couple weeks ago, he's not cleared for sports yet, this is his first time on a skateboard, I know he'll be back on his own in another week or so."

"Which one is he?"

"He's near your son with the black-t-shirt."

"Oh yeah, saw him. He asked Justin about his wheels. He's a good looking boy!"

"Thanks. He's my sister's son, his father's Japanese. He's with me since she just started getting cancer treatments. I think he's going to be here for a long time, his mother is really sick."

"Sorry to hear that. He certainly seemed to warm up to my son."

"Oh, sorry, I'm Robert Slone, Kevin Slone is my nephew, that's him in the black t-shirt." I said pointing to the top of the short walls where a group of four kids, boys and girls were standing around casually talking about hardware, holding their boards upside down, some were applying wax to the underside of their boards. Kevin was the tallest one in the group.

"Nice to meet you, name's Justin, my son is also Justin, he's thirteen, brown hair, yellow helmet, shorts, and a white t-shirt. I make him wear the white shirt so I can get some accurate record of his wrecks, since he won't tell me himself. Just a word to the wise, nobody gets injured at these parks, it always happens on the way home." He smiled looking in my eyes as if to see if I got his hint.


"Tell me 'bout it!"

We stood side by side watching them from the one spot by the fence where you can stand and look down the long S-curve and see almost the entire thing. He turned to go buy another water. As he stepped away I moved over a little to watch Kevin who seemed to be totally into the park scene, talking to the kids and trying to learn the lingo and hardware. He was taller than most there today, but there were a few boys who looked tall and skinny. I thought I saw one guy who looked like he was over 30 years old. But the place looked clean and safe all in all. Kevin said not only do you need to learn how to ride you also have to learn their language.

It's interesting looking at adolescent kids to see how they sometimes grow oddly, kind of like a puppy dog. Some of them look like their legs are too long or their heads are too small for their shoulders. Their voices crack and some get lots of pimples and others are wearing braces on their teeth. With all these kids now all wanting to ride they gathered at one end and took turns so they didn't crash into each other. They tried to pair off the newest learners since they wouldn't go fast or high on the walls. For the newest newbs they could ride like three at a time on the track. They seemed to have their own rules and tried to help each other. Teaching someone else how to ride always improves your own skills. They also had rules about traffic flow and if someone broke the traffic rules they got scolded or ordered to use another park of the park.

One of the kids who looked like he was high school age sort of acted like teacher and held a class on basic maneuvers, and for these kids it's also mandatory to learn the lingo, they have a huge vocabulary.

Very quietly, I ate my hotdogs and tried to make sure nobody saw me do it because food is not allowed inside the park. After lunch I drank another bottle of water left but it was warm now.

About noon the sun was really hot but there was a cool breeze. I was reading a freebie newspaper I got from a box outside the entrance. About one hour ago Kevin had pulled off his shirt like several of the other boys in the afternoon sun. He looked very happy and mentally involved.

These kids are all in public school and I saw some of them tease Kevin (like they would do at school) about his woman size areolas. I saw another boy use his fingers to stretch his out then they all laughed about it and Kevin seemed to enjoy being teased by ten boys about his body.

Watching him giving encouragement to the others was encouraging to me. He scooted left and right cheering on other kids, he was having a great time. I was sitting on the concrete deck leaned against the perimeter fence avoiding the sun as best I could. I wondered how Kevin's battery level was doing. I saw him trip once scooting sideways along the short wall but he never hit the deck. I think he's nearly done calibrating.

I saw lots of high fives and back slaps as he mingled with a crowd that grew to around 17 kids, male and female. He was one of about six without shirts. I got mildly turned on just watching his body move around in the sunshine. A few times when he stood at the right angle his chest cast parallel shadows on his stomach which really showed off his tits even more.

About 12:40pm I motioned for him to join me. He walked over tossing his t-shirt onto my legs. I watched in amazed rapture as he approached with a huge smile, his belly button twisting into ovals left and right as he walked to me.

