Kevin the Cyborg

By Boris Chen

Published on Feb 1, 2025


Chapter 8. Dancing in a Brass Bird Cage.

When I scheduled my vacation I originally took two weeks off anticipating several emergency trips to the Robco store to get settings changed and problems resolved. Things at home with Kevin were great, stable, and working well. So far Kevin has performed as advertised, better than I expected and I'm definitely feeling an emotional attachment to him, he really is a very nice person.

I got up at my usual time, 6:00am and jumped into the shower like always. Moments later Kevin stepped around the shower curtain and joined me. "Well good morning Mister Slone, how are you this fine morning?" I asked despite the fact that he was standing in the shower stall with me and I could see he was fine.

"I'm good Mister Slone, how are you?" He said with a chuckle as he reached for his toothbrush and toothpaste. It's interesting to watch him brush his teeth because his arm moves very fast, almost robotic looking. I know that must sound stupid saying that!

He stood there brushing his human teeth while I shaved in front of the little shower mirror. He said he liked " watch and wondered if I'll ever grow whiskers." I told him Robco said yes, maybe later this year. I told him he could shave his pubes now, they grow back. He paused to spit out his mouthful of white glop then I leaned over so he could catch some shower water to rinse and spit. While he did that I peed on the shower wall.

I recommended if he wanted he could use my electric since it would be easier, less risk of cutting himself. "It's the blue thing in the drawer by the sink." I told him where I kept the electric beard trimmer which would be ideal for his pubes, I use it for that and my arm pits too. I suggested using my electric and getting up on his knees on the bathroom counter and shaving it close to the mirror so he could see and the hairs would fall in the sink.

Kevin asked why I did it, I told him it helps reduce bacterial body odor which live on those hairs, plus it feels and looks better. If you have someone's dick in your mouth it's not a pleasant feeling to get pubes smashed into your face. Pubes may look more natural but smooth feels much nicer. I told him I shaved mine out of respect and Kevin said he appreciated my effort. Then I admitted the best way is to have a close friend mow around your privates with a little battery powered nose hair trimmer and have them do your balls and between your butt cheeks too. Kevin said he would be glad to trim me.

Kevin asked me to show him how to shave with a razor. So I handed him the can of Barbasol shaving cream, I told him it was a skin lubricant, not whip cream. He sprayed a small ball of cream on his fingers. Then I showed him my Feather brand double-edge safety razor handle and I cranked the top open and showed him the two-sided razor blade inside also had the Feather logo. Then I kind of showed him how I made two passes over my face, first shaving downward, and then going upward. I also said there was variability in the blades so once in a while you put in a brand new blade that feels horrible on the skin, if that happens just pitch it and get another one, they're cheap. These blades are stamped from a mile long roll of razor thin stainless steel, the difference between them is tiny fractions of a millimeter, too small to see but it makes a huge difference against your skin. Kevin said again that he liked watching me shave. I was going to reply by saying something vulgar but stopped myself.

One thing both of us noticed was that whiskers feel awful against the head of anyone's dick, and shaving with a razor (versus an electric) gives the closest shave and least amount of stubble on your face. I love rubbing the head of his dick all over my face so a super close shave is imperative. The cure is easy using a Safety Razor in the shower.

I was born in the late 2040s, and I know 100 years ago my ancestors had limited choice for shaving, the Safety Razor is still about the best value today, plus it doesn't create any more plastic trash. Still today a lot of men around the world shave with a straight razor with a fixed permanent blade. Those create a huge problem for me, hand to eye coordination is difficult if not impossible for me. When you shave with a straight razor you have to change your grip and your entire method of shaving as you move across your face. And there is the whole sharpening thing that may be beyond what I am capable of.

Since I had a little time I removed the blade from the handle and tossed it on the counter, then had Kevin apply shaving cream to his face, showed him how to massage it onto his skin, "Remember, you're not putting icing on a cake you're lubricating your skin, so massage it in evenly, a thin uniform coat is the goal, but too much is okay. Then take the handle in your right hand and shave the right side of your face with short downward strokes keeping around a 30 degree angle, do the entire face downward.

For the sake of basic knowledge I had him rinse off the Barbasol and then handed him the tube of Cremo, he squeezed some onto his fingers and then smeared it on his face so see and feel the difference, I think a lot of young men misunderstand shaving creams, but both of those creams accomplish about the same measure of lubrication. The Cremo smells nicer, Barbasol is mostly unscented. I also pointed out how they stick to your fingers when rinsing off. He said he understands shaving creams now.

Next, rinse the handle and do the face again with the blade moving upward, the opposite direction with short strokes. After both passes rub your fingertips over the hard to shave areas, like around your mouth and under your jaw bone, and upward re-shave any areas where you feel stubble. After he finished I had him stand under the shower nozzle to rinse the leftover cream off his face. I suggested turning the faucet to cool down the water while he rinsed his face. I told him it had almost the same effect on skin as using an aftershave splash.

He stopped and handed back the razor handle, I leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. He grew a very wide smile as I leaned back. Mark that on the calendar as `boy's first shave.' If this wasn't a work day I could have taken the shaving gear, got down on my knees and shaved his pubes for him, but he can do it himself in his bathroom after I'm gone. I stressed to Kevin that I only shave in the shower, so the heat and humidity has an effect on my whiskers and skin that probably doesn't happen shaving at the bathroom sink.

By 7:50am I was at work in our group's office which is a large room with five cubicles, I'm the lead engineer. We work on amplifier designs for new customers and an occasional stadium. I think the only job we ever declined was a theater in the round in Milwaukee which had no room for the speakers, and the walls were at odd angles, some were curved. Our surround systems require flat-straight walls to reflect surround channels. Most theaters have sound absorbing panels on the walls, our system works great with them as long as they're flat and smooth.

It felt good to be back at work. I am the kind of guy who needs to work for the order and routines it forces on my life, otherwise I`d nap all day on the sofa and think it was wonderful.

All day I was thinking about Kevin, I texted him at lunch. He said he was listening to music and straightening up the house a bit, otherwise nothing was going on. I had to believe what he said. I got word that all the departments approved proceeding with the Tulsa bid. We have a guy who costs our jobs, he works in an office up in Los Angeles. He needs a week to send us his estimate. A new construction bid on a 4-screen movie theater will end up costing them around $400k for a new system, installed. A comparable system using Dolby Surround will cost them nearly twice as much. With Dolby they'll need quadruple the hardware and time to install, 11 speakers, 6 amplifiers, and a ton of copper wire. Ours uses two speakers, two metal reflectors, and two amplifiers. Theirs comes with 6-400 watt amps, ours uses two 1.5kw tube amps that are technically incapable of distortion and provide a flawless surround experience.

The sales department told me they have eight potential customers in the works so this fall may be very busy for us and Amarillo. As long as the systems are similar to other size theaters we can usually sell them off the shelf technology and we don't have to develop a new amplifier. It takes us about 3-6 months to produce a new amplifier, from first design to production. Actually, we only have to design the final power-amp section, the lower wattage parts are always off the shelf.

Of course if you're not ordering a true 7-channel surround theater system then it doesn't matter about the walls, you just need enough space for the two big tube speakers and the reflectors. This is how we put systems in giant NFL stadiums because they're not showing movies in 7-channel surround. We've used dome roofs, large walls of glass, large scoreboards and video displays, and the field itself as a virtual speaker. We did the sound system in Ford Field and set a laser scanner on a tripod on the 50 yard line and scanned the entire stadium and found we had a lot of sound reflecting surfaces, the sound engineer then designs the surface of the reflectors and its neat to see the computer simulation how our gear needs to work to give them uniform sound distribution over the entire stadium. That stadium required 2.5kw of power for a basic stereo system, and they've had several big ticket concerts there using our gear instead of the band's gear.

I tell folks who are very into sound quality if our company had existed in the 1970s I am sure we would have made the sound gear for the Grateful Dead Europe '72 concert tour, which would have sounded better and taken a fraction of the time and cost to take on the road. And I bet Bob Heil would have been on our board of directors too. We have a large portrait of Bob on the wall in our office. He passed away like nearly 60 years ago.

That afternoon I left work at 4:41pm and walked two blocks to the trolley station which was very crowded. I got off at the Seaport Village station across the street from our condo building walking quickly the rest of the way home.

Luis was in the lobby when I stopped to check the mailbox which was empty. On the floor outside our door there was no newspaper but there was a small padded envelope from Robco, probably another wall charger or two. Very quietly I slipped in the front door and was met by a naked young man with an impressive hard-on, a glistening head, and a silvery string of pre-jizz swaying below the tip. Yes, Kevin has two human Cowper's glands so he makes human pre-come.

Dropping my stuff on the floor just inside our front door Kevin got down on his knees and pressed his hand around my crotch to locate my dick then gave it a couple friendly squeezes. Then he un-did my slacks, they fell around my ankles, followed by my underwear. Within 60 seconds I was hard, wet, and inside his mouth. I reached over and put one hand on the wall to steady myself as Kevin blew me leaned back against our front door, I didn't last long, maybe 120 seconds before I felt an orgasm start. His forehead and nose were gently pressed against my stomach.

My whispered moans served as a warning to get ready. I pushed firmly against his mouth and grabbed his skull with both hands (to keep his mouth fully on my dick) as the pumps started. My entire body twitched with each squirt inside his mouth. I felt something dripping on my feet about the time it ended.

After it stopped I remained in that spot to calm down for maybe 15 seconds then I reached down and lifted him to his feet and pressed my mouth into his and we deep tongue kissed for about an entire minute. I felt a bit of my semen move back into my mouth. When he stood up all I saw around his mouth and his chin was covered with semen, it was dripping off his chin.

I honestly had a hard time pulling my mouth off his, I felt such appreciation and affection for him, to me the best way I have to demonstrate how I felt was by the way I kissed him. Kevin says I'm a very passionate kisser.