"I'm getting hot and thirsty. Can we head for home soon?"

"Sure Uncle Rob, let me say bye, I'll be right back." I smiled as he turned and ran back to the crowd at the end of the tube, watching him run away, the nice V-shape of his back and his smooth skin under the hot afternoon sun. He wasn't sweating at all that I could see. I also noticed how his jeans really made his ass look nice and round, he definitely has a young boy's butt. It's kind of large for such a skinny young man.

He pulled out his device to share contact info with a few kids and ran back to me smiling broadly. I stood up handing his shirt back, which he stuffed into his back pocket.

Last week he would have not gone out in public with no shirt on, this week he's proudly showing off his body. What a difference one week makes. I wonder if his time in high school has changed his attitude, maybe he has seen some kids in the boys locker room walking around naked to show off their bodies and now he wants to do it too. I've seen that how suddenly one day he has picked up new behaviors. I think it comes from his nightly classes.

We walked silently up 30th to Commercial, and turned left, then walked six blocks west and ran across the street onto the trolley station. I told him to put his shirt on, always wear a shirt on the train. We sat down on a steel bench waiting on the train for about ten minutes when he started to explain what he learned about hardware, he said he'd like to get new wheels, bearings, and trucks for the board I bought for his arrival gift. I agreed.

I asked why so many kids weren't in school on a Monday and he said that many of them had half-day school as long as they maintained excellent grades and behavior. He said these kids were the ones who'll never end up on psych meds, they talk about going to college some day.

As the train slowed to a stop in the station I asked his charge status, he said he was at 15% but felt fine, no damage was recorded, and then he thanked me for asking. We got a seat and held hands so nobody else could see (unless they were standing in the aisle right by our seat), and changed to the Silver Line a few stations west on Commercial Street.

On the train as a joke I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and Kevin sat there thinking briefly then said, "I wanna be your best friend." I laughed and said to myself that was an excellent answer, this kid is learning fast.

We got home about 3:45pm, I was hungry and thirsty. Our other package from Robco was there, Jose handed it to me as we cruised past for the elevators.

He went right to his room to change. I popped a knife out of the drawer to slice open the box, I unpacked one charger and plugged it in the kitchen, stretched the cord across the counter.

Kevin came in from the bedroom with his skateboard. He showed me how the hardware comes off. His board came with some crappy basic tools but they were frustrating cheap stamped junk. I did a search on my favorite shopping site for the brands of skateboard parts he mentioned.

Kevin disassembled the rear truck and removed the tires too (on a newspaper sheet on the kitchen table). We carefully measured it to make sure we got exact replacements. Kevin showed me something I never heard before but the tires on his trucks didn't spin freely by hand, he said they were so cheap they used thin nylon bearings (sleeves and bushings actually) instead of ball bearings made of hardened steel. As I tried to turn them I noticed it felt like there was sand in the bearings, and his board has only been used once (that I know of).

On a skateboard there are three basic components: board, trucks, and tires. The trucks are kind of like the suspension system and axels for the tires. After making the board they drill holes and press nuts into the board to anchor the trucks to the board. In this case the board is a layer cake of very thin sheets of treated wood with the grain running in different directions, sort of like a sheet of plywood. The nuts are pressed into the board and glued in place, then the trucks are bolted onto the board. Last, the tires are mounted onto the trucks. Styling and appearance of a kid's board is very important these days, more so than designer underwear and shoes. And for some kids they own a school backpack with the same brand as their skateboard. It's a status thing that is very important in middle school.

Kevin moved his chair around the table so we could search together for replacement trucks, bearings, and tires. He sat close beside me with his body leaned against mine and often his right hand was on my back or my shoulders. I was concentrating on our search results, which finally displayed designer wheels. He pointed to some of the brand names the older kids recommended. He showed me how skateboard tires and their wheels are glued together, but the shaft the wheels spin on are always the same size no matter what brand, and the same thing with mounting holes on skateboards, the holes are the same on every brand. He showed me the pivot points on the trucks to enable steering and doing certain moves, like making the board jump in the air.