I finally pulled back but put about a dozen tiny kisses on his mouth and whispered that I needed a shower. I felt Kevin reach down and un-button my gooey shirt. Within a short time Kevin had removed all my clothes into a pile by the front door. I was standing naked in the foyer and then walked to my shower. Kevin picked up my clothes and tossed `em on the utility room floor then joined me.

After he was done showering he left and made it to the kitchen ahead of me and had my dinner and drinks ready when I arrived. When I entered the kitchen he was still naked, on his side of the kitchen table reading the newspaper like nothing happened. My dinner was in the microwave oven, ready to plate and eat. My drinks were already on the table with a large spoon and the bottle of Cholula.

We talked about his day, my music collection, and what he did to keep himself occupied. He also said he straightened up my bedroom, and did two loads of laundry, mostly bath towels.

Kevin told me he spent two hours at the park today and had a nice long talk with Scott. He said Scott spoke honestly about his home life. He said his father usually gets home late around 8 or 9pm. And he sits down on the sofa with his wife and they get drunk and eat food that he brings them from the kitchen. In the evening he's their servant and he does it with no clothes on and his beautiful boner on display. He said his father likes him to smear his mushroom head boner all around on his dinner plate, so while he's eating his dick is sometimes on the plate with his food. His mother will do it once in a while but mostly he performs for his father. He said when they have sex he's usually called in the room to participate and his mother especially likes it when Kevin fucks her ass while she blows his father. He said the old man is on his back, she's on her knees blowing him, and Kevin is on his knees behind her pounding her ass. He said that prior to purchasing a Robco cyborg his father routinely fucked her in the ass because her vagina was too baggy.

He said his father attends a lot of black tie parties as part of his business, and some of them want Scott to be a waiter too, but he usually works naked with his dick on display where anyone can touch any part of his body. He said he's performed sex at dozens of parties in front of dozens of people. Kevin said he asked Scott if he liked it and he said no, he hated it but he has no choice. Kevin told me he jokingly told Scott when he got rich he would offer to buy his freedom. Scott said his parents would probably sell him if the price was right. He thinks his parents are very unhealthy, they're both very overweight and they both smoke and get shit-faced drunk every day (except Easter Sunday).

Kevin then showed me the letter he got about the Go-Go-Boy Contest, he was accepted and he had the date and time of the next event, I told him to text me a note so I made sure I could attend. Then I suggested Scott could go with him to serve as a personal assistant and body guard.

Kevin told me how his classes were going, he was all A's so far, he really likes this school and the professors. His midterm tests are coming soon so he plans to spend less time at the park and more time reading and re-watching lectures.

I told him other than my normal work routine I had nothing unusual planned for either of us between now and Thanksgiving, this year it's Thursday November 21st. Kevin said the Go-Go-Boy competition was Sunday October 22nd at 7pm.

Kevin said he wanted to invite Luke over soon. I asked him what he intended to do and he said mostly to talk and listen to music. He said he wasn't sure if Luke was gay, but he doubted he was. In fact he said he suspected Luke was asexual, meaning he had little to no interest in sex, he was just an innocent little boy forever. You can specify when ordering a cyborg that they can have no interest in sex. That is often done for cyborgs that care for children, the elderly, or work in factories. He said on cyborgs with sex desire turned off they are usually built with the genitals of a small child. He also wanted to invite Scott over soon for a few hours, about the same as their last visit.

That evening we sat on the sofa with the TV off and one candle lit just talking. He went to bed at 8pm and I went soon after. We spent that evening with him on his back, his head resting on my thigh, my hand rubbing his chest. While we did that he jerked off and came on his stomach, filling his belly button with semen. Someday I want to measure the volume of fluid his belly button holds, I bet it's at least 9ml, it goes in pretty far.

On Friday late in the afternoon I left work at the usual time of 4:35pm. I walk along the street to the intersection of Camino del Rio at Qualcomm Way, and then walk north along the west side to the overpass. Just beyond the overpass for the trolley tracks there is a long winding pedestrian ramp from street level up to the trolley platform. Typically I keep my sunglasses on, hat pulled down, and keep to myself to avoid problems with homeless beggars. There was always at least one sitting in the boulders under the overpass in the shade, same with today. Suddenly one of them jumped off the boulders out onto the sidewalk holding a paper cup, probably for collecting pocket change. I sidestepped and he put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up and it was Kevin waiting for me to walk by. Being in public with a lot of people walking to the transit station I couldn't stop and hug him like I would have at home, but I smiled and said HI! He held out his hand offering to share his cup of very hot black coffee, so I took a few sips as we kept walking up the winding pedestrian ramp. I told him this was a very pleasant surprise.

Luckily nobody I knew from work left at the same time so I never had to introduce him to anyone. On the train on the way home I explained why meeting near work was very nice but perhaps might put me in a situation where I had to further explain his presence and make up lies to cover the truth of his existence. In the future if he was going to meet me in public he needed to wear regular shoes (instead of sandals) because people can easily see the metallic edge of his power ports on his toe and on top of his head in broad daylight if he is seen from above.

I also suggested he wear a baseball cap of some type when he comes to where I work. The thought crossed my mind that for his own safety he might want to wear some kind of disguise in public after he starts showing off his body in public to hundreds of strangers.

The rest of summer was pretty much routine.

He was attending college classes all night, and playing at the skateboard park during the day, but not every day. He spends about 2-3 hours a day doing homework and seven hours at night in classes, I think he said he can do one week of university classes every night, about one month of classes per week. Kevin told me he had to maintain a GPA of at least 3.6 to remain a Business School student at the University of Tokyo.

Friday Sept 27th, 2080 5:45pm.

Kevin got a call from the owner of the gay nightclub asking if he wanted to dance in the brass bird cage tonight since all the scheduled boys were off work sick, Kevin looked in my eyes as if asking for permission. I asked if he minded if I went along to watch and he leaned over and kissed me and said he'd feel safer with me there. He also said the tiny glitter suits they wear were provided by the club, they had boxes of `em in different sizes.

We got dressed quickly and left for the trolley, then transferred to the Orange line and got off at our usual stop about five blocks west of the club on Commercial Street.

In California you can be a professional dancer in a club for adults if you're eighteen or older as long as you're not served alcohol. We got there at 7:05pm, he pounded on the steel back door and someone let him inside, then I went around and paid the cover charge and got a stool at the bar where I had a good view of their seven foot tall brass birdcage with the brass pole in the center. It's actually rather large for a birdcage, almost six feet across. The pole in the center is brass plated, the door can latch on the inside and the outside has a big brass handle that is mostly for show. I think it's a replica of an old stripper bird cage from a bar in Tombstone Arizona in the mid 1800s, before the Civil War.

The idea of the cage is the bars and the pole can be gripped with one hand then the dancer can spin, lean, turn, and do minor acrobatics holding onto the cage or the pole. The bars are thin enough to let the audience see most of what goes on inside, but the bars also serve as a tease to the souls of men. Now, today almost 200 years later the birdcage is mostly an old cliche. Kevin said they bought it at an auction years ago where it was in a stripper bar up in San Francisco. He said it was actually built in a muffler shop in the 1970s in Oakland California.

The dance floor for strippers is behind the bar, there are a few ways to get there from backstage, one of them is to actually walk across the bar, or you can use the narrow door on the stage, or the stairs beside the bar. This time Kevin emerged from the backstage door which is only about two feet wide.

When he was about to begin the music suddenly changed to dance beat (his requested songs) and the lights went down and two spotlights (aimed robotically by a tracking chip in the shorts he wears on stage) and he emerged from backstage and threw his arms in the air. When he strutted very gaily out onto the stage he was wearing metallic looking mid-thigh length shorts, nearly transparent feet covers, and a vest with a tiny gold chain holding it nearly shut in front, plus he had a shiny gold top-hat on his head.

Cheers went up because the bar tenders already told these guys there would be no dancing boy tonight because they were all off sick, then they got a brand new replacement, his first time on stage.

Kevin said he was told that the bar tenders are his protectors, if a customer tries to get to him they are the people who will come to his rescue, so it is wise to always treat them nicely.

One of the bar tenders grabbed a microphone and introduced Kevin, '...a 19 year old college student from Japan who is visiting the west coast, and learning to surf.' He walked in like a dancer to the beat as he moved slowly toward the cage, maybe 15 feet away. The stage is kind of a half-circle behind the bar, and it has lots of steel pipes above it for mounting professional lighting. This building kind of looks like at one time it might have been a video production studio. The ceiling is rather high and has those horizontal pipes and big circuit breaker panels on the walls. I kind of get the impression that the entire bar can be dismantled and moved aside, you can see joints in all the furniture and the bar itself. It looks like everything comes apart in six foot long sections.

As Kevin marched to the cage door he got whistles and whoops from the crowd of about sixty men and women. I clapped and shouted cheers like several other men at the bar. I also ordered my required two drinks, I got two glasses of regular Coors on tap and a bowl of hot fresh tortilla chips covered in salsa with melted cheese.

Kevin seemed to struggle briefly with the latch on the cage but got it open, stepped inside and closed it behind him looking like he'd never done anything like this before. Just then all the lights went out and all that was left was one spotlight that followed him everywhere he moved. Soon after the spotlight hit him he tossed his big black Abe Lincoln hat to the bartender. Kevin told me they had boxes of fancy old clothes and props backstage that any performer can use.

Kevin started off mostly sliding his hips slowly side to side, his hands on his sides as he slowly slid them down his waist and then his thighs. Next he slowly moved his hands up his front side, over his crotch pulling his shorts up to show the size of his limp package which also made the crowd get briefly louder than the sound system. He was doing kind of a modified belly dance while trying to show off the lump in his shorts. The music he picked was current dance beat, bass heavy songs that were very popular on the radio today. After the second song started he pretended to break the chain on the front of the vest and now his belly button and lots of the center of his upper body were on display through the cage bars.