Finally we got to the right page with the quality of parts he wanted and he started having me click on certain ones so we could compare cost and colors. We also look at quarter inch drive socket sets for skateboards that came in their own metal case. It included a ratchet, extension, swivel joint and 12 metric sockets and four Allen wrenches too. The 5mm hex head wrench he said was for taking wheels off the axles.

Cost was slowly rising. Before long he'd selected wheels, trucks, and bearings, total price with two extra tires (and better tools) came to $228. I clicked purchase because I promised to buy him anything he asked for. While it was processing my credit card Kevin rubbed my shoulders and my neck.

Soon, the order was complete, everything he picked out was in stock up in Los Angeles, I selected economy shipping since it would be next week until Robco said he was done calibrating. Once the order was final I turned on my seat and leaned closer and we kissed for a few minutes. Kevin actually whimpered softly while we shared our tongues and saliva.

I abruptly stood up and moved across the kitchen and leaned my back against the counter by the sink and gestured for him to join me (both of us were only wearing gym shorts). Kevin stepped closer and we put our arms around each other and kissed more passionately than moments earlier when he started to whimper into my mouth.

I gotta say I put a lot of passion into my kissing so it's no surprise he had an emotional reaction.

Finally I pulled back my mouth. We stood against the kitchen counter, he was leaned against me, our hips totally pressed together and both of us could feel sausages in each other's gym shorts, but I think both of us were aimed up, I know I was. Kevin was so excited he had tears on his face. I'm sure he saw my shorts when he came at me, and he saw the ridge on the front of my shorts that my dick was hard and the tip was right under the waistband, and probably a little exposed too.

I put my arms around him and slid my hands up and down his back, then slid them down his shorts and across his butt cheeks then back up to his hips. He had his chin down and his forehead against my chest, his hands were on my back, my chin on the top of his head. It was a quiet intimate moment in front of the kitchen sink. I slid one hand around to his front side and located his fully erect penis and made sure it was aimed up and comfortable. I only touched it briefly. He kind of pulled back slightly so I had easy access and to encourage more.

I softly whispered, "I could do this all damn day."

Kevin reached up with one hand to wipe his face and told me he was unbelievably happy. His voice cracked like he was nearly in tears.

I reached down and felt a spot of pre-come on his stomach just above his waistband. I slipped two fingers across the head of his dick and immediately felt a coating of precome so I pulled my hand up and licked my fingertips. As soon as I did that he did the exact same thing to mine and said, "Yummy!"

At that moment I was nearly off the scale horny, this time I wanted to try something new, so I asked him what he wanted to do.

I could nearly feel the circuits in his brain working, he raised his chin upward to look in my eyes then in a high pitched child's voice he asked me to blow him. I said `I'd love to."

He stepped back and shoved his shorts down and was standing in the middle of the kitchen with an erection and a smile waiting for me to do something.

I moved a step closer and he did something totally unexpected, he stepped closer, put his hands on my shoulders then jumped up and wrapped his legs around my hips so I had to put my arms under his butt and carried him like a child to my bed. I walked slowly across the kitchen and down the hallway. I looked down and saw his boner between us looking back at me.

In my room I dropped him backwards onto my bed and he landed on his back and spread his legs apart then raised his arms with his hands outstretched his body said, `come to me,' so I did.

I dropped my shorts and got down on the bed, my face went straight to his boner. I landed in slow motion and rubbed my face all over his groin, side to side I smeared all over enjoying his boyish scent and that was Kevin started moaning. I kissed his flesh all around his crotch and up to his tummy where I shoved my tongue into his belly button and licked it out then back to his dick. I kissed his nuts and slowly moved up the shaft kissing the entire way, then stopped to kiss the head of his dick all over. By then he was in such agony his moaning got even louder. I think he was moments away from begging me to take him in my mouth. Finally, I opened wide and took him all the way inside. Kevin clenched his teeth and grunted and in a deep voice he begged me to make him come, he couldn't take any more. He raised his arms and punched the mattress a few times.