I think this bar does not allow the dancer boys to strip naked but they get very close, as far as I know Kevin's only seen a couple routines on the TV at home, so he is kind of making it up as he goes, but it looked like he was having fun. During the third song he'd pretty much flashed all his skin above the waist so he tossed the vest to the bar tender and started pushing a view of him bent over with his ass on display. I saw several times he was looking right at me while he stood there sliding his hands up and down his flanks like he wanted pleasure really bad. I was surprised he noticed me at the bar.

Some of the bigger dudes at the bar were shouting things like FUCK THAT BOY ASS, and one guy shouted that he wanted to put his face in that crack and lick him so hard it made come squirt out his ears!

Several times Kevin pushed down the shorts in front and flashed the base of his dick, it looked to me like he was hard, I could clearly see a long ridge in his shorts growing toward his hip. The guy seated beside me at the bar commented that he had a great body, he'd love to suck his dick, I told him his boner is seven inches. The guy assuming I was talking crap asked how I knew and I told him he was my roommate. By the end of the second song he had taken off all his clothes except the skimpy little golden shorts that were about as big as a high school boys swim suit, on him it was way too small and very tight. It meant the outline of his penis and balls were easy to see from the bar.

"You know the little Jap boy?" He shouted to be heard over the music.

"Yes, he lives with me, we came here together on the train."

"Holy shit, is he hot in bed? I`d love to fuck his little boy ass."

I said he was in college in Tokyo and was just here visiting and wanted to make some money for pizza and movies. The guy pulled out his wallet and put a fifty dollar bill on the bar and said "I'll see if he works for tips." I told him I think he'll walk down the bar when his time is up, and he's gonna be in the Go-Go-Boy Contest next month.

Soon, Kevin left the cage and danced while holding onto the bars, still only wearing those tiny shorts. In the bright spotlight I could see his body like I never did before, it was hard to believe he was a cyborg. The foot covers he had on perfectly hid the tips of his toes and he never bent over to show the top of his head so his secret was still a secret.

It occurred to me after five songs that we should look into club sound systems at work as another sideline, ours sound much much better than what they have here which was way too distorted and muddy sounding.

From Kevin's perspective up on the stage the bar out in front of him is a long curved wooden structure with a padded rail and a foot rest pipe too. One end of the bar to his right curved over and ran up to the edge of the stage. So he walked over to his right then stepped onto the bar. The bar tenders tried to keep the edge clear for him to walk, its where people set empty glasses and bowls. But its narrow, it gave him a wood platform to catwalk down about a foot wide and it curved around and ended about 35 feet away at a wall with a small doorway, maybe 18 inches wide and four feet tall. He goes through the door, down the narrow steps and then he's back stage near their tiny kitchen.

The music ended and he took a bow, then it re-started at a lower volume and the spotlight followed him as he walked off the stage and out onto the far end of the bar and started carefully stepping over glasses and bowls of snacks. Anyone who flashed cash got him to stop and crouch down so they could tuck it in his shorts. A couple times there were a group of guys shaking cash in the air so he got down on his knees and let them stuff it inside his shorts, some of them ran their hands across his stomach and chest, one lady reached up and gently pinched his left nipple. He just smiled and let them do whatever they wanted. Eventually he got to the guy beside me but he squatted with is thighs wide apart as if he was flashing his crotch at him. That was when Kevin looked at me and smiled, which was hard because he was still in the spotlight. While the man beside me reached over to grab the waistband of his shorts Kevin reached for me and I took his right hand in mine to help steady him. The guy stretched the waistband of his shorts and pushed the folded-up fifty inside his pants and let go. Of course I was right next to him and I saw he got a quick look at his dick and probably felt it with his fingertips. A few more spots down the bar he crouched again and the guy stuffed some folded up cash but he actually reached inside his shorts and grabbed hold of his dick and pulled it out!

So Kevin stood up and kind of paused briefly (so everyone could see) with it sticking straight out like a flag pole and wrestled around trying to pack it back inside his shorts while over 60 men and women cheered. After he got it back inside he kind of stopped to stare at his shorts as if to see if it was going to pop out again, then he raised his arms and cheered like he finally conquered the wild boner!

He made one more stop then exited the far end of the bar through a small door in the wall at bar height above the floor. On his last stop it was a group of men with cash, he got on his knees and let them do their thing, it was four men pulling at his shorts, I saw hands rubbing his body and his arms, but he just stayed still with a smile on his face and let them do whatever they wanted. If he had turned to look a the bartenders behind him they would have rescued him, but nobody got out of control. A lot of hands ran across his tummy and chest during that 12 minute walk down the bar. After the last stop he exited the bar through the tiny door and was gone.

The house lights came on briefly as the next dancer got ready to perform. The other guy they found was older than Kevin, more muscular, with a lot of hairs growing on his lower belly. I think the crowd response to the next dude was a lot louder than it was for Kevin. This bar was not known for having twinks in the birdcage so they're not as popular as guys with hair and muscles.

I paid my tab, grabbed the few remaining nachos and left out the front door and walked around behind the building in the dark and waited for Kevin to emerge from the back door, while I munched on fried tortilla chips outside in the dark.

About six minutes later the steel door burst open and out came Kevin in street clothes and a hood over the top of his head, he looked all bundled up for the cool night air. He saw me and bumped into my side and grabbed my arm. With his hands in his hoodie pockets, hood over his head we silently walked across the crowded-dark parking lot, then turned right toward the trolley platform down the street.

They only pay minimum wage so his real income would be from tips. If you don't have some kind of customer contact then you'll only make a couple bucks as a dancing boy, unless you're in the union.

On the long walk down Commercial Street I asked if he was okay and he spoke softly and said he was fine but needed some quiet time. He said doing that was exhausting.

We sat down on the steel bench on the train platform waiting for the next westbound Orange line trolley, he huddled against me but didn't have much to say. I was so proud of how he handled himself, how well he handles so many new situations. I felt him trembling in the cool night air as the number of people on the platform steadily increased. About fifteen minutes later the trolley arrived and we got a seat together, again he sat against me and leaned his head over on my shoulder and still hugged my right arm tightly. I put my right hand inside his hoodie pocket then he slipped his hand inside too and we held hands, but we didn't talk much.

This was one of those situations when he seemed to turn into a small boy in need of being cuddled and held tightly. I am not the mommy type but was willing to comfort him as much as he needed, it just seems like an odd role for me. When I cuddle him it usually feels sexual (to me) but for him being cuddled seems to fill some deeply felt need for his mother, which no Robco cyborg has. I wondered if Scott and Luke felt this way too. I suspected more than once that Kevin was mothering Luke slightly.

On the trolley there were a lot of tickets to check so we sat there until the conductor scanned our passes then Kevin reached in his other hoodie pocket and pulled out a wad of crumpled cash. Since nobody could see I counted his haul, he made $392 in tips with three hundred dollar bills coming from that one guy the one who pulled his dick out, and shouted stuff at him when he first emerged.

Kevin softly explained, "The guy who pushed money down my shorts, first he pulled the waistband out and down then he grabbed my dick and pulled it out, I nearly lost my balance, it happened so fast all I could do was stand up and try to position it back inside those tiny shorts which ain't easy you know! You gotta hold it down in just the right spot and carefully cover it with the shorts and hope it stays in place, then I remembered I was standing on a bar in front of a room full of people, with my bone on full display! Then it came to me to get off the bar." We both chuckled but I thought if he'd done that at the start of his tip-walk he might have made a lot more money!

I told him if anyone from the club says anything about his dick he should blame it on that one guy and the tiny golden suit. Kevin said that part of the suit is so narrow its hard to get your boner positioned in exactly the right place or it pops back out against your thigh or above the waist band. He said those suits are not designed for guys with thick-long boners.

We got home about 45 minutes later. I ate and chased those beers with a glass of Merlot on ice. He watched SD Sports-TV. His school has a soccer team so now he likes to watch soccer, a game I don't understand.

I made myself a snack of heavily buttered popcorn to go with my wine while he sat snuggled, seated against me, but he stopped holding onto my arm. He still didn't have a lot to say, and he was fully dressed which was kind of a violation of house rules, but I was still wearing the same clothes I wore to the gay club too. When I came back from a trip to the toilet I offered him my hand and pulled him to his feet, then I carefully took off his clothes except his white Hanes cotton briefs. I slid my hand down his undies and grabbed his dick and stood there holding it and sliding my thumb across his head.

Within 30 seconds I was seated in my spot on the sofa, he was on his knees above my thighs with his boner aimed at my face. He put his hands on the wall behind the sofa, leaned forward and started humping my mouth. He didn't last long I guess because the bar experience got him in the mood to come, so I did it for him. He came in my mouth after slowly fucking my face for about three minutes.

After he came and I swallowed all of it I sort of pushed him over onto the sofa cushions and slowly moved my face up his body. I stopped to press my face in his crotch and inhale deeply, then licked the back side of his boner, I licked a couple drops of semen off the head. Then I lowered my face to his hairless tummy and tongue fucked his belly button until my tongue hurt, then up to his chest where I sucked his left nipple inside my mouth and stretched it out and nursed on him until my mouth hurt again then we kissed passionately for several minutes.

The problem for me was during moments like this there is always something I can't have.

I want to have his dick in my ass while I'm sucking it, but it can't do both. I want to nurse on his nipples while he's rubbing his mushroom head all over the side of my face, but we can't do that either. Then it clicked in my head, maybe what I need is a second cyborg, then it hit me...

Scott! (maybe I need another cyborg!)