At first I took him in as deep as I could so my nose landed on his pubes and held him like that for maybe fifteen seconds. Then I started making more saliva and tried to fill my mouth with spit so when I pulled off his dick would be totally drenched.

I pulled off and lowered down so my eyes were at the same level as his dick. Then I used my right hand to very gently grip his dick and slid my thumb and first finger up and down across the rim of his head, just barely moving up and down. That made him grunt again, "Oh my God!" he begged me to finish, it sounded like he was about to cry so I increased the stroke and his head fell back down and he tightened almost every muscle in his body, raised his ass off the bed and semen exploded out of his dick and sprayed everywhere, I saw drops hit the wall beside my bed. It paused briefly and shot again, with almost the same splatter pattern. Kevin grunted like he was giving birth, then he thrust his hips upward and squirted again one long strong that splashed down on his face, chest and stomach.

With one big sigh he became limp and tried to relax. I slowly got off the bed and went into my bathroom and grabbed a used towel out of the hamper and came out and wiped off the wall, the rest of the bed, then his chest and stomach, and his face. Kevin was on his back with his feet now on the floor and his dick on his stomach about half limp but still bright red. His panting was starting to slow but his eyes were still shut. I saw his hands relax, he had grabbed clumps of bed spread but then let go.

After most of the big stuff was cleaned up I tossed the towel back onto the bathroom floor and crawled on top of him and licked both of his nipples, which made him smile, but he seemed too exhausted to move. He was on his back with his arms out and his legs still spread wide, totally naked, as if he surrendered to anything I wanted to do to him.

We were quiet for a couple minutes while he just breathed and enjoyed the moment. I admired his entire body, he looked gorgeous lying there naked and satisfied. I wished I could have taken pictures of the poor boy, totally drained and satisfied. A big half limp snake laid across his lower belly above his ample balls that always seemed to look full to me.

I put my hand on his stomach and rubbed his soft flesh and toyed around with his belly button, I think it was still half full of semen down inside, but his hole is pretty deep compared to mine. I went back to his chest and lowered my face and kissed one of his tits then stuck out my tongue and licked it all the way across, I could still taste his semen.

Kevin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled. I offered my hand and pulled him to his feet, and then escorted him to the shower.

Once I got the water temperature where I wanted it I told him, "Kevin, your dick is wonderful, it's a masterpiece, I love it."

With a smile he stood there and let me hand wash his entire body, and shampoo his hair. I did not shave his sideburns which only grew black peachfuzz. He had no other facial hair yet.

When I was washing his legs and feet he told me he wanted to pee, I grabbed it and told him to let it flow. I aimed his penis at my belly since I was on my knees in front of him and he pissed his sim-pee on my stomach but it was brief. After I finished both legs I re-washed his dick and balls and carefully used my fingers to clean his rectum and just inside it too. After I was done he got out and I hand washed myself quickly, like 4 minutes is all it took me, then I got out and used his towel. When I got out Kevin was seated on my bathroom counter carefully watching me with a smile.

After our shower we got into my bed again, I handed him the power cord and he plugged in his head port and we spooned and fell asleep, while the sun was still up.

I woke up around 2am still hungry and thirsty. Kevin was still in my bed asleep. I drank some water in the kitchen and went back to my room.

On my desk I took my cell and looked at the Robco app, he was at 69% so he could stay there the rest of the day. I went back to the kitchen and picked up his shorts off the floor, took out his cell and plugged it in on the kitchen counter and put it in airplane mode. I also looked at how many people texted him and saw eleven, all from different kids he met at the park.

Some of the text handles were funny but it was a bunch of kids. One kid was called Dragonwheels but he was probably a pre-pubescent 10 year old with an angelic face that his grandmother loved to kiss.

He'd have several extra hours in bed tonight so hopefully he was taking advantage and getting more days of school done.

Contact the author: borischenaz mailfence com

Next: Chapter 6

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