Soon after all that activity I turned off the lights, took his hand and walked him down the hallway and into my room, I pulled open my bed and put him on my side of the mattress then I got in behind him and covered us. It felt so nice being between the silky cool sheets with his naked body against mine. I pressed my face into the hair on the back of his head and closed my eyes.

We slept until Saturday at 9am. Kevin said he didn't go to classes that night, he just went into standby mode because we slept together in my bed, he was in front. Both of us forgot to plug him in overnight.

Saturday morning.

We met in the kitchen like every other day. It's one of my favorite times to spend with Kevin,

While I was in the bathroom I thought briefly about Scott and asked if he makes any money from all his nude appearances. Kevin told me, "He makes tips but his parents usually take his earnings, that's why he's broke most of the time, but there are times when I see his wallet is loaded with cash.

Around 10:00am we decided to go together to the skate park. Once we got there Kevin stayed mostly in the pool and half-pipe which forms kind of an S-shaped figure-eight. This design usually kept the less experienced away from the way more advanced. They have an unwritten rule about traffic flow in the half-pipe but the kids strictly enforce it. They gather in the shallow end and take turns starting their run down the pipe, they'll kick you out of the cut in line. There isn't always a line but when there is you better follow the traffic rules.

While we were there I spent most of the time sitting on the deck with my back against the iron fence, where I had a view looking down the entire S-eight pipe (pool). That's where Kevin was working on mastering the basics, going by the list of skills in the proper order. I could see obvious improvement in his performance and he was starting to show some confidence.

There are always kids sitting cross legged on the deck all around the top edge of the half-pipe and they shout cheers and advice to people who ask for help. Stuff happens so fast you really need advice from someone closely watching you. It often involves how you stand on the board and position your body, on a skateboard it's all about balance.

Around 11am I noticed there was a crowd of kids at the far end, it looked like some kind of celebration. A short time later I looked up and saw Kevin walking toward me with his arm over the shoulder of a much shorter blond boy, both of them were carrying skateboards. Kevin introduced me to a small boy, he said "Uncle Rob, this is my friend Luke. This is my uncle Robert Slone." Luke stepped-in and offered his hand. I shook with him but his hand had no strength, it was like shaking hands with a dead child. Then both of them did something weird, they both looked all the way around to see if anyone was watching them.

Luke was standing beside Kevin and Kev had his arm over Luke's shoulder. The top of Luke's head came to about Kevin's shoulder. Then Luke bent over a little like he was looking down at his shoes and Kevin slid his hand up the back of his head and moved it around like he was feeling for a USB port, then he looked at me and said, "It's right here." So I reached up and sure enough I felt the edges of his USB port in the top of his head, then he stood upright and smiled. I think doing that little USB port show like that to cyborgs is kind of like a compliment that they trust me and like me, because it was way too early for him to show his port, so they were being upfront and honest.

I told Luke it was nice to meet him and asked what he likes to do with friends. He answered in kind of a high pitched innocent sounding boy's voice:

"Oh, I don't know, I don't have many friends. I spend most of my time at home with my parents. I play some games on the TV, like Total Combat." I'd seen ads in the newspaper for Total Combat, it's a multi-player war simulator. I think games like that today offer re-enactments of D-Day in the 1940s, or ground infantry combat, house to house, in small towns in France, at night, Allies searching inside every building, creek, and barn for German soldiers. I think that was what Luke referred to.

"I think Kevin wants to invite you over sometime to compare music and maybe have some lemonade and maybe a movie. I think Kevin is saving up to buy a game console too."

"Yah, it sounds nice, I'm sure I can come hang out with you guys some time." He replied with a shy smile. It gave me the impression he didn't get invited places very often.

Both boys had been out in the sun and while we talked Kevin pulled off his shirt and tossed it in my face, then Luke did the same but he looked like a skinny pale boy with a typical child's body, not very interesting. Kevin put his arm back on Luke's shoulder then slid his hand over his shoulder and reached down and squeezed his little red nipple which made the boy stop and look up at him with a smile. Then Luke turned and stared briefly at Kevin's chest, I think he was impressed by em. Kevin said Luke lives two blocks from Memorial park ...down the street...'

We exchanged another moment of conversation (Luke told me he finished school but was too young and short to drive a car, and he takes care of his mother during the day -- I got the impression that his mother has become a severe alcoholic) then they turned and walked back down into the tube and started riding again, Luke had his shirt tucked into his back jeans pocket. He wasn't particularly good looking, he was just an innocent looking little kid that Kevin seems to have taken an interest in because he was a cyborg and got bullied a lot because of his small size and appearance. At least his hair was pretty, sort of a center-parted mullet hair style. He kind of reminded me of Will Robinson in Lost in Space, except not as cute in the face, but his voice and size were similar. Eleven year old Will Robinson had freckles and side-parted red hair.

While we were at the park I saw an older kid, like mid 20s almost collide with Luke and shoved him out of the way, Kevin who was standing outside the pool jumped down seven feet and ran after the guy and shoved him off his board, both of them landed face-down on the concrete, then he jumped up and kicked him in the hip really hard then leaned over and screamed loudly, "NEVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN OR I'LL BUST EVERY BONE IN YOUR UGLY FUCKING FACE, FUCK YOU!!!!" Then he chased down the guy's skate board and peeled the sticker off, and wound-up and threw this board over the iron fence out into the street. Luckily it didn't hit any parked cars or people on the sidewalk.

The guy stood-up staggering with one hand on his hip and a serious limp, he ran out the gate to rescue his board. Kevin took the sticker and ripped it up into tiny slivers of paper and tossed it in the air. The kids around who saw the fight cheered, that was one of the kids who needed to leave and never come back, well its gonna take him another fifty bucks to skate here again this year!

I saw the entire thing from a distance and after it was over Kevin spun around to face me, his eyes found mine and he looked at me and I nodded yes and smiled, then gestured for us to leave. I didn't want to be here if that kid came back with twenty of his loser friends.

On the walk to the trolley station Kevin said if he won the contest he'd like to take some of the money and hire that MMA trainer guy to come to Memorial Park and teach all the kids the same way he taught him how to fight, that would make it unsafe for older kids to do shit in the park.

On the walk back to the platform I told him I was proud of him, we held hands for part of the walk back. Since it was like 2pm on a sunny Saturday afternoon we just kept walking together all the way home, it's only three miles from the skate park to our building. The bad part is there're a lot of traffic lights to wait for along the way.

In the elevator I reached down and grabbed his crotch and felt where it was sleeping then let go and told him I was just checking. Kevin remained silent and never reacted to my handwork.

Soon, I was in the shower and Kevin was grinding beans to make coffee, when I got out of the shower he was on the sofa watching a soccer game supposedly live from Yokohama Japan. I deliberately asked a stupid question: "You ever been to Yokohama?"

Kevin laughed and said `No!' Then he added, "The three big cities on Tokyo Bay are Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Tokyo, they're in a row on the west side of the bay. Yokohama is about 22 miles-in from the mouth of the bay, so when Godzilla attacks he usually gets Yokohama first, then Kawasaki, then finally he gets into Tokyo. He said Haneda Airport is on the bay too, right at the Tama River that divides Tokyo from Kawasaki. So Godzilla often marches across airport property on his way out of the bay because walking on airport buildings is easier on his feet.

That afternoon Kevin took a shower in my bathroom while I set out stuff for work on Monday and planned meals for the week ahead.

The rest of the evening I worked on stuff for Monday morning meetings and my outline for a night club marketing proposal I sketched in my head at the skate park. We both slept in my bed, spooning.

On Sunday we stayed home and cleaned house together, one room at a time. Luke came over with his game console, they connected it to the TV and played some kind of combat game for three hours. I offered him food or drink and all he accepted was a few sips of lemonade.

Kevin said Scott offered to come over next weekend on Friday night for a couple of hours since his owners were flying back home from France late that night. He said they discussed it at the skate park yesterday. Scott also told him he heard the rumor of his time in the cage on the bar at the gay night club, he was slowly becoming an underground gay youth celebrity. Scott said his mecha status was still a secret, the kids in the skatepark never mention that Kevin or Luke are mecha. I kind of understand that today's children are pretty much indifferent about mecha people, they don't seem to care because it's all about how you act and treat others.

On my planner I had the date of the upcoming Go-Go-Boy contest circled, I've not asked Kevin what he has planned. I know they walk the catwalk and try to look sexy wearing almost no clothes, they all do a short dance routine. They don't get to pick the music but they all dance to the same songs, its three groups of two-males dancing at the same time, about ten feet apart. And they get to make a brief speech about themselves like any other beauty pageant, which is basically what this event is. The winner is usually picked according to sex appeal by a panel of five judges. The problem for Kevin is he's a twink and this contest has never had a twink winner in the past, they prefer muscles and body hair.

But they also like the surfer/Beach-Boy/Life Guard look, which Kevin is definitely not!

We also had a discussion about the upcoming holidays since I'll have time off work. My employer will be closed from Friday December 20th to Monday January 6th. Neither of us had any plans or special things we wanted to do. I suggested going camping somewhere warm, or sightseeing, or a cruise, or maybe take a train ride around the USA. They started offering that on Amtrak a few years ago, for a fixed price you can tour the USA, the big circle trip. It runs from Los Angeles to San Antonio, New Orleans, Birmingham, Washington DC, Buffalo, Chicago, Minneapolis, Missoula, Seattle, Portland, and back to Los Angeles. The trip takes two weeks but most of the stops only give you a couple hours to look around sites near the train stations. So you mostly sit in a big comfortable chair and look out the window at America. Its more popular with older tourists. I didn't want to suggest going far outside the USA because of the potential for problems getting him back across the border, cyborgs are not considered people in all countries. It's a complicated problem and he could get confiscated in some places. If we took a cruise he'd probably have to stay on the ship until we returned to the port in San Diego.

Contact the author: borischenaz mailfence com

